The Wingham Times, 1910-03-03, Page 6A.
440.1 I
tutere.ting Paragraphs from our Exchanges..
Money.oen be lost innegro ways than I Some women play bridge in an effort
won. , to cross the social stream.
A man eau coax a Woman to do any-
thing she wants to,
A bride elect doeen't mind being
caught in a china shower.
Dr. Chase's Dint
meat is a certain
and guaranteed
cnreforeaoh and
every form of
piles Seo testimonials in the press and as1
your noighborsaboutit. You can use it and
pot your money hackie notsatistled.. 60o, at all.
sealers . ; Ennuwsorr. Barite & Co., Toronto.
Drug olerks in Norway get from $375
to $536 a year.
People who take pains to tell the trot h
on all occasions have bat few friends,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Rave Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Hugh McColl, postmaster at Strath-
roy and formerly publisher of The Age is
A company bas beau formed to build
dooke at Victoria, B 0., to cost four mil-
Nifty years' experience of an Old Nurse
the presoription et one of the best fe-
male physicians and nurses in the
United States,and has been need for fifty
years with never failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, onree
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind oolio. By giving health to the
ohild, it rests the mother. Twenty-five
cents a bottle.
Stains on knife handles may be re-
moved by rubbing with a paste of whit-
ing and turpentine,
It takes a born diplomat to convince a
homely woman that she is too sensible
to care for skin•deep beauty.
Children Cry
fir. ..
Mr. George Watt, ex -Mayor of 1rant-
ford, is dead, at the age of h5,
lvtore than 90 per Can't bf the pities of
the United States with a population of
10,000 or more are equipped, with eleotrio
fire alarms.
03f6s0;4U imahr-O-ME)
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money back. Sod and euaranterd by
The operation of telephones by the
Manitoba Government resulted in a sur,
pins o4 $372,000. A lot of new lines are
10 be laid.
Front Her
For Nine
Per Backache, Lame or "Weak Back—
one of the commonest and most distressing
symptoms of kidney inaction, there is no
remedy equal to lflloan's Kidney Pills for
taking out the stitches, twitches and
twinges, limbering up the stiff back, and
giving perfect comfort.
A medicine that strengthens the kid.,
• nays so that they are enabled to extract
the poisonous uric acid from the blood
and prevent the chief cause of Rheum.
Mr. lieu stet A. Melsaac, Broad Cove
Banks, N.$., writes: --"I was troubled
with my kidneys for nine menthe, and
suffered with such terrible pains across
the small of lay back all the time that I
could hardly get around, after taking.
two boxes of Doan s i' idne - Pills I, began
1 better, r and the time I had taken
to tee lie e , by
three I was eotnpletely cured."
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25
ail dealers or (nailed direct on receipt of
Trice by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
oronto Ont.
When• ' ordering specify "Doom's."
Children Cry
The new England Thanksgiving dates
fr om 1633, when the Massachusetts Bay
colony set apart a day for tbaakegiving.
Over three thousand pounds of rose
pet els are t Bed in the manufacture of
one pound of attar of retie perfume.
Fully nine ant of every ten oases of
rheumatism is simply rheumatism of the
to ueoles due to oold or damp, or obronio
rhenmatitun, neither of which require
any Internal treatment. All that is
needed to afford relief is the free appli-
cation of Chamberlain's Liniment.
Give it a trial. Yon are certain to be
pleased with the quick relief whioh it
affords. Sold by ail dealers.
When shiftless people are unable to
annoy their neighbors in any other way,
they get a dog that will howl all night
The Canadian bank statement for
January shows savings deposits at over
$508,000,000- and total deposits in Can-
ada of $746,631,000.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor
Tablets invariably bring relief to women
suffering from chronic constipation,
headache, biliousness, dizziness, sallow-
ness of the shin and dyspepsia. sold by
all dealers.
President Taft, speaking at Newark,
said the actual coat for engineering and
construction of the Pentane Canal would
be $297,000,000.
A gas explosion took place in the First
Congregational Oharoh at Hamilton.
Several abildren received a fright, but
little damage was done.
Are yon frequently hoarse? Do you
have that annoying tinkling in your
throat? Does your ccngh annoy you at
night, and do yon raise mucus in the
morning? Do yon want relief? If so,
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ani
you will be pleased. Sold by all dealers.
Men who took part in the resent labor
riots were sentenced at Sydney. The
ring -leaders were given two years eaoh,
and about forty othere were fined.
Geo. Train, Hudson's Bay agent at
Bisco, was fined over six' thousand dol.
lars, or twenty years in penitentiary, for
buying beaver skins.
The Materioii9 Nerve1i
How like electricity is the ii terious
nerve force which courage through the
body controlling the movement of
every muscle and the working of every
organ. The Secret of keeping the mar-
vellous nervone system in health and
vigor is found in the use of Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food, the great blood builder and
nerve restorative.
When the ankle has been sprained it
should immediately be bathed in very
bot water, then bandaged and planed in
a position higher than that of the body.
It te
on ato at
our last meal
did net digest, but laid for a long time
like brad on your stomach, then yon
M 1 1
Wm' nd gestion and quick action enonld
be taken.
01 course there are many other symp-
toms of indigestion, suoh at belching up
of sour food, heartburn, dizzipese, abort -
nese of breath and foal bt "arh, and if
you have any of them, your stomach is
out of order and should be oorreoted.
Mt-o•na tablets have oared thousands
of oases of indigestion and stoma,*
trouble. If you have any stomach die
tress. Mt o• ne will relieve instantly.
But Mi a- na unlike moat so•onlled
dyspepsia remodiee, does woee than re
lieve; it permanently cures dyspepsia, or
any stomach trouble by putting energy
and strength into the walls of the
etomaoh. where the gastrin juices are
A large box of Mi o• na tablets meta
but 50 cents at Walton MoKibbon's and
are guaranteed to cure or mousy beck
When others fail. Mi•o•na cures. It is
a producer of flesh when the body is
thin:it cleanses the etomaoh and bometes ;
puttees the blood and makes rich red
.A number of the British Labor party
have disavowed the ultimatum sent to
Mr. Asquith by Mr. G. -N. Barnes, the
new Chairman of the party.
Those who suffer from aching feet
should 000aslonaily sponge the insides of
their shoes with a moderately strong
solution of ammonia. Tile shoes must
be perfectly dry before they are -put on.
Children Cry
A concession has been granted to the
Marconi oompany of Buenos Aires,
which is capitalized at about twelve
million dollars, to ereot a powerful sta-
tion at Punta del Este, but thus far no
pie -greys has been reported.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can'
not be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure'
N. J. OHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0. •
We; the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honourable in all
business transaotione and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by his firm.
Welding, Kinnon, & Marvin, ,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, SJ'
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern-
ally eating directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Teet-
imonials sent free. Pride 75o. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for oonetip-
There were only two English thanks-
givings in the last century. One was
on February 27, 1872, for the reoovery
of the Prince of Wales from illness; the
other, June 21, 188'7, for lbs Queen's
More than $60,000,000 worth of Am-
erican merchandise was carried by rail
morose the isthmuses of Panama and
Tehuantepeo in the fiscal year 1900,.and
an the oaleniigr sear the Wel will prole•
bbiis reach 00,000,000 in vale. •
The Government has made arrange-
ments with the New Zealand Steam-
ship Company for a monthly service
from Montreal, Halifax and St. John to
Australia and New Zealand.
Medicines that aid nature are always
most successful, Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ants on this plan. It loosens.
the cough, relieves the lunge, opens the
secretions and aids nature in restoring
the system to a healthy condition, Sold
by all dealers.
A bill has been introduced in the Man-
itoba Legislature to sanction marriages
performed by students and other mir•
sionarite in the remote districts of the
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, health
the throat and lungs.. - - 25 cents.
Three convicts being rtmbved from
St, Vincent de Paul penitentiary to
Montreal jail made a desperate attempt
to escape from the officers in charge.
They used their manacled bands to beat
the officers, but were held.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and
have been praised by thousands of
women who have been restored to health
through their gentle aid and curative
properties. Sold by all dealers.
The most eingalar plateau in the world
is in the !eland of Papua. The plateau
it elevated 6,000 feet above the sea, and
there are summits towering 5,000 feet
higher, but the close proximity of the
eq ustor hair covered the great plain with
luxuriant vegetation: The climate is a
perpetnal May, birds sing in every bush,
and'the only animals are a few mars*•
piste, eaoh re grotind kangaroos and
posanms, let this lovely region is
literally deserted, The million Papuane
flite in the sweltering dealt jungles 'and
1 onlyfull straythetwitted.,
oocae n a y to
Justice Magee non -suited Hon 'George
Foster on the Blander charge of the
action for $50,000 against Dr. J. A.
Macdonald, of The Globe, but allowed
the plaintiff to proceed with the libel
Burdock Blood Bitters.
The presence of headache nearly always
tells us that there is another disease
which, although we may not be aware of
it, is still exerting its baneful influence,
and perhaps awaiting an opportunity to
assert itself plainly.
Burdoelc Blood Bitters has, for years,
been cur►n all kinds of headaches, and if
you will only give it a trial we are sure it
will do for you what it has done for thou -
hands of °theta.
Mrs, John Connors,
writes:•--" I leave been
troubled with head-
ache' and constipation
for a long time. After
tr in. different doc-
tors'rncdicino a friend
asked me to try Burdoek Blood Hitters.
I find I am completely cured after having
taken three bottles. I can safely rewind
mend it to all,"
For 'sale by all dealers,
Manufactured only by The T.1VIilburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Two wiNtindri was, MARQU
Th., death of Robert, Dooley, 08 years,.
000sreid at the home of Mfg Charles
Mesita Heron township,, on Sunday,
Feby. 20 h Dooeaaeet was of Irish des-
cent, burn near Pctr+b)ronth, Pie
name to ntpnardlns distri.•t with hie
9 r e when 1
rP b itMl.t -
1 aha10 era of
p t a
age. Far a area; tunny yearn he follow-
ed eatltnii 04 the fresh water lakes,
having always made 1 tnoatdine his
A Bernie I•land oorrespoodent of
Racal N•1w TUrktio Nays he uses ooal
as an absorbent in liquid manure
and Elude this bath total when pat 00
land Re bas also noticed a here Dost
ashes are sptiehled along a walk, that
the grans alongside the walk bas a pe.
onitarly'inn ureen Be thinks there is
more vglae in noel ashes than scientists
are generally disposed to adroit.
A certain amount of fertility is wash.
ed oat of the air with snow and is. it
conditions are suitable when the snow
melte, added to the sail in spring. The
abundsnt intro fall of this year. if it
goes ,off gradually in spring, and without
frtgneut fre,zing and thawing, will
trove an + xceltunt protection for winter
wheat and olover, will add materially to
the fertility of the laud sod leave the
soil in excellent mechanical condition.
Everything points so far to bumper
Drops this year.
Taxa a Cold Seriously.
The .possibilities of every cold are
dreadful so contemplate. Bronobitis,
pneumonia, consumption usually begins
with a eirnple cold. Why not tight the
cold from she start and ensure suooesa by
using Dr Chase's Syrup of Linseed and
Turpentine. Is allays inflammation,
keeps the cough free and loose and pro-
1teots the bronchial tubes and lungs from
A sow belonging to Patrick McNei
of Arther township, strayed away on
Deo 81b. On Jan. 11th, within a day
of fiveweeks afterwards, it came out of
a neighbor's stack. Apparently it had
gone in at one side of the eteok and
worked its way through to the other.
It mild have had nothing to drink or
nothing to eat but straw during that
time. Is was fairly fat when it went in,
but pretty thin when it came out. Still
it was able to walk home, about a quar-
ter of a mile, and le has been all right
sinoe.—Palmerston Spectator. '
A special pair of shoes may be treated
in this way and kept for rainy and
snowy days. A correapcndent of Paris
Modes says in order to make shoes
water -proof, and also preserve them for
much larger than they would otherwise
last, pour oyer the' leather melted" bees'
wax with enough sweet oil to thin it.
Warm the soles and pailr the mixture
on while they are hot. Then hold them
close to she fire until the bees' wax soaks
into the leather. Give the leather all
the bees' wax it will absorb.
Women with Fascinating Hair
ways Attract Attention.
a, OW
Nearly 510,000 merfiagee took plane itt
France last ,year.
.An, in4e4110io40l botanical congress
will be bard in Brussels next May.
Toe lOOQmotivee Of the State. of Indiana
xoe t those p th ee used for switching pur.
poses, must be equipped with electric
headlights. •
When a millionaire points out the
road to tiohea be invariably designates
one that leads away from hie own private
knurling grounds.
The New South Wales government
statietioian estimates the wheat yield al
25,500,000 bushels, exceeding last year's
production by 10,000,000 bnehela.
Canadian deposits in the ohartered
banks decreased by oyer $14,000,000
between Deo, 31, 1909, and Jan. 31;.1910,
e000rding to the bank statement for the
latter month, just issued by the Finance
Department. There was, however, an
increase in deposits payable onteide
Canada from $75,088,499 to $83,368,219
at the olose of last month.
A quiet, but very pretty wedding was
solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Wellington, 2291 George St,
Toronto, on Wednesday, Feb. 16th,
when Miss Edith L. Richards wee united
in marriage to Mr. Nelson Barbell • of
Kinlongh. At 5 80 p, m., the groom
entered the parlor and awaited the bride,
who name forth beautifully gowned in
white net over white silk, parrying at
bridal boquet of oarnatione, accompanied
toher plane by Mr. R. G. Wellington.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
G. W. Rivers, B. A„ B. D,, of Ripley.
The following essay was written by a
small boy of Monte Vista: Girls are the
sisters of boyo an' has Iong hare, wares
dresses an' powder. The furat girl was
oailed Christmas Eve though I never
and see why. Most every family has
one girl an' some of 'em that is in bard
look has two or three. We have &girl
in ourn who is my sister. Girls can
grow older an' get' younger. My deter
has been twentyflve for three years an'
some day we may be twins. Girls play
pianners an' talk about eche other. Fat
girls want to be thin an' thin Ririe want
to be fat, and all of 'em want to marry
donde. Why the Lord made girls no-
body nos' but i think it' were to go to
church an' eat ice cream. They is three
kinds of girls, blond girls, brunet an'
them that have money. Girls is afraid
of mice 'an' bugs, whioh makes baks.
Chicken cholera is a fatal disease
when not treated in its early stages,
Here is a recommended remedy: Two
ounces eaoh red pepper, alum, resin and
flowers of sulphur, mixed with the food
le the proportion of one tablespoonful
to three pints of eoalding meal, In
Al. severest oases, give one-third of a ted -
spoonful in a meal pellet once a day to
each fowl. Pat a small lump of alum
in the water,
11 yon ate a woinan with drill, lifetole,
ordinary heir, do not feel distreseed.
Just make up your mind now that you
can have jute's luxuriant and captiva-
ting a head of hair as any other woman,
and quickly too.
Just go to Walton McKibben this
very deo and get a bottle of. Parisian
Sage. Use it as directed and in two
weeks yeur'soalp will be free of dandruff
your hair will be soft, lustrous and
It your hair is fallg out, Parisian
Sage will stop it.
If your hair is thin, Parisian Sage will
make it grow itt heavily.
If you have dandruff it will quickly
vanish when Patisian Sage is used.
It prevents hair from turning gray;
stops itching scalp almost instantly and
is the ideal dressing for daily use.
A large bottle costs only 50 cents at
Walton MoKibbon's or direct, all
charges prepaid from the Canadian
makers, Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie,
The average, healthy child of ten or
twelve should be able to eat of pure
sandy the equivalent in weight of two
or three lumps of engar after his mid-
day meal.. Tbie, however, should not
be given him unless other proper feeds,
in snffioient quantity, are eaten, and
should never be allowed between meals.
Butter•taffy and molasses -Dandy, made
at home of pure materials, are especially
to be recommended, and may be oOn-
etdered valuable a r l - —
a bio a rid ea of food. ,loan
Williams, M. D. in Woman'. Home
Coni anion for February.
The high retail price of meat was de-
monstrated with a vengeance at Salem,
N.J., when a farmer brought in two
hogs to a butcher and offered them for
sale. A price was quickly agreed upon,
and the farmer agreed to sell, but said
that he wanted the hams and shoulders.
The butcher weighed the carcass, and
then out off the parte the farmer asked
for. The farmer then asked how much
was coming to him. "Yon owe me
$2.85. " said the butoher, and the farmer
had to pay it. He had sold his hogs ae
a wholeaale price, and bought the ham
and shoulder at a retail prioa, whioh
was $2.85 more than the whole oaroasses,
Ho had practically made a present of the
two animals to the butcher and paid
him $2.85 for certain portions of them.
The tbwn of Brookline, Massachusetts,
is said to be the belt insane of town
government in America. Benjantin'F,
Baker woe pity clerk for fifty years, and
the treasurer held office for 25 years.
Brookline hat a population of 20,000
and has a 'simple form o
f gOVernblettt
by direct legislation in which the voice
of every voter ie heard, and the referee.
dum principle le einplojred, The town
11 raid t0 be free from graft in its
government, and the standard of Intel.
ligenoe is every high, The belt people
are willing to give their tinge, th6tight
and energy to ani' work 01 which the
voters have approved,
s# Coil a Halt
To Pneu . nig
Every cold must bo taken seriously,
and cured by I)r. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine.
While consumptives aro ,being taken
caro of hod tuberculosis is being con-
quered who is going to fight pneumonia,
which seems each year to claim more
aria more victims.
While the dostors are experimenting
with cures why not do all we can to
Prevent this dreadful ails ant b
Mk -
Mg every cold seriously and using Dr.
Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen-
u _en -
tine to allay the inflammation of 1,he
bronchial tubes, to aid expeeteratioa
tied to keep the cough free and loose.
'Phis great medicine has a thorough
and far-reaching action, whieh is not
nbtaioO from ordinary cough medicines,
and ibis is why tlireo bottles of it are
sol+l for one of any similar treatment.
Dwyer, Ohestorvillc Ont.
li:rq P. w
little,girl had bronchta�
writes: "My
pn&'mnoniu end we thought she was
going to leave this world, as her cnso
resisted the doctor's treatment, After
the first two dories of Dr. Chase's Syrup
of Linseed and `turpentine the chilit be -
tan to get better and we are thankful
to say is now well again after seven
weeks' sieknese." 25 ets. a bottle, at
all dealers, et Edmansoa, Bates k Co.,
. �� of , \' . , \ ' r',
.* y, r
That's the secret of 'Shiloh success for
forty years—trustworthiness..
When you contract a cold -like a wise man
you want to cure it—Shiloh's Cure will
do that quickly, .
When there is a cough in the household
you know as well as we do what it may lead
to: Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Consump-
t :on, are its fruits—Shiloh's cures coughs.
All throat and bronchial soreness and in-
flammation are eased and healed, all phlegm
Secretions are safely removed, by Shiloh's.
Incipient Consumption is checked by the
soothing, building influence of Shiloh's
Cure, You realize that from the quick
way a long standing lung cough is allevi-
ated and cured by it.
Whooping Cough and Croup—take them
in time! Shiloh's Cure should never be out
of the house where there are babies or
children, 201
It's the Remedy you can Trust
,ti•., • ..K.L..•W' .11•
WYani.,,d to Ce'.*
Cools, CONS, Croup,
AMG roe
Whooping Cough,
On.U.:tla. Asthma,
CW W..ak.
ase tai 1151 aa".eas¢s
.Wn. m.,.. 4 A.,Npm.
Nttu,14! ow p.. l,q. M1.C.
taw 45. of UNION.
Loral History of the early 80s.'
Items from the "Times" tyles.
(From the TIMES of Feb. 28, 1890.)
Mr. S. Paling, oolleotor of taxes, has
returned the roll of 1889 with every
dollar of taxes paid up.
Mr. Wm. Blank purchased• the bus
business and horses and riga of Messrs,
J. H. & W. F. Dulmage, the other day,
and took possession on Monday last.
Messrs. J. A. Cline, S. Graoey, J. W.
Scott and the Harmonica Band take part
in the entertainment in oonneotion with.
the Presbyterian Church, Blnevale, in
that place to -night.
Mr. Thos. Agnew started running a
bps on Monday last, and now we have
three busses meeting the different trains.
A great quantity of ice has been her.
vested here during the past week or so.
nearly all local demand being supplied.
lar+ ghee. Mo9ounell a6 here from De•
troit taking out a supply for the hones
with wbioh he is engaged in that city.
He expects to ship fifteen or twenty tae
Mr, Wm. Mitchell, of Arthur, andt
formerly of Listowel,hae accepted a posh -
tion with Mr. Wm. Smyth, of the+
Wirghem Marble Works.
Mr. W. J. Wallace, watchmaker and
jeweler, is now opening out a large•
stook of new goods in the store lately'
occupied by Mr. R R. Vat.atone.
Mr. W. M. Johnston, of whom men-
tion was made in last issue, as falling-
and seriously injuring himself in the
Congregational church. on Wednesday
evening of last week. died ton Friday
morning following, never regaining
oonsciousuess. Mr. Johnston was an
old resident of Wingham and vicinity,
and was highly respected by ail who .
knew him. He leaves a wife and ton,
children to mourn his loss. -
Care of Sows at Farrowing Time.
Shortly before farrowing, the sow
should be given laxative food, such as
roots and clover, to put her digestive
syetem right. . Exercise daily in the
fresh air, in order to keep the blood in
good condition;Ys equally necessary. A
few days before farrowing she should be
put in a warm, dry pen, with some .out
straw for bedding, and boards around
to prevent her from lying down on the
little ones. Sores in the udder, Which
sometimes onuses the dam to eat her
young, may be caused by a too full sup-
ply of milk, and to avoid this the dam
should be fed rather lightly for a day or
so before farrowing. Sod and ashes will
also prove of value.
The little ones should be removed as
soo n as they come and be kept dry and
warm and then watched until the
mother and little ones become aoonetom-
ed to each other. After farrowing the
feed should be light for a few meals,
and regulated according as to whether
the supply of milk is abffioient or other-
wise, The best ration for producing a
flow of milk is, -fresh milk with shorts
gradually added.
Today there are in Europe 160 titles
having more than 100,000, of whioh 55
have more than 250,000.. T
here are
25 5
cities with more than 500 000 people,
and seven with more than 1,000,000,
These are: London, 4,750,000; Paris.
2,700,000; Berlin, 2,200,000; Vienna,
2,000,000; St, .Petersburg. 1,430,000;
Moscow, 1,350,000, and donstantinople,
A pretty long felt wasasthat of a pet
dog belonging tb Thema Glvoney, of
Wausau, Wis. The family went to
Rhinelander for 26 recently, days y t y, and
enpposed they had left the dog with a
neighbor, bunt It had got shut up by
mistake itt a bathroom. On their return
the little aivoney girl found the dog,
and on opening the door the four -footed
pet, posseeaing seine talent as a Wok
dog, raised itself on its hind feet and
Weakly waltzed betoro its mistress in
perfeot,animal delight.
The value of farm lauds in the United:
States, with the buildings, improvements
and live stook upon them, is estimated
at $30,000,000,000. There are now
almost three times as many farms an
there were in 1870, and there are 1,000,-
000 more farms than there were ten.
years ago.
A boy who was consumptive and was
rapidly going along the road to the grave
was taken in hand by one who under-
stood deep breathing and the importance
of proper mastioation of food, eto. He
was made to understand precisely why
deep breathing was of eaoh vital impor-
tance and he took a lively int erect in
his own cure. He was fourteen years
old. In a very few weeks the change
was remarkable: He began to gat firm
flesh on his poor lit Ile limbs, hie chest
developed well and a healthy colour
oame into his cheeks. His eyes, which
were always covered with sties, beoame
perfeotly free from them, and in three
months or leas there was no sign of
consumption in him. I may say he was
only treated once a week for half an
hour. —Pall Mall Gazette.
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