HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-03-03, Page 1THE
VTOL gRXIX.--NO. 986.
We guarantee every package of
"Stock and Poultry Specifics"
we sell to make you money—
to save you money.
Yon use the goods. If you are not
satisfied with the results, we refund
the money.
Come in today and procure a pail
or paokage—you take no chances.
Walton McKibbon
Maodonald Blook, Wingham,
A Business Education is the
greatest legacy you can leave
your children. We get down
to the bed • rock foundation of
living business science, and as•
sist worthy graduates to the
choice positions.
Enter any day. Individual
instruction. Home study
courses in Senior Teachers
Matriculation and Commercial
subjects. Send for particulars.
A ffiliatea. with Conmmercial
Educators' Association of Can-
Easter Term Opens
March 29.
Write for particulars.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
A business ohao
Wingham last week
E. Mutoh sold his bar
Mr, David Joynt. Z
took possession on Tu
o took place in
which Mr. .Jos.
Bering business to
e new proprietor
Home made bread—Try it.
FRANK R. HowsoN.
Medical° Pr
Dr. B. H. Hamilto
tioe at Belgrave to
who is well-known i
for some time take
Drs. Redmond and
has our best wis
Hamilton will take
to take further stn
Are You Going West?
Western Canada passengers appreoiate
more and more the many advantages
afforded them when travelling via the
Grand Trunk Railway servioe, over
doable track line almost all the way to
Chicago. Choice of routes from there
west, passing through principal oitiee of
Canada and United States. Good farm•
Ing land, everywhere in evidence, there-
fore making pleasant what might other-
wise be a long, tedious and monotonous
trip. Call on any Grand Trunk Agent
for further partioulars, regarding tickets,
routes, etc.
C. M. Campbell, railway mail clerk,
was sentenced at Winnipeg to three
years in penitentiary for stealing a
money package from the mails.
Chrislie'sONE59. Grocery
lbs for 25c
Extra Quality Oat Meal
This meal is just in straight from
the mills and is consequently !reeds,
It will pay yon to bay now es prices
look upwards. 7 lbs for 250.
Every pieeo of Chinaware in stock
at Huge Reductions. Spot cash
10 Cases Navel Oranges
1'ndM 20d TO GOn PER. DOZEN
Oranges aro inn getting to their
beat now, and shit lot is EXTRA
strennn quality. They've got the
proper orange.flavor. 20d, 800, 400,
50e and 600 per doz.
Leniotls 20c pet Dozen,
tice Sold.
has soldhie prate
r. Robt. Stewart,
Wingham, having
the praotioe for
gnew. Dr. Stewart
es for success. Dr,
trip to the old land
BoY WANTED. — To learn tailoring,
apply to R. MAXWELL.
Auction and
Mr. W. A. Curr
rented the store in ti
will use it as an anoti
Persons having artil
posed of by anotion
furniture, eto., can
Currie on reasonable
the shop or phone N
tore Room.
auctioneer,. has
Kent block and
n and store room.
les they wish die-
r who wish to store
arrange with Mr.
termsEnquire at
TRUNKS and VALISES —The beet kind
and at lowest prices. W. J. GREER.
The Man
The TIMES will
the publication of
Man of the Hour,
horst. This is s
and is highly co
ing critics. Lo
our next issue.
the Hour.
xt week commence
new story, "The
y George H. Broad -
d to be a good story
mended by the lead -
for opening chapter in
Miss L. Matt
of Snperinten
Hospital on T
thews has had
tomes to Wing
ed, and will n
who has been in
four or five we
returned to his
ital Notes.
we aenamed the duties
nt of the Wingham
sday last. Mies Mat -
extensive experience,
m highly recommend -
doubt fill the position
Mr. CharlesRintonl,
he hospital for the past
e, has recovered, and
ome. ,.•
Read Willis & Co.'s adv,on page 8.
Hospital 1
Dr, A, J. Irwin 1
lowing donations
hospital: -J. A. Moi
Lodge, I. 0. 0, F.,
0. 0, F, $5; Camp
$5; Wingham Ledg�
as reoeived the 101 -
to they Wingham
Lean, $25; Maitland
10; Court Maitland,
Caledonia, S. 0. S.,
,A.0.U.W. .
this is the Robber e
E .. f rubbers, and
Huron Hou
Dr. A. J. Irwin,
quarterly meeting
fuge Committee at
There are now nin
House of Refuge
decided to engag
GIRLS WANTED.—For rk on power
machines in knitti of . Clean, steady
work and good es. Apply, TEE
WATSON MFG; 00. IMITED, Paris, Ont.
Change in P
Mr. W. J. Cur�
acre farm in Etask
Wm. Arbuckle. d1
rear of Mr. Arbuol
has one hundred a
'.urchaeed the 25 a
cession from his
Currie, and with
cantly purchased,
150 sores in one bl
e of Refuge.
arden, attended the
f the Rouse of •Re•
linton on Tuesday.
ty Inmates at the
nd the committee
a second assistant
Last Thursday
of the coldest d
mercury dropping
grecs below zero.
also played the mis
roads and for two
ping very late,
weather on Satnrd
ed the'quantity of
snow going away
a considerable floo
ing for several "t
snow disappears.
lrm Property.
ie has sold hie fifty
Wawanosh, to Mr.
his property is at the
le's farm and he now
es. Mr. Currie has
es on the 12th con -
brother, Mr. Robt.
he Elliott farms te-
r, Currie now has
Dr. Nelson Tait, of 498 •adina ave.,
Toronto, will be at :e '+,aeon's Hotel.
Wingham, all day, r r' : ay, March 11th,
for consultation in •eases of Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Glassed fitted.
Dairy Indu
Some idea of th
dairy industry in
particularly in the
dittriot, may be h
figures oompiledby
covering the eightee
ed in the capacity of
ford cheese factory.
report was read at t
held a few days ago.
that during the past
has been received
largest amount we
when $48,813.48 w
treasurer. The lar
when 216 tons we
1908 the largest ay
eived for cheese,
eat in 1896, bein
price paid petro
97o per 100 pound
590 per 100 poen
y in Oxford.
importance of the
xford County, and
ar•famed Dereham
from interesting
r. James Mayberry
years that he eery
ecretary.of the Sal -
Mr. Mayberry's
e annual meeting
The report shows
8 years $512,051.85
for cheese. The
received in 1906
a paid over to the
at make was in 1903
manufactured. In
rage prioe was reo.
1.65o, and the low.
7,580. The highest
a was in 1906 being
of milk. The lowest
of milk was 'paid • in
d Friday were two
s this winter, the
some 14 or 16 de -
The rough weather
hief with the rail -
ye trains were run -
he rain and mild
and Sunday redno
now. With all the
one time will make
and people are wish•
awe" before all the
Rooms TO LET —Especially suitable
for dress maker shop. Apply to R.
Once more we
Glenn Campbell o
of music exemi
with both Toronto
vatories of music.
of Wingham, obta
in Theory in con
Conservatory, wh
Hensel', obtained
Theory in oonneoti
servatory ; Miss
passed successful)
obtained let class h
and Miss Morris
same branoh. The
well for pupils as
Clinton New Era.
ongratulate Mr. W.
hie successful rept rt
ations in connection
and London Censer-
Mies Gretta Kennedy
ed 1st class honors
otion with Toronto
le Mies Brandt, of
let class honors in;
n with London Con.
Whyte of Hensen
and Miss Elsie Lobb
note in Piano forte
f Blyth. honors in
above report speaks
well as teacher.—
As the hockey se
siderable interest is
ontoome of the con
of the Northern Le
lies between the
Wingham teams,
series of home an
played on the local
this paper went to
an account of the g
to Mount Forest
evening, and it is h
the honors.
The Wingham se
ton last Friday ev
the Broncos of that
8 to 4.
As far as this
Rev. Irl. Mots' hor
of March is at f
says: "A regular et
onthe first, beginn
ending March 3.
centre of the Ven
forces of Earth
greatly intensified.
of great energy, esp
should surprise no
casts, on or abon
At the close of thi
periodo, look for
to high northerly
sweeping from the
the south and east,
Is Out.
titude is oono:rned,
scope for the advent
ult. His reverence
rm period is central
g in February and
his period is at the
s period, •with the
d Mars beooming
Equatorial storms
cially to the south,
oder of these fore•
the 2nd and 3rd.
and other March
blizzardous changes
les, with cold waves
northwest, far into
son advances, con -
manifested in the
est in District "A"
gne. The struggle
Mount Forest and
and the first of a
home games was
ink last night, but
ress too early to give
me, The locals go
to -morrow • (Friday)
ped will bring home
en went to Harris-
ing, and defeated
own by a snore of
They sive your hen
65 cents; Women's
save you money.
h. Men's Rubbers,
nbbers, 46 Dents a
W. 3, GREER.
By H. S.
The Literary So&
entertaining progr
last Friday was n
An interesting ite
solved: — "Welling
mac than Napoleon.
was taken by Miss L
J. Currie; while Mis
Hs Dore, bravely a
Wellington. The in
Workman, Mr. R. H,
Treleaven — decided
negative. Everyone e
tion whioh was given b
eon. A very amusing
presented to the audien
was, as usual, excel
Tipliog's violin solo w
joyed by all. Miss M
as with an instrnme
Thompson rendered
oiated guitar solos.
gave in her clear, fin
solo. A new system
that of having studen
W. V. Liukiater' acte
The hockey match
was very poorly at
W. H. S. boys did
famous score 9— 0. T
some excellent waltze
ice in perfect oonditi
bunch of skaters the
progressed. The only
we do not eujoy a whol
with the band, about o
line-up was as folio
Gallagher, Wilson, F.
Lloyd, 0. MoLtan, Mo
—Keith, Fraser, Ho
Friendship, Arsoott, F
On account of the
during the past wee
necessary to postpo
Mr. Houston, of To
Inspector, paid his a
acropolis on the hill,
Eulogy For T
In the London
4th, an article
their travelling
tive of a tour
which the follow
"By far the fin
done so far in
Grand Trunk
Toronto, The
admittedly a
ran at about fi
of the English
it for steadiness
This eulogy fro
wide traveller
Canadian railway
e Grand Trunk.
'Times" of February
appears from one of
rrespondents desorip-
hrough America, in
gAppears ;—
st' tsllvelling I have
merioa was over the
ne from Montreal to
Grand Trunk have
rfeot roadbed, We
y miles per hour on
1 Limited' and none
ailways could beat
one who is a world
very gratifying to
ty still renders very
me. The meeting
oubtedly excellente
was a debate, Re-
n was a greater
The affirmative
Bowman and Mr.
0. Irwin and Mr.
tacked our noble
gas —Mr. J. G.
loyd and Mr. 0,
favor of the
joyed the recite -
Miss R. David•
ialogue was also
.e. The Journal
ent. Mies Ethel
s very much en -
Adams favored
tal, Mr. H. E.
wo highly appra-
ise M. Homnth
style, a beautiful
was introduced.
orifice; and Mr.
as first 'student
F. McConnell,
anotion sale of f
auction rooms,
livery stable on S
this week. There
of furniture and i
bargains attend th
Mr. Wm. l3. De
31, con. 6, East W
unreserved aaotio
and implements, o
9th. Everything
proprietor is givf
Purvis will be th
n Sales.
notioneer will hold an
rnitnre, eto. at the
posito Currie Bros.
tnrday afternoon of
an extra good lot
on are looking for
emoee of lots 30 and
wanosh, will hold an
sale of farm stook
Wednesday, March
s to be sold as the
g tip farming, John
Mr. Wm. Mao
Tnrnberty, will h
farm stook and se
afternoon, March
est Friday night
nded. However
in, making the
e band rendered
; and with the
n, and a merry
vening rapidly
egret was that
evening's skate
oe a week. The
oLean, Mutt •n,
att. Teeaweter
mes, Mallough,
oontinned thaws
., it was found
e oar carnival
King's for all kinds Choice Silods— hal too large a ate
Alslke and Lucerne Clover, Tilrl pose of the sutplu
filthy, eta. land hose. Gao.
ld an Armand sale cf
d grain Oh Virednoaday
91h. Mr. Maalterola
k and wants to die.
. Citiod horses, cattle,
A large and enthu iastio meeting of
the Board of Trade was held in the
Council chamber on 1 uesday evening,
the President, Mr, Clegg, in the
chair. A large numbe of very Import-
ant matters were broil t up for disons-
It was the consensus
the time had arrived wh
men and citizens getter
a greater interest in th
growth of the town. I
with the revival of busi
thronghont the country
time, a strong effort sho
only to retain what ince
but that induoements sh
to secure new industries.
A committee was form
obtain options upon pr
for the location of fa
interests and to confer
Council in regard to ad
The Board passed a re
of a continuous eleotrio
pointed a oommittee to
Commissioners in rega
ability of the same.
The next meeting will
from Monday night, M
new officers will be el
especially important the
men and oitizene int
growth and prosperity o
it a point to attend.
A. oommittee was ap ointed to inter-
view the business men wring the next
week and ask the to become
members of the Board o Trade and to
assist in boosting the t.wn. Wingham
cannot stand still. If it is to go ahead,
it is important at thi juncture that
everyone lend a help : g hand. Let
every business man att:nd the meet-
ing a week from Monde night.
nto, Higli Sohool
nual visit to the
last Monday and
necessity these days. o, 40o to 60o.
W. 3. GREER.
To the I nterest of
The question of sup
erial to the cheese fact
is a first consideration
duot in paying quan
quality is mainly dep
supply of good milk a
As the supply in ale
every director of an•
every factory owner
.such men shouid see
ron is interested in
a patron begins testi
idnally he commeno
interest in the her
likely to supply not
Dream but far bette
for better. Iu ma
yield has been inure
even thirty per
through a knowled
eapaoity, whioh led
poor cows and feedi
better. Is it not t
every factory to e:
parous? If farmers
or dream from a giv
or frotn a certain
insane that the fa
taw material from
lessening the Dost of
ering in proporti
making, while a to
possible as the milk
k'aotore, oilicials.
ommend cow testin
If a list of names a
to the Dairy Co
literature on the a
dilraot to each.
very Factory.
ly of raw mat-
•ry and creamery
the finished pro.
ity and of good
• dent on a large
d Dream.
of importance to
dairy company,
nd every maker,
it that each pat -
ow testing, Once
g each cow indiv-
:s to take far more
generally and is
my more milk and
quality, and oared
y herds the milk
sed by twenty and
nt in three years
e of each animal's
o weeding out the
g the good a little
the advantage of
its patrons pros -
supply more milk
:n number of cows,
number of acres, it
tory receives more
he same territory,
hauling, and low -
ns the expense of
_er factory season fe
ng petted is erten-
are invited to ren•
to all their patrons.
d addresses be sent
mieaioner, Ottawa,
Meat will be mailed
f opinion that
n the business
ly should take
welfare and
was felt that
ass and trade
t the present
d be made not
este we have,
old be offered
d to locate and
erties suitable
cries or other
ith the Town
rtising for new
olution in favor
ervioe, and ap-
oneult with the
to the advis•
be held a week
oh 14th, when
oted, and it is
all the business
rested ) in the
the town make
Misses Mary and Pansy Reynolds at.
tended the millinery oil pings at. To-
Mrs. A, J. Malcolm nd Mrs. H. B.
Elliott were visiting i Goderioh this
Miss Meyers, of Tor
on Tuesday to fill a
milliner at Mrs. Greer
Miss Campbell of B
her home on Saturday
visit at the home of h
Mr Gordon Abram
his home in Marki
spending the winter r
Wes in this vicinity.
Mr. Kilgonr, of Nini
bride, (nee Miss Curti,
visited at Mr, P. S. Lit
days of the past week.
Mr. John Mair, of
who has been visiti
with relatives and frie
returned home this w
Mr. Malcolm was
mother, near Mitchel
sr., bad the miefortu.
a fall to break her lef
Mr. Lyon Findlat
spending the winter w
the 2nd line of Morris,
for his home in Broder
Mies Annie Taylor,
Miss Ada Stackhouse,
to their homes last we
with Mrs. John Alders
Into oame to town
position as head
rlin returned to
after a few weeks
r unole, Mr. A.
The regula. .. eeting of Maitland
Presbytery was • eld in $t, Andrews'
Obnroh on Tuesdy afternoon. Clerk's
report will be giv n in our next issue.
Rev, H, S. Mag e, Field Secretary of
the Department of Temperance an•d.
Moral Reform, wi 1 preach in the Wing.
ham Methodist 0• roh on Sunday next.
Sacramental ser ices will be held at
'the morning merino next Sunday in the
8t. Andrew's Oh , roh. Preparatory
servioe will be hel • on Friday afternoon
at 2.30 o'olook.
Rev. R. D, Hs ilton, of Listowel,
preached very scu:ptably in the Metho-
dist Ohnroh oa outlay last. His ser,
mono were in the i, terest of the mission-
ary work of the church, for which
enbsoriptions and c• flections were taken
at each servioe.
Wesley church, 0 'noon, has extended
an invitation to Rev E. G. Powell, who
is completing his 4 y:ar term in Brussels
to become their pas or next July., He
has acoepted subjeo; to the direction of
the Stationing Co •• mittee of London
Conference which •• 11 meet in June at
The improvement •ommittee of the
Listowel Presbyteries Ohnroh has de-
cided to purchase the residence of Mr.
John Petoh, Wallace street, at the low
figure of $2,800, to b: used as a manse.
There has also been •urchaeed a portion
of Mr. W. Hay's p operty on Raglan
and Iukerman stree =, on which to build
sheds. Mr. Hay re sins the corner lot,
giving the church strip 50 feet wide in
the form of an L.
has returned to
oh, Sask. after
oaths with mitt -
a, Man., and his
, of VG'oodstook)
klater's for a few
Herniate, Man.,
for some time
ds in this section,
Letting with his
Mrs. Malcolm,
last Saturday in
r, who has been
th his parents on
left on Tuesday
ok, Sask.
f Westfield, and
1 Blyth, returned
k, after a vunt
n, John street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H Leishman, who
hhve spent the past fe weeks with Mre,
Leishman's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Beeman, an with other rela-
tives and friends in this dietriot, left
to -day for their home t Pewee, Seek.
6o este. apiece for 10,000 Muskrat eking,
also the highest cash price for Hides,
Skins and Tallow at the Wingham
Tannery and Glove Works.
Part of Mr. P.
the Nation River,
sing eOme farm bn
Rev. Mr, Perri of Wroxeter, took
dharge of the eery •e last Sunday even-
Miss Pheme Mo •'lister, of St, Angus -
tine is visiting fri nds around here at
ay's farm slid into
ear Oasselman, cam
dings and stook with
The Provincial
ing the incorporati
mice Power Tran
The mineral pro
1909 was valued
$7,000,000 more th
of the St. Law.
lesion Company.
tuition of Ontario for
t $32,652,072, nearly
n in the preoeding
m. McKelvie and
Reels last Thursday.
Moses visited at
iss Eliza Burke are
ye at Amberly this
13 A
The following 1 from She TOMO
Star; —Onoe every 01S had his 41)
"Dog Daye" use to (soma in August,
but our climate see s to have changed.
Having muzzled ehe dotucetio dog.
why not muzzle th doextestie oat, or, at
least, administer nip tea?
why not muzzle all the other horses in
Delhi and vicinity ?
When doctors fal out. what awe
has the mere dog in a rabies argument?
A peculiarity of t e insane is said to
be ilia conviction t t he aloue is sena.
This theory is like to appeal to the
average dog.
The pug is the 1 ast pugnacious of
dogs, but he Wean e "egg beater" on
his face just the ea
In the olden time when A dog bit
man, the wound s cauterized. and
that ended it, but u w the man goes to
Pesteure new.
Do you rememb r what happened
years ago when you tried to eteal a ride
on a farmer'a sleigh aud the farmer's
dog caught you in the tun? Another
simple joy departed
It sometimes happ ne that a tough, an
alleged human, hi sernebOdy, but,
so far, the human ace has not been
muzzled in its entir ty.
An automobile, t e rioh man's toy,"
maims and even kill now and then, bat
the manufacture of motor care has not
been prohibited.
Mr. John Turnbull
Elms visited at Jame
John Straohan's last
Mrs, Dan Richards
home, she was visiting
Malcolm Fraser, on
Grey, for some days.
Monday for White
Ward intends going w
Wednesday. We are
neighbors. •
John Simpson and
ia and around Jet
home is in the Weet n
Miss Jessie Straoha
the weather for the p
Alex, Bryan has sol
timber to Mr. Ortawfo
Bryan is hauling squa
Are you attending
new law requires
muzzled or shut up.
walk on the highway
roaming around.
King's for all k nds Choice Seeds—
Two lade named
Donald, while drivi
tracks at Preston
eleotrie car. There
in front of the mot
ecl the motorman fr
in front.
interhall and Mc.
g on the Steeet oat
era struck by an
was a large box oar
and this prevent.
seeing the sleigh
and wife from
Turnbull's and
n has returned
her sister. Mrs.
e and con. of
aldbick left on
ter, Manitoba.
h the freight on
rry to lose old
if e are visiting
stow's, Their
r Saskatoon.
has been under
t week.
a quantity of
ot Elgin. Mr.
e timber to Brus-
your dog? The
gs to be either
t ie not este to
while oanines are
The Beelharz
The Beilharz Ent
the last number on
In tbe Opera House
Wednesday, March .
Readings, and Instr
music. As a ninsici
wherever she appears.
and sympathetic in
Beilharz Entertainers
—"I hope no one will
vent him from atten
no naan in the Lyceum
delight an audienee —an
—as Noah Beilharz, R
matter, see what he doe
does is done with onie
consummate art, and b
ations are screamingly
never forget one after
and laughing at his
nail the teen came;
ever laughed that wa
at Matibbou'a drug et
day, Maroli 4th, at 2
25 cents, reacrved at
tainers will give
Lyceum Connie
on the evening of
The prOgramme
ations, Dialogues,
mental and Vocal
n and entertainer
ordially received
She is possessed
toe, well-trained
tiality. Of the
Rose Orate saye,
et anything pro-
ng. I know Of
ho earl utterly
every audience
d the printed
, and all he
authority riud
huntorout ors.
funny. / Shall
oen in a great
stening to him,
morose! absinth,
the Only time I
'Plan of hall
re, (Vila en Pri-
m. Admission
85 cents.
Ritchie 86 Conn
Have moved to their new office
first door north of post office.
Watch this space in the TIMES
every week for Real Estate bar.
gains, Business Chances, etc.
If you want any information on
Insurance of any kind call and
see us.
Good SO acre farm w ithin
one mile of Wingbarn. This
is a chance that oices not
occur, to get a nice home
near town at a right price.
Don't miss it.
Ritchie 86 Cosens
It is from experience we
learn the value of things. We
have experience and we know
that the Empress Shoe shown
here is our best shoe for $3.00.
It is made with selected grain
leather box toes, counters and
insoles, and is solid from toe
to heel, has Patent Colt Vamp,
Vici Kid Top, and made on oue
of the most up-to-date lasts
these progressive shoe makers
are using. Wil ybu ask us to
show you this style ?
solo Agents for troigat ToPto4A ShoeS rot