HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-02-24, Page 6"l, - --..r^+...-...- '. y..., �. . i .+4I -n,. ,R Ab+:.+�M•nA.r. w+w - r . e^� rI k,
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
.A good mau cannot have too mirth
Thie is a sour world for the man with
pour disposition.
Constipation aud Headache.
Atte. R. Morrow, Bracebridge, Ont.,
writes;•—''For pears I was troubled al-
ined constantly with oonstipation and
never got anything to do me the lasting
good that bas been obtained from Dr.
Chase's Ktdney•tiver Pills. Not only
hove they cured constipation but they
Lave also entirely cured the beadaohee
from which I used to 'toffee terribly and
have improved my health in every
If your religion is sunshine you will
not need to argue about it.
Michigan Central engineers have been
given an increase in pay.
The man who knows it all seldom
malice good when it comes to acting.
Children Cry
A woman never forgives a man for
forgiving her not forgiving him.
You will never lead a boy into your
faith until yon have much faith in him.
By all means consider yourself .im-
portant, but keep that opinion to your-
If troubled with indigestion, oonsti-
pation, no appetite or feel bilious, give
Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Liver Tab-
lets a trial and yon will be pleased with
the result, These tablets invigorate the
etomech and liver and strengthen the
digestion. Sold by all dealers,
The mushroom of emotionalism nen-
ally pities the slow growth of the tree
of character.
A man always comes to a atandetill
when he thinks he occupies an axial
position in the universe.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
B,ignature of
The project pf the Cape Cod Canal,
now ander construction, antedates the
revolutionary war.
When you are right you oan afford to
keep your temper, and when you are
wrong you can't afford to.
Don't place the baby's crib in a posi-
tion where the light will fall upon his
eyes, nor in a draught.
The easy fora woman to fool a man
who thinks he can't be tooled.
Even an honest man allows bis con-
science to go into a, trues long enough.
to get rid of a plugged nickel.
It is the little foxes that destroy the
vines in home life, We have known
men who would lay down theft lives for
their wives and children who would al -
moat have fits of apoplexy over a button
Off a ehirt or a mislaid paper. There
are women who would die at the stake
for their husbands but who have had an
almost unconsotoue habit of nagging the.
poor man from morning till night.
Strauge isn't it.
A few minutes delay in treating some.
eases of croup, even the length of time
it takes to go for a doctor often proves
dangerous. The sateat way is to keep
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the
house, and at the first indication of oronp
give the child a dose. Pleasant to take
and always Dares. Sold by all dealers.
Solomon Ring, bookkeeper for a Toro-
nto firm, pleaded guilty at London. Ont.,
to stealing a lot of oaps from his em-
A man named Sleen and hie two SOUR
drank wood alcohol near Castro, Alberta,
The younger boy is living, but the others
are dead.
Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse
the prescription of one of the best fe-
male physicians and nurses in the
United Statee,and has been wad for fifty
years with never -failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind oolio. By giving health to the
child, it rents the mother, Twenty-five
cents a bottle.
Silver teapots that have not been used
for some time are apt to get musty and
give the tea a peoniiar flavor. This can
be prevented by putting a lump of sugar
into the pot before putting it away.
Noody Spared
Children Cry
If a man would only labour as hard
over his daily task as he does over the
things he doesn't have to do, work
would be easy.
Georgetown will, after the let of May,
have the only license bar•roome on the
line of the Grand Trunk Railway bet
ween Toronto and Guelph.
110118 C11
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, peals
the throat and lungs. - - - 25 cents.
When ironing fine white waists or
underwear lay a bath towel on the iron-
ing board,lay button side on it, and iron
over wrong side of garment.
Glasgow Savings Bank funds now
amonnt to over eleven million pounds,
the total owing to the 237,646 depositors,
being an increase for the year of $1,468,-
An attaok of the grip is often followed
by a persistent cough, whioh to many
proves a great annoyance. Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy has been exten-
sively need and with good enooeet for
the relief and onre of this cough. Many
oases have been cured after all other
remedies had failed. Sold by all
To clean a japanned tray, by far the
best plan is to rub the surface with a
little olive oil, and then polish it -with
a piece of flannel. Boiling water should
never be used. If this is done, the
japanning will wear off or oracle.
The auditors of the Grand Trnnk Rail-
way in their report for the week ending
February 7 show an increase of $226,139
over the same week last year. The
fgtires are as follows: 1910, $729,669;
1909, $603,580.
"Fk1l W1iNt*IUAht- 10041 F t3RUARY 24, Mt)
Kidney Troubles Attack Wingham
Men and Women, Old and Young,
Sidney ille seize young and old.
Come gniokly with little warning.
Children ouffer in their early years.
Can't control the kidney seoretiOns.
Girla are Ieugnid, nervous, suffer pain.
"Women worry, can't do daily work.
Men have latae and aching baoks.
The caro for man, woman Or child.
Is to cure the cause—the kidneys.
Bootn's 1 idney Pills earn sick kid,
tnre All forme of kidney suffering,
Wingham testimony proves It.
Geo. Frot wellof Minnie and Victoria
w a
Si,, Wingbate, Ont., sags: ---"A dell,
heavy pain had eettlM Aortal the small
of nay back from :hip to hip, There was
a aorPea end tenderness esu that would
me to gaffer
both day and night.
there was en unusual welding in pulsing
the urine and it real filled with fedi•
inept of a high color. I had deed so
beany different remedies and found no
relief that 1: laid began to think nothing
would benefit my eonditlon. Booth's
Kidney Fire: were advertided and I
procured a be et '61r, t42ol ibbett's
Pha.masy. They did the e0 mabh gold
I continued the treatment and the se.
oond box [entirely cleated the urine and
took away the scalding. My back
strengthened and the pain left it. The
thenmatiein with which I have suffered
for over 'fete years hai'alio beets greatly
relieved. I am Wenger and better then
in years previoins and eats only 'thank
/teeth's Kidney Pin.' Sold by dealets.
Pelee 50 o The B. T Booth 'Co,,
Ltd.,eFort Erie, Ont,, Sale Claaadian
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. Heals the
ulcers, clears the air passages,
stops droppings in the throat and
permanently cures Catarrh and
Hay Fever.' 25c. blower free.
Accept no substitutes. All dealers
or Edmanson, eatos & Co., Toronto.
Mint is showing an example to the
rest of the world in the matter of for-
eatry. The government has seemed a
tract of land near Mnkdon for a -forestry
school and nursery and the Shantung
Railroad Company has planted trees
along both aides of its traok for two
hundred and sixty miles. Why would
not evergreens planted along sides of
railroads, or other roads for that matter,
not be the best kind of a preventative of
snowdrifts? The beet winter roade we
have are those peat wooded land or
A worthy and respected resident of
Goderioh panted away on Friday, Feb.
11th, in the person of Thomas Camp-
bell, Brock street, who held reabhed the
good old age of eighty-one years
eleven months. Ile had,been hi failing 1
health for some months, Before hitt'.
romovel to G oderieh Mr. Campbell was
a resident of Colborne towcahiover
p for
a quarter of a century. Mr. Campbell
Wali a native of Kirkoonnoll, I)aonlries-.
rehire, Sootland, and came 80 thea conn-
try in 1857. In 1866 he went back to his
native place and married hie now be.
reeved partner, and retuning to Ceti,
Me inade his betel with her at liar+
ears later they
pnrhey, About two y to y
took tip a farm on the boundary line of
Mullett, near Blyth, and after eIx years
there they came to 0o1borner Where
they continued to reside nhtil sotto
eight yeare ego, when they retired from
the farts and took lip their residence in
Goderioh. The deoeaeed was a Frothy.
Wiwi in religious faith and a Liberal in
Slnoethe be$iuning of the year fifteen
patieote from Oetarto have been treated
fox rabies .at the Pasteur Tugtitute,
New York.
After the reoouot end scrutiny of the
local optiloqballots at Cheeley the vote
was found to stand 264 for and 1711
perkiest Thisgivee loofa option the eruct
three fifthsrequiredby stetUte to perry ;
so that it the, eleotion Is not upset on
some other ground Qhesley will go dry
Mt May let.
Children Cry
Frank Kamrath recently delivered a
pig in Midway which weighed 817 lbs,
and brought $67, This is getting up
about the price of horses, But there is
another' way to make money farming
other than raising hogs, that is in grow-
ing clover Beed. A farmer recently slid
100 bushels of clover seed on the Exeter
market for $890,
The death Of Mies Mary G, Graham.
at the age of eighty•six yeare, occurred
on Monday, Fib 14th, at the home of
Mrs, Cash, Newgate street, Goderieh,,
with whom the deoeased had been liv-
ing for prime time. Mise Graham was
sister of the late Thomas Graham, of
town. She made her home in Chicago
for many years.
Do von know that croup can be pre-
vented? Give Obamberlain'e Cough
Remedy as soon as the child
hoarse or even after the croupy ocu h
appears and it will prevent the attack,
It is also a certain core for oronp aid
has never been known to fail. Sold by
all dealers,.
One of the old residents of Goderioh
township passed sway Saturday morn-
ing, Feb. 12th, in the person of Wm•
Hawke. at the age of sixty nine years
and seven menthe. He was born at
Vaughan township, near Markham,
Ont., but bad lived many years at the
plane where he died, He leaves his
wife, two daughters and, three sons.
While it is often impassible to prevent
an accident, it is never impossible to be
prepared—it is not beyond any one's
puree. Invest 25 cents in a bottle of
Chamberlain's Liniment and yon are
prepared for sprains, bruises and like
injuries. Sold by all stealers
Tbe Wroxeter Planet says: Robert
and John Hupfer felled amammoth elm
tree in the bush of John McNaughton.
It measured six feet six inches in diam-
eter and 24 feet in circumference. Its
length was 125 feet. It is puzzling Mr.
McNaughton how he is going to get
this giant of the forest to the sawmill,
It is quite evident that there are still a
few big trees left in Ontario.
11100 ReWA.R31, L51O0.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that soienoe has been
able to cure in all its stages„and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive pure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a :aneti-
tutional treatment Hall's Catarrh (lure
is taken internally, noting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaees of the
system, thereby destroying the founda-
tion of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building up the con-
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer Ond Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to pure. Send for list of
Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO,
Sold by Druggists, 75e.
Take Halla Family Pills for oonstipa”
Saved Her Hair.
Zam-Duk Cured Scalp . Eczema
If you have ere Etna, ringworm or any
'tezilp,sere, n0 not permit your hair tobe
out off sailboat first trying Zem-Bok
Mrs Davi.[ Mnmir•Pith, of 93 Bertrand
street, N erwood Winnipeg, say,; "My
daughter 000trsoted eoz me of the Wells,
end this broke out regularly three years
in etweeeai0n. It would probably have
been rectangle vet eneb $$aeon bed it
not been fur Zuni Bak The eczema
fleet started with an, on break of little
red watery pimples, whioh turned into
large sores We consulted a medioat
man, and tried lotions, powders, salves
and all kindle of alines but in vain.
"Each time tee disease appeared her
hair had tobe out tiff. When this had
been done three timee.a friend suggested
that as other things had t ailed, I should
try Z Ito Buk, instead of again consult
ing a dnntor and going through the old
and ineff."otive progreinme I noted on
this advice, and obtained some Zam-'I
Bak Aimeet ns soon es this was im-
plied the child experienced relief. The
itohing and irritation seemed to be
soothed. and to several planes, after
some days' treatment, there appeared
rnerked signs of improvement so we
thought we would not this time out off
her hair
"We kept on apply log Zeta -Bak,
lintel in 0 few weeks it was veto evi-
deet a oontplete pure was being effected.
In the end ali the sores were healed. the
hair over the affected parts had grown
again, end at the present time her scalp
is healthy and quite free from every
trace of sore or eczema." The same
healing virtue is responsible for pure of
ulcera, abscesses, running sores, oats,
cracks, scalds, barns, abraeions, etc
For children's rashes there is nothing to
equal Zsm•Buk, as it is so pare. All
druggists and store at 50 canto a box, or
post free from Zem Bak Co., Toronto,
for price.
Ignorance gives birth to a lot of
Its no use praying for your husband
while the potatoes are getting scorched,
They who would find perfeetion with-
out pain are looking only to put an edge
on a sword of lead.
Tbe oldest newspaper in Belgium is
the Gazette Von Gent, which received
the privilege of printing the Gendtsobe
Post•Tydinghen on Nov. 17, 1666, and
which heat existed almost continuously
since the first number was printed on
Jan, 1667.
The affairs of the Walkerton Binder 1
Twine Company —that is the old oom-
pany—are to be wound lip shortly. The
lett payment has been made on the sale
of the .plant and buildings and there are
the arrangements to be made with the
government regarding the winding up,
when the distribution of the money will
be made. Mr. Tolton Bays that there
will probably be a payment of 18 percent
on the investment. "Wile the sum is
not as large as the shareholders would
expect yet it is much in excess of what
a number of other defunct twine fact-
ories have paid, and the shareholders
here can be very glad they're getting
off so well. --Walkerton Telesoope.
Troubled With
Backache For
Years.New Gem.
pietely Cured
8 The Use Cif
Mrs. W. C. Doerr, 13 Brighton St.,
t is with
don Ont. writes-- I
that thank you for the good
pleasure a I
our Doan's Kidney Pills have donme.
Ilave been troubled with backache for
years. Nothing ixelped me until a, friend.
brought me a box of your Kidney Pills.
I began to take then[ and took four boxes,
and ain glad to say that I am cured en-
tirely and can do all my awft work and
feel as good as I ti„sed to before taken sick.
I am positive Down's IK.idney fills are
a vise
to be,and I d
allyou [faun them
all tdne sufferers to stye them a Y
Let Down's Kidney Pills de for you
vbat they have done foe thousands of
others. They cure all forms of kidety
(; 3'atuvcro,✓fow-o-,' i)
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
i otwv bast:. Sold and guaranteed by
To press velvet, heat a large flat-iroa,
turn it face lip on the ironing board,
then spread a wet'rag, over the flatiron,
immediately patting the velvet on this
face up, and brush the nap while the
steam is penetrating; continue until the
whole dress or coat is steamed, then
after the operation hang it up to dry.
It will look like new.
When a certain Atchison man visite
another town his wife complains, and
so 'does his mother. Therefore, in order
to avoid it, he says he is going out to get
shaved and doesn't return until his visit
is over. When he returns there is •a
storm, but under the old plan there were
two storms. one before he went and
another after his return. --Atchison
More for Plows, less tor Guns.
A 40 acre farm of irrigated land will
oomtortably support a family of five.
It costa iti5e,000 to make a 12 inoll gun,
The money that [toes to Pay for We glen'
would reolafm 1 G91 aorea.01 land, pro.
vlding homes for 190 people, When 411
the guns on the battleships are shot one
time, Itlovernmeut blows in noise and
smote $150,000. Thie would reclaim
4,000 aeras of laud, giving homes 80
more than 600 f trmere and their him -
MO, The money oousuwed iu powder
le lett to all future, The farmer who
Ames the reolairaed land most pay the
Government book in ten yeare, so it
Otte not ooat the Government anything
to Aurid up the country by helping the
tanner.. We sbonld make more homes
and notso many fighting maobines.
We have numberless instances where
the construction of a railroad has ad-'
vanoed the value of farm lands from $10
to $50 per Gore. We have also many
instances where the improvement of the
public roads has inoreaeed farmvalues
from $10 to $50 per acre. Therefore,
saying nothing of the relative oomforts
of a good road over a .bad one, good
roads are a splendid investment, for the
farmer. The laws of the country should
r investments e0 protect and encourage i 4eetm lits in
railroad construction as to prevent the
necessity of citizens having to oontri•
bate to help build them. If T were ask-
ed 'to name the most effective way to
oheok this country's growth, I wonl,i
gay stop railroad construction ter a few
years, and our country will become a
nation of industrial deoadenoe.—Seore-
tary of Agriculture Wilson in Leslie's.
For Baby's Skin Troubles.
There are times in the life of nearly
every child when Dr. Chase's Ointment
proves itself a blessing. The tender
akin chafes and ie irritated by the cloth-
ing. Oftentimes baby eczema develops
from this very cause. In a dozen ways
Dr. Chase's Ointment can be used to
soothe and heal the skin and prevent
enffering of the little one. No treat-
ment for thio . ns os
meat is so well suitedp p e
and none Is so entirely eatisfaotory.
Fifty passengers and the pilot of the
British steamer Lima were drowned
when their vessel went ashore in the
Straits of Magellan, The British steam.
er Hatumet rescued 205 of the portions
aboard the stranded steamer, but was
forced to leave 88 aboard, as there was
great danger that she, herself, world be
swept on the rooks by the storm the
prevailed at the time.
Women with Fasc'nating Hair
Al ways Attract Attention.
If you ore a woman with dull, lifeless,
ordinary hair, do not feel distressed.
Just make up your mind now that you
can have just as luxuriant and captivat-
ing a head of hair 0e any other woman,
and quickly, too,
Just go to Walton Mo$ibbon this
very day and get a bottle of Parisian
Sage. Use it as directed, and in two
weeks your scalp will be free of dan-
druff, your hair will be soft, Lustrous
and beautiful.
If your hair is falling out, Parisian
Sage will atop it.
If yonr hair is thin, Parisian Sage will
make It grow in heavily. •
If you have dandruff, it will quickly
vanish when Parisian Sage is used.
It prevents hair from turning gray;
stops itching scalp almost instantly and
is the ideal dressing for daily use.
A large bottle costs only 50 Dents at
Walton MoKibbon's ,or direct, all
charges prepaid from the Canadian
makers, Giroux Mfg. Co„ Fort Erie,
Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of
Agrioulture for Alberta, has established
an agency at 127 Froi t Street Toronto,
furnishing informs-
h r of to I n
for the purpose g
tion with a view to securing settlers for
his Proelhoe. Mr. Marshall else hopes to
direct attention to the
fine ranching
and t farming region of Macleod end
Spirit Rivets, and the great stretch of
lend towards the Yellowhead rase.
$ler. Byerater, wiio rens the Palmer+
sten Spectator has a good lobed paper
and he is a writer of no mean ability,
A little plain end to the point perhaps,
but always ehonting for rho to n;e prole
peaty, He hal been ,peaking to those
who but' out of town and here is one of
his pointed paragraphe;"A town that is
fatg a enough and (toed enough for a labia
The High Prices.
At the bash -works where I board, but
one topic now prevails: "How the price
of grub has soared!" Drearily the land-
lord wails. In his old aeoustomed
place, he is Bitting at each meal; sad
and corpse -like is his face, se he oarves
his ancient vest. When I ask that
solemn jay, if he'll pass the butter
'round, "Butter costs," I hear him Bay.
almost half a bone a pound," When I
want a slioe of dnok, his expression is a
sin: "This thin drake Dost me a book,
and the quacks were not . thrown int"
Through the middy coffee's steam, I
oan hear him saying now: "I desired a
pint of cream, and they charged me for
a oow." "Let me have some beans," I
cried I was hungry as could be;
"Sure!" he wearily replied; "shall I
give you two or three?" "Beans," be
said, "long years ago, of rank cheapness
were the signs; now they cost three
Scads a throw—sand you do not get the
vines," Once, at morn, I wiehed an
egg, and the landlord had a swoon; with
his head soaked in a keg, he regained
his mind by noon; "Once," he moaned,
"an egg was cheap;' times have changed
alas 1 since then; now the price would
make you weep—and they don't throw
in the hen 1 "—Walt ldlaeon.
trouble and they tore to stay cured, ' to earn hit living in, it good enough'for
Price, 50 tents per heir or 3 boxes for i him to be hli r'uvilti0rii in. If he dose
y P
not think ib, both h and hie tow -'n woulrtd
be better off, if his tent were pitohed
on the prairies,"
$1.25 at all dealers or
irect ell
receipt Of price by The. T. Milburn Co.
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When ordering ap Gift ,"Doa>i' sir
Laid P
E hh
Pain, helplessness and suffering are
overcome by OR. CHASS'S
Mrs. Prank Bloom, Hardwood Lake,
� to tell you ofi
tho groat beheld I found n the use
of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. I
suffered so badly with b kidneY
that wh n
e IlaY
I could ild notget
ftp without help. I was completely laid
up with lame, aching book. T read
about Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
in the almanac, got them and they
eared nee of kidney disease end back.
"My husband had dreadful pains in
his sides and obtained curo by wing
Drs Chase 's Kidney -Liver Pills, These
ill are the o best on b the market n
pand I
ant glad to recommend them,"
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are
definite and Certain in action, enliven
the liver and bowels as well as the kid-
neys! are lastingly beneficial and eco-
nontmcal. 33ut to obtain these results
you must get the genuine Dr. A, W.
Chasee Ridhey-Liver Pills. One pili a
dose, 25 tents a box, at all dealers, or
`Sdinanson, Bate* k Co,, Toronto,
u II11„„,„,,„„„ p 111•I,Ul„,„„„,„„„„,„„„,
r i
imps a rums , II IIIIITIle ,e nn rr
nlunowuiiuniMini ow; iumuiim141..mn 0141,11urnn.itiiit,
similatingWood andRegula- ,
ting I1u SStonuiichs Bowe, is ofr
Promote s'Digestion,Cheerful,
nes and Rest.Containsneither
9pluln',Morpiline nor Matrial.
I 14uaa otOldl/rSINZELPIZars• a
,Fzengl7n ,Peery
ellx.Scnnkc .
J,,'oaIeIle Salts -•
Aire steed .
i Cad anciaocto♦
ylam ;feed -
Aperfect Remedy' for Constipa-
tion, Soar Stonlach,Diarrhoce,
Worries ,Convtilsions,Feveri stl-
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
racSinuullc Signature of
agrs% .-
If�tJ a 3 '`"i lair + `1 .
ea ',,,T
' C~
1 ...euro.,... ....g ///,
h:w Rl.,en1,M' '.MRA'
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Oder
Thirty Years.
TWENTY YEARS AO1 Items from the trim srl tyles.
• (From the TIMES of Feb, 21, 1890.)
On Saturday last, Mrs. A, Stewart
fell on the sidewalk in front of Mr.
John•Kerr's restaurant, and broke her
arm near the wrist.
Mr. John Torriff, who was seriously
injured in the Union Factory, on Toes.
day week, is doing as well as can be
expected, and it is hoped he will soon be
around again.
Messrs. R. R. Vanetone & Co„ have
disposed of their jewelry business to Mr.
W. H. Wallace, of Goderioh, who will
greatly add to the stook and open out
about the beginning of next week.
The electric light was lit for the first
time on Monday evening, but did not
work very well. Since then it has been
working very satisfactorily. No ar-
rangement has been made with those in
whose places of . business it has been
placed, nor with the Connell. If the
trial proves satisfactory, no doubt the
light will he accepted by our merchants
and business men, and perhaps by the
Messrs. Inglis, Gray, Armour. and
Linklater were ordained elders in Pres-
byterian Church, Sunday, according to
the simple but solemn ritual 01 the
A special meeting of the town council
was held on Tuesday evening last. The
only business done was the awarding of
the contract of building the bridge at
Meters. Hutton & Carr's mill to Mr, L.
?lardy, of Exeter, for the sum of $615,
The annual ending matole between
Bides chosen by the President, Mr. John
Inglis, and Vioe-president, Mr. S. Kent,
came Off on the rink ott Tuesday, and
resulted in favor of the Vice-president
by 15 shote. Two rinks on n••ch eide'
We learn that Mr. O. J. Rending has
disposed of hie grocery business to R A..
Graham, of Morris, and will give pos-
session on the let of March next
A Court of the Independent Order of
Foresters was instituted in team on
Friday evening last by Mr. Dickson, an
organizer for above society. Tbs Court
will be known as Court Huron, and
starts off with a membership of 27.
After the instituting ceremoniea had
been completed the following were in-
stalled as the officers for the current.
term:—H, W. C. Meyer, C. D H O R.;.
W. T. Yates, P. C. R.; W. E Ge•oves,
O. R.; 0. N. Griffin, V. O. R ; J H.
Moorehonse, Chap.; W. Hutton, R S.;
T. A. Mills, F. S.; A, E. Smith, Treas.;
D. Sutherland, S. W.; W. Foment,
J. W.; S. Lediet, S. B.; R. Droaver,.
3, 13.; T. Chisholm, M. D., Physician.
Aikenhead—Langley.--In Winghame
on the 12th inst., by Rev. Mr. Scott,
Mr. Wm. Aikenhead, of Brnoefleld, to
Miss Matilda Langley, of Tnrnberry.
Garnise,—In Morris, on the 14th inst.,
Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Wm. Garnies,
aged 39 years, 4 months and 24 days.
Anderson,—In East Wawanoah, on
the 17th inst., Margaret M., second eld-
eat daughter of Mr. Finlay Anderson,
aged 19 yeare, 9 months and 4 days,
Nicholson.—In Morris, on the 12th
inst., Mary Ann Nicholson, aged 78•
years and 4 months.
Greig,—In Wingham, on the 20th
inst., Agnes, beloved wife of Mr, David
Greig, aged 88 years and 6 months.
The cbeep lot should not be fenoed
with barbed wire, The barbs catch the
wool and make the sheep appear rag-
Fine handkerchiefs should never be in -
chided in the family wash, but laundered
separately. They should be put to soak
in warm Soap soda for fifteen or twenty
minutes and then igneezed up and down
through the fingers.' Next wash in hot
soap Buda to which boraithas been added.
Then th
e may
with the hands
and lightly rubbed. After thoroughly
rinsing in three or four waters they
should be put through milk. Ifrolled foe
h ironed the
rtet limo and e
kerchiefs will look like new.
The experienced buyer never permits
the shrewd merchant convince him that
an imitation is superior 80 the genuine
advertised ertiole. In refusing a Substi-
tute he protoote Minteif and the manta+
faoturere who have expended enormona
in gibing the pnblio information.
eeins regard ing their p roduete. Advertised
articles have stood the teat of ptibllo
j approval of their merits and materials
etnbraoing their make-up. The Mete
fact that they aro imitated is competent
testimony of their worth, You aro safe
1 rejecting the article offered as "'est
n j g a J
aro good."'
A gash register that announces the
amount of a sale in human voice, as
well as registering the figures, has been
devised by a Minnesota inventor. ben
the keys are toaohed for sale of $1,65
certain phonographic reproducers era
released and the machine. sings out;
"One -sixty five." Snob expression! as
"thank yon," or "I think yon will find
these goods satisfactory" may be added
to the announcement of the sale.
Rest Market Price,
Honest Treatment,
Correct Assortment,
Quick Returns.
by slipping their
Furs and
;.eVIU4o; FYtFR' a
estAnUSNto toss
time old reliable Virtu of the
ur Trade,
::ir rind 116 ticGill'St. tloa'treal.
Ata or air Y'
00 54010 4�
i l0 I'r
t:c i.ltt.
rvit PAY iixrktrwss CHARGES.