The Wingham Times, 1910-02-24, Page 44 THIF Dominion Bank HEAD OFFIOE: TORONTO papltt t Stock (,►n paid up) $4 600,000 00 Reserve Food anti Vila i5 400,OOQ QQ divi�ird Pointe Deposits by the public$44.000,000 00 Tetal Aaaete,'over$50,000,000.00 Bevacates land the Uni throughout t.Citi• A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Savings Department. Oarp•ut Rat s. of Interest allowed, and Deposita received of $1,00 and npwarde. Farmers' sale Notes Oolleoted, and advances made ou ta,•m at lowest. rete of interest. INCREASING THE Qib.QVER CROP Every farmer knawa that if he plows. up a plover meadow he increases the fertility of that field. O4e of the reap ni for thisis that, the °lover oontaine a WEB store of the valuable fertilizipg element. nitrogen, and as the glover pleats decay in the soil thio nitrogenbecomes avail- able for the use of the outmoding crop. The question naturally arises, why fa it that the olovera add more nitrogen to the soil than other orops. The farmer may have nottoed as he turned up the roots of the plover that there were spattered along the roots, eapeoially on the finer rootlete,little wbitiahnodules orbgnohea, If he had out One of these little nodules in two witha aberp knife he would have seen that the inside was pinkish white, and if he bad a powerful microscope et hand he would find on examining this pinkish white substance that it was largely a meas of very tiny rods, dome straight, same ourved, and some T or Y shaped. These rode are baoterla. These beoterie get into the Sue roots when the seed germinates, grow and multiply there as the clover planta grow, and as they grow they draw upon the nitrogen of the air in the Boil and. store this nitrogen up to the plover plant. Hence, the clover plant by the aid of these bacteria is able to grow, and to store vp more nitrogen than it needs and which it can supply to euaoeeding Drops. With- out the bacteria, the glover plant meet get all ite nitrogen from the soil instead at getting much of it from the air, and hence when the clover is plowed ander there is no aotual increase in the fertility of the soil. In fast, olovera make the beet growth when there are plenty of bacteria present in the soil, as shown by the preeenoe of lots of nodules on the plant roots. This is explained more fully in. bulletins Nos. 164 and 160 of the Ontario Deparment of Agriculture, hioh ma be obtained b W NGrtA;tt loophole, OStreets. rJahn and W. R. GEIK.IE, -MANAGER R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes =net be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of oaoh week. uSTABLISHnD 18711 ' II WINiIA 1 TIMES. H. B. ELLIOTT. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOf THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1910 NOTES AND COMMENTS Two prison reforms may be instituted with the opening of the new Central Prieon at Guelph:one providing for the payment to the family of the oonviot of at least a part of his earnings in prison, and the other will mean that the prisoners will do largely municipal or colonization work, so that there shall be no possibility of competition between oonviot and free labour. A TERRIBLE SUFFERER Tk WIZ G t,M '.f',.MES,, FEBRUARY 24, 1,319, FOR THREE YEARS But Health Was Completely Re. stored by Or• Williams' Pink Pills, The recount of local option ballots in Tuokersmith has Inoreaspd the waiority for local eptloit: from three to The Government M Q.ttewe haat had nq oommttnication with the Weshtngtop Cloven:moot regaediag tariff manna, Senator Derbyshire opened the .new fifteen•thousand•doller temple built et Senora by gold Bill Dodge, I. O, Q, F. Extreme anguish; pains in the joints that all but drive one grimy—thee may iofiawmatory rheumatism be deaoribed. The VIOttme ace to be pitied—to them life is one long torture; they Stiffer by day and oapnot +deep by night Stith was the oondition of Mtn Alida Mercier of Ottawa, Ont, For three years she was a. victim of this trouble and found no relief till she began using Dr. Wit.ana lis' fink pills. She says ;—"For three years I was a snfferer from, loam, story rheumatism, During that time I consulted and was treated by some of the best doctors in our pity, but I found no relief in their treatment. I began to despair of ever being well agate, when one day a friend advised me. to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pine. I proonred three boxes and by the time they were used there was enongh improvement in my oondition to encourage me to continue their use. Three more boxes completely oured me and today I am as well as ever I was. I always keep a euppiy et Dr, V4iltiates' Pink Pills in the house and would recommend all who suffer as I did to give them a trial." It was the new blood that Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills actually made that restored Miss Mercier to health and strength. There is no medicine to equal them in making new blood and in this way they cure anaemia, rheu• matism, heart palpitation, indigestion, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and many other troubles. Sold by all dealers in medicine or Street at 50 Dents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from the Dr. Wil. liams' Medioine Co., Brookville, Ont, The Editor does not hold himself responsible for the opinions expressed by correspond- ents. Nor does he always hold the same views as expressed by correspondents. Toronto, w y y I To the Editor of the WIrGR Jr addressing that deparment. These bacteria can be grown ander artificial conditions in bacteriological laboratories, and oaltnree of them may be applied to the seed when it is sown, thus furnishing plenty of the appropriate bacteria to get into the newly formed roots and form the necessary nodules, When there is failure to get a good stand of plovers, or when the crop does not thrive, it indicates usually that the necessary bacteria are not present in the soil, and in such uses the treatment of the seed in future seediogs, as mentioned above, usually aids in securing a better crop. Further, the nee of such cultures is usually advisable when teed of any prover is sown on new land or on a field that has not previously grown that orop Each year since 1905 the Baoteriol• ogioal Laboratory of the Ontario Agri- onitural College at Guelph, has sent out such cultures to all farmers who applied. Eaoh year, reoipients of the cultures have been caked to report as to whether the treatment of the seed had resulted in benefit or not, and of these reports about 65 per cent, stated that the onilures had aided in snaring a better stand and increased growth of the crop. The College is preparing to sand out cultures of these nitrogea•gathering bacteria during the coming spring for the inoon- lation of the following seeds: Alfalfa,. red or mammoth olover, shake clover, white olover, crimson clover, vetches, peas, beans, sweet peas. Each kind of seed requires a different culture. The cultures are sent by mail with full instructions for their use. There is only one size package prepared, that being suffioient to inoonlate sixty pounds of seed. There is a nominal charge of 25 cents for each paokage of culture to cover coat of preparation and postage. Farmers intending to secure these bacterial cultures would do well to send in their application early so that they may be sure of getting the oniture in ample time for seeding. Applications should state the kind and amount of seed to be treated, and should be addressed with enclosed postal note, stamps, or money order to, PROFESSOR S. F. EDWARDS, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Canada. In Canada, at least in ninety.nine oases out of a hundred, not one man in a thousand has any need to parry a re- volver, or similar weapon. At any rate, if other men did not oarry them. he would not need to do so, The average citizen, who minds his business and be- haves himself, has no need for a gun; he only finds need to use it when he has it oonvenient.--Paterboro Examiner. The naval debate, which is entering on ita second ,lap, was marked in the Commons on Wednesday of last week by another new policy contributed from the Opposition, whichhas already edvanoed three divergent proposals. Dr.Chishlotn of East Haran declined to endorse the polioy of his leader for a direct oontribn• Om. as not being in keeping with a proper national self•reepeot, or with the underlying principles of Canada's de- velopment as an autonomoaa nation within the Empire. He made the ori• ginal suggestion that Canada should hire seven Dreadnonghts at a cost of a million and a half a year to protect the Atlantic trade routes and safeguard Britain's sources of food supply. He gave another unique turn to the debate by dilating at considerable length on the wisdom of developing the Hudson's Bay route. Thi Ontario Milk Commission report. ed to the Legislature on Monday and part of the report says:—"Oat of every 1,000 children born alive in Ontario reties 161 die in the first year, or more than in the puoceeding forty. The commission submits that "a oonsider• able portion of the awful toll, oan be prevented." "The Cold fact,” it pro. oeede, "that out of every thousand children born alive sixteen more die in Ostatio eitiet than in Nese York, fool, more die than in Chioago, and forty- four more die than In London, England, in epite of the darns and congestion to these t:rcat oitiee, should touch the aytnpathiee and etooae the conegiences of Ontario. cities and Ontario cittzene." The commission le satisfied that the rate eau be very materially reduced. It ie a question that must be grappled with at oidae rouge, and should be taken up by the manimantttiet aside from the gener• of milk mealy." itutaiS. Wednesday of lett week John Moi 'fianghey, who has ancseseiully managed t.le Commercial Hotel of thio piaoe for toe tact 3 years, handed over the prem• Isms to his 'brother, Frank McCaughey, who has been a reeident of Blyth for savoral t ,tithe, and who has bought the house; He weight the hotel business is Lockets* to bas hen o0ntldeiable experience. The Mt Canghey family will ant be t etoovina from town in the tneaitttmh brit wilt tate tip tesidett°e on Heatnmeud 8t., intending to lobate ill Clinton, share they have property, Bier. Walter Scott, a fifteen•year•old boy, was stabbed by a Chinaman at Van. ooaver. Avg Stock Stock markets,. Union Stook 'Yards, Toronto, Feb 21. Trade was more than nonally aotive et this market to•dey for Monday market, Thie was probably doe to the fact that one or two et the largest buyers of ex. port cattle were in the market today and doing quite an active begone. The fact that these men have hitherto, usually left their buying for the Tues- day's market when chiefly cattle for export are offering paused the looal butcher buyers to look around and to make ante of nearing .some cattle early' in the week, as it is, lest they should have to go short or pay higher prices later on. The effect of .the sharp trade on primal today was to give everything a decidedly firm tone, butcher cattle in few instances selling at $6. The.foliowing are she quotations: Dear Sir,—In reply to the letter in. serted in this paper last week, I simply with to put before the people of Wing - ham a few sentences that I have copied from the by.law and also from the agreement that Mr. Pringle has with the town. From the bylaw we read "That in consideration of the said aid, it has been. agreed that the said William David Pringle shall erect in the said Town of Wingham a suitable tannery, built of brink, two story in height, and of the dimensions of at least 66 ft. by 50 ft. together with a boiler and coal shed 30 ft. by 36 ft, one atory in height, also to be made of brick, and shall install therein plant and maohinery for the said business." From the agreement we read ;—"That he (Mr. Pringle) will not at any time during the said ten years engage in any business of a nature which will conflict with any firm or company, at present doing business in the said Town of Wingham,", The agreement also clear- ly states the erection of a tannery, and in no place oan I see where glove insua- factnring is mentioned. I will not discuss this matter further, as the by. law, and also the agreement can be seen at any time at the Town Hall, and those interested oan, by reading same, decide for themselves where the injustice comes in. It is quite evident that a number of our ratepayers have never read same. Mr. Beckwith (who wrote the letter) has stated to me that he had not done so, but had written the letter from information given him by Mr. Pringle. Also, I with to state that Mr. Pringle did not own or have any claim on any of the glove sewing machines that I need during the time I mounted the rooms rested from him, and further, to state that during the three years I have been in Wingham I have baked no favors from the town. I am yours respeottnlly, W. H. GURNEY. Wingham, February 21st, 1010. Fireman Fred W. Jay of Strathrby Watt badly hurt by the explosion of a chemical fire extingutehet. Rev. Father Oappe, Who comes item Brantford, ie et present in charge of the Teeewater, Helyrood and liitiersdale parish, Fred, H. Carroll of Carroll, Mn,,eWas palled to hie door and shot by. Lottie Mo. Onlloob, a domestic, formerly employed by his father. The young matt it drngerouely wounded. The immigration into glands for rantiary was A,t#6s, as Compared with 4,097 foe JAntlery of last yeatr, ttn in. °tease of 52 per cent. The totes immb gretion for the tell months otthe present fiscal 'bar Was 186,867, alt Compared With 128,66$ during the sable period 1181 yeetr, an itoret,se 0t 82 to pent. ' This is the trade- mark which is found on every bottle of the genuine Scot's emulsion the standard Cod Liver Oil preparation of the world. Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and old. VOlt SALt tit ALL D10300721% Send 16e., name of paper end ibis ail, for our beautiful Savings tank and 01114 * Sketch•iloolk, leach bink coatafaa 'a Good Luck rens*, S120 W dtt t e e ., Wert,Torr ate, Oah ti Eaportere cattle-- Per 1001be. Choice $5 00 $6 25 MediuM ,.....ss,....,. 5'60 4 75 Belle,,,..,..,..,,,.,.. 4 50 5 80 Light 0 .,.6,'„6,,. Cows ,.-•• 4 QQ 4 60. Feeders—, - best .1000 pounds and up- wards ..,,..6 ...:,, 8 00 a010 Stockers ohoige .,,.,, 8 00 4 00 bulie. ,,, .. 1 50 2 00 Butchers'-- Pioked ,,,,.,,6,,. 6 75 5 861. 4 80 8 50 Aledlutn,,..,.,,,,,,.,,. 50 00. Caws,.., ,,,, „.,..., 8 5 Bulls,,,,.. 4•9,00.2 Zit Rona— Beet. oar-- Lights....,.,,.,,,.,,.. 8 40 Sheep.— Export ewes $ 00 Bucks,.,, 50 Calls,,.,..,...,, 3 50 Spring Lambs eaoh.. 7 25 Calves. each , .... , 3 00 8 76 525 4 00 4 00 775 7 50 walla—lima MA ttersT R'ET'ORTS Wingham, Feb. 23rd, 19t0. Plot r per 100 lbs..„ 2 75 to 3 25 Fall Wheat , ...... 1 08 to 1 08. Oats, 0 37 to 0 87 Barley ,.... .. .. •0 50 Io 0 50 Peas . ..,.,.,., 0 82 to 0 82 Butter dairy ,,,, ,,,...., 0 18 to 0 22 Eggs per doe 0 24 to 0 25 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 dray, per ton.. 12 00 to 18 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 80 to 0 85 Lard, 2Q to 0 20 Live Hogs, Viler cwt.... 8 25 to 8 25 C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE ink** LIFE Insurance ACCIAENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER ..r.OM% • Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. 4• /SCE AL ,�i'lc�i'7//��:CI(J sTWATr-ORD, tONT. Write ns at once for our free catalo- gue and learn the nature of our courses in Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. departments. We have the leading, practical training school in Western Ontario. Courses are thorough. Instructora experienced and we assist graduates to positions. Students ara entering eaoh ween. You should enter NOW. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGRAsI, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen. mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. s ii4;WAY U SND TI 1NK S:YSPEM ONE-WAY COLONIST RATES Vancouver, B. C. Seattle, Wash. , ). $42.75 Portland, Ore. San Francisco Los' Angeles $42.75 Mexico City March 1st to April 15th. Above rates are one-way se- cond class and apply from Wing - ham. Proportionate rates from all station in Ontario. For tickets and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. d The . Sense of Security .against to -morrow should be ample incen- tive to save to -day. Your Savings .Account Solicited. WINGHAM BRANCH 0. P. SMITH - AGENT. •. • • 1 IASK TO SEE OUR NEW SUIT LENGTHS, THEY ARE THE PERFECTION OF GOOD TASTE. • emoupsimummoommompospousumm TiE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE, WINGHAM OUR CLEARING SALE OF MI'T'TS, GLOVES,_ CAPS, "TS etc. MUFFLERS,COATS, BIG BARGAINS IN ALL THESE LINES, 111101111111111$1110111111111101111.001001.18101111$1111111110101111. NEM DON'T SUBSTITUTE Always give your customers what they ask for. "Just as good" or "the same thing" may make one sale at a Targe profit, and at the same time lose the confidence and:trade of a dissatisfied, patron. DON'T SULS1ITtJT E PURE FOODS Prunes, per lb 10e and 15e Dried Peaches, 150 lb or 2 for 25c New Dates, per lb 10e Pressed Figs, per lb. •15e and 20e Finnan Haddie, per lb 12c Boneless Codfish, per ib 10e Canned Peaches, 15e or 2 for 25c. Canned Pears 10c Canned Plums 10e Canned Blue Berries..,,10e Tomato Catsap, bottle 10e Worcester Sauce, bottle 10e Heinz Piekies, sour, quart.. , 25e '" sweet `° 30e CANDIES 45e Cream Dates, 30 Ib, now.... 2 e 30e Fig Squares 20e lb, now.... 15e 23e Fancy Creams 30e lb, now.. 23e 18e Fruit Squares 35c lb, now .. 27e box 5e French Gum Drops 30a lb, for 23e 60e box, now.. 40e 30e " 25e " Candy perKid, Come and see our Premiums for cash customers, given absolutely free. Cranberries now 10 cents per quart. Ask for a MONTHLY STYLE BOOK—FREE Our Clover Seed will be here this week—guaranteed ptire— leave year order now. KERR & BIRD WINGHAM, ONT. Assuneregtemisimommaimmumammisdi Cl •r� CN 41 4s;.. r TeJ' 1 rtes vs 'ci s FEBRUARY CASK SALE Now is your time to get Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, China, Karnak Brass and Cut Glass. 111330167111111111111111111 The finest line of goods that money can buy will be sold at LESS THAN COST This month only—FOR CASH. BIG BARGAINS IN OPTICAL GOODS Repairing correctly done. W. G. Patterson THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR 0,v osite Queen's Hotel W nghant NOM