HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-02-24, Page 1VOL . XNXIX.--' NO. 1985. :HAM TIMES.__ WINGRAM, ONTARIO, TGURSDAY.. FEBRUARY 241 1910. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Pyrog.rapliic OUTFITS AND SUPPLIES 35% 35% 3$% Discomfit for 30 Days Pyrographiq Outfit No. 1. reg. $2 00, sale price., $1.30 Pyrographic Outfit No. 2 reg. $3 00, sale price., , $2.20 Panels, Trays, Boxes, Tie Holders, Frames, etc. Regular $1.25 each, sale price .8 100 •" ' .65 " ,60 +' .33 ,40 " " .26 „ .25 t „ ,. .17 Walton McKibbon THE DRUWD1ST Macdonald Block, Wingham, t 1 FATHER ! MOTHER -! A Business Education is the greatest legacy you can leave your children. We get down to the bed - rock foundation of living business science, and as. sist worthy graduates to the choice positions. Enter any day. Individual instructic•n, .Home study courses in Senior Teachers Matriculation and Commercial subjects. Send for particulars. Affiliated with Commercial. Educators' Association of Can- ada. Easter Term Opens March ' 29. Write for particulars, WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GED, S1'OTTON, Principal 1 Are You Going West? Western Canada passengers appreciate more and more the many advantages afforded them when travelling via the Grand Trnnk Railway service, over double track line almost all the wav to Chicago. Ohotoe of routeo from there west, passing through principal cities of Canada and United States, Good farm. ing land, everywhere in evidence, there. Yore making pleasant what might other- wise be a long, tedione and monotonous trip. Call on any Grand "'Trunk Agent for further particulars, regarding tickets, routes, etc. When man marries he fully intends to be No.1 in the family, but often the per- iod drops out and be lapses into no one. ChrIsIie's Grocery PIIONE b9. 10c Liquid Ammonia 10c SOFTENS WATER. AND LIFTS ni1tT If you'be never used it you are missing something that makes work easy. For wbatever pur- pose you use water. So Likewise can Liquid Ammonia. Per bottle 10e, inommoimiromentaimmilm 3 tins Aylmer Tomatoes or Corn 25e. The Kandy Kid The biggest and best 5e worth of Ws quality on the market. SI1perb eating. It's good Gandy. There's a prize in each padkage. Se per package, Sena along your Tea and Coffee '-ff Orders 0 e Bright, intelligent boy wanted,, to, learn the grocery busllieile. GUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL DESIGNS T. C. GRAHAM 4 SON Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Huron Promot on Examinations. The uniform pr for the public begin on March should notify th the number of classes II, III an ordered in tim teacher's address motion examinations oboola of Huron will 22nd, 1910. Teaehere rinapeotor at once of papers required for IV. These papers if will be sent to the efore Match + •h, TeuNIreand VALIS he beat kind . J. GREER, and at lowest prices. He Plea John Halter, al Waterloo County, Wingham, char under false preten from the Oansdia at Walkerton, p Judge Bartlett, three years in Ki d Guilty. as Otto Webber, of ho was arrested at d with obtaining, es, the sum of $500 Bank of Commerce aded guilty before d was sentenced to aton penitentiary. Dog By A special meeti oil was held on last week with all when By-law No. from running at unless properly three readings an been very little tr carrying out the 1 wearing muzzles. aw Passed. g of the Town Conn. edneeday evening of the mentbere present, 01, prohibiting doge large in Wingham, uzzled, was given passed. There has ble in Wingham in w and all doge are BOY WANTED. — To learn tailoring, apply to R. MAXWELL, The Beilharz The last concert.. Coarse under the sue minter Guild, the era will be given in t the.evening of Mar Mre. Beilharz giv artistic entertainm consists of Impora Readings, Iuatrn Music. Admission seats 35 Dente, Pla bon'a drug store. Entertainers. of the Lygoum ices of the West- eilharz Entertain. e Opera Rona' .n h 916. , and a p :a:.nt and nt. • e program ations, Duolegnee, ental and Vocal 26 cents; reserved of hall at MoKib. Home made bread—Try it, FRANK R. HOWSON, Curling Sco Last week in rep curling between W. ham rinks we mad score. R, Black s from D. L Dineleys 11 to 10, and Mayor rink won from Geo rink by a moos of 1 two Wingham rink assure our Wroxet error was not made wish to be fair. Vf Wroxeter players cc when the return gar e Correction, rting the game of oxeter and Wing - an error in the roxeter rink won s Wingham riuk oy Holmes Wingham Town's Wroxeter to 6, leaving the 10 up. We can r friends that the ntentionally as we e hope to see the e out in the lead e is played. BIG BARGAINS in4Men's ` and Boy'a heavy Robbers, Kant Kraok and gum qualities, in' lace and buckle. The beat and cheapest. • W. J. GREER. Aucti n Sales. Mr, Alex. N. L ehman, lot 32, conces- sion 9, East Wavy nosh will hold an un- reserved auction ale of farm stock and implements on T eaday, March lat, at 1 o'clock p. m, here is a good list of stook and imple ante and everything is to be sold as . Leiebman has rented hie term. John urvie, ailotioneer, Mr. Edward H 'nee, of lot 42, con. 13, East Wawanoeh one mile south of Wingham, havin sold hia farm will held an nnre,ery d Miction sale of farm stook and impl ants on Wednesday, March 2nd,!eo enoing at 1,30 o'clook p. m, John Pu vie, anotioneer, Mr. Wm. 11. Densmore of lots 30 and 31, con. 6, Etat Wawanoah, will hold an unreserved unction sale Of farm stook and implements, an Wednesday, March Oth. Everything is to be sold as the proprietor it giving up farming. John Parris will;be the auctioneer. Reduced One -Way Seeetid Class. Colonist Rias to California, Etush Ooinmbia, Mexico, Oregon, Wash on, eto., via Grand Trunk Minas y stem M' March lbs to April,llith, inoltirive. Fall information from Grand 'Trunk Agents, or address d'. D. McDonald, D. P. A., G. T. Ry., Toronto, Oat. Read Willis 8t Ce,'s adv, on page 8. High School H Oa Friday eveni hockey matob will b ham rink, betwee Sebool team and the Play will oommenoe and there will be shat The teams are very' and an interesting Admission, 25o. and 1 ckey Match. of this week a played iu Wing - the tool High Teeswater ae en. v harp at 8 o'clook, ng after the game. evenly matched, me is expected. o. BOY WANTED.—B boy to learn grocery b1 O HRISTIE, 1111 intelligent nese. J. RENRY Make Ana her Guess. After March let ietowel will have an all night electric 1 ht service. Wing. ham and a few oth of those half light- ed towns should get in the band wagon. Own your own eleo io light plant and make life worth livi g with an all night service. — linoardi e Reporter. Our friend, Mr. Hunt , Is not very well posted when he ala es Wingham as a "half lighted town.' Winghamitea have been enjoying au all-night lighting service for two ye ra. Make another guess. 50 ole. apiece for 10,000 Muskrat skins, also the higheat oath price tor Hides, Skins and Tallow at the Wingham Tannery and. Glove Works. W. D. PRINGLE. Bad Roads in Turnberry. A Tnrnberry oo • eapondent writes to the TIMES as folio s:—"Hat the Turn. berry Council fal .n asleep or have its members gone into ••inter quarters with the bear on the let .f February for six weeke? There is •ot a sideroad open across Turnberry, n hes there been for nearly two months. The Reeve, instead of doing his duty in acing the sideroad opened from his •lace to BIuevate, walked over the ano • banes to the Conn- roil meeting. Fifty y are ago, when the whole of Turnberry could have been bought with little m erty of the ,present better roads than the Council of Turn the roads cannot be person wishing to go to Gienannan, a diet will not have to driv re than the prop- eeve, there were have today, Is erry so poor that paned np,eo that a from Glenfarrow nee of 2e,l, miles, 10 miles?" Death of Turn There passed awe Wednesday of last pioneers of the Tow in the person of An the late Robert Has year. Mre, Hastings health for some mon husband she settled i early days and heipe lands. Some twent retired from the far Wingham, living her Mr. Hastings, when d Lucknow. Mrs. Has byterian in religion deep intermit in Maur her health permitte Hastings, of New Lisk was here for the fune were brongt from L afternoon, lettermen family plot in Win rry Pioneer. in Luoknow on eek, one of the hip of Turnberry Hunter, relict of nge, in her 91st had been in poor a. With her late Tnrnberryin the to olear the bush. years ago they and moved to until the death of oeateemoved to inns was a Pres• ad had taken a work se long as Mr. R. W. and is a son and al, The remains know on Friday being fnade in the am cemetery. Death of ohn Geddes. The early pion era of this section are fast passing awe and this week we re- oord the death of : nether of the .worthy pioneers of Morri: townehip,a in the per- son of John Gedd::, who passed away on Sunday last et the home of hie son -in. law, Mr. Harry Di .. ent, Bluevale road, after an illness tending over some weeks, Mr, Gedde : Was born in Lanark County, his parent having come from She Snaws, Scotia • d. Some fifty five years ago, in oomph : y with twobrOthers, David and William c eddea, who recent* ly passed away, , e came to Morris township ,nand seal: , on the 3rd line, Here he cleared t e land and went through all the ha dahips incident to pioneer life and eisa :d one of the beat farms in the townab p. His wife died some twentyfive y::rs ago and some ten or twelve years + o he left the farm and has Since made a home with his ohildren, Mr. Geddewas a man who had a very large oh, 0 of friends and was alwayr held in hi h esteem in the community, tie had •r years been a member of the Presby :Tian Charoh and wad one of the old, line Liberals in politics. Font ding . term and one son survive, vita Mr:, Samuel Lennox, Detroit; Mre. Ge. Lenten, Calgary; Mrs. Martin Ferro , Oollingwood; Mre, Henry Diluent, Turnberry; David Geddes, Toronto. One son, Win. J. dn Geddes end Dna :lighter, Mrs. Thigh McLean, passed , ay tome years ego, The fnteral . . k place on Tnerday afternoon 10 the Menlo cemetery. A Canadian Club. There is a move bei ; made iu Wing. hamo have° d t a aua is Cab organized -z a 1 t d R in the town, with a Tie to having tome of Canada's leading op akera visit the town and deliver addre sea, This is a move in the right direo on and we hope ton ha sop vvi g m have a lve, np to•date O4nadian Club. $500,00 worth • of swell out glace to choose from at PATTERSON'S jewellery store, Property Tr On Tuesday of tbia Merkley sold his.farra Mr. Ohas, J, Rintoul, nosh, In the deal Mr over Mr, Rintonl's til town and his new three transfer was trade 1 Ritchie & Connie Tht the farm was $6,700 intends moving hia fan he will go to the Wein months, nsfers. week Mr. Ezra n Turnberry to tf East Wawa• Merkley takes oppieg mill in ing outfit. This rough Messrs. price paid for Mr, Markley y to town and or the enmmer RooMs To LE7r.—Eepeoially suitable for dress maker shop. Apply to R. Deaxweete Sunday Night The barn on the;farm o Walker, in East Wawan. pietely destroyed by fl evening. Mr. Immo W farm rented, and the hire ing the chorea on Sunday lantern on a beam while some hay, the lantern fell place was in flames. T cattle were saved, but Mr his fowl, implements, an machine There was a a on the building and cents father and sop will be at It is very unfortunate t stabling a000mmodation the year. ire. Mr. globate eh, was com- e on Sunday Iter had the man, in do. yelling, set a acting down and soon the e home and Walker loot a threshing all insurance to, but both a heavy loss be without this season of RUBBERS! They s.tve y e Saye you money. health. Bay here, ' W. J. GREER. Sudden Death a The relatives and fr lien Powell of Binb Tnrnberry, heard wi sudden death on week, while on a visit ter in St: Thomas. T for tome ten or twol marriage in Turnberr moved to Ashfield tw residing in that to years. Five years a Binbrook. The bere have the sympathy o their sudden afflict took plane at St Tho and was attended b oe town and Mr. Pau berry. St. Thomas. ends of Mrs. Wil- ook, formerly of regret of her dnesday of last with her daugh- e deceased lived years after her , and the family ty•five years ago, ship for twenty o they moved to ed relatives will the community in u. The funeral as on Friday last Mise P. Powell, Powell, ,of Turn: FARM eon SALE, Township of Turn Winghem; good bri barn 44x60 with o good repair. Term to R VANSTONE, Wingham A rink of Tee Tuesday afternoo Wingham and pl games with looal ri score was as folio Teeawater F. Ballagh John McDonald Hugh McDonald J. Farquharaon,ak In the evening rink won from the Teeawater F. Ballagh John McDonald Hugh McDonald J. li`argtlbsrson,sk 100 sores in the eery, 4 miles from k hottee and frame moat stable, all in reasonable. Apply ngham. criers Win. water curlers epent and evening in yed two friendly ka. The afternoon s:— Wingham 0. Mitchell J. T. Scott D. Fortune F. Paterson, ek.12 another Wingham isitors as follows: Wingham 0, Kneohte' E. Armour G. E. Manners J. W. Pearen,ek 9 Board of T On Tneeday eve Iargely attended of Ttade was held ber. The Preside opening remark, work he had perao to induce men wh to the Iodation of; i a revival of Credo Wingham should ' let all the good thi towns while we peaoefnlly. Th enthnsiaetio and reed to deal with tars and report at Tuesday evening, Every citizen whe with the interests eordiatlyy invited. ade Meeting. ing of this week, a eting of the Board n the Council Chem - t, R. Clegg, in his briefly outlined the ally done in striving were prospecting as dietatries. Now that d set in he thought et busy" and not go go to wide-awake ontinne to slumber meeting was very ommittees were for• any important mat - he beat meeting, on arch 1st, ht 8 o'elook, er or nota member, the h wn at heart, is Kingys for all Inds Choice seeds-• Alsike and L Berne Clover*, TIM. othy, etc MAITLAND PRESBYTERY. A special meati tery was held in Mee A hearty and presented from Vic to, in favor of Rev, of Lnckno Stro Lucknow. Toronto and Lnoknc against the tranoleti respectively, Mr. 1 accept the call and granted. A very hearty t from St. Paul's 01 favor of Rey. W, l.{luevale, was pres Webster, of Anaaet up by a strong depu The Eluevaie and strongly urged to West's remaining i they haying added Mr. West left the o the Presbytery agreed that he set Bluevale oharge. An unenimoua J. S. Hardy, of L' field congregation Hardie, acoompau guarantee of $1,0 10 acre glebe. Th place on March 2u Kinlough, Bery extended a heart Matheaoe, offeri manse and glebe. take plane at Kinl 2 P. m. of Maitland Preeby- inghem on the 17tb nantmout pall was oria Church, Toroa- D T. L. MoKerroll, g deputations from w, pleaded for and a of Mr. MoKerroll oEerroll deoide.1 to is translation was nd unanimous call �uroh, Darluke, in . West, M. A„ of nted by Rev. Mr, , who was backed tion from Carluke. Bodies deputation necessity of Mr. his present charge, $100 to the stipend. 11 to be decided by Mott unanimously tad rerciain in the 11 in favor of Rev. towel, by the Ash• as accepted by Mr. ing the call was a 0 salary and use of induction is to take et 2 p. m. and Riverdale have nail to Rev. Peter $1,000 and use of The induction is to ugh on March 3rd at W. J. WEST, clerk. Undergr Representative Railway were in this week with r ground subway crossing, Myor these gentlemen better proteotion crossing, The muted to visit Wi and take measure subway .could be and Subway. of the Grand Trunk own on Tuesday of erence to the under - the Josephine street olmes pointed out to e nee:malty of having on our front street representativee pro. gham in early spring ants so that cost of oared out. CLEARING S,tLE—Men's Rubbers, 65 oents; Women's Rubbers, 45 cents e pair. W. J. GREER Life of Abr ham Lincoln. Mr, Geo. Spotto of town attended the annual tea me ting 10 the Vader. wood Presbyterian Church and deliver- ed an address, Th Kincardine Report- er in reporting says: - "Mr. Spotton's address on the "Li e of Abraham Lin- coln" was excellen,•and the entire aim seethed to be to poi • t out that nothing was impossible to t • e young man on the farm if he fled the .luck and endurance to persevere. Mr, Spotter' is en enter. taining talker wit• a fund of anoodote and bright material, fall of interest Ile held his heare closely throughout his exceIIent addre 5.,, 5,000 Facts The pnbiio will now 1910 Edition booklet " 6000 F compiled by Fra cage and Lectures known. The po Wien is shown by copies, not only 1 the Empire, and i 1910 Edition cont of new matter, agriculture, minin wage, wheat gro ions, eto,, while budget of Empir to, revelation of th of the Dominion, cents a Dopy by Publishing Co., Toronto, Craned Newadealers. About Canada. warmly welcome the f that indispensable eta About Canada," k Yeigh, whose writ - Canada are widely Warily of the pnbiio. to sale of nearly 60,000 Canada, but through deed the world. The ins a large percentage oder such heads es— , banking, trade, rail - ng, education, relie- s new feature is a Fanta. The book is riches and resources It is published at 25 he Canadian Foots 667 Spadina Ave„ or may be had from Accidents Industrial awl individual work p the month of Jan ed to the deparme 87 wets fatal, and Wailes. In additi was reported nein to the beginning of tion not having be deparinent before J The disasters of more than one fatal ment and nook of Railway train at 5 Webbwood Ont., over 40 lives, amo railway employes travelers, and the bear Port Milford Of a tree. uring January. Sala occurring to 227 ople in Oanada during ary, 1910 were report. t of labor. Of these, 84 remitted in teridne n, one fatal accident ing taken plane prior he month, informs- n received by the unary, 1910. he month involving ty, were the derail - e Cianedian Pe ifio apish River, near volving the loss of g Whines were five fid two uomineroial illing of two loggers dnt,, by the falling Xing's for all kinds Choke Seeds— Alsilie and LtiCerne Clover* TIs- othy, eta. HIGH: S Qct- NOTES, By H. Reporter, The High Soho 1 students have decid- ed to hold .a oern vel on the school. rink, Friday night, Me oh the fourth, Prima ill wbaa awarded dad i as the best fancy, oomio, CAnadian National (Canadian excluded), and a =o for winning in var. ions ratios. T • ese competitions are open only to stu ants, who are at pres- ent attending t ' e High Sohool. After the judging le o er lunch will be served in our apaoio • : amenably hall. The members of the ; igh school Board, their wives and all : x•students are cordially invited to be p (sent. Several Hig. School boys visited the neighboring to , u of Teeswater last Fri. day for the p rpoee of indulging in a friendly game f hookey. Sad to relate our boys met ' ith defeat, the score be- ing 5-1 in fa • or of Teeswater. The line-np was as 'ollows: Wingham—Mo- Ewen, Wilson F. McLean, 0. McLean, Lloyd, Moffatt Gallagher, Teeswater--- Keith, Frame , Holmes, Malloagh, Friendship, F: guson, Arsoott. Mies Este oung's latest novel is entitled, "My 'int Ride in as Air Ship." In thio intone: y interesting story Miss Young tells h. w she left Vanoonver one brightmornin: , and after visiting china, London, Paris New York, Ruffalo and Toronto, seri d in Wingham about midnight—ma: tog the entire Hight in about sixteen ours. It is with ex reme sorrow we have this week, to rel: to the indisposition of several Form II scholars. We hope such will not b : the case in Form III on Wednesday, a -en an Oriental History examination is n the time table; though several have no as yet recovered irom the Algebra ex. Monday, February the twenty first A return ge.'e of hockey between Teeswater and ", H. S. will be played on the town rin :., Friday evening, Feb- ruary the twent • -fifth. The game will be called at eig + t o'clock sharp, and there will be an +oar's skating after the game. Everyb.dy come and cheer W. H S. boys t• victory. WINGH Lucknow and Defeated Two inter Northern . L played durin wbioh Wing out victorion Last Thais met on home the visitors. well -played there was n result, The favor of Wing 10 —6, the loo W. Hearn, Str the line-up wa Laoknow McQuaid , .... Keith McDonald ... , Horn Roberts Batley Johnston ALL THE WAY Listowel Hockey Teams by the Local Seven. ting and well contested Rue hockey games were the past week, in both of am team figured, and•eame ay evening the locals were e,the Lucknow team being The game was feat and rom start to finish, but er any doubt as to the if -time score was 6 —2 in am, and the game ended e being still iu the lead tford, was referee, and as folio ws:— Winghatn goal ...D. McGillivray .point., .Rose .Dover, . .J McGillivray On Tuesday e Wingham team 100 supporters went to Liatow played a feet an with the team o a sabre of 8 to 4. riston at elle la (Friday) evening, that game will tie for the champion .rover Johnston centre .Merlete left wing McLean right wing Elliott ening of this week the accompanied by about nd the Citizens' Band, by special train, and somewhat rough game that town, winning by Wingham playa Hata er place, tomorrow and the winning of them with Mt Forest ip of the league. Golden Busin ss Opportunities. The Grand Tr • tilt Rahway System has recently inane an attractive booklet on the "Golden 1: redness Opportnnitiea fn Canada." dealt g more particularly with the edvantag:s offered in the West ern Provinoeg t0 he man or woman with limited oe. tal but unlimited ambitions. The i, formation continued in the pamphlet ha: been obtained from the records of the Dominion and Ptovin- Dial Governments and other reliable sources, and may therefore be accepted as aeonrate. The 'construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific is opening np e vast new country, nd those who grasp the golden opportn ity first are the ones Who in all probab lity will reap the greatest benefit and tis to the ambitious and progressive wh desire to make their mark in the world hat the liamphlet is addressed. A god reap of Canada is also given ehowi g the Grand Trunk lines ind the Gr d Trunk Pebble. --Mrs. Chas, It E. . Ra#ser, f+ end who was w Our readers, pee in Oergillt On fin �sling, a sister of Mrs. Wetly of Wingham, I1'kn of Own t0 ninny d away- et her home day labs, ERIN G t, BRACH, The deerat Q he mo nka i n can bout 1111 for a mate; Through tempest , ' d storm he baffles with fate; But my mother she scolds ate lunlbelle1 oomplan That I'm wand tg my sin. The eons of proud the knave, Heli ne'er want be slave, Bat a fig for your cords and a' They're not to ve Go Bragh, wife and a house of Albion may bow to master who likes to uresters, yotir land- liking, geoth Erin I'll serve my old •:other whene'er she's in need, But I want to pr .ide at nay ain table head; Should a Turk e'er invade her, in gospel or law, He'll taste, the bla•ktborn o' Erin Go Bragh. When the Lords t old Loudon hold Donnybrook Fe You may bet your o • brogans that Pat will he there, I'll respect Whig . •d Tory, Dfsjesty and a' But I'll trine my s• lialab, quoth Erin Go Bragh. The Lords they m sr strive to rule the whole state, The Oommous may ' ght to humble the Great. The mother way end el ber poor ragged wean, But I'll fight for a w• e and a house o' my ain, I mourn the sad fate .f my dear native isle, For ages the realm o pleader end spoil; While a sprig of bla kthoru blooms on her green Shaw I'll wield my shillala h, quorh Ertn Go Bragh, Wingham, Feb'y, 19 t R. A G. Ritchie & Cosens Have moved to their new office first door north of post office Watch this .space in the TIMES every week for Real Estate bar- gains, Business Chances, etc. If you want any information on Insurance u ace of any kind call and see us. HOUSE HUNGER Before two months there till not be an empty house in Wing - ham. We have more enquiries for houses this spring than ever before. Get busy yon men with money and buy or build, and make from 8 to 10 pee cent in- stead of letting your cash rust in the Banks. We have the choicest assort- ment of building lots ever offered in Wingham for sale at light Ritchie 86 Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE chhoohmoto THE WAVE OF FASHION iPIRESS The name that stands highest' as representing the last touch of distinction in Canadian women's shoes is "Empress." Faultless in Style, Fit and Comfort. Thousands are wearing them to -day. Are you ? We are the "Empress" W. J GREER