HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-02-17, Page 8',MS 1VMM4M IM S, F113RIJAIi,Y 17, . r1, MINOR LOCALS. ` SHORTHORN CATTLE. -An exchange truly lays t-"Advtir- tieing ie to business whet ateatn is to su, engine," -Awing to shone() from borne Mrs. A, '. Malcolm will not receive to• day (Tharoday,) -Toung men Are wanted at the Wes. tern Foundry tolearn moulding, See advt. in another column, -The regular- monthly meeting,' of Camp Caledonia, Sons of SoWtlaled will', ,) be held next Monday evening, -Alva McLean, aged 21 years, of Hensel', oemmitted suicide at Ottawa on Monday by shooting himself. Fox twenty-four years Vapo-Cresolene hue been extensively used for all forms of throat and bronchial troubles, All Druggists. Wingham and Luoknow hockey players will playa league game in the Wingham rink this (Thursday) even- ing. -Cameron Geddes, well known to a number of our readers, has taken a position with the Bauk of Hamilton at I,noknow, -.Messrs. Wm. Patterson, Jae. B Hoover and Adam Hays have been ap• pointed ae License Commissioners for Centre Huron. -A special meeting of the Town Council was held last night to pass a by-law to compel the muzzling of all doge in the town. -Mr. Walter Rose, of Teeswater and tormerly of Wingham, is able to be around again after a four weeks' illness with pneumonia and pleurisy. -Thos. Campbell, a well•known Citi• zen of Goderich, died there on Saturday at the age of 81 years. He was one of the oldest pioneers living of the Town- ship of Colborne. -Speaking of Mr. Putland, the new proprietor of the Brunswick hotel, the -Kincardine Reporter says: -"Mr. Put - land is an excellent hotelman and will make a first-otass citizen of Wingham. He bas ever been noted for keeping a good house and living up to the law." (Eincardine Reporter ) Mr, Matthew Welsh, one of Hnroa's most prominent farmers, baa recently purchased from R, ii, Reid de Sons, Pine River, a very promising young shorthorn boli, and from the feat that Mr. Welsh's old hull, whish be le stow fitting for beef, was also bought from. Mr. Reid, it would appear that their bulls mast be giving satisfaction, A. representative of the Reporter visited Clover Lea Stock Farm recently and had a look over their cattle and we would say it yon are in need of a young bull or heifer, or are interested in goad stook you should see this herd, you will. not only be well used, but will be will repaf(t for any effort yon may putforth to ge there. Besides the breeding oows which aro looking exceptionally well, notwithstanding the fact that they are all nursing calves, in the numerous box stalls are found about a dozen young balls and bull calves, and also several heifer calvee comprising this and last year's stook of salves, and it would seem to ns anything in the lot, if fitted, wo make a show animal- Mr, Reid ' for, med us that although they w : • ld not get ready for a sale this • ter, those young bulls would •: sol privately, at reasonable prime terms to suit anyone. They ha : also added to their herd a young bull, imported from Soot. land, whioh is considered by good judges, the makings of the greatest stock bull they have ever owned, even surpassing the great Golden Cross, their former stock bull. Oonsidering the high prices that are being paid for good cattle, and also the faot that prospects are for even higher prioes in the near future, it seems to ns that every farmer should improve his cattle by breeding to the best bull obtainable. Russel Reid hes certainly done mush for Huron and surrounding townships in the way of introducing well bred cattle. -At Goderich on Saturday, two by- laws to grant a fixed assessment of $500,000 for ten years to each of the Western Canada Flour Mills Company and the Goderich Elevator Company were voted on. Both by-laws oarried. The elevator by-law earned by 083 for, and 46 against. The by-laws called for one-third of the possible votes, about 580. -By the Toronto World of Feb. 10th, • we notice that Mies Catharine Hazle- wood, of Wroxeter, pupil of Miss Spar - ling, A. T. C. M., has passed with honors, taking second place on the list, in Junior Counterpoint, Harmony and History, at the Toronto Conservatory Of Music. From the same paper we learn that Mies Gretta Kennedy has passed with first-class honors in the primary grade in rudiments. ' -Oddfellows throughout Ontario are considerably interested in a circular that was recently issued by the grand sire of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, decreeing that any member of the Odd, fellows' order who belongs to the Oriental lodges, or participates in their meetings, will be expelled, and any lodge giving the use of their rooms to Orientals to hold meetings are liable to have their obartere oanoelled. A MOTHER'S PRAISE FOR BABY'S OWN TABLETS There are thousands of .• others throughout Canada who hay= no hesi- tation in saying that the ood health enjoyed by their little o es is entirely due to the judicious ns: of Baby's Own Tablets. And there + e many mothers who do not hesit t: to say that at a critical period Ba ,y's Own Tablets have saved s baby's life. Such a medicine should always be kept in every home. Mrs. J. A. Pories, Paauetville N. B., says: -"We give Baby's Own Tablets all the credit for keeping our little one well. They are an excellent medicine for children." Sold by medicine. deal. ere or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, 'Williams' Medicine Co,, Brook- ville, Out. PERSONAL. A Great Treat. Ralph Connor's new story "The For- eigner" has been bought by the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal end publication will begin i• wo or three weeks. Ralph Con • .r's former stories "The Doctor," "T.: Prospector," "The Man from Glengry," and others have made h .. f... one as a story writer, and"'Th: F.reigner" is regard- ed by many as la seat. It is a thrilling story of the Canadian West. It is said that the price was the biggest by far ever paid for a serial story, It will be a great treat to readers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star and those who become subscribers to that great week- ly during the next two weeks will be in time for the opening chapter. The beautiful picture, "The Soul's Awakening" is still offered as -a prem- ium. The combination is the biggest dollar's worth in the market to•day, Miss Delia Sperling is visiting in To- ronto for a few dee a, Miss Bestilo B. Stapleton left Monday last for London millinery openings. Mr. and Mise, A.J. Malcolm are spend. ing a conplo of days at their old home near Mitchell, Mise Notta Simpson left this week for M{o, Mich., to reside with her aunt, Mrs. T. 3. Watt. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gibson, of Wolseley, Saskx., were visiting with "Wingham friends this week. Miss Ruby:Jones, who has for some time been a number of the TisteS staff, left on Tuesdays for ho home in Guelph, Mr. r. McConnell visited in Toronto for over Sunday with his brother•in•laW, Ddr+ pat O'llonke, who has been seri, °ugly ill.. Mian A. Caroline Macdonald, national secretary of the Young Women's Ohrle- tian Association in tapan, is visiting . With her patents, Dr. and Mre. Mfodon. aid, at tendert, prior ter leaving for . tlerinanyfi where she e will attend tent' the 'World's Oongention, which oommeneee In May. Mr. William Mackenzie announced at Montreal that the Canadian Northern would build five or six hundred miles of railway in the west this year. Wanted! YOUNG MEN TO LEARN THE MOULDING. LEn7ET.-In Win ahem, on February 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lediet; a son. ROBERTSON -In East Wawanosh, on Feb- ruary 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Robertson; 8 son+ DA/". -On the 10th concession, Hewick, on Feb. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Day; a daughter. hiltitRIED bor`E-MoCnen.-In Brussels, on Feb. 9th, by Rev. E. G. Powell, Mr. Chas. B. Bone, of Scott, Sask., to Miss Florence B., daughter of Mr. Jonn MoCush, of Grey township, Good wages from start ; under competent instructor. A splendid opportunity for young 'nen to learn a trade. Apply to W. D. VAREY, Superintendent of WESTERN FOUNDRY, Wingham, Ont: SEED BARLEY FO ' ALE DIED WATsoy.--In Wingham, on February 14th, James Watson, in his 73rd year. Oxa.--In Culross, on February 10th, Orville Orr, formerly of Wingham, in his 27th year. Lia, -In Turnberry, on February 14th, Mary Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John Little, aged 08 years. RorsroN,-At the home of her husband, on lot 1, concession 5, Howick, on Feb, 2, .Abigail A, Hayes beloved wife of James Rolston, aged 80 years. WALKER. -At the home of her husband on sideroad south of Gorrie, on Feb. 8, Jane Ruth Armstrong, belived wife of Robert Wacker, PIITLANW -In Wroxeter, on Feb. 8, 1910, Thomas L.1'utlaud, in his 57th year. MT Mtn -In Culross, on February 88th, Gavin Miller, aged 89 years and 8 months. Moss.-ln West Wawanosh, on February Oth, John Moss, aged 00 years and 0 months. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned h s for :: le at his premises, lot 4, concession 8 • rr a quantity of 0. A. C. No. 21 Barley wl will be sold at 80 cents per bushel, Prof. vitzsays this great barley is destined to become generally grown. It has yielded eight bushels per Bore more than Man. dscheuri. JOHN COIJLTE8, Belgrave P. 0, YOUNG SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. We have 11, Young Bulls and Ball Calves for sale; some from imported sero and dam. Among those are some high. olass animals, and not an inferior one in the lot. The dame of a number of them are heavy milkers. Owing to the fast that we are not of- fering any Heifers, we are not having our annual sale this year; consequently we are offering these Young Bulls for private sale at reasonable prioes ; terms to snit anyone. Come and see them, or write for whet you want. Visitors met at Ripley. R H, REID & SONS, Pine River, Ont. STALLIO FOR SALE. The undersign pure-bred Olyd Jimmie, No. 521 black, near hind hind foot, and i weighs 2000 1 getter. Royal Conqueror (im Ethel Armetr national (imp. ) Nelly imp. [9 (4490), 3rd dam (7353), by Don Jean (1593), by person wishing animal will do He has made f and hie stook is Florae can be see Geo, Bryce, lot 1 The undersigned offers for sale his farm north half lots 30 and 31, emcee - dee 6, East Wawanoah, containing 86,14 acres. On the premises are a good barn with stone :stapling, geed frame house, good supply of water; 1% miles from sohnoi house; BM miles from post office. For lull pnrtionlars apply on the premises or adareas 'WM, DENSMORE, Westfield, Ont. d offers for sale the (edale stallion, "Royal ," He is a geed jet eg white, spot on off rising seven years old, and is a sure foal immie's sire was Royal .) [2542] (9386), dam, ng (2229) by Inter - 14231 (6853) 2nd dam, 3 by Laird of Bute Maggie of Hallborns aster (238), 4th dam angs Jack (444). Any to purchase a good 11 to see this horse. nr suocessfnl seasons rning out extra good. at the farm of Mr. , con 12, Turnberry, ART. KEEFER, Teeswater, Oat. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice it herCbygiv n pnrstitnit t +S.0. 1807, Chau 120, fief. 88, that sill (i ils Rabin elalma against the estate of nr Rintoul. late of the ToWnthits of Hint , s in the County of Bruce, 'Zeeman, deceas , who died on or about the tenth dap of J nary, A. D. I010, are re aired toeend b tis peeved or to deliver to R. vanatone, Si ter for the Exeeutors, on t h day of March, A. D.1910, their names 5ddr ages and deseri tion a full etateinent of particular's of ptheir claims and the nature of tae eeaurity (if any) Bold by dayntheExenut0re .vllI proctedito distributee the asitetti of the deeearied among the! £imrtiea entitled eiim9 of Which li helt teregard nods o the. Dated this 14th day of February. A. D. 1010 11. VANSTONE, Wingham le O., Solicitor for the > xeoutdri, r• WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP aINQ'S FOR RARO4INS W R WA'TT' TOUR TRADA. KING'S Wirigharres Fur House great Clearing Sale OF Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Cloth Coats, Neck Furs,' etc. '� e In order to make room for the New Spring Goods p�. which are arriving daily, we are sacrificing all our Winter Goods at prices that will interest you General repair work on auMmobiles, bioyolee, boilers, engines etc. Baby carriages and go•oarts re -tired. Wood Turning- Whiffletrees, neck - yokes, kanthook handles eta. Farmers have you seen our Combina- tion Stock Rack. Something new, strong and handy. Agency for steam and gasoline engines. Auction Sales given prompt attention. W. A. CURRIE PROPRIETOR. Royal Groc4. ery + TRY Malcalrm': 4. 4. + 4+ sti + With your next 4. order for , , + I woot R 1 ES i You will always find them fresh St the best +, Don't forget that our 1 Teas and Coffees lead. .121 515 BREAD 1 ViellY /AY . J. Malcolm Phone 54, Produce Wanted, 6 only Isabella Fox 6 only Ladies' Fur- 25 pieces Dress Muffs to clear at Lined Coats, 25 Goods, reg. 1.00 each 6.90 per cent off, and 1,25 for... 50c 3 only Sable Muffs, 4 regular 15.00 for ' .. 10.00 1 only Sable Muff, 6 regular 2500 for . . 18.00 only Men's Fur. Lined Coats, reg. 45,00 for.. , , 32.50 10 pairs white wool Blankets to clear at ' 3,15 pair only Men's Beaver Coats,quilted with fur collars for 16,50 10 dozen Ladies' Vests, regular 35o for 23c ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED. i GOOD GOODS G. E. KING.1 CHEAP PRI(�Es • • • • D. M. GORDON'S . • • • • • Store News This Week • • • • Our customers and the public in general are cordially invited to some to our • store and share in the great • • • • • ••••••••••••'•••••••••••••• •• • • ••• • • • • • • s • • s • • • • • • •• • • • • • • Cost Sale of all hinter Goods Of every kind now being sold positively at cost. This Great Sale includes everything in Furs, Ladies' Cloth Coats, 11Ien's Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Rubbers, Overshoes (all sizes, new and best quality), Blankets (of fine quality -will give pleasure as well as comfort to the users), heavy Bose and Sox, and every article in stock that can be classed as Winter Goods will be sold on the above terms. ..:r • • • ••• • • • •• 4. • ••e • V •• Come right along and take a share of our Great Bargains... w • •• - WE PAY BEST PRICES POR TRADE, • • M..GORDON.I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••041•04,41.•••4441••••:•••••••041•04,41.•••4441••••041•04,41.•••4441041•04,4041•04,41.•••4441••••:••••••••41.•• 4944++4+++4*+++.444+++++++ •♦44••••44•.•44+4++0++•+++ • •es' Cloth lYlusto Emporium 4 D. BELL, the Great MUSIC and PIANO DEALER Z ••4 • 4 + • We handle the very best Pianos from the celebrated niakore of the day. They are bought outright by me, "which means a saving to parties purchasing a Piano here. Each one is Made in keening with the grade of the instrn- Mont. Any one of our Pianos is en ornament in any home; The " notion " of 'a piano is a veryvital part -- it does the , player's bidding. Each of our Pianos is fitted with the latest patent Noiseless Pedals. The Tone is the most important consideration when selecting e Plano. Otir instruments ale guaranteed to possess a Tone full, round and powerittl4 at the same time sweet and taloa. ions, 'When purchasing a Piano be sore you °ail on D. BELL , The 1Ius c Man • W. • Opposite Skating Rink O15$, A FEW WORDS ABOUT RUBBERS 46* The Rubbers which we are selling at such exceedingly lo w p r i c e s are STRICTLY NEW GOODS every pair having been bought by us since the new year. Not only are they new goods, but every pair is GUARANTEED PERFECT. ..x True, they are not the best made, but they are fully equal to average Rubbers. LADIES ! ! Your• attention is directed to our adv. in the "Advance," referring to four lines of Shoes of Exceptional ' Value WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for for Ladies. SHOE1 Sole Agents for the "Astoria " Shoes for Men. vvvvrevvvrani,vvvv„„, v,,v,„m,rw vgyre►!Y_Y.r1®i'mormr�l.„,„, ' . I col All lines Men's Fur and Cloth Overcoats to go at cost. All Underwear -Ladies', Children's, Men's and -at reduced prices. ►, 'Also balance of Rubbers, all kinds, to go at cost. Wool Blankets, Wool Sheeting and Comforters. No. I Sugar, $5,00 per cwt., cash. Clearingof Winter Goodsj: r ppiti Boys' . 4 NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. Those Who Toil Earnestly and With Success Will be satisfied only with the best over haul that can be manufactured LEATHER LABEL OVERHAULS are high-grade, union made and :he best that honest effort and thetechnical knowledge Of how to build American Style Work Clothes CAN PRODUCE We, the agents for this vicinity, have just received a new lot and respectfully aslc the worthy men who toil to let us prove to you that Leather Label overhauls and JaclOtb are Stant* kind, These are double stitched throughout, big and geacrous'(it fakes from 42 to 44 yards to make a dozen), have seven pock. els Imported o buckles and buttons p b u c that won't come off, elastic detachable sus. penders, etc., etc, 'WE AR* Tilt AAIIN1S ALL I4110S OF rRdDlicE WA1QTI D. T. A MILLS PE3-ONE 89. WING: AK, ONT.