HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-02-17, Page 6KERNELS FROM THE SLC1UM. MILL
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
t The under dog gets lots of sympathy I
•--and thates about
The world is fu11 of tainted money,
but few mind the odor.
A, arrived to women.
What most womeu require to make
them strop;; and healthy, and to restore
good cnu pitxion end a well rounded
form is more blood, more rich; red
blood. such ns ie added to the system by
the nee of Dr Chase's Nerve Food.
$eedaohe, indit'estion and the weak -
setoff' and irregularities which a000m-
pany txheneted nt•rvcs soon disappear
when thte greet rettoeetive treatment is
Another thing the automobile lecke ie
horse sense.
Working for others is the best way of
working for youreelf.
To keep the pot boiling it isn't woes -
nary to have money to burn.
Cold storage seems to be useful in
keeping everything except low prices,
Da Chase's Oint
mentis a certain
and guaranteed
curator each and
every f or m of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and as
amiers Januaxsox. BATES & Co„ Toronto.
Planed in the water, an egg, if fresh,
will remain resting at the bottom ,of the
When you have made your fortune
it is time enough to think abont spend-
ing it.
_ While it is often imprleeibre to prevent
an accident. it is never irepessible to be
prepared—it is not beyond any one's
purse, Invest 25 vents in a bottle of
Chamberlain's Liniment and yon are
prepared for eprenls, breisss and like
injuries. Sold by all dealers
It's almost as easy for some men to
keep a promise as it is for a woman to
keep a secret.
Henry Schwartz, a well to-do Galic-
ian, shot h.s wife at Wiunipeg and then
committed Bui3ide,
Children Cry
The printers' strike at Peterboro' is
settled, the men receiving an inorease of
two dollars a week.
With sufficient fuel oil to send her
across the ocean, the Italian warship
Sterope has sailed for Italy.
An attack of the grip is often followed
by a persistent cough, which to many
proves a great annoyance. Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy has been exten-
sively used and with good success for
the relief and cure of this Dough. Many
cases have been cured after all other
remedies had failed. Sold by all
After a man has paid out $6 for mnsic
lessons ho thinks his daughter is com-
petent to play for company,
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," of which 2,-
000,000 copies were sold in ten years,
comes next to the Bible in clreniation.
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals
the throat and lungs. - - 25 emits.
A olergymen out west was fined $10
and costs for having purohased on Sun.
day a bottle of ale which he used in the
pulpit to illustrate how the law could be
Little Liver Pillstl
?Belot gear Signature ot+,
See lfc aslm0:e Wrapper Below.
Ver ,Uta]% anti es curl'
'to take as sngace
.!1�0 I STIP TI ON G N A 0
pip:T l�l'f
"1ler*�Nytik4 eAVY MA',u.
eget? tatabl {!.
A pretty face has lured many a man
up against the rock of the oredle.
The men who point .the road to enc•
gess are generally those who have failed.
The woman who tells everything
she hears generally adds a little bit
Trouble ie the most thorough
teacher in the whole school of ex•
Married men who neglect their wives
for the sake ot having a good time
should be made to do time.
A few minutes delay in treating some
oases of oronp, even thelength of time
it takes to go for a doctor often prove,
dangerous, The safest way is to keep
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the
house, and at the first indication of swoop
give the child a dose. Pleasant to take
and always oures. Sold by all dealers
Mr. Charters introduced a bill into
the Legislature providing for Provincial
control of all telephone companies. .
Aa Galt bas abanaoned the annual
horse show, Brantford will make an
attempt to aeoure it as an annual fix-
The New England Thanksgiving
dates from 1633, when the Massachu-
setts Bay colony set apart a day for
Than{= -giving.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A school girl, nine years of age, was
killed at Oirkelbach, Austria, by the
blackboard suddenly falling on her
while she was doing a sum.
Many, even poor Chinese, it is said
spend from 20 to 2.5 per gent. of inoome
in idol worship, pratitioally eats away
their capital.
Don't throw away the half butned
pieces of your Christmas candles. Tie
them up in small squares of thin cloth
and nee as an ironing wax. They are
Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse
the preacription of one of the best fe-
male physicians and nurses in the
United States,and has been used for fifty
years with never -failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind colic. By giving health to the
obild, it rests the mother. Twenty-five
gents a bottle.
Before using new enamelled cooking
utensils grease them inside with butter.
This prevents the enamel from cracking
and chipping gniokiy,
A monument recently was erected in
Nuremberg, Germany, to the memory
of Peter Bullion, wbn first substituted
springs for weights in the clock, and
made the watoh possible.
It troubled with indigestion, consti-
pation, no appetite or feel bilious, give
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-
lets a trial and you will be pleased with
the result. .These tablets invigorate the
stomach and liver and strengthen the
digestion. Sold by all dealers. -
The "cities in the United States pay
their police $12,000,000 a month. This
ie $144,000,000 a year, and something
like $400,000 a day.
The body of Robert J. Brown, the
Ottawa teacher, who disappeared some
time ago, has been found on the shore
of Okanagan Lake, B. 0.
When ladies go to buy a dress in
Japan they tell the shopkeeper their
age and if they are married or not, be-
canse there are special designs for the
tingle and double relations of life as
well as for age,
Children Cry
Rev. Dr. Chambers, jailer, says that
at Boon as a young man is receiving
$ 700 a year he should get married. That
it all very well es an opinion from an
it wherey
ntti ration board is only eleven
and a holt cents per day.
A aohool teacher havinginetrnotedja
pupil to purohaee a grammar, the next
day received a note thus worded from
the child's mother: "1 do not desire for
Lulu shall Ingego in grammar, as I pre•
ter her Engage in yneefni etediee and can
o to spoke and write 0
learn her how p p
peri, myself. 1 have gone throngli two
grammage and can tali as) they did me
no good, 1 prefer herr hagage in Ger.
man and drawing dud rooal murio •en
the piano."
Tui W"4N1i.1;tA M TIMk,S, ` URiTARY 171 IOU)
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Cgurses
Cntaireeee Free .
J. W. Westervelt, J. W, Westervelt, Jr., G.A.,
l'rincilel, Vice -Principe].
Counting ohtokepe before Ellet' are
hatohed is never played with fresh egg@
et present prices.
Do you know that oronp oan be pre-
vented? alive Obamberlein'e Cough
Remedy as soon as the child bermes
hoarse or even after the croupy dough
appears and it will prevent tate attuok
It is biro a oertatn ewe for group end
ha@ never e er been known to fat]. Sold by
all dealers.
One of the newest automobile tires,
a Pennsylvanian's invention, ooneists
of a number ot rubber bluoke to be
mounted in ie steel channel and revers-
ible, so that a new surface oan replaoe a
worn one,
One of the latest ideas for killing rats
is a trap into which the animal walks,
attracted by an electric light and a die•
play of food. Once in he cannot get out
and an eleotrio current kills him in 10
or 60 seconds.
(Pia lwAva7 iympO Mia
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
The total length of railway under
construction or immediately projeoted
in India is 3,222 miles, of which about
one third is by the British Govern.
meet and the rest by private com-
panies, The estimated cost is over
Cure for whooping Cough.
Mrs) Wm. Bali, Braoebridge, Out ,
writes: "My three boys had whooping
cough and we could get nothing to help
them until we used Dr. Chase's Syrup
of Linseed and Turpentine. It arrested
the conghe at once and they were oared
at the Dost of one dollar. This was not
a large bill for so dangerous an ail-
In the rich pastoral oountry along the
Daly and Adelaide Rivers in the north
of Western Australia there are estimat-
ed to be 60,000 head of wild buffaloes,
descendants of seven animals—six cows
and a bull.
According to a Java neweparer, exten-
sive opium smuggling occurs between
Celebes and Port Bavangani, The
worst side of the business •is that 'the
smugglers combine their•traffio in opium
with what is known in Europe as the
"white slave tied,."
Various nations have different days
of the week for the public celebration
of religious services. Sunday is the -
day of the Christians, Monday of the
Greeks, Tueeday of the Persians, Wed-
nesday of the Assyrians, Thursday of
the Egyptians, Friday of the Turks and
Saturday of the Jews.
No man tpleaeea everybody. If he
does he is weak kneed and don't tell
the truth. But when a man don't
please you beeman enough to go to him
and talk with him rather than talk on
the streets and; say things you would
not say to his face, About all you hear
from some:people are oritioiema. They
see nothing but blemishes, 'discrepancies
and irregularities. They behold no
goodness or greatness in anything but
themselves. Good for them, and the
world too, that the Lord doesn't photo•
graph the interior of their
carcase and
with the stereoscope of heaven flash it
on canvas to the gaze of the public.
We are spared an awful sight. -George -
to n Herald.
Troubled With
For Years.
Any irregularity of the bowels is al-
ways dangerous to your health and
should be corrected at once for if this is
not done constipation and all sorts of
diseases are liable to attack you,
Milbura's Lsxa-Liver Pills euro Con-
stipation and all Stomach, Liver and
Bowel com pPn
lai is
]lir. Henry Pearce, 40 Standish Ave.,
Owen Sound, Ont., writes:—"Having
been troubled for years with constipation,
sad trying various so-called remedies
which did mo no good 'whatever, I was
persuaded to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver
Pills. I have foltnd them most bene-
ficial; they are, indeed, a splendid pill,
and I can heartily recommend theta to all
those who suffer from constipation;'
Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1.00
at tlI dealers, or sent direet on receipt
of prier by The T.141ilburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Marble theeld be waehed with, am
mortis and water rather tOaa with snap
and water.
No Obinese tatty goer anywhere
Without her p-n:rdar bo$, or fails to
tough her tace with powder wh'-neper
she catohee tile et of herself iu the bit of
mirror in the lid of her box. When ;he
le going out for it formal oall or a
wedding' party or. a'dinner sheisapt to
paint her fade lurk a pette made of wet
rice 11 ur,
Do yon know tht Garman fable About
the hrrteebt.te? fit the old times, in e
little village qt Gerwany, a bleckamith
wee herd at work, The sound of the
anvil attracted the attention of the
devil. De 9'tw th.,t the emith was mak•
ing bneseehoes, end tbonght it would be
a geed idea to get his owu hoofs shod
So the cavil atruok a bargain, and put
up his h -,o$,
Quick Returns
1 Honest Assortment
Correct f larket Pies Paid
for all kinds. of
Send your collections to
The Leader in the world's
Fur Trade.
134 et IJ6 f]t81111 Street, tlontreal,
Our 19094910 PRICE- LIST FREE
for the asking
Mrs Isaac Wilson, of Burks Falls
gave birth recently to four children,
all girls. The babies were christened
by Rev. ' A. T. Bernard, M. A., pastor
of St. Andrews' Prewbyterian Church
as Vtve Joao, Margaret Beryl, Barbara
Alberta, end Clara Emma. Three of
them weigh three pounds each and one
two pounds. The mother was former-
ly Mise Catharine Still, daughter of the
late William Still of Orangeville,
The house committee of New York
club received this unique complaint:
"I have the honor to inform you that I
lunohed at the club this afternoon and
bad as my guests, three gentlemen, all
well known gonlmenta. Among other
thiugs an omelet was served. It con-
tained only three fites. As an old mem-
her of the club, jealous of its reputation,
I naturally found this very embarras
sing, as iu order to make au equitable
division of the omelet, it was necessary
either to divide a fly—a nioe bit of care
ing, es you must concede—or forego a
fiy myself. I beg that in future, when
an omelet is served for four persons, it
should be either with (a) four flies, or
(b) no flies at all."
During these gold winter days, do not
think of your own comfort alone. Ret
member your horse, your dog, or other
domestic animal in your care. Do not
put a frozen bit in your horse's mouth.
See that your pet has a warm, dry bed
and a comfortable place iu which to live.
In blanketing your horse, see that the
blanket is eecnrely fastened, so that the
first gust of wind does not take it under
his feet. Do not drive at a fall speed
immediately after having given him
water. Your dog cannot find enough
water to drink while all is ice and snow
outside, See that he has water where
he can get it when he likes. Winter
rabies is sometimes the result of long -
continued thirst. Whatever animal you
have in year care, attend to its com-
• 31100 IteWARD,` 1100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all itrt stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being it
constitutional disease, requires et consti-
tutional Catarrh Care
treatment s a
talions] e
is taken internally, noting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces Of the
system, thereby destroying the founds,
tion of the disease, and giving the
patient strengthb building upthe y g
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work, The proprietors have so much
faith in its ourative powers that they
offer Otte Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to onre. Send for list of
Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co,
Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 76o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for oonttipa-
A few remarks in reference to the
protection of the publio from contagious
diseases may not be out of place at thiti
particular time. T'he following intein.
tions diseizsee must be reported
24 hours to the Medical health Officer,
ding h
by the attending physician, viz y n, : Smell -
pox diphtheria, merle% fever, whooping
oongh and cholera must be plaoatded:
viz: subject, in default, to it fine of $20
and costs in the dieoretion of the what
*toting justice or megietrate. Beale -
holders knowing or being enepioioui of
any of there diseases and not complying
With the law, are equally
A re.
port to the Medical health Officer b,
telephone or port card is not sttffioient.
It molt be on regular form ter re-
porting itch 'diesaeee giving full par.
In Less{ than Three Years, Parielan
Sage, the Splendid Hair Tonle,
le Sold. Ml Over Canada.
There is a roaem for the pheogn*enel
seta of Parisian Sage in Canada during
the past three years,
,dud the reason is plain to all,
Pte inti Santa does just what it it ad•
vertieed to do.
Ask Walton D404ibbou about It, he
will tell you that be rigidly guerauteee
It to pure daudreff, etbii'telling hair
or itching Noah) in two weeks or money
There ie no reaeop whatever why
any man or woman should fall to
take advantage of the Glove generous
But one thing that has made Pari.
shin Sego so famous is its peculiar
power to turfy the harsh, unattractive
hair, that many women poems, into
luxuriant and radiant hair in a short
time. Women of refinement the coun-
try over are tieing it and it never
Sold everywhere, and in Wingham by
Walton McKibben for 60 cents a large
bottle. .
[S, E, Riser.]
The world has little pity and few favors
to be spent
For the man who is disgruntled and site
sulking in his tent.
If your ventures have not prospered, do
not idly curse your luck,
But get out and make the people wonder
at your manly plunk.
Men will never oome to coax you if you
hang back in despair,
To have courage and keep trying to put
off the frown you wear;
They will not arrange new chances to re-
place the ones yon lose
While yon haunt a gloomy corner cling-
ing to is case of blues,
They are fooltehly self -cheated who keep
harping on their woes
After they have been defeated, thinking
all men are their foes;
And the praise the world is willing to
bestowes never meant
For the man who is disgruntled and site
sulking in his tent.
The February Rod and Gun,
The beat side of the Canadian winter,
the aide that appeals to every inhabi-
tant of our Dominion and oonntlese
numbers of our visitors—the snowshoe-
ing tripe of the North, receives promin-
ence in the February issue of the Rod
and Gan in Canada, published in Cana-
da, published by W. J. Taylor, Wood -
stook, Ont. A Canadian Snow -shoe
Song and A Winter Bunt emphasize the
glories of a season in which all Cana
diene rejoice. There is plenty of variety
in the . number in addition to these
articles including big game stories, dnok
and goose hunting, camping, protective
work, fiebing, etc., and no sportsman,
whatever may be his particular inclina-
tion, oan feel himself neglected. An
endeavor is made to cover the whole
Dominion in the best possible way and
that a Large measure of moue is
aohieved is shown by this issue of the
Magazine. In' addition to winter oat -
Inge, spring, enmmer and fall expedi-
tions are now planned and the experi-
enoes . of others, given in the most
pleasant manner in thesepages, is not
merely interesting but most helpful and
of considerable advantage to those who
seek to know more of the wonderful
sporting advantages of our broad Do-
The uniforms for the Provincial police
have been determined on, and from
the descriptions of them furnished this
week, the forgo should make a brave
showing when it dons its new clothes in
May next. The tunic will be the same
as that worn by the Dominion polioe,
but decorated with braes buttons, with
the words Provincial police. The win-
ter gap is of the pattern of the German
military gap, but with fur -lined earlape
and have a leather Lining. The summer
headwear will be a Stetson hat. The
overcoat is of a dark Irish frieze, with
braes buttons, high
collar and
lapels. About fifty of these uniforms
will be ready for May •
eivilegreres C441ds
Must he Cured
There will then be less weak lungs end
Consumption in later tlfb. -
Di& you ever think of it in this way,
It is the neglected cough and cold
that leads to tho dretidful lung dis-
eases sooner or later. From repeated
attacks the lungs are weakened and
there comes pneamon+;i or consumption
with their dreadfully fatal results.
Because it is prepar,d from linseed,
turpentine and other simple but won-
derfully effective ingredients, Dr.
s Syrup u of Linseedn
and ur cn-
Y p`I
tine is particularly suitable as a treat-
ment '
n for children's s
d n coughs sand colds.
Creup, bronchitis and even whooping
cough yields to .the influence of tL4s
great medicine.
Mrs. John Chesney, Innerltip, Ont.,
writes: Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lint
coed and Turpentine cured- my little
;eel of whooping cough when the doe,
for had given her up and since then we
always keep it in the house as a treat.
anent for coughs and eolds. It is the
best medicine sd"a ever used,"
There is no getting round statements
t:ueh as this. Dr. Chase 'a Syrup
of Linseed & Turpentine 25.ets. a bet-
tle, at all dealers, Or Edmanson, Bates
& co., Toronto.
Keep the Brood Mare.
Whatever he does be the. way of sell•
ing horses, the farmer elmuld aim t0 keep
the brood mares at home, eepeetally the
good (nes, Bet everything goes when
pricer are high, and Ander thevery
tempting offers many farmers have had
for them A large number of females
have gone out of the country, Tbie ie
"killing the goose that leya the golden
egg." How oan the horse supply be
kept up if the breeding stook is cold off
the farms? This 1. the moat Cerioue
situation in the horse buainese at the
Present time: Hundreds of good brood.
Main have gone tent of the oouutry,.
which means a lose to the farmer and to
the horse industry as well, A brood
mare if 'handled rightly, will do a lot of
the farm work and help out consider-
ably when other bowies are scarce. A
good brood mare is one of the farmer's,
best assets and should not be parted
with tinder any consideration it the
hutiness of horse•raieiug is to be con-
tinued. Keep the brood mares on the
farm. They should be the very last
to be aold and ehonld not be parted with
then very readily.
Low shoes and high hats may be
fasbtenable extremes. V
Men who have advice to give are
never stingy with it.
Cheap notoriety often turns out to be
an expensive luxury.
It's a pity that wisdom doesn't grow
on a man like whiskers.
Occasionally the human rnoe is run
over the course of true Iove.
The more expensive a thing is the
easier it is to get along without, it,
Anyway, a shiftless man can blame
his wife for his failure to make good.
Many a man's good reputation is due
to what isn't found out about hint.
After a man has been married three
years his bump of hope becomes a dent.
Young man, don't marry a parlor
ornament unless you oan afford to hire
a nook.
Occasionally a girl discovers that the
young man after her own heart isn't
atter it at all.
The average man spends more money
on a foolish habit than he does on his
wite's hats..
Many a man's morality doesn't begin
to work until he discovers that he is
being shadowed by a detective.
When shiftless people are unable to
annoy their neighbors iu any other way,
they get a dog that will howl all night
long.—Chicago News.
Niro. Jae, Elaworth, 902 Selkirk Ave.,
Winnipeg, says :—" Four years ago
ulcers) broke, nut on my loft ankle
and spread until from the top of my
foot to spy knee was one extended sore.
One ulcer would be almost healed when
a second would appear in a new place
and in a remarkably short time a deep
]tole would be eaten into the flesh. Tho
flesh on my leg turned blue and looked
shocking indeed. I started using pint.
went after ointment, but received little
or no benefit. The ulcera would Beal
for a time and then break out afresh.
I was laid up` in bed for a long time,
absolutely unable to walk. My limb
was so painful that 1 bad no rest night
after night.
" I consulted five different doctors !
Some advised my going into hospital ;
others said there was no eure for me.
After using their ointments and prepar-
ations until I was positive they could
not euro, I almost gave up in despair.
" It was then Zain-Buk was tried and.
how I bless the hour I got it 1 Within
a day it had given me some ease, and
from that time I went on improving !
The sores were so bad that it took some
time to heal them, but Zam-Buk healed
them all. The last was healed over a
year ago and I have never had a mo-
sa trouble since, from any form of
Zam-Buk is just as good for eczema,
piles, festering sores, scalp sores, child-
ren's rashes, cuts, burns, scalds, and all
skin injuries and diseases. Druggists
and stores everywhere 50c box, or poet
free, Zain-Buk Co., Toronto, for price.
TWENTY YEARS AGO. Items from the "Times" fyles.
Loeal History of the early Bos.
(From the Toms of Feb. 14, 1890.)
A Listowel merchant shipped 18 boxes
of roll butter to Toronto and sold it for
11 Dents per pound, He has decided
that in future he will buy butter only
on its merits, which is the only proper
We are now enjoying fairly good
sleighing and business has been greatly
benefitted thereby.
Mr. John Foster was appointed As-
sessor for 1890, at the meeting of the
town council on Monday evening last.
The salary is 886.
A return game of curling wan played
in the rink here Inst Tneeday between
the Grate and Torlee, and resulted as
W. Paterson, A. Stiles,
A. Mitchell, J. Duffield,
J. J. Anderson, J. Dingley,
F. Paterson, sk., 19 Sextus Kent, sk., 14
The union evangelistic meetings will
be continued in the Presbyterian Ohnroh
the remainder of this week and in the
Congregational Chtiroh next week,
Dr. and Mrs. Towler returned on Fri-
day last, after spendingsome weeks in
I+'lorid% and other Southern States.
Mr. John S. Macdonald, Reeve of
Huron township, -called on Mr, Geo. Mo-
Taviah, of the Union Factory, on Wed -
beadily and expreeeed pleasure in seeing
the factory stebusy.
The following are the salaries paid to
the eeeerbl Post Masters in this county
as shown by the report of Poet Master
General for 1889: Auburn, $90; Hay-
field, $216; Binevale,$170; Blyth, 8460;
13rnssele, $780; Clinton, $1,284; Dun-
gannon, $192; Egmondvtllo, $25; Ford-
Wioh, $230; Goderioh, $1,700; Hensall,
10fe h$1,700;
• Ki e 6 Sea E
$27g, PP n, � x t
Varna, $132; Wingham, $1,000; Wrox
,tor, $810, Zurich, $220. The greets
postal revenue of the principal ofllees is
es follows: f.:Goderioh, $5,50S; Seaforah,
$5,289;1C1inton, $4,748; Wingham, $4,•
010; Bruisele, $2,601; Blyth, $1,529.
There Hatt a creamery meeting held
in the hall above John Campbell's show
*cloth en Buttermilk Avenue en Wed-
nesday, the 29th tilt., tor the transaotion
Of business, The attendance WAS
large and bidding brisk, the conge•
gnenoe being that the several contracts
were let at rates that will scarcely en•
able the centimeters to retire on the
On Wednesday the 29th, Mr. J. Stalk-
er, the popular young teacher of No. 12
school, West Wawanoeh, was united in
marriage .to Mise 0. Taylor, daughter
of Mr. John Taylor of that Township.
One of those pleasing events which-
always oreates a ripple ofexcitement
among the ladies, name off at the resi-
dence of Abraham Proctor, Eng., of
Belgrave. Quite a large number were
proeent to witness the marriage of Mise
Eliza Prootor to Mr. T. Soandrett, also
of Belgravia.
At the meeting held 011 Wednesday•
evening of last week, iu theschool.
house, the Literary Sootety was �organ-
ized, with the following offioers: R. N.
Duff, president; A. Paterson, vice-presi.
dent; J. T. McCracken, seoretary-
treasurer; A. MacEwen, editor. The
aooiety starts off under very auspicious
Jackson.—In Morris, on the 5th inet„
the wife of Mr, Peter Jackson; a son.
(load.—In Wingham, on the 18th inet.,
Thos. (load, aged 48 years, 11 months
and 2 days.
MAartien. •
Stalker—Taylor.--At the residence of
the bride's father, on the 29th ult,, by
the Rev R. Carson, of Whitechurch,
Mr. Joseph Stalker, teacher, to Mise
Catherine Taylor, youngest daughter of
Mr. John Taylor, all
'West Wawanoeh •
Y ,
Vanderdasson--Musgrove.--At Mei,
vllle manse, Braeeole, on the 20th ult.
by Rev. John Roes, B. A,, Mr, Geo.
Vanderdaseon to Miss Mary Ann Mus..
grove, both of Turnberry.
Breckenritge—Pea000k.—In Morris,
on the 23rd ult., by Rea. A. Y. Hartley,
Mr. Joseph Breckenridge, to Mies
Robecoa Pea000k,
C)ololengh--Thuell.—At Goderieh, en
Wednesday, the 16th inst., by the Rev,
B. L. Rotten, Henry Oololettgh, of the
Township of Hallett, tel Misr Addie
Thuell, Of the Township Of Morris,
Author of 41
"'What is the hour
you there?" she called
"Yes, Marthy, fell
er, huskily. "lton't 1
sittin' alongside ye,
to take hold o' yer ht
"Oh, I)uncail," mow
"1 can 1198 800 you, n
bliu :ed by the tears- t
from them,"
"Unit] -eh, Marthy!"
"I shall not be a 1
much longer, Duncan,
"You've put up with
"I've never Comp]
Marthy?" he replied,
-don't like to hear ye
wife; it hurts me i' th
"Is it a nice night,
whispered, eagtrly
then you shall know
"It is a lovely
Marthy," answered tl
low voice. "The moo
It's jest si.ch a night
—when—she left us."
The words seemed
heart's core the girl
side. "Mother," she 1
ly, pressing her cold,
cheeks to the cold p
sighing of the wind
outside drowned it, t
pierce the dull ears
lying on the couch, r
solitary watcher sitti
"I would like to ha
in your arms, Dunes
pored, "so that i c,
'the window and see
of white road beyon
'�' •conte to lee up that
can, and the feet th
gladly away will com
They always do. I
.just as she left it w
sway, Duncan; the 1
Cling their great got
by the stone wall; tl
pansies all a -bloom
must not let any o
%;1c robin's nest under tl
barn; she will be gib
' the young ones hay
The man beside t
that her mind was
made her no answer
not tell her than th(
the pansies were dea
little birds had long
pl their nest and ha
:never to come back t
How lovingly she
the girl—the girl wl
her in her old age
with a handsome fat
known but a few sh
father's heart grew h
.wanderer, wherever
and a muttered imp
his lips, and he clic
,hands. He had loved
:had never loved any
.before, but When he
whom he had wed
were young, pining 1
.en heart because of
Oen all his love ti
. against Neva, and ht
•;to himself as he pac
and down, that if h
never again, in life
would he look upon 1
responsible for it.
To -night his wife
worse so rapidly tha
,ened. Leaning over,-
Tightness across t
Pains and a Difficult
Secretion of Thick Phl
but Iater of a greenish
coming from the bro
,coughing, especially th
Bronchitis is genera
cold caused by expo
inclement weather an
.will become chronic.
Chronic Bronchitis i
general causes of Cons
first symptoms of Bro
of Dr. Wood's Norwa,
sleep, and was tired a
suited two doctors, a
had bronchitis, and ad
teaehing. I tried elm
none of the medicines
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began to get better ani
jthe fourth bottle I felt
cough had left me and
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