HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-02-17, Page 4per
TUE 11PiN( #t4M ',1'1MEff, F4IIRUAR ' 17, MO
Dominion Bank
I114AD OrefaCi t: Tt?itOtar0
Ottpital Stook (AU paid tip) $4 CODA= 00
Reserve. I+'q.id and Uu
divided Pada $5 400,000 00.
Deposits by the poling$14 000,000 00
Total Aerate, over. ,.,,$69,000,000.00
Baexottes AND AGENTS throe bout Oan-
Mitt ani ant! Ueited States.
Savings Department.
Carr»ut R:6•s et Interest ell„wed, and
Deposits received of $1,00 end
Fermera' rale Not Collected, and
advauoee cued° on thrm et lowest
Pt' rate of interest,
WXNGHAbt BRANCH—Omer Jrhn and
Jamey/nue Streets.
VANSTONL, Solioitor.
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy* for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements aooepted up
to noon Wednesday of eaoh week.
H. H
Ti 1tSTABLIS D 1874
Mr. John Charlton, ex -M. P, for
No.th Norfolk, and for many years one
of rte most prominent pnblio men in
Canada, and a veteran in the lumber
business. pesse:i away at the family re•
eidenoe in Lynedooh Friday night. Mr.
Charlton retired from the Federal Par-
liement in 1904, owing to ill health.
Since then he has led a retired life and
been little in the eye of the public.
For years and years the people of Ont.
ario seem to have been oonduotiug the
experiment of seeing how far they could
t , .. +.;lnatiiate and maltreat public highways
without destroying them bodily ae they
do faolelly. In the matter of good usable
roads, in the matter of common sense
road making, the farmer of this Province
le as far behind what he should be as he
would be if he had retained the reaping
hooks with whioh Ms forbeatere gather.
ed in their orops, If a farmer of today
tilled his fields as he builds his highways,
he would have an empty barn and an
empty stomach. The Garden of Eden
wouldn't yield a orop under snoh persna-
sion.—Stratford Herald.
Polling in the British elections is now
over. and the standing of the parties is
as follows:
Liberals ..,, . 275
Unionists :,. 278
Nationalists .... 82
Laborites ..... 40
Keir Hardy, speaking at Mountain -
ash, said that despite sensational devel-
opments, he still believed the present
Government would last two years. Per-
haps the veto and the Budget would be
ran through the Commons pari paean.
This would retain the Irish vote for the
Government, The Labor party had no
interest in forcing an election immedi•
ately, and would probably support the
Government, whichever °cnree they
chose to take concerning the veto and
the Budget,
Scott' Emulsion
is the original—has been
the standard for thirty-five
There are thousands of
so-called "just as good"
Emulsions, but they are
not—they are simply imi-
tations which are never
as good as the original.
They are like thin milk—
SCOTT'S is thick, like a
heavy cream!.
If you want it thin, do
it yourself—with water -
but dont buy it thin.
Bend WOW., tone 6f paten sad tete a,t toe one
esestiee 8461040 Bank Ma OhUd'N eketok.&ok,
EacL bank contains a Good Lek Penny.
sca"l"y at BOWNE
1 d Weitinston Street, West Toronto, Oat.
'fhe Editor does not hold hituseif responelble
for the Inters exuressed by correspondent8. Ivor (toes he always hold the seine.
views es expressed by correspondents.
Dear Sir,—I understand that Mr,
Gurney has issued a writ against Mr.
Pringle, forbidding him so manufaoture
gloves and mitts, I, although an un•
intereated party, felt enough interest iz,,
thia business to probe down into details.
Here they are: We are all aware that
a few yearn two Messrs. Pringle and,
Groves rented the then idle plant (Tau -
nary and Glove Faotory) paying for
same $100 00 per annum, and business
tax added thereto. Atter a year tiler
partoership was dissolved, Mr. Pringle
asenmfeg lull control and eventually
buying the whole plant, always employ.:
ed at least from four up to ten girls in
the manufacture of mitts and gloves,
Three years Ago the glove department
was rented to Mr. Garner, Mr. Pringle.
still owning the, glove machinery he
previously owned, turning the same
over to Mr. Gurney for his use in that
department, Mr. Garvey paying $120.00
per annum for rooms and heat. The
power nsed was paid by the girl opera-
tors. When • Mr. Gurney rented the
above, there were in Mr. Pringle's em-
ploy four Sret plass operators, Mr.
Gurney did not then, nor has he since
paid any business tax to the town. All
remember the fire, when the whole plant
was destroyed. Mr. Priugie was Im-
mediately approached by some of the
influential oitizens, who requested him
to rebuild. A public) meeting was cal-
led, when Mr, Pringle made the follow-
ing offer: Thatif the town would loan
him $4000 00 at 4% for ten years, pay-
able in ten annual instalments, he would
rebuild the plant, the minimum Dost
bring $7000 00 giving the town the firet
and only mortgage. The by-law was
duly submitted and finally carried, be-
coming law the 18th day of December,
allowing ample time for any ratepayer
to protest the paying of loan. No pro-
test was offered, no complaint made,
until the faotory was built, and an up-
to-date plant installed, and everything
in flrst•olass running order, when Mr.
Gurney iseaed the writ, claiming that
the bylaw has been infringed upon.
How that infringement oan be proven
is a mystery, as the by-law distinctly
states that Mr, Pringle must rebuild
and improve his former manntaoturing
establishment. What was it? Tannery
and Faotory, which most deoidedly be-
longed to Mr. Pringle and not to Mr,
Gurney. Now some are oritizing Mr.
Pringle; but in all fairness, what has
the town done for him? They give him.
$20.00 per year; he gives them directly
$120 00 in taxes, eleotrio light and
water, besides paying a weekly wage of
about $75.00, which will yet increase as
the business develops, Now in closing,
we wish Mr, Gurney the greatest pos-
sible snooeas, but in that success we
would not like the possibilities of Mr,
Pringle to be onrtailed in the slightest,
he who has been associated with Wing -
ham for the past twenty -nye years; he
was cradled in out midst; and we hope
he and Mr. Gurney may be shining
lights in this our Burg for many years
yet to come.
Respectfully yours
Whiterhnroh, Feb. 14, 1910,
To the Editor of the Times:—
Dear Sir,—Since work in the bosh is
nearly done in these parte, we have
time to tlunk and complain. Myself and
neighbor were saying taxation was not
just, It is this way: A man buys a
farm for $3,500 and pays $1,200 oath,
the balance he borrows. He is taxed
for the whole of that farm and does
statute labor. yet he does not own half
of it. The man who owns most of the
farm probably does not pay income tax,
We claim the man who lends the money
on the farm should pay his just share of
taxation. They have a law in England
whereby money lenders,pay their share
of taxation. Now is the time to talk of
these matters and also railway. taxation.
At eleotioti times you cannot get a word
in as then it is always party. hoping
you will find specie for this. L am,
Yours truly, •
A negro, named Wm. Withers, living
at 27 Elliott St., Toronto, shot and kit.
led hit wife and mother-in-law and then
committeed suicide after he had held a
posse of police at bay for three hours,
Dnringthe last year over 673 men out
out Of eaoh 1,000 in the British army
were edmitted'to hospitals. This eh0w-
ing, bad as it is, is surpassed by the red-
Ord made by foreign armies with exoep.,
tion of that of Rnesia. In the United
States there Were 1,172 admtaatena to
hoepitale for eaoh 1,000nien in the force;
in A.ttetrieenungary, 826;in h`ranoe, 681;
in Germany 589, and in Inssie 410,
Nineteen counties its the Provino0
have adopted the good roads system and
planned the improvement of $,000 miter
of their leading highway, A niotfon to
mepend the v+ork on the county roads. in
Oxford during 1910 and to get an opinion
of the electors before dontinning in 1011
was defeated: by the 'Oxfordoonnty
coanoil in a vote of 13 to 7. Abotit sixty
Miles of roads have been made in Ox'
ford,and the tniennt Spent on 'heat is
about 070,000.
OT.X„t 1rola.
W. C Searle, Qne of the pioneer rest•
dent t
a o tl is sawn, died at hie hove on
Monday in bio 781h year, Untit the tart
few years he had always taken a deep
interest in mnnbelpel affairs, and was a
re. oognized authority, having served as
mayor, reeve and oonnoillor, He start-
ed the first hardware business in the
town, and was :Ouse property owner. They Ban Be.Relieved by Keeking the Blood Supply Rich
His wife, formerly Mise Lee, of Indian
Head. anrvives.
Many Won en Suffer
Untold Tortures an Silence
'Mies laQ, Ayleswortb spent Sunday
her home in Fordwioh.
Mr. Will. Rodgers, of Toronto, spent
a few days visiting relatives in this
Miss Jean Edwards of Gerrie is visit-
ing friends in Belmore,
Miss Emma Barton returned bome on
Saturday from visiting friends in Olin -
Mrs, McMurray and daughter of
Brussels are spending a few weeks with
their relatives, Mrs. John Paterman
and Mrs. John Abraham.
Mre. Lawrence is moving into her
house in the village this weok,
Jim Mulvey and Meter. Laura paid a
flying visit to the burg,
We understand that Mr. Geo. Ed-
wards is leaving here to set up business
at Molesworth. We are sorry to lose
so popular a citizen,
Another of our miioh esteemed
oitizens has deoided to depart from our
midst. Mr. H. Thompson has sold out
his business to Messrs. Geo. Lowry and
Fred .Rogers. Mr, Thomson and family
will be very muoh missed by one and
all, as they were always very pleasant
and accommodating to all who came in
the store. 'Wo wish Mr. Thomson
every success in his new home. We
understand he means to reside in South-
ampton. While we regret the depars
tura of Mr. Thomson, we wish for his
snooessors every enooessin their under-
takings, and from what we know of the
young men, we are sure they will reach
the top.
Thos. MoDivitt, son of Wm. McDivitt
proprietor of the Windsor Hotel at Bala,
went into the acetylene gas house with
a lighted lantern. When he opened the
door an explosion occurred, instantly
killing the young man.
Charles Eilridge whose wife was found
dead on a train at Toronto a few days
ago, is alleged :to have eloped from
Ottawa with a young woman employed
at his office. There are chargee of
forgery and oashiag worthless checks
against time.
Wm. Crook. a Beaumont, Texas, law-
yer. ran . over and killed his sixteen
months old daughter while baoking his
auto into its stable. He felt the ma-
chine strike an obetaole, and putting on
more power, forced the oar backward.
On alighting he found the obetaole was
his child.
Live Stook ](markets.
Toronto, Feb. 14.-0attle—Trade was
brisk and prices steady and firm at the
same level as the week -end markets of
last 'week. There was a good run of
cattle offering, comprising, all told,
about 90 oars, with 1795 head of cattle,
16 calves, 15 hogs, 42 sheep and 91 horses.
The demand to -day was chiefly for the
local butcher trade, and as more than
halt the total receipts were held over
for the export market to -morrow, the
number of cattle available for bntoher
purposes was not large, and pricee were
easily maintained. One load of extra
choice bntoher°, about 1000 lbs, sold at
$5.65. Among the export cattle are
some middling good loads, but nothing
extra choice, but anything good enough
for shipping is firm at $6 to $6.25. Cows
and bulla are 'in good demand either
buto hers or export. Sheep and lambs
are steady: very few offering:
lambs quoted $7 to 7,25: sheep $4 50 to
$6. Hogs -The market is again firmer,
with light offeting: Beleate quoted firm
at$8 15 f.o.b. and $8.40 ted and watered,
The following etre cue quotations:
Exporters' cattle-- Per 100 Abs.
Choice $5 90 $6 10
Medium • 5 00 5 25
Balis 4 00 4 50
Light 3 26 8 60
Cows......... i......, 4 00 4 60
best 1000 pounds and tip -
wards 8 00 8 60
Stockers choice8 00 4;00
" bulls ...... 1 50 2'00
Pioked. . :. 5 25
Medium 4 75
5 60
5 00
Cowe..,r a 8 50 4 25
Bulls...... • 3 00 4 80
Best ..
.,......r. 885
Lights 8 10
Eeport Owed r .... 4 26
. 8 25
Spring Lambs each.. 6 00
Calves, eaoh ... , ... a 50
5 00
8 60
8 50
7 50
Wingham, Fab. lath, 1910.
Plot !ler 100 lbs. o ki, ..... 2 75 to 8 25
Pall wheat ... r.....r.,,. 1 08 to 1 08
Oats..a.....a.......a...,. 0 87 t0 0 87
yBartey i .. ...... ........ 0 y60t 0 0� 60
1?ester .,.ii.. ::**.i...Y... 82 tb 0 32
Butter dairy ..., ...,.,,. 0 23 to 0 25
gb per dory . i..,. w...w.. t) 25 tri 0 25
jE ood per cord ...a....... 9 60 to 260
Bay, per ton.......a 6x..112 00 td i3 00
,Potatoes, pelt bn.hel,,..... 0 80 to 0 8y5,
Lard it ........ .,..Y... 0 20 to 0 20
Lina Iiogu, per ...eir, 8 25 to 8 25
and Pure With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
A worcnan needs a blood•building
medicine regularly net beoapee she is a
MOM. Froin =amity to middle age
the health and happiness of every wo•
man depends upon her blood, its doh -
nese and its regularity. I! her blood
Ripply 10 irregular she suffer(' from
headaches, backaches, sidenohes, a
other unspeakable distress
only women know. Some wor en
grown to expeot this snferiu
ular interviste and to bear 11 i
silence. But women, would Nampa
much of this misery if they took a box
or two of Dr Williams' Pink Pills to
help thorn over eaoh ori61oal period,
These pills actually make new blood.
They help a woman jest when nature
makes the greatest demand upon her
blood supply. They have done this for
thousands of women throughout Canada
why not for yon?
Mre. Joseph Kinney Gilbert's Cove, :
N S., says"For ten years T have.
suffered from nervousness and those
troubles that make the lives of so many
women one of almost comment misery.
at times ] would be confined to my bed
t •h
reg. reg.
for weeks, I $pentsleepless nights and
seemed to lose all courage. I tried
several dootors but they failed to give
me a• elle!. The last doctor I con -
sal told me frankly that he oonld not
dertake my oast) nnless I would nuder.
go an examination. It. was then I
decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
a trial. Atter taking six boxes I was
mnoh improved in health, but I ' non -
tipped to take the Pills for a couple of
months more when I. telt like it new
woman, and was enjoying snob health as
T had not experienoed for ten ?ears be,
fore. I have had no return of title
trouble since, but I have need the Pills
onoe sinoe that time for the after
effects of la grippe, and the results
were all I hoped for. These are plain
facts from my own experience, and I
have always felt that I cannot too strong.
ly recommend Dr. Williams, Pink Phis to
the many women who suffer as 1 did."
Yon oan get this great blood-bnilding
health restoring medioine from any
dealer in medicine or direct by mail a150
a box, or six boxes for 2 50 from The Dr.
Williams Medioine Co„ Brookviile,Oat,
Wolves are said to be very numerous in
Darling township and a hunt is being
organized at Parry Sound.
Dunnville ratepayers carried a bylaw
to bonus a gas engine works and a tele.
phone manufacturing company.
Mr. I. E. Suckling has been appointed
general agent of passenger department
of the C.P.R. Atlantic service with head
office in Toronto,
Sentence was suspended in the case of
Charles E. Brown & Charles Peek Iwho
pleaded guilty at Bellevile of stealing ore
from the Daloro mine.
Mr. Galena McLean was attaoked by
a dog at London which showed symptom
of rabies,and City Auditor Jewell's little
daughter was bitten by'another dog.
A000rding to the valuation of the treas-
urer'e department, the estate of the late
Matthew Legatt, of Hamilton, will yield
to the provincial enooession duties
branch the sum of $10,000.
The Hamilton city Council decided to
leave the number liquor nowise at sixty
Dr. Cook, who claimed to have dis-
covered the north pole before Peary,and
who disappeared some weeks ago, after
his olaim had been proved fraudulent,
has been discovered in Chili. Dr. Cook
travelled under the name of T, Craig.
He is said to have made about $100,000
ant of lectures and publications before
exposure Dame.
Provinoial officers have had some
strange experiences while enforcing pro-
hibitory laws in New Ontario. Con-
stable Rowell, of Matheson, seized 281
bottles of whisky and eight gallons of
unbottled liquor, the result oPone week's
clean-up at Matheson Station. The ma-
jority of seizures were made, from suit -
onset), hat boxes, bales of old clothing,
and almost every oonoeivable reoeptaole.
The unbottled liquor was disoovered in
kegslabelled catsup. Floating in the
oatsup were little sealed tins containing
the whiskey.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled: with a" REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Offioe over Malooim's Grocery.
CENTRAL r -?77/
Write us at once for our free oatale.
gne and learn the nature of our
courses in
Commercial, Shorthand
or Telegraphy.
departments. We have the leading,
practical training eohooi in Western
Ontario. Coarses ' are thorough.
Instructors experienced and we armlet
graduates to position. Stndentb are
entering each weal. You should
enter NOW.
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market,
oan have it on reasonable terms.
Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer -
clients or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going.
Use the Grand Trunk Rail-
way System via :St. Clair, Tunnel
and Chicago. Choice of routes
from there.
Nearly all double track con-
tributing to safety --speed and
Passes through principal Cana•
dian and United States Cities—
no monotony. Moderil equip-
ment. o
Por tiokets and further information
can on W, Henry, Depot Agent or
address J. D. McDonald, D, P. A.,
Total assets of over. thirty million.
dollars are entrusted to the custody
of the Bank of Ifamilton.
'roar ,& wings Account Solicited.
' fI, is Mktg • AGENT;
RE� Wt
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods
25 per cent. discount on Toques, Woolen Scarfs,
Skating Caps, etc. Also on Men's Heavy
Rubbers. Big bargains in Furs
and Overcoats.
Come in and see our 'NEW GOODS, it's a
pleasure to show them.
On Saturday, February 19th, and all next week, we will
give a discount of 25 per cent. on all our FANCY
CANDY. We have some extra fine boxes i
of first-class candy at a Big Discount
Saturday and all next week.
r�Sivsr_ ry
i*:���SS �5iii����•'�.
Now is your time to get Bargains in
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Silverware, China,
Karnak Brass and
Cut Glass.
The finest Iine of goods that money can buy
will be sold at
This month only—FOR CASH.
Repairing correctly done,
W. G. Patterson
Opposite Queen's Hetet
ba bac..v i. 3aSSS'n S S"PaS2aS'0 a; a'