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The Wingham Times, 1910-02-03, Page 8
Tux WIN(iIAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 3, 11110 MINOR LOCALS. 'Slave you renewed you subsoriptiou pi$o the Tlbc>ts' ---fistyear auction pale bills printed tut the TIME, °Moe, —The • snowfall during last month was doable that of January, 1908. -Regular monthly meeting of the Town Council next Monday evening. t—Pnblio Sohool Board will hold its regular monthly meeting next Tuesday evening. —Bruce County Council last week decided to bold the June meeting in Luoknow. —Mr. Jobs Putlend, the new propri- etor of the Brunswick hotel, took pos- session of the property on Tuesday of this week. —The recount of the ballot@ in Galt, on looal option, did not make any change. The bylaw is carried by ten over the three-fifths requirement. —The Wingham Times, with Bro. H. 13. Elliott at the helm, has completed another annual trip. It is a tidy craft and carries a good cargo.—Brussels Foot. —Mise Greta Kennedy, daughter of Dr. J. P. Kennedy, passed her primary examination in theory at the Toronto Conservatory of music). The young lady has our hearty congratulations. PERSONAL. Mips Fannie Hogg, of Brussels, is visitiug with Wingham friends. Mrs, Peter Fisher is spending a few weeks withher on, Peter S. Fisher, of Toronto. Mr. Edward Nash has returned from Hamilton and hap taken a position in the Bell furniture factory, Mr. Arthur H. Spotton, of Walkerton was visiting for over Sunday with bis brother, Mr, Geo, Spotton. Messrs. O. M, Walker and R. Clegg spent Last week in Chieago attending the Furniture Association's convention. Mr. and Mrs. Broad, of Kenora are visiting with Mrs, Broad's grandmother, Mrs. Tracey, They purpose visiting at Chatham and Michigan before returning home, Mr. Andrew Holmes, Mayor of Prince Albert, Seek., was visiting with his cousin, Mayor Holmes, for a few days. Mr. Holmes is a native of Jedbnrgh, Sootland and has been a resident of Prince Albert for some twenty-eight years. This is the first time that the two ooueine have met, Oar Western friend has made good in Canada and has been a successful contractor at Prinoe Albert and has seen that place grow from a mere hamlet to a prosperous town of over 7,000 inhabitants, —The TIMES oan save you money on your subsoriptions to other papers. See our clubbing list in another column. You, eau take as many papers as you wish so long as the TIMES ie one of the number. —The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary, of Wingham General Hos- ital, will be held in the Connell Cham- ber next Monday afternoon at 4 o'olook. All members are requested to be present. —Mr, W. 11. Dixon, of Edmonton, formerly of Wingham, ;writing to the TIMES on January 24th says they are enjoying beautiful summer-like weather in Edmonton with scarcely enough snow to make sleighing. —Mayor Holmes, Dr. Kennedy and Te, W. Hanson were in Goderich last week putting forth the claims of the Wingham Hospital for an increased grant from the County Council. The same grant as last year, $100, was given. —A very sudden death occurred near Morrie, Thursday morning 431 the person of Mr. Robert Deaohman, an almost lite -long resident of Howiok, who was 'found -dead in bed. Deceased was a -staunch Liberal and in religion a Meth- odiet. —The Wingham Times has entered upon its thirty-ninth year, and th© present proprietor, Mr. H. B. Elliott, has been twenty-two years in connec- tion, twelve as editor and publisher. It is a good local paper,—Stratford Beacon. —At the County Council meeting in Ooderioh last week, Mr. Wm. Nichol- son was appointed as a member of the Wingham High Sohool Board in plane of Mr. J. A. Morton, who was recently elected as one of the Light and Water Oommissionere. —Mr. F. McConnell will hold an auotion sale of household furniture at the auction rooms, opposite Currie Bros. livery barn, on Saturday afternoon of this week. The articles include piano, sewing machines, cupboards, cooking stove, eto. It will pay you to attend this sale, —The Wingham Times has entered on its thirty-ninth year and H. B. Elliott, the present proprietor, upon his twenty- third year of connection with the paper. The Times is a clean, bright paper and the editor has our best wishes for his continued encoeee in the future.—Goder- i:oh Signal. —Mr. W. A. Currie, auctioneer and proprietor of the Wingham machine • shop has a new advt in this inane. He is prepared to do all kinds of repair work, sell you a new steam or gasoline engine or a combination stock tack and if you ere going to have an anotion sale. can give yon satisfaction in this line. 1tcad hie advt. In another column. Thomas Gordon, of Waterloo, died at the age of one hundred years and nine months. The Hamilton Oily Connell appointed Mr. William Mullins of The Spectator, Commissioner of Industries, and paned a by-law to keep lobbyisfe off the floor and out of the retiring -room, A MESSAc t OP HOP TO WORRIED MOTHERS, Trlrre is no other inedieine can equal Baby's Own Tablets for the euro of stomach, bowel and teething troubled, They come as a message of hope to Worried mothers at they make siokly+, peevish children bright and well. And the smother has the guarantee of oa gov� comment analyst that this medicine cow taint no opiate or poieonont soothing stuff. Mrs. Mantle() Murphy, Gianford, Ont., sats: --"I think Baby's Own Tab• lets the best medicine in the world, 1 know of nothing that can equal them in oaring stomach, bowel and teething tt 11 medicine dealers troubles." Sold by a a ere er by_snail at 25 °ants a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brookville, Ont. James Hope fell down a shaft at the Silver Leaf mine at Cobalt and was killed, BORN. PATERSON•—In Whitechurch, on January 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. F. McKenzie Paterson; a son. FITCH.- In Toronto. on January 80th, to Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Fitch; a son. (Milton. Lamont. ) MCKEE tE.—In ! ulros•, on January 8th, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. J G. McKenzie; a son. MIARRIED STRACHAN—DANE.—In Gorrie, on January 26th, Mus Rachel Dane to Mr Donald 5. Strachan, a former school principal of Gorrie. HARRIS—MOBURNEY.—In Salem. on January 19th. at the home of the bride's father, John McBurney, Miss Jennie McBurney to Mr. James Harris. DIED HonoINs,--In Kinloss, on Jan. 21st, John Hodgins, in his 102nd year. MoIrwAXY. -In Wingham, on January 30th, S amuel Mcllwain, aged 62 years. Established 1879 FOR WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP. 'ASTHMA, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, CATARRH, DIPHTHERIA Vaporized Cresolene stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can- not exist where Cresolene is used. It acts directly on nose. and throat, making breathing easy in the case of colds. soothes the sore throat and stops the cough. It is a boon to sufferers of Asthma. Cresolene is a powerful germicide, acting both as a curative and a preventive in contagious diseases. Cresolene's best recommendation is its thirty years of successful use. For Sete by An Druggists Send Postal for De- scriptive booklet Cresolene Antiseptic Throat Tablets, simple and soothing for the irritated throat, 10c. Leeming, Miles Co., Limited. Agents, Mon. treal, Canada. 308 Is the great:practioal training school of Western Ontario. Students are entering every week. You take 110 risk in entering our classes. Our courses are the beet and our gradu- ates secure the high-grade positions. Three departmente:— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue and investi- gate into the merits of this school. The time to enter is NOW. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. For twenty.Yonr years t►apo.•Qresolene bas been extensively used for all forms of throat an, bronchial troubles. All Druggists. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm north half lots 30 and 31, oonoes siou 6, East Wawenosh, oontaloing, 86;1 sores. On the premises are a good baro with atone stabling, good frame bottom, good supply of water; 1 m les from sobool house; 2g- miles from poet offioe. For full particulars apply on the premises or adorers WM. DEYSMORE, Westfield, Ont, Westfield, Ont. GAND TRUNK :SYs EM Winter Tours TO • Mexico, Colorado, California and Paola() Coast points, Grand Trunk Railway System is the popular route from all pointe east through Canada via Chicago, Features Doable treat, fast service, finest roadbed, modern equipment, nnex. Ceded dining oar service. All ale+ menta of eatetl and comfort. iirarmiesseserimitailineisisis For tickets and further information call on W. Remy, Depot Agent or address' Z. i1. Morena ad, D. P. A., TOrenta. EAST HURON INSTITUTE, East Huron F hold meetings a Feb. 4th; and at� Feb. 5th. The s lows: Anson Gr Smith, of Trowb of Guelph, will Institute in the a meeting in the e Meetings begi P. A. M �mars' Institute will Biuevale on Friday, Jamestown, Saturday, eakers will be as fol - , of Preston ; Amos. idge ; and Mise Yates ddress the Women's ternoou and the joint ening. at 2 and 7" 30 p.m. ARTHUR, Secretary. YOUNG SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. We have 11• Young Balls and Bull Calves for•eale; some from imported sire and dam. Among these are some high class animals, and not an inferior one in the lot. The dams of a number of them are heavy milkers. Owing to the fact that we are not of- fering any Heifers, we are not having our annual sale this year; oonsequently we are offering these Young Bulls for private sale at reasonable prices ; terms to suit anyone. Come and see them, or write for what you want. Visitors met at Ripley. R H. REID' & SONS, Pine River, Ont In the Surro ate Court of the Count of Huron. In the matter of th infant child of Ann Application will be Court of the County Judge in Chambers Goderich after the ex from the gist publics The Trusts and Guar' for an order apoointin and Guarantee Comp of Edward Leonard h the said Annie Robins Dated at Wingham A D. 1910. Tun TRUSTS AND by R. Guardianship of the e Robinson, deceased. ado to The Surrogate of Burt before the the Court House in iration of twenty days on hereof on behalf of tee 5. ompanv, Limited; the said, The Trusts ny, L rafted, guardian binson, infant child of n, deceased, is 18th day of January, ARAITEE,CO,LTD. NSTONE, is Solicitor. STALLION• FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale the pure-bred Clydesdale stallion, "Royal Jimmie, No. 6217." He is a good jet blank, near bind leg white, spot on off bind foot, and is rising seven years old, weighs 2000 lbs. and is a sure foal getter. Royal Jimmie's sire was Royal Conqueror (imp.) [2542] (0386), dam, Ethel Armstrong (2229) by Inter- national (imp) [14281 (6853) 2nd dam, Nelly imp. [970] by Laird of Bute (4490), 3rd dam Maggie of Hallborne (7353), by Doncaster (288), 4th dam Jean (1598), by Lange Jack (444). Any person wishing to purchase a good animal will do well to see this horse. He has made four snocessful seasons and bis stook is turning out extra good. Horse eau be seen at the farm of Mr. Geo. Bryce, lot 18, con 12. Turnberry. ART. KEEFER, Teeswater, Ont. WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP General repair work oil automob bicycles,. boilers, engines oto. aby carriages and go•oafte re -tired. Wood Turning— Whiili- rees, neck- yokes, kanthook b idle ::to. Farmers have y teen our Combina- tion Stock Rack. Something new, strong and handy. Agency for steam and gasoline engines. Anotion Sales given prompt attention. W. A. CURRIE PROPRIETOR. 4.Royal Grocery 4. + + .•I• 4. • 4. 4. + + + 4* + + For Fresh Salmon Trout Fresh:Herring Salt Salmon Trout Salt Herring • Don't forget that our s Teas and Coffees lead. e j. Malcolm Phone 54, Produce Wanted. KING'S FOR BARGAINS W F WANT YOUR TRADE KING'S Wingharn's Fur House Great Clearing Sale 1 i OF Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Cloth Coats, Neck Furs, etc. In order to make room for the New Spring Goods which are arriving daily, we are sacrificing all our Winter Goods at prices that will interest you 6 only Isabella Fox 6 only Ladies' Fur. Muffs to clear a{' Lined Coats, 25 each , , ... 6.90 per cent off. 25 pieces Dress Goods, reg. 1.00 and 1,25 for... 50c 3 only Sable Muffs, regular 15.00 for -. ,. 10.00 4 only Men's Fur - Lined Coats, reg. 45 00 for.... 32,50 10 pairs white wool Blankets to ,tear at 3.15 pair 1 only Sable Muff, regular 25,00 f'or . 18.00 16 only Men's Beaver Coats,quilted with fur collars for 16.50 10 dozen Ladies' Vests, regular 35c for 23c ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED. GOOD GOODS 1. G. E. KING. O HEAP PRICES •••••••••••••••••••N••••• •••••••••-••••••••••••••••• - • • • - i Store D. M. GORDON'S • • • • • Our customers and the public in general are cordially invited to come to our ••• • •store and share in the great • • • ••Cost Sale of all Winter Goods: •. •• • Of every kind now being sold .positively at cost. This Great Sale • includes everything in Furs, Ladles' Cloth Coats, Hen's Overcoats, Suits, 'Underwear, Rubbers, Overshoes (all sizes, new and best quality), Blankets (of fine quality—will give pleasure as well as comfort to the users), Heavy .hose and Sox, and every article in stook that can be classed as Winter Goods will be sold on the above terms. • • • News This Week i• • • • • •• • t • t Come right alongand take . a share of our Great Bargains. • WE PAY BEST PRICES DOR TRADE. • - • • ID. M. GORDON. o•••••••••••••••_•:•••••••••; ••••••••••••••••-•..••••••••o e • • • • • • • ,••' • • • - • s • • • 4 •+++++++++++++++++++++++•+ +++++++++++i0+++•++++0++++ • + • Winghams Music Emporium ♦ 2 D. BELL, 4' i 2 f 2 2 the Great MUSIC and PIANO DEALER i We handle the very best Pianos from the celebrated makes of the day. They are bought outright by nit, which means . a saving to partiea purchasing a Piano here. Each one is made in keeping with the grade of the instru- ment, Any one Of our PIanos is an ornament in any home, i The " notion " of a piano is a very vital part - it does the player's bidding. 2 I 1 D. SELL, The rlusic Man Opposite Skating Rink 4 WTh GRAM, OM'. 0.01i..s..•.*M ►s *t01 ,♦++•+•40.0.14444A+0+44+.* Eaoh Pedalo f our Pianos is fitted with the latest patent Noiseless e. The Tone is the most important consideration when selecting a Piano. Onr instruments are guaranteed to possess ii. Tone full, round and powerful, at the Dame tittle sweet and molo& ions. When pnrohasina a Plano be sure you call on t1 Felt Shoe. Bargain Extraordinary For ladies On Saturday next we will make a clean-up of Ladies' Fine Felt Juliets, Slippers and House Boots, in black, brown, pink, blue, etc. ---about 70 pairs all told. Regular $1.00 to $1.50, for 77 CENTS PER PAIR ON SATURDAY NEXT ONLY Samples in North Window. Very Special for Men. GRAIN LEATHER LEGGINGS, with. cant - pull - out hooks, for 90 CENTS PER PAIR. WILLIS & CO. • THE SHOE STORE. arearz- AGENTS FOR LADIES .EHOE,I i Men's and Ladies' P .- Fur Coats. i •, Just in the middle of stock -taking and we do not want to carry them over. If looking for Fur Coats it will pay you to have a look at them, Prices to suit everybody. Men's Winter Overcoats. IA • In Black Beaver, "regular $12.5o for $9,00 2 only Men's Stripe, College Collars, sizes 3G and 37, to clear at cost. ' Boys' Overcoats, only a few left. at low prices. gLadies' and Men's Underwear. E i Turnbulls Unshrinkable Underwear, all sizes, at cut prices during stock -taking. Men's Elastic Ribb and Fleece Lined at a re- duction. Men's Heavy Work Shirts in wool and cotton at a great saving. A few odd ready-to-wear Shirts, black only, sizes 24, 39, 24, 38, 23, 38, at cost. All heavy goods prices cut to pieces. Remember we are selling pur cane Sugar, purity guaranteed at $5,0o per roo lbs. Flour and all grains kept in stock. Goods delivered to any part of town. , Tar AAN MILLS PHONE 89. INGAM �3 ON T. lit