HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-02-03, Page 67
Winitl4 M FEBRUARY at 1b1Q
Interesting Paragraphs 'ronin our Exchanges.
A man seldom aomparee himself with
Others to his awn disadvantage.
Ton do not preserve the faith by
Steeping the faithful in a pickle.
Cold on the Lunge.
This letter gives some idea of the oon
Silence placed in Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine by people who
know by experfenoe of rte exeen«tonal
merit. Mrs, R D. Turner, N W. T ,
written "We have seven children and
'lave used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
;sad Turpentine for them all when trou-
bled with cold on the longs. We bay
four bottles at a time and always keep it
in the home, believing there is nothing
so good for coughs and oolde."
Moral blindness is often die to pres
.sore on the money nerve,
The power to comfort others does not
canoe from consoling yourself.
An attaok of the grip is often followed
1y a persistent Dong::, W 1!C i ^. many
•F9veil a great annoyabee. Chamber.
lain's Cough Remedy hits been exten-
sively need find 'with lliiae4 iHiuoesd for
the relief and cure of tiffs cough. Many
caeee have been cored after all other
remedies had failed, Sold by all
deniers. a •e,
People who think twine before they
speak seldom acquire reputations as
boy orators,
Most of a town's red painting is done
by the light of candles burning at both
$100 ReWARD, 5100.
Tho readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its steges and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Onre is the
only positive onre now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a coneti-
tutional treatment Half's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally, noting directly upon
the blood and mucous snrfaees of the
system, thereby destroying the founda-
tion of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building up the oon•
attention and sedating nature in • doing
its work. The proprietors have so mnoh
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollare for any case
that it fails to oure. Send for list of
Address: F. J. l7HENEY & Co,
Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
The Germans are laying the founda-
tions for inoreased foreign trade by
more attention to the teaching of lam.
guages in the public schools.
Drapery effects are progressing in
dressy costumes, taking the form of
real or stimulated tunics, long full
side draperies, panniers, songlike
folds, etc.
&411oh, Cu
Quickly stops coughs, euros colds, heals
the throat and lungs. - - • 25 cents.
One of, the ver; old residents of Tees -
water passed away Monday morning,
January 24th, in the person of Mr.
Barton Butcher. He was 81 years and
8 months old and had long been remark-
able for his industrious and cheerful
disposition. He had enjoyed unusual
good health throughout his long life,
and was quite active until the early fall
when o4ving to the natural infirmities of
old age he was confined to the house.
His partner in life was ill at the same
time and died on December 6. He was
a native of Cornwall, England, where he
was born May 6, 1828.
Little Liver Pillsp
Cunt Bear Signature of
&a itaa.SienIfe Wrapper Below.
%eery.smalt end_ao oozy
te_takte Oa sagarrl
wA 1 St.
�� ` FIIIE"fi1 p101,1 EN`
c ay
FoRds�luow,,sKtllS` .
1 .".0A t0) :
Some exceedingly attractive piotur e
frames are made of linen, with a simple
deeiga embroidered in satin stitoh. The
ribbon, too, is exceedingly attraotiv e
need in this way.
Among regular cannibals the most
varied mottvee have been found.
There are Indiana who are said to eat
their enemies by way of insult, and
Australians will consume their deceased
parents as a mark of affection. Some
tribes devour the dead enemy to abolish
hint utterly, others to assimilate his
virtu es.
Dr. Chase's Oint
mentis a certain
and guaranteed
oureforeaoh and
every form of
Itching. bleeding
a n d protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and as
roar neighbors about it. You can use it and
Cot your money back if_not satisfied. 60o, at all
MAIMS .: b:nnrerrsoN, 5L Co., Torouto.
Miss Grace E Semple, of Teeswater,
tlyho a few weeks ago arrived hon from
Vie -....
West, was maririe� l�''rid• ;ay morning,
Jan. 21st, to Mr. Charter W. Nichol, of
Castor, Alta. The marriage took plane
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Semple, 8th line, Onlross,
Rev, D. Tait cfficiating. Only relations
and immediate friends of the bride were
Bears the Thu Kind You lave Always Rau•
On Wednesday, the 20th inst., the
home of Mr. and Mrs. David Stroud,
Ashfield boundary, one mile west of
Luoknow, was the scene of a family
gathering when the above couple cele-
brated the 50th anniversary of their
marriage. Mr. and Mrs Isaao MoAdam,
Outlook, Seek., and Mre. Robt. Hunter,
Kincardine, were present. Both these
ladies are sisters of Mrs. Stroud. A
most enjoyable time was spent.
CAIES '1'OWt. =A.
Bears the , The Kind You Have Always Bought
The body of Fred McDonald, late of
Ottawa, was taken to his home in
Goderioh on Thursday for burial. He
is the son of the late Sheriff McDonald,
of Huron, who lived in that town, and
is a step -son of the late Dr. Ure, also
of Goderich. He has been for several
years past in the oivil servioe at Ottawa,
although he is well known in Goderioh
circles. The deceased was about 46
years of age and was unmarried.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A man who believes that many fires
and much lees of life could be avoided
if people exercieed more care in dispos-
ing of burnt matches and cigar and
cigarette stumps, is sending thousands
of postal cards through the mail bearing
this plea:—"Fire is a useful but also
dangerous element. Remember this
when you would throw a burnt-out
match into a paper basket or on the
floor, where an nnaeen spark might
make a flame. Think of it when yon
throw away your cigarette stamp.
Prevent the fires that kill. .A. receptacle
for burnt matches is a more valuable
piece of furniture than arooking chair."
A few minutes de1
a in treatingsome
oases of croup, even the length f time
it takes to go for a doctor often proves
dangerous. The sated way Is to keep
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the
house, and at the first indication of oronp
give the ohild a dose. Pleasant to take
and always cures. Sold by all dealers.
Mr. and Mre, Wm, Wright, of the
16th oon., Howiok, celebrated their
golden wedding on Monday, Jan, 17th.
They were presented each with a gold
watch and chain by their children. The
celebration was also the occasion of the
marriage of their daughter, Mies Annie,
to Mr, David Wood, of Manitoba. Mr.
and Mre, Wright are still in the enjoy-
ment of exoolient.health and their many
friends wish them many more years of
life together.
C.7 .A. OP Cs TX X .A.
Beard ties The Mud YOU AavO Aiwayi Bought
. ` of 1.
There ie a real oampaigfi in tttrope
against the corset. The Queen of Italy
le opposed to stage, and Carmen Sylvia,
Queen of Roumania, wishes every wo-
man, thin and fat, *0 oast off the corset
and treat to nature.
A Cairn oroes have a been erect d on
illingtringan Moor, near Ballantroe, ire
,Memory of Robert Cunningham, post.
Cman, who perished there in the great
now.'.btarm Of last winter.
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Cateleeu.s Free
J. W. Westervelt, .e W, Westervelt,. Jr•, C.A„
Principal. Vice-Pitncipal,
When a sermon gets thin it ie sire to
spread itself out long.
Progress seldom comes on a track;
she make her own way,
While itis often imposaible to prevent
an aoeldbnt. it is never imposaible to be
prepared—it is not beyond any one's
puree Invest 25 canto in a bottle of
Chamberlain's Liniment and you are
prepared for sprains, brnieee and like
injuries. Sold by all dealers
He 'cannot keep hie friends who fears
to have foes.
Faith should give meaning to the
form of religion.
Ignorance is the weakest protection
possible to innooence.
When a man's faith is dead he is
always zealone for its bones.
Shoes will last mnohlonger if 000a-
eienleay ribbed with viiseline Ytb@n they
are new.
P troubled with indigestion, ooilsti-
pation, no appetite or feel bilious, giVa
Chamberlain's Stomach and L• iiier Tab.
lets a trial and yon will be pleased with
the result. These tablets invigorate the
stomach and liver and strengthen the
digestion. Sold by all dealers,
The rent payable by the Monroe of
Foulis is a snowball, which intuit be
presented at any time of the year upon
demand, Thie condition is not so hard
to fulfill as would appear, inasmuch as
Boy Wyvis, upon which there is always
snow, is situated on the Foulis lands.
Do von know that croup oan be pre-
vented? Give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the croupy cough
appears and it will prevent the attack.
It is also a certain cure for oronp and
has never been known to fail. Sold by
all dealers.
John Hodgins, a pioneer of Einloes
Township, died on Friday, Jan. 21st, at
the very good old age of 102 years. -Mr.
Hodgins was a native of Ireland and for
some time after ooming to Canada lived
in the vioin'ty of Lnoan. He Dame to
Kinloss in 1853 and made his home on
lot 18 in the Ilth concession, where he
passed away. He had enjoyed fairly
good health until last Augnat, when,
owing to increasing infirmities, he was
confined to bed and has not einoe been
about. He raised a large family -8 sons
and 6 daughters -12 of whom are still
living. His wife died 24 years ago.
His age was at first reported to be the
even century, but on looking up the,
records—the entry of hie birth in an old
family Bible and the age given at the
time of his marriage, it was found that
he was the full 102 years of age.
CP��Y1l/r 7JII N -O ME)
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
Looking forward over the coming
twelve months a good number of double
holidays are in sight. The next Christ-
mas and New Years will be on Sunday,
and will no doubt be accompanied by a
holiday on Monday. Easter and Labor
Day always bring a double holiday, on
Sunday and Monday, and under the
new order of things in regard to Thanks.
giving Day, fixing it on Monday, there
will be still another poubie holiday.
Another thing whioh is noteworthy
about the year is that•there ie an extra
Saturday, whioh means fifty-three pay
envelopes instead of fifty-two during the
year. It depends upon whether one is
receiving pay envelopes or handing
them out how he will regard this feature
of 1910.
From Her
For Nine
For Backache, ck ac a Lam
e Or Weak Back—
one of the commonest and most distressing
symptoms of kidney inaction, there is no
remedy equal to I)oan's Kidney Pills for
taking out the stitches, twitches and
twinges, limbering up the stiff back, and
giving perfect comfort.
A medicine that strengthens the kid-
neys so that they are enabled to extract
the poisonous uric acid from the blood
and prevent the chief cause of Rheuma-
Mr. Dougald A. Melsna6, Broad Cove
Banks, N.S. writes: --"I was troubled
with my kidneys -- .
neys for nine months, and
w such terrible pains across
the small of my back all the time that t
could hardly get around. After taking
two boxes of I)oan's Kidney Pills 2 began
to feelett
b er and bythe time me I had taken
three I was compleely cured."
Price 50 centser box, or 3 for $1.25
all deal11�� i
ars or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co;, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
When ordering specify "Doan's."
Tiny flakee so softand white,
Soon a. pretty, pretty eight;
Falling he,e and falling there;
Tospiug, tumbling everywhere.
Blowing into Mitts so high;
Almost think they'd reaoh the sky,
Blootting every plane they fall;
So you soaroe oan walk at all.
People look at you and say,
Ian t this it wintry day,?
Myr I'm glad its euowing some,
I've wait -4 long for at to dome;
;oat to think its been a year.
Since the last wee a awe were here,
Now the ground is smooth and white:;.
Hope it movie; .bard all to night,
Bo when I waken and 'tis day,
I oan run and get my sleigh;
Up end down the hill to go,
Through the white and lovely snow.
Jean MoLean Forsyta, aged 14,
Aurora, Jan 8.b,.
Foolish is be who says that at his door
I knock but once, a furtive moment
Fearing lest be shorld hear, then
haste away,
Glad to escape him—To return no more.
Not eo, I knook and wait, and o'er and
Come back to ammo him day after
I come to oall the idler from his play,
Or wake the dreamer with my vain up-
Oat of a thousand, haply, DOW and
One 1f he hears again and yet again,
Will tardily rise and open ba,ngnidiy
The sync, half puzzled, bait annoyed,
1'o play or sleep, nor seek Aur wish to
Wbo the untimely, clownish guest
may be.
—William H. Eddy, in Atlantic Month-
The Serpent's Tongue.
He should be boiled in oil, or hong,
the agent with the serpent's tongue.
He sells me traps I do not need; he sella
me books no man would read; he sold a
oombination fork which drives a nail or
pulls a cork, with whioh he said a man
might shave, or shine his shoes or dig
a grave, He should be through the
transom flung, the agent with the ser-
pent's tongue. I am always paying
hard-earned cash for patent lamps and
other trash; for nansio ranks that are
no good; for toilet soap that's• made of
wood; for dentrifioe that doesn't dent,
for fountain pens not worth et cent; for-
evermore I'm being stung by agents
with the serpent's tongue. Eaoh time
I'm stung I vow a vow: I'm done for
good with agents now; I'll buy my doo-
dads at the store, and ohain old Towner
by the door, and if an agent should ar-
rive, he will not leave the place alive."
Alas! There is no dodging fate! He's
laying for me at the gate; at my ap-
proach he will produce "The Life and
Worke of Captain Loose" or that illumi-
nating book, "The Vogages of Dr. Cook,
With Maps and Qharta whioh fully
S how the Planes he Didn't Go." The
lid upon him should be sprung—the
agent with the serpent's tongue.—Walt
Mason in the Star,
In a talk before the BnffaIo Ad Club
recently, E. R. Thomas, president of
the E. R. Thomas Motor Company de-
clared that judicious advertising in
newspapers is the key to success in
Mr. Thomas mentioned three
distinct cases, which he believed
would convince the moat skeptical
that the only way to gain the
attention of the people was to
His first experience, he said, was
in Memphis, Tenn,, a good many years
ago. Mr. Thomas had been engaged
in the freight business on the
Mississippi River, Then he went into
the real estate business in Memphis.
Five -inch liners had been the extent of
real estate advertising in that pity until
Mr. Thomas came along. Be, too, took
to the five-inoh•habit for a time until
he had the situation thoroughly
sized up.
"Then," said he "one day I startled
the community with a fnll'page real
estate adverticement. They had
never seen the like of it down there
before and the modem of the real
•estate business was instantaneous."
Mr, Thomas sold that was but one
of three great snooesees with whioh
he 'net as a result . pf newepaper
"The seoond," said ,:he, "was in
Toronto. I was in the bicyole bneinaes
there. Z adopted the same methods of
advertising in Toronto an I did in the
real estate business in Memphis, The
result was success again.. Then i oame
where there was another example of the
good effeote of jndioions advertising,
That was in 1894. We mannfaotnred, a
four -cylinder oar: it was .described as
mammoth, but 1: think that was a min•
take in advertiai i
ng, t should have
been described as a whale. We Placed
a page advertisement in the dailies in
ever bus'nese center of the country,
Prom that time on the automobile
business was a success. We had ati
the Matinee
we could do thereafter.
We dM not have much before, I mean
that it was a sarnggle to get along. 1
don't believe as a result of my expert•
once that any man oan Make good in
Wilmot better than by judioiour
The Toronto World, of whioh Mr.
W, F, M491a4u, M, 1?., i$ editor, has
suggested that President Oreelman cattle
Ontario Agricultural College be made
leader of the Liberal Apposition in Qn
tarso, but the World and Mr. Macleail.
aro always doing some. strange $hinge,.
Mr. Oreelman himeelf, the Guelph
Meroury says, denlea all intention of
(oteling politics, and then it aptly adds;
No one dpnbte the ability of Mr.
Oreelman t0 fill even so important a
poet. Should the Mantle of leadership
fall on his shoulders • he would dogbtlese
prove a worthy euooeeaor to the able
men who have led the party in the past.
At the same time we believe Mr. Creel.
man pan do better work right,where he
is. His elevation eo the leadership
would be for ' the express purpose of
making the party he led an agr'oultnral
party. Agriculture should be kept out
of politics. The magnitude of its inter -
este do not allow of debate. The ad-
vancement of agriculture should not be
advocated by one party; it should be
recognized: as one of the Stet principles
of progressive government and accepted
as among the main planks in the plat.
form of every party. In his ,preeent
position, Mr. Oreelman eau work for the
reoognition of the full importance of the
agrionitnral industry. It oan be ad
vanoed better through educational than
political obannels.
Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse
the prescription of one of the best fe-
male physicians and nurses in the
United States,and bas been used for fifty
years with neyer-failing snooeee by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind ooiio. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five
oents a bottle.
Conditions in the West.
A Saskatohewan school teacher pub -
lathes an interesting letter in the Globe
in respect to educational conditions in
the Northwest. He says that teachers
are scarce and that on account of the
population being thinly spread over a
large area, children cannot get to sohool
at an early age, in consequence of whioh
the whole school population is at least
two years behind Ontario in their stud-
ies. He says that the West is being so
rapidly settled that all the Normal
schools in Canada cannot turn out
enough teaohere to mann the schools.
There is not a public school inspootor in
Saskatchewan or Alberta but could
locate at least twenty teachers if he
could procure them. The Easterner
who has children at sohool would then
be making a .great mistake to come
West to homestead. The writer le not
enamoured of Western conditions and
says that people who are comfortable in.
Ontario should stay there. He Saye
everyone should not consider himself
certain of becoming: wealthy in the west..
His children receive meagre educational
privileges; his wife may not have
neighbors close at hand, and the eternal
prairie is extremely lonely. Besides
there are dangers from typhoid epidem•
ios, frost, from hail and frons terrible
blizzards. In conclusion we may say
that homesteading for the avera-ge man
does not pay. If he comes west to farm
he had better purchase an improved
farm near a good market, but this pre-
snpposes he has money, and if so, he had
better remain in the east, where prices
are good, homes comfortable and where
social conditions are favorable.
What now ails the south is not so
mnoh the war and its consequences, nor
is it the negro, bat it is the slow, sure,
steady destruction of the white man's
red blood oorpusole, gradually eaten up
the malarial germ.
The National Cross has met with such
success in the last year years in teaching
first aid to the injured to the employees
of large corporations, that it has deter-
mined to undertake the work on a mnoh
scale, It will begin with the
'United States Steel Corporation, and
will instruct mote than 20,000 employees
of that concern.
T etc o ng of
the Nerves
Wonderful cure brought about by DR.
It is only by watebing the symptoms
of nervous exhaustion and applying
restorative treatnient that you can ever
hope to ward off locomotar ataxia and
Mrs. 34. ,T. Vanderburgh, of Bastorn
Welland Ave., St. Oathorines, Out.,
states:--='i'or twenty -ono years I was
badly afflicted with heart trouble, nerv-
ousness and cramps in the limbs, also
twitching of the nerves and nervous
headaches: I beeaino weak, debilitated
Mid emancit,ted, My condition 'was dis-
tressing and was made worse through
y and loss of sleep,
Z tried a, hundred remedies in vain.
After having used half a dozen boxes
of Dr. Chase's Nerve rood my old trou-
ble had entirely vanished, and I was
enjoying bettor health than I had Since
Stick casaehi
ad this prov0 tho ',Vendee -
fol efiiciondy of Dr, A. W. Chaee'e
Nerve Food. It curse in Nafnro'a way
by ohriehing the blood andfor this ren•
by enriching the blood and its benefits
aro, lasting. 50 ets. a be; all aealory.
or ldfnanson, Bates dt Co., Toronto.
TWENTY. YEAIIS n Itemss from the the
ey 1 i fes.'
(From the Trams of Jan, $1,1800. )
Reeve Gregory and Deputy*Reeve
McKenzie are in Qoderioh this week at,
Sending the County Oouuoil meeting,
The anniversary Beryline in connention
with the Wingham Presbyterian onuroh
will be held on Sunday next, February
2nd, when appropriate dieooursea will
be delivered by the. Rev. J. A, R. Diels.
son, B, D , of Galt, at 11 a, m. and 7
p, M.
Messed. W. F. Dulmage and. T. Agnew
have entered into partnership in the
livery and 'buss business and will con -
dune both businesses as in the part.
The annual meeting of the Wingb'am
Presbyterian Chur% was held in the
oharoh on Monday evening last, a large
number of members being present. The
financial report of the Treasurer showed
the total income for 1889, including
balance 011 hand, was $2505.57, and the
expenditures were $2193,60, leaving it
balance 0f $312 07 on hand.
Robert Collier left on Monday morn.
ing for Wingham, where he has wept -
ed the position of foreman on the Ad-
vance, May he suooerri.— Brio Advooate„
The rain on Sashay and mild weather
einoehas left ns %tan ut sleighing;
Qn Friday morning last when the'
Grand. Trunk Railway train was ooming
Into the station here, it etruok and surfed:
an old man named Matthew Stoma, .
whose duty it was to watch the crossing,
in ben struck he was ehovellipg mote
from the rails and it is supposed he
thought himself out of reach of the,
Storen —In Wingham, on Friday, the-
24th 'net, Mathew Storm, aged 70
Ritohie.—Io Wingham, on January
80th, Ada L. Ritchie, daughter of Mr.
John Ritohie, aged 5 years, 3 months
and 21 days.
Justine has a streak of yellow, for she
grips the little fellow, but ,her temper
seems to mellow towards the man who's
higher up.
Though she rune to fix her olutohee
on the one who steals as mnoh as 50
Dents, she limps on crutches toward the
man who's higher up..
It the duties are evaded, quick is
righteous wrath paraded, for the few
who simply aided—not the man who's
higher up.
' Tis a most obnoxious feature; justice
surely needs a teach; worst of sinners
not the oreatnre, but the man who's
higher up.
Little chap mast go to prison for a
orime not wholly hie'n, while cham-
pagne is ever flzzin' for the man who's
higher up.
When a trust is caught at scheming,
Justice takes its menials, seeming "not
to e'en be faintly dreaming of the man
who's higher up.
Ever calm her way pursuing, Juetioe
notes what some are doing, but this
duty is eschewing when the man is
higher up. ,
Justine should take off her blinder,
to the smaller fry be kinder, and, before
her or behind her, grab the, man who's
higher up. •
—Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Is art Almost Certain Sign of Acute
If you occasionally have a taste of
sour food in your mouth, it surely
shows that the food you are eating is
not being digested, but instead, is
fermenting and giving out poisonous
Belching of gas is a common symptom
at such times, and also that lump of
lead feeling, as if your stomach was
carrying a much greater load than it
could stand.
If you want prompt relief and per-
manent cure, go to J. Walton McKibbon
and get a large tin box of Mi-o•na tab -
blots for 50 Dente.
J. Walton MoEibbon knows that
Mi -on -a is a highly recommended ecien-
tifio remedy, and that is why he is
ready to return your money if it fails to
Dore acid stomaoh. belching of gas,.
dizziness, billionenese, sink headaohe,
foul breath, and all stomach trouble,. •
That delightful Canadian illustrated
magazine, the 'Canadian Pictorial,'
whioh 10 to Canada something of what
'Illustrated or lie Gra hto
the News,'the p
are to England, continues to improve
with each year of its existenoe. While
Canadian piotures generally predomin-
ate, plenty of illustrations are given of
events and scenes the world over, so as
to merit its claim to give 'Wive by
Views.' Short complete stories, music)
and well' edited departments add to the
The quality of the photogravures, the
exquisite enamelled paper and the fine
printing, cannot bo fully appreciated un•
less you actually see it, but it is nn•
doubtedlq 'a credit to Canadian journal -
Ian.' It certainly was a tribute to
merit when the Montreal Carnival Com-
mittee this year, as last, nnanimousty
accorded to the 'Canadian Motorist' the
honor of having the esolneive right to
issue the 01} clo1At CAItrrvnt. Samoan,
Last year's CARNIVAL SOovniff t was an
astounding ittcoees. This you'd home,
at the same low price Of fifteen cents,
promisee to be even better. The 'Cana*
dian Pictorial' is issued monthly by the
'riotorial' Publishing Company, 142 St.
Peter street ('Witness' Building), Mont-
real, and the eubsoription tato ie $1.00 a
The 'Canadian Pictorial' and the
Ttitits one year eaoh for only $1.00.
A laoemaker at Tiverton has worked
for the Make firm for 71 yearn,
Revillon Freres -
The largest dealers in
Furs and Skins in the world,
We pay then
for all kinds of
Raw Furs and Skins
Honest assortment, Quick returns
Ask for our 1909,1910 PRICE LIST 1
134 and 136 McGill St. Montreal.
(Contributed )
The great and underlying cause of'
bad lnok, poverty and misfortune is i
bad management, therefore the road to
snooeee, independence and wealth ie•
good management. That good old
man of England. the late William. Ew-
art Gladstone, once said in speaking
to the poor: "Avoid debt as you would
a pestilence." Rather than go in
debt for food live on cornmeal and
water. It is no disgrace to wear it
patohed coat, but it is a disgrace to
wear it coat out before it is paid for.
The late Joseph Linton, one of the
business men of Stratford in the year •
1852, in speaking of the credit system,
said that it was one of the things that
kept more men poor and the cause of
more failures among farmers and busi-
ness men than bad orope or all else
in the way of hard times. He closed
his remarks by saying: Gentlemen,
pay as you go, and if you cannot, ,go
very Blow.
The late John McDonald, who name
from Scotland to Canada a poor boy,
and started as a dry goods clerk,
through economy and posh beoame a
"merchant prince," and left behind
him one of the most enocessfnl dry
goods houses in the city of eoronto..
He encouraged short accounts, ad-
vised his customers to take oash dis—
counts if possible and never overbuy,
Mr. McDonald advised his retail cus-
tomers to ready pay as much as pouf-,
ble, and ,to those who ran amounts -
for 12 months to insist upon prompt.
settlement on the lot of January,
either by wish or bank note. At a,
meeting of his creditors he said that
many years of business had taught him
to believe that the man who did
1< a hie amounts 0o its ono
e ay ear
and find out how things were going was
not a thrifty man and had no control
over his flnanoes and therefore as worth.
Parisian Sago,: the Hair Grower, ia..
-Now Sold in Canada on Money
Back Plan,
We a mighty good thing for the .
wornon of Canada that Parisian Sago
oan now be obtained in every town of '
No preparation for the hair hag.
done so much to stop falling hair
and eradicate dandruff and make
women's hair boauttftil as Parisian
Parisian Sage is the only certain
destroyer of the Aandrnif microbe
whioh is the oanso•of 07 per bent of hair
These pernioioub, persistent and de-
etruotivo little devils thrive on the Or-
dinary hair tontob.
Parisian Sage is etioh an extraordinary
and quick acting rejuvenator that Wal-
ton MoKibbon, who is the agent in
Win ha
guarantees it tonr
b e dan-
druff, atop falling hair and itohing eoalp
intwo weeks or money book,
e it magnificent dressing for woolete
who desire luxuriant, lustrous hair that
compels, admiration,
anti only' 60etentsllite °Wiltone 011tiib-.
ben's and alt over Canada.