HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-02-03, Page 5FURS.
z Ful: -Lined Coat, (rat lined), regular $75 0o for - $50.00
r Brown Bear Coat, regular $7.50 tor - $20.00
I Australian Coon Coat, regular $35 oo for - - $26.00.
z Coon Coat, regular $6o,00 for - $50,00
4 Persian Latnb Caps, regular $6,00 for • - $3.75
Fur -lined and, wool -lined Gloves, regular $L.50
and $/,25 for - - $1410
10 per cent. discount on all Standfields red and
blue Cable Underwear,
I Buckle Overshoes, sizes 5 to r z,
$1,75 for - -
3 Buckle Overshoes, regular $3.25 for
- $1.25
- $2.35
eRf .:
1cGeeCampbell I
"A hard chill, pain through the chest, difficult breathing.
Then fever, with great prostration." If this should
be your experience, send for your doctor. You may
have pneumonia! If your doctor cannot come at once,
give Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. When he comes, tell him
exactly what you have done. Then do as he says.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. I.C. Ayer Co., Lowell,Mass.
Keep the bowels in good condition. One of Ayer's .Pills at bedtime will cause
an increased flow of bile, and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following.
TIU2 wIr4 arli[4A1 TAMES, FEBRUARY 3 f,`,i$...V
oatmeal exnlheeged for oats, F1;erl)r
R. aroma, Wiaghan,
The following is the report of S. S
No, 0, for the moill,th of 3anu' ry:— -
Mass V,-431, Currie, 114" Currie, V.
Taylor, M. Poem's; 11,
Currie, W. P0000k, G, Wolfler..
jr.J<i,m-,W, Taylor,M. Rantoul, A.
Carrie, F, Deacon, H Dement,
Sr, IZ,,•.G, P0000il;, I,i, Pocock, T.
Carrie, 13. liurohill, F. MoDougail,
Jr TI•. -•(7, Carrie, T, Kerr, A, Leaver,
Pt. II. -'i3:. Kerr, I. Perdu%
Pe. I.•—J. Taylor,
Average atteedenoe, 26•
A• L. LAWaa1i 7n, Teacher.
' rs x Qssln,s,
A business ohmage is on the program
in town, George Reye trading hie inter-
est in the livery business to ROA.
Lowe, of Grey, and taking his farm in
esohange. Alex. Anderson retains his
interest, Mr. Lowe is a great lover of
horeae so should be in his element now,
H. R. Brewer, who hoe been in the
photo business here for the past 12 years,
disposed of it to Geo. F, Maitland, an
artist of well known ability and experi
enoe from Stratford, who will got pos-
session on Maroh lat. Mr. Brewer, who
has built up a large and growing trade
by the excellent work he turned out,
will go West, poeaibiy iocating in Cal.
gory if be finds what suite him,
LSLV5.R wierimast.
Oatmeal exchanged for oats EFRANE
R. Howsox, Wingham.
The following i8. the report of S. S.
No. 11, Tarnberry for the month of
January. Those absent from any exam,
are marked *.
Sr. IV.—Alfred Lookridge 316.
Jr. IV.—Minnie Saunders 321, Jessie
Carrie 299, W. Shrigley 293, Alvin
Groves 282,
Sr. III•—Myrtle Lookridge 224, Susie
Sheriff 223, Vernon Allenby 132*.
Jr, I1I.—Mildred Mercer 200, Francis
Lookridge 198, Milton Groves 138, Rose
Forsyth 122, Ethel Finley 33*, Leonard
Adams 30*.
Jr. II.—Jimmie Seli 150, Winnie
Ransom 104, Earnest Johnston 92, Mary
Austin 54.
Pt. II—Samuel Lookridge 65, Grace
Oaihonn 60, Olive Groves 65.
Sr. I.—Rnssell Finley 90, Gertie
Grovee 80, Howard Finley 60, Eddie
Shrigley 50, Earl Hart 20, May Hart.
Jr. 1,—Tommy Lookridge, Gordon
McGregor, Lizzie Ornikshank, Thomas
M. WALsIt, Teacher,
x'1TRlgX3X ma).-,
Oetmeat orehangod for gale. YEAlin
R• IIowsois, Wieghem,
The wedding hells mug moot cheerily
at Mr. John McBurney's, Turnberry, on
Wednesday afternoon, Jan. lath, The
priooiplo parties of the pleasant event
were Mise Jane Pearls, eldest daughter
Of Mr. and Mrs, MaBurpey, toMr, Jawea
Horde, a prosperous young farmer, of
Atcjuith, Baek, son of Mr. and Dire. Wm.
Kerrie, of Turnherry. At the hour of
tour o'clock to the straine of the wedding
march, the bappy mouple took their plaoe
in the drawing room, where the Rev, L.
Perrin spoke the magic words that trade
them sine, After the marriage register
was signed the large number of guests
sat down to a snmptnons wedding din-
ner. The evening•waa pleasantly spent
in mode and games. The bride was
neatly attired hn oream wool taffeta,
with veil and orange blossams, She
was the recipient of many useful find
valuable presents, which testified to her
popularity, There were guests from
Ridgetown, Clinton, Brimfield, Wing
ham, Gerrie, Wroxeter, Ilowiok, Turn.
berry and other pointe. The young
couple intend to leave for their new
home in Asquith, Saek., in a week or
two. We wish them "bon voyage,"
Misfortune for the bloodless—that
should he printed In all the public
piaoes. Yon moat have blood to have
strong longs to enable yon to with-
stand all the dust and microbes of
summer and the piercing winds and
cold of winter, Consumption la, pro-
perly spoatcing, lack or blood; the
natural result of anaemia. To prevent
consumption rieh blood is necessary,
The beat way to protect the organs is
to circulate this rich blood through the
lunge. Many have been saved by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, because these
Pills are a remarkable blood builder;
not indirootly but directly --with each
dose, They have oared thousands of
cases of anaemia; green sickness;
general debility axil all other troubles
arising out of poor blood.
Enoch Morrie disposed of his 75 acre
farm. North boundary of Hullett, to
D. McDonald, of this locality, ready
hag $4,500 for it. Mr. Morris will like-
ly hold an auction sale in the near
future. It is said he may take a trip to
Robert McKay, who has been is
charge of the eewellery department be-
longing to F. Metcalf for a number of
years, has deoided to go into badness on
his own amount and may be foaud in
the crag store of J, M, Hamilton. He
wog away this week at the cities buying
stook, Mr. Metcalf disposed of his
jewellery and watch making helioe$8
to Ur. Adams, wno is to open in the
8tothers Nook shortly,
At the annual meeting of the Plyth
Agricultural Soohety the Treasurer's
report showed reoefpta Intim about $1566
and expenditure $1488, leaving e, balance
of $68. Repar6 was adopted. Flection
of ofiieers .resulted .as follows: —Hon.
President, T. W. Sloan; President, R.
13 McGowan; 1st. Vioe President, Wm,
Pollook; 2n1 'Woe President, Dation
Laidlaw; Directors, T, U. Taylor, Ii„
G. McGowan, 'Jas. Denholm, Win,
Mason, Eliza Llviogaton, Adam Elliott,
Jno Barr and David Laidlaw; Audit-
ors, E. Bender and A, H. Wilford,
Meeting deoided not to send delegatioa.
to h'air's Association, The Seoretary is
to write the M. P P'e. of Rnrou, urging
Provincial grant to Agrioalturel Soots.
ties to be Wormed from $70,000 to
$100,000, Society owes $900 on, Agri.
Oultnral Park and $170 on notes, 74
members parried over to 1910. $482 25
4.44,+++++++++114++++++++++. + #++++++
was paid in prizes in 1909 It was de. *
()ideal to hold Fall Pair on Tueeday and
Wednesday, Oct. 4 and 5, x
Monday, January 24tb, the Master
beokoned another of his ohildren to the
House of puny Mansions in the person,
of Mrs, Rachel Thompson, whose de-
mise wise not unexpected. Deceased
was the third daughter of the late John
McOntoheon, 6th line, Morris,' and was
born in West 0wilIimbury an May 1st,
1849. While yet a child she moved
with the family into Morris 'township.
From the age of 5 until her marriage
she Iived with her uncle and aunt, the
late Saninel and Pars. Walker. She was
twine married. By the first marriage to
Dan. McDonald there were two daugh-
ters, Mrs. J, G. Smith, of Grey town•
MAP. and Mrs. Harry MoArter, of Hart-
ney, Man. Since the death of her
second husband, Robert Thompsou,
some 15 years ago, she has made her
home in Brussels and taken up home
nursing as her life work. It can be
truly said to know her was to love her.
Her heart sympathized with every sor.
row of those with whom she name in
contact. The manes of her death wet
dancer of the breast, and although
everything was done that skill and lov,
ing care could do, it was of no avail and
she passed percefully away at the home
of her daughter, Mrs J. G. Smith, con.
8, lot 4, Grey township, Jan. 24th, being
60 years, 8 months and 24 days oI ,
Hing Chong, a Kingston Chinaman,
committed suicide by hanging.
The Big Store's Bargains
Ladies' Fur.lined Coats, black and brown
shells, rat lined,; sizes 32, 34 and 36, regu- •
Jar $5o,00, special price $39,5o.
All small furs at big reduced prices, Sable
Stoles, regular $i8,00 for $13.85;. Sable
Muffs, regular $2o,00 for $15,00; Isabella
Fox Stoles, regular $7.5o for $5 so; Isabella
Fox Stoles, regular $zo,00 for $6*75.
Saxon Blankets, white with blue and black
borders, regular $3.00 for $2,45,
Girls" Coats with College Collar, regular
$1 1,00 for $6.95.
Suitable for Suits or Dresses in brown, blue,
and green stripes, for this weeks' special
prices 39c. Beaver Cloth and Diagonl
Blanket Cloth for coats, regular $2.00 for
$1.65, regular $1.75 for $I.4$.
Overcoats, College Collars, regular 20.00
for r6 oo; regular 16.00 for 1J,5o; regular
12.00; for 8 5o; regular io.00 for 7.5o.
Men's Mocha Gloves, regular $ 1.25 and
$1.50 for $r,00; regular $1.00 for 85c.
44••••••••+14NN••A••44 +. 04m•9�4b•�•I14+►04•AiU•ii4•Ir
Sale Commences Saturday, January 29th, Ending Wednesday, Feb. 9th
Great Loney -Raising Sale ! Twenty Thousand Dollar Stock to be Reduced One -Half ! Prices will do it ! Goods must be turned into money quickly ! This is your chance — it will pay you to drive
twenty-five miles to attend this sale ! Shrewd buyers h ve been waiting for This Big Sale ! Doors open Saturday morning at 9 o'clock ! Come with the crowd !
Extra salespeople to wait on you ! Shop in the morning if possible ! Read the List—only room here for a few of the many bargains awaiting you :
• ---
Ladies' Coats.
25 per cent discount off Ladies' Coats, Misses'
Coats and Children's Coats. All must be sold.
Plenty to choose from.
Grocery Department.
Fresh stock new Raisins, 4 lbs for 25e
Pot Barley, per Ib 03e
Canada Laundry Starch 06e
Fresh Corn Starch OSc
10e Bottle extract, sale price OSc
Royal Yeast Cakes.... 03e
121;c Fancy Cakes 1.0e
2 cans Red Salmon for 25e
35c Black Ceylon Tea for.,
Tapioca, fresh 05e
Best cleaned Currants, 3 lbs for.... 250
250 box Flavoring Extract. for ; 10e
4 pkgs Gold bust for..... 25e
' Fresh Dates, per lb 08e
12 Bars Laundry Soap for 25c
September Cheese per lb 16e
Ie Pickles for .. , , ............. , . , l0c
15e Bottle
Boots and Shoes.
A large stock to choose from; every pair to be sold
at cut price,
Lot No 1, a number of odd.lines worth 31.25
to �61.:i0, your choice 99cy
Lot No. 2, Ladies' Button Boots, value up to
32.50, half price, 10 days sale price... .31.25
Table Linen.
10 da ssale ice.20o
1 piece heavy Table Linen, y p•"
54 inch bleached Table Linen, 10 days sale. , .30e
60c wide bleached Table Linen, 10 days sale..45e
75e Cilxa fine quality Table Linen, 10 days
sale 60e
31.00 Irish Linen, wide, Table Linen, 10 days
sale 750
Table Na kins all sizes 20 er cent, off rG alar
p P g
Dress Goods.
Buy your S ran Dress or Suit now lots of
p g
choice here„ during the BIG SALE, You can
bay at 2U per cent off regular price.
English Lonsdale Cambric regular value 15c,
our sale price 12a_
Ladies' Brack Sateen 17nderskirts with fancy
embroidery frill, reg price 1,25 far.. - , ,1,00
6 Clercs Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, reg. price
50c, 10 days sate price .33e
Chiffon Taffeta Silks, all colors, good buying'
at 75e, sale price 60e
Wrappers -5 dozen new Wrappers and House
Dresses,lined in the waist, good value at
1,50 to 2 00 each, your choice for .... , .123
White Quilts to clear, 1,25 quality for .... ...1.00
Top Skirts.
E 25 per cent. off all kinds of Top Skirts, A
big stook on second floor,
Clothing De artment•
Big cut in prices for 10 days.
Mens strong Overalls, bide or black, 10 days
sale ..4 59c
15 Men's Faney Tweed Suits, regular pricey
38.00, sale, 6 00
Men's Black\ Kersey ClOth Overcoats, reg.
�priee 8.50, sale ...6,50
Mens Heavy Grey pants, reg. 2.00 line, sale.1.50
Boys'two-piece' Suits to clear at 1 29
Boys' Heavy Overcoats, reg 10.00 value, sale 7,90
,Boys' Fine Freeze Overcoats, reg. value 7.50
... , ... y ............ ,
sale 6,00
Boys' strong Tweed Overcoats, reg. varus
6,00, sale......... ............. 4.50
Men's faney stripe Overeoats,reg,value 15,00,
sale :.. 4.46....... 4 ..-..12 00
Men's plain Overcoats, reg value 12,00, sale..9.00
Men'sTweed, Overcoats, reg value 7.50, sale..5.00
Mens fancy stripe raitsi reg value 2.00, sale 1,50
Men's worsted stripe Pants, reg value 2,50,
sale . ....... 4 4 4 4 4 4.4 . ,1.95
Two theusand dollars worth of Clothing on second
floor to choose from,
Bargains in Ribbons.
10 pieces plain Taffeta Ribbon, wide all
colors, 25c gttality, sale price.... 20e
20e colored Ribbon, salepricesale rice,12e
15e plain eolored Ribbon,price,..... 1Oc
12: Taffeta Ribbon sale rice......
,.,,. ,,.....,
Ladies Furs.
Ladies' Rat Lined Coats, Italian Broadcloth,
Alaska Sable Collars, verylatest styles,
good value at 50.00, sale price........39.50
Ladies'Persian Lamb Coat, good baying at
75,00 clean sweepsale 60,00
Ladies'Astraean Jacket, good quality, reg.
value 35,00, sale price..... 25.00
Ladies' Coon Coat, nice length, well tined, a •
bargain at 50.00, sale price87.50
Ladies` stir Lined Cape, black Thibit Collar,
regular value 25.00, our sale price15.00
Drseotlnt of 20 to 25 per cent, off Caps, Muffs,
Stoles, Caperines, Ruffs, Gauntlets, etc.
3 doz. Hann Satchels, large size, regular value
75e our etrolce 50c
' .
Lace Curtains Reduced.
A largo stock of Curtains to clear out at a
discount of per cent.
Big clean up in our Corset department. Look
ott dentre tables for big bargains. A
lot of Corsets $1,00 and 31.25 values.... 69e •
Your ACCo1itis Ue•
AtI acmon»ts must be scttIed by cash or rote
on or before Feby 9th.
y •
eYf1s l~ttrnl<ShYngs.
Men's Heavy Working Leather Mitts, lined,
regular 50e lines, your choice ..........39e
Men's Fur Lined Gloves, reg price 2 50 for.. ,1.75
25c Ties ill knots or four-in•hand, sale prree ..19e
Heavy Winter underwear 20 per cent. off
reg, price.
Men's Heavy Top Shirts to clear at... 43e
Men's Fife ;Braces, 25e value for,— , .......19e
Cruni's English Prints, guaranteed fest colors,
heat: patterns, values from 1216 to 16e,
clean sweep sale price,*... r......,.... 10e
Remember the date—Saturday January 29th.
Cash or produce in exchange for goods.
No goods charged at sate prices,
Nu goods sent on approbation.
H. E.
0. 9
= Wing
alt' r ._..� •, ”
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