HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-02-03, Page 44 Tkik1.1 WINGHAM '111411 a, FEI3RUABY 8, 1910 TO AOVERTISER8 2$9tioe of ahitngea mast he left at this Qllit'o uot later than. Saturday noon. The copy i*or changes moat be left not later than Monday evening, Casual advertisements accepted up La noon, Wednesday of each week. --- — - 's divided Profits. $5 355,293 91 DOMINION BANK HEAL) OFFICE; TORONTO 1 Oapital Stogk (all paid up) $3.988,700 00 Reserve Fund and. Uu- elet.A.i31.tekht$L Iit7q TUE \Vit DAM TIMES. 1I, le .104,1072. ale atatentieAianPROVRIEToar Total Asaeta...... ... , $57.000,000.00 Deposits by ;be public... $44 009,000 00 BRANCHES AND. AGENTS throughout. Qan- a(1a and the United. States. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY' 3. 1910 ' A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED., NOTES AND COMMENTS A. W Campbell, deputy minister of public works tor Ontario has been ap- pointed deputy minister ot railways and canals at Ottawa. Mr, Albert Allard, Liberal candidate, was on Saturday eleoted by a maj rrity 'of 6158 art the Oenservative cenzidate, Dr Oh'ebet, to represent Ottawa in the Oommous, render: +d vaoant by the de• oiaion of Sir Wilfrid Laurier to hold hie Quebec seat in the Howie. Oa D.eoember 31, 1908, the deposits in the Oanvdren banks amounted to $722,- '769,156 Between that date and Novem- ber 80, 1909. the deposits rose to $858,- 557,245. It dues not need statistics, as Sir Wiifriti. Laurier onee said, to prove prosperity gilder Liberal Admiuistra• tion. It the people do not know it by the jingle of the money in their pockets they kno.v it by the credit balances to their oredit in the banks—Stretford Beacon. In the last three issues of Toronto Saturday Night, that paper went after one George R. Monro, who is said to have been the promoter of several com- panies in which people invested their money and from which there will likely be noretnrn. Monro last week left Toron- to and Canada. Saturday Night did a noble work in throwing the lime light on this gentleman, as Canada can well mord to part with citizens ot his kind. Too merry people have been parted from their hard earned money by fake com- panies of o:ie kind or other and the good work of Saturday Night will help in a large measure to pat a stop to this work. Savings Department. Current Rates et Interest allowed, and Deposita received of $1.00 and upwards.. Farmere' sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest. WINGuAAI BRANOH—Oorner John 'and Josephine Streets. W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. R. 'aNSTONE, Solicitor. e e MOERIs. Oonndil will meet next Midday, when new Olddrk will be appointed, In S S No 9, T. 0 McCall was ohos• n trustee as suooeseor to Wm Skel• on. The wood oontraot went to Jno. Shortreea at $2.25 and oedar to T. 0. McCall at ;$2.35. Report of S, S No. 7, for the month of January. The examinatinns for �nior classes being Arithdietio, Gram- mar, Geography. and Spelling. Sr. IV,—G. Higgins. Jr..IV.—H. Kerr, S. Procter, S. Bran- don, A. Ooaltee. Sr. III —M. Hopper, J. Kerr, L. Hop- per. Jr. Ili.—W. Campbell, J. Campbell, W. Oruiokshank, 0. Bell. • Sr. II.—IL Garnise, R. Hopper, B. Campbell. Jr. Ih—L. Higgins, H. Prooter, V. Procter. Pt. II.—M. Oasemore, G. Campbell, Pt. I.—M. Garnise, V. Hopper. N. HIGGINS, Teacher. LETTER OF OONDOLENCE —To Mrs. Wm. Clark and Family:—We, the members of the Township Connell of Morris, wish to convey to you our deep- est sympathy in your sad and sodden bereavement of your husband and tether. We have learned to appreciate very much the untiring services of Mr. Olark as Olark of our Township for the past 33 years. We have always found him a man of high moral standing and excellent judgment, and a man who took a very deep interest in everything that was for the advancement of the Township and we oan assure yon that your loss has also been ours and we trust that you ,may be given in your sorrow and in' the loneliness you will now realize the consolation and grape of our sympathizing and ever present Saviour. Signed on behalf of the Coun- cil of Morris. THE SUFFERING WOMEN ENDURES Can be Banished by the Rich, Red Blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make, Behind the `veil of her modesty and silent patience nearly every woman endnres. suffering Thai oasts a shadow over halt her existence, An oohing baok, tired limbs, attacks of gains. nese, and headache upon headache need not be part of .it woman's life Such trials indioate plaiuly that the system requires the new blood that is supplied by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pillt are valued by suf- fering women, who have used them, above all other medicines, because they make the rich, red blood that makes women well, bright and at tbeir best. This is the secret of the great success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pals. Mre. Geo. 0. Wadden, Wad- dea's Cove, N S , says;—"A. few years ago I was completely run down. At times I would be so weak that I was unable to do my housework. I But- tered from severe headaches, pains in the bank and dizziness, and at times. I felt as though lite was scarcely worth living, I had tried several medicines without getting relief, when I finally decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. After using two or three boxes I noticed a ohange, and after taking the Plils about two months I was again enjoying good health, and have since been well and strong. I oan confidently recommend Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills to all weak and run- down women," Yon oan get this great blood -building, health restoring medicine from any dealer in drags, or the Pills will be sunt by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. It now Iooks as though Canada's revenue for the year would not quite reach the hnudred million dollar mark, as was hoped. For the ten months end- ing with Jannrry, the onetoma revenue totalled $48,907,118, a gain of $10,390,- 051, over the same period last year. The revenue from customs, which has been increasing at the rate of a million a month, this month showed a gain of only $367,205; this is not because the January revenue of $4 539,931 is small, but beoauee the revenue of the prev- ious January was large. Unless Feb- ruary and March show increases of considerably above a million each, the hundred million revenue mark will not be aohieved, but it is already certain that the revenue record will be broken. Unusual interest will attach to the Budget speech of the Provincial Trea- surer this session in view of the state- ment of expenditures and receipts for the fiscal year of ten months, which closed on October 31 last. This docu- ment was tabled at the Legislature Thursday afternoon, and for the first time Hon. A. J. Matheson is called upon to chronicle a deficit. The receipts for the year totalled $7,477 920 94, while the expenditure reached the sum of $7,545,- 040,47, leaving a shortage of $67,119.53. A review of the wealthy volume of which the Provincial Treasurer is the author, shows, however, that this condition is not the result of any impairment in the sources of revenue, but results from the foot that under the change in the finan- cial year several customary sources of income are not recorded. The early months of the year are those which call for the major expenditure, while November and December, whioh are not included in the present financial statement, are deemed to be revenue- producing periods of a special nature. Nature snakes the cures after all. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypo - phosphites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tis- sues, and makes rich blood. loll SALE 1st ALL bRtt GCiI818 5en+t 10e., aamtr of popes' sad Wend. for oaf beudtlfel Serintal flask sad O1,ild'a Skekb•Boo1G Rech beak *rattles 8 Good Leek ream. 1t26 %slilstoa $ttost,Weet Tweet.. Oat. N. A. TAYLOR, Reeve. The best care for exaggerated ego that we know of is to meditate for the space of a few moments upon that winter a few years ago, when we were all per- fectly sure that we had succeeded in burning ashes by soaking them with Fait water.—Toronto Star. 'Ave Stock Markets. Toronto, Feby 2—City Cattle Market, —Trade was very slow to -day, but prices were not any easier. The run was not heavy, and drovers were inolined to hold on for high prices. Boyers were not disposed to go higher. but former prices were fully maintained. Orders from outside points were in some oases un- filled owing so the higher prices asked. A. few loads were therefore held over, owners preferring to take chance on the weekend markets. The run was 69 oars, with 1,323 head of cattle, 290 sheep and lambs, 200 hogs, and 191 calves. The following are she quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 90 $6 10 500 400 8 25 4 00 The Inion Bank le7Toc„oeding.c.,0of the Thirty4iinth Annual General Electing of the Shareholders { JAMESTOWN. Mr. Mason of Wingham is expected to take the service in the hall next Sunday evening. Mr. E. Smith, of Brussels, took charge of the service last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pollock spent last Monday evening at Mrs. Jas. Straohan's. Miss B. McAllister and Miss J. An- drews of St. Augustine, accompanied by Mr. Russel King, of Grey, left for their homes last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Moses entertained a few of their many friends last Tues- day evening. Mrs. Arch. Robertson of Wingham visited her sons, Will and Dancan Mac- Donald last week. Mr. A. F. MacDonald left Wroxeter last Tuesday morning for his home in Paewegin after a few weeks' visit with his mother, Mre. Arch. Robertson, of Wingham, and his brothers and sisters near Jamestown. Mr. John Gillespie, of Paewegin, Sask., was visiting old acquaintances around here last week. Mise Alma King spent Sunday even- ing with her friend, Miss Eliza Burke. 'Rev. and .Mrs. Perrin of Wroxeter, visited at Mr. S. Snell's, last Saturday, and also at Mr. Len Ruttan'a on 2nd line of Morris. This week we expeot to have our phones in and next week will be able to Dill up central. "Hello, Brussels!" Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wallace, of Wier - ton, visited at Mr. Duncan MacDonald's this week. Miss Muriel Brothers of Brussels, who has been vi$iting her aunt, Mrs. D. MacDonald .for the past two weeks re- turned home on Sunday. Medium Bulls Light Cows Feeders-- best 1000 pounds and up- wards 800 Stockers chigoe 3 00 " bulls1 50 Butchers'-- Pioked 5 25 Medium 4 75 Oows........ , • 8 60 Bulls 300 Hogs— Best 8 85 Lights 8 10 Sheep— Export ewes ... ' 4 25 r3 26 (Tulle..., 3 25 Spring Lambs each.. 6 00 Calves. each. 8 50 5 25 4 50 3 60 4 60 3 50 400 200 5 60 500 4 25 4 80 5 00 8 66 3 50 750 WINGHABI 1Eble.litK*11, EEPORTS Wingham, Veb. 2nd, 1210, Flor r per 100 lbs.... 2 75 to 8 26 FallWheat .........Il 1 07 to 1 07 Oats, ...+ . ,,.. 0 86 to 0 86 Barley *oak, ..•...Ilr..ra.i. 0 50 10 050. Peas .............. 0 88 to 0 88 Batter daily ...Il . ►.Ilea.. 0 22 to 0 24 'Eggs per dos ............ 0 25 to 0 25 Wood. per oord ...... ..Ila• $ 50 to 250 Say, per ton . aa.Il. 12 00 to 18 00 Potatoes ...a , per'btrshel, r...w. 0 80 to 085 Lard' , 020 to 090 Lite Hogs, per cwt..*.... 825 to 8 2 The Thirty -Ninth Annual General M eeting of The Dominion Bank Was held at the Banking House of the; Institution , Toronto, on Wednesday. 28th January, 1909. Among those present were noticed:-- icon. J. J. 1' oy Jas. Carruthers. A. W. Austin, D. U. Osler. M.Pt, C. A. Dogert S. Jef:rey (Port Perry), Wm. Crocker. 1i. 13. Hodgins, W. R. Brock, Win. Russ (Fort Perry), P. FL Gown. D Arcy Martin, K.C. (Hamilton). G. N. Rey.. Golds. C. Walker, Dr. Andrew Small, David Kidd (Hamilton), J. C. Eaton, A, A. Jones, John Stewart, Aentilius Baldwin, A. Goulds, Andrew Semple, J. Ii Paterson. C. 11. Edwards, W. C. Lee, W. G. Cassels, Col. Sir H. M. Pellatt, J, C urdun Jones , Andrew Gunn, R. J. Christie, W. C. Harvey, E. W. Langley, W. s t" Cret ler, 4V. 11.. Knowlton, J. F, Ross, Wm. Davies, Jas. Matthews, Ira $.tmlish, L. LI. Baldwin. S. Samuel. Ii S. Harwood, Barlow Cumberland, Capt. i s�•upp, Jys. Scott, A. R. 13osweil R. Mulholland. Wm. Ince, .1. E. Pringle, N. 3•'. Dr.vidsen, J. W. L. Walsh. J. 'J. Maclennan, Rev. T. W. Paterson. It. M. Gray, 3,3h T. Small, K,C., F. J. Harris. H, W. Willcox (Whitby), Wm. Muloek, jr., H. J. Bethune, and other's. The Secretary read the Report of the Directors to the Shareholders, and submitted the Annual Statement of the affairs of the Bank, which is as fol- lows : To the Shareholders: The Directors beg to present the following Statement of the business of the Bank for the year ending 31st December, 1909:— Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 31st Deo., 1908 . Premium received On new Capital Stock.,. Profit for the year ending 31st December, 1909, after deducting charges of management, etc., and making provision for bad and doubtful. debts.,. ..... ... Making a total of ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... , Whish has been disposed of as follows: Preston carried the Hydro-electrio power by-law by a large majority. More than a hundred men are believ- ed to have been killed in an explosion in a mine near Trinidad, Col. The great tidal wave observed at Marsailea, France, June 16, 1909, appear to have been caused by the unusually high elestrio charge of the atmosphere whioh is known to have existed during the period of earthquakes which doves - listed the south of France. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE tis*omoM ACCI AICIDENT Insurance PLATE GLASS WEATHER J gmuml Coupled with a REL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Dividend 2 per cent., paid 1st April, 1909... ... ... ... Dividend 3 per cent., paid 2nd July, 1909. ... ... .., i.'+ ed :; per cent„ paid 'st October, 1:09 . • • pivld"nd 3 per cent., payable ord January, 1910 ... . . raneeerred to Reserve Fund ... ........ ... ... ... 11iitten off rank Premises ... ..... . ... .,. lanae cf Profit and Less Carried Forward . , . ...... ;ESERVE FUND Delance at credit of account, 31sT December, 1905 ... Transferred from kroht and Loss Account ... .... .. p'armets aho want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, can have it on reasonable terms. Motes dltttottnted for tradesmen, mere chants Cr agents, on favorable terms. Loans On real estate at tf lowetlil rates going. result of the $302,996 08 18,268 38 620,927 24 $119,504 10 119,509 50 119,511 00 118,268 74 $942,191 70 496,424 72 $150,000 98 $$295,766 98 $4,951,731 G2 18,268 38 $5,000,000 00 • Your directors have pleasure in reporting that since the affairs of the Bank were last placed before you at the annual meeting of the shareholders Jr J•tnuary, 1909, there has been a steady development in all departments of its business as is evidenced by the statement submitted. During a considerable period of the year some difficulty was experienced in- fully employing the Bank's funds at remunerative rates, but as a result of improving trade conditions and the harvesting of an excellent crop, the demand for legitimate banking accommodation has increased, and there is every reason to expect a prosperous current year. Felton -Mg the policy of- coneerV,ttive extension new branches have been e: tabliehed In important 1', eetcrn centres, and at other points in Canada whore it appeared advantageous to do so. Offices were opened daring the year as follows: At Victoria, B.C.; in Sasltntchewan, at Guernsey. Hanley, Melville, 21o• o Jaw and Saskatoon; in Alberta, at Clare:_hol:it and. High Riter; at tri• corner of Ciuy and St. Cath- erine streets, Montrealt in Ontario, ut Melton tectory street, London; and in Toronto at Deer Park• Wychwood, and n • r the corner of Lee avenue n.1d Queen street. The Branch at Linwood, Ontario, wa closed in March last. Desirable sites have been pure a •d in Calgary, Edmonton, Brandon and Moose Jaw, also at the corners of teen street and. Lee at•cnee, !door and Sherbourne streets, and konge street and St. Clair avenue. Toronto. and at the corner of St. Lawrence boulevard and Prince Arthur street, Aientre-it It is the intention to erect suitable buildings on these properties at a reason- able outlay. The new office buildings in Windsor and Fort William were; completed and occupied in 1000. The authorized capital stock of ih o bank at this time is $r ,000.000. of which $4,000,000 has been !4eued and f till)• pard up. .1 by-law will be sub- mitted for your approval providing for a fin tiler toereaee of $9,O0e.00a, whim together' with the $1.000.u00 already authorized but n'.t ars'::+ , eel' be ot- fered to sh,u'eholucrs from time to ,int; in such amounts as tee exl,anslen of business warrants. You will also be asked to approve of a by-law changing the par value of shares from $50 to $100 each. The directors. as is customary, have verified the Cash As: eta, Securities and various investments entered on the accompanying stetcraeat. In addition, the General 1,'tlnuce Sheet of the Lank as on the 31st Do- cember, 1009, detailed herein, has been checked and found to be correte ...- eluding the auditing of all Foreign Accounts. Every branch of the bank has undergone the urn^:1 thorough inspection during the year. . E. B. OSLEI2, Presic.ent. The report was adopted. The thanks of the shareho'.ders we're tendered to the Presh:ent, Vies - President, and Directors for their services during the yea', and to the Gee- eral Manager and other placers of the bank for the efficient performance of their respective duties. By-laws were passers authorizing 'an increase in the capital stock of the bank of $5,000,000, and: changing the par value of the shares from $50 to $108 each. The following gentlemen were duly elected Directors for the. ensuing' year:—Messrs. A. W. Austin, W. R. Brock, James Carruthers. U. J. elute - tie, J. C. Eaton, J. J. Foy, I:.C., .J.Y.1'., W. D. Matthews, A. 11. nenten, B. Osler, M.P. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, Mr. E. B. Osler, M.P., was elected President, and Mr. W. D. Matthews Vice-Preeldcnt, for the ensuing term. GENERAL STATEMENT LIABILITIES Notes in circulation Deposits not bearing Interest . $ 7,052,120 04 Deposits bearing interest (including interest ac- crued to date) 33,435,6S4 81 Deposits by other Banks in Canada Balances due to Banks in foreign countries Total liabilities to the public Capital Stock, paid up Reserve Fund $ 5,000,003 00 Balance of Profits carried ,forward ....... .... 295,766 08 Dividend No. 109, payable 3rd January,. 1910 119,631 74 Former Dividends unclaimed 111 50 Reserved for Rebate on Bills Discounted, Exchange etc. $ 3,565,904 00 45,487.513 E' 276,789 7 , 60,795 t, $44392 711 ,000,01;0 JG r , 1.11.1111.11.1110 laNEUMIONNomammi... THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE, WINGHAIUI KERR &I BIRD WE ARES AGENTS FOR TI1 - EDD RML DI sa M A F 11 PATTERNS REE0 5 F MONTHLY STYLE BOOK Now on Sale ---The Spring Quarterly Style Book . The finest and most up-to-date volume of correct styles ever issued. Concerning Stylish Clothing, it is a real bureau of in- formation, containing over 1500 illustra- tions, and also many dainty Easter suggestions by the world's most famous designers. We have only a small quantity, and YOU will have to hurry to get one. Price 20c., including a FREE Pattern. KERR & BIRD WINGHAM, ONT. 141,136 06 5,556,646 23 ASSETS Specie $ 1.440,399 94 Dominion Government bemand Notes 3,942,763 75 Notes of and Cheques on other Banks..... 2,938.025 00 Balances due from other Banks in Canada 612,7,3 6 62 Balances due by Banks 1n foreign coto:trias 1,592,558 74 Provincial Government Securities 333,572 5G Canadian Municipal Securities and Britieo . or For- eign or Colonial Pubic Securities other than Canadian ... 7.46,317 OS Railway and other Bends, Debentures and Stocks4,992,733 05 Loans on Call in Canada, 6acured b: Steeks ani Bonds .. . ... ........ .. . 3,407,12.1 23 Loans on Call in the 'United States, secured by Stocks and Bonds 2,005,000 00 Bilis Discounted ar.;l Advances Current... 31,ai,,.:1,3 39 Deponit with Dominion Government foe Seet,rity of Note Circulation ,... 130,000 00 Loans to other Banks in Canada, secured.... ...... 4_9,9'J 72 Overdue debts (estimated foes provided fur) 43.333 84 Real Estate, other than Bank Premises.. 118,223 139 Mortgages • 07,90' 97 Bank Premises 1,300,000 00 Other Assets not ihciuded under foregoing heads, 11,038 70 Toronto, 31st December. 1309. $53.9557,033 98 10,562,464 65 22,042,222 4? 36,914,809 " $53._9577,0-'`_.. C. A. ISOCEILT. 'Geneva l.aungeet HAMILTON The Sense of Security against to -morrow should be ample incen- tive to save to -day. Your Savings Account Solicited. WINGHANC BRANCH O. P. SMITE Il AC+>NT. �'S���tiiS�'i`✓ .S?! t.iS S JANUARY CASH SALE Now is your time to get Bargains in er Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,' China, Karnak Brass and Cut Glass. The finest line of goods that money can buy will be sold at LESS THAN COST This month 'only—FCR CASH. BIG BARGAINS IN OPTICAL GOODS Repairing correctly done. W. G. Patterson THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR Oppos ite Queen's Hotel - Wing p(✓)[-A17/.i U.]P/i [.✓..i 7_SFM/S [J!it /i(MaXi NSSJ L%iL L1 2) •