HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-01-27, Page 8J'1a14AMANaile ee* DELICATE LITTLE HAWES. Every delioate baby ,torts3 life with a berthas handicap, Nveu t4 trivial thesis may end. totally and the mother is kept in te state of Constant dread, Baby's Oven Tablets have done more than any outer ule4ioiue to make siokly babies well a strong. They give mother tti feeling of security at th ugh S their use she sees her • . rate childdeveloping healthil•, Mrs, 3 � e`e Theodore Mordon, B a, Opt•„ 5j ta .says; --"I can eery w' b gonad. ) encs that Baby's a me Tablets saved my baby's life. I did not know what it was to have a good night's rest until we started 3 et using the Tablets, bat they leave ? Ic made him a strong, healthy ) ec child." Sold by medicine dealers I or by mail at 25 Cents a boa from 5 The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., 1 I Brookville, Out. /VVVyiyyVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVNe/V ''e MINOR LOCALS. --Next Monday the Last day of Jan - vary. --Have you renewed your subset -IP' tion to the Tuns? —Workman are busy this week her, $eating next summer's the iupply. Record Trade increase, Oauada'rt trade tin December siie'Qrs a record increase of over 4Q per cent as compared with the preceding December. There was an increase of no less thea $15,663,38(1 in experts of domestic pro- ducts and of $8,593 262 in imports, The total exports of dotnestio prodnote were $38,066,086 and imports totalled $30.774.200. Of the tnorease in experts about $9 000,000 is credited to agricul- ture, re:deetiag the results of the reoord harveet of last yearn In every line of exports an increase is Shown. For nine mouths of the aortal year the total trade. has been $512.4&9.678, a oomparative in- orease of $83,238 506. The imparts totalled $267,0.1:1,935, an increase of 08,391,762. The exports of domestic. products totalled $2e1,116,813, an ie. crease of $26 633,626. During the nine months agricultural exports increased by $23,000,000 and exports of the forest by $7,000,000. The Customs revenue for the month of December totalled $5,077,580, an increase of $1,207.234. For the nine months the Oustonee revenue totalled $44,080,056, an increase of $9,417,303. Dr. A, T. Irwin is in Goderich this Week attending the meeting of the County Council. J. 0. Johnston shipped a oar load of horses from Wingham to Mon. treat on Tuesday, --Proceedings are being taken to quash the looel option by-law recently passed in Colborne Township. —The trustees of the public school have glued $3000 00 boiler insurance through the egenoy of 0, N, Griffin. —John Oke died at Goderioh last week, aged 75 yews. Mr, Oke had opens all hie life in the county town. —The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, OAnadian Order of Foresters will be held. on Friday evening of this week. e• -Mrs. Iwlay, of town, who was operated on by Dr, Margaret Calder, at the hospital last Taureday, is improving rapidly. —Mr, Edward Haines, south of Wing - ham, will hold an auctiou sale of farm stook and implements on Wednesday, March 2nd, —R. H. Reid & Sone, Pine River, are offering a number of Shorthorn bulls for sale. See advt. in another column for particulars. —Tuesday was the anniversary of the birthday of Robert Burns, the great Scottish poet. Berne was born on the 25,h of January, 1769. --Little Annie Blackball underwent an operation at the hospital on Tuesday morning last, Dr. Margaret Calder per- torming the operation. —Mr. F. W. Angus was a very enc• oeesful exhibitor at the poultry show in Clinton last week. Out of twelve entries he won eleven prizes. —The people of Goderiob. are proceed+ ing with the organization of a rural telephone company and expect to com- mence operations in the spring. —Tbe annual steamer Greyhound ex oureion from Goderioh to Detroit will be held this year on Saturday, June 18th, returning Monday, June 20th, —Mr, Geo. Diesels, formerly of Wiaghtem, writing to the editor from Preens, California, reports heavy frosts' :Sud coneiderabio snow in that country, Mr, Oassele says it is something new to see snow in California. PERSONAL. Mr, and Mrs. W . I5', VanStone were in Toronto for a few days this week. Mr. Earnest Gurney, of Fergus, is visiting bis brother, Mr. W, H. Gurney. Mies ATartha Ferguson, of Dungan- non, has returned home after a month's 'visit in Toronto. Mr. Black, of Hartney, Man., IS ,pending fi sew days with his brother, Newton Black. Me, .A., H. Musgrove, M, P, P., left Monday for Torenth to attend to his .;duties at the Legislature. Mies Jean McGillivray, who has been visiting at her parental home in town, hoe returned to Evanston, Ill, liar. J. A. Morton attended a meeting 4f the Ontario Public Libraries Assoola. tion in Stratford last Thursday, Mins Nellie Murray hole returned from Hamilton, where she spent a few weeks with her friend, Mrs. Davis Jerome. Mies M. E. Barber Ieft on Monday afternoon for Toronto to take a position ographer at the Legislative build - ring; the session. A Guarantee. py of the beautifnl .ictnre en. tit.The Soul's Awake r ngr' size 10 X'ii: ulcer, ready for fr •, ink, is Mill 11 h no their C rAnteod to a who '4V soh. t3 a eorlptione ou be om: subsoribere to The 1,'arnil i iter • t " and Weekly Star of Montle... T• lunch cannot be said of tbis lovely picture. It de-'. servo( alt til;,t flat been said (1f it and more too. copy should be in every home in Canada and those who fail to make Mire of a copy now will re. «ret it later, It int safe to say that no one who hes a copy would acre tri Sall it for twice what he paid for The F'at lily Herald for the Year and the picture, Ono dollar pays 1s whoole year's subsoription to that great Weekly, and the pletore it ;resented for each stab. scriber. Don't miss it. EASE WAtVANOSU. Mies Lylah Pearen, of Glenannan, is visiting et the honie of her nude, Mr. Hugh MoBnrney. Mr, Isaao Walker is on the sink Iist these days. We hope to hear of his speeds recovery. Miss May Reid entertained the choir of Brick Church last Wednesday even- ing. A very pleasant time is reported, isOZ N• BANitIN—In Wingham, on January 23rd, to Mr, oral Mrs. George Rankin; a daughter. 7QROL--GRIE1'$--In Brussels at Melville Manse, on January 14th, by Rev. A t.. Wis. bart, B. A., Mr. Edward Nichol, Morris town- Ehip, to Mits Jrnnie, daughter of the late John Grieve, of Brussels, MED Box.—in Wingham, on January 21st, Leo Bolt, in his 10th year. HFNRY,--•In Blyth, on January 16th, John henry, in his 80th year. KNicnT.—In Grey, en January 17th, James Knight, iu his 05th year. McIsTosn,--In Grey, on January lOth,Archie Melnto;h, in his 87th year. PERRIF.—In Guelph, on January 17th, Gideon Perrfe, forme, ly of Grey Township and brother of Rev. D Pertie, Wingham, aged 47 years and montns. Established 1879 FOR WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, CATARRH, DIPHTHERIA Vaporized Cresoiene stops the paroxysm. of Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Crow can- not exist whereCresoiene is used. It acts directly on nose and throat, making breathing easy in the case of colds, soothes the sore throat and stops the cough. his a boon to sufferers of Asthma. Cresoiene is a powerful germicide, acting both as a curative and a preventive ih contagious diseases. Cresolene's best recommendation is its thirty years of successful use. Tor Bale by An Ilrttggista Send Postal for De- scriptive .73ooklet Cresoleoe Antiseptic Throat Tablets, sirnpte and soothing for the irritated throat. 10c. Leeming, Miles Co., Limited, Agents, Mon- treal, Canada, do8 CENTRAL STRATr-oRD.. ONT. Ie the great practical training school of Western Ontario, Students are entering every week. You take no risk in entering our classes. Our courses are the bent and our gradu- ates seoure the high-grade positions. Three departments:— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free eatalogne and investi- gate into the merits of this eohon] The time to enter is NOW, ELLIOTT & McEACHIAN PRINCIPALS. MRU NU1.1 SY TAM Rich Strikes OP Gold and Silver Are continually being made in the Porcupine and Gowganda bietriots. The route to ?orcupitee is vitt the Grand Trunk and T. & N.0. to Matheson, thence eleigh road. The route to Gowganda is via the Grand Trunk Railway, T. & 3 '. O. Railway and Tefniskaming and Gowganda Transport ort Uo . TirOtt h ticket slotted and ,i5at(gege oheeked to later point, California, Medico and Florida Retina trip tickets eti sale Ivor tiokets and further information cell on W. Henry-, Depot Agent or address. D. McDonald, D. Pr A., Toronto. rev twenty-four yearsapo,Oresolene as been extensively used for all forns of throat and bronchial troubles, Ail Druggists. FARM FOR SAL The undersigned (dyers or sale hie term north half lot 80 • •d $1, oonoeie eiou G, Fast We a •Mb, containing 86,4 acres, On tb' etnises are a good beta with stone io1 water framea br.goldz good hose, good supply from school house; 2g miles trunk poet c aloe, Era full parnioulers apply on the premises or address WM. R DENSMORE, Westfield, Out. EAST HURON INSTITUTE Hest Huron Fanners' I• itate will hoid meetings at B.ueval' on Friday, Feb. 4th; and at Jrimest• "n, Saturday, Feb. yah. The ape ser will be as sol, lows: Anson Gro. • Preston ; Amos Snaith, of Trowbri. go ; and Mise Yates of Guelph, will address the Women's Institute is the afternoon and the joint meeting in the evening. Meetings begin at 2 and 7 30 p.tn. P. A. McAR 1.'HUR, Secretary. YOUNG SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SA • We have 11• Young B s and Bull Calves for sale; so •• e tr .. imported hire and dam. Among . • :se are some high class animals, and • of an inferior one in the lot. The dams of a number of them are heavy milkers. Owing to the feat that we are not of- feting any Heifers, we are not having our annual sale this year; consequently we are `offering these Young Bails for private sale at reasonable prioes ; terms to snit anyone. Come and see them, or wri'e for what you want. Visitors met at Ripley. R H, REID & SONS, Piae River, Ont In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. In the matter of the Guardia hip of the infant child of Annie Robins , deceased. Application will be made The Surrogate Court of the County f ur, u before the Judge in Chambers e Court House in Goderieh after the e ation of twenty days from the first nublica ion hereof on behalf of The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, for an order appointing the said, The Trusts and Guarantee Company,L rutted, guardian of Edward Leonard hobison, infant child of the said Annie Robinson, deceased, Dated at Wingltam this 18th day of January, A. D. 1010. TELE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE, CO , LTD. by R. V .r syoer, its Solicitor. Auction Sale Farm Property. In order to win Estate the folio offered for sale on Saturday, .71" at 3 o,clook p. Teamster: Farm lot 28 and Oulross, consisti farm is in A 1 she fenced; 10 acres b ft„ brick veneers sohool; 2 miles fr TERMS: -10 per sale; 10 per cent. i suit ,the .pnrohaser M. H, GI B. D. GI up the Dr. J. Gillies ug property will be uary 29, 1910 at the Town Hall, . Half of 29, Con. 8, of 150 sores. The e. well watered, well eh, bank barn 48x72 house, half mile from chopping mill. ant. down on day of 30 days, balance to LIES, E'''xecutors, LIES, STALLION FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale the pure-bred Olydeedale stallion, "Royal Jimmie, No. 5217." He is a good jet blank, near bind leg white, spot on off hind foot, and is rising seven years old, weighs 2000 lbs, and is a sure foal getter. Royal Jimmie's sire was Royal Conqueror (imp.) [2642] (0386), dam, Ethel Armetrong (2229) by Inter. national (imp) [14231 (6853) 2nd dam, Nelly imp. [970] by Laird sof Bute (4490), Ord dam Maggie of Ilaiiborns (7353), •by Doncaster (238), 4th dam Jean (1593), by Lange Jack (444). Any person wishing to purchase a good animal will do well to see this horse. He has made four successful seasons and hie stook 1e turning out extra good, Horse can be seen at the fare. of Mr. Geo. Bryce, lot 18, con 12, Turnberry. ART. KEEFER, Teeswater, Ont. •i++i++++,144..dig,,Kittiot3••i:d!••E!313••i 1..++ 4. Royal Grocery For Fresh Salmon Trout Fresh I-lerring Salt Salmon Trout 'Salt Herring Don't forget that our Teas and Coffees lead. J. Malcolm 'W010.0.401. TOES, ;JAMMU 2. 2010: .Phone 54. '4• Produce Wanted, KING'S Win h aryl's Fur House It is quite evident that the next three months of winter weather will demand the wearing of Furs as much if not more than the past three months. In order to reduce our stock of Furs we are offering some rare values ,in this line. Men's and Ladies' Fur and Fur -Lined Coats, Fur Caps, Muffs, Stoles, etc, SPECIAL., --Isabella' Fox Set, Stole and to match, regular $2o,00 for $14.50, EXTRA VALUE. -5 only Ladies' Fur Coats, rat lining, sable collar and reveres, regular $55.00 for $42.5o.' Muff -Lined All kinds produce wanted, Eggs 3oc, Butter 24c GOOD GOODS 1 G. E. KING.. 0HEAP ............•••N•••••••.,• ••••.••••+.•O•••.'••.•.•.• • • ••• ••• • D•. M. GORDON'S• Store News This ' Week • • • • • • •Our customers and the public in general are cordially invited to Dome to our ♦• • store and share in the great • • , • r COSt Sale Of all Winter i Goods • • • • • • • • • if i*Os/...4040••••••! Of every kind now being sold positively at cost, This Great Sale • inolades everything in Furs, Ladles' Cloth Coats, lien's Overcoats, Suits, 'Under wear, Rubbers, Overshoes (all sizes, new and best : quality), Blankets (of fine quality --will give pleasure as well • as comfort to the users), Heavy Hose and Soar, and • every article in stook that can be classed as Winter Goods ar • will be sold on the above terms. ele ut Come right along and take a share of our Great Bargains. e WE PAY BEST PRIDES FOR TRADE. 4 •• • ID. . GORDON..•• • e ••.•.••••.•••r••e••.•••••e •••••*•••**• 4.. •.•*♦*•** •.44++++++++++++++++++++++ •++++++++++9+++ ++++4+♦+++ • I W!llghams' Music Efflporiuffl t D. BELL, • • • the Great MUSIC and PIANO DEALER 1 1 We handle the very best Planes from the celebrated makers of the day. They are bought outright by me, which means a saving to parties pnrohasing a Piano here. Each one is made in keeping with the grade Of the inetru- invent, Auy one Of Our Pianos ie an ornament ite any home. The " ttetion " df a piano ie tt very vital part -- .it does the player's bidding. Each of our Pianos it fitted with the latest patent Noiseless Pedals the Tone is the most important eonalderation when selecting a Piano. ()tit' Inetramente are guaranteed tet poem A Tone fall, round and powerful, at the saltie titre sweet find melod• lout. When pureheeing . i'lan4 be hire yon ballon u Opposite Skating 1Itnlz moi•*�I*li�N:�#hs BELL; Thi logic Man W1IS'Q1 AM, Ott'r. HEAVY RUBBERS yi At Exceedingly Low Prices . Following our rule to carry no goods over from season to. season, W0 start on FRIDAY, t'AN, 21sT, to sell all Heavy Rubbers, as worn by Farmer's, Teamsters, etc, AT CLEARING PRICES. , • �n{ I�f Every .' • �� ;: perfect • wGUARANT€ED pair in every r,ife• new -* partic-' and - ular ;r.,y�M: sea. ';42%, .,wx•, Men's Double Duck, stub proof, 4 lace holes, high cut. Regular $2.85, foi' $2.15. Men's Double Duck, stub proof, 4 lace, low cut, extra heavy soles and heels. Reg. $2,35,' for $1,85 Men's. Arctic Over. shoes 1 : buckle •Reg. $1.:75, for $1,30 Men's 14 - inch stub proof, leather top, Reg, $4,00, for $3.10 Men's Long Rubber Boots—pure gum Reg, $4,25, for $3.00 Men's Pare Gum, 2• buckle, high cut Reg. $2,25, for $1.50 Men's Pure. Orun1, 1- buckle, Reg. $1.75, for $1.40 Men's Diamond Edge 1 -buckle Re;, $2.00, for $1.55 Men's Diamond Edge 4 lace Reg. $2.15, for $1.05 Men's Manitoba Over- shoes -3 -buckle Reg. $3,00, for $2.35 Boys' Stub•Proof laced Reg. $2,00, for $1,50 Boys' Pure Gum, 1 -buckle, Reg. $1.35, for $1.00 SAY, Men !— We have a nice, neat, short cut Legging, made of English mole skin ; fits either over or under the trousers.; just the thing for deep snow,; easy to put on ; suitable for mechanies, merchants, etc, Price 75 cents per pair, WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. ifeetAGENTS wc�"�-�..✓�r/rrgfr� FOR LADIES war,WVW.V.rvivrtrr lYVIVV,v_vv►1►r, VIrEV,r.a.VVVY,VYrsTYMMINS * i Men's , and Ladies • ' o ,0 ►., Fur 0 .; Coats. i 4 4 L i ►, Just in the middle of stock -taking and we do not 4 e. want to carry them over. If looking for Pur ; Coats it will pay you to have a look at them, • Prices to suit everybody, + 4 V 4 • • Men'sWinter Overcoats.1 ft IBPIn Black Beaver, regular $12.50 for $g.00, 2 only W.Men's Stripe, College Collars, sizes 36 et and 37, to clear at cost, Boys' Overcoats, only a few left. at low prices. , it 1 j t Ladies' and 'Men's Underwear. t7'urnbulls TJnshrinkable Underwear, all sizes, at •et i Cut prigs during stock -taking. •• • Men's Elastic Ribb and Fleece Lined at a re - at ' duction. 44 Men's heavy Work Shirts in wool and cotton • E . at a great saving. • ;y 0 A few odd ready-to-wear Shirts, black only, sizes 4 j 24i 39, 24, 38, 23, 38, at cost. ;M E All heavy goods prices cut to pieces. 4 ti Remember we are selling pur cane Sugar, purity, 4 guaranteed at $5,00 per 100 lbs. Flour and all grains Rept in stock. Goods" delivered to any part of town, a Ai, M a .l{�,.r _. (y..y�,,r��,tr �. %� yty,�wy.■y.,y�,, +�ryr1 ON JL no E 8 ♦ � fl VtEAi lig OJl,�l Ti 1 1 �I