HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-01-27, Page 6•
Interesting, Paragraphs iron* our Exchanges:,
Tale cariosity owns a lot of people to
warn overtime.
ide levee hie country beat wile strives
to melte it best.—Ingereol.
we cannot remove kindly at from
et grateful beart.—Royston,
Rave BealitifUt
About one sixth of all the waste mat.
ter disoherged from the human body
pesos Oat through. the pores of the skiu
If the skin, is to be kept beautif ,1 the
pone must be kept in healthful midi•
tion ley bathing rind by use of Dr
Clifton; Ointment which overcomes all
chafing and irritation o the skin and
puree pimples, eruptions and tete matey
forms of oczeine.
One le not necessarily en route to
glory because he has turned hie back on
other sinners.
Your gentleness shall force
7.1ore than your force rove us to gentle-
To aot with oommon sense, according
to the moment is the best wisdom I
know.—I3oraoe Walpole.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Cbambertnin'e
Stotuaeh and Liver Tablets. They do
the work whenever you require their
aid. These tablets change weakness in-
to etrengtie listlessness into energy,
gloominess into joyousness. Their ac-
tion is so gentle one don't realize they
have taken a purgative. Sold by all
"I want to look at some dresses snit,
able for automobiling," sail tho lady.
"Yes, ma'am " replied the polite clerk;
"these walking skirts are the thing."
Ia the man whose childhood has
known °arrester, and kindness, there is
always a nine of memory that on be
touched to gentle issues.—George
Chataberlein's Cough Remedy never
disappoints those who use it for °benne
ate coughs, colds and irritations of the
throat and lungs It stands unrivalled
as a remedy for all throat and lung dis-
eases, Sold by all detelere.
There is no teacher like necessity;
it has been the making of a man, it
wakes up his dormant faculties, and
stimulates to notion his latent talents.
The crown worn by the Ain't:inn em.
peror, which is regarded as one of the
finest works of European goldsraiths,
contains over et100,000 worth of gold
and jewels.
Fifty years' experience of an 01(1 Nurse
the prescription of one of the best fa-
itattle pbysiciene and opines in the
United States,and has been need for fifty
years With never -fading noose 14;
millions of mothers for their childreie
eelitmeti the child from pnin, need
diarrhoea, griping in the bowie;gni
wine oolic. By giving hetheeith to
child, it rots the Mother. Twenty-five
oents a bottle,
i Madagascar is the home of the largest
of the epider species. This is the dog
spider, the body of which weighs nearly
a pound, and each of its eight legs is
as long and thiok as an ordinary lead
I • I
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals
the throat and lungs. 25 cents.
The transfusion of particles of differ -
tat kinds of metals through the agency
of electrical current has been held by
EOM to take place just the same as in
the ease of electrolytes.
Melt Dteaclach and relieves!' the troubles fed.
dent to a state of the system, such es
Dizziness, Naters., Drowsiness, Distress after
citing, Pain it the Bide, At, 'While their most
zeularicablo success hats been,Shown In curing
Eteadathe, yet Carter's Little Elver Pills tiro
totillY valuable in Constipation, c atingand pre*
venting thisannoyng iromplalut.while they**
torrect alldisorders or tb e stomach, ntimu.atethe
liver and regulate the bowels. Evenif theyonly
-cured HEAD
Ache they woke he atm rt pricelesstothoSe who
sir f ;am this distressing complaint; buttortn.
ZattlytIvA:7occbc8adoesnotend liere,and these
who nee try them will tindtLcao little pills vain.
Ohio in no mans." was tiukt tliey v:111 not be wit.
ding to (1° VithOuttlieni. But atter ainsick head.
utile tote of o mane line that heretewhere
-ae mai:sour great boot, our mile elven wbee
others do not,
CarteLittto Liver Ms are very omen tura
very easy to tote. Orie0t tW011.111111raitko a dose.
They am etrletty vegetable and do not g,rtme or
gorge, bus by Wet gontie Action &Mean Vihti
testUlt WNW* 00.6 %OW 1.1)1/.
kall lit ha Ica Wigs
Sevinge deposita Itt Canadian banks at
the end of the. year were almost five
bentired teillione, a record level, Tothl
odeeosite in Canadian banks were over
' PM 000 000, Business loans were $592,-
There are varying degrees of persist
entry. Some men start out with great
zeal, but turn beoli at their flint defeat,
while failures only euhearteu others,
pall out their reserves, and make them
all the more resolute, determined to
win, -0 S Marden.
The shortest street in London is
John greet, It has only one house,
which is No, 1. There are two other
doors in the street, but one is numbered
as belonging to Pall Mall and the
other is the side entrance of a public
Chamlierlain's Cough Remedy is a
very valuable 'medicine for throat and
uug troubles, quickly relieves and cures
painful breathing and a dangerously
bounding cough which indicates conges-
ted lungs. Sold by all dealers.
Pazi� surgeons are using, .in some
oases, teens for the cure of simple frac-
ture of ese shin bone or of the thigh
bone, a nail of nickel, aluminum or
tuageesium—preferably aluminum—is
used, and is driven in to hold the two
pieoes of bone together, much like two
pieces of wood.
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. deals the
ulcers, clears the air passages,
stops droppings in the throat and
permanently cures Catarrh and
Hay Fever. 25c. blower free.
Accept no subctitutes. All dealers
e or eemanson, Bates a co., Toronto.
A recount in connection with the
reoent Goderioh municipal elections was
held before Judge Doyle by Robert
Elliott. In the contest for councillor,
Elliott went two votes behind Lionel
G. lemons, manager of the Goderioh
Elevator and Transit Company. The
reoount showed the seine estimate, two
votes below.
Have you a weak throat? It so, you
cannot be too careful Yon cannot be-
gin treatment too early. Each cold
makes you more liable to another and
the last is always the harder to cure.
If yon will take Chamberlain's Clough
Remedy at the outset yon will be saved
much trouble. Sold by all dealers.
An accident occurred at Clinton on
Wednesday morning of last week where.
by Mr. Geo. Nott, a mutea respeoted
oitizen, met his death while driving.
His horse became unmanageable, upset-
ting the rig and throwing the occupants
out. Mr. Nat was killed almost in.
stantly, His wife who accompanied
him, eepopeO seperjiteeth 14( leaves a
the i5dOileda of Bedford, iii British
Birds, gives some remarkable instances
of longevity among birds in her own
collection. A Barbary dove which has
been in the nuollese' possession for fit -
teen years, was left her by an old wo-
man who also owned it for fifteen Viers
and who always said it was an old bird
when it was given to her.
When the first international congress
for the suppression of street noises is
called to order in Berlin in June, 1010,
there will be representatives, according
to a statement made by Mr. Borden.
green, of the Sudety for the Betterment
of London, from the United Steen,
England, Germany, Austria, Holland,
Belgium, Switzerland and Denmark.
Cilswava0 zfisii-o4al
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money bake Sold and guaranteed by
TiU ININ0114111, I'ANT,TAIIir 27, 1810
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
W, Westervelt, 3, W, Westervelt, lr.. C.A..
Ptincipal. Vice-PrinciOnt.
The city of Naples soon be
lighted by eleotricity soared from
water power, •At Capo-Volturno 10 000
horeepewer will be generated and car-
rted at 45,000 volts to the city 56 miler,
Necessary for the eternity.
If health is to be maintained there
must be at band in every household a
medicine whielt can be positively relied
upon to regulate the Inter, kidney e and
bowels. Dr. Obaee's Kidney -Lever Pills
have proven their right to firer place in
this regard and already hold a secure
position in the great mejority of homes.
The Sultan of Zeezibtir, who is
once more visiting England, It no
stranger to British shores, for be was
educated at Harrow and at Oxford,
and, of course, noire English per
For the last fiscal year the exports of
petroleum and its products from. the
United States amounted to 1,483,867,618
galione, valued at $101,983,107, as com.
pared with 1,390,037,360 gallons. veined
At $101,365,164, for the preoediug fiscal
In fifteen years the United States
has imported 25,000,000 bushels of po-
tatoes, or, all told, about one•twelfth
of a single year's crop in America,
The value of the imports has been $12,-
000,000 for the fifteen years; the duties
paid have been $6,000,000.
A despatch from Budapest announce
that a Hungarian arobaeologist. M
Dnday, in certain exotivations whioh he
Was superintending near Zsibo, in
Transylvania, has discovered the site
of the ancient Roman city of Porolis-
sum and is enabled to reoonetruot the
A woman went into a newspaper
office and wished to advertise for her
husband, who had disappeared. When
told that they charged two dollars an
tnoh, she went out, saying it would
break her up at that rate, as ber husband
was over six feet long.
Since its introduotion into Canada
the sales of Parisian Sage have been
phenomena/. This success has led to
many imitations similer in name. Look
out for them; they are not the genuine,
See that the girl with the Auburn hair
is on every package. Yon can always
get the genuine at Walton McKibben's.
Parisian Sage is the quiokest acting
and most efficient hair tonic in the
at le made tb ticeefoieel te —tor,
bond's (of Pelee) proven theory that
dandruff, falling halt; beldieete and
scalp itch are mused by germs.
Parisian • Sage kills these dandruff
germs arid removes all trace, of dandruff
In two weeks, or money baok ; it stops
falling hair and itching scalp and pre-
vents baldness.
And remember that baldness is caused
by dandruff germs, those little hard
working, persistent devils that day and
night do nothing but dig into the roots
of the hair and destroy its vitality.
Parisian Sage is a daintily perfumed
hair dressing, not etioky or greasy, and
any woman who desires luxuriant and
bewitching hair On get it in two weeke
by using it. 50 cents a large bottle.
According to the report of the Regis-
trar••Generah 87,654 persons have died
in Ontario from tuberoulosie slime 1870.
In 1907, the year for whiob we have the
roll was 2,530. If the economists are
correct in fixing $1,000 as the minimum
value of a life, the province loses two
and a half millions ft year through thio
plague. There should be no abatement
in the interest of the societies who are
doing battle against tt. Local sante
tariume should be more plentiful.
. . .
Wolves are reaming in large number°
Within a few miles of the town of Parry
Sound, in the township of Carling. The
fermers in that section have had nearly
all their theepltilled by wolves, A large
number of deer are also falling a prey to
theme animals. Steps are being taken
by the farmers to organize a (AO to go
out and have a wolf Mint, to exterinitn
ate these pests. It is hoped that fulls, a
htmdred people will take part in the
hunt, which is to be tt thoroughly organ.
ized affein
Whatever malt be geld of tritaha's
1101%1 penes, in genie respects it doe!' not
seem to have injured her shipbuilding
industry at all events. As Mt. Lyon
pointe Out itt Ono of his lettere; the ton-
nage bent by the Vetted Kingdom itt
1909 amounted 16 1,181,529, or Over bell
the tonnage of the whole world bitilt in
the !slue year, In that year the Ger-
man output aid not include et single
large liner. The Output of the whole
world in merchant ships ever 10,000
tont iseionnted to Weil, anti of these
!Mt were Wit in Britain And Otto in
Prance. •
Stimulate the Sluggish Liver,
Cie= the eoated tongue, sweeten tiro
breath, clear away all waete and poison-
ous material from the system in Natureet
easy menden and prevent as web as cure
Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness,
Heartburn, Catarrh of the Stomach, Sour
Storrieeh, Water Braeh, and all troubles
arising from a, disordered state of the
Stomach, Liver or Bowels.
t++'++++ J. C. Westberg,
4- Swan Rivet, Mart., nonce
f. Suffered —a 1 suffered for yew,
4}'.,for Years..÷ more than tongue can
telldfrom liver trouble.
*.+-4++++ 1 tried several kinds ol
medicine, but could get
ne relief until I got Milburote Luta-Liver
?ilia. 1 eatinet praise them too highly
for what they have done for Me'
Pried 25 cents a vial, or 5 for $1.011, at
all dealer's', or mailed direet on reeeipt of
prio by Tho T. Milburn C�., Lb:lilted,
Totoato, Ont.
ALJIII,t. la_ it
44"1")itl woman who V1
to the east asked the eity Attorney to
keep her 14 yespol<1 moo jil suntil her •
T!ENMiss Ellett Day iS said to he the oldest "I Used tO SulTer• Ty YEAHS G Local His
1 Items from the "Tittles" fYl
tory of the early 80
organist in London, she is 51 and biii
been before the public ever Ohio she
was eight e ears old
The Khedive is a splendid linguiet.
At hie receptions lo Oeire it tit nothinis
for hint to converse alternately in Ger-
man, 'Nem*, Erentsto Arttt to and
D irtag the leo two years the oil pro•
dilation has doubled in A malice, The
production is $16,000 000 greater in
valets than the output of gold and silver
in the United Staten,
An intitrument, that pueblo the neer
to gaze into Oro humin stet:Imola, and
water* the digestive prooesses at work
was explained at the British Medical
Association Meeting in Belfast.
Loire Paulham, to a IParmen biplane
at Los A rgelee, broke all records by fly-
ing to a height of more than 4 000 feet
and after being aver 50 minutes in the
eir descended safely The time of de,
scent was seven anti one half minutes:
There is in toe in some parte oft the
west coast of Africa a system of writ•
ing of native invention whiob is said to
be snopeasfully oompeting with Euttlish
writing. It is called the Val lenguage,
and was invented by Doalu Bnkere, as-
sisted by Ave of his friends.
Chaniberlain's Cough Remedy is not
onni 741afr:ti,etufe. It
-tt everyday
troublesome and dangerous coniplioa.
teens resulting from cold in the head,
throat, cheat or lungs. Sold by all
An exchange says: Toronto City
Council is composed of six lawyers,
five merchants, three manufacturers,
two insurance brokers, one printer,
one jeurnalist, one lumber merchant,
one live stook exporter, one builder,
one insurance manager, ono financial
agent, one wholesale fruit dealer, and
only foie in the. whole bunch is said to
be a'""gentlernan."
.A white teethes 8 feet 8 Melees in
length has been shot in Dhenkanai
State, Ortega. The ground color was
pure white and the stripes were of a
deep reddish black. The *kin has been
presented to the Bejaia of Dhenkanai,
who has had it mounted and plaoed in
his palace.
When liquid fat bas been !tinted on a
woollen garment, do not put hot water
on it. Sprinkle buckwheat or rye flour
over the spot and let it absorb the grease
then brush it off and apply fresh flour
until all the grease is absorbed. Corn
starch may be used in the same way to
take grease out of the cloth drew".
Alexander Mackenzie, aged 26, of
Prince Edward Island, is now in' Min-
nesota prison, having served five years
on a life term for the alleged murder of
"Dutch" Henry, an outlaw, in 1904.
Last week the desperado was killed by
the Northwest Mounted Police, near
Muddy River, Sask., and steps art being
taken for the release of Mackenzie.
Jameo Basso of Melons, returning
home from a buntiug trip, fell dead on
t•he 10th oonceesion road on Wednesday
gummy Atia. The bociy was Aret die -
covered by Mrs. William James. Hie
faithful hound stood .sentinel over the
dead body and would not allow anyone
to approach it. The alarm was given
by Mrs. James and neighbors gathered
but they lied first to lasso the dog before
they could bring the body home.
It is getting to be , that more and
more. It seems in same oases highly
profitable. For instance, a . woman
Susan Moore by name, recently died
in a miserable hovel in the North
Beach district in San Francisco, who
was thought to be needy. She receiv-
ed ,mach money from Catholic charit-
able instOutione and Red ()roes Bode -
ties; while she had $36,000 On deposit
in the banks; a considerable of a loan
to a Baptist Church, and all told the
administrator thinks that she possesses
at least $60,000; and yet she begged
upon the streets,
The License Inspectors of the Pro.
vino believe that their salaries ate toe
low, and several ef them Welted on the
Provincial Secretary, Hon, W. J.
Hanna, and asked that the minimum
eatery be raised from $400 to $600 e
Year. 'They olaimed that the stricter
enforcement of the law and the spread
of tool option, making it necessary to
guard against any sates of liquor in so
many distriote, made their duties Much
heaviet. Mr. Hennas itt reply, awned
them that the rigorous punishment of
the WO -breakers would goon obese up
most of the dives and font the liceneed
men tO Obilerve the law. This would
greatin reduce their wink.
Sit Wilfrid Deetlon, the celebrated
English Reformer, hazards a prophet*.
that itt courier of tinie eativestiing Will be
done away with in eleotiOns, He holds
that there was no moral right to demand
a vote froth :oven. And he tette an
amusing story illustrating his meaning.
"A canvaseing patty Went to the house
of an elector in Manchester, but only his
wife was M honte. They explained to
her what they had come for, and on
laming said: "'rot knOW what we Want.
We Want yeut htuthand'it vote 1.010.
Elank, to you think he'll prOmise/s,
'Oh; yes,' she said, '1 think be will
He's premised everyone who osme yet?"
Tbie id tho exoevienoe of a Indy who
need to soiree from OM terrtble ailment,
but found a cure. The writer fri
B Bexell, et 97 Smite Si., St, Thomas
She says; "1 consider it my duty 10
write of the benefits derived trent Wipe
Zeus Bak. For some menthe I was a
eouttant onifert,r from bleeding piles
used a great mime, Migmatite, bat gob
no relief until 1 trte Zsm.Buk. It
oared me, and I have had no return of
th: Vble. Sincevlotrelbavd-
If you suffer from tide ailment apply
Zain.flok at nignt before red g, end
you will be satisfied with t trial I A
contributory cause of plea Often oon•
stipatiou, and a mild lax ve will greet.
lv Kid the operation ot am -link, For
fistulae inflamed pato 0, and sores due
to blood poitoni eto , Zem-Bak is
equally effective, yit is a soothing, coo),
ing balm, which stimulates the oells be -
nestle the epidermis and epithelium to
natural action, it relieves • the tensiolt
whioh in the came of piles caused such
acute agony, and in all respects will be
found eminently satisfactory.
Z ,mleuk is also a mire for *rezone,
&cern cuts, bums, bruises, rashes,
chapped betide, frost bite, cold sores,
gitt eandr storesPrle
from Zam-Buk Oo ,Toronto.
The reason for sponging woolen goods
before the material is cut into, is that
the moisture where seams are pressed,
is apt to leave an ugly mart, the finish-
ed garment is apt to shrink when worn,
and if naught in a shower the rain is apt
to spot 'the material.
Too much stress cannot be laid upon
the necessity of strictly following tbe
linos of the pattern in gutting. As, in
foldiug, the two layers of the material
are face to face, the parts out double
are ,bound to be opposites—one for each
side of the garment, and a mistake is
impossible. Single width material not
having any figure, stripe or)aap, may
be folded with the two out ends togeth-
For hennaing to be done by hand, put
the hemmer attachment on the machine
without thread, turn an even hem at
the start, run the goods through the
hemmer as if sewing, and afterwards
hem by hand. The line of perforations
is easy to follow. For hand run-tnoks
use a o Oalle needle, mark with the ma-
chine as above, and run thread in the
holes thus made.
To keep silk thread !roue unwinding
too rapidly when sewing on the ma-
chine, pat a small piece of thick cloth
under the spool.
Investigating Missions.
From the Walkerton Telescope.
Two prominent Toronto business mon,
Jas. Ryrie, the well-known jeweller,
and John Firstbrook, the equally well.
known box manufacturer, are preparing
to make a tour of the east, and will viols
India, Egypt, Korea, China, and Japan
with a view of determining for then -
selves what progress Christianity is
making iu these countries, or whether it
s making any progreo at all or not,
'Upon this point there would seem tO be
a good deal of difference of opinion.
The missionaries who are eugaged be the
work send home and bring home glow-
ing reports of the good that is being
aocompliehed," while upon the other
hand, there are not wanting men who
contend that the whole thing is a hum-
bug, that the well-meaning missionaries
are being fooled by the natives, and that
if the veneer were only wiped off it
would be found that Christianity has
really made no progress at all, and that
the missionaries have had their work for
nothing. Prominent among the men
Who have taken this latter position is
W. T. R. Preston, the well-known im-
migration agent. Mr. Preston has lived
for two or three years in•the East, and
would seen, to be in a position to speak
with some authority. But missionaries
who have also lived there are not baok.
ward in saying that Mr. Preston does
not know what he is talking abbot, and
go elm matter rests. Messre. Belie and
Firstbrook hope to be able to settle the
Matter to their own satisfaction,
Beonchltis More
Than a Cold
Orton develops rapidly Into pneumonia
—burp is found in On Chatio*et Syrup
• of Linseed and Turpentine.
Any cold is serious enough when its
dreadful poeibilities are cousidered,
but when theta is soreness or tighteess
in the chest and a dry hard cough you
ean look for bronehitis, which is often
confused with an ordinary cold.
It is usually known by aching limbs
and body patine chilly feelings, weari-
ness and weaktiees, pain itt the chest
and, a tight, tearing eotigle Fever, dry
ditie, thirst, coated tongue tool consti-
pation are other symptoms,
Dr. Chan's Syrup of Lined and
Turpentine seems almost liko a tspediee
for bronchitis because it is at, suecess-
lel in )(rooting up the &mei, aiding
cepectoration and preventing the iti-
flarturiatioit from reediting the lenge,
Dr. Olmeets Syrup of Linseed and
Turpentine is SO prompt In wording
valet and so therough and far-reo.eh-
ing in ectiori that it simeeeds when
ordinary cough inealehres Itavo no bade -
time. 25 ete, a bottle, at all dealerte or
(rtom tho Ttinna of Jon. 24, 1890.)
Loam, ivEWS,
Min DeliaSparlipg, youngest daug
tee of Mr, V, G. Sparliug, of this town,
has boon very low With fever Ibis week,
hue we are pleased to kern the is now
in a fair way of recovery,
The regular meeting of the X. W. 0,
T. U. was held last Monday evening at
the reeidenoe of Mr. Lloyd. All busi-
ness was settled be ountertioe with tbe
entertainment held lain Friday evening
for the oolleotion of funds to pay for the
orgau lately purchased for the Band of
Mr, W, P, Stooks has been confined
to the house for some day a through 111.
nos, bat is now tecoveriug.
We are glad to see Dr. Maniere on the
streets again, after beiug laid up for
several weeks with a severe attack of
la grippe.
Many of our readers will regret to
her of the death of Mrs, Davis, wife of
the Rev, Wm. Davis and mother of Mr.
H. Davis, of this town, which took place
at Mitchell on Thursday efternoon.
Representatives of the Reliance Elea -
Into Light Oompany, of Waterford, are
in sown this week putting up wires. and
expect to have a number of lights goitre
This is the Case with Many Wing -
ham People.
Too many Wingham oltizene are hare
dioapped with a bad back. The unclog
ing pain causes constant misery, melting
work a burden and Stooping or lifting
impossibility. The back aches at
night preventing refreshing rest, and in
the morning ie stiff and lame. Plastere
and liuiments may give relief, but can
not reach the cause. To eliminate the
Nuns and aches you must cure the
Booth's Kidney Pills ewe sick' kid.
neys and cure them permanently. Oen,
you doubt Wingham evidence.
R. Knox of Centre St,, Wingharn.
Ont., says: "I frequently suffered
with a dull, bearing down pain stems
the small of my bask and extending
around my sides. This was particular.
ly noticeable when I found occasion to
stoop or sit in one position for a time.
There wall a languid, tired feeling and
although 1 knew this to arise from in-
activity on the part ot the kidneys and
had tried several remedies, I oould not
find the desired results until I promised
Booth's Kidney Pills at Mr. MoKibbon's
Drug Store and commenced their use.
The dull pain and weakness soon de-
parted, however, and has not since
returned. I feel better and stronger
generally and althohgh I have not been
on Saturday night No ArrangexuenSo
e to the cost, oto,, have been made with
the company, they putting in the lights
,tit their own responsibility, If the test
10 satisfactere a num oer of the oitieQue
Will, no doubt, take the lights,
On the Oth inst., a number of repro-
geutatives of the Iodependent Order of
Good Tempters, omongst whom were
Meson A. Woodman, Geo NeWttill
end B. Lewration, of Lowiseboro, entt
•Mr, Matthews, rt Blyth, visited Wings
hem end Mounted a longe tnot poen.
Inc Temperature Order, The following
(More were elected and tnstalled
Ovid Satherltanl, T ; Wiry Miller,
V. 0,;• Alex Damon. Chap ; Fault
Dewthe, Sem; Jennie Struther,
Alex, Sutbetland, F 8,; Snnert Webster,
Trete' ; Folwerd MoTavitra, Mo Alice -
Hutton, ; 1,0 emigre Hutton, Ottani;
John Dodd, Sentinel; Arose Wilson,
L D. John McLennan, 8, j, T.; Peter
Miller, P. 0, T.
Hauna.—In Bait Wewauosh, on the
15th Inst., Campbell Hanna, aged 69"
Winithamoon the 22nd
Met , Gladys Rhoda Kincaid, (laughter
of Mr, Jon C. Kincaid, aged 1 year and
o months.
Strathdee.—In London, on the 15th.
inst., May, wife of Mr Wm Strathdee,
and mother of Mr. A, Stretladee, G.
T, R agent, Wingham, aged 68 years.
Minister vs. Jew
A false pretence cue that for some •
months bas been before the courts was •
settled by Judge Barrett at Walkertott.
lest week. It was the ease of the Orown
vs. Andrews. Jacob Andrews, said to
be a Jew,and of late oarrying on a raer-
cha,ntile business in Luoknow, was some
time ago oarrying on a like business in
Kincardine. While there be appears
to have borrowed $950 from the Rev..
Mr. McKay, giving hie note in acknow-
ledgement. He later got into financial
&faculties and was unable to pay the
loan. McKay then started an action
against Andreves for obtainiug money
under false pretences, he claiming to
have been mislead ae to the Jew'e Amin.
oial condition. The ease was before the,
Spring Assize court but was laid over,
. Andrews not being prepared to go on.
When the case mune before Judge Bar.
ret last week 3, W. Carrie, K. 0. of'
Toronto, was on hand to defend An.
draws, Mr. Dixon representing the,
Crown. It Appears that in bis evidence,
Mr. McKay admitted that he didn't,
advance the money on Andrew's state-
ment of his wealth, and Mr. Carrie
made use of this to prove that there was •
nothing in the false pretence charge.
The Judge took this view and dismissed
accustomed to havingthe case.
my name used, I
feel that Booth's •gidney fills ere re-
liable and worthy of recommendation."
Sold by Dealers. Pil50 cents. The
R. T. Booth 0o. Led„ Fort Erie, Ont„
Sole Oa di n t
Upon a day when flowers blew—
White lily, rose, forget,me-not
When birds and bees, blythe surnmernt
Made gay the lawn and gardemplot,
Yon stood beside me in the glow,
I saw your eyes with laughter gleam;
'Twas ere I ever thought of wea—
1 watched you smile, I watched you
Your face was like an April sky,
The fairest form of old renown,
Had lost its grace had you been nigh.
You gave to me a tender glance,
I thought it was with love abeam,
It made my blood with rapture dance—
Now all my pleasure is to dram.
My fault iE.Veas. Your happy heart
Loved all the world with tender glee,
And I, poor fool! the smallest part, •
I thought your love was all for me,
But no lament 1 Some on life's Way
Not one glad hour their avotte redeem.
My joy was peerless for a day,
And now for Aye I still oan dream.
—Samuel Minturn Peck in Leslie's
Care of Children's Teeth.
Parent's should be warned strongly
against the practice of having the teeth
Of children removed, either the first or
aecond set, Milos under the advice Of -
a competent dentist. When the lint
teeth are extracted early, and for a con-
sidetable periled before the second teeth
take their place, tho jaw gradually Bon -
tracts and thus diminishes the space
allotted to the Mond teeth. The coil -
traction which thug takee place can not
again be recovered, and a ortain full -
nese and rotundity of the fade is 10t.
• The first teeth, though and deo-
• tined for a tempereiry service, May be
preserved o thare dieplaoed by
the second teeth, by fuming the decays
ed points cleaned lend filled property,
though temporarily. Of the necessity
of preservation of the first teeth there
can be to dotibt. The comfort of the
child in after life and the good appear,
snob of the face alike demand that
these teeth be preserVed until they are
pushed otit by the second teeth. Every
child should be tatight, as soon as DOidis
Me, to use s tooth brush and some harin•
leit mouth wash—salty Water, Or 4
*elation of borax or diluted peroxide of
manson, Bates TorOatO, hydrogen, aro an *bulge Mid good,
• I
If yon have" a friend worth loving,
Love him, Yes, and let him know'
That you love him, ere life's evening
Tinge his brow with sunset glow.
Why should good words ne'er be said
Of a friend—till he is dead?
If you hear a song that thrills you,
Sang by any child of song,
Praise it. Do not let the siuger
Wait deserved praises long. •
Why should one who thrille your heart;
Lack the joy you may impart?
If yon hear a prayer that moves you,
By its humble, pleading tone,
Join it. Do not let the seeker
Bow before his God alone.
Why should not your brother share
The strength of two or three in prayer?,
It yon see the hot tears falling
From a brother's weeping, eyes,
Share them; and by kindly sharing
Own your kinship with the skies
Why should anyone be glad
When a brother's heart is sad?
If a silvery laugh goes rippling
Through the sunshine on his face,
Share it. 'Tis the wise Mao's eaying—
For both grief and joy a place.
There's health and goodness in the mirth,
In which, all honest laugh has birth.
If your work is made natio easy
Byes friendly, helping hand,
Say so, Speak out, brave and truly,
Ere the darkness veil the land.
Should a brother workman dear,
Falter for a word of oheer?
Soatter,thns your eeeds of kindness,
All enriching as yon go—
Leave thent Trutt the Harvest Giver,
He will make each seed to grow.
So, until its happy ends
Your life shall never lack a friend.
--Boston Transeript.
Hunters and
13est Wrket Price,
tioneft Treatment,
Confect Assortment,•
Quick RefutnS.
by shipping their
F.tavy Furs and Skins
the old reliable Pirie of the
Fur Trdtle,
IS4 and lets ncOnt St Nouns:W.
Ai'4. for cur Pree 190h,4910 Price Llst,
ven nwettelso eitAttntee.