HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-01-27, Page 4cum pm: .11141i 1411111 111113 11113 :1111111 111 11111 1111111., Ira 4 :114 t 1111 1111. Eva 110: 1111111' CITA: T ALAMIITISERS MIN BANK Bkitlos ot ohanges roust be, left at tttis 00 ION later titan. Saturday noon.. The copy for changes must be left net later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements aocepted •ap to noon 'Wednesday ot each. weeX. 118TABLIKRient Tu WINfilIAN TINES. a.10,4410TT, Preen URn NI)Peeteiteiterie TUURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1910 NOTE'S AND CO MMENTS The immigration into Canada for De- 00Mber was 8 678, as ooraPared with 4,960 for D:oomber, 1908. '1 he total iminigrartte ter the nine mouths of the Boole year, April to Deoernber, was 158,. 929, as compered with 121,556 for the same period or last year, en increase of 31 per Q01:11 For the calendar year 1909 the imMigratiOn was 184,281 and for the calendar year 1908 ie was 148; 700 The immigration from the United States during this period was 90.990, as compared with 57,124. The second session of the Twelfth Legieletnre of Ontario was opened Tnes. day afternooti with the orietornary cere- monies. The eocial aide was emphasized es netted, the brilliant weather making a iine backgronted Lientenant Governor Gibson was in excellent form. The speech from the throne held nothing aensatirmal, the mot interesting item perhaps being the referenee to the prices of foodottuffe. It was suggested that the Legislature ask the Dominion Gov- ernment to investigate the cause of high prima prevailing throughout the coun- try. The Gevernment programme is not deemed to be a heavy one, andeit is antioipe,ted that the session will not last longer than six or eeven weeks. leaver. Walter MoKay is home from the West on a visit to the.pareutal home, 9th con. The West is evidently agree. ing well with him judging by his appearance. Mr, McKay will return to the Weet in the coarse of a month or ea. William Campbell, of Enderlin, North Dakota, was visiting hie sister, Mrs. Hugh McKay, 9ila con. Grey, during •the pest week. It is 27 years since Mr. Campbell visited Ontario and his many old friends in Grey and Etat- lett are pleased to see him. At the annual whoa' meeting in S. S. No 8, Ed. Felton was re•eleoted Trustee for next teem. The contract for wood was let to Tara A. McNair at $2 85 per oord. To comply with the new regulations a library will be pur- chased for the School. The Sao. Lamont 50 sore farm being West 3 of Lot 16, Oon. 6, has been sold to George Elliott, of Molesworth, the price being $2,600. It is said Mr. Elliott's son will move to the place. Monday night, January 17th, James Knight, who had attained to his 95th year, paessd away from the earthly home, Oon, 10. He was a remarkably smart old gentleman and was esteemed by all who knew him. Mrs. Knight died about a year ago. Three sons and three daughters survive. Mr. Knight was an old resident of Grey, was a faithful member trf the Methodist aurae and a Liberal in politics. Jno. Knight, Of Craubrook, is a brother to deceased. lir. Knight was an industrious, honor. sable. kindly man, who was widely respected, In hie 87th year Archie Molntosh answered to the oe.I1 Thursday morning, Tannery 13th, and passed over to the great majority. Old age was the cause of his demise, He had only been in bed a week, Deceased was born in Perthehire, Scothind, and mime to Can- ada 54 years ego along with hie mother, brother and sister in•law. After living! in Halton Co. for a time they moved to Grey township 2,3 years ago, Mr. Mo- Sceirs Emulsion is a wonderful food -medi- cine for all ages of man- kind. It will make the delicate,sickly baby strong and well—will give +he pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It wilI put flesh on the bones of the tired, over- worked, thin man; and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. Pon Mt SY AIX DEITOGISTS Aced 10c., name of piper and this a& for ear beautiful Savings Battle and Calbec Sketch4look, Emelt bink contains a Good Luck Denny. SCOTT tic boViNE. 12.6 Wellness 3Uset, Vint Teton, Oat 1114ent OFFi011: TOROIsTo (NOW Stook (all paid up) k3 030,700 00 Reserve Food and Via - divided Profits $5 355,223 91 Total Assets$57,000,000,00 Deposits by the yobbo$44,000,000 00 LleANeans AND AllBNTS throughout Can• ads and the United States. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department. Current Rates ef Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1,00 and up wards. Farmers' sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest. WINOITAM 1311/a011-0orner John and Josephine Streets, W. R. GEIKIB, MANAGB, R. VANSTONE, SnlieltOr. Ititosh was nnraerried and made his home with his brother, the late Peter McIntosh. Mr. McIntosh was the last of his immediate family. Hs was a very genial man, a Liberal in politics and a Presbyterian in clenrolt relation. ship. LIFE'S OUTLOOK FOR YOUNG GIRLS. Nature Male x Demands Upon Them Which Only Such a Tonle as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Can Supply The girl of to -day is the woman of tomorrow, and until that to -morrow oft- times she suffers a weariness and loss of strength and brightness. These woes, with pallid cheeks, shortness of breath and persistent headaches, tell plainer than words that she needs assie- mots in the form of new, rich, red blood. Dr, hams' Pink flis for Pale People are juet the m icine growing girls need. Every dosqfhelpe to make new, rich blood, thusjhelpthg languid, despondent girls on t the full bloom of womanhood, mak' thena robust, cheer- ful and attractiv Mrs Albert Put. men, Port Robi on, Ont., says: "A couple of years ago my daughter Hattie, new fifteen, was in declining health. She complained of severe headaches, had no appetite. was very pale, and exhaust ed at the least exertion. As time passed on she was hardly able to drag herself about, notwithstanding that she was under medical treatment and contin- uously taking medicine. 'At this junc- ture a neighbor strongly advised me to give Hattie Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I deoided to do so. After she had taken three boxes some improvement was noticed; the headaches were not so frequent, nor so severe, and her appetite was mach improved. This was indeed . cheering and she continued taking the Pills until she had used some eight I boxes, when she was as well as ever she ' bad been in her life, and since that time she had been as robust as any girl could wish to be. I would strongly urge all mothers of growing girls to keep their health tortified through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be had from any medicine dealer or by mail from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., at 50 Dents a box or six boxes for $2.50. Live Stook Market.. City Cattle Market, Toronto, Jan. 25, Trade on the whole good and aotive, except for the lower grades of cattle. Choicest to medium and fair butcher cattle hold firm at recent prices, one extra choice bead of butcher and ex• port mixed selling at $5.85. The general ohms of cattle offering to -day averaged it better quality than a week ago, but prices were not higher in proportion, and buyers, perhaps, were a little better satisfied with their purchases. Hogs are down 20o and sheep market is dull. The total run was 60 oars, There were 1,200 head of oattle, 315 sheep and lambs, 300 hogs and 75 calvee, The following are the quotations: Exporters' battle— Per 100 lbs. Choice ..............$5 50 $8 15 Itteditim ... . . . .. 500 5 25 Bulls 4 00 4 50 Light 3 25 850 COWS 4 00 4 60 Feeders—, best 1000 pounds and up- wards .. 3 00 3 60 Stockers oheice 3 00 4 00 " bulls ...... 1 50 2 00 Britohers'— Picked 5 25 5 /5 Medium.., 4 75 5 00 850 4 50 Bulls 8 76 4 40 aoga— Best 8 50 Lights 8 15 Sheep— Export etves.. ..... 4 95 500 13noks...,• ... "Y. 3 26 8 5G Ptills 825 350 Spring Lambs ea011.. 6 50 7 60 Oalveti, each. ...... 3 00 / 25 WINOU•04 TIMES, JANUARY 27, 1010 Wouldiet You. Like to Know Row to Jude a Fine Piano? SOMR day you will want to buy—or help someone buy—a Piano. Why not have the knowledge NOW that will enable you to unerringly choose the only piano anyone really wants— the high-grade, artistic, pure toned instrument, as against the cheaply made, commercial piano, built to sell 00 appearances; which cannot hold its tone, and soon becomes an affront to the eye and ear of its possessor.. Such knowlecke is at your disposal in "INSIDE INEORMATION"—free— without cost or obligation. Knowledge that will certainly benefit you or your friends if you desire to avoid the life-long disappointment that follows the purchase of a "cheap" Piano. I o • ason When you have read your Copy' of "Inside infor', illation" (Free) you will not only know how a High, Grade Piano is made but you will be able to judge its value like an expert' of forty years' standing ASTRONG claira, but justified by the fact that we have embodied in a newly edited, illustrated edition of "INSIDE INFORMATION" the cream of our experience during a lifetime of fine piano building, "INSIDE INFORMATION" has been published for those who wish to be able to judge ece important a purchase as a piano by other means than appearances only. It really gives a master builder's knowledge of the inside—the hidden parts of a Mao, in simple, easily read language, devoid of technicartres. "INSIDE INFOR one of the most up - telling him why e ON" does this by taking the reader through -date, successful Piano Factories in America, step is taken, from the selection of the timber to the delivery of ‘e finished product; how the function of every depart- ment of a high grade piano should be filled; above all, how the heart of the Piano—its tone, is arrived at; and how to decide whether the tone of any Piano, no matter how pleasing at first, is likely to be enduring or not. "INSIDE INFORMATION" endows its reader with forty years' crystallized experience of fine piano making on the part of men who thoroughly understand and love their work. Wouldn't you like to know what they know on this important subject? You may—in a few easily read pages—free. Write now for your copy ---a postal will do—to isch Piano Company. Limited 49 A King Street West, Toronto, Ont. . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .„„„.A uctio.;,... Sale STILL ON, AT The Bee Hive E OM. MIIRM W M. MOWN 11111111. 11. 191: re, F▪ am 1115 i iljl lqi 111 185 19.1. D1,1 We have to admit that the goods are going at next to nothing, but we are not flunkers, and are determined to see it through. The stock has got to go, and go quick! By Saturday night we don't want a thing Ieft! This Week will Positively Be Your Last Opportunity To get good DRY GOODS, FURS, CLOTHING and GENTS' FURNISHINGS, at your own price! Sale on Every Afternoon This Week at 2.30 o'clock. Saturday. at 2 and 7.30 p.m. The Robson Mercantile Co. i611a. 1",w.k2.60 • —Robt, Ferguson has been appointed C. N. Grif fin constable at Walkerton lil place of Robt. Russell, who held the position for 15 Years. —Dr. Crovee, of Ohesley, has been GENERAL AGENT nnt olottefUe Lin ACCIDENT Insurance PLATE GLASs WEATHER , .10APVITI Coupled with a 'BSCL. ESTATE and MONEY LOANING BusineaS. Mauer of tiarriop Liecnties. Office over Malcolm's Grooery. wistorfara isrAturirm Itinvortxs Mar per 9 75 to 8 26 E. SMITH Winghion, Sea. 19th, 1910. yA Pall Wheat 1 09 to 1 09 Oats, If.i.41.1,1*•• dOooV• 0 35 to 0 86 Batley . . . . a ,..„ „ 0 50 tO 0 50 Peas *.fo•0411,1.0.....161.$044 0 83 to 0 83 Butter dairy „" .„, 0 22 to 0 24 Ipsper dos* t 0 25 tte 0 25 God per cora.y 4.‘0** 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per . . .. ....12 00 to 18 00 Farmers who went money to buy Potatoes, per brishel, 6 80 to 0 88 horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, Lard . ......, 0 20 to 0 20 can have it on reasonable terms, Live *WO, jeer ;1*Wia .. a • 8 26 tee a 24 awoken., pee *. `0 0 10 to 0 7 Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, met. ntiOlickl. 11)6r lb y ot . : . 0 10 RI 0 10 chants Or agents, cn favorable t6ranti. Geese, per 0 10 to 0 10 Loons on rest estate at the lowest Turkeys, per 0 16 to 0 17 video going. BANKER airiertettAst, • ONTARIO. elected Warden of Bruce county. ' ornomummoinimminni;mosioraimailimillaial- , Ilia THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE: WINGHAM ---Mr, Denholm, of Blenheim, has been elected Warden of Kent county. Mr, Denholm was publisher of the Blen- heim News for some twenty years and formerly resided at Kincardine. The Opening and Niaintaining of a Savings Bank Account is a duty that everyone owes, both to themselves and to those dependent on them. Your slayings Account Solicited. WING}IAM BRANCH t), P. SMITH • AGENT. KERR & BIRD January Clearing Sale Fur Coats, Capes, Scarfs, Ruffs, Muffs, etc. $55,00 Coat for. $40,00 $28.00 Cape for.. • . • . $19.00 $32,00 Coat for $24.00 $15,00 Cape for , .... $10.00 $12.00 Fur for $9.00 $9.00 Fur for.... 8,00 Fur for $6.00 $7,00 Fur for $6.75 $6.00 Fur for ....... ... $4,50 , $5.00 Fur foi% . • • • • • • • • $$35:72g $ January Clearing Sale Girls' and Women's Tweed Coats. $7.50 Coat for . . .... $5,63 $6.00 Coat for $4.50 $4.50 Coat for ...... $3.38 $7.00 Coat for $5.25 MOO Coat for ...• $3.76 $4.25 Coat for $3.20 January Clearing Sale Men's and Boys' Overcoats. Not many on hand, but too many to carry over. Boys' Overcoats on sale at ONE-THIRD OFF. Alen's Overcoats on sale at FIALV PRIOR. January Clearing Sale A quantity of Men's and BoysWinter Caps at half price, Wanted Batter Eggs, White Beane, Dried Apples, Oats, Potatoes, etc. §11111111111111111111131•51111816111111111•11116110111111311111111511111111111111111111111111111•1•111 hi 11 21 7.) 21 23 ,e 23 23 // efee.: smatzoonsamemegffin v.1,11,A3Y CASH SIL3 Now is your time to get Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, China, Karnak Brass and Cut Glass. The finest line of goods that money can buy will be sold at LESS THAN COST This tnonth only—FOR CASH. BIG BARGAINS IN OPTICAL GOODS Repairing correctly clone. W. G. ?attersoll THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR Opposite Queen's Hotel - Winghani R'ReS'ReS' 2,9 S' .S-FeS1.7:eSSK.WecIeS'ggq TR, 'el 1:1 - /et [tar. ..—.....„awadreansuareaareJa • '