HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-01-06, Page 4'0
Interesting Paragraphs from o Exclut ges,
. • k
Queer people ere those wboile eoticns
Me ilitletent from ours.
,4 galvanic; eell hoe been invented
whit* generateo an alterneting cur -
reared nerenees
Mr r, A. Krutz, Sohtvartz
writes; 'Tor one year I was a own.
piete nervous wreck, conlcl not root or
sleep, bed indigestion ami tontine need
aches end cionsteatlY feared nerelegie.
Six boxes ot Dr Oheseni Nerve Food
made me well and strong. There is no
treetraent in the world 00 good tie tnis
for bulldiog up the nerVous system."
There 10 mild to be over 4 000 oases of
. typhoid atlilentreel for whioh there is
no hoepitat eccommodetion„
youog son a Ur. I, j, Davis well
bitten by a dog at Foden's Omen, and
there is another alarm of rabies.
Sh 170 h4
oniony store coughs, cures cods, beats
the throat and.. 25 cents.
Lonistane is etbont to take up the sub.
3e05 of rat extermination as a means
toward prevention of disease.
Negotiations were reoently concluded
whereby a European syndicate takes
control of the sixteen best gem mines in
Ceylon. •
Chamberlein's Cough Remedy never
disappoints those who use it for °bolo.
Me coughs, colds and irntations of the
throat and lunge It stands unrivalled
as a remedy for all throat and lung dis-
eases. Sold by all dealere, •
Poblic watering troughs for horse('
were condemned by disseniinators of
disease by the state veterinarian of
Mr. R. J, Brown, 8011001 Principal,
who went from Ottawa to British Col
'amble, has eiseppeared, and no trace of
him can. be found.
1.‘, rifty years, expertence or an. mit Tiara°
P.a. WiNsLovr's SOOTRINO- SYRUP is
rescription of one of the best fe-
mal Opticians and nurses in the
Uni5d States,and has been used for fifty
years with never -failing success by
• millions of mothers for their ohildren
rellaves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea. griping in the bowels, and
'wind odic, Bet giving health to the
child, Ureets the mother.- Twenty.five
cents c bottle.
Fire at Td8a1on destroyed the Sandie
block and ons 01088 of $100,090 At
Galt the Buell nail block was gotten
and the loss if/heavy.
Lions are 4Tid. to walk about the pat -
ace of Enenti or Menelik of Abyssinia
and injure nc One, and are docile at the
least sign frItheir master.
The busiest udemightiest little thing
that ever was nine is Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do
the work whenever you require their
aid. These tablets ohange 'weakness in-
to etreegth, listlessness into energy,
gloominess into joyousness. Their no-
tion hum gentle one don't realize they '
have taken a purgative, Sold by all
A force of men will seek to cope with
the ludintrions beaver in Grey county,
where complaints have been taade of
flooding as ti Tomah, of the dams built by
the busy animals,
pun see Ills Mad Yea Ilaya Always Ire
Arthur Belt 'nut toned deed beside the
roihrOY nor Sieneford, fie had been
struck by a train, and layall night to
the snow,
Domes•Thu l(lott You Hato Alvan BoUgN
&At -
Sir Wilfrid Levier wt11 bo- unable to
itocept tbe invitation tovisit Soutli-A,frio
next etioneer, when the Prihoe of Wales
wi nangure .0 e ae Onfecieration.
The rate lot parcel post between the
United Kingdom and ()Angela will be re -
dined to twelve cents A pound. The
rate to tbe West Indies wilt aloe be re.
nuoen to the smile figMe,
Rave yOu 4 weak tlitat? If DOyou
menet be too Careful You cannot be-
nne treatment toe early, Boon cold
makes you. more liable to anotherand
the last is always the harder to Ore.
It you will take Obariaberlain Oongb.
Remedy at the outwit you will be seved,
much trintble. Sold by all dealers,
Runber leads in acreage ea will soon
be the Most importaet agripultural pro.
duct: of the Federated Maley State!.
At this time rice is the prineipat product
Robber exports to 1907 were seven tiiiies
those of 1905.
Williara Miller, who • until fifteen
years age Was- a ragged newspaper boy
on the Streets of Pittsburg, has been en.
gaged by the Munich Royal Opera to
ttot as leading tenor for the tioson at a
salary of $12,000.
How is a Cold
to be Cured
When It has reached the chest, is
• devoid pi no Into b to non RI sand threa-
tens to become pneumonia.
So gradually and stealthily does a
cold pass from its simpler fornr of a
eold in the head into inflammation of
the bronchial tubes and then on to the
lungs that many do tot realize their
condition until pneumonia is upon them.
Ordinarily, of course, the cord is
thrown oil, but with the system run
down end weakened there is every ren -
con to4 expect serious
Why should not every eold be taken
•seriegely arid Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin-
seed and Turpentine used before a se.
• vivo illness is upon you.
There are many reasons why you
should use Dr. Cliase/s Syritp of Litt -
teed and Turpentine. /1 is more thar.
on& and Isr-reaehing is its offeets on
the system than any mere tough medi-
cine cot possibly be. Ti" keeps the cough
loose and open,15 eids expeetoration
and allays the nflammation,
ft does more than this. It tures the
told as well as the cough. It is ilireet,
positive and almost sperifie in action.
Dr, ehasess JCidnev-Liver Pills 23 cts.
a bottle at all dealers, or Bilmaeson,
Bates eft' Co., TO:Mato.
smooth • Dotting You Rate Always Bought
of • .... .. -eaGlejae°
, •
At (Mite, near Bettibor, a clay figure,
represeeting a nude female divinity, has
been -unearthed in a etone age dwelling
The figure is over 4,000 years old and is
the most ancient representation of the
human formin existence.
Ohamberlainni Cough Remedy is not
a common, everyday oough mixture. It
is a meritorious reraedy for all the
troublesome and dangerons oomplicet‘
lions resulting from cold ut the head,
throat, obest or lungs. Sold by all
dealers, • '
An excellent silver polish which clan
be tnade at home- for a few penuies
condor] of whiting mixed with an equal
amount of ammonia and alcohol, It is
applied with flannel or ,,chamois and
allowed to dry; then the eilverwere is
brushed and polished with tissue paper.
Ohamberlain's Cough Remedy is a
very valuable medicine for . throat and
lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures
painful breathing and a dangerously
sounding cough which indicates oonges.
ted lungs. Sold by all dealers.
Don't grumble, The most unfortune
ate class of people living upon this green
earth are the grumblers, They rob
home of its joys, society of its dues and
themselves of tbe best things of life.
From the days the children of Lirael
"grumbled" and were sent on their
tedious wanderings "for forty days in
the wilderness," 'to the present hour
the world has been full of grumblers.
It is "too hot" or "too cold," "too wet"
or 'dry." People in reasonablecirotem.
stances have vielons of the poor house,
while the rich gtumble that they can't
get rich faster.
The Value or Turpentine.
When all else faint the physician re.
Ommends his wealthy patient to take a
trip to the turpentine groves as a euro
for throat and lung troubles. Ther tur-
pentine of commove oannot 'very well
be used but by extracting this ingredient
from gnats and by adding linseed Dr.
Chase succeeded in gettibg up the moot
'effective treatment kir throat and lung
troubles that was ever dieeottered. It is
known 'as Dt. Chase' e Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine.
The market *value of the field crops of
Canada thie year is estimated by the
Census and Statistics ofiloe in a bulletin
leaned this week at $532,992,100, an in.
crease of nO iris than $100,458,100 over
last year's heftiest. The total acreage
tinder mop this year is given as 20,065,-
556, as corapared with 21,505,663 sores
last year. Of the increase in value of
crepe, $54,640,000 is due to larger yields
of wheat, oats and barley, a 'little over
tett millione is credited to the hay mop,
three and one.nalf millione.to rye, tenet
bttoketheat, Mixed grains, Ana flax, and
six and a quarter millions to vegetable
With aeineW 50 completing the work
of statute revision for eubmission to the
forthcoming legislative oession, the
judgee having this -work in hand held
sessione daily at the Parlidnient bell&
•tugs during last week. The judges en•
gaged on the work are; justices OsIer,
Meredith, Anglin, Garrow, Teetuel• and
judge Snider, of Wentworth. The re,
lolled et:Ante:1 Will be put in three tool.
ulna, each of whiele Will have a OM -
plate index, Among the soli to be eon.
loIldated at the fOrtheoneing Meilen ttre
the litgesinfient get, the separate school
ad, the honor now tot, the publie
heath oat, the munleirial ant and the
ditehei wad water Outlet wet,
7 4
• *410.
TWit 4-WAthtPlitWV KEN
ete,INDON, reNTARIln,
Bu ess (I Short
Reibielellt and MALI C0114150.5
C8419884A Pro.
J. Wostenetle
Principal, viaa.Princhuil
leowint witeun A ex.
The following nil the report tor 8
No, 11« Tnroberry, for tint leilinth ot
December. Total maybe, 800. tbOtio
absent from any exlm. marked *,
Sr IV, --Alfred Lookridge 281,
r- IV. -.Testate ()unto 079, Minnie
Stunners eTte Alvio Grove e 210, Willie
Shrigley It&
--.-Vernon Allenby 274, Myrtle
Lonliriege 186*, Susie Sherift 185*.
Jr. III.-liandred Mercer 256, Milton
Groves 208, Rope Fontein I48*, Ethel
Finley 42*,
Jr. II -Total 190 -Roy Forgyth 120,
Wilton. BOSOM 74* Ernest Johnston
7e*. • ' • .
Pt. II -Total 000,- Olive Groves 196
eauireie 1400kridge 110, Gone Cannon
Pt e --Total 100.. -Tommie Cruik-
sbenk 100, Gertie Groves 80, Earl Hart
80, Mityse Hen, rook King, Roy Fin.
ley, Willie Finley, Howard FinleY,
Jr, Pt. 1 -Tommie Lealtridge, Gordon
McGregor, Lizzie Ortekshank, 'Mayan
Finley, Margaret Linklater, Blina Look.
ridge, :Donna Oleghorn, Thomas -041-
vett. '
DI. WAxeu, Towner,
--- • ,
WEST wAvvatipsn, •
The following is the report for 5 S
No 14, West Wawanoeh for the month
of December.' The subjects examined
were Competition, Arithmetie, Spelling
and Gambier, Total 400. These eb-
pent from one or more exams are mark -
d * '
Clow 363, •
• IV. - Anitie Laidlaw 342; Herbert
Laidlaw 316,.. Willie O'Oallaghan 283,
john Pardon 240,, Ethel Clow 169, Roy
MoGee le8*, Arohie• Patterson 13*
Sr. III. - Lyllit Emerson 339, Mae
'Clow 317. Edna Thomson 264, Jean
Clubb 184*, James Patterson 25*,
Jr. III. -Maggie Laidlaw 329, Nellie .
O'Callaghan 276, Riohard Thomson 249,
Laois Naylor 293',
Sr.'II.-Freddie Newman 294, Ernest
Morrison 174', jogepti O'Callaghan 164*.
Jr, IL -Cora Olubb.
Pt, IL -Gordon McGee, Jean Eggle-
stone. • • ,
Pt. L--Annte Morrison, *Cassie Par
don, Nathaniel Thomson. Aldin Pardon,
Florencke Pardon, Ada Clubb.
M. JEAN BONE, Teaeher:
olopeRous' DANDRUFF.
wm 400 Canada a Baldheaded
Net Checked.
M.P4tilteur. the groat rrenOb,
simian Ot Paris, entle believe
we shall one deer Ad the world of elk
Osmoses Oetised by aorms.st
Dandruff nettled ny gerMS, rikgt
44Mapted en physielanio.
Dandruff le the root of all heir evile
-If it were not for the little destriletire.
garorx4:4 nwr :Tel e two' :th• e ei eft, thPearreSt 44434
he nO baldneint
Pernien Sage voll kill the dendruff
tts:erros ra nut) x.it'aevm:avoek. .dandruff two
• Welton McKibben gearentee0 15.
will stop itobing eaelp. felling heir apo
Moi. elte bete *rove tbick "tad aben
It puts' life autl lustre into the heir
tsnd preveutt iv from tureing gray.
It is the heir Oregon* par exgellence,
daintily perremerl and free front grease
stickiness. It ie the favorite •With
• women of , este and ontinee Who
know the `110Qtal Value •of legoinating
Alerge• bottle cents only 50 omits. at
'leading druggists everywhere, and ill
Wingbani by Welton 'McKibben, The
girl vette ate auburn hair nt on every
' The following is the report of IL S. S.
No, 13, Howick and Turnberry, for the
month of December. It is based on the
weekly exams, regularity, good oonduot
and general pron.:dewy. Those marked
* were absent from some exams. The
names occur in order of merit,
Sr. W. -Stella Harris, Arnold Halli-
Jr. TV. --Harry 'Westlake, Minnie
Doubledee, Agnes Mitchell, Russel Abe
raham*, Jim Fitch,
Sr.III.-Mabel Mitchell, Bessie Gow-
dy* Mary Abram*, Htlda Abram*,
Jr. IIL - Robbie liVeetlalte, Frank
Harris, ClarkSon Douglas, Esther Me -
°retry, Morley McMichael, Alber t
Houghton, Rosie Merkley*,
Sr. IL -Edna Harris, Verna Merkley,
Stanley Halliday, EVa MoCreiry, Harry
Gowdy, Laura Battelle% Malcolm Fitch,
Johnson Hays.
• Pt. IL -Katie Fitch, Almotireelerkley,'
Charlie Westlake.
Sr. Pt. 1. - Alice Harris, Leonard
Markley, Oliver MoOreery, Willie Mob-
Sr, Pt. I. --Harold Weir, Leslie For-
tune, Elsie Donbledee, Freddie Double-
• dee.
• let OWL -Tommy Martin, Harvey
C. DURAND, Teaoheri
Lend of onr birth we pledge to thee
Oar love and toil in the years to be;
When we 4r0 'grown arid take our place
As mett and women with our rine.
Father in fleaven, who lovest all,
Oh help Thy children wben they call;
That ebee May butld from age to age,.
An unnefiled-heritage,
_ . .
'reach to to pile ourselves alwer. •
With steedfastness end careful truth
Tom, in oar time, tby graoe may give'
The Trntlewhereby the Nation live, •
Tenet; us to rule ourselves alway,
Controlled and cleanly night and day;
That ena may bring, if need arise,
No Maimed or worthless ettonfloe.
Tetiett no to look in all our ends, '
On Thee for j edge, end not our friends;
• That we, witn Thee.. may walk unootiyed
By fear, or favor -of the crowd.
Teach as the ettength that cannot seek
By deed or /bought to hurt the weak;
That, under Thee., we may possess
Man'8 strength to eomfort man's distress
Tomb, usdelight in simple things,e
And mirth that has no bitter springs;
Forgiveness free of evil done,
And love to all men ineath the sun.
Suffere d
Front Her
T erribKidnCys
le ForNino
pains Mouths.
For Backache, Lame or Weak Back --
one of the conny.i,enestyind most distrepi rig
symptoms of kidney inaetAeri, there is no
remedy equal to Doeti's Kidney Pills for
taking out the stitches, 'twitches and
ty,dpges, limbering up the stiff back, and '
giving perfect comnfor5.
A medicine that atrengthens the kid.
neys so that they are ena.kiled to extract
the poisonous utie acid from the blood
and prevent the chief cause of Itheurria.,
Mr. Dougald A. Menage, Broad Cove .
Banks, N.8.. write.: ---"j was troubled
with my kidneys for nine months, and
suffered with such terrible pains aeres8
the small of my back all the time that I
could hardly get around. After taking
two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills I began -
to feel betters, and by the time I had taken
three I was completely cured"
Price tO cents per box or a for 111.25
all dealers or mai ad &tett On reeeipt o
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toren* Ont,
When ordering specify "Doan's."
Land of our birth, Our faith, our pride,
For wheat; deer sake our fathers died;
0, Motherland, we pledge to thee,
Head, heart and hand thre the years
to be.
* Dr. Chase's Oint
merit is a certain
and guaranteed
curororeach and
every for m of
Volleisrjltettretii4itait 13P °11741111
ticor „au fz.m. z_opu I trokt rr. BnAo3tEsosa Ie can -ret sT I 3 0: re,45111114:2e Ad!R. CHASE'S�IJtFMEN1.
[S. E. Kiser.]
She used to wear bei hat tipped over to
• the right, •
And then she wag. indeed a most be-
witching sight; •
In later years she wore it , tilted up be.
And ea oontreved to rob me of my peace
• of mind.
The fall she wore it far, far over on the
She seemed so fair that I of calmness
• Was bereft;
And likewise When it flared up high
above her brow
She kept on being jaet as beautiful some-
Now •that she wears a hat •that lops
down all around;
So that one has to eearoli before her face
if found,
he 'manages to have her way as here-
And still peewees °harms that thrill Ine
to She core.,
There Is a doctrine which cling to all
may days:
The style that she affects may merit
scorn or praise;
She has ache= with which to bring or
banish cares,
But it to. in herself, and not in what she
Starch is not eo liable to "lump" if
the Starch is mixed to the consiateney
of cream' and stirred into the boiling
water, instead of pouring the water into
She staroh. It is the same with cookieg
porn meal mush -the meal ohould be
wet and stirred by spoonfuls into the
boiling salted water,
Instead of pouring hot water over the
frozen fattest fill the het water beg
with hot water, insert the faucet in it
and fasten eeourely. The heat will Boon
open the faucet if it is not too badly
When ming &lir !iamb for the com-
mon humdrv, for a pint of literal use
a piece of Japanese wits about the site
of a filbert, mid the olothee will frau
beautifully. The Wax is to be had of
the &egoist.
A. good propertitttl in eeasoniur sin.
sage, le for twenty pounde of meat, to
nee three level tableepoorifuls of ground
bleu& pepper, eight level tablespoonful
of inat and one to three tablespoonfals
of powdered wage, aocording to testa and
She strength ot the liege, The OcimtnOn.
et says red pepper (not eityenne) is pre%
ferred by some.
If chill ulnae, estop, eta., Wall not
/int up et the proper -season, canned tin
Metties OM be tided the woe as trek
one. Moir heating, "Mk good rseititii.
Yhe °Maw Boy's -Comment When the
Kick Got to HIT.
"Good morning, lotinsont" said Oh
President when the ge.neral manager
stood before Wee. "De you knee(
there seeing to hare bean a little fall-
ing off in the, work of the office for
the last inonth? No catastrophe or
anything of that sor‘ you itnow, but
the standard of efficiency soma to
have lowered lnet 4 little. I Merely
NvAnted to call your attention to it.
Nething more. Nee day, isn't it?"
"Bay, Brunner," said. the general
inanager to the office manager, ''do
you know your office force is falling
down? Well, it is. For the porton
lust Passed there has been a drop in
Yetir system that made considerable
treublo. I'd jerk somebody .up if I
were you. A hint to the wise, 5'04 ;
"Wilson,," soid the office manager
to the chief clerk; "come here.
want to t41 you one thing, and that
is that there's got to be a change in ,
the way tbnigs ere going arOUn *IS
dump. DO you hear PaOP What's the
matter? Wleet's the Inattet That's
a fine question from yen What isn't
the matter is the proper tiding to- ask.
,Thinos have been going to the dogs
for a month past, I'm tutt laying the
'fault at your door -all of it anyhow -
but you know what that means, fall-
ing down.. Get a hustle on you, now,
and zee that- your clerks don't keep
falling down or -1 leave the rest to,
your imagination..0)
"SaY, Yen prize mutts." said the
chief clerk to ,his underlinc
gs, `do you
koow what's going to happen to about
hail a dozen of You? You're going to
get decoreted with a /ergo, shine' tin
pan if Phu don't Brooke lap and do bet-
ter .work thatt you've been guilty of
for the last month. You've been work-
ing like a let of, sewer diggers;
never saw anything to beat Yon -for
She cellar championship. Now, get
hest,' and do things„ and do them
right. I'd hate to have to recommend
*a wholesale (aining stunt, but-yeu,
• know what, I'm here fel%
The dolts went humbly back to
their desks,. Out. to them' came the
'°%eayb,2y1ZitlIgaang,ritiuritilriese f=Cee
cut him short.
"Blank/ blank, blank you!" snid
•the voices. "You little runt Why
don't your tend to your businees, se
we can get things done Fight?'
Then they all took a kick at him and
vent back to work satisfied.
• "Gee," said the office boy, rubbing
his sore spots and eyeing The presi-
dent's office, "gee, 'but that call clown
certainly traveled some
Rest After •Meals.
Hurreed eating of meals, followe
iminedtately by -some employment that
• occupies the 'whole attention and
takes up all or nearly all of the phy-
sical energies, is • sure to result in
dyspepsia in one form or another.
Sometimes it shows itself in exces-
sive irritability, a sure indication that
nerve force has been exhausted.
The double draft,in order to digest
the food and carry on the business,
has been more than nature- could
stand without being thrown mit of '
balance. Nature does not do two
thing's at a time end do both well as a
ride. All khow that when a force
is divided it is weakened. If the meal
were eaten -slowly, without preoccupa-
tion of the mind, end the stemach
allowed at least half an hour's chance
to get its work well Undertaken be-
fore the nervous force were turned in,
another direction • patients suffering
froth dyspepsia would be compara-
tively few. -Family DoCtor,
Rooting House Plant Leaves.
• Perhaps to the amateur the most
interesting way of propagating
tants is that •.pf rooting leaves.
There are vita a number of plants
with which this is possible. Echeve.
ria, Rex 'begonia and gloxinia are
Maong the common plants propagate
ed by this means. TO root echeveris
the leaf is 'carefully broken from tin
stem and inserted in the sand. 14
takes about four weeks for it to start
into growth, when a small bud
be produced at the base of the leaf.
Sometimes this bud does not start,
but stfil the leaf Will grove. knot
of. one leaf which has been growing
m a pot for four years And stall hag
not made a bud. '
Down to a Fine Point
A woman is nevet as old as the
woman next door would like to have
the other neighbors believe. ,
worcian is never as old as she has
to believe herself.
A woman is never as old as the
family Bible unfeelingly testifies.
A woman is .never as old as she
looks to hergrowing daughters.
A woman s never old, anyway, 11
she is wise.
A woman is always wise.
Therefore she is
Never, never
WHAT every cook - ohottlid
" know is, which wilc4
wakes the besqlour, and, why.
Winter, wheat is put into tt;','
ground in the fall, but does riot
ripen until the following July,
It matures slowly,. is soft and )
very starchy.
Spring wheat is sown ill, April 5tr
May, and ripens in Autnst! It's a
flinty, translucent wheat, rich in giuten
and contains nearly twice as much
' nutriment as winter wheat,
al Household Flour
is made entirely from the hard, nutri-
tious spring wheat, carefully selested
from all the wheat of this kind grown
in Canada, •
Royal Household is fine, light and
pure—milled.' by the most improved
methods—in a mill as 'clean as your
own kitchen,
Askyour grocer for Ogilvie's Royal
Household just enough to try.
You won't mind the slight advance
in cost when you see the resultsin
your bread and pastry. 21
Ogilvie Flour Miis Co., Limited, Illontreal.
Items from the "Tlmes" tyles.
TwENTy 'yEARs AG° Lona' History of the early 80s.
•(Prom tbe TIMES of Jen. 3, 1800)
Messre. •Gllehrist, Green & Co. ship-
ped nine oar Wade of furniture lest
Iweek, eielit teeing by the G. T. R. and
one by the 0 P, 15.
• Mr. Peter Imlay; through Mr. 5 You.
land agent, gold a neat 'liottege on
.Petriok street, one day this week, to Mr.
'loan Elliott, of the chair factory,'
Mr. H. Davis and family were at
Mitchell on New Years, there beteg a
reunion of the Davis family there that
day. Porty.two were present.
Long Enough.
Ttar.ensient-Kinclly tell me whether
tui s ticket will allow mo
e a stop-ov
Station Agent -It depoptls. What do
you want to etop for?
irunsient-To vieit some distant re,
latives of mine, the Jitiltses.
Station Avnt-Then you'll have
plenty of time. .rhe ticket is good
tee neet trate.
reeeeett---See here! Do yott knots
how long I teleed to stop?
8trtiet; .frgent-Not exactly, • but I
know llte Jiekees.
thc caffery God. '
A t tut int...rutin-My long perform,
anee of "it/Joule Cristo," with Charlet
l'echter in the character of the hero,
the eortain rose iorthe last act at
gunner. et .nc in the morning.. Fedi,
tor diezovcreel eitting' in a WU.
Attitude. He neither rtioV.
1,01 .) a:A then it clear, sad
voice in the gallery excleirried,
note: we are not keeping you Up, sit !fl
Their 15Motictil doke.
t'L.Dill---They Say Tony's injliries
vow the r-sult of a preetitel ;mks.
Profeswir-Yes. The chi:notes told
Into Vent a biz burly fellow in the
steoltirg-reoltr was, deal mei dutrib,
nod Tony walked over to hinte. With it
sweet smile, and told hint he ata* #
belly fool. Prof
The man wasn't deaf and
061.1661.• a.$ ..040 0.*
The Town Treasurer, Mr, John Mak-
rote, has lamed his annual statement of
tee receipts and expenditures of the
we for the year 1889, up till the 1501
of Deoember. •The liabilities are given
ad 561,860.55 and the assets at 559,010.-
44. The debenture indebtedness is $57,-
660 52, including the $20,000 loaned to
the factories last year.
Mr, John Bailie, conductor, who has
rim into Winghaut from London, We be-
ieve, ever 8 noe that roadwas opened,
has been snperannuated and his place
will be filled by Mr. W. K. Snider, who
will reside in.Wingliam.
The municipal nominations for the
town were held ip the town hall, on
Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Town
Clerk Ferguson, promptly au time, an.
nmnced that be was ready to receive
nominations for the different 'Wipes.
Tho following were plaited in nomina-
r Mayon, -Robert MoIndoo and W.
P. Brookenshire.
If the day looks binder gloonlY
An' your chances kinder ;dim,
If the eituations puzilint
• An' the prospeca awful grim,
An' perplexities keep preseln'
Till au hope is nearly gene,
Jas' bristle up, and grit your teeth,
• An' keep on keepin" on.
Ptitnius never wins a fight
An' frettin' never pays;
There abet no good in breath' in
These pessimiStio WayS. .
•Smile jus' kinder cheerfully
When hope is neerly gone,
An' bristle up, and grit your teeth,
• An' keep on keignin' on.
There ain't no me in growlin'
• An' grumblin' all the time.
• When intirio's thighs' everywhere,
An' Erverythitigni a rnyme.
Jos' keep on 'mill& cheerfully,
If hope 5e nearlyone
AO' bristle tip, an' grit your teeth,
An' keep on keepin' on.
-Selected from taokbOtie,
The Government hail purohmed 603
aoree of land, two and one-half miles
emit of the city of 'Guelph, and nearly
adjoining portion of the -0.4. O., es
a MIs for Ontelio's new reformatory.
Hotly in January a otimber of men from
the ()antral Priem' will start on the
Work of building. The price paid fot
the pared 04 land Whioh comprises five
properties, will be some $42,250. The
propertlei perehmed are, the Wraith,
ram Matthews, Meyers Mid Plefoing
farini, A new feature will be the Opt
Mite bending for tubercular and orinl.
tag inane primer!, , Altogether there
W111 be toOm for between 450 and MO
men. Whe new prison is to be built bito
prironers from the Centred, Mut lie*.
Mt Katifie is endeavoring to Stade pap
AMA 01 the Men tit Work One,
For Reeve. -Thos. Gregory and John
For Deputy -Reeve.- john Neelande
and George McKenzie.
• For Counoillors.--Ward 1 -Thos:
Agnew, Alex, Dawson and R. M'.
Robinson. • Ward 2-Roht Hill, R.
Lemniex, W. F, Dulmage, W. B Tow-
ler, 3, J. Homuth ad W. F. Brooken=e
shire. Ward 3-R. CI. Sparlinig. John. \
moLean, Jas. A. Oline, and Peter.
eft .an, Ward 4-J. W. Inglis, O. E.
Wiliteint, Thos. Holmes, Wm. Holmes,
John Elder and D McKinley.
School Trustees,-: Yard 1- Thos.
Abraham. Ward 2 - Wzn.. Moore.
Ward 3 -Thos, Chisholm. Ward 4-D
M. Gordon.
Walker, -In East Wawahosh, on the -
81s5 tilt, the wife of Mr. Thos, Walker; ,
is daughter.
Sattou-Johnston.-At the residence -
of the bride's father, on the 31se of De-
cember, 1889, by the Rev. J. H, Moore -
house, Mr. R. T, Sutton, G. T. 15 agent,.
Drayton, to Jane. eldest daughter of
Mr. John Johnston, Winghttm.
Arbuckle.-Ia Turnberry, on the 1st
of January, D. A. Arbuckle, son of Mr.
Wm. Arbuckle, aged 11 years.
Farrow. -In Bluevale, 08 the 31st
ult., Frances, wife of Mr, john Farrow,
aged 48 years, 8 menthe and 14 days.
Yanstone.-In Wingbam, on the 2901
Deoeinber, Edith Mildred, infant daugh-
ter of Mr. R. R. Valid one, jeweler,
aged 6 days
Is Specially Calculated To Cure All Dis-
eases of the Throat and Lungs.
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sere Throat,
Hoarseness, Croup, Pahl or Tightness in
the Chest; and all •Bronchial Troubles
yield quickly to the curative powers of
this prince of pectotal remedies. It
contains all the virtues of the world
famous Norway pine tree, combined
With Wild Cheriti Bark, and the soothing,
healing and expectorant properties 'of
other excellent herbs and barks.
±-4444-eit+++ i14' John releh,
,± Windsor, Ontario,
• Nasty writes: -"I was
Hacking troubled with it has -
Cough.• ty liackilig cough
Cured, for the past sift
months and used it
id of different re-
medies but tis 835
did me no good. At lest I was advised
by a Mend to try 13r. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrdp andwith the first few doses
I found great relief and to -y my back-
ing cough has entirely difhppeared and
am never without Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup iu the hottse."
The price of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine.
Syrup is 25 mats per bottle. It is put up
in a yellow wrapper, three pine tree*
the trade mark, so be sure and accept
toile, Of the (Many subetitutew05 %be
*lentil "Norway Pine Syrup."
1sgtrbT.00.tited, Tetetat.