HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-01-06, Page 3M co** May the year 1910 be a Happy and Pro'erous one to .all our customers and friends. We want tothank our many friends for their liberal patronage during the year 1909 and solicit a continu- ance of the same. *** Camne cCue & CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. 1 i +♦++.e++++++♦+++++++++++++ .++♦+.+♦+.♦++♦♦+++♦+++++♦. s 3ams Win hlVIusio EmporiuuhI � * ♦ S D. BELL, the Great MUSIC and PIANO DEALER + e .+ We handle the very best Pianos from •the celebrated makers • 4. of the day. They are bought outright by me, which means + a saving to .parties purchasing a Piano here. + 4. Eaoh one is made in keeping with the grade of the instrua + • went, Any one of our Pianos is an ornament in any home. • The " action " of a piano is a very vital part — it does the o ,i♦♦♦ player's bidding. + O • Each of our Pianos is fitted with the latest patent Noiseless Pedals. + The Tone is the most important consideration when selecting +a Piano. Oar instruments are guaranteed to possess a Tone + full, round and powerful, at the, same time sweet and melod• + ions. + a + 144. When purchasing a Piano be sore you call on ` • ,; D. BELL, The rlusie Man • Opposite Skating Rink - WINGHAM, ONT. + ♦ ......0.4.4.++++++++++++:1#••••• e♦.•♦♦♦.+♦++t.e+b♦....♦♦♦♦ BLUEVALE. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Miss Mary Duff on- Thursday, Jan, 13th. All ladies are welcome. ,(Mrs.) V. P. West, secretary. TUILNEERRY. A very pretty wedding took place .at the home of Mr.and Mrs. George Bryce, Tarnberry, on Wednesday, Deo, 29th, at 4 o'clock, when their daughter Mies Elizabeth S. was unitedin marriage to Mr. Hector A. McLean, Calmss. The ceremony was performed under an Arch of wedding belle and holly by the Rev. D. Kerrie, of Wingham. The bridal party entered the, parlor to • the strains tin's wedding .of Loheng g march render- ed by Miss Eva Graces of Wingham. The bride, who was unattended, carried shower baguet of carnations and was given away by her fattier, She looked charming in eorue silk trimmed with silk overlaoe and applique with veil and .orange blossoms, Her travelling snit Was green with hat to matoh. The groom's gift to the bride was a crescent, set with pearls. After congratulations the guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. Friends were present Irene Galt, Fergus, Lucknow, Wing. .hanit .and other planes. The many presents show the high esteem in which •the bride and groom are held: ST. HELENS. W. MoGregor, of Chicago, formerly teacher of Briok school, spent several days with friends in this vicinity. Durnin Phillips, May Cameron, Sarah Smith, of Goderioh Collegiate, and Gertie Webb, of Wingham Collegiate, were all home for the l'olidays. Mrs Hetherington and daughter from Winnipeg are visiting her brother. Mr. W: S. MoOrostie, the genial clerk of West Wawanosh,. Mrs, Hetherington and daughter were on the C. P. R. train whioh was wrecked west of Ohapieau and are congratulating themselves on a very narrow esoape. Their oar was a total wreck, bat strange to say no one was seriously Injured. ST. AUGUSTINE, Mr, and Mr, Cochrane, of Winnipeg, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Agar. Mr. and Mr8. Thos, Leddy and family are now residents of onr burg, They moved into the house recently 'occupied by John Leddy, Mr. teddy having mov- ed out on to Thos. teddy's farm. There was not a very large attendance at the 'meeting of the Farmers' Club reoently. Wm. Thompson gave a short address on what he saw at the' fat stock show at Guelph. One of the principal features at the next meeting is a debate, the sides being chosen by F. Boyle and J. Onmmikt. The subject id "City and Country Life)' Sour Stomach and Heartburn LITTLE DIGESTERS Rrs namitsnon s,riePLHU, sow e1%N c" ra IMAS CURE OR YOUR MONEY BACK Al all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO.0 Toronto 23c. a Dox. Tito vrtai4'r J4M TIMES: JANUxitr 6. MOItltite Towusbip Council will 'mwi1. nest Monday. Oatmeal exchanged for oats. isOtt K R. HQWAON, Winghtlm, W. R. Morley, of Toronto• ie villlting MS parents, OW line. , George Pavia and wife, of 'Clinton, were visitor with P. Bell and wife over Christmas, Mre, Frank Parka and daughter, Anes Bonita,; of Oraig, Sggk., are visiting et the home of, Jas, Ireland, .' Ord line, Morris, Mrs. Parks is a Attlee., Mrs. H. V. Patrick and little dough. Vito Irene, of Londenl Miss .Prtsvilla Manning, of Paris, and Mrs, Herb Cun• Hingham and intent sou, of Palmerston, were visitors. at Mrs, Jao. Menuing'e for Xmas holiday week, The ladies are daughters of the hostess. ; hirmoss. The marriage of Mies Jean Johnston, seoond daughter 4f Mrs,' Mary A. John- Ston, to Mr. George D, Haugh, ,of Kin - toes Township, was very quietly sole emnlzed at the home of the bride's; mother, Luo>tnow, on . Wedt}esday, Deo. 22nd, at 11.30 a. m,, • only the immediate relatives being ^ present.. The bride was given away, by her brother, Wm. Johnston, and the .cere- mony was performed by Rey. J. E. Ford, of Lloknow, The bride,, who waa unattended, was wearing her travelling .atilt of bine •broadcloth with velvet hat to matoh. Many beautiful and costly gifts were received. The bride is very popular among the youug people of Lnoknow, as is the groom in Ti joins a host of Kinloss, The mss 7 friends in extending best wishes to the happy couple, W HITEOHUROR.' Oatmeal exchanged for oats. FRAN,e R. Howsow, Wingham. Mise Clara Garbutt arrived home from the West, to spend New Year's at the old homestead. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Coulter, of Tarnberry, at 6 o'olook, on Wednesday, Deo. 291h, when their daughter, Miss Mabel was united in the holy bonds of matrimony, to Mr, John Smith Craig of Whiteohnroh. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. R. MoEaoheru, of Whiteohnroh. To the strains of the wedding march, played by Mrs. Mo- Eachern, the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her brother, William John Coulter, and took her place under an arch of evergreens. She wore a beautiful gown of grey silk, trimmed with Dream lase. . Only im- mediate relatives were present. Atter: the oermony and congratulations were extended the young couple and guests adjourned to the dining room where a Sumptuous repast was partaken of. The evening was spent in games and music. ee- GORRIE. On Wednesday, Dec. 25, 1909, an in. teresting event tookplace at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gallaher, when their only daughter, Mary Ann (Minnie), was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Knox, a prosperous young farmer of Tuxford, Sask. The oeremony was. performed by the Rev. H. W. McTavish in the presence of the immediate rela- tives of the contracting parties, ^while Mrs. MoTavish played the Wedding March. The bride was given away by her father and was unattended. She was prettily attired in white silk mull with Valenoiennes trimmings, and car- ried a shower ;bouquet of white carna- tions. The groom's gift to the bride was a haudsome gold bracelet. Tho drawing -room in whioh the ceremony was performed was artistically decorat- ed with holly, while the tables were decorated with carnations and holly. Mr, and Mrs. Knox spent a few days in Wingham and in Michigan and will reside at Tnxford, Sask. 7R WAWAVOSIK. _.. To the eleotors of plant Wawanosh s Ladies' and era4.o,- - .00ant n►y Hearty t1ttanks* for the •lnagnidosut vola. given in rnv favor for the Reevalhlp on ¥nudity, I Will 'endeavor t4•' do my full duty in both. Township and County Qounoli'.bustuees, P'aithtully yours JOUR To the Iileotors of Hast Wawanosht lriadiea and Gentlemen,— I wish to thank you for;the support given me on Monday to again returning rite as. a. member of the Munioipal Qonnoil, d. shall endeavor 10 prove worthy of $ho trust yon have reposed in me. Your obedient servgnt, 1?EVER W. 1300 Dr, Oatmeal exchanged for oats, FAA R klowsoir Winghant, Dr. Ban Anderson, of Toledo, was visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fin. iay.Anderson. Mies Sylvia Seel resigned berlposition esteaoher of the D;enuybroole sobool and returned to her home at Oren: broot, Eph, Haines is home from the West for a short visit. ,Echo hue beoowe fairly wedded to the Western country' and intends'to. return in the spring, Jaok 'Foran, of the Regina police force, is visiting at the olti home, Jack bas taken up a homestead near Wain. wright, Alta. He intends to return to Regina in a oonple of weeks. Misa Etta, ,seoond youngest daughter of Thos, and the. late Mrs. Blank, and Fred Qook,, of East- ,Wewanosh, were quietly married in Toronto last week, They will reside on the groom's farm on the 6th concession. in the presence of a large number of the eelativee and friends of the con- tostipg parties, Lite,eldest daughter of Mr. and Airs. ,lied Cook, of the 7th concession, was united in marriage to Harvey 'Black, a prosperous Western farmer formerly of this township, on Wednesday last. Starting from a chimney. fire de- stroyed the' old but very comfortable home of Mr. ,and Mrs. E. Philippe, of the ..8th concession. The old couple with their daughter Eliza; were in the hoose at the time, but it was not until the fire had gained oonsiderable head- way that it was discovered by Mrs. Phillips on going npstaire. Feeling that efforts to save the building were of no avail, they began at once to remove the furniture. In- this they were nobly assisted by Dave Chamney, who was on the Boone in a few minutes, and by some of the other neighbors, who had not gone to church. Through their efforts most of the furniture wassaved and the blacksmith shop was prevented from. taking fire. This is the seoond loss' Mr. Phillips has suffered by fire. Only a few years ago his stable was struck by lightning and totally' destroyed, GREY. Miss MacGillivray, a former teacher of S. S. No, 10, was renewing old acquaintances on the Ilth oon, re- oently. Thursday, the 16th of last month, Mrs. Cox, 12th eon. , celebrated her 91st birthday. She is still hearty and able to get around• and, many friends send her greetings. Wednesday evening of last week at 5 o'olook the home of Hagh and Mrs. Lamont, lith con., was a pleasant scene, about 40 guests having assembled to witness the tying of the nuptial bow by Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A., between Ernest E. Oanipbell, of Gaylord, Mich„ and Miss Katharine, seoond daughter of the host and hostess. Ceremony was perforated under an evergreen aroh, the bride being given away by her father. Miss Sadie, sister to the bride, played the wedding march. The bride was becomingly dressed in white and oar, tied a boquet of bridal rosea. Many beatttt til presents aceonipanied the good wishest. An elaborate wedding supper wad 'served And an enjoyable evening spent. Mr. and Mrd. Campbell will reside at Gaylord, Minh. They will carry with them the good wishes of the oomnitinity for their happiness and h rosperltr« ovLROssr Miss Martha Dever, a former resi- dent of the 8th line, Calross, died at Maple 'Creek, Sask., on Deo. 26, She had been 'i0 delioe4te health for a num- ber of years. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Mar - shall, 2nd line, on Wednesday, Deo. 22nd, when their daughter became the bride of Mr. Stanley Hemingway, also of Oalross. The young temple took a wedding trip to Hamilton and other points in the province. JAMESTOWN. Mr. A. Pollook took the service in the hall last Sunday evening, in the absence of Mr. Garside, of Brussels, who hid charge of the meeting. Mrs. Falconer, of Chicago, and Miss Inman, of Brussels, visited their sister, Mrs. D'. MacDonald, over Sunday. Mr. and Alva. Wm. Hamilton spent New Year's with St. Augustine friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Miller spent New Year's with Mrs. Miller's mother, Mrs. Henderson, Wingham Junction. Mies Tena Snell is visiting her sister Mrs. L Rattan, this week. Mr. Roy MacDonald, of Wilkie, Sas- katchewan, is visiting friends and old acgaaintanoee around here at present. Mr. D. O'Toole, of Wingham, visited at Charlie Forrest's on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Reid, of Wingham, spent New Year's at' the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. And. Simpson. Mr.. Samuel Burke and his wife visit- ed Gotlerich friends for a week. Tuesday morning, • Dec. 28th, James Strachan, who had been in poor health for some months, passed away from the earthly home to the reward of the just man, His decease was not une .. peeted as he had been near the portal oh several occasions daring his extended illness Mr, Strachan was born in Tor- risdale, Glen, Parish of Saddest and Ship- FOOfkfOR A YEAR 111RAt.r. erry-,r+. tr...•r.+dOtlibe- , 1Nllk„,,,.,a=«•..,..re,2�4oate. lOo lbs. .27'40r1 VeSeteblee,. , ., .. • , ,,, .. , .6O0 tea This represents a fair ra= tion for a man for a .year. But some people eat, and eat and grow thinner. This. means a defective digestion and unsuitable food. Marge size bottle of Scotl's Emulsion equals in nourishing proper- ties ten pounds of meat. Your physician can tell you how it does it. FOS SALE '1SY ALL DIRUGGISTS Send leo., name of paper and this ad. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Opltd's Sketoi}-Book. Each bank containsGood Luck Penny,. SCOTT & BOWNE 126 Wellington Street, West Toronto, Ont, nese, Argyleshire, Scotland, on the 7th of March, 1838, and the family emigrat- ed to Canada is .1817. After living in. Galt, Oat , for a time they moved • to the township of Grey in March 1854, and deoeased lived on lot 1 in the 4th con until the time of his death. He was married to Miss Jessie MoVioar on Deo, 22ad, 1870, and they were blessed with a family of six children. The daughters are Mrs. P. McEwen, of Tarnberry; Mrs, Youmans, of Toronto; Misses Marjorie and Elsie at home. The sons are Dongald et home and Jas. T., a dentist. ' Mr. Srtaohan was a loyal member of the Presbyterian church and' for about 20 years was Sabbath Sohool superintendent. In politics he was a Liberal. Everybody had a good word for "Jimmie” Straohan, as he was fam- iliarly palled. He was genial, kindly and hospitable and was meowed most highly. ' People were ever ready to en- quire after his health and will regret hie death:. The funeral took place Thurs- day afternoon, the service being conduo. ted by Rev. A. O. Wishart, B. A., inter- ment being made in Brussels cemetery. Mrs, Straohan and family have wide- spread sympathy. Thos, and J.ihn Strachan were brothers of the deceased and .Mrs. James Fergason, of Brussels, a sister. Duncan Taylor, of the 'same town, is a half.brothef, In Memory of'Della Campbell. (Who departed this life on Deoember 16th, 1909 ) There was a little band in heaven That was not quite complete And they took onr little darling To fill the vacant seat. And our darling little' Della We were sorry with her to part But she's with the Lord of Glory And no sin shall grieve her heart. She's sitting on the golden seat Singing with the Angels sweet' Sitting with that little band, Waiting for the Lord's command. She's gone away from wordly care No more pain or grief to bear Sbea gone onto that heavenly home Where Christ himself doth rule alone. • Our darling little Della Is gone away to heaven And the loving link is broken Which bound us three together. Bat we hope to meet in heaven And Christ there to adore And there he'll know eaob other When we meet to part no more. Established 1879 FOR WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP. ASTHMA, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, CATARRH, DIPHTHERIA Vaporized Cresolene: stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can- not exist where Cresolene is used. It acts directly en nose and throat, snaking breathing easy in the case of Colds, soothes the sore throat and stops the cough. Itis a boon to sufferers of Asthma. Cresolene is a powerful germicide. acting both as a curative and a preventive in contagious diseases, Cresolenc's best reconimendation is its thirty years of successful use. rot Bale by All Druggists Send Postal for De- scriptive BOokiet Cresolene Antiseptic Throat Tablets, simple and soothing Inc the irritated throat. *Or. Lecniing, Miles Co., Limited, Agents, Mon- treal, Canada, gob Does not Color the Hair A'VER'S HAIR VIGOR Stopss Palling ieiud�ha' r Destroys bundrtaff Makes 'HaiGrow Composed of Sulphur, Glycerin, Q in, Sodium Corid, Capsitnm, Sage, Alcohol, Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor his opinion of such a hair preparation. ►YER'S HAIR VIGOR Do,esnot Color the flair Ayer (Matrittta i,nttell, Mos. This month we figure on how much profit we are going to lose in clearing out linea. In some departments the stock is muck too heavy, Snell as READY-TO•WEAR CLOTHING, LADIES' COATS, GIRLS' COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS, 1'UR COATS, and I'' URS of all kinds, CARPETS and CURTAINS, in fact all goods on second floor along with odds and ends in every department have. to go at same prices. During this month and nett we will be receiving our SPRING SEASON'S GOODS and will require all available space, as onr purchases for the season are large. We anticipated the advance in cotton goods, and therefore can show you superior value for spring 1910. January Values Without Profits, Yon see what we mean when you see the goods. The BEST place for BEST VALUES. r H. E. ISARD & CO 1® 4 ♦+++++++++++.♦♦e++♦+♦♦♦f+♦ ++++++++++++++++++++ +444. • • .., .4. illagna's .t: si It •.tin{� • • • •SPECIAL PRICES Old e • LADIES' CONED • $ (In Cloth and Fur -Lined.) • + + Ruffs, Muffs, and all Winter goods. ♦ + . Y e e ♦ SPECIAL PRICES ON •• ••Overcoats s lei o0�� 0c •• Suits, Fur Coats, • ♦ + t.•+ Fur Collars: + + Also in Boys' s' Overcoats and Reefers.: s y • Call and take advantage of the cut prices. ♦ + 4Z r . • • •GROCERIES. •• Full line of Groceries. Call and leave your order. 4 + AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAe1AAAAA e AA IHANNA +t. + PHONE 70, �r�'. + .40. +0 •.40+0++ti+••+.4 ++++>++ Fr++0+44++ +►:'