HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-01-06, Page 24 to AC VERTISER13 ADDRESS ,ANIS PRESEN'T1sA.TLQN, THE ITHE��DOCTOR �1� ' ` "J$ W 1 "437 4$01, Ke ioe of changes must be left at 011 *Mos not Inter than Saturdi►y.noon,A number of the friends of M. and 0, The o y for obangen must be left 'Mrs. Jerg J. B. Eusgn and Wee, Ferguson mot Yater ,ban MondaT evening, met in the. Qouln04 Qh*?xiDer old Siitil-r• Casual Advertisements aooepted up r 1 am to thea remove from WiAgh lASTA}31.1filIED flim HE COULD NOT LIVE DOMINION BANK day ovo4ing lost tq do them boi}Or prior , •, �-�- HEM CIFk (alt: �i+'ORQN'l,'o to noon Wednesday of each week. An 1lninSt 'Fatal Illness" Follow.. Y Mayor Gregory 000ui►led site ohetr mid inn an Attack of laGrippe. popital Stook (all paid up) $3.983,700 00 Reaerve� Fund and DR, j� �w�T iipp�ry�7,(� qpAM r �+��** I3eeve Irwin and the preeentatign made when the oharaotertstlo symgtome, the Total Aesete, .,....,, eA \I R11A 'IEw7• $67,000,000,00 a � by Mr. W, A, pampbell. The .addrePsa `fever, the. headache and the depreeaioa De QtISON GND. Ai iSS L9itIE FsaousQN watery blood, impaired digestion and the address. given below wee read by. The danger from grip is seldom over divtded Profits $4.356,223 01 13, B.1r<LLIOTT.1"'outasuau eii0Pti vieriixo hind it weakened vital powers, thin, posits by the public,— . $44 000,000' 00 R T3soN, To MR J• 13. l ti igRs. FRR - of Write. pees away. Grip leaves be• ° 'J'FiTTRSIIAY, JANT ART 6, 1910 NOTES AND COMMENTS The proportion in which thie year's western grain orop has been, shioped from Qanadien and American ports, is indioated in returae to the Trade and Qommerce Department. Shipments to the end of navigation are figured on. The total through Oanedian ports was 36,964,307 bashele and through Amer. loan ports 19,611,216 Of the latter 17,377,154 bushels went by way of Buffalo. The total number of oars fn• speoted to December 14 was 85,483, con- taining 74,104 680 bashele of grain. The Canadian Pacific handled 40,000 care, Canadian Northern 18 271, Great North- ern 2,693, and. Grand Trunk Paoifie 8,510. DuAR TRIUNES.— Oa bobcat of the over-aenaitive nerves—it oenditign that . BRANonae ANP AGENy1, throughout Qanr ultizene of Wingham, we desire, on the : makes -the systein. an easy prey to Anfie adv and .the United States, eve of your departure for California to monis, bronchitis, Perverts prostration take this opportunity of expressing to :and even consumption, Too much you the very High esteem in which you stress Cannot be laid on the importanoe. A GENERAL. BANKING , BUSINESS aheehid, a family, by toeox e f of strengthening the blood and nerves TRANSACTEL), P p p during the oonvaieeoenoe, and for this also our sinoere regret that you are e0 . purpose pct other ,medicine can equal Dr, soon to leave our town and our country Williams' Pik Pills whioh contain the Savings Department. to take up your reeidenoe: eo far away 011 elements necessary to enrich the blood the Paoifie coast. and restore weakened nerves, Mr, Jas, Current Rates of Interest allowed, and The customs revenue of Canada for the year ending Friday amounted to the sum total of $56,890;847, This ie $9,- 500,000 more than was collected in Onsr toms during the calendar year of 1908. December proved to be the heaviest month. Canada has ever had for customs revenue. The collections totalled $5,- , 256 613, whioh is $1 381,523 more than was collected during the previous De- cember. The end of December marks• tbree.gnarters of the fiscal year, and. during that time the collections totalled $44.367,181„ an improvement of $9,522.- 846. It is confidently expeoted that at the close of the fiscal year on March 31 the customs collections will total $60.000,000. We can assure you that we foal very' L. Whitman, A4plgrave,: N. S. says: Deposits received. 9f $1,00 and keenly the loss we are auetainiogby your iiFcllowing a severe attack of La Grippe upwards, removal from among ns, after so many years of cordial relations asfriends, neighbors and oitizene; and we realize very fully that these associations whioh. have been the growth of a life time, and whioh yon cherish, we are sure. as fond- ly as we do. cannot be broken without a strong effort on your part, and we know that the vacancy which you leave here will be permanent among our homes and in our hearth. We deeply deplore the loss, because no town ,can afford to part with any of those excellent and congenial families such as yours, whioh are the nursery of our truest and noblest citizenship, We desire not only to convey to yon the deep sense of our loss at your remov- al but also to assure you of our thorough appreciation of the part you have each taken in everything that pertains to the welfare of the community, and we can assure you that the integrity and up- rightness of your lives, the gentleness and cordiality of your bearing, will re- main to ne as a beneficial influence in every department of our social life, We feel aesaredtbat ,these noble quali- ties of mind and high conceptions of living will soon win au honorable place for you in the lite of the Amerioan people among whom yon make your future home. We feel that yon, Mr. Ferguson, are leaving a vacancy whioh is hard to fill. Yon have rendered a long and faithful, eervioe to our town and its interests and we firmly believe that its prosperity and favorable financial standing are due in no smell measure to your painstaking efforts and to the capable and efficient manner in which yon have conducted the business of the town in your official capacity as clerk and treasurer. We can assure you.. that your genial and obliging manner will long be re membered with gratefulness and satis- faction by those who have had business dealings at the Clerk's office. And we hope that in your new home you may find congenial surroundings and a oli.. mate favorable to the preservation of your health that you may still have be- fore you many years of active and use- ful life in whatever work you choose to The Progressive Farmer. Ing reading over our exohangee we find that the printer as well as the mer- chant is booming his wares. "Get- ting busy" tailing the public of the splendid news service and job work servioe offered, It is sate to say that a. goodly, number of people never saw the inside of a printing office, therefore do not understand some of the printer man's terms. What's job work to the tiller of the soil? He is beginning to learn what it is.. The astonishing rap-: ' "idity with, which the farmers of the daykare toting advantage of modern 0 = noes and inventions is little marvellous. Farmers who Yee in their houses are "right eo to speak, and many of gentlemen are even getting e business. like way of going 1 printer dud having 500 or heads (writing stationery) his own name, name of he fa. mar's specialty of pro-, an, tow and postgthoe bee. a even haveeat picture of their home and baron these. The sent 'nay farmer . by far the most egressive. o the editor of theTrams: Dear Sir,—I with \ to extend my sin- cerest thanks to all who supported me on Monday notwithstanding the formid- able pressure brought to bear on almost every voter by both political machines and nearly all the anti•looal option workers. (In the above are not includ- ed officers of the Conservative organize. tion, but the ward -heeling element, neither do I include the hotel keepers for whom I have great respect and know them to be good citizens). I accept my defeat without a murmur and for the best, but wish to state to those who say, 'quid you supported the nominee of your party for the Clerkship, you ()cold have the Mayoralty by aoola- mation,i' that it was my sacred duty as , trustee of the people to use my best business judgement regardless of out.' aide influences or consequences a d with an eye single to qualification. For fifteen years en the political platform I Mr. Ferguson, on behalf of himself, have advocated Civil Service Reform wife and daughter, thanked the citizens and condemned government appoint - /netts of Wingham ler their kindly worded owing to political service and address and beautiful present. Mr. when I had a, hoe during the past two yeare•to praetiee same 1 oonld not swat. Ferguson said he left Wingham with *low my principles. The state nr muni- deep regret and he would always re- oipaltty "l"181 10 man a living. To me member the good people of this town municipal life would be a pleasure, if for their many vote of kindness. Short conducted an business prinoiples, but I nm delighted to be relieved, when I can• addresses- were given by A, H. Mum - net nee the same judgements regarding grove, M. P. I', and Mr. J. A. Morton, appointments as in my ()wit business, both expressing regret at the removal of without regard CO• party, sect or faction. Mr. Ferguson and family from the Those who wish may play the game Of I . was completely prostrated. The doc- tor who attended me said that my whole ' system had gone wropg. My heart was Farmers' sale Notes Collected, and affeoted;my kidneys weakened,- diges•: advances made on them at lowest tion impared, and to make the trouble" rate of interest. worse 1 had a hemorrhage of the bowels and nearly bled to death, The ' ootor y wife said I could not live, and told to- tell me that L had better se • .e up my worldly affairs. I did not - . re .to hve my sufferings wer: so int: • se. 1 could not sleep, my ankl:e a. • feet were swol- len, and my co .• p :. ion very yellow. Friends. name •8' see me for the last time, and one of these, more hopeful than the others, persuaded me to try Dr. Williams' Pills. While I had bat little faith that they would help me I depided to try them, Quite soon they seemed to benefit me for my appetite improved and my heart became strong- er, Continuing the use of the Pille it was not long before I was able to be out of bed, and after using fifteen boxes I am in good health for a man of my age; The doctor and those who knew my,oese look upon me as a living wonder, as none of them expected me to get bet- ter.", You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. THE. NEW YEAR. "Lord of the New Year Teaoh us to fear Gruel deeds unworthy needs . Born of men's sinning. - Lord of each true day Give ne, we pray, Human love, gifts above Simple earth's winning. May life's sun lighten ns, May sweet cheer brighten ns, Lord of the New Year Guide ne aright. Old Dares have passed away, Yesterday's oast away, Lead ne a gentle path Through Future's night." pursue. To Mrs. Ferguson—We desire to say that we deeply appreciate the part you, have taken in promoting every nommen. dable interest of our town and commun- ity ; you have been active, in church work and inevery movement for the relief of the poor and the ethic, in assist- ing the work of the Roepital,and we can aware yon that your help and your counsel, will be, ;;reatly missed by the. ladies of Win ,ham, and your numerous friends will long miss your sympathy, your opacity and benevolence in the promovion of every good work. Te Mies Ferguson—We feel we can- nel allow you to leave us without saying to you how much you will be missed by a large oirole of friends and eompan- ions among the young people. They feel the loss of an influential member of their social circle and our town gives up 006 of its. most estimable young ladies. In conclusion we can assure you with all sincerity that you oarrv'with you the beet wishes of the people of Wingham for your future happiness, health and prosperity in the laud of your adoption,. knowing that yon will bear a noble part among the people there as you have done here, and if the time ever comes when the surroundings are uncongenial or the climate inhospitable,you will be sure of a warm welcome bank to your old home town. As a token of our sincerest regard and an expression of the profound respect in which you are held as a family by the people of Wingham, we ask yon to accept this cabinet of silver. TROMA8 GREGORY, Mayor. A. J. IRwXN, Reeve. GEO SIiOTTON, Wiz. BONE, H. B. ELLIOTT, ,Oonnoillors, J W. M0Kratiote, R C. Rxpniowo•, V R VaisisonntAis, Wingham, Jan. let, 1910. ex edienoy. Our former Clerk has town. vir na11y baeu'l1ayor a number of times Mr. Ferguson was for twenty-six and it is better that there should be a years Town Clerk and he faithfully per- oomipetcnt Olerk than that I should be formed the many' ditties of that comae, .. Again thanking the moderate people Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and daughter, N EWS NOTES. Of all parties Who supported mer with left on: Monday afternoon for their new malice to none and kindliest feelings for home prosperity, of all, home in California and they will take I am faithfully your*. with thein the very beet wishes of a The programme prepared for Regina, GEO. SPOTTON, large oirbltl' of friends, who will join Sask., involves an expenditure of half a with the Tussn•in wishing them health, a million dollars to public improvements happiness and prosperity. during the present year, Edward Giordan of Meade has been fitted $50 and costs for having in bib lriehuken of lluebe0 have already rub' »Oesesrion ten part -rides out of season. scribed $1,500 towards the Trish" party The ,gross earnings of t'ae 0, P. It. last funds and it ie expected the sumwill year Will exceed one hundred 'million reach $1,700. dollars. The earnings of the railways Seals are numeroes. iii' the Strait of service anibfnt to $86,000,000 and the Belle Isle, 700 having been taken in The united States Government will hotels and steamships bOnduoted by the Bkttte Harbor, daring this past week. oonstrnot el new look at the Soo, Which company make up $14,000,000 More. To This by, said to indioate is good spring will probably be the largest in: the, 1004 the earnings of the Oompany+ were World. less than $46,000,000. Y. M. C. A. REPORT. Wn.Toinatc BRAnon—Qorner John and Josephine Streets. W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. R. VANSTON0, Solicitor. The quarterly meeting of the County Committee of the Huron Young Men's Christian Associations was held in the County Office in Clinton Wednesday, Deo. 29th. ;. Present were F. Buchanan, Wingham•; J. McNay, Egmondville; G. Chesney, Seaforth; E. Bender, Blyth;. J. Scott and Dr, 0. W. Thompson, Clin- ton. In the absence of Mr. G. F. Blair, Mr. F. Buchanan anted ao chairman and in the absence of Mr. R. Maxwell, Mr. L. 0. Fleming acted as Secretary. After devotional exercises the minutes ,of last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was then re- ceived and was as follows:— ' Receipt since Sept. let, 1909.... $497.17 Disbursement, since Sept. 10,1900 408.82 Balance on hand. Deo. 29th.,.. 88.35 Outstanding pledge of 1904. , .... 132.72 Liabilities to Deo. 29th, 1909 264.16 Estimated defioit for 1909 43,05' The County Secretary's report showed that a financial campaign had been made in Seatorth and Egmondville for their share of the budget for 1909, and that Blyth and Clinton had been can - vaned for 1910. Seatorth had also been organized, it being the seventh Associa- tion in the County. A very profitabI&' day had been spent in Stratford Nov. 12th, et the Physical Training Institute, as a result of whioh, good work is being done in some of the organizations of the Counties of Huron and Bruce by the volunteer leaders of the physical work who attended the Institute, Messrs Scott, Thompson and Blair were appoint. ed a nominating Committee to nominate five men to take the plane of the follow ing five retiring members: Means. R. Maxwell, Wingham; C. H. Thompson, Clinton; T. E. Hanford, Exeter; H, E. Hodgena, Goderioh, and R. M. Young, , OarloW. Messrs J. Hartley and W.S,R. Holmes were appointed to Wit the treasurer's books. The meeting was then adjourned. anted Girls . wanted for newest, brightest, cleanest and most top-to.date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada. Work consists of sewing Ladies' waists. Girls ex- perienced on power sewing machines preferred, but be. ginners will be taught. Comfortable quarters, steady work, good wages. The Star Whitewear Mfg, Col BERLIN - - ' O. Eight families were burned oat at St. Henri, Montreal. , The New York Life building on St, James street, Montreal, has been pur- chased by the Qnebeo Bank: Mrs. Ulric Cardinal of Montreal' was fatally burned and the house destroyed by fire. Her clothing caught fire, and Mr. Cardinalwas' confined bed M . a to a by typhoid fever. The new Royal. College of Dental Sur- geons, whioh was formally opened in Toronto last week, is considered by visiting professors, to be the beet in America. Mee Stook Markets. 0 Toronto, Jan. 4.—City Cattle Market. -High prices continue to prevail, and to all appearances are likely to do so for some time. Experienced dealers say there isan undoubted scarcity of cattle in the country, and that it will take some time to witch. up to the demand. There was a moderately heavy run at the market to -day, bat everything was takdn up in good time, and prices were firm at alightly higher leads than last week. Hoge have taken another step up to $8 40. The total run was 70 loads, with 1,425 head of battle, 5.40 sheep and lambs, 100 hogs, and 112 calves, Thl'following are she quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice 15 60 $5 75 Medium . 5 00 5 25 Bulls 4 00 6 00 Light 8 25 3 60 Bowe 4 00 4 60 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and op- wards......... -,. ........ 300 360 Stockers choice....,.. 3 00 4 00 " balls....,, ,1 60 2 00 Butchers'— Pinked 5 25 5 50 Medinni .., 4 75 5 00 Cows— . .. 8 25 4 50 Bulla8 00 4 80 Hogs -- Best, ... 8 40 Lights........ .. . . . .. 0 00 Sheep— Export ewes .. , 4 25 Broke.... 8 GO Culls..._ . ... 3 00 Spring Lambs each.. 5 60 Calves. each. y... 8 00 8 15 4 65 8 25 7 00 700 WIN/OUAM MARKET I1ErofiSTs Wingham, Jan, 511i, 1910, i Tot r ger 100 lbs.......... 2 75 80 3 25 Fall Wheat ......,. 1 06 to 1 06 OatdY ,.....• r /0 8/6 to 0 85 Barley ..J'i . . {{y{0 y{ 50 to 0 50 PePeas {y. . 0 88 to 0 ....,. . .r. 85 Butter dairy . .. , ,0 22 to 0 28 Eggs per dos . i.,.. y. i.., 0 26 to0 26 Wood per cord , , , y y, .. 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton... .., 112 OO to •18' 00 Potatoes, per bushel, . y0 90 to 0 85 Lard .,,..., ....y,0 20 to 0 20 Live Hoge, per cwt 7 75 to 7 75 Ohiokenb, per lb,.,,,.,.., 0 10 to 0 10 Duk., per lb.. ,.. ,010to010 Gee8e, per lb..,.... {. ,,'0 10 tb 0 10 Tutkeys, perlb,,,.,....,0 16 •00 0 17 i i ,11 rommummomoimiumminisimmieviim The Peopte's 'Popular' Store • Wainghant, Q�pts flame Journal eatterna,. KERRrat ale of IIow Going s the Handsome Premiums wegive away!See YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE SOME OF THEM. liamiamsnsonnnommarammongemonamomanommumosonammend BIR Furs ,t;( The' The Nappy Hour Theatre at North Bay was burned. A big mill owned by the Niagara Falls Milling Co., at the Falls was also destroyed. George Delman was struck by William Bradley after a quarrel on an electric oar at Merritton and died from his in- juries. A. E. SMITH BANKER WI1 HAM, - ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, can have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real . estate at the lowest rates :going., C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE.' t r8ia6o LIFE Insurance A.COIDEN- T PLATE GLASS WEATHER VgM Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Office over Maicolm's Grocery. Rich Strikes OF Gold and Silver 'Are continually being made in the Porcupine and Gowganda Districts. The route to Pbkoupine is via the Grand Trunk and T & N. 0 to Matheson, thence sleigh. road, The 'reute to Gowganda is via the _ Grand Trunk Railway, T. +8o N, 0 Railway and Temiekaming and Gowganda Transport Co, Through tickets issued end baggage oheokeds to tater point, California, Mexicd. and Florida Round trip tickets on sato Tor tioltets and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address. D, Mcbofiald,15, P. Toronto. a amixamiwgia ZALAiY CASH SAL3 Now is your time to get Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Jewelry_ , Silverware, China, Karnak Brass and Cut Glass. The finest .line of goods that money can buy will be sold at LESS THAN COST This month only—FOR CASH. BIG "BARGAINS IN OPTICAL GOODS, Repairing correctly done. G. Patterson, THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR Win h.- g lite • Opposite Queen's Hotel Cil, eir