HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-11-30, Page 5THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -- TUMMY, NOVEMBER 30, 190$ i110111111A111111111111111 ♦1111•••11111.11♦..111111: Men's $12.50 Overcoats For $10.00 , 1 . 111111111♦1111111101111111 There's the keynote of the December programme, and its well sustained throughout the entire store. December this year has got to be the biggest in our his- tory, and we think these of- ferings will make it so. These regular values are not alone good, but the best in Wingham - the reduced prices making exceptionally tempting Bargains. 5 Rio- Bargains 111 Overcoats, BARGAIN NO. 1.-7 only Men's long Raglan Over- coats, slash pockets, regular prices $8.50 and $9.00 -Bargain Sale. $6.00 BARGAIN NO. 2.-20 only Men's and Young Men's 1906 Model Overcoats, in dark grey and black frieze, straight pockets, belt at back, sizes 34 to 44, style and fit guaranteed, regular price $8.50 - Bargain Sale $6.90 BARGAIN NO. 3.-21 only Men's and Young Men's single and double breasted Overcoats in stripes, checks, etc., sizes 34 to 42, regular $11.50 and $12.50 -Bargain Sale $ 10.00 BARGAIN NO. 4.-1'r Boys' Raglan Overcoats, grey and black, belt attachment at back, sizes 22 to 28, regular price $5.50 -Bargain Sale $14.25 BARGAIN NO. 5. -12 Youths' Raglan Overcoats, sizes 29 to 33, in' grey and mixed tweed effects, regular prices $6.50 and $7.00 -Bargain Sale $5.00 'Store open every night till ten o'clock from December Ist to January Ist, I906. Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps The R. It CROWDER CO, W ING HAM, ONTARIO. e t 0 1 011641111/111111111110110010111101111111111111111/11 -The Orangeville Furniture Co. has been compelled to stake an assign- ment for the benefit of its creditors, and Dr, Lewis has been appointed as- signee, The Sup says ; The liabilities are said to be somewhere between $17,000 and $20,000. The factory has not been running a year and the town is interested to the extent of a loan amounting to $15,000, but this is secured by mortgage on plant and buildings. Lack of sufficient working capital is the cause of the suspen- sion. n-ii-ece It CTL -Tire population of Clalt is 8,558. -Jahn Cowell, buttet'maker at the flrand Valley creamery, xrtiule over 813,000 worth of butter in a short sea- son. -Russia is only now discarding the calendar introduced by Julius Caesar, which is thirteen days behind the one used in other civilized coun- tries. - Four special trains are carrying 000 horses, valued at $1,000,000, from the Rancho Del Paso, California, to New York, It will cost about $60,000. --Mount Forest Water Works Com- mission have added a compressed air attachment at a cost of $600, which raises 8000 gallons a minute, By the ' old system only 4000 gallons per minute could be raised. -Mr. J. Bryce, formerly of Paisley, had a big crop of onions this year in his market garden at Owen Sound. He grew 5 tons of these pungent bulbs on three fourths of an acre of ground, and received $125 for them. -About $150,000 will this year bo expended by county Councils on lead- ing roads under the good road act. About $250,000 has been expended on colonization roads and bridges. Township municipalities will have ex- pended about three-quarters of a mil- lion, -All hope of finding a coal oil de- posit in Bruce county will have to be abandoned once and for all. Wells have been sunk at Hepworth, Walk- erton, Formosa, Owen Sound, and now last of all at Desboro, a place a few miles east of Chesley, and all to no purpose. -The Durham Chronicle contradicts the report that, the marl which sup- plies the raw material for the manu- facture of cement is getting scarce in the neighborhood of Durham's big factory. Fresh borings have been made and beds of marl over 20 feet deep have been located. Kincardine, Nov. 23. -Thomas Jen- nings, proprietor of the Royal Hotel, died here last night after an illness of over a year. Mr. Jennings was born in Ireland some 65 years ago, came to Canada when quite yonng, and lived in Markham and Shelburne previous to coming here some fifteen years ago. He leaves a widow and six children. The Ripley Express says -"Rev. R. McLeod's horse died very suddenly Friday evening. The animal was valued at $150. It is only a short time ago since Mr. McLeod lost two cows. Rev. Thomas W. Blatchford purchased a cow a few weeks ago for $40. Last week the animal suffered from an attack of indigestion and on Saturday evening died. -Dming the month of October, set- tlement in the Northwest was brisk ; the homestead entries amounting to 2,008, which is 757 more than for the same month last year. The two chief centers were Battleford and Regina. At the former place the homestead en- tries were 437 an increase of 152. per cult, Immigrant arrivals from the United States were about a thousand ahead of October, 1004, The Wonders Of The Body. Its mechanism, like delicate machin- ery, by even a slight cause is so dis- arranged as to be practically useless. A headache is no trifling matter be- cause the stomach, kidneys, and liver sure to be affected. To care the cause of headaches and prevent new attacks, use Ferrozone ; it aids the stomach by supplying nourishing blood, vitalizes the nerves and brain instantly. Fer- rozone braces -gives tone -elevates your spirits. No such health bringer known. Fifty cents per box of fifty chocolate coated tablets at all dealers. "Map1e Leaf Rubbers" are made of pure Para, rubber, are wet.proof, neat, perfect -fitting and lasting, Every rubber has a Maple Leaf branded on the sole, and this brand is our guarantee that the rubber is perfect in every way. Insist on your dealer giving you itacle for every purpose tn4 to fit every slla.po €tad style tarladies', men's and, cllildreu'; shoes. -Alex. McDonald, son of Peter Mc- Donald of the 8th con. Huron, and son-in-law of Mr. Richard -Stanley, of Ripley, has carved his way to fame and fortune in the city of Spokane. Alex. Is one of the state detectives, and has figured prominently in many of the great criminal cases through- out the United States. His last act was to win a reward of $2,500 for the capture of James Dalton, who mur- dered a policeman last April. -[Ripley Express. -The township of Finch has the smallest area of any township in the united counties of Stormont, Dun- das, and Glengarry, but it has 16 cheese factories within its boundaries and five factories near the boundary lines in the adjoining townships to which farmers of Finch furnish milk. The dairymen of Finch will be paid (approximately) from $400,000 to $450,000 for their milk as patrons of the aforesaid factories during the sea- son of 1905. When You Have A Bad Cold You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a per- manent care. You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keop expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will coun- teract any tendency toward pneu- monia. You want a remedy that is pleasant and safe to take. Chatnberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these requiretnents and for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds, stands Without a peer. For sale by all druggists. .1. IMPROVED LIVE STOCK. It would appear from the high prices realized at recent sales of pure bred live stock that the farmers and breeders throughout the country are fully alive to the importance of proving the standard of their herds of both the Beef and Dairy breeds. The contention that there is always a demand for good animals at handsoime prices is fully borne out. A good animal costs no more to feed than an inferior one and more and more is the farmer becoming convinc- ed of the fact that although the initial Cost of the introduction of a pure bred sire into a herd. may be large, that the improvement resulting justifies the price paid in the corresponding in- crease in the herd valne. Not only are breeders of established herds in- troducing new blood but foundations for new herds are being laid by men not hitherto considered breeders of pure bred stock.. At two recent sales of shorthorns 100 head brought $35,- 123, an average of $351.23 each, At the Platt sale at Hamilton 04 cattle were sold for $27,303, an average of $420.01. This lot included a dozen or more calves under six months of age. The highest price paid for a sire was $2,100, and for a dam $1,600, amounts paid. ranged from these down to $110. At the Attrill sale at Lon- don, 30 heads realized $7,780, an aver- age price of $216. The highest price at this sale was $050. At the Hunter sale of Ayrshires at Maxville, 47 animals realized $9,255 an average price of about $200. One bull brought $700, and one cow, $675. In this lot was included a number of calves under two months of age. These prices are probably the highest ever received for animals of the Ayrshires breed. That the teachings of the Fanners' Institutes, the Live Stock Associations, and the work of the Dominion and Provincial Depart- ments of Agriculture is bearing re- sults, is apparent from the above facts. 1'. Pain About The Hips. It is a common complaint with women. The right treatment Is Ner- viline, which penetrates to the seat of the pain itninediately. Nerviline warns and soothes the affected parts, draws oat the irritation and pain, al- lows the patient ease after one rub- bing. No liniment so economical and safe, Nearly fifty .years in use, and the demand immensely greater every day 1 Nerviline must be good, l -John McDonald, of Chatsworth, resigning his position as clerk of the local division court says that at one time the otitce was worth $700 a year but lately the fees have not averaged $50. The reduction in the fees is. largely due to the fact that litigation is much less frequent among farmers. than it was some years since. Himself Cured of Catarrh and Throat Troubles, by CHINE (PRSI�KEEN)ve He is ONOUNCED. now anxious to sa others. Leger L. Hardy, St. Bazile de Portneuf, P. Q., writes as fol- lows: "Isuf- fered for two years with Throat Ca- tarrh and an obstin- ate cough. PSYCHINE had a splen- did effect in my case. I ob- tained the per- manent cure I had so long de- sired, and shall do all in my power to increase the popularity for Dr. Slocum Remedies in this vicinity." LEPER 1.. HARDY. PSYCHINE Herb. W. Edwards Injured. (Pronounced Si -keen), For sale by, all druggists at $x.00 per bottle. Por Herb. W. Edwards of Deseines, further advice, information, or free trial bottle, write Iowa, got a fall on an icy walk last or call at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, rig King street winter, spraining his wrist and bruis- west, Toronto, Canada. Trial bottle free ing his knees. "The next day," he says, "they were so sore and stiff I was afraid I would have to stay in bed, but I rubbed them well with Chamberlain's Pain Balmand after a few applications all soreness had dis- - appeared.Sold by all druggists. Clinton. Fitzsimons & Son had a ham in ; their window last week which weigh- I eel 54 pounds. A new seventy-five foot snok" stack now towers over the electric light works, having been erected this' week. Mr. C. S. Lowery delivered twenty- five turkeys to a local dealer on Mon- day for which he received ten cents per pound live weight or a total of thirty dollars. During the past season there were shipped by express, from Clinton, some 3,300 baskets of fruit, represent- ing over fifty-five thousand pounds or; more than 27 tons. Of this amount! 550 baskets contained cherries, almost the whole of the remainder being plums. We understand that there is a pro- ject on foot for establishment of a boot and shoe factory here. Local and .outside capitalists axe willing, it 1 is said, to put in a plant that will give employment to 50 hands, providing some assistance is given them by the town. E. Dinsley celebrated the ninetieth anniversary of his birthday and was called upon by many friends who wished him "many happy returns." He is our oldest resident and for near- ly sixty consecutive years this has been his dwelling place. Seven hundred and fifty dollars of the debt on the Ontario street church was wiped off last week. Only $575 yet remain to be paid and that is no burden npon so very generous a con- Lucknow. A plate glass front has been put in Mr. Harry Days drug store, which ich greatly improves its appearance, The anniversary services of the Lueknoly Methodist church will be held on Stu'day, Dec, 3rcl. A. Tea - meeting will be held on the following Monday evening. Vous young men were charged with disorderly conduet in the village on Wednesday night of last week, before magistrates 7.t. Graham, Thos. Law- rence and I'. Corrigan on Tuesday last. The disturbance took place on the main street, The magistrates gave their decislott on Wednesday morning, fining two of them $2 and costs and the other two $1 and costo, gregation, Next year they will have :• what is sometimes designated a ; "mortgage burning" to celebrate the .;. final freeing of their fine church home from debt, About three o'clock Sunday morn- ing Mr. Martin O'Donnell was awak- ened by the suffocating fumes of smoke to find that his house was on sIs fire and that the flames had gained •. such headway that the building was ._. already doomed: Indeed, the family had to make haste in order to save t Highland Tea is Pure Tea Grand Mogul teas are the products of the high- lands in Ceylon. Q They are the real mountain dew of the Orient. Q Nature put into these Highland teas a high per- centage of theine (flavor- ing) and a low percentage of tannin (bitters). Q Grand Mogul teas are a nerve tonic, a pure food and an aid to life. Q Nervous people prefer them to medicine, Q Healthy people regard them as the beverage of good health. Q Prepared by machinery from plantation to teapot. Grand Mogul Tea Q Sold only in packages at 25c, 30c, 40c and 50c per pound in black, green or mixed. Look for Me premium coupon and premium list in each package. The cost of these coupons is not taken out of the tea but is simply a part of the adver• tising appropriation. ............. ....... 4.4 For Neat, Tasty Job Printing of every descrip- tion, at Prices to suit you, call at The ADVANCE Office . . . . .. .?. their lives and one of the children es- ....;•.s.....NX......�N�N�..�..�N�..�11�.►�.1�.1�N�N�1 caped in only her night clothes. Gregg Shorthand is easy to learn, 244, to write and easy to read after it is written, Tlie students of the Forest City l3usiness and Shorthand College are subjected to the test of the Business Educators' Association of Canada for diplopias. 95% pass and 65% take honors. Catalogue will give you some pointers about our system and is free for the asking. School term -Sept. till June inclusive. 1 J. W. V( W'1SS`t'Eik.VEL`i', Principal. V. M. C. A.13fdg., LONDON, ONT. yl..dl.ii,.1u11.1141 r isaxd's The Leading Store Isard's y Wingham's Brightest and Best Two Floors and Basement Two Hundred and Twenty -Five Feet. Selling Space FIFTEEN DEPARTMENTS FIRST FLOOR Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings, i Smallwares and Ribbons, Hosiery and = Gloves, Corsets, Underwear, Waists, Wrappers, Staples, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Groceries. i 1 SECOND FLOOR . Ready -to -Wear Clothing, Furs and Mantles, Raincoats and Skirts, Cur- tains and Roller Blinds, Carpets, Oil- cloths, Linoleums and Rugs. BASEMENT Groceries and Farm Produce. One Price to all. Right Goods at Right Prices H. E. ISARD CO. 1 JUST ARRIVED A Complete Stock of SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS TROUSERINGS AND VESTINGS. These are all of the latest de- signs and materials and at prices that are reasonable. We have a special line of Blue and Black Worsteds you should see. Call and have a look through our stock and see the Fashions for Fall and Winter. All you have to do is -tell us how you want your garment made and we make it that way. Our trimmings are of the best. Robt. Maxwell Tailor Made Clothes X15.00 We'll make your Suit High Art Tailor Wingham to your exact measures, to your order, for fifteen dol- lars, correctly shaped and - faultlessly fitted, superbly 4-1-14+++-I 1 1 1 1 !.1.4-1•4•44 tailored from some pure, all -wool fabric, staunchly C 0 1 ■ i guaranteed. For Seventeen, Eigh- ' teen or Twenty dollars, we •% would use a fabric of still higher quality. ... «.,• •l• •• ••• • We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. ' We make them with , care and skill, and can w guarantee you entire satis- faction. Trousers made to your b : order at $3.5o, $3,75, $4, • $5 and $6. = A complete line of • 1 Gents' Furnishings always in stock. • • Highest Price 'Paid for • •- .. -a kinds of Logs. Residence 3 eonce Phone, No. til Mill " No. 44 • • McLean 4:14 •14.1 D d C! t I !,•144-144-1-14, M.S.L1iornuth Tailor and Gents' Purrlisher Two Doors from Post Office