HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-11-02, Page 2" to be kept in the way. Theao ere it few # a ;note in tae bank. who wee at the ilirectione by which we May 14110W11 W).10. n lemakeerer's &ale, ran out the bacit waro ther e in God's way. it ia t i ey. 11,111 'easy" 1UP,tt. Xi. 30.11 . een% JOI1Csi the customer of tho. bank, utt t HOMO of his private me aleineaut (Prov. iii. 17);proeperouel,) : THE maKETs _ pus,W OWait elicit lit the head. 110 Noeh, 71 Se, (Prov. he 12); 1 • 1. matte a run for the vma ault, wa ; •af g an "straight" and "narrow" (Meat. ail. 14). ; terwards killed by Leduc, while M tIte aloseltel, who watt sitting on the railing 21). A tender heart doe a not atele for ; say had a tam shot off, and 11, Fa - a. gooa way for itself only. It knave Toronto Faemere Market, I win was shot M the heaa but aot seri- li'hfte* .10OffitlY tQaerueelent-Itzra 8:210. , 0.. 21.2,4). v.a. vraemimea aaea..eleera, itad it lat. wiling that the way should, be wa'otteeot gruasliettirrraccellyptitei7 tsourotwere retr, misty. els et :mite and red at 75 te 78e, and 290 self up, gave no reason for the crime, eat nushe ' Loam. when seen after he gave him. Conintentaryee-1. A feet nroclaienea there are week once evao need succor enterea upon his svotk, with fasting- txua salti,aypeds. or t tem comfort. (W's way is only that he had it in for Nickel on am vonrazeari;vec,t,ilyia:vtirtleyanwattite atreolgreeroFnea witwaeyrnetuo. 3. Aticom avesutleanatelaynatya.g,eqzoot itloahobsusohEeitomiant, 7,240t, 5r:0" 54:01° Tet count *f looney matters. Nickel was au president of the State Bank, end was our selaytalyen (r. di). The travelers steady. 500 bushels. selling at 27 to eee. carried. Ezra realized the danger, but were colomsts With their pOSSeepaions. Dairy plata." in ea:aerate supply. But. a wealthy and' influeneital citizen, beeernweverl.talp:aWahradaainGleatiell:meittiltueindie! "1111; It was necessary that the way s'hoold chotee New 1414 oggs, 27 to 200 Par ter etrui at at to 20o per lb. tor good. to be such as to efill$0 the least trouble In dozen. Poultry dull end. easy. TiE KALIYUGA WRECKED, had procnred Levitee to go with thent 'lay in moderate supplY, with prices un, (v. ir 00) but even that would. be of wYlalsIgastbillredg:otiv: 22). Ezrine boast tom straw is menee at els te tem oltauged; 25 loads sold at P-50 *11.60 e Body of Chas. Beaugrand, of Tilbury, no avail if Jeliovalt did, not direct their stsi,r1QpthipL.),,algelevpaenatte4oft.101:rpesonepsle- too iGlionacl,,islt,i.p2o2n).all4hoothuayfeorregt7107iilretliaatall ‘revebtsolltts;whites bushel dds 0 70 ; 0 78 Southampton, Oct. 29. -To -day Cap - commit. themselves to the guitlauce and of soldiers stna horsemen against the ra' ZInbustelhei ••• " lit 00 70Z Ita31111111/11;a11!eibpt pCiehcaeisitroyt proteetion ef aivine providence and enemy (v. 22) would have been a virtual Do., goose!' bushel 0 72 0 00 deck plank, pieces of cabin, anti a part piore Clod to give them a prosperous confession that God was not equal to oats. tow 0 27 journey. Their tourney lay- Mae% trust Goa we dishonor him by not trust- Hay, Per ton 1.0 00 the emergene,y. When we profess to 111:trilse,y'n=1-..`" throug.h the desert and the Arobiaus au Salltarttans were likely to attack them. ing, Trust is heroic, and. knows that 43traw. per tes .• •• 04 64 la QO ';") was ashamed, ate. -Ezra bad God ie more then a match for the enemy. a4a1s6duc‘e-, No. 1, bushel „ 5 50 prettched trust in God before the heathen Ali difficulties and dangers must give ao., No. a mutton .. a 4 75 rulers and be would uot dishonor' (lip way before the oinnipoteoce of trust? Red, choice, No. 1, bushel .. 25 Do., No, 3, bushel ..., 4 oo by asking the usual military escort, .e God ever puts his omnipotence on the Timothy, bushel 1 50 had represented God, the object of toe worship, as supremely powerful, and as having tile strongest affection for his true followers. Thus we see that this good, man bad. more anxiety for the glory of God than for Ms own personal safety.-Cittrice, 23. SO; we fasted -The people did as Ezra, comande4. God heard and an- swered their prayers, and they were kept in safety during the difficult and dan- gerous journey. IL Eara's charge to the priests( VB. 24-30), 04. I separated twelve -There is a differeme of opinion here as to the num- ber of persons Ezra selected as custod- ians of the treasure and. sacred vessels, There were probably twelve priests and twelve Levites; but some think there were twelve priests and only ten Levites. Sherebiah and. Hashabiali were two of the Levites. 25. Weighed. -We may gather from this that the silver and gold were in bars or ingots, and not in coin- ed money. The Persians had coined money at the time but the treasury kept the bulk of it in stores in bars.- Pul. Co. "The weighing implied accurate accaonting, such as should always be secured for public money." 26. Unto their hand -We have here the particular care Ezra took of the treasure of God's sanctuary. Having committed the keep- ing of it to God, he committed the care of it to proper men, though without God they would have watelted in vain. Our prayers should always be seconded with our endeavors. Do we expect God should by his providence keep that which , belongs to us? Then ought we by his grace to care for that which belongs to him; let God's honor and interest be our care. The prophet in foretelling the re- turn of God's people and ministers out of Babylon gave the solemn (Marge (Ism 52, 11), "Be ye clean that bear the ves- sels of the Lord? In Zerubbabel's time the vessels were delivered by number; here by weightenthat it -might easily ap- pear if any were missing. This inti- mates that such as are intrusted with holy things are concerned to remember, both in receiving their trust and in dis- charging it, tbat they must shortly give a very particular account of it, that they may be faithful to it and so give up their account with joy. --Com. Corn. Silver . . . gold -The -whole treas- ure has been estimated at front four to six million dollars. A talent of silver was about $1,600; gold is usually worth sixteen times as much its silver. IN nliatNATIONAle neEttita.ON NO. VII In it we find satisfaction (Jer. 9., . 'ult. Leduc also fired a shot at jam))) NOVI.131,1311411t 1,00:1 .14); "rest," (atm vi, 101. 2. A emir ; fortable way. "For our little ones" (v. J. ; I on the outside of the bank. W. Y. 'Rano •16. • `6r6. 6111.1.1041• J. 0teps. mfuet ourseives-Giflunlble 01,1fr- had been in the Lord. 'The hand, of our tionoraeseaetd psoetso ails-eau:nottaoutedaerwittohr ele1804tat: I Found Near Kincardine. side of our weakness. It is those who have "no might" (Isa. xl. 20) that appeal to Ms compassionate love, It is bound- less and will move for our deliverance when dependent upon it. When We have "no one but the Lord to depend upon" we may expect great deliverances. De- pendence appeals to God's heart as noth- ing else can, In our "journey of life" we may trust hint implieitly. There are no physical forces compared to the foes of the soul. Against it are arrayed the world, tae flesh, and the devil. And only when we cry unto God by reason of our nothingness can we lay hold of las mighty strength and in the name of the .Lord smite our enemies "hip and thigh" (Judges ay. 8). With our eyes fixed on Jesus, our great leader, we may re- pulse every foe. and become more than conquerors through hint that loved us (Rom. vie 37). Are we helpless, btoken. ceotce .. • .0 •• • 0.1.14 8 00 AriPles, per bbl. .6 44 41 • 4.6 25 Eggs, per dozen .. 0 Zi* 13utter, dairy 0 23 Do., creamery • „ 0 20 Chickens, per lb, 0 01 Fowl, per lb, . .... 0 ts/ Turkeys, per lb'. ..., 0 14 Ducks, per lb, 0 10 Cabbage, Per dozen ,. 40 Potatoes, per bag 0 Si Celery, per dozen 0 00 pewee/ Per hag . ..... 1 CD Beef, nhulqatirters 7 00 po., forequarters .. .. 4 OD Do., atilt*, carcase .. 50 Do., medium. carcase .. 50 Mutton, per cwt. • ,... 6 50 Veal, per cwt. .. .... 8 00 Lamb, spring .... 00 British Apple Market. r;44,;-4-;e:-,-;:*-.17;;;;;-!-=;;;;;,;;;•gr-A.',V.:;-;;;,;=.41V4A-r...; • NEWS IN BRIEF The Torouto eivie investigation wae adjourne4 uutil Nor, 9. lam Dr. W. S. Blackstock, of To. root°, died at Atlantic City, N.J. British printers have been warned that there is a strike on in Winnipeg. • Prof. Sem of Caleutta University, 'preached at. the Uoitarien Church, The New York Central Ilailroaa will expend $14,000,000 on new equipment. The Splash cruiser Cardinal Cisneros struck a rock during a, fog and soak. Ma George Campbell, ex-MaaP„ tuitl ex-Wardee, died .suddenly Mita brook, The Mutual binder tivine, plant at Brautford, Met cost $65,000, sold. for e 0 3/ of a nameboard, broken at both ends, , , 0 51-- with the leege letters "U. Ca" on it, Brigands in Northern Caucasia hela et - • The fish tugs John Logic and, Frank G. 11 00 „,„ , , up a mail train and. killed twelve pas- autoanity also orought in parts of an wagers,. 6 25 23 4 75 C 73 7 D) V) 0 ite 0 Li 0 28 0 11 9 Pi 7 '7 0 12 0 20 73 p36 1 re 2 00 5 00 7 OD 000 8 03 0 20 10 00 111/Per (ILA and, upper works. This . Hon, in 33. Aylesevorta accepted. the wreckage is thouglit to be from the unanimous. nominatioo of the Liberals in missing steamer Kaliyuga, lost in last week's gale. Wm. Flynn also picked I North York. . up on the shore, three miles aorth of Rev, Dr. Denson was the speaker at here, two life -preservers, markea the °peeing meeting of the Canadian atatliyugm The schooner Taatandin, Temperance League. lurther-ladon, which was blowu ashore -Hon. Nelson I\ tteitla prcipti8es to. el here in the seine gale, was released and tablish an experimental farm in North - left to -day for Sarnia, in tow of the ern Temiskamine - - - 0, tug 'Sarnia. Colonial Secretary Lyttleton bas de - Kincardine, Oct, 20. -The body of a eided that be eaunot make a, tour of sailor was found on the sbore this the colonies at present. meriting three miles south. On the , - ahe now Canadian Pacific steamer to body Was a vest pocket memorandum book with the name "Chas, J. Beau- be launched on the Clyde will be named the Empress of Britain, .. grand, Tilbury, Ont., on the identifica- tion page. Two entries in pencil had. The rumor that Mr. E, J. 13. Pense, been. made, one reading, "Dear father, M. P. P. for Kingston, is to resign, ie. good-bye. I have a bank book in given an authoritative denial. I Cleveland Society for Savings." The E. Desmarteati, the well-known ' nth - I other, "Good-bye, mother dear, sister tete of the Montreal police force, died, James; "Six thousand barrels selling; old ti or Market active and higher." - l' and, 'brother, A kiss for all? After in bis 29th year, from typhoid.. Woodall & Co., of Liverpool, cabled Men t the word brother four erosses had been The crews of thirty fishing tufts on 4, n Boyd, Barrow &., Co., et Glasgow cabled; Made. Lake Erie have struck because the pur- "market ,tavorahle for.prIme quality; striet- 1 1- - 0 chasing price of fish was reduced. Settle In Cennatie thinIce payment should. be illeac en every immigrant settled here through its agency. Two suicides occurred hi Winnipeg 001 Saturtley within a few hours of emit other. Charles Ferguson, as the culmi- nation of a protrected drinking bout, swallowed carbolic acid, in the even- ing Mrs. Joseph CaseMore followed hi example, after reading the partieulars in the papers. A few days ago two burglars were. arrested in her boarding lamee, and sae seemed so effected by the incident that she became despondent ami tool ber life. The problem of seaming better facili- ties for moving the western grain crop from the Georgian Bey ports is now bciug laid before the Railway Commis - sloe. Thia course bas been taken by Mr, A, A. Wright, of Toronto, proprietor .of the steamer Tadousac, wbo has ad- dressed a lengthy letter to Mr. Certwright, Secretary of the. Railway Commission, ceiling Attention to \Oita be terme the "present intolerable situa- tion at Georgian Bay railway termin- alS." 27. Basons...drams-"The word trans- lated 'dram' appears to be in the He- brew representative of the Persian word which the Greek rendered. by alaric."Ehis was it gold coin, stamped with tbe figure of it Persian king, wearing his crown and armed with a bow and arrow. According to the most exact computation each such coin contained somewhat more pure gold than an English guinea, and was worth five dollars of our money. The 'basins' would be wen -tit about two hun- dred. and seventy-five dollars each?- 11awlinson. Vessels of fine copper - Probably some fictitious metal mime there that took tbe pollen and aeenmea the brightnees of gold. and bemuse' at Re hardness was more durable. 'There is still a metal of this kind made a.mong the Amiatias. It requires much art in mak- ing, but the constituent :materials are of small value. Veseels of tide metal, because of their lustre and durability for ornamental and domestic uses, are in many respects more valuable than gold itselt-Olarke. 28. Freewill offeringa-The silver and gold were a present to the bootie of God that the king and his counsellore had set apart. , III. The journey to Jeruenlem (v.. 31. 32). 31. We departed....on the twelttli (Ley -The company began to form and. ar- range for the journey mien the first. dee of the month Nisan. rpon e review of his company Ezra olaierved the Mck Levites, and the thne ueed eeettrinat their union with the returning exiles, and in weighing the treasures, etc.. took tip the time until the twelfth day. Ahava • Is the name both of a town and small atream, not far from the River Eu- phrates. This would be a natural course to pantie from Shushan. Tide amount of Ezra's preparation and jeurney is a beautiful example of method and then. onghne.s madoh is of great -mine in the work of Goa. Ezra sought first the teas petite- of Goil's eatme, but he dal not count it lost time to spend twelve dayS hi preparation for the journey. Time wed for prayer is never lost time, 'lime eonenmed in perfeetiug plane am Go Vs werle is not misspent time. Always take time to do it thing right. Things dene by ball are never done well. 32. We came to 110.rue:dem-The den - genies journey Witi completed with safe- ty at the end of four months. Abode... three days -That is, they rested that long. On the feurtit day the treasures were weighed arta handed over to the rustody of the officiating priest -3 of the templet. The returned exilee offered bernaofferinge. and Ezra delivered the royal eotemosion to the tilagistr310.3, while the Levitical portion of the mite - patty aseisted in performing the addl. ions) work wnielt the at-limit/a emulate. lietv worshippees otetutioned, -J., & PRACTPCAL APPLICATION. Humbling comes before tlependence. Peter sae% "Humble yourselves there- fore under the mighty hand of God, that He may mutt you ht due time, 0. Pet, v. 6). Ezra mei, proekimed a feat - I hat We might &fillet ourselves" (v. 21). Me took an attitude of humble demi- &nee on God. It was neceseary for the ceptiVes to retain their own inability and their Med. of Goan Assistance, "'Po tette of Hint a right wity" (v. 21). 1. A Nee Way. Goan way is the only ertfe way. It ie well to know Ora eve hstve it high priest who 'can neve OM- paseion-me them that are out of the waa" (Mb. v, 2); but it is far better and. dependent? Then God is "sufficient for all these things" (II. Cor. la 16), and will move heaven and earth rather than The Manchester ,lerult Brokers, Unifies:, 1 A MONARCHY BEST. cabled: "Our market is favorable for coa- I eignments." I i te. lsnace & Son, Limited, of Loader Arguments Advanced n Norway's Par - desert us. _ cabled. Market unchanged; demand geol." nament. The Cheese Markets. "Ye are holy" • (v. 28). They were re- Not only were the prieete holy: but SoO white, 125 colored; 1,200 at 1116e; 1,100 at I Israel was holy (Lev. xi, 44, 45). The ez. balance refused, but selling Sat until a late hour Saturday night, diseussino Constituion. Ilonow, Christiania, Oct. 29, -The Storthhig inindea of the sacredness of their office. s Belleville. -To -day there were offered 2, - reason for boly living was that God him- oroenvine, one -To -day 4,612 boxes" k*(3e:tits1 self was holy. God sanctified the priests registered. 3,227 colored, balance wh.t..; , the Radreal leader, on behalf of the Got' - through Moses by the ceremonies of the 4°14., 1-44P, , Atexanarla.-r0-111811t 1,066 boxes were ')I- iciemiblicaus, declared that the Gov - law pertaining to their office (Lev, viii). Wed, 77$ white and 4.88 colored; cruntent proposal for a plebiscite .wouilid. "the vessels are holy" (v. 28). OW _0(1,00r1r411._79.day_ 418 boxes white 84.1 501 liminish the respect held for the atort wants nothing in his service that is not " white clata.11r4c,a=lee0i 2I'llgedsags2:,1gc!'" .scid ing's Governmental responsibility. I Foreign Minister Loveland, in an ha - The priests sanctify tbe people. Even Jena clean hearts (Psa. li. 10, 13), clean money h4ludlug 1.40 white, No sales; bidding from pailtnialts aspe):cohn,als.eiliain reyeaaleaa. 0011_ stitutiou would'bee itiais_t.eceioniststetailt clean. Clean hands (Psa. xxiv. 3, 4), tanuane-To-day id boxes were bodies (Heb. x. 22), clean utensils (v. thousand ut 1214 to 13c back tu (v. 28), clean food (Deut. xi'. 13), clean ' Leading Wheat Markets. established coustitutioual mon- 28. And he who is unclean in heart or a life or possessions is abominable and filthy in the eyes a the Lord. When ..i7oeeve_oYork .. .. .... , „ ..1)%. NE544.;,• he added, wotaa be the logical result ef jeshua, the high priest, stood before . the Lord be was clothea in "filthy gar- ncitraott 7. 7. 7. 7. *a. al,:a '''.; Nrt :•.',1 -- --- , the policy of ;June 7 (when the Storni- resist him, but when God said, "Take molts" and Satan was standing by to Duluth . a .. .. .. ..., ,. 0*. LouIs : :: hn Wt ' Ctitn:earaNtoerTrt,he i ill o' dissolved the union between Sweden Minneapolis .. .. .. .. .. .... 85% 81,.;, andse ittesoltitdn the of f riliLiteoe coof clothe Min with a change of raiment" ellYiiti'l I the liouse of the Bernadotte dynasty to away his filthy garments Bradstreet's on Trade, I occupy.the throne of Norway), and that (Zech. iii. 1-10), we read no more of Montreal -There is a feeling here that ' otherwise Norway's international post - Satan. He had no ground of eccusation, the wholesale trade ie somewhat len ! tion would be bazardous. ' for Joshua was justified before God. active than it was a week ago, Fairly I Minister of Commerce Arctander sftia When the heart of the Christian is still inrae orders, however, are still coming the Government would resign if this pol- unclean the "accuser" has special power forward. Values are generally stead? icy was defeated. over him, but when he is cleat -teed (I. to DIU. Cottons and woolens hold very 1 The Foreign Office is pushing its work accusations of the enemy. . stiff. A good normal business le doing •, of organizing a Consular Service. John i. 7) he is no longer open to the in groceries. Sugar has declined 10 tants I • 1 : r (v. 31). Ezra acknowledges his iudebt- ware goods continue /1-eavy. Bar iron "The hand of our God was upon as" per 100 pounde. Shipments of hard- I TO CROSS NIAGARA ON STILTS. eduess. to God. When God. leads the way and metals generally hold very. firm. there is deliverance. "He delivered us Trade in furs is suffering from the Frederick Bennett Will Attempt Perilous ind a:- m -11cl: as Ise in wait by tne Toronto -There is a continued activity Feat Above Falls. from the hand of the enemy" (v. 31) warm weather of the past few weeks. way." This is significant of lurking foes in all lines of trade here. A beavy trade 11SfullFalls, Ont., Oct. 29.- Quite Iv; those that look for an occasion to goods and orders for spring lines are 1 which has ever been attempted at Ni- n of daring as any perilous feat -those who will attack us unexpected- is being done in the way of Christmas 1 7 italt'ergs:;"ek NI?x_t_enhienerhkeet,salf ov, out that Norway, being a dthi- ur tilveelr,inted erchy, generations of labor would be neeessary to work out republican insti- tutions. A continuation at; a monarchy trip us. "Come, they say, Id us cast already large, reflecting great hopes for I again, is the eepicat which Frederick him down from his excellenv" (Psa. the trade a that season. In groceries Bennett, e member of an opera cone lair. 2). God can baffle the most con- and hardware there it, a. good norma7! ming enemies. So we are exhorted not trade doing. The industries here and , pally now playing in Brooklyn, teal at - to "sleep as others do," but to "watch at the provincial centres are busily en. ; tempt here on Sunday, Nov. 12, when and be sober" (I. Thess, v. 6), "And we gaged, and on all hands there is sat's- ; he will endeavor to cross Niagara cm came to Jerusalem" (v. 32). Trusting faction expressed with conditions gen- I sums. God, we steal reach our desired haven. orate Bennett's route will be from the Ine- "If our faith were but more simple, • Quebec -Little change is noticed in th I ited States ore to Goat Island, and he We would take him at his word, general trade here. -Wholesalers report : will wear 20 foot stilts, weighted with And our lives would be all sunshine remittances from the country slow thee 1 1a0 pounds of lead to give him a firm - In the sweetness of our Lord." ing the week, and an improvement is ' er footing aeftinst the rushing watees. Abbie C. Morrow. not anticipated until eolder weather sets The °urea at this point is like it mill -I : a_ • in. Orders for spring goods are COM- f race and averages about 20 miles an WILL TOUCHrnencine to come in and the prospects hour. The water varies from six to ton .SASKATOON. for next season are regarded as favor- feet deep ,and while the stilts do not General Manager Morse on Location of able. present a very large surface to the Winnipeg -There is a good tone to all stream, the pressure will be so great Grand Trunk Pacific Line. lines of trade here. Wholesalers are that it will be necessary to lean up Saskatoon, Oct. 31, -General Manager sending large shipments to the country I stream to retain balanee. The slightest Morse, of the 0. T. P., with bis party, and there is more life to outside retail slip or misstep will precipitate Ben - trade. The farmers are winding up 1 nett over the edge of the Fallsto his are in town. Mr. Morse and. Chief En- their season's work and cold weather I death, nearly a hundred feet below. gineer Kelliher rode all the way from seems to be about to set in. Dry (r -- oods . . g men report a big business in Chm ristas l Portage la Prairie on horseback, riding men miles yesterday. A deputation. goods and the movement in hardware LOOT IN A BABY CARRIAGE. . representing the City Qouncii and Board is brisk. The grain is now being mark- of Trade, waited on Mr. Morse in refer- eted so repay that there is trouble Five Thousand Dollars Stolen by Cun- mice to the location of the G. T. P. mainetting railroad accommodation. Collec- liffe,Found. Wm. Broomsgrove, it laborer employ- ed in a brickyard, was crushed to death under a lump of clay in Toronto, Joseph Turner, of Matteotti died Kul- denly at the King nalwerd Hata, To- ronto. Mr. Richard jobb mai Sir John Long, ALP., addressea the Torouto Empire Club. Mrs. John Rickard; mother of Ma William Rickard, ex-M.P.}',, died at Bow - Mrs, Monique Laflamme, of the parish' of St. Denis de Richelieu, Queltee, is dead, at the age of 102 years. Thomas Miller, of Stratford, western traveller for J. W. Peck Sr, Company, Montreal, was found dead in bed at Daupnin, Mau. The Sarnia pollee commission has de- cided, to do away with the fee system. In future policemen will be paid it straight salary. line, He assured them that it was hf is ions ttre gtheraly fair, but there is still 9 room for improvement. Pittsubrg, Pa., Oct. 31. -Five thou - desire that the road come as near t Saskatoon as good engineering will • Vietoria and Vancouver -Trade all sand daildr‘i of the $100,000 stolen by Edward George Canlifie from the Adams allow. , along the mast continues to benefit by At the want, time 1,000 awn and the general easiness of money. The Exprese Company has been found hide den in the lining of a baby carria,ge, 650 teams and two steam shovels are at mining and lumber business trades are where it was put by afre. Cunliffe, wife work on the 285 -mile contract. Work actively engaged and report a better sea. of the, robber clerk, previews to her de - with steam shovels will proceed all win- son than thee- have had for some years. parture far her old home in Itartfora, ter, as -wen as placing timbers on the This fact is latrieg n. good effect upoe , Conn. Thislatest dieeovery accounts ground for bridges and eulverts. e trade genets:Ma. for all the money stolen., with the ex, iramiltore-There is little ebange in the ception of about $6,000, and detectives eondition of trade here. Wholesale or- feel certain that they will get meet of dors for winter and spring lines are that, too. still beavy end there is a fairly good When eke was shown at Hartford a tone to retail trade. Collections goner- letter written by her husband asking env are fele to good. ber to turn over the money he had left London -The trade outlook coptinues • with her she declared, first, that he bad matisfactory 'here in all departments. not left any, and then the declared that . Wholesale and retail stoele are moving the letter was a forgery. Next ehe well anti there are indications of it good . said he =etbe cragy to write such a Christmas trade. Receipts of country . letter. and then she broke down and produce are large end prima hold ep said: _ewe ;a tee lining, of the baby Well. carriage at Pittsburg." Ottewa-Tbe volume of wholesale Beek to Pitteburg went. this. word; trade here is fnir. Cooler wether has • given impetus to retail trade Dad Ideal .induStrieS continue active. Colieetiohs sbow imerovement. . JAPAN'S TROOPS IN COREA. Mikado is Now the Donlillant Power in That Land. Seoul, NM 31 e -The Thirteenth mid Fifteenth divisions of C,orea's new Japan- ese garrison have arrived. and been die- tributed in the country. The Thirteenth divinion, which has beth stationed along tlie •east, coed, tt under Generel Hare- guishi, who commanded the victorions army on the Island of Saghalien. The Fifteenth divieion has. been transferred from Seoul to the ando. rephteing the amend division of the. resterVes, who, during the last year, oecopied the vil- lage:4 and entail chime large -detticlunents being billeted on the native% Everywhere there 14 evidenee of the alikadon dominatit power. Obedient to the Imeprial edict, the whole Corean people have given up their tuitional ashite mourning eostenne mid hat for desk gar- ments itnd black headgear. WAS A GIFT PROM THE DEAD, Brooch Front Sir Henry Irving After His Death, London, Aug, 31, -A weading gift eottld hardly have reeeived a more touching Attention Om one on Tues- day at the lionise of Sir Jornee Blyth on tbe Oeed3f011. Of the marriage of Cepa Claude Rome, of the lith Hussars, to his daughter. It was 'ruby brooeh, sent by the late Henry Irving, together with a (alarmingly woraed letter of eongratuan troll to the bride, and expressing regret that he mead not attend. the wedding, HA Ile Weal. be in 'Liverpool this week, ••••,-*-1 KILLED TWO MEN. And Murderer Then Took Refuge in 0 Berk Vault. lienoa, 111. Oct. 29..-Williain Ledue, oho shot anh killed Charles Niekel, Mayor of this city. yesterday, ana also Moat dories. tbe State Itatike raid Who afterwards barricaded himself in the hank vault, gave iiimself up late last. night to the -elteriff of lefeterat County, Wits tak-en to 13loomington and lotto - ed in jail.. Letitia was eonfined in Oa Vault about Alf hours, otta fired ever MI shots at the. lergetrowd, which gather - red abotit the bank building. A large 'number of shots were fired at the mar - dem, and he wai lilt twice, but the weends were only minor ones. There was- no apparent trouble between nekni 'and Lerltie,, but Leduc caul ble Wife bad recently eeparated, nod Nickel had helpea straighten the matter, whieb is; supposed to have betel the muse of tlie .deed. Nickel was sbot, throogh tire heart,. 'dying instantly. IIis 2011 Victor, the baby earl -lege wee found stowed away in the attic of Cunliffeas mothers home, end neatly %sewed in the lining was the $5,000 in new bilk. TWO WERE FATALLY SCALDED. Explosion on Government Cable Steamer Off Cape Noah. Halifax, Get. 20. -The Government cable steamer Trinn. arrived et Sydney last nigitt with the news of it fatal me - plosion Oa mitered on board the steamer while off Cape North early 011 nattirday molting. A ping in oue of the Maier tubes blew out, filling the en- gine and bolter -rooms 'win teem and gas. Fireman Patriek Purcell and Trim- iner Patrick McGrath were eligagea hi cleaning mit the fire at the time of the blow-out, and before leaping to the deck were horribly scalded, After mensuming about 'seven home; hi making temporary repairs to the boiler, Cepa O'Leary headed the steamer ter Sydney at full speed, Percell .theetitnle. ed while the steamer was veining into &wk. and Meat -Atli died this 1110111111g. Purcell 1til3 '00 years of age, Mid Mc- Grath 40, Both Were Halifax men. The Wingham AdTalla too. Hall Proprietor. . . • 64,44444,6,4, R, AGNEW PHYSICIAN, ORCEON ACCOVPHEUR, Office :-Upstairs In the Maedouald Block. 08,114 miswered at office. HALIFAX IN DANGER. Brjtish Squadron Bluejackets Help to Put It Out, Halifax despatch: The spectacular blaze which Woke out on Georgen Island, the Imperial fortress in Halifax harbor, caused a thrill of excitement in the city. The Wand is directly °ppm site the citadel, and is within querter of a mile of tbe important (lecke and it large section of the south end residen- tial dietrica Tlee fire broke out about 8 o'clock, and rapidly assumea the proper - tams of a conflagration, The island. in studded with fortifications, except a small level space on the eastern side, wbere were the living quarters of the artillery, the stOrehOuses and repairin,,,r shops of the submarine mining corps ot the Royal Engin,e•ers. There the fire broke out, and as the firmfighting ap- piteatue ea the island was of little power it soon gained headway. The eight was Main, arid the greet blaze lightea up the whole harbor and caused so great a re- flection that tbousauds of people were drawn to the waterfront. Harbor tugs were rushed to the esland aud hundrcde of bluejackets from Prince Louis' cruiser squadron lmrried to the scene in steam launches, The tars did great work, and after an nour's exertions the flames were subaned, Tammands .pounds of gun eotton, used by submarine miners, are stored undergrourel on the island, and consider- able anxiety was felt lest a conetts4ion would cause it to ignite. Ilappily 110 ac- cident occurred. George's Island ie one of the strongest of fortressea and com- mands entirely the • inner harbor. This is the first loss suffered by the Imperial authorities since. the great citadel fire seven years ago. The origin of the fire is unknown. The .-filoperty lose is not large, but it ie be- lieved a quantity of latinum was de- stroyed. which may swell the total to fifty thouseua dollars. Three Chicago corporatioos have been given orders by the management of the New York Central lines for equipment and steel rails to cost $14,000,000. ;Manta, Robinson expired on the - op - orating table at the 'Toronto Gemmel Hospital while the aneesthetic was being administered., Mrs, Oro Seely, Ivanhoe, near Belle- ville, dropped dead on Wednesday even- ing while engaged in light work near aer home. She was 65 years of age. The new Winnipeg Union Grand Trtink Pacific and Canadian Northern Railway depot will be located at the corner of Main and Notre Dame streets, in the heart of the city. -Frank B. Hubbell, 45 years of age, capitalist and clubman, committed sui- cide al Seattle, Wash., to -day by in - 'haling illuminating gas. His relatives livc in Ontario, Canada. A smuggling conspiracy of large pro- portions. in which it well-known vine- gar manufacturing firm in Quebec is ta- legea to be implicated, has been en - earthed by the customs officers, John Burns, who arrived at Queems- town, Eng., on Saturday, expresses bine self as delighted with h.is experience in Canada, where Im had been able to gath- er a great deal of valuable informa- tion. Mrs. llickesou, a middle-aged woman, died, it is snoposed, while being taken in a hack to St. Michael's Hospital, To- ronto, yesterday melting. Early in the morning she fell downstairs and sus- tained internal injuries.. It is currently reported that Mr. T. II. Stuallman, Vice -President of the :Landon Street Railway Company, 'has seemed an option on the rotal, and that it is not improbable Viet it will thortly pass into tlie hands of a, company, with Mr. SmaliMan at the head of it. Rev, Dr. Potts, Oeneral Secretary of Education for the Methodist Church, re- ports that they are nea.rieg the $100,000 mark in Toronto (having now obtained about $80,000), which will guarantee an- ofottrieclitelt.00r0i,020.0difiirvoonviayto, Weepy estate Tim new 0. la R • steamer to be launched on the Clyde at Glesgow vember 31. will be maned the Empress of Britain. The ehristening. ceremony will be performed by Mrs. Pie's, wife of tile superintendent of the C. P. R. steamship service in Canada. For breaking quarantine from small- pox hospital at Toronto, Sohn B. Ank- corn, a young man, was fined $40 mid costs, or 14 <Mem in jail, with 'had . Magistrate Denison Saturday in the pollee' mania Ankcorn pleaded guilty to the tharge. A by-law will be submitted to the Wineipeg ratepayers to raise $150,000 to eid the General /Distant. It is tug- gestcd that the city should ,eventautly take over the institution -laid opetttte ie under direct civie oaten instead of the corporation now controlling it. Beton Rausholzhausen, a young Ger- man, beceme infatuated with tlertie Millar, it pretty Actress at the Gaiety Theatre, .Lonami, wbo repelled his tut. 'mimes, Yesterday be imam). eittatime into Miss alilittee flat, whore the nate real Was with her husband, Lionel afonekton, and shot himself ie Mite •Millar's boodohe . While kneelleg beside las bea seying bie payees lamacoie Vegina, of 276 Witter street, Ottawa, received Met dread memos, ana in that position he was foena deitd yesterday morniog about seven tanlock by daoghter. Ile had Ms right arena to hie foreheed tnul the left preseea Against ids 'heart, es if hi the .ttet of theking the . MURDERED HIS PARTNER, • .1 1- P, IIENNEDT, m.c,r...s.0 e (Member ot the British Ifettioal Atisootatioe) GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE.. Special Attention paid to Diseases of women and ohlffiren, Onrgok got:Tat-1, to 4 p.m,; 7 Me p.m,, DR. Rm. C. REDMOND 6!, (gal Physician and Surgeon,. (OftIce with Dr. Chisholm) ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the E en. nsylvania College and Licentiate ot Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Poet Office-WINDHAM Queer Hallucinatioo of a Miner Neat SkAgliay-Takes Kis Own Life Too, Vancouver, B. 0., Oct. 29.-A despatch from Skaguity Bays: It is believed that afttnies Murray, otherwise known as atoonira, murdered itis partner, James Fisk, last Melva. at Halibut Bay, near Seldovia, while insane. The skeleton of Fisk was found recently by natives, with a rifle ball in the back. It was Men- tified by clothing and letters found on the body. In the aabin, twenty steps away, were found it blood -rusted razor and a knife, asol there were blood stains on the fur- niture. Murray le supposed to have committed suicide, as be has uot been seen, since lath February. In a letter lett in the cabin Murray says he had lout a tote halms to live. Then aedowe ineoberent religious and so- cialistic utteraemos. Another, to an un- earned brother, saye t "1 Iowa agreed that Fisk sheuld kill. me to -day at 5 onloca, and lie is to be killed after- me by my agency. All this is for wrongs in our past lives and for the eake of aurnanity. We have, agreed to wipe out all seores of the past in a sane and friendly way, so that in .doing this we forgive oil:mother nil well le; forgive our enemiee." CHURCH AND THE STATE. Bill For Separation Before French Par- . • Paris, •Oct, 20. --The reopening of Par- liament to -morrow will mark the re- newal and undoubtedly the conclusion of the long and bitter struggle for the sep- aration of church and state. The Senate will immediately' take up the separa- tion bill as it passed the Chamber of Deputies. It has already bee a approved by the Senate committee by a' vote of tele to two, With the report favoring the bill will be presented it minority re- port asserting that the measure will provoke egitation by uprooting social mid religious traditions. Tie debate will begin November 11' and the passage. of the bill by a- large tnajOrity Is a foregone eonclusion. Tbis, ilreltiva()tvo(Iii-ittl\VIellteetricorlolsi mtakeillitslat JI'IttsnlutUr1Y0 The indications are that the Rouviee Cabinet will command a substantial Ma- jority and be secured against a fall. Premier Rouvier has communicated his intention - of voluntimily relimplishing before lag the portfolio of Foreign At. fairs .and resurniug the direetion of the Ministry of Finance, DR, HOLLOWAY DENTIST BulAyun Br.orx. WINGIYAM p YANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowestrates, 01Bee BEAVER BLOCK, 7-05, WINGHAM. THE ENTERPRISE BANK. Paper Endorsed Senator Kennedy Can Be Made Good, Pittsubrg, ()et, 3L -The politicians who caused the trouble of the bank have lifted most 02 1110 Penesylvania Develop- ment Company paper and only left one note to be paid off. Attorney 'Walter Lyon, counsel for the Pennsylvania Development Company, whieh has paper amounting to $58/320, left in the Enterprise National. Bank, said: "The amount 02 1)10 paper of the Penn- itylvenat Development; Company, en - dotted by Avther Kennedy and Francis Torranee, is insighifietutt eartiparoi with the alleged shortage which caased the &Fling of the bank. If that were ati that ailed the nalik it woula never have Comitistiolier Coernbs, of the Salve- tbIe; enio6te"slitli,V°o1itte Ingo ea le (nose, oprreapiaraetalytotilmmey tolifef tion Army, 18 gmag to Ottawa, to dia. ceiver Wit1118 to have the emelt for the miss with the immigration autboritiee notes. Tiler(' saanla no imam," Wet .ttt the payment of le boons for inani- moral sent, front Great Britain to Min- oan, Artily is paid 12 eitilliege on every agrieulterallet Wheat it intItteee ta preeeta, tte the' efteh *mita be Ito better than the notes. As 20011 OS the recnivev dire e the ;Wee 112 10(1 he Will be garrote Meida.W," DICKINSON & HOLMES. Barrister3, Solicitors, etc, • °Ince : Meyer Block Wiogham. 10. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Block, Wiughate C. J. IVIA.GUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN ACENT. CONVEYANCINCe teetection at ite»te and Accounts a spedialtyx. ASSiONEE, ' ACCOUNTANT. Ofiloo•-in Vanstone Block.' Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. w ELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. 00.. Established 1810. Head Office GUELPIneONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro Petty on t,he cash or prerelOni note system. WITCO GOMM, Clias.DAvIngott, Presidont, Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT, WINDHAM ONT SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARRS, DESIGNS COPYRIGRTS anyone sending n sicetch and description rnap quickly ascertain our opinion free whether ale Invention is probably patentable. Cominnabits. Nona atrial y confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through. Muuu & Co.,receive speciatnoticc, without charge, lathe A, Scientific fintericano A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest ete, ciliation of any scientific lou_rnai, nTerros,_33 a, writ( it.1011018, $1. SCIle ewsaffier,!.. & CO 361Broadway, New Ton( Branch office. 425 B' tit.. Washington. 12.0. .. W'r YAtZL" Er " 1 r 1 '''\ItrelElle : . A `fi PROMPTLY F5 F2,,,,,a, Write for oitr in:cresting bovks " invent- or's Mtn" stet I. Plow yen tiro swindisd. ' ................ 1.1441.0.••••••.....0..m••••••••••• Scud us a rough sketch cr ;model of your in- lvention or I'm proveincut and we will icilvon ime our opinion as to whether it le p. oleibly been ullywocecined 1,3, it4. WC3' patentable. Refecteci applications have often successf conduct fully equipped offices to Montreal and Washington ; thiscputlihes us to prompt- ly dispatch work and cpiWriv secure Patents as brold tts the invention. Highest references r i °Pi ai treal ell vPor furnished. the Dominion. over toe newspapers dtisieetr ozietcreludi nthorough Marlon 8t. withoutMa- ibu te diherhoeuragi leo it ui t Specialty 1 -Patent business uf Mattufae- , turers and Engineers. MARION & MARION ( Patent Experts and Soncitore.. „ Offices: 5New York Lite la'ae'g, nonoegiq t Atiagtic BldgjWvailington Ell,.C.,,,, .............-,...,,..............,./... ,... ,..• ..e. •es...., 04 .....". .1. , _ A. CHURCH QUARREX4., . Supreme Court, Hears Differences of Two Sections a Malang. Ottawa, Oct .28. ---An interesting ease is at present beteg argued:in the etu- preme Court, 11 is the ttppeal of Po- 1111i1e VS, Zacklyneki, and arises -oat ef the religious differeuees betweee 'two bodies of the Galleiane in the North- west Territories, A grant of lana was made by the Government of the Terri- tories to the apellants to be held in trust for the •congregation of the, ,Greek Catholic 'Chetah at Limestone Lake, The reepondents Mehra end the tele+ below lield, timt they alone renvesented the Cher* appellants admit that in Gaeta, they were mtaar dominion of the Roman. Meth, end. rtelmowledge the Papal Supreuutey, They claim, how- ever, tlutt this WaW OttliSed by the filet that, the Greek Mattel) wee not toleret, ea in Galicia, walea is A part of Austrim, and that they always desired to belom to that body,and came to 'Canada hop. ing to do so. Wigg -Yes, Clotiox is it self made man. lie boasts that he wasn't born with a silver 'spoon in 111, month, Wn4rig thana no tenson lo' 5.1101114 tot with tt 1111125, • •