HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-10-26, Page 5HOBSALrNA AND STETSON I1ATS THE WINGUAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1905 CRL W DER CO • A1A tIC•R FQWNE'S ENGLISH GLOVc$ SHOES If you are satisfied with poorly -made and ill-fitting Clothes, you won't have much difficulty in getting what you want. But if you insist on good Clothes, properly tailored and correct in style, we have them here for you in the 20th Century brand garments—unquestionably the finest ready-to-wear Clothes in Canada; we are sole agents for them. Fall Suits and Overcoats in every style. THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING A MAN WEARS Men's Fur and Fur -lined Coats — New Neckwear New Mufflers — New Shirts The R. 11. CROWDER CO. WINGHANI, ONTARIO. See Our Furniture. In Couches and Parlor 'Suites, we have a splendid stock, and this is why we have sold so many lately. Our Sideboards are the best. Our Mattresses and Springs are great sellers. Don't fail to get our prices on all kinds of Furniture, Window Shades and Curtain Poles. Undertaking promptly and care- fully attended to. 4 4, 4 4, 4. 4, 4, 4 WANTED, AT ONCE.—Fifteen boys and girls to work in the Evaporating Factory. . git 44-444 i 41; 3444 ww,iw* w4410, 10440*w4wy,itii►Y40444## Walker Bros. & Button Furniture Dealers and Undertakers ► AtwiA+ 06.16 sly99arrw!,h4Aawwrr.aw*► 4 Apples Wanted AT THE EV2sp0ra$1884, Factory VdYIiT("rHAIbI. Parties having Apples to sell will do well to see us, as we pay the highest price. 1La\t\ve Bros. ,a ,a ,a rip a 'a ,a a 11111116. 11:. MLI .1111ai,iLo/ 9. G.1., ..c, ,II,I1 it rrLu iWnGCIL'u Touch Typewriting The students of the Forest City Business and Shorthand College are taught Typewriting on Machines with blank keys --blindfold the students and they will operate at a high speed. A touch operator can do more work and gets more money than a sight operator, tt Cart you write by touch," is the first question Clow usually asked the applicant for a position. School term --Sept. till June inclusive. Booklet free for the asking. VESTBit'V'ELT, I'riaelpat. fir• Vt. C. A. Bide., LONDON, orsrr. LriririT"eWl3 CMS —The committee which have been Wot king on telephone connection be tweet) Kineardine and Hervie report the prospects bright. —It is said to be impossible to pick up it car of sheep in the country north of Lindsay at any price. A few years ago every farmer in that section kept some. —Australia is sending so many rab- bits to England that the market is fairly glutted and the enormous sup- ply is having a bad effect on the beef market. --After an absence of forty-seven years Mr. Robt,. Kay of Aukland, New Zealand, carne to see the few re- latives and friends of former days, living in Kincardine. --The Police Magistrate of Ottawa last week fined a football player $10 and costs for an assault committed during the progress of a game at Ot- tawa. If we had more Magistrates like the one at Ottawa brutality in connection with sport would be at an end,. —Several tons of Manitoba flax straw have been shipped to Toronto research laboratories for experimental work, the object of which is to con- vert this material into fiber for the manufacture of binder twine. If the experiment is successful a new field will be opened for the Western farmer. —During some of the rainstorms in the Colorado desert not a drop of water touches the earth. The rain can be seen falling from the clouds high above, but when it reaches the hot, dry air beneath the clouds it is entirely absorbed, These strange rainstorms take place in regions where the thermometer often regis- ters 128 degrees in the shade. —Peter Adrine, of Paterson, N. J., after unsuccessfully attempting near- ly every ordinary method of suicide, finally killed himself a short time. ago by standing on his head until a blood vessel burst. At the time he was con- fined in a padded cell and a strait- jacket for the express purpose, of pro- tecting him from a temporary fit of suicidal mania., so he took this way of getting rid of his life. —The following paragraph from the lViarton Canadian shows the results of the Sugar Factory scheme in that town, from which so much was ex- pected :—"It is understood that the sugar factory has been sold, and rumor says the machinery will be re- moved to Whitby. The liens have all been settled, but the town has a claim of $20,000 that will cause a law suit unless it is settled before any attempt is made to move the machinery. A day or two more will bring the issue to a head, as the sale was only adjourn- ed till to -day." The Exeter Advocate says—"Thirty- four years as an hostler is a record that is probably unequalled in Cana- da, yet such is the time served in that capacity by Mr. James Harvey, who on Monday of this week leaves his work and retires to his farm in Stephen Township for the balance of his term of life. For nearly thirty years he was to be found day or night in at- tendance upon the travelling public at the Commercial House stables, when an unfortunate accident, by which he carne near losing his life, compelled hila to quit work for a time, but soon he was back in harness at the Mansion House where he re- trained for over four years. That the people whose horses he cared for re- cognized the value of his services will he seen when it is known that with his earnings during those years he purchased a fine 150 -acre farm in Stephen and carries a bank book as well, besides raising a family of five children, who are now grown up. Listen For Bronchial "Wheeze." It means that disease will soon at- tack the lungs. 'Wheezing is distress- ing to the sufferer and annoying to his friends. Nothing half so certain in bronchitis and throat trouble as Catarrhozone ; it gives instant relief and cures even the worst cases. Bronchitis fairly flees under the magic influence of Catarrhozone which cures so thoroughly the disease never re- turns. Other remedies may relieve, but Catarrhozone cures bronchitis, ca- tarrh, and throat trouble for all time to come, Solcl everywhere. Lucknow. A very enthusiastic meeting of the Lucknow Curling Club was held on Tuesday evening, October 17th, and organization completed. Chief Constable Briggs, of Walker- ton is offering a reward of $25 for the conviction of the party who stole a load of oats from J. W. Wilson, of Kincardine Township, in January last, A very pleasing event took place at the home of Mr, J. S. Hamilton on 'W'ednesday, October llth, when Miss Lottie W. Johnston, of Clinton, was united in wedlock to John A. Clen- denning, of London. Mrs Walters, the beloved wife of Mr. Wm. Walters, of Ailsa Craig, (Bed at the home of her father, Mr. Alex. McKay, of this village, on Tues- day last from stomach trouble. Th e deceased lady was born and raised in Lucknow and wee highlyrespected. On Tuesday of last week Dr. Ken. nedy, of Wingham, assisted by Drs. Spence and 'Gordon, performed an operation an Mrs. William Mc- Kenzie, of the 2nd con, of Kinloss, for inward trouble, and we are pleased to say Mfrs. Mckenzie is doing nicely. The operation took place at the home of Mr. D, N'. X.tawreenee, Willoughby street In this vintage. Clinton, Clinton tax roll represents $15,000.. At a recent meting of the Public School Hoard, the members of the present teaching staff were an r'e- engaged.. It is intended to run an excursion from all points in, this section to the Beet Root Sugar Factory some time in November. The cement work of the new Knit. ting Factory has been completed, the three stories being all redly for the floors and roof. Humphrey Snell, son of Mr. James Snell, who went to Wyoming Ter- ritory with a car of sheep, returned last week, having made n, successful and profitable sale of the lot. The bakers of town held a meeting on Saturday evening and decided that they would lower the price of bread from six to five cents for a one and one-half pound loaf. The price is for cash payments. Miss McKenzie, of Ripley, died here on Sunday. She had been in delicate health for some time, and had under- gone an operation for appendicitis. She was in her 25th year ; her mother was with her at the tirne of her death, and the retrains were taken north on Monday morning. The Executive of the County 8, S. Association, met in Clinton on Mon- day to arrange for a week's meeting by Mr. Hardy, the special instructor in Sunday School work. He will commence in Exeter on Nov. 6, and proceed in order to Dashwood, Hen - Bayfield, Clinton, Dungannon, Blyth and Wingham. Mr, Joseph Sloman arrived last week from Faldin, Muskoka, where he has been living for some years, and will spend a few weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, Sloman. 1 -le has been down the valley of af- fliction during the past few months, his whole family of eight children, to- gether with his wife and himself be- ing prostrated by fever, which car- ried off his wife and his two oldest boys who were just entering man- hood, (PRONOUNCED, 5i KEEN) Quickly Curea Consumption, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pneu- monic, Coughs, Colds, Con- gestions, Night Sweated, Weak- ness, Paine and Aches, Hem- orrhagee. It is a great system tonic and stomach regulator. Life is worth living, therefore if you have or are threatened with Consumption or Pulmonary trouble in any of its varied and insidious forms fly to PSYCHINE (Pronounced Si -keen) It will do more to conquer that uncon- querable and telltale hacking cough, to banish that unnatural hectic flush or that hollow, pallid cheek, yes, to bring you back from the very verge of the grave and restore you to perfect health, beauty and vigor than all other so-called Con- sumption cures combined. Pyschine is the only dependable cure for consumption. Miss Wood Saved • "I have to thank Psyohine for my present health. Last spring and summer I was so weak that I could hardly drag my- self across the floor. I could not sweep tha carpet under any con- sideration;if I went for a drive I bad to lay down when' cameback; if I went fora mile or two on my wheel I was too weak to lift it through the gate- way, and many times I dropped utterly helpless from fatigue. Instead of a pate; hollow -checked, melancholy girl, I am to -day healthy and full of life." ELLA WOOD, Brownsville, Ont. For sale at all druggists, at $1.011 per bottle. For further advice and information write Dr, Slocum, Limited, 179 Bing 'street west, Toronto Canada. FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. AT THE Corner Grocery You will Always find a Fresh Stock of . . Canned Goods Fancy Biscuits Pure Vinegar Pickling Spices And in fact everything that is to be had in an up-to-date Grocery Store. For a good cup of Tea, don't fail to try our special $c Tr;A--iL will surely please you. Teeswater. There is a movement under way in town to organize a Literary Society for the winter months. Cleo, Kretwiser has bought out the Teeswater-Walkerton stage and took possession (hiring the week. The pulpit of Knox Church was oc- cupied hist Sunday by the Rev. ItfeOnllouglt, of liax•riston. The contract for the cement abut- ments of the bridge, was let to Wm. Sproal at $4.60 per cubic yard; the concrete work will cost nearly $1,000, A company of C. P. R, surveyors were in town last week laying out the foundation for a new roundhouse, The new building will be erected an the site of the one destroyed last sum- mer but will be larger and more sub- stantial. A concrete foundation is to be put in and the place fitted with all up-to-date conveniences of a round- house, • Insomnia And Indigestion Cured. Last year I had a very severe attack of indigestion. I could not sleep at night and suffered most excruciating pains for three hours after each meal. I was troubled this way fur about three months when I used Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and received immediate relief," says John Dixon, Tullamoro, Ontario, Canada. For sale by all druggists. Grand Mogul Pure Tea Q Grand Mogul is not exposed to store dust or microbes. The clean, air -tight packages are the housekeeper's protection against inferiority and dirt. Q k comes to you free from adulteration—the nic- est possible blend of the finest teas of Ceylon—and affords you double the sa- tisfaction of "just as good" teas that are sold in bulk, or packed in poisonous lead. Grand Mogul appeals to the palate and tones up the nerves. Not a mere sub- stitute for bitters. Grand Mogul Tea Ci Sold at 25c, 30c, 90c and 50c per pound, black, green or mixed. Advertising appropriation ip divided with buyers of Grand Mogul Tea through premium coupons in the packages. Tailor Made Clothes X15.00 We'll make your Suit to your exact measures, to your order, for fifteen dol- lars, correctly shaped and faultlessly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fabric, staunchly guaran teed. For Seventeen, Eigh- teen or Twenty dollars, we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill, and can guarantee you entire satis- faction. Trousers made to your order at $3.5o, $3.75 $4, $5 and $6. A complete line of Gents' Furnishings always in stock. 1YL S. L. Hornllth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 1. Kruse Two Doors from Post Office Isard's The heading Store Isard's URE EI,I..ING .PILES Ladies' Jackets. We have much pleasure in announcing that altera- tions to the building are completed and the stock ar- ranged in the different de- partments to make easy buy- ing and selling. Our Mantle department on second floor, where we carry a large stock of Ladies' Ready - to - wear garments, as UNDERSKIRTS, ToP SKIRTS, RAIN COATS, Fun COATS, JACKETS, ETC. We draw special attention to our New Fall Styles of LADIES' JACKETS. If in doubt as to the right style of Coat to buy, visit our Mantle Room and you will find it easy to make a selection. Our styles are right. Prices easy. We quote a few numbers below. NO. 957—Black Beaver Coat, fly front, length 30 inches, braid trimming on lapel, fancy black buttons, lined with mercerized sateen, special5�00 price NO. 939—Black Beaver Coat, 32 inches long fly front, nicely trimmed on front, back and cuffs with fancy black braid and buttons, $7.50 7 5O mercerized lining P NO. 910—Ladies' Frieze Coat, fly front, 38 inches long, trimmed with black Kersey strapping and inlaid with black velvet, snarl buttons on front, back and sleeves, best lin- $9 00 ing, our price ,,a.. .s .. NO. 959 --double breasted Coat, all -wool Kersey, 32 inches long, self strapping, fancy covered buttons and lined with Bain atercerized, a bar- $I0.00 NO. 937—A11 -wool Kersey Jacket, 32 inches long, fly front, trimmed with cording and self strapping on front, back and cuffs, lined with best quality mercerized Italian, $ I 0.00 special price •r NO. 961—double breasted Coat made of cheek black Covert Cloth, is trimmed with tucks and strap on back, and straps on front, two pockets, fancy covered buttons, 31 inches $ I0.00 long, fawn only, a bargain.. L . 1.1. I .. 4 H.H.EISARDiCOJ 3 1 1 1 Bring on Your Work PATTERSON THE WATCH DOCTOR Has secured the services of a first- class Jeweler, and. is now prepared to have all work done promptly and satisfactorily. The Largest and Finest assortment of Christmas Goods ever shown in Wing - ham now coming in. Don't forget me. W. G. PATTERSON The Great Watch Doctor, Wingham %AO 81111111111911111E8SS,9 .... n5t! ao L, afEEMORDS@iAWSD i'-"r'..h .'„s t5 OD 11 epi, ,, . n, , W. B. TOWLER, M. D,, C. M. CORONER. Office at Residence : Diagonal Street., Wingham. The ADVANCE for 15c until January 1st, 190G. .1 1 1 1 1 1 1+-1÷1±H÷1±1-1..+++1 We are sole agents for • • the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. - Also the best grades of • Smithing, Cannel and Do- -- mestic Coal and Wood of -: all kinds, always on hand. WANTED. A reliable agent for Wingham and sur rounding country. Good pay weekly,exclu:-- ivo territory. Sample ease. or outfit fre. Our terms are the best in the business. We need a man or good character and ability during fall and winter months, . OVER 600 ACRES. The choicest and most extensive list of stock in Canada, including fruit and orna- mental stock, small fruits and seed potatoes. Bast selling specialties offered for the first time. write for terms now to TIIE PELHIAM NURSIERY CO., Toronto, Ont. HJUSTARRIYED .• -- We carry a full stock of -• • Lnmber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar • • Posts, Barrels, etc. • • • .. • Highest Price Paid for all.. •• •• kinds of Logs. .▪ Residence Phone, No. 55' ” No. 61 •• r. Office Mill " No. 41 .A. Complete Stock of SUITINGS A OVERCOATINOS VLSTINGS. TROUSERINGS AND These are all of the latest de- signs and materials and at prices that are reasonable. We have a special line of Blue and Black Worsteds you should ,tee, Call and have a look through our stock and see the Fashions for • I Fall and Winter. • All you have to do is—te11 us • how you want your garment lnado and we make it that ways. Our • trimmings are of the best. A. CLe�, 1 Robt. Maxwell ~; High Art Tailor 'iinghalll