HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-10-19, Page 88
AMP 011111101110 VIINFOraimpe as
Vic Sall Good Rubbers
What a lot of weather we'll have right along
now. Everybody will have use for Rubbers nearly
every day. It's a wise thing to protect the feet at
this season of the year.
Look Well to Your Rubbers.
All kinds are here. Storm Rubbers, Low Cut
Rubbers, Sandals, Footholds, Toe Rubbers, Self
Acting Rubbers, etc., etc.
We Have a Good Pair of Rubbers for
Every Man, Wowan or Child in Town.
No poor Rubbers. Poor Rubbers are cheap and
worthless at the same time. Rubbers from 35c
to $1.00. Fit any shaped Shoe.
Remember, we sew free all rips in
Shoes bought of us.
See us for Trunks and Valises.
■ J.
Greer, The Shoer
kille I li . 1, I ailrt► . ilii Y.
CEEB OE 0111111111 : •
During Recent Months the
11 t t ra
fit ti
(Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.)
has received ten, fifteen, twenty, and even
ty mes as many ca s or stenograph-
enog ph-
ers, kook -keepers, etc., as it had students
graduatingduring same months. Some
of the saaries offered were from $40 a
month to 51200 per annum. This clearly
indicates the best school for young men D
and women to patronize. Enter er now.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
aro the splendid advantages offered in
every department of our school — The
Yonge Rt Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
• For quickly and thoroughly training
young people to earn good salaries in .
business positions. With 22 teachers,
best equipment, up-to-date courses, mod- -
ern methods and thorough system, we
can guarantee excellent results.
11111111:-i4 +Itii:11
Have You Tried
Butternut Bread ?
They all like it and
sound its praises. Try
it and be convinced.
We have the most tasty, tooth-
some Cakes. Why sweat, baking this
hot weather. Just call on us—we fill
the gap, and guarantee satisfaction.
J. C. LACKI 1 •
-141-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-14
The anniversary services of White-
church Presbyterian congregation
were held on Sunday, the lath inst.
and were a deckled success in every
respect; although a little rain fell in
the whole
i the dayon At t o
the aafteinoc n, t.1
was flue, and the roads being good, it
was nice for driving so that the people
attending the services could conte to
the House of God with, comfort and
pleasure. Tho preacher at the morn-
ing service, was the Rev, J, H. Mac -
Vicar B,A.. of Fergus, who took for
his text, Genesis L27—"So God creat-
ed man in His own image, in the im-
age of God created he him." The
speaker treated his subject in a
masterly and scholarly way, and
showed how far Tuan was superior,
and far above all the other created
objects that came front His wonderful
hand, and closed a powerful a and im-
pressive discourse by reminding his
hearers that as they were created in
the image of God, and destined for
eternity, they should so live and act,
that they might be prepared to enter
into the Heaven of eternal rest, and
dwell in the House of the Lord for
ever. The same speaker' at seven
o'clnck in the evening preached a
soul -edifying, and spiritual clisconrse
from the waters and river of life, as
found in the 47th chapter of Ezekiel
and also in Revelations 22nd chapter
and first verse. The Reverend gentle-
man is far above the average as a
preacher. He has a fine voice, a
ready delivery, and is a profound
thinker. His sermons show marked
literary ability, and a wide range of
reading. He is likely to become one
of the rising and bright stars of the
Church. There was a large congrega-
tion present to hear the speaker at the
morning service, and a packed house
Belmore. in tee evening.
Mrs. Mulvey of Wingham, is visit- The pastor of the congregation took
ing her son, J. Mulvey this week. the afternoon service, preached from
Romans 12.1—"I beseech you there -
Mrs. J. Hall has gone to spend the
winter with relatives in Garraf atsa• fore brethren by the mercies of God,
11 To The Real Estate Buyer 1
No Matter
I am absolutely sure I am in a position to
save you some money, unless the circum
stances under which you buy are very ex-
I can and shall make it profitable for you
to buy through me. I am in touch with pro-
perty owners in every part of the country,
and have on my lists to -day, properties (both
in town and country) that cannot be excelled
either in quality or price.
It makes no difference whether you want
a $50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want
to hear from you,
Real Estate and Business Transfer.
(Office—Vanstone Block, Wingham)
4 , i
Just To
A Fine Lot of
•—do.aaaw /n.4
Mr. P. Powell, tax collector, was _ that ye present your bodies a living
round on his yearly trip, last week, sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,
which is your reasonable service."
Miss Olive Raynard has been the He asked the members of his congre-
guest of her sister. Mrs. W. E. Lucas. gation to call to their minds the
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Perkins of Tees- numerous and rich blessings God'had
water, paid a flying visit to friends in poured into their cup of life, both
town one day this week. temporal and spiritual, since they last
We are sorry to report the serious held their anniversary services, and
illness of a daughter of Mr. Rohe what does He expect, and looks from
Ballagh, little hopes being entertained each one of us in return for His loving
of her recovery. and wonderful mercies. He expects a
Mr. Collins and Mr. A. McQueen, living sacrifice, true consecration, a
teachers, took advantage of the fine whole hearted service. The speaker
wheeling last Saturday by visiting much a profound impression on the
Teeswater and other places. congregation. The theme was grand
Mrs. McCallum of New Jersey with and uplifting, and the gifted speaker
her sister of Brussels, visited last in an earnest and eloquent appeal
week at the home of their niece, Mrs.
iarcle known the duties and oblige-
Johnston, near this place. tions of the followers of Christ.
A grand tea -meeting and entertain -
Mr, and Mrs. A. Walker were in anent was held in the church on Mon -
town last week looking for a house day evening, and `Vhitechnrch con -
in which to locate. They have been gregation, which is famed and known The trustees of S. S. No. 10, are
living in Wingham, thus far. far and near as giving the very best making arrangements for buying a
Those who attended the District on these occasions, excelled them- large new school bell. •
Epworth League Convention in Tees- selves. The tea was of the very best The Misses Hansuld and Messrs.
water believe it to he the most help- flavour and delicious, the tables fairly Eckrnier of Ethel visited Jamestown
ful and inspiring they ever attend- groaned with the rich, toothsome and friends one day last week.
ed. palatable good things placed upon
A reminder that winter is near, them and all were delighted and en- John T. Strachan has been re -en -
for the
came upon us in the form of a snow joyed the exc�. lent tea in the base- g'tged as teacher in S. S. No. 10
stoma on Wednesday night of last ment of the church. Then what a in -coming year of 1908, at a good ad -
Belgrave. Blyth. i-lOwiek. Carey.
Me. Jas. Gregg lost a valuable cow Mr, Wm, Jackson, has returned from A successful Fowl Supper was held Ripe raspberries, second crop, were
last week. his trial to the West, at Latkelet in the Methodist church picked by Mrs. '.i'ltos. Aleeek, lith
0. Vttnnorman spent Sunday with Miss Kate Keily of Godericb is visit on Monday, 10th inst. cou. this week. This speaks well for
Itis parents in 13elgrave, ing friends in town. Miss 011ie Walter, S. S. No. 11, ear- the salability of ani els nate.
Mr: and Mrs, H. Hopper spent Sun- John S. McKinnon of Toronto visit- ried off the first prize for writing in Workmen are engaged building the
he • class at the show.
i h
9 0 • MeEarlane's
� rlttne
•+ t.mnt De a s
day with friends in Grey. ed his father during the week. cement abet e a f r P
Mr. and Mrs, J, L. Geddes spent a Blyth Fair vasa success, though Miss Deaclutttut is improving very are entertain- superstructure will be put on to re -
bridge, east of Jamestown. A steel
day in. Bayfield last week, owing to the heavy rains, the etteu- rapidly and
great hopes
Mr, and 11Irs, W. Wray are visiting dance was not as large as in fetcher ed by her many friends. place the old wooden bridge,
Mr. her
ma ld ri marking extensive
friends at Drysdale this week, y t h Ml, John and Miss Susie
Mr. G, Dalgarno Is Improving nice- The annual thank -offering meeting tniprovements to his proper. y here also Miss Lottie Jacicsou, attended the
ly, and will likely, be out in ga few of the W, P. M. Society of the Pres- since buying it froth A. Dultnage, Epworth League convention in FTees-
clays, byterian Church will take place on Andrew Montgomery lost a mare water last Thursday, They were sent
Mrs, Lawrence Wheeler and son of Thursday afternoon at three o'clock. valued at $200 the other day, and Jas. as delegates from Roe's League,
' Mrs, (Rev.) Buchanan, a returned mis- Boll's colt had a leg broken on Satur-
Grey, visited friends in Belgrave last I?, 5, Scott sold the Ali, Hislop. 100
stormy from South America, will ad- day.
week, acre Patrni, 17th con„ to D, McCallum
dress the meeting, J. 1). Scott encountered a wildcat £or the sour of 4,200. ThecCalu
Mrs. J. K. Vannorman spent last $ purchaser
Anniversary services in connection at ()has, Wolf's one night last week. willget possession next Mauch, Mr.
week with Mrs. Vannolttltrn of this with the Methodist Church will be It would be a pretty brave cat that p
village. held on Senility next. Rev. Mr. Hazen would tackle a man of Jolnt's avor• Hislop will remove to the Northwest,
Mr, Jno. Bridge of Hamilton, has of Cxotlerich will be the speaker. On dupois, so it took to the bush. Berl. Jackson purposes moving of
returned to Belgrave to spend the Monday evening, a hot supper will be Binkley Bros, pounded out A. his new farm at Ethel. The people of
winter, served by the ladies of the Church. AReidt's grain peas last week. They this locality are very sorry to lose Mr.
Mr. McKeuzie has been making a number of speakers will be present,threshed 17 large lands of peas in 1:1 Jackson as he has matte many friends
lot of improvements on his flour au
our and coupled with a good progrnrne; adays, and none of the lauds were who have proved tri
o be a first-class
feed store, neighbor and citizen. He will be
greatly missed from Roe's church,
where he was an active worker in all
departments. We still wish hire
every suvoesa.
Mrs. John Proctor expects to re-
move to Palmerston next week. Many
will regret the removal of this esteem-
ed lady from our midst.
Mr. D. Allison of this village is tak-
ing charge of the McGowan School
until Christmas ; after that he will
continue his studies at the Toronto
Medical College.
The anniversary services of Bel-
grave Presbyterian Church will be
held on Sunday, 22nd inst. Rev. J. S.
Hardie of Listowel will preach. On
Monday evening addresses will be de-
Special evangelistic services are be-
ing held in the Methodist church,
commencing at half -past seven each
evening. This week, Rev. M. J. Wil-
son, of Teeswater, is assisting the pas-
tor, and next week it is expected that
Rev. W. A. Smith, of Lucknow, will
Mr. E, Littlefair has sold his house
and lot to Mr. Geo. Solar of East Wa-
wanosh for the sum of $1200. The
property is a very desirable home
for any person advanced in years, and
is thought to be good value for the
money. Mr. and Mrs. Solar intend
moving into the village soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bryans
Fordwich friends on Sunday.
Jas. Strachan jun. has gone to To-
ronto where he is taking up the study
of Dentistry.
Robt. McKay of Ethel is expected
to take charge of the service here next
Sunday evening,
Donald Innes will remain with Mc-
Donald Bros. for the month, assisting
them in the store.
week, which lingered on the ground magnificent intellectual feast and vanes in salary.
until Iate Thursday. A few miles musical treat the wrapt audience en- Messrs. Skinne and Paine are now
farther north a few cutters were seen joyed in the auditorium. Miss Laura butchering for the beef -ring, and we
flying down the road for a short Maude Smith, reader and impersona_ expect will stay with it until the close
drive. tor of the School of Expression, Bos- of the season. There has been a great
Word has been received here of the ton, more than delighted, entertained deal of dissatisfaction in regard to the
death of John Ogram, a man well- and uplifted her hearers by her beauti- former butchers and also in the divid-
and ing up of the beef. However, we hope
known here a few years ago, who fol rendering and her sympathetic
moved away to Normanby township harmonious reading from that grand, it
and that it rnanized be keptagaioinnext
to reside. He was in perfect health, thrilling, tragic, pathetic and spirit-
ually-elevatinggoing. work by Ralph Con- Quite a number frons here went to
he leaves a wife an family, one of nor—"The Prospector." For one and t'Vroxeter• lash Sunday morning to
hear the Rev. Mr. Hanna of Mount
Forest preach. He occupied Mr. Per-
rin's pulpit in the Presbyterian church.
Jamestown was also pretty well rep-
resented at the tea -meeting which fol-
lowed on Monday evening, where the
wants of the inner man '(vere amply
supplied with fowl, etc.; an excellent
program was also presented.
Robt, Curry of Brussels visited at
the home of Albert Gallaher one day
one of the highly esteemed pioneers of people assembled., inc singing on last week.
the township of Morris. She was Sunday was conducted by the choir Mr. and Mrs. Perrin of Wawanosh
born in the township of Nelson, Hal- of the Church; Mr. R. R . Simpson, visited at the home of Wm. Abram
ton county in 1837. In 1361, site was leader. The members of the congre- one day recently.
united in marriage to her now sorrow -
thewould express their thanks for Miss Pearl Osterhout of Chatham,
the self-sacrificing efforts of the leader
ing husband. Soon after, they re -
and members of the choir, for the help is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Osterhout at
moved to Morris and settled on the the Parsonage, Wroxeter.
1st line. Mrs. Mathers suffered much they gave to the anniversary services
in conducting the praise service. Rev. Wroxeter League and Choir attend-
duringher lingering illness. She was G. M. Dunn is to be congratulated and ed service last Friday evening. The
a kind neighbor, faithfulwife and
ex hbor
g ,choir t.
loving mother. She was identified highly praised for the noble and truly sang two excellent pieces.
with the Methodist Church. She grand work he has performed for the Fred. Westlake has had a very
leaves nine children --four sons, five congregation. The entire congrega- severe illness for the last week, and
daughters. The sons are—Robt. Geo., tion cannot be too highly, commended we are pleased to see him around
near home, Thomas in Michigan, John for the generous response they made again.
in Saskatchewan, and Henry on the to the call of their pastor, in putting Mrs, Ezra Merkley has been serious.
ltoniestead The daughters are Mrs, so large an amount of funds on the ly ill for the past week; she is, we are
Henry Owens of Welwyn, Asses and helped to snake this anniversary one p p
four others at home Among these p y slowly.
whom is married.
a half hours, the gifted reader kept
her hearers spell -bound, as she in her
artless, 'Winning and high-class read-
ing depicted the different characters
Bluevale. as personified by the noted author.
A special meeting of the Council of This was one of the best things a
Turnberry was held in the clerk's of- Whitechurch audience has been privi-
flee on Tuesday, when a committee leged to listen to and they have had
was appointed to try to get as much some very fine entertainments. The
of the work on the 12th con. drain Wingham Presbyterian choir, ander
done this fall as possible. the leadership of the brilliant George
Regarding the death of Mrs. Robt, Cline, inspired the audience by their
Mathers, who passed to her reward, attractive and harmonious singing
Sept. 28, we might say that she was and earned the hearty thanks of the
most enjoyable evening is anticipated. very cool when it was done.
A very pretty wedding took plaice Mr. Rattan's family are anxious
at high noon on Wednesday, at the about their son Geroge, who was
residence of the bride's farther, when teaching out in the west. They had
Miss Mary Jeanette, second daughter word last week that he was in the
of Mr, Jas, Nesbitt, was married to hospital sick with typhoid.
Thomas E. McKenzie of Clinton. Pro- •
The Howick Agricultural Society's
fessor Glen Campbell of Clinton play- annual fall exhibition held in Gerrie,
ed the Wedding March and the bridal was without doubt the best and most
party took their places under an arch successful one ever held by
of smilax, heantifully decorated. with Society. The gate receipts
pink and white. Mr. E. C. Wilford of $21.50, at 10 and 15 cts. Over
Toronto and Mr. John McKenzie as -
must have paid admission fees.
sisted the groom, while the bride was.Fred Edgar of Orarngelrill, who has
assisted by Miss Sharp of London and
Miss Smeltzer of Lucknow. Tho bride been with a surveying party in New
was handsomely gowned in imported Ontario for the past few months had
embroidered net over silk chiffon and the misfortune to cut his foot and be -
lemon -colored taffeta ; she wore the ing far from medical aid he experienc-
customary veil and carried a bouquet ed some difficulty in having the
of bridal roses. The bridesmaids were wound properly dressed, but we are
dressed, in white organdie with-valen- glad to state that ho is improving.
ciennes lace and insertion, over white Wellington Ellis had a very success -
taffeta, and wore large white picture ful sale of farms stock and implements
hats. Rev. Dr. McLean was the offi- with some household furniture. The
dating minister. After the ceremony, attendance was the largest that has
the guests were conveyed to Mr. Sto- ever been ata sale in these parts, two
ther's restaurant, where a tasty wed- auctioneers taking part in the sell -
ding breakfast was partaken of. The ing of the property, which realized
happy couple left on the afternoon nearly $2,000. Mr. andMrs. Ellis will
train for Buffalo and other points, be missed ; they have not decided
The bride's travelling suit was navy where they will locate.
blue serge with hat to match. The I
bride was the recipient of many hand-
some presents, one of them being a Insomnia And Indigestion Cured.
beautiful silver tea service. She will Last year I had a very severe attack
be "at home" in Clinton after Decem-
ber 1st, night and suffered most excruciating
pains for three hours after each meal.
1 I was troubled this way for about
three months when I used Chamber -
Wroxeter. lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and
received immediate relief," says John
Dixon, Tullamore, Ontario, Canada.
For sale by all druggists.
plate an the Sabbath day. All alio leased to hear, im roving, though
from a distance, who attended the
of the very best in the history of the Mrs. Robt. Mitchell returned last
funeral were Thos. Mathers of congregationdeselwe their full meed week from a month's visit with her
Escanaba Mich John and Win Pat- of praise. Proceeds of Sabbath ser -
Escanaba, in North Bay. She is greatly
Geo. Dane, representing Gault Bro-
thers of Montreal, was in town last
R. B. Harris sold a carload of lambs
last week to Mr. Clegg of Brussels,
who shipped them to Buffalo.
We were glad to see David Stewart,
of the second line, Turnberry, in town
on Saturday last; he has lately been
on the sick list and in rather a pre-
carious state, from hemorrhage of the
John Gibson, of the saw -mill, is now
prepared to manufacture all the cider
that may be offered ; improvements
have been made in the machinery and
his make of apple butter is pronounced
Anniversary services were held in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday
last, when Rev. Mr. Hanna of Mount
Forest preached most acceptably,
morning and evening; the church was
crowded at both services. On Mon-
day evening, a most successful old-
fashioned teameeting was held ; the
attendance was larger than at any
former meeting of the kind in the
church. Fortunately the supplies
were abundant and superb, and suffi-
cient to enable the pastor, Mr. Perrin,
to announce a supplementary meeting
est afternoon.
for the children on the n
Addresses were delivered by Mr. West
of Bluevale, Mr. Burnett of Moles-
worth, Mr. Radford of Belmore, Mr.
Dobson of Fordwich and Mr. Oster-
hout of Wroxeter, all of whom were
much appreciated, as were the several
pieces rendered by the choir. The
weather on both days was all that•
could be desired, and the proceeds
amounted to about $125 ; altogether
West Wawanosh.
From the Maitland river at Auburn
to the lake at Goderich is acknow-
ledged to be the most difficult piece of
road on the whole Guelph-Goderich
line, for there are perhaps not one
hundred yards of level road on the
whole of the ten miles and the road-
bed is over a succession of cuttings
and embankments to bring up the
Atthe division
necessary grade.
in Colborne, where the passenger and
freight station is to be located, it has
been found necessary to go through a
piece of swampy and heavily -timbered
land on the Allen farms, which has
entailed. a vast amount of work in
clearing and filling in. This is now
nearly completed and will soon be
ready for the laying of the rails.
About seven acres of land will be
le'elled off for the station buildings
and necessary sidings. From the divi-
sion line east the line passes over
Sharp's creek, where two massive con-
crete abutments some twenty feet in
height have been erected, which will
necessitate an embankment several
1 t
h to bring the
hundred yards in length, g , g
road up to the proper grading.
PIONEER GONE.—We sincerely re-
gret to have to chronicle the decease
of one of the most respected pioneers
of West Wawanosh, in the person of
Charles Durnin, sr., at the age of
77 years and 11 months. Although he
had been in poor health for some
months with a disease of the stomach
and bowels, the end came unexpected -
the services were a great success. - ly on Thursday morning of last week.
The deceased was among the first set-
tiers of West Wawanosh and endured
the hardships and privations incident
to the life of early settlers. He was
highly esteemed as a good and useful
citizen, an evidence of which is the
fact that he was for many years a
popular member of the township coun-
cil and deputy-reeve,and in conse-
quence a member of the county coun-
cil. Both of these offices he filled
with general satisfaction and with
credit to himself. The deceasedit
be sorely missed in the family circle,
especially by his bereaved and beloved
widow and daughters, Miss Ellen and
Mrs. J. Agar, whom he leaves sur-
viving hila. He also leaves five sons
who reside in the West ; Williatn and
Ernest in the United States ; Charles,
George and Brown in Bottineau, prac-
tising medicine ; and Robert in Ash-
field. Mr. Durnin. Was a zealous mem-
ber of the Episcopalian church, and
A Judicious inquiry.
A well known traxelling than who
visits the drug trade says he has often
heard druggists inquire of customers
who asked for a cough medicine, whe-
ther it was wanted for a child or for
an adult, and if for a child they almost
i• o nmend
invariably ec i
inv y
Cough Remedy. The reason for this
is that they know, there is no danger
from it and that it always cures.
There is not the least danger in giving
colds am
d crop it
it, and for coughs,p
is unsurpassed. For sale by all drug-
East Wawanosh.
The Epworth League of the Brick
church held their Rally services and
sacred. Concert last week. On Suis
terson brothers r of cleeeasecl of Hal- vices and Dlonday set -meeting and 'unproved by the trip, day, Rev. R. Millard of Lucknow
' entertainment were $100.00. What preached very acceptably morning
ton county and their five daughters, small countryeon re ation can beat Rev, Mr, Osterhout is holding epee-
Mrs, Mathers was 68 years of age, g g ial services here. On Tuesday eve'g, and evening to large congregations.
We know not yet who next may fall this record ?
Beneath Thychastening ho' was assisted by Messrs. Graham,.
Prepare to meets our God. ing horse.--Jno. McLean, .iegherie essista nee was mtich appreciated, and
eneat t e as emng Hall and Mason, of Wingham. Theis•
While here below, oh may we all rola Sate C'in. —One cod work-
- s .. their singing and speaking proved
very helpful. They will be weleomed
Some Seasonable Advice. buret at any time.
TAXI!: None .---That on and after !et tnay be a piece of sal>rerfinotts atlW
:Monday, Sept. 25th, 1905, we will open
1' vice to urge people at this season of
• when the year to la in snpp] of
: the Gregory grain warehouse,
we will 'be prepared to take in all berlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost
1 kinds of gram at the lit hest market
sure to be needed before winter is
� p over and melt more prompt and satis-
factory results are obtained when tak-
en as soon as a cold is contracted and
11 ARE YOU MAKINO $2,003.22 before it hag become settled in the
CD r� as beanaG done g
(Successors to Alex, Rote) _
a with cur cede system, which can only be done by.
Work s p , 1s P keeping the reined at had Th
y •n and so
retlicd Is 80 to Idtl khan a
goods used iso every house, every day. No Eagle Yy
stet no need to create the denand, Legitimate altogether good that no one should
reputable business, voaa tour mart without a cent hesitate about buying it, in preference
. ofeapital. write t.+day. G.nrAnstratt.asCO,
tel arty other, It is for sale by all
Wholesale Tag, and goitres, tendon, Oat drttggiatte.
"o i teasant crmaaaa nt and rofitable '
St. Helens.
Mr, Thos. Todd is visiting friends at
Milton. Toronto and other places,
Mr. john Webster of 1 ordyce has
returned from a trip to Alberta.
Miss Etta Woods left last Saturday
on a visit to friends hi Erin,
Mrs. Johnson of Varna has returned
home, aaceonrpanied by her daughter,
Mrs. Robinson Woods,
east s
On Tuesday evening the sacred con•
cert was largely attended; addresses so long as health and strength permit-
were delivered by Rev, J. J. Male of tett he was a steady and regular anon-
Belgrave and Rev. S. C. Edmunds of dant on the means of grace.
Whitechurch; Mr. March of Blyth
and local talent supplied the remain•
der of the program. A very interests Reduced A Hard Swelling.
ing and profitable evening wail spent. Mr, G. E. Geroux, writing from
Brick church E worth League is in a Pembroke, tells how he was injttrecl
thriving condition, and no doubt is a endaat1mpbcrritytle a "Ai
Tei rigiatitl ii i
great help to the energetic pastor, with stittness :tial at hard swelling.
Rev, A. 11 Janes, In his ministerial When I &tnntied Poison's Nerviline
th s good liniment cured me, In the
Choico Leicester and Lincoln Ram
and Ewe Lambs ; also some stock
steers and Shorthorn cattle.
Belgrave P. 0.
Lot 41, Con. 7, East Wawanosh,
duties. I got retic . A fete rubbings with
bush, Norvillno is indispensable ; tt
Farm For Sale Or Rent.
103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; 75
aeres under cultivation. Good house ;
new barn. Splendid opportunity.
Exceptional bargain. Address
51-tf Thedford, Ont.
Farm For Sale.
A choice farm of 140 acres, within
4 miles of Wingham, has been placed
in my ha}s.1s for immediate sale.
Abner Cosens
Loan and Insurance Agent
Money loaned on farm property at 6%.
Farm For Sale.
One hundred acres, in good state of
cultivation, within three miles of the
Town of Wingham; first-class build-
ings; price reasonable. Apply Box 15,
XI, Brown, Reg and Metall Co., but cures nenralglaa, `colds, rheumatism
ing - aiI kinds of tiictes, wooll and picky and internal dialers too. No por-
ins, rubber, topand feathers of sort can afford to be without Nervi -
all kinds. Highest priee in cash; line. Useful for all internal and ex -
if brotight to house, five tents a ternal pain. Large betties 240. at all
huindred eltrao dealers.
Farm For Sale.
Tho east half of Lot 35, Con. 12, hast
Wawanosh, containing 100 acres: 85 acres
clear and in good state of cultivation (50
acres in grass), and 20 acres good timber ;
good frame house. barn, implement shod,
hay barn. sheep pen and hog pens; two
good wells and good orchard ; situate 4i
miles from Town of Wingham. For terms
apply to
Fordyce P.O. Barrister, Wingham
Dated this 1201 day of July, 1905.
Farm For Sale.
Lot 20, Con. 9, Turnberry, contain-
ing 95 acres; about 15 acres of hard-
wood bush ; there is a brick hots
and frame barn ; situated within
miles from town of Wingham, le
miles from a school. For further
particulars, apply on the premises,
or to
6-8 Wingham P. 0.
This small advertisement represents
One of the largest and best business
colleges in Canada. No school in the
Dominion does more for its students
than we do. To our knowledge not one
i unempioyed. ed We
of our graduates s
get far more applications than we can
meet. You may enter at any time.
Write for our handsome catalogue.
Single Fare For •--
Thanksgiving Day.
Good going October the 25th and 26th,
returning until Oeteber 30th. Between all
stationer in Canada, also to Detroit and Port
Huron, Mich., Susp. Bridge and Buffalo, N.Y.
Single Fare For Hunters.
Good going daily until Nov'r. 7th to
Points in Temagami,on T. & N. O. Ry.+ to
points Maatawa to ort Arthur, inclusive;
to Sault Sts. Mario and Port .Arthur, via
Northern Nay. Co.
Goodoin October 2Gth to November
g g7th, inclusive, to
Muskoka Lakes. Lake of Bays, Magnetewan
River, Midland, Penetang, l.aka teld. All
stations Argyle tO Coboconk, Lindsay to Hal-
iburton Severn to North Bay,Pcants on tho
Northern Nay. Co., (Georgian Bay and Mae,
kinaw Division,) All ttokets valid returning
until December eth.
For tickets and full information, call on
L, HAROLD, Town Agent,
District Passenger agent, Toronto. ,e'-
Will Sell
Going Oct.
ANO26 Thurrdiy,
Between all Stations in Canada,
)!'ort William and East.
Paull partleul ran t in Canaalsaii �ayeifto Agstit,
Gr Mitre 0. fl. D'oetibt', D.P.A•., TQtoptO.