HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-10-05, Page 5TUE WINDHAM ADVANCE, TUURSDAY,TO(TOBER 5, 1905. No Shop-worn or Old Stock Jiere. Correct The R. H . Fall Clothes —FOR— Well FOR—Well Groomed Men There is no need to expend a large sum of money in order to be well and stylishly dressed—no need to pay your tailor high prices for Clothes of good quality, good workmanship, perfect fit and swell style. We guar- antee all that at half the money, and save you time and trouble besides. Ours are the kind of garments that look as well, wear as well, and fit as well, as the best custom made Clothes. If you are prejudiced against ready- made Clothes, we ask only to show why it will pay you to look at our lines before purchasing your FALL OUTFIT. Boys' Snits, $1.00 to $5.00 Men's Suits $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 Boys' Overcoats...... , ...$3.50, $5.00, $7.00 Men's Overcoats ..$5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12,00 CROWDER CO. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. 09. 000000000C000000©f30E ;Ci03C9 f30992pLapp0009C e3 8 8 8 The Centre Hardware Store WINGIIAM. The Happy Thought Range Has led the van for more than quarter of a century—success found- ed on merit is permanent. The Happy Thought Range stands for ALL THAT Is BEST. The makers do not econo- mize in quality nor cheapen merit — thus time and daily use but demonstrate its worth. We carry a large line of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters (from the best manufacturers in the Stove world) to choose from. Call and inspect our lines before buying. A number of second-hand Stoves for sale cheap. Wedding or Gift Presents, There is nothing more suitable or more appreciated than a piece of Silverware ` GOPrptl, as a present. We carry a full stock in all lines of Hollow and Flat Silverware, in Rogers 1847 goods. Teaspoons in Sterling goods. Inspec- tion invited. .Our prices are reasonable for good goods. Watch for our Dodger for Bargains. B. GERRY (One door South of Geo. E. King's) a 8 0 0 8 0 8 9 8 1 11 8 0 0 0400000000t?0000006000C',t' 00E'lf:f3fDf300E'codt: t3 terseasseedistna It 0s Not Toxt Books but the instructors behind them that make a school. While the ,Forest City Business and Shorthand College publishes a text on bookkeeping that is used in the best colleges from Halifax to the Great West and has a standing reputation for publishing practical text books, only the best • and highest salaried teachers in Canada are on the staff. Without a good teaching staff good text books would be wasted, Our courses include Bookkeeping, Gregg Shorthand) Accounting, etc., as well as Touch -typewriting. Catalogue free for the asking. School term—Sept. till June Inclusive. �. Vr., WESTERV LT, Y. M. C. A. Bldg.. I'rintlpal LONDON, ONT, 'Flews 'Mems -Potatoes are rotting badly new Kincardine, The apple crop in iliiron county does not amount to 25 per cent, a full crop, --.At the end of the year there will be in Calgary 13 miles of sewers, 18 miles of water mains, 30 miles of plank sidewalks and 3 miles Of con- crete sidewalks. _Two hundred ttnd eighty bushels of fall wheat from seven acres -40 bushels to the acre. That was the re- cord with fall wheat made on the Mc- JCinnon farm, about three utiles from Manitowaniug this season. -Fort Ont., Sept. 28. -An extra wheat train of thirty cars was wrecked lite yesterday afternoon at Karlstead, a hundred miles west of here, piling twenty-three cars of grain on the track. No one was seriously hurt, The wreck was caused by a broken axle. -A party of five from the Petrolea oil district left by the steamship Tunisian from Montreal to England on their way to Persia, where they propose to develop the oil field of that country. The men are expert drillers, and have obtained a concession from the Persian government which will enable them to enter the field under specially favorable circumstances. -The consumption of wheat per head in the different countries varies from Less than three-quarters of a bushel per annum in India to seven and eight -tenths bushels per head in France. Belgium comes next to France with a per capital consump- tion of seven and one-fifth bushels per head, Austria, Canada, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Spain tank pretty nearly together, with a consumption of about five and one - twelfth bushels per head each, while in the United States consumption is four and seven -tenth bushels. -The large barns of Mrs. Jas. Keys, 1.} miles south of Varna, were totally destroyed by fire on Tuesday after- noon, together with their contents. It is said that the children were play- ing with thatches, and set fire to the straw stack ; they informed their mother, and when she went out in- tending to quench the flames, they hail made such headway that nothing could be done to save either the barn or its contents. So complete was the destruction that not a pound of grain was left. Fortunately the implements were in a building by themselves, and were thus saved. -On the farm of Mr. Chas. Cook Bayfield Road, is a field of six acres of corn which has been a subject of com- ment by all who have seen it. It was sown in a field which for many years has been a pasture, and has grown to a height of 14 feet, with the stalks correspondingly thick. One evening last week Fred Cook started out to hunt coons, and his dog, getting a scent through the cornfield, stopped at a bunch of big stalks and when Fred came up there was the coon up among the cobs. A lively shake and a blow from a stick and down came the coon on the dog's back, but only to succumb after a lively tussle. When. weighed the little fellow was found to be 13h lbs, weight, a pretty good load to be carried by a bunch of corn stalks. Some Seasonable Advice. It may be a piece of superfluous ad- vice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a supply of Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be needed btfore winter is over and tench more prompt and satis- factory results are obtained when tak- en as soon as a cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system, which can only be done by keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying it in preference to any other. It is for sale by all druggists. Teeswater. Ilugh 0. McDonald, son of . Mr. J. V. McDonald, a former resident of Teeswater, died last week at the age of 18 years and 11 months, after un- dergoing an operation for appendici- tis at Dauphin, Man. Dan. McKenzie of the 5th con., had his leg broken a little above the ankle, and the ankle dislocated on Tuesday afternoon. He and his brother, Will., were hauling wood out of the bush on a wagon with a young team and in going over a rough place some of the wood tumbled off and frightened. the horses and they ran away, with the above result. Knowing of the intended departure, in the near future, from our midst, of Mrs. Melvor and Myrtle, about thirty of our young people of town gathered at their hone as a "surprise" party on Tuesday evening. A most delightful time was spent by all in games, etc. After the serving of a dainty lunch, . Mrs. Mctvor was ld'esented with a beautiful fern bowl ars a token of es - teeth and in appreciation of the many good times those present had spent in their home, Constable Jasper, of Mildn]ay, walk- ed into Alex. McLeod's barber shop hero on Monday last and to a young man who was undergoing treatment in the chair said t "You aro my man." The young man .leaved. a sigh and without a word submitted to arrest. Ile was wanted at Mildmay on a charge of stealing $100 in cash from Chas. Wendorf, a livery man, Ile ad- t]cl on beingaskedmined the theft a if Ito had any of the money on him pulled oat a roll of bills which on be- ing counted was found to contain Clinton, Mr, D. L. McIntyre has sold his handsome 'residence on Huron Street west, to Mr. J, 13, Lindsay, of (lode - 11011 township, for about $1500. Mr. A, T. Cooper intends taking a few weeks' vacation, and ]hiss Cook, of Toronto, will assist in , the book store in his absence. Those of our townspeople who were residents here during the time Rev. F, McOuaig was pastor of Willis Church, will learn with deep regret of his death, which, occurred at Wellaxd on. Wednesday, Tho other evening some party or parties threw a stone through a win- dow in a certain house on the base line, the glass and stone being found on a crib in which were some young children. Mr. Bevans had the good fortune to strike plenty of water in the artesian well he put down for Andrews Bros, Ile drilled a little over 150 feet, 45 of which was through solid rock, and left therm with 60 feet of water. A certain gentleman in town, who held a block of C.P.R. shares which he sold at a profit of $800, is mentally clubbing himself because he did not hold on until the surprising advance last week, when he would have made about $1500 more. • On Thursday last, while Messrs. Morris & Morrell, were hauling their thresher on to the barn floor at Ben. Churchill's, Hullett, they inet with an accident which, very fortunately, was not attended with any serious results. The team had just pulled the machine into the barn, when the floor beneath the horses gave way. Seeing that it was going, they cut the harness, and with the floor the horses fell a distance of nine feet. Singularly, they were not hurt in the slightest. Valuable Advice To Mothers. If your child comes in from play coughing or showing evidence of Grip- pe, Sore Throat, or sickness of any kind, get out your bottle of Nerviline. Rub the chest and neck with Nervi - line, and give internal doses of ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water every two hours. This will prevent any serious trouble. No liniment or pain reliever equals Poison's Nerviline which has been the greatest family remedy in Canada for the past fifty years. Try a 25c. bottle. Himself Cured of Catarrh and Throat Troubles, by (PRONOUNCED. SI=ISEEN) He is now anxious to save others. Leger L. Hardy, St. Bazile de Portneuf,P.Q., writes as fol- lows: "Isuf- fered for two years with Throat Ca- tarrh and a n obstin- ate cough. PSYCHINE had a splen- did effect in my case. I ob- tained the per- manent cure I had so long de- sired, and shall do • all in my power to increase the popularity for Dr. Slocum Remedies in this vicinity." LEDER L. HARDY. P8YCHItE (Pronounced Si -keen), For sale by all druggists at $,.00 per bottle. For further advice, information, or free trial bottle, write or call at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, rqg Bing street west, Toronto, Canada. Trial bottlo free. Clairvoyant Medical Examination Free By DR. E. BUTTERFIELD of Syra. ease, N. Y. Believing in clairvoyance or not, there is no gainsaying the fact that the doctor can explain tho source and cause of your disease, either men- tal or physical, and has restored to health and happiness many persons who would have remained helpless in- valids all their lives. Send lock of hair, name, age and stamp, to DR. E. F. BUTTERFIELD Syracuse, N. Y. JUST ARRIVED A Complete Stock of SUITINGS OVERCOATiNOS TROUSIRINGS AND VESTiNGS, These are all of the latest de- signs and materials and at prices that are reasonable. We have a special line of Bine and Black Worsteds you should see. Call and have a look through our stock and see the Fashions for Fall and Winter. All you have to do is—tell us how you want your garment made and we !Hake it that way. Our trimmings aro of the best. Robt. Maxwell nigh Art Tailor YYiughaul SAN JOSE SCALE, A Peet of the Firs Claes and How to Fight. It By Dr. John B. Smith, New Jersey Experiment Station. The San Jose scale infests nearly every shrub and tree ordinarily grown in the garden, although it is not equal- ly destructive on all, It seldom occurs on blackberries and raspberries so as to be injurious. On all fruit trees ex- cept cherry and quince it is destruc- tive. The winter is passed in the half grown condition, covered by a black scale. In spring growth is resumed. At almost any time after midsnl;er an infested tree will show movin.,. arvae, the almost snow white reser gets and every stage from that point through a gray to a black scale, Reproduction continues throughout the summer, and a single pair, start - SAN JOSE SCALE. (Seen under a Ions, much enlarged.) ing in June, may become the ancestors of over a thousand million examples before the season closes. Reproduction is usually most active in September, and throughout that month larvae oc- cur in abundance on infested trees. It is the season at which spread is most general. The crawling larvae get upon anything, including the backs of beet- les and the feet of birds, and are car- ried considerable distances. An insect that attacks so many different kinds of plants, that breeds so abundantly and that has no natural enemies to keep it in real check is of course a pest of the first class, and so all gar- deners have found it. Two sorts of campaign can be car- ried on against this insect—a summer series, directed at the larvae, and a winter campaign, directed against the hibernating forms. None of the ordi- nary summer mixtures kills all stages of the scale without endangering the foliage. Larvae may be killed by di- luted oil emulsions or by soap mix- tures—say for whale oil soap one pound in two or three gallons of water, depending upon the kind of plant, or the oils in a 5 or even a 10 per cent. dilution, • according to the manner in which it is put on and the plant on which it is to be used. In any case the application will kill only crawling lar - SAN JOSE SCAi.E. (On a twig, natural size.) vae and very recent sets. Applications must, therefore, be renewed at short intervals throughout the summer to obtain a really effective remit. This sort of work is feasible in gar- dens that are under constant supervi- sion, and in such places the insect can be almost completely cleaned out in a single season. The new forms of pe- troleum made soluble in water will be most effective aids in this sort of cam- paign. Brewers' Grains. Experiments with brewers' dried grains of good quality have shown then] to be fully equal to oats and to be decidedly more economical. Not being particularly palatable, they should be mixed with other grains, such as bran and corn. Distillers' dried grains have been but little used. The Massachusetts Ag- ricultural college has fed its farm horses a ration with one-fourth distil- lers' grains with excellent results.— Farm and Live Stock Journal. Care of the Horse. Do not think that it makes no differ- ence how many hours a horse is work- ed. Some horses are worked twelve hours a day. This is too much. Nine hours is nearer the correct time. The horse needs time to eat and rest, and if he works a reasonable number of hours will do more than the one that goes to extreme,—National Stockman. Growth of the Pig. The older the pig is the more it costs to sustain it without growth. In- stead of the rate of growth increasing With the weight of the animal It di- minishes, and every additional pound of growth costh more until the point of profit is reached and loss begins to go on at an increasing ratio. --Far- mers Advocate. Feeding Hogs. Hogs should be kept with a good appetite so that they will relish the food given to them, There is nothing gained In overfeeding, . A Judicious inquiry, A well knows] travelling malt who visits the drug trade says he has often heard druggists inquire of customers who asked for a cough medicine, whe- ther it was wanted for a child or for an adult, and if for a child they ]almost invariably recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The reason for this is that they know there is no danger Prot]] it and that it always cures. There ' 1 let's is notleastdanger ]giving 1 the ,u it. and for collides, colds and ero]rp it is unsurpassed. For sale by all ilt'ug- gist d, Isard's I The Leading Store I Isard's Bargains IN MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. WE have jtist passed into stock a large shipment of Men's and Boys' Suits, Pants, Overcoats, Reefers, Water- proof Coats, eto, Our stock is large and comprises the BEST makes and latest styles of Ready - to -put-on Clothing —made to fit right and wear well. Our Prices are the lowest, SATURDAY BARGAINS. 25 Boys' two-piece Suits, nicely made and lined, Plain and Fanny Tweeds, good vain at $2.00 -Saturday Bargain Price $1.25 3 Dozen Men's good strong Tweed Pants, regular value $1.25 - Saturday Bargain Price 18 Pair of Boys' Snicker Pants, strong cloth, lined, sizes 22 to 33 -Saturday Bargain Price 10 MEN'S TWEED SUITS, fanny patterns, good strong cloth, regular value $6.50 to $7.50 -Saturday Bargain Prioe 5.751 Boys' Navy Bine Reefers, tweed lined, regular value $2.50— Saturday Bargain Price MEN'S ORAVENETTE RAIN COATS, the latest styles, lined throughout, regular value $10 -Saturday Bargain Price 8,00 1.00 .50 2.00 Special Bargains in Other Departments.—You get good returns dealing at the "One Price Store." J I . ,1 '.1 o• I I H. E. ISARD CO. See Our Furniture. In Couches and Parlor Suites, we have stock, and this is why we have sold so many Sideboards are the best. Our Mattresses and great sellers. Don't fail to get our prices on Furniture, Window Shades and Curtain Poles. Undertaking promptly and care- fully attended to. 4 '1 4, 4., 4, a: 4, 4, 4 4r a splendid . lately. Our Springs are all kinds of Walker Bros. & Button Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Apples Wanted —AT THE— Evaporating Factory WINGHAM. a + Parties having Apples to sell will • see us, as we pay the highest price. 4, i, XaWk.egv d.- 4• WANTED, AT ONCE. -Fifteen boys and girls to work in the 4 Evaporating Factory. 4, IF • • a a 1a a 1' do well to IP Br 0 S • 'a 1' is AUCTION your SALE. --•If you are going to have one, get Bills printed at the ADVANCE Office. SCHOOL... free SUPPLIES R. KNOX, Jeweler Stationer, will give School Supplies Fngn to purchasers of School hooks during September, according to purchase- On $10.00 purchase, 750 worth of School Supplies free. On $3.00 purchase, Gee worth of School Supplies free. On $5.00 purchase, 40o worth of School Supplies free. On $310 purchase, 25e Worth of Se11001 Supplies free. On $3 00 purchase, 15o worth of School Supplies free A largo stock of everything in ic'ltool Supplies and Stationery to clam.* from, Don't forget that knox sells the "BAST" at Lowest Prices, Finn lino of 'Watches, Clocks, Rings, Chains, Lockets, Brooches, Silverware, etc. Eyes tested. free; Glasses pro- perly fitted, Watch Repairing promptly at- tended to. $00.00 reward for a watch I cannot repair. It. KNOX T7cpert Watch Repairer. Jeweler and Stationer. Wingharn Ontario en 4. 4. k *****a*****.**a,* AT THE Corner Grocery You will Always find a Fresh Stock of .. Canned Goods Fancy, Biscuits Pure Vinegar Pickling Spices And in fact everything that is to be had 111 an up-to-date Grocery Store. For a good , cup of Tea, don't fail to try our special n8c TEA -.-it will surely please you. L. G. Kruse