HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-10-05, Page 21,4 as written of Hine "His name sitair
be called WontlerfuP Ma. lei. 1-3.)
1. Profes!Aolt. "Merits, Ling of l'ereir
v. el. was Jot only a type of Cliriet,
but of every Christian of whom it may
-.Own be Fetid, "Then.. bast profeesed Mod
Immegmemememnitnnt 180N 240 1*1
pretense:in hefore 11131W WilittleS•44`8"
00:C01011M tOetter tan% Ai. 1;I§. Itis lisrofeimr was of.
t I. timers goodnems. This heathenii king
Iteturning Fram C ptivitte-nnera 1: en. et.egial proclamation with Jehovah*
name and declares that this °Lord God
•Commenta17.--1. The proteantetion of of heaveu hath given" Min "all the
Hang Cyrus to return (vs. 1.4L 1. First kingdoms of the earth" tv. 21. Christ
;year oE eyros-nhat 1%111s tired year as. 'always "witneseett a good pro.fession"
sole kinte at Babylon. Ite 11-313 tang. `Al '11 Titus et. 13. Iht always acknowledged
years before tbie, of Elam, ane graelen.11e •• his teatime's met -tames. 2. Gotl'a author-
eetendee his empire over the Pereians •ity. "Me bath cearged me to build an
and -Medea, Babe -Madam and (tableaus hate" v. 2. Daniel, no doubt showed
For two yea ee after the capture of Baby- Cyrus the W041l he was meant, to. Me-
lon Darius was Ming ef Miler fil and the week tied hod given him
ttyrus. Now Cyrus reigned at Itabylon, to do. Loyally and rtmally did he fulfil
awl this was his Hest year of direet the charge. The ambassador of Chtiet,
sorereigelltY ever the done" Word of detiveting any meesage, bath anointed
the Lord -See Jer. emv, let mix. 10. mee"Ille een t pte't tietke iv. Pt; John
The promise wee that after eerentet year. i. 39, ant. 3. God's greatnese. This Goel
the 1.ont would bring Ills reelect agate ,44 licavem, Avio giVesniee4Ituram1s and
• to Pelestine. !Stirred up...•Cyrus- te, emote authority he mews, •• tee
There is gement reason to accept the Jew -
IAA tratelition ate:online to eleseplum. that
Lord teed of let•aeL Ile le the God"
otempeing a high patitien ha the mit extrude...mu. 1. ponnite. .,who is
tout of Cerue. brought to /tie attentIon them antong you of all Ills people ..
the propheeiee of Leath. wIdett name tot tam go,- . et 2 chem. extent, 230.
teerusas Godee etervant (Ism elite 26-etet
• I-4), end perhaps, aloe. the prophe. It ,was addetweed to all Israel. The go -
cies of Jeremiah, showing that God had -
Pet Preelamation is, "Ho. everv One that
*Menotti, come" 4•Itta. Iv. lit "Come unto
Me. all ye that labor ane are heavy
lattere" nefatt.el, ..teSe
V. Perfermanee. We may straighten
-.the heeds" av. 0) of those who labor;
Brae- he ••lalverers together with Goer
Cor. 3:04. L Dente! in exile having
ilieetomeet "by the Woke.' that Goe, had
jewel the peeitel of .etwentv years for the
stane-Rawbason. At tbas tante the deeeletion lvf Jerusalem, humbled hien
mette.pereena Empire was eery eetket. eel and eenfeseea his sins ana the sees
eive, eetending on the meet to the Red oe lee people, and supplicated the faille -
Sea, on the north to the Illetek Sea, on anent ef the preutme. 2. With silver and
the wet to the Miami t yprus and etoid (v. 4). it all the old east -off
I:tett-pt. mei on the mettle. to Ethiopia.- jeneitery were to be brought out aud
clime\ imen charge,' ran etemettynte, :44k:end the money use1 for herteeolenee
etenetem aceepted the propleme- ef bow the bearts of many, burdened for
tee a Meame to build the teintem-Ceek. loth of means to carry on their work,
' •Metetwesf pee teel ."4 fin %eaten, wentl be lighteneti. ft. With what you
1.$%1$ himeree prate et en. Men ete %Q. '••••• !--Or.'44 lead no etonee- intght
• Mieterints career end the kelit1n1-./Lit ,he01' 'teeth Int'ete es:it
services tee Menthe realer o the Jew:: :Mane. a minieter anivaissitmary mime.
were foretold. lee hint 0 aeknowlettee h kern trent want if thine alto have
that all bk kingeoat% were gifts. liut littte etteney to give witutel1e gen-
stowed. on lam by the eletrti Gest of Ilea- entelos with their "se:net:wee" titre. 3:e1.
ven," and eromped lien to Intent the And we *Medd rett wait for an abuttel-
duty wind, had hem Mid lemma heat Nene Itt,ft-7‘re eve give ear tithes- reed free -
before Ms birth. This was the seeree win offering -et to the Lent. A nem young:
ani origin of the great favor he enewei tearesettie: often eat& elf I were enIts
to the Jew.' -j., F. & R. 3. Wbo rielt I would slew neoPle hew te give.'
there among- son -elle return wee to be One niebt he dreamed he slew a pyrartrid
a 'vottuateer movement. witteh ht all re- of silver dollars, all new, bright, anal
speets was the hest bete fer the purpeee beautiful A reit* said. "Now let us
of Cyrus and for the new Jewish settte- ttee yootr ge'Llt,r4.1±4ity.." SO be rose and
anent." hlis „elm.' tie with pion,. -wee to the rile to take some mermy for
ineltattnee the deep re/Mesas feel- tharity. Rut the pyrami4 wan so perfect
hetet and goodness •of heart whieh tharem he could not bear to breed: it. He walkel
termed Cyrus atm* of Persian nenterehe. aroma it. but fesanl no place where he
He need his satiefeets like a fatter.- (multi take a dollar witheut spotting the
Herodotus. tee aeleer charaeter apeman: heap. $o be decided that the pyramie
filen:tient hint erm-Rantens,on. Let him sherie not be broken. Then he awoke --
go -ens the earrying away of the Ile- awoke to eee that if he was net pummel
bream had taken p.are intervats of weite he was poor he never would be.
from seventy to fifty years before. teere ehould be laminate rieh. 4. With preeiott
weer but few of the original mike, re- things iv. et. A widow sent for Bieh
malting; and it ie senteweat rentarkabte op Teytorn work in Africa a Melia
that so many of their demendante. netr- fetund it her linelianins peeket after hi
Ike titonemed ie eii.ebettrei etiitinte decease. which she had treasured for
to go tte eonntry the,e end never seen: year:, twil with it a silver hnif dollar.
Breed the hetme-"This was teeir great a vayttti* of a darling child that death
errand. not to butiel their own henteen had taken mem her armee et With
but the Levee of teL Ile ie. the Geed- emery moven wm, poorestcnn /meetly
"We am uesterstand Vain- great truth far we sae the treasurer or the collector.
more Measly than coati Menet Let us iv. St. The tee/Miter has mane- trials. A
see to it. that we live mat the knewteeee &seem greeting and eneourageng more
whiett we possess teelettered yen. an earnest prayer. wit
4. Whesoever remnineth-Seme perser.s (Meer hint as meney given coldly anti un
of true and eminent piety were so sine- etratientety eerie/ net. laniether er net
ated that tbey did not deem it their Ids :mums ememenne iteelf to yonr jade -
duty to go; as Dentell in the event el anent. treat Lim as yen woutet the 31ets-
Cyrus; ethers were hineered by eel mee. ter. in vrtate.e 1134tte •he eernes. and for
Ilzany more renter:el teen we rale of be- -weeete eatine he pleads..
img carried. away eaptive.---Siott. Let Ablete C. Morrow.
the men....hetp him -Let the teetteen e • e-
popzeattere help, bent. --Cook. Freetvitt of- SOUTEMPeett_l_EA PE'RILScf .
Unwell. There were ttI*4
fertnet-Prebehty that mane by Cereei
the temple, ene te aid the meter:ling mt. "▪ U'er"
by Cann:Mate,
erants. These who menet weak in Metre t
cause sheen eentrtente tee it. Yew gtEtte wettemeet tewerme neemer
tee nettebt meter elite tee Littite. Came; ,31elewere leas brettent newt et the
is as =nett a 27.te-anti4 0..1 'graze as eremenet.
IL Tem e-aptives reeke peewaretentes Per =1-`e17 Car'113-ra Fmnert-mt ett
tee rennet tme 5.12% teem trze _.trav.-=;• natEav,.. el: wee
fathers-neenereette mere heads et feetetSer.317.4,Z1 grintr. was Menteed
inew seem el' weeern Lad seen the fimenetiones trite. tetehens. The natives trine
t.einte.M..-Wteetten. tee.ieb ante Berea:net Mt, me: tmn:,t etittb tat izt.:s.wazz,. bat,
--Tbme tribes. East esmea, the firm
ta rettern. "Bat that there were mem: -•ttaittaftt 55 en:other tratteng metteemer earn
frem the ether 'critics wine retwertel tLi??7-te„
pears frem many elem. enese-4:etz=r2:::.7:- 9, !rem, e netteh
lint. O. entemeettentee t. .r tieere-lettete er'attr!el? attatteetee ;IT tee reetittite
4,1 Vli.a777:!q7-' zenner
teierebers hentel teem ace' eentreeeetee,-.
The enitere tettenen tee
libettetty. Z. Cteree.t..tertenett ferte, etet ttt-
wettve menze. ate! Demi steer retreee
4-4-...s.ZetrX,11.71t3=e=Dr Et".11!..!e; tZ.-- 413 Le
:They came:met tete zetreve trettreerere
tra's tanceettelenety encenevitee the serree.". tezentin lentemett en! the. mow the.
eeseets ef brae! in a eef? ettell itteitentee tereeer rettee
stereetteeteel. rite tete day ween treetnette
Tromta beam-, ;ettet Ltttet-"Itlt.l:n te: reFet'z.tefeZ IrLitzlate;tere.'jt-gen11!7C.7'ee.7t...%
his peeneme itteme ett them vessets Ewe ▪ tted to a tree 3171. tr1755::1• 77
?leen referee! LeF r.'1'7-t'Lterttettr ttn wenn. neettne etre otemettre.
netibt when Sateeenn eta's. *Seen atell Met- 7.1 74. 111:1,:e.'w= 11", 4115714, t77.47 matinte
enntent- Metre-Mehetten. rettene were Itin reedy wee eaten t 774:4
ettementenner-iret Chet Me tee Fee
etre:Wee LD1r--..,'
ra=a of Reze:.`,:rmIcr.. H.:2 a. •
ct'17.73t. qtr.let r.:73"=.11 171.42,?,
LT'Atitt^,"=.1. t
fell Dn.! tin freemen. awn Lettemete me;
reerreme be Ms Eden:ant Ter,teteeent Hew
Iti rtereetenM teat' teeet=r--- Istter.' L4. ;7'11 f.70.11
mammy neeem ete .finetent Est Ezt• c • tesme ▪ ter
thee fere: tereettery trems.. anti enteette" -; mettettentt meettli; a van
a reenittires el the tetnete. 'Meet- tetweetne Weete., tnent".= eneneett
IL. An the vtetemen. etzemenes eneeet.:-. fet Mee wentamen
5.40. =MO than detente tree sten
verses 9 owl lin ninth ve.es Mete. - rt LtN teentatanele =MMiee.
enettabte tent onty the tatmer eer mew t
mmtety veee.ete wee renteetered in entse,
etol the enette imettettes et great neenteer eRemzente c.e. Weele-renniseed eltzee iremene
e! seentter ane tem: weetty mete Se thee , RaL'arar.,
are vett:mot by nesteihtteet in tem hte •
teeny el the reeteretten et the neve tw, teetetet teen :nee -mem -•
- - 7
teeEr own country. the, reareee et three !•el
teetztere teeter; arst ef tbrett ,
bre enortenent. The fieret enceinte tentet wresreet twee enereent Meese.,
nets. Werenneeel. estte tett Between tuntet .•ff ctty. met
tete eireenweetten et tern. ent • teete rettettewe 7:1z,
etor this purease gmen Babylon int the
banes of Cyrus. Made a ereeleamtlint-
See thapetr O. In writing -To preeerve
it on the reeeree to prevent any mis-
take or reversal wheel might itetur.
2. God of Heaven-Henee the Contrelt-
er of all men and affairs. 'Mod of Hea-
ven" seems to have bee u metal title
of the Menem Rein among the Per -
Toronto rolamerf garIcet.
Tito grata rozeirts to -day were Itesee
bushels. Wheat itteadY, eutit.eis et
white ane re a eettiog at Me a bushel. awl
100 bushels of geese at 6,Se. Barley Is
higher. 1,10.0 bushels selllag at 43 to 1:4:4ZO.
Oats ateadY. with sales tit 000 bushels at
13 to r.
Butter hi geed &upon with prizes tar
eheice tub at 2 3to per ib. DMA Driller.
At 23 tO .?Ze ptr dozen.
Flay in lair supply. With sales et 3) loads
at y.1 fer $10.50 a ton for new. Straw nominal
at $1.1 a ton.
Dressed hogs were Wacbangel. with Q11Q-
tattens at 18.10 to $3.75. the latter for.liglit
Wheat, white. bushel .......9 74.
Do., red. bushel .........074
De.. spring, bushel ........0 72
Do., goose. bushel ito
Oats. lame .. 014
Barley. bushel . 0 43
Peas, bushel .... 07
llay. per ton .. 0)
Straw. per ten 1:1 83
Dressed bogs .. S
koPles.. per bhL .... 1 8)
eggs, per dozen 23.
Butter, tiair io •• •• •-• -• •. 23
Do., creamery .. ..$ 9 21
Fowls, per lb. 0 e3
.`hirkens, last year's, Ib.....0 19
ur cys. per It
.'abbage, per dozen ........0 43
Patatoes, per bag P 03
:elm; per dozen
'Anions, per bag 1 to)
Sect. hindquarters .. S C)
Po.. forequarters 4 0.1
Po., choice. carcase 73
Po., medium. carcase 6
'Patton, per cwt. .. 6 70
per cal. S C3
...amb, spring 13 el
0 49
$ 0 01
0 DI
0 e3
9 4.13
0 33
0 IA
A 7:1
u :a
0 33
0 :4
0 el
0 11.
9 13
0 79
4 75
0 ;4
1 ft
S 91
6 ri
s 0
s co
The Apple Trade.
weorau. & Co.. or Liverpool. cabled Rtea
1autes: 4.57M NW,. $ellteg; 0:11 /un-; mr.,rAet
Poyd, Barrow & Co., et Glasoim. cebtalt
•-.14et tirm, deraord geed tor thoieo
"t gees condition. at 115 to 15e. CI.
-V? 14%-.:'t Dresser,. 4.1rait7774.
.11.4ed: Our Maes;;A:: .entinue• scr,L..stfa'aitt
n.:bless. 13 to 14s: Graventseine., ta
"..lverts. 13 to 17s; ether tails. /1 ti
Toronto Live Steck.
.st :at cattle. the 4 f;
171o, melluta .. 4 4.45
butls 3 .;')
cws 3:74
•nr.•hcrs." picked 4
l'o.„ ehelre 3 7;
Do.. medium. 3 $'.47
Do., coma:ore ...... 53
De.. rows, 21
1"1!., cern:core 4:017.
Feeders. shert-kcep 7.1
Do.„ burls .............7;
Da., medium .. 331
Do., light 3 01
Stockers. choice.
Da., eutuntea CO
4 13
3 a
4 :1
2 71
2 :It
- 21,
'Zult sheep. rer ewt. 10)
Cxpert ewes, per cwt. ......40) 4 Zi
- 0) 2 ;a
Lambs, per cwt. .. 5 Ia.3
.7al4es, cwt. 54 6044
s a4res.each .... 2 09 12 49
_ togs. eeert4, cwt. 6 itro' .1.93
. fate, ewt. .... 5 -."5
Da., Ilubts. ewt
r Do.ttd3
Toronto Fruit Market
The market to -day was fairly active. with
demand geed. Agee% basket, 15 to M.
Champten. mail basket. 13
le.„ large, :8 to We; 'Niagara, :small basket:
47 to 91e; do., large. :A io Peaaties.
stet. Cwford% 05 to S5c; • contraniii,
• ...b. este, eene to 52. Lertt77.s. erate„4'.
1 :o 4,1 Oranges. box,7,V$ -to 5...50. Tcnnataes.
xxrItet. 22, to 7.3e. Petattre‘,. 511. t"44
- 47e. INXIF:Vt retatom lates mem to m-
em:ern, tame case. 42.79. Cana:Nan ealuni„
bag, V.
meme te tee 'eteetreettet tweet' reetenee
- ea:tee tee :nee tee. inn 71 -me. •etern
seemety Mears efftee the first ecaptivite • 4,prtzt,:: tratr:, ;name !net, f;:•:
tame:. en Ent:terve:ICI ateont twenty metre sasi at ntet. The trey. enteze rem: ::-te
he nee cent:tee etetteleite tee reteeird eel. nee teft it Cromern.
fltet tozrle.. retzt of DAZE`..t4, esteem le lemen ctt
Demetiennew. seventy ewers after the de wee mem atm innmen dr, rtIct
C. the temens, The tti ecrentine ci tteen et.
trammel metne was Tema. tette went tee menteett teet the teen heel etneterett`e
fee= rieetetens "eiteet etettt.ir :tett" ttECt''' - anent Par it etatete tee awn einem
tee.reezdattete in the seventh ewer ef Artt trzo Ak rt taut ttotzt; tcy,(1,.:17
newstee tmestedeenneeIle terect't4 c. -".°1‘.1i tenet :entity heti reit been teemed.
tte renteete tee jet-teen:term e ell e. Tin
ten:7e ttewitite tzerece wae Neetteente. wee•
fr,arn et:net:wt. in tee _
Mweettieth eetter el tete seem Arteetteects _
LI.? retie tr, watt me! s.,t cc,tc vs.stcraCts Snteide of Iletel Fe:Velem;
enetteMetee ene enemy -tell meme re. _ at Frit:den.
,,,t0.1,7 twee ttatn 1'644
Tatearelt ATITLICATLettN.S.
'et L'7:1'y rereseme et tete C. Le • tl det.
1. reemEme "net ,„ tree ne:e3c•7 'd 0-'73.1.7°.(7r.PC117 tN1 thee:ie. ant the new
10eny. ete1 Lettertee orettrie
eitleteemtte° tim the Turotn-zsit* teeter tel the liteee ntetene.t rementen
times t:ettee ketee tenzete eine. teeztent etemeetsme wereent e teettee tenet:. we,
Men same deteemoi het wet oneentene: ewe tee 'ettemees alo..: a 7t,..ttt,..,,„
as "siartrt tte leteecte f..? 4c1 Mtn Miter: knee event',
heed ate Mt tee etenentee tea mettne em tree ettnee tett weeste.
omen seeinee to ,eestewitere. ithen -.4.tfliz?".... it 51t. w".:
riti.±.:1l; awl as
ne the teneette 'Wilt? Meet- eetwee, meet teem emetneetty if! 21$17-0
$2.-11.1 tteletete t tem %nen MeeL wenn!?
the. teneeth ce .7enertemete titel tee ..ett teteeett 0.174'1.7e; 41bIZZ!
Mewed te the twine -vett nettee severe" jeente. e ,7"-72 r4t;P:1 r'tr- 01,45
eents amemetttithed ee teetterent tent 0!.? teen ft 1-4-7 trtZt 13;r:
aba vve;:ttr, rst. g:zx-;3 T ercrn aYarl
0cotWenIttcattetee yen t teteen • (Let te few neettetem else: tet-
te t!,,f1= 1:$111 1 tr,
fie re 1 tbitie termed yezt. win the
tf entette cl trete one ret Mit% -11), :77:1.7 tea -to or -V. T i.e
s.z.tr an evr-47,1c:2 eti (rel.r.. =If Q. the
Vire) flettfe.'s Zttle, Ce.r.Ast climtit
Business Failures.
Accer3Erg tIttextrs. Dart. tffio bu.sinen
'aitures ia Canada. tra tho
2Sth were 731. comed wills 31 for
peas week. For the onrrosporAling
geek last year the tali:res. were 17.
Bradstreet's on Trade.
Mentreat reports: to Brattetreetee say:
The fall bueiness h now pretty well in
fult swing anti an tines oe whetneale
trade report increased activity. Winter
etrygeeels are moving eriekty aad drees
goads are int melee dereeene. Sleipments
af cattle bave falllett oil. Large mine:igen
meets of grain are coating hem the
ete.st and tree tehipping trade generalty is
busy. Trento reports to Braitetreetes
say; The valenne f trettie netnalty mew-
ing as Deese. nt is exceettinette- large. Or-
der . te•.• alt tines ef weeresate trade are
zetnetan, in =Mt and the extend eteenne
ef tante easily exemele teat oe ereviette
yearn Dry gaols nee snort treee peten-
entezatty entitee int lett felt cni winter
Einem The eardware trade. tem et easy
ening Mtg. ettipmentet tee cre•I
anneteing the imetey Mittman of the.
trade herethweerizet ere moving, wen
en met cfe.partments.
Winnipeg trettle reveres say: 'Inatte
ereetEmes active in atmest altItem.
tinnatemate hetteme reran te entere lame
teem dertege the pest emerst eti.inaten tines
•f temelmtees are, amine: wen' er.1 MOM
semettles are rinctietearry =the.
Heavy =leer...try* and gemeret dry evens
re:Mtes ex* cirestrez in ant tem grocers
reewre. a geed trade. Iteneed tirade is
fatirty amenet anI eettentemes, welen
neve teen peer. are imentvieg.
Eletreetten meeets t etestmern say
Mee rettenete ef nettle teene- ceettieses son-
eettemeente Limey. tenetre to whettemetere
te1m:6 rale neeeratt ceettnienee 11 an
treele is gime med reeeipts
eff mentry emeeme are fehey Large. Cie:-
Isctl,r.:r.3k are eneell melt Meat ireettentens
tennetteere tense.
Lenten rerterts ems Me Miele mete:ink
teneiteney Zzzi*-t aa • a g4
fs e.41-4Cr neertnalt
weetimatte mete retell Emmet
Memetteeteren remesete say tetteneete men
tinteet at @enema ere sestetne. imeetere-
,••••X••••••••••4••••••••••,••:•• -•••,•••••••••••.P.
Drugged By Mother and. Terrorized By Suitor
She Had Spurned.
Pistol Used to Persuade Her to Consent to the
Unweleoxne Ceremony,
Suit for Annulment Begun and Bride Seeks
Refuge 1,Vith Her AM.aneed.
Burlington, N. J. Met. 3.- Deaner:1 Mary's parish, Williamtbrilge. On the
(tate enallereentger and 1 Were alone so
the cab, anel he drew a revolver mei
threatenee te hill inc if 1 ditt rtiit marry
leen. 1 VMS se •frighteneel ani layeterizal
teat I agreeel to everythieg he eahl,
Says Clergyman Was Deceived.
"When we arrivee at the parish we
were met by two etrangers, who eneke
fainitiarly with Schleiminger. There wae
nemdiffietety about nte. a Prete.tent.
marryine Sthiehninger, whit is a Cathie
Ihn but this had been foreeeea met am
ranged for. tete strangers tied Father
Carr that they bad tonne teettleintinger
QM; me in a compromising poeitient teat
nay father wit,, avaiinag Outside te kill
ter,. aud, failing, went tu ellagistrate Setatehninger. and the only way tie avert
tragelv vas to marry us, and thet
:Meth to eeteure a warrant for the ar- einitkly, whieh he agreed to, after some
a Franke ea barbering her. They trearetterinee. an•1 the cereals -ray nee per -
failed in that, too, and returnee' to titette ferrawl. 'Pais lattlin
er proeeee I !earn -
ea after the marriage from my attewney.
that she ha..1 been druggea by her meth.
er awe fereed. into a imerrietee lett% a
men he had epurned, Mare- Bretener,
legally Mrs. Arden Setilehninger, fiel
to this eity to the arms AM the 1124111
loved, and to whom she had been me
gugee four yearn The toyer, Alfred
Franke, who is ate in• in a nen:nem
campaign, of •the :Seventh Day Alvent-
iteein tide eity, is tearing fur the gire.
ani proeeediege to have: the merriage
annulled have been menet The par-
ents tif the girl came here ,yeettittlay
and made efforts te secure their Mitten -
New Yetre. home. aho I had employed to :let Mee eterrieme
The girl's trange snore of the hateful minutia The tlav :titer that feared
weteling reeds lute a tontante /1'0111 9. niteat I left home ant/ eatree here t•e
lOwent paper -back. She et a very pretty Burlingten."
girl of atiout 21 years, anl previ net t • "Yee. Mr. Franke ant I have been
!ter unhappy miget natt been en:mimed gem:we:ea for in -'re than meat years
In ;he New ion: einem of the Metropen- eel have been engage:I far nearer few.
td:::::Inettranee ComAt pany. Iran/wee len. mere ly
to . marrie I rest. 12. lilt
tetarding houee the unhappy girl s:eitt we telleteer the it:trent:my will be pert -Trawl
et thet time mow depetede teem the met-
-levee end mamma juet -Menet upon mime of tler legal pewee/Mee I have in-
Mideitninger heeent.e they :Armand lee thee:nee for a legal e.eparatent free: the
awe ride I had only known hint for lean who Mee teen tercel amen me ae et
ahem two months." sue said, "but dart hu.rmnAl• Even 416k/nt.1 •Aifre'l n'n't 1 le
meg that time he usel to be at tee leeene
eearly every night. 1 beearete tee titel
of his etatipany. neeich S0,311 Ineame e11 -
noxious, that 1 plettele.1 headathe atal
hammy 4e44rrie4 I woull eiaristantPF
hi fear of iny /ife. fer Stetteintinger ha.
repeatedly threatened to kill rote shoulel
marry any other than him."
kept away froan Mtn tee emelt as I 4:twilit. Twice to Get His Bride.
.11114 even this would not keep tem away.
.1t Met I tom. hien I could never be hie, Aementeenitel be' the etitCe reereette
and then be beeame angry and • 31r. and Mrs. John Breather. yeang
nedeiminger mate here yenterday to
Threatened, to Km M. metre tie brine of a day. fer he lead
if I dt1 net maitre- Mae tittn earved 145 NeSli York nit% the
"My parents at operates...1 rare fee eaper.t in tem preeentinge for the aterare
spurning Se/flee:ten:4w. eat at le.t i Me merle ef the znaeriage. The gitl. Mee --
tame se tentwarable at kettle that 1 W14 ever. had gene to the Trent --n Pair nith
anel boarded with frienie. Lean- tine • the Itrarne family. and SIM net rstiten
month I reeented end wrete 140 teruthert until neett. ller earente atell Meanie:tin-
tettiten. leer that I wentel email Ileum. 1 :ter remainel itt town nett tee Franke
aLeo .menttoned, however. that 1 et ial1 rarer met teern at the emir of the letnel-
never marry Feethleiminger. mei anded teetree. A metre feeltewed.
that Mr. Franke and I were to be 4434- rerweeter winel 'Ede dateeeter by tee
lied on Ozt. 12. Title news irtv per- arm eel settee:tete] tie dreg her •feenz the
crate conunttnicatel to Stelaleianinger, en -l. /mute. Freers:es fatter Irttf•rg,--.0-el. e.ael
with hint, they decided upon a elen tie terrine the ettiteezte tee girt freel
kidnap me an/ force me te marry eelf artl ram into the tease. Intinet
against my will. tide effete to toe:tree tee gin'. ettitteizein-
'When I went to any Itteme on Prielay ger went to the offete of etaell'etrete
niteet. Sept. et I was. greatty ex- erettlee P. Smite eati 44.4410 141 deem te
eitee and hysterizal. My imether met ns: leave a warrant ieetted weaken Franke
aud gave me a gins,: of pert nine to 'Pm earberEng hie wife. In Ude he wee
quiet my nerves. This. I hetieve. wee t nnermeemetfutt. however,. and. T -41.7040 -ft bt alt
druzled, ler I f.aintly remember beinte his eremite to get innewseitet et hue vele.
eittried front the home to a cab. After he awl the tern parents returnee to
a short delay, we drove rapidity to eit,, New York this morning.
The Brantford. Jury Says He M-urdered Betsy
JOE EIM:14...
iettenentleSeetellee-Titer etery e:-Mitent
reettereet et elist et meetly anetent ,Mes
Temente. tee Men. Mr reetztetsien ftente
tem' • e tete n ti0. ItET .1^
letin ificteleed eite etterge et entetteiten net
tem, came teen miter 1111 t71.144
rettes rem:mete re dem teceettmee. rmt mem:
remelt and Sere henmeeis Ft= It at ittre
Zan •v.a. ewe
'teartire. etematme. Met, ete, teen1 it1'fl:r4i1:11L 4-41,4' V54
I jj. ;nil 1.44 i.t. t it • - •
p. 111.1
41 ;:12 .
•411 F1.-„, ;201.'1 'AT „•, ,v . „,, ,
t- . e
.ti itt .14. 1.11..it
44144. 94i
. 1;:tDiet.mrti.•!ti. ..1Lv.114!4144c.11.'14tVJo•
ttli•*‘ r,11.tAt*ii 444'4 -
net e., ,ette• feetteerte mutt tient fetmet
•,!-.7._.c• 1+44.1:;01:39141 •Ino4Liolt
Had About Reached End of Iter Pinancial
Tokio, Oet. Notwithstanding the
silence of the tioreroment, tho real fact
is disclosed that Japan made peace nt
Portsmouth in fear a a financial break.
down. The war proved more costly
than had been calculated, and the rice
and cereal crops seemed doomed to fail-
ure. Instead of sunlight and warmth
:luring the month of August, when the
crops ripen, there was continuous rain
anel exceelingly cold weather.
1Vhile some improvement may still be
in store, 10 15 certain that OP rice crop
tet be from fifteen to twenty
per cent. below the average, and far
below last yearn crop, when it 'wee
marvelionely large. Six months more of
war would have meant very hard times,
for the Masses of the people are very
mew, ane riee their bread and. meat.
'New Orleans, Ott. 2. -The relatively
small number of new fuel that are now•
appearing in the daily reports of the
Marine Hospital service. ie regarded as
one of the beA signs of the certain de -
Mine of the fever here. It shows the re-
etrieted epread of the dientee, and Presi-
dent Sottehon. of Lite State Board of
Herded. OM Dr. White, of the Marine
Ilespital eerviee, give it as their opinion
.that quarantine against the passengere
may safely be ratted after Oet. 1.5. The
etinate report.; continue to be of a most
encouraging character.
Drentheel. Out. Sept. 30. -This MOM -
an Arnteinian shot and killed Ms
Muleteer at Mee comer of Wellington and
Clareme etreete, and then turned the
rewever ana elett himself. He is still
alive, hut his reeevery is doubtful. The
girl well yeang 11344.4 were walking
along Wetlington -street on the way, it is
sent to get married, when the father,
II7hO ettjeeted ye the union, ran after
teem :lad fired five shots at them. One
of the bane: grazed the young raan's
Waliam. V. °leant, an American Civil
Engineer, Murdered.
Nogalee. Ann. OM. 3.- American
Cenere 34.3ravvezz Nettalee and Sonora
yeeterelety reeeivei a telegram remit
Owns. a teen near leurtes in Sinaloa.
Mexime ertnitimerng the amaesination by
.; eleseietan el Willem V. teltaly, a
- enowiretre teen etirel milting engineer of
- et" . N ereelteh.v bee*
tettreel. Tee tortmeterer was captured.
It/entreat. Clest. 1. -Tie management
tter• G. 'T. IL mammal:ire that the Canute.
Athentle Beltway 11425 neat taken over
• ets them, awl Welt the following Board
Inreetette Las Leen elected, viz.: Chas.
el. letem E. IL Fitalmen F. II, 'McGui-
gan, Je Ineesen, W. II. Biggar, J. W.
lent Frank. Seott. The following mon-
. ot went dented efficere: Chine. M. Hays,
mumelent: E.: II, leiteltutele mice-Presi-
t tent rank eeett, Secretary -Treasurer;
H. W. Watkere General Auditor.
r, Leen Sean HMS cf Samples Analyzed
Femme to be Pure.
ettatete,„ net. 2. -Mr. Thomas Mae-
rettees. elett ereateet el the Govern-
ment. Lae emtetentet. ttre examination ef
tnet *ample* el itletes. peppers and Se eane
• rem. et neite peeptre. Of this number
....ten nee per (leen were femme to be en-
Merwelly geneene and 47.1 ter cent.
were eemed to fee steletturateM The eel-
.eetete- taimene- t,4.1'.4 reale ati OVer the
, Emeniatee. eterecat fetter was found to
1- 414 feztedfeet of adulturated
eniemeity. tether fereten substances
•teti, eteterteretell the peppers were
etsteces etene eetle, am! wheat
etartei Wenn the peeeer.e were found.
tie tee immune tee percerttage of foreign
eiteetenere termed Irma I to Re per
SleUerefEllt PltheTCESS.
tile Frays Artne bee the Tomb of Her
Itorieetteet Mete 2.- Princes :me-
re:feet, deentretrit.- eff Nine Leopold, bas
reetereet to: trimeereen. after a stay of
mee eneeme, enure et Bettesels, during
welete Met ereeed fervently at the
ewe Lee meaner at Ineken.
All tee memetere ef the loyal family
Winter:Rd hen- and etery form of reeen-
nem. nem (levee! to her. She was en-
! init.!! ;deep. lent a emettelete and obscure
On. I:911/,;0., the renthern elation for
Miesitieetem tate gedatette was recognized
end 4.11.1141rti Pm a Virgo crowd, and a
.4. . Adt nip, en eat e
, am: 4.1m 1.. v 44113 enma tee emmitive
ee 4:4. .4, .1, .11...4 .1111.1
1.4.4-..!4!:•;044 !.;14t 014'1, al 1..13
1442., 44744' e Mop :OA' W."). 4,'4'4 *OW •4
:1.4 .t 4:10
.31111:411. 411141404 44 441 3111111 34111
26= 161;f1ION IS SOLD.
riffliteIN 15.
ras.:7.41 API .188 :tontioli„ 444Aito 741.
•h.: .1.111,11to..1 an +in /11•51e."Sletl ee..4 1102,444,4
Vet: 't,t‘ :34 :aLltit: ;.41"111/81 '"'311" •'• •st• •04. .1.141,1 mett:PIP 11111 or tiosi
4. ( . • . 3. le,' 4; op .t. 1144101.“:".-1111i1iPri1.11/1 ;to': r•444•414; ..401449.14, ‘.44 .401,
333 41 '.41 L: .,t' 11".411'lle!‘ 'V 'AO* .tit : , ;10 .1111.101' .11
4,:tj • •,r.' 1.7 1.• ), •
LZ1• 7t1•1 1,1.! • ht.!. ,OL •°11.141.111!1- .11P.P • 1.4 3141, ..$ 3 4 54 '111ti.$1101,$ 1`41‘
pautLFZl(it141Ul1UC4447,, ‘141. 1171.71,11( t.# 111111 I, •4.4I1 iltil ,,11,,,,, .10:k,„it aint
Merrymett, eteeet. ear:Me/me me Leen.
wtteette netecem metesearp• pet tem lime :Wen- 'set ,V
1.74a 4 ')1341-':1"20.doteete Eeten a.ne
y .7,1.
teia"lep &1,r(et-'acttle..41,!'-1,-,,,,f•ct''''':::•:t71'1;7:tt'7,,e':,.,-*;.1t1;:a•tfil?1:2irms:, That 1, ciejetnemarittiat
ee'zrt:::•rn vett:anew -went et; 172'."04. ' 1.. nadermette net!: vest iiniletieem. •
of 01.'r? ri.,7eso t.n-est. r0"re, .. 47,3 4..4.144A14, 111+,
itte tree e,", -'=c5•• 1.,
4-; 41%14 fees.; 2411411 eteen mae•e.
it.s ,.. • 1 •t see! tett :Loewe: W., telemeter...lee 1.
. ,
, -, )
%%IL; ,411 .994I 49.J. 1`,44
,- • :
''" •
te., .,..1 444044441':I 44 L111111e.14111111141111..
7:3-....1"et-:T... 4 311%! ttr.14 tafort c•.:. cr:.•.-:? tr,a,,:.-- 1....1.,, 4 1..",3 1-':1."2:‘,.. ,:l. 1144.01'i.
tete te rE.,4:'...".,..e.l. Wert.!!".•stent ra-; r,-.'! ,..-.,!.
.;.",9 ce,,zei':..-.:7!., at1t.er.....:
l,..., ,:f',''• 'z07:7(.•12.';..,,tnr- : .,,•T,,.I.., m:'-,.- 1,, ,.. 11:' 446). ' 1 L '.. 1
trt::Irt,a 10414I2110 41 r.:,•.-:: ',ii .11 111. [,,z,c..,-.,.,..,
-._i_ e ;4n:tt,:116rr 7:\tr,,:t,751..:,:.;:$t.,: 4,L4 1;11,
-Tfr112 ',1 r,, dnr,,tt t,,4to-c„,I1,ni; 1.:/i, .
t•,:::in sie-ttn,
- ' - - .7a4 tr-,-..r,' a- ti r-,, 14141 94:.:»! • !••!.. ,11i...,L.I.r.1 erweelmi:
tent: en 414..; ••cf, 1-,-.•-.......,-,. • .. ., . -
14' f!r: "1.7 -41 , • ,-...% Etc, 1114 c.tr,,,,C 14e3., '..., .r. 'LS, , r,, 1,,, ,..•.
.1'1Er.:t1.:::..14 fEc..,;!.'4,21',. 441.414441 41X3 v.: ,• . 5.,1/
'. :-:, E. 1.7.41."-",'-
.1 .... DI It'. t...'k:'...LaC..c.-,:a
Ar _
". 0.1.14 1•••.,:,
.• 1 - "•:'
• 5.41 11 i0 4.0 a :4,0,',
.r • 0 4.:: •• !'• 71' A141.3,
teem 1...;° $ ft,:$
09 tan 0,71:0/1V,11t:
. Arm. .140.1.d! 6.5 rev Betties With
Melte wtic Ziediate.
ehlittineova. le. Se., tree. en- Feat
ithotitti. leen. !Iti4 Menet en seitiel 644441.
4144.44 nt teem emert(me and tee teem Leene
1441 eie %Vegeta .1,tieeiren, in the efeeeme
!I, ;filen tete mitt 11.1,7411. 111P: l'..117iIM.".r .40
110. ;mean, Teo ettweeteete wine
Mum: terion thee
loeten.;448)' ,mpipTi.14$1, 1111'0144
14. t .Pelt.1.41 tlako tylr- ort
mow.* or' a. •:an -A, Le L4. rer
l'4'•'44 4'; 019 ty 4,AV 0! Mee hive til,"V-C,D 4110
:,40p11t$ t111 1'6'2102.0A% tat -
1.4,441 ‘citr.Av
cv.ilriaztv ixerza FronGERv.
; Tamrt. 1/fa:41Cc'aI Farnity in Jail at
ISiagva refs.
Free, Johyt
W. pewee, etenetti tte a orctl known
vc..4r.ro tee Stem/Steel team:lei)
fI4114144'. 4' 441 17,,2.1.4-,r /4/ at .37.1.:1.2.1• koadgarar-
femme? the name of
resent C.L. a torte for orae 1e3*4-
ar4:1 duttatsitt favor
or. ulao lives
u.mor 5,t11 11,1 zas 34r05te.1
1'14011SP 71.1".$1, *Et* 5.211 44,01Att$IC14 for .
0, 41 1,9 4. T. 7.4 caltewel often...0 was
0.,,ese.ette14 11 1 016.' 1.140
IA .,...$1.`,"£.145.0! f.,;711.0 4111e loaalakt
1-.1•1.".4 ir,.i t Llatoo gq,roof 'Le losses,
,.••••.••••n••••••••••••••••...•••••••• "
Negro's Body found in the Thames
at Ingersoll,
Met on Bridge friday Night by Six
White Men,
The Crown Holds That There Was
!pase], p is body of
Mii.,,nertd..2er8D. - one:
Intialt Wright, a colored laborer, aged
thirty-foar,and re well known character'
around town, was found in the Theme.
about: O onloek tide Ilitnleing EOM:
twenty eards or et+ front the *Montt=
etreet bridge. It bore marks that led
to the ettepicion that death had net oc-
curred from natural mums. A. jury
was empannelled and an inqueet begun.
After the remains had been viewed gm
adjournment was made until ()enema'
eth at eV) o'clock in the TWO. gall.
Chief of Pollee Wright at once moved
to arrest the men belived to be remen-
eible for Wright's death, On the night
of September 22nd it 13 klInwts that the
dead man wee Inet on the Wonbant
street bridge by six white men. That
will, it is underetved be eltown in evi-
Ile was never afterwards seen alive,
and the theory of the police is that in
Otto couree'of a quarrel the colored aunt .
was beaten and thrown into the
Thames. That the men in whose com-
pany he was had eine, grudge against
Wright trat$ not established. The con-
dition of the body and the cause of
death will not be known until the
surgeons who made the post-mortem
to -night report, but it is generally be
liwas alive, When thrown iato the
ievveerd. that Wright, although badly beat-
Five Charged With Murder. •
Chief Wright and Constables Cook awl
Sherloek during the afternoon arrested
the following five men on a charge of
murder George Dennie, George Hart-
sell, George Bower, Thomas Wilson and
Ewart Bell. All are of Ingersoll and
of the laboring elites. In addition Jelin
Campbell, a earm laborer living to the
south of the town, is lteld on a charge
of vagrancy. It is believed that Camp-
bell was a witness of the affray, an41
that he is really held as a material
witness. The prisoners were broug te
before the Pollee Magietrate• to•niger., e
bUt Were not teeked to 'need. They
were remanded on instruetione from
the County Crown Attorney till Friday,
October MI,. and were theme fter con-
veyed to Woodstock jail. The ease
has created a very meet deal of excite-
ment here, arid 141705446; gatherml eround
Otto Town Hall during the Mating.
Weriab Wright, the victim, was a well
built, powerful -negro tif a decidedly
. combative disposition. He Ined been.
'several Munn in the Pollee roillt. but
Chief Wright eald to -night that so far
as be knew the men under rennet had
no opeelal mute for attacking him.
They were the last people Seen in the
victim's company, .and his 'betty having
been found almost where they met him,
there was nothinebfor it. but to hold
them. The nseertained facts made the
MC highly suspicious.
---• ' t
London, Oct. 2. -In the October
number of The Fortpightly lteview there
is a twelve -page article .entitled eNoteeje
on a Citizen Army," by Lord Dundonald.re
"That such an organization as a eitieen
tinny for home defence is feasible hem
always been believed, and my recent ex-
perience with the citizen militia of Can-
ada has given Inc practical proof of the
soundness of my belief," he write. Lord
Dundonald entirely disapproves ef com-
pulsory military service for adult,: in
time, of ileace. "The basis, or starting
point, at any sebeme for it large volute:
tary citizen army tuna be the military
training of boys."
Lord Dundonald, after a lengthy re-
yiew of his own work in Canada. says:
"In the past. all the efforts of eononiel
Governments to maintain an ormehieed
forme in readiness for Imperial pur-
poses, have been doomed to failure, ,std
there has been nothing in the histeey
of the last five years to lead us to ex-
pect a, aline of attitade, but all he
advantages sought for might be eb.'
tnined without, any of the accompanying
objections by applying the bonus syw
tem to the colonial forces. A merited
war service reserve might be instituted
for whielt, 114 nm rertain, whole regiments
of colonial Militia would volunteer. My
enperienee of the Canadian citizen me- ,
deers convinces true that numy eel:enemas
aould thus volunteer en mime to take
part in the campaigns of the mother
Lord Dundonald mentions Major Atom
rieon, and other officers of the Ottawa
militia corps, who took part in the nee ,
peditiou to Thibet, "Recent changes in
Otto higher aduentetration of the anytime
al forces of Venetia and Australia have
lirought about something like a divorce
between the imperial and colonial mile
tare- organizations. It is not necessary
eangers,ofel1a X::nl;.wO10
quettian of Inglerial unity is emiously
affeettil by itee+
C. P. R. on Track of Systematic Looting
at St. John, N. B.
119,s.'1;icte. Jitk:41‘"el, f,Xeiva.1419a. tlieettn.jo2i;:ltItt:arlienteoltt
Louse and held it as part of the prop. „nee
etty stolen from C. P. II. passengers&-'
!Laggage in transit through here.
During the year the t'. P. 11, has paid
thousands of dollars Maims for trans.
Attantie baggage Stolen from paeteeteeers.
•The robleeriee emisisted chiefly of jewe0
ry and -valuable artieles.
sollna'hemirikotivizir;iietsi et‘yetzettelostlittl:iitttae4tirgye pbeer:
• fore it, W01.1 11114 011 the steamers going
Ito Europe or tater being taken from
istemners coming to tUarata,
Aboat Petty Townships Seen to to
Ready for Settlement.
The provincial survey liattieti which
meows. mlien nbegra .01 tonet,birt
v1.1140 their mork by Nov. Ist et there.
Ineeteleeert et nork ell summer in the
:mutton distliet. OAP P11/411110(41( to eon.
14,14,' bet% Mkt . Ott tbi• lloW Ilti
fhu*illig`tted it ie %Aliment that the
tut 441111181a 11 1111444 _;atto to Matte about
I Cod4l't('4447,