HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-09-28, Page 80I.00M.M1111.10,Y.Y..Y..ML0•11.IM'..MIIM.._nYrM sow ssasltrso-wwlww THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1905, i 1 MEN'S SHOES. Perhaps you had better stop in and try on your new Fall Shoes. We have all sizes and widths, and we want them to fit you perfectly. Besides, there are several new styles out for Fall wear and we are not positive which- will please you best. Everything, that's right in Men's Shoes, is here. The "swell and swagger" Shoe, as well as the sen- sible and comfortable business proposition, in Shoe Leather. Pay $2.50 or $3.00, or go up to $3.50 or $5,00, if you think so much of your feet. Remember, we sew free all rips in Shoes bought of us. New Stock of Trunks and Valises to hand. W. J. Greer, The Shoer . ®I JI I I.I IY 111 1 ® I .1 0111110 I.1I I ISI fall /IISt Itincn2. I desire to acknowledge with thanks the attendance of the ladies of Wingham and vicinity at the Millinery opening. Those who entrust us with orders may feel assured that no effort will be spared to execute them with neatness and prompt- ness. All the latest in shapes, trim- mings, etc., are still waiting your inspection. Our long experience, combined with first-class work, encourages us to hope for a con- tinuance of your esteemed patron- age. Satisfaction guaranteed. Miss Boyd jfatt lll�iltiner�. We sincerely thank the ladies of Wingham and vicinity for the kind inspection of our stock of taimmed Millinery, and also for the numerous orders we were favored with. Further orders will be grate- fully received, and shall receive prompt and careful attention. The stock is entirely new, just fresh from the wholesale houses. We will show full lines of the latest styles, and guarantee good workmanship. A fall line of the latest trimmings. The Misses Little (Park's Old Stand, Next Door to Post Office) -AT cooper's Book Store you will find a complete stock of Public and High School Books. Three Scribblers for 5e. A new lot of Manilla Book Covera just received.; one goes free with each School Book -a great protection. Cushion few beautiful Cu A t£ s Tops and Girdles left over - froin Bargain Day, to be sold cheap. COOPER & CO. (Successors to Alex, Ross) liarmaisaisameimese rr.irrtn/ CAME ESTRAY. 1 1 0 On to the premises of undersigned, lot 20, con. 1, Kinloss, about Sept. 20th, three two-year-old steers. Own- er is requested to prove property, pay expenses and remove. J. T. HOLMES, 5-7. Whitechurch. CAME ESTRAY. On to the premises of the under- signed about September Oth, a two- year old heifer. Owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and remove. JOS. W. WALKER 4-6 Tnrnberry. Farm For Sale Or Rent. 103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; 75 acres under cultivation. Good house ; new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED E. ELLIOTT, 51-tf Thedford, Ont. Farm For Sale. A choice farm of 140 acres, within 4 miles of Wingham, has been placed in my hands for immediate sale. Abner Cosens Loan and Insurance Agent Money loaned on farm property at 5X. Farm For Sale. One hundred acres, in good state of cultivation, within three miles of the Town of Wingham; first-class build- ings; price reasonable. Apply Box 15, ADVANCE OFFICE. Wingham. Farm For Sale. Wroxeter. Miss Mather of Hincardine is a visi- tor at the manse, Now that wheat and cattle are so much reduced in price, is it not about time we were getting a like reduction. in the price of beef and a lunch larger loaf i' We az'e informed that John Brawn, son of De, Brawn, has bought out an old established drug business in To- ronto. at the corner of Spadina avenue and King street t it is a good stand and we hope Jack will do well. Mrs. Wm. Sanderson, of Queen St,., has sold her residence to Jas. Allen, druggist of this village. We con- gratnlate Mr. Allen on the purchase, as it is a very desirable lot, but at the same time we regret losing Mrs. San- derson, who we believe purposes to reside in Hamilton in future. Mrs. John Hobson of Oregon, and her four children, arrived Thursday last on a visit to her mother and sis- ters on Mill street, It is about 20 years since she went west, and no doubt the meeting, after so long a separation, would be a happy one, al- though changes on all parties would be recognized. Farmers are now busy harvesting their corn and potatoes ; both are re- ported a good average crop and for- tunately the potatoes are as yet free from rot and are of excellent quality. We hear very unfavorable reports of the turnip crop ; indeed owing to a blight, a large proportion of the crop will not be worth taking up, which will be quite a loss. Cause Of Insomnia. Indigestion nearly always clisttubs the sleep more or less and is often the cause of insomnia. Many cases have been permanently cured by Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. Belgrave. Mrs. Bartley is visiting her daugh- ters in Detroit. Mr. David Sproat attended the Sea - forth Fair last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brandon are visit- ing the latter's brother, G. B. Wray in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Scandrett are visiting friends at Ripley and also at- tending the Fair. Mr, R. Corley had a sudden call on Saturday last to attend the bedside of his father at Lindsay, who is very sick. Henry Brandon is having the out- side of his house brick veneered, which will add to its appearance as well as warmth. Mr. A. Bridges has let the contract to rebuild his barn to Mr. Leggat, and a gang of men are now in the bush getting out timber. Mrs. Loveless of London has return- ed to her home after spending a couple of weeks with her brothers, Thos. and John Scandrett. Mr. Edward Bryans is recovering nicely from injuries received by being run into by the freight train last week at Belgrave station. Harvest home services were held in Trinity Church, Belgrave last Sunday. It being Rev. Edmond's last service before leaving for his new field, the church was well filled and beautifully decorated. The Hunting Season. Get away from .your every day life and enjoy a few weeks' sport in the highlands of Ontario. Single fare rate will be in effect to all hunting grounds, including the Temagami re- gion, "the sportmen's new paradise". For further particulars call on agents. Belmore. Mrs. Baker has returned from her • visit to Harriston and Clifford. - Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Teeswater, visited old friends here last Monday. Miss Jennie McKee, nurse -in -train- ing at New York City, is home for a two weeks' vacation. Mr. S. Richardson has gone back to the Soo to take a position with the Bay Mills Co. at a salary of $1200 per year and all expenses. Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, in the 1st conces- sion of Kinloss, consisting of one hun- dred and six acres, seventy cleared, in - pasture for several years and in good_ condition. There is a log house, good well, and a good barn with stone stabling underneath. This property is within half a mile of the village of Whitechurch. Apply to MRS. MARGARET TUMOTU 3-5 Whitechurch. Farm For Sale Or Rent. Lot 4.5, con. 0, Tnrnberry, one mile south of Belmore, consisting of 182 acres, is offered for sale or rent. Eight acres of hardwood bush, about 25 acres swamp land, and the remain- der ander cultivation. Brick house, bank barn, windmill, silo, well -water- ed and everything in first-class condi- tion. Apply to JOHN MULVEY, 5-7. Belmore P. 0. Farm For Sale. The east half of Lot 35, Con. 12, East Wawanosh, containing 100 acres • 85 acres clear and in good state of cultivation (50 acres in grass), and 20 acres good timber ; good frame house. barn, implement shed, a barn he. y sheep pen and hogpens; two good wells p e s andgood orchard • situate 4. miles from Town f Wingham.' For terms apply to ROBERT SIIIELL, or R. VANATONE Fordyce P.O. Barrister, Wingham Dated this 12th day of July, 1905, Have You Tried Butternut Bread They all like it and .-• sound its praises. Try ea - it and be convinced. se " Wo have the most tasty, tooth- "' some Cakes. Why sweat, baking this " hot weather. Jest call on us ---we fill • • 1 the gap, and guarantee satisfaction. .� J. C. LACKi E NORTH END BAKER R HAVE YOU A BOOS ? or are you inch powient? lF you are snaking money for some one else, gnitand make money for yourself. Get out of slavery and be free Write G. 1t(AesrtAtt & Co., London. They wi5show you the way. They have started thousands oft the road to freedom. Seven dollars a dsy, every day in the year, is be- ing reade handling thci. goods, Write now. time is money, One of the most successful anniver- sary services ever held in connection with the Methodist Church of this village, took place on Sunday and Monday last. Both Sunday services were well attended, Rev. Mr. Cosens preaching morning and evening to a delighted audience. On Monday even- ing, at the Harvest Home dinner, the church was packed and an exception- ally fine program rendered. The pro- ceeds, together with the extra contri- butions, amounted in all to $102.75 ; this almost clears off the remaining debt. '1' A Remedy Without A Peer. "I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," says J. P. Klote of Edina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach, biliousness or constipation, these Tab- lets are without a peer. For sale by all druggists. DR. OVENS, of London, Surgeon, fits glasses properly. Treats diseases EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Office :-McKib- bon's drugstore, Wingham, TUES- DAY, Octoer 17. Hours 1.45 to 0. H. Brown, Ran and Metal Co., buy- ing all kinds of irides, wool and pick- ings, rubber, copper and feathers of all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if brought to house, five cents a hundred extra. It Is Not Too Late to begin a course in Book-keeping, Stenography or Telegraphy, at tho Wingham Business College. Students are admitted any time and receive individual instruction in all subjects necessary t� fit them to por- forrn the work of the business office in a satisfactory manner. Begin this week if convenient. A postal will bring yon full information. We make a specialty of Fight Classes; hours 7 to 10; five nights Weekly. Terns easy. Eziroli now. N. Reginald Pletcher, Principal deo. Spotton, President, 12 yrs, teaching experience Blyth, Mr. W. Mason has a neat verandah erected to bis residence on Ring St. Mrs, R. W. Tanner of Toronto is visiting Mrs, Geo. Powell this week. i11r. Thos. Jones has arrived home fz'onr England after being away two tnonths in the old land, Blyth fair will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, October 10th and llth. Wingham band has been secured to furnish music on the second day. Mr, J. A. Jackson, B. A., a former Blyth lawyer, has been nominated by the Conservatives to represent the constituency of ?'onoke, in the Alberta legislature. Harvest Thanksgiving services were held in Trinity Church on Sunday, Rev, Mr. Hicks of Simcoo preached morning and evening ; the church was beautifully decorated with grain and flowers. R. B. Carter, who went to Toronto as short time ago to attend the college of pharmacy, has been obliged to re- turn to his home here, owing to ner- vousness. His doctor has ordered him to take a rest for two months'. Anniversary services in connection with the Methodist Church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 22nd. Rev. G. N. Hazen of Goderich will he the speaker ; on the following Monday evening the ladies will serve a supper in the basement of the church. Miss W. E. Thompson. who has been teaching in McGowan's school in East Wawanosh for the past two years, has been secured to teach the third department of Blyth public school. She will succeed Miss Kirkby, who will shortly leave for the west. Mr. P. D. Tansley, manager of the Wingham office•of the Bell Telephone Co., was in the village last week at- taching the long-distance equipment to all telephones. Two new telephones were also installed, one in Mr. Jaynes McMurchie's bank and the other in Mr. Frank Metcalf's residence. It is less than two years since a telephone system was inaugurated in Blyth and there are now 22 subscribers. A happy event transpiredi rei in the e R. C. Church, when Miss Nellie Mc- Laughlin Laughlin of town was united in matrimony to Mr. Win. Kelly of Morris. The bride's costume was cream eolienne with white beaver hat. Miss Eva Bell assisted sted the bride, and Mr. John McLaughlin attended the groom. Rev. Father Laurendeau per- formed the ceremony; the happy couple will take up housekeeping on the groom's farm in Morris. Throw Medicines To The Dogs ! At best they are unpleasant, often useless. You have some disease of the nose, throat or lungs. Doctors tvould call it bronchitis, asthma or catarrh.. The common root of these diseases is germ or microbic irritation, Catarrhozone not only destroys the disease germs, it does more, it heals diseased and inflamed tissue. The disease is not only cured, but its re- turn is forever prevented by using Ca- tarrhozone which is splendid for colds, coughs and irritable throat. Remember yon inhale Catarrhozone- Nature's own cure -use no other but Catarrhozone- it's the best catarrh cure made. i' Howick. Mr. Hooey of Wingham, spent a few days at Lakelet recently. Howick Fall Fair will be held in Gorrie on Saturday, Oct. 7th. Be sure and be present, Mr. Porterfield, V. S., of Gorrie, has purchased the Hepinstall property and will move to Fordwich. The cheese for :the last half of August from Fordwich cheese factory were shipped to London for cold stor- age last week, price 110c. The patrons of the Springbank cheese and Butter factory contem- plate purchasing the plant from Mr. Smith, the, present owner, and run- ning it on the joint stock method. The farmers are at present busily engaged in threshing their grain and the yield is very satisfactory except fall wheat which is not yet yielding so well as was anticipated in the former part of the season. The farmers in this neighborhood are looking for an inferior crop of roots, as the dry weather increased the ravages of the turnip louse, but the heavy rains of Saturday night and Sunday may arrest their ravages. Willie Wilson, who left a short time ago for the North-west, is at present assisting Jos. Astleford to harvest an 80 acre field of wheat, and he reports the yield very heavy and the country is in a jubilant condition. On Sunday and Monday, Oct. 1st and 2nd, anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church, New- bridge. On Sunday the Rev. C. P. Wells, B. A., B. D., will preach at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p. m., and on Monday evening the annual entertainment will be held. Council met Sept. 16th ; members all present. A petition signed by five rate- payers was presented to the Council by P. Brawn asking the Council of Howick to act in conjunction with the Tp. of Minto to open up for public travel the boundaty line across the C. P, R. track ; no action taken. Mr. Harris waited on the Council asking for damages, his horse having cone through a culvert on the Oth con. ausing damages to the horse and buggy. The council agreed to pay Mr. Harris $5. Mr. Alex. Littlejohn asked the Council to clean out the open part of a ditch on the road opposite his place which they agreed to do. The Coun- cil agreed to give him $1.25 to clean out said ditch. The applications of R. Ross, and Al- bert Cooper, for the Collectorships were accepted. By -late No. 13 to borrow money to erect a new school in S. S, No. 14, Howick and Wroxeter passed. Salem. Mrs. J. W. "Green left last Monday morning for Toronto. Miss 0. McMichael of Wroxeter, spent lastk pwee with her sister, Mrs. 1). L. Weir. Rev. Mr. Osterhont will commence special services at this place in the near future. Miss Ada Gallaher intends leaving this week for Ft month's visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mitchell spent last week visiting friends in and artlund Moleswort r. A number from here attended the services in Delmore on Sunday last, and also the Harvest home supper on Monday eVoning, Ci rey, Corn -cutting is tate order of the day in this locality. HallNext Council meeting will be held on Monday Oct, 16th, at theTowuship . guite a number from here will at- tend the I.S.' wocedidetingy.. of Miss Maty Lynn on Wednesday. Some of our farmers will enter for the turnip and mangle competition. in connection with East Huron Agri - o tilt ural Ethel public school pupils are prac- ticing a fancy drill and intend enter- ing the competition at Brussels Fair on Friday Oct. Otlt. Judge's Voters' List Court will be held at 17thel for Grey Township en \Vednesdav, Oct, 4th at 10 o'clock. There are 20 appeals entered, Eli Smith sold a fine six year old mare, well known by the name of "Blossom" to W. 5, Dickson, of Wal- ton, for the handsome stun of $225. Mr, 0, F. Gillespie Teacher in S. S. No. 4 attended the public examination at S. S. No. 10, Morris, last Friday ; consequently there was a half -holiday. Miss Clara Bryans went to Brussels 011 Monday, where she will take up the art of dressmaking with Miss Eastman of Verge -tem & Co.'s estab- lishment, A. reception will be bold at the resi- dence of Mr. Harry Attwood on Fri- day evening of this week, the occasion being in honor of his son, .Tosh, and his bride. Congratulations extended. Operations will commence this week on the new cement bridge at McFar- lane's, 2nd con., which will be a good move in the right direction, as the bridge has been condemned and not safe for some time past. Mrs. Newton McCauley, who under- went a very serious but successful operation a short time ago, has been removed to Brussels where she will receive treatment from the doctor who performed the operation. Mr. Robt. McKay of Ethel took charge of the services in Roe's church last Sabbath morning in a very ac- ceptable manner ; the pastor was on a holiday trip to Detroit and Windsor. Next Sabbath morning, Rev. Arm- strong will preach to the children. The contract for the new steel bridge, known as Mitchell's, 12th con., was let last Monday to Hill & Co., of Mitchell, for the sun;, of $2,050. This does not include cement abutments. The length of the hx•idge will be 120 feet over all. Work will be done this Fall. - Morris. Geo. and Mrs. Jackson, 6th line, ex- pect to leave for a holiday trip to Detroit, Ypsilanti, Northville and other points. Wm. Skelton, of this township, and Wm. Jackson, of Blyth, are away on a holiday trip to the West. They will visit relatives and friends. Mr. E. Bryans, who met with an ac- cident at Belgrave station. was not seriously hurt, and came off better than was expected ; it was a close call. A large company numbering about 100, assembled at the residence of Jas. Speir• last Friday evening and cele- brated the china wedding of the host and hostess. Ebenezer Church anniversary ser- mons will be preached on Sabbath, Oct. Sth, at 2.30 and 7 p.rn. On Mon- day evening following a musical and literary entertainment will be held. An old and highly esteemed resident of the 7th line, hi the person of Alex. McCall, passed that bourne from whence no traveller returns last Sun- day morning about 8.30 o'clock. For the past 14 months he had been bed- fast, chiefly through a fall in which the right thigh was broken. He was an industrious, thrifty man, a good neighbor, an indulgent father and a kind husband. The Council met Sept. llth, pursu- ant to adjournment ; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Mr. John Parrott appeared before the Council, requesting that his� pro- perty be withdrawn from S. S. No. 1 and annexed to U. S. S. No. 12, Morris and Hullott. After considering the matter, it was moved by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Kelly --That this Council take no action -curried. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows : For gravel --J; Smith $4.06, Jno. Barr $1.92, J. Smith, sr., $3.85, Jno. Scott $16.31, E. McMillan $3.78, J. Farquharson $2.28, D. Agar $3.66, R. Johnston $0.82, A. Shaw $1, Geo. Armstrong $4.20, A. Mooney $6.24, W. Taylor $5.31, D. Jewitt $3.90, Jas. Cruikshank $4.90, A. Pollock $6.48, Geo. Koxr 32.04, W. H. Knox $6.52, Eneas Crich $1.75, E. Lundy 78c ; G. T. R. Co., freight, 35c ; A. Campbell, use of scraper, 50c ; W. J. Henderson, use of scraper, 75c ; C. Maguire, assis- tance on deviation road, $3.40 ; W. J. Geddes, lumber, $5.25 ; S. T. Plum, re- pairing grader, $6.90 ; H. Alcock, work and cement tile, $23 ; P. Farr, cement tile, $25 ; Jas. Davis, drawing gravel, $1; M. Nichol, putting in culvert, $3.75 ; D. Breckenridge, drawing tile, $2.25 ; E. Irvine, putting in culverts, $7.50 ; Treasurer, Hullott, expenditure on S. boundary, $55.10; A. Kelly, re- pairing culverts, $3.50 ; M. Healy, cleaning award ditch, $5 ; H. Fear, gravelling, $3 ; Geo. Bowes, tile, $1 ; Jas. Snell, repairing ditch, $3 ; E. Livingstone, lumber, 6.25 e G. g , Read - man, repairing culvert, $4 ; Wm. Mc- Call, repairing culvert, $1 ; McKinnon Bros„ gravelling on W. boundary, $59.20 ; W. Sellars, repairing roadway $4 ; T. Code, expenses R. Feri•and drain and Bodmin bridge, $5. On motion of Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. McCuteheon, 13y -law No. 8, 1905, was duly read and passed. The Council then adjourned to meet on October 16th, W, Clarke, Clerk, .1, Bluevale. Messrs, Duff 8c Stewart will rebuild the mill clam, Misses Cora Messer and Pearl Baker are attending the Model school at Stratford this session. We wish the young ladies success, The postofiice will be transferred to ] Y the Messer store as Jose rix Leeeli - 1, r e si ned the postmastersbrp and Mr. Messer has been appointed. Cured Of Lathe Back After 15 Years Of Suffering. "1 had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a com- hplete reeovety .n the use of Chamirer- ain'a PAW 13altn," says John (1. Bislr- er, Gillam, Ind. This liniment is also without an a nal for sprains and bruises, For sale by all druggists. Rousing Prices For Economical Buyers This Week At "The dee Hive." • Remember, Every Dollars' Worth to be Cleared Out Your Dollars And Gents Will Make Money For You This Week At THIS STORE. Record Prices For Quick Buyers. Fine Scotch Gingham worth 13e, now per yard $ .08 Best 15c Sateens now per; yd .10 Choice Cretonnes worth 121e now .08 Figured black Dress G-oods worth $1, now per yd .50 Grey Flannel worth 30c, now .2I Military Flannel worth 40e now.82 Extra quality Scarlet Flannel, bargain price .32 $6 Heavy wool doable :shawls 4.00 $1 Heavy wool double Shawls2.75 50c Wool Fascinators now .39 75c White- Wool Shawls now .60 50c Heavy Underwear now .39 Men's $1 fine Flannel Shirts .75 Men's 25e Silk Neckwear now.15 Men's 50e Silk Neckwear now.85 Overcoat Muffiers regular 50e .35 Overcoat Mufflers regular 75c .60 Overcoat Mufflers regular $1 .75 Men's $1 fine Kicl Gloves now.75 Girls' heavy Undervests, special, two for .25 Large Lace Collars regular $1... , .75 Large Lace Collars regular 85c.60 Hand Bags worth 90c each now.60 Ladies' .SU and 3.50 Silk Waists 1.50 0 Ladies' $1.75 Fancy Waist, size 84 1.00 Ladies' $1.40 Fancy Waist, size 34 .75 50c Sumner Corsets now .25 Special value 75c Corsets .58 Extra value $1 Corsets now .75 3 Balls Clarke's Brilliant Crochet .10 3 Men's newest 15c Linen Collars .25 Men's $1.50 latest shape Hats 1.00 Men's $2.00 latest shape Hats 1.45 Men's $2.25 latest shape Hats 1.60 Ladies' 156 Collars for .10 Ladies' 25c Collars for .15 Ladies' & Girls' Ringwood Gloves .20 A few only of the many bargains in store for you at The Bee Hive Clean Sweep Sale. Now Is The Tiinle To Buy Overcoats. Cold wenth°r is coming and you'll soon need an overcoat and it will pay you to buy it now. The Big Clean Sweep Sale prices will move our stock out rapidly. Come etu•ly and get first choice. Every Overcoat at bargain price. We will save you from $2 to $4 on your new Overcoat. A splendid stock for men and boys to select from. Twenty-two Boys. We put on sale this week for quick selling, twenty-two Boys' three-piece Snits with long or short pants. This lot is sized from 31 to 35 and will be cleared out away below cost of manu- facture. This is a bargain chance whichnl your y comes yo ax way once and you cannot afford to pass it by. Dress (foods and Ladies' Jackets. There's been wonderful Dress Goods selling during the past week at The Bee Hive -'"reasons of course" -high quality, newest weaves and colorings. and the magnet of lowest prices are great trade winners at this • busy store. 25c to 50c saved on every dol- lar is an item worth your considera- tion. We are having a great sale of Ladies' Jackets in colors of black, dark grey and silver grey -$5 Jackets for $3, $7 Jackets for $5, $10 Jackets for $6,50, and $12 Jackets for $8.50. A Visit To The Store Will be of More Value to You Than Yards of Advertising. Don't Miss Your Share Of the Bargains to be hacl at the CLEAN SWEEP SALE of Bankrupt Stock at Trxn BEE Hit rr. FOR SALE CHEAP. -Two good Safes, also two good Computing Scales. The Bee Hive Dry Goods Co. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, Notice to Contractors Tenders will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Turn - berry, up to 8 o'clock p. m. of the 9th day of October next, for the enlarge- ment of the Mnnicipal Main Drain in the 12th concession of the Township of Tnrnberry; also for the digging and tiling with 10 inch tile, of a brandy drain on lot 20, concession 12. The Main drain is 8>2 miles long. and the branch is 178 rods long. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office at the township Clerk, in the village of Blnevale. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contractor will be required to sign agreement satisfactory to the Council. By order. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk Tp, of Turnberry- Blnevale, Sept. 28th, 1905. THE NORTHERN NAVIGATION Co. Hunters' Excursions. When planning your hunting trip this Fall, bear In mind THE B11.ST GROUNDS for Moose or Doer aro to be found near points reached by The Northern Navigationn Co. Excursion rates when in effect will apply from all points over our steamers. Fall Service Now in Effect. For Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth -Steam- ers leave Sarnia 3.30 p.m. Sopt.16th 20th 22nd 25th. 29th ; sailings on I5th and 25th through to Duluth. Other sailings later. For Killarney, North Channel Ports and Soo. -Steamers leave Collingwood at 1.30 p.m., Owen Sound 11 pan., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. For Parry Sound, Byng inlet and French River. -Steamers leave Collingwood 12.45 p.m., Mondays and Thursdays. Last trip of "City of Toronto" Sept'r. lath. After that, Str. Jno, Leo fills route. Tickets and information at all Grand Think and C. P. R. .Agents. H. ii. Gildersleeve, Mgr., Collingwood C. 11. Nicholson, Traff. Mgr., Sarnia To The Real Estate Buyer No Matter Where Located. ( I ani absolutely euro 1 am in a position to save you some money, unless the circum stances under which you buy aro very ex- ceptional. I can and shall make It profitable for you to buy through me 1' am In n touch with pro- perty o- perty owners in every part of ocuntry, and have On my lists to -day, properties (both in town acid country) that cannot bo extolled either in quality or price. a It building difference 10 O00o0t farm 1 want to hear from you, C. 3. MAGUIRE heal Potato and Business Transfer. (Omoe--Vanstone Block, Wingham) 0 anti Chamberlain's 3%141211edy, Never hili% Bioy it Mow. It tray save We. Single Fare For Hunters Good going October '26th to November 7th, inclusive, to Muskoka Lakes. Lake of Bays, Magnetcwan River, Midland, Ponetang, Lakefteld, All stations Argyle to Coboconk, Lindsay to Hal- ihurton, Severn to North Bay. All points in Temagami,on T. & N. O. Ry., points on the Northern 1ay. Co., (Georgian Bay and Mac- kinaw Division) also to Sault Ste. Marie and Port Arthur via N. N. Co. Good going October 10th to November 7th, to points Mattawa to Port Arthur, in. elusive. All tickets valid returning until Decomber-9th. SPECIAL ONE-WAY COLONIST PARES To points in British Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, NVashington. etc. On sale daily Sept. 16th to October 31st. ' For tickets and full information, call On L. HAROLD, Town Agent. J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Will Sell HARVEST EXCURSION TICKETS To the NORTH WEST Winnipeg 330.00 Sheho 333.50 Mowbray Regina } 33.76 Deloraino 31.50 Lipton Souris Mooselaw 31.00 Brandon 31.65 Humbolt 35.00 Lyleton Saskatoon 35.26 Lenore 32 00 Prince Albert } 36 00 Miniota } Molfort flinscarth 32.25 Battlefort 37.00 Moosomin 32.20 MacLeod 38.00 Arcola 3.1.50 Calgary 38.50 Estovan } Red Deer 39.50 Y orkton 33.00 Stratheona 40.60 Kamsaok Going Sept, 20th, returning until Nov. 27th. Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Agent, or write C. B. Foster, D.P.A., Toronto. Don't Miss the examination of our lino now rata- legue if you have an idea of a Collcgo Course. - o. It explains . all 11 about our modern Methods, fine equipment and strongostaff. A. postal will bring it, Address Yonge & Gerrard Ste., Toronto. NV`, 1I. SHAW, PRINCIPAL P all Term froin c5th, Sot. t. a �.