The Wingham Advance, 1905-09-21, Page 7r.
made to make the day memorable, The
inaugural train will arrive seine time
OIL Stitutdity afternoon. It is planned to
have Ills Donor the Lieutenant-tiovea. '
" 14E WI
nor, Premier Whitney and Don. 41 S. , . Wifri\ RL 0
Hyman here aa well as tho alayore feud L.
Presidents of lioitrds a Treed() oa ear- N. 4. Batchelor,. of Itfont•real, hilie
eowege nclues ono town& special. tratne laintiell by tut overdose of morphine,
' will be ?tut froro several points. A lunch- Romano Diturignace who lata eerve
eon will he awed in the armories during a term. in a French prison, was &parte
the day. A big demonetratien is Mao Imo' the United attates.
A. S.. ailing Craft With a Black flag riving at mast. planned, folltnved by a concert at algid,
SHAKING zuriy, marketed at C. 1). IL points on tieturday
head. Swoops Down
!•Itiativo authority lout 41 prevent :mar- '
diet. Tbe people fear the emtletwa, who,
•In large- Itionbers are armed with. Ru5.
i& iin4 apantseo rifle&
Breach of prennitio of marriage b the
.alleged cause for the writ melted by a
Mies Cohere= ehims 3a100 as a salve
(1 for hm. wounded heart.
. , ; Tbere was 230,000 buelleIs of wheat
The bulk of tlie grain was received i
Fire ItaOnt 11aidst Of Sea A41(la to Sicily's
upon a. tbicago Yacht Club and Attacks the Mem-
, Rome, Sept. U. -Another earthquake
bers But is Driven Of by Police occurred to-tley in the Province of 11fera
Philadelphia 5urgeon R.emoves Man's Heart and
Replaces it, and the Man SOU Lives,
Cticitgo, Sept. 18, -With a black flag Removed Man's. Head,
fiaing from its neastbeati end its oucto New York, S.ept. 18.---.1
pante armed, a sailing craft appeared off dealeatell to tho Herald says that the re-
alm foot of 1313rd street yeeterday after- movat of a. man's beating heart front itis
body tout its replacement after
amine and, after a. battle with members a bullet
Mut beca ce•tracted from •the regiott adja,-
io.t the Douglas Yacht Club, in which the mit to it, bits been accomplished. by the
;latter were forced, to appeal to the poll;e, phyeielans et tho Germantown, Phuatlel-
.weighett •anchor and insappeared m the Phut, IlusPita),
direction of South Chicago. Prank Robinson 23 years oltl, of tier -
The "pirate" gap, the ponce say, was mania -mu, was shot on SeOt, 7, by Police -
emu by scores of peoelo on the shore, man Morley., while the latter wee tryine
Site dropped anchor less thou half a Ingo to arrest han• (-1:110 bullet entered Rob'''.
out in the lake, and her sailors clam. loam's cheat the left side. Ile was
bared over the sides into a. yawl and harried to Oto Germantown llospitat
were rowed to the Yachle Club building,- where it was believed his heed had Licen
Carrying rifles and other weapons, tho struck.
invaders attacked a uumber of persons Soule of the mast eminent physicians
mato were sitting on tho porea of the of tho city were called into coneultation.
{Wilding. The email house party Wore Portions of two ribe were removed, ex.
tamity tented, end telephoned rue polka posing the heart to view. No evidence
U f a bullet could, be seen, so the surecon
As the first of the policemen appeared with great care partly removed the° or -
the 'pirates"• hurried to th•eir yawl aud gait from the body.
rowed back to their yaeht and sailed The bullet was found embedded in the
away. flesh within infraction of an inelt of the
The pollee believe that the "pirates" heart, upon which it luta caused plas-
m.° youthful burglars who live in the sure, The heart was then replaced and
dietricts south of Hyde Park, and who the ribs returned and covered with flesh.
have long been watited for a ecries of There is every probability that Robinson
robberies, wilt .entirely reeover.
Welcomed at Toronto -Ovation to Gokiwin Smith
-Strike Votes.
' Toronto,' Ont., Sept. 13. --The twenty-
4 anneal convention of the Trades
nd Label; Congress *nod this morn-
ing in the Labor Temple, with about 150
delegates present, including seven visit.
ing leading labor men from Philadelphia,
Chicago, St. Paul, Now York, Boston and
Cincinnati. The morning was nearly all
taken op with the official welcome. Act.-
ing-Mayor Ward appeared. for Lite City
Council, and Presideut Hungerford ex-
tended the welcorao of the Toronto
Trades Council.
Prof. Goldwin Smith, who was intro-
duced 013 one of the staunchest friends
of labor, received an ovation. In the
eourso of his address he made two recom-
mendations: That all votes for strikes
should be taken by ballot, and that
every married man should have two
$acioo,000 FOR THE KING.
Philadelphia's Mayor Makes a Bold Move The
-Is Threatened by Riotous Crowds.
1 hiladelphia, Pa., Sept. ID, In a re
makable declaration of independence
hlayor Weaver to -night retta himsel
out of the Republican organization it
Philadelphia and pledged himself t
turn over his whole administrative fore
toward the -overthrow of the organize.
Immediately following this address
which was made first at one town meet
0 ing held at the Broad Street Theatre
and was later repeated at two aim
meetings of a similar character, the in
veseigating committee, created by coun-
t:Ile tor inquiry into the acts of Wea-
ver, held tt, hurried and extraordinare.
t tough not officially, that the mayen
t on. At its close it was reported,
was to be impeached upon charges cov-
ering a period of time from his election
as diebect attorney four years ago. lf
possible, he ••was to be sent to prisen.
The war was to be of the bitterest kina
and. neither men nor money spared. -
Capture of the Academy of al este, the
only fit phtee to hold a town meeting
in Philadelphia, by the gang,. lea to the
apiitting up of toolightte citizens' gath-
ering. - 'When. the town meeting was
called it was stated that it would be
held at the Academy. When the re
formers went to get the Academy they
found they could not. ft had been
leased until after the election, said the
:smiling manager.. - Ile would not say
who had leased it. It leaked out to-
day that an agent of the gang had
taken it over until after the November
election and had paid $25,000 for the ',wt.
vilege.„ • .•
On his way to the Broad Street Thea-
tre *the mayor was jostled and threat-
ened by riotous crowds, who apparently
only awaited tt. signal to overturn las
carriage. Police rushed out to the res-
cue when the theatre entrance was
cached and Weaver passed through a
c etible line of cops into the place.
I is declaration being the first of the
kina Republican Philadelphia has ever
heard may be worth quoting. It is as
"I hereby and oow pledge the support
of the administration in all its peas
and in all its powers for 'the overwhelm-
ing defeat at the polls of the organiza-
tion in November."
It vas received with faint applattee.
Even his friends feel he is making a
mistake and placing a powerful weapon
Crown Inherits Two Fortunee
Through Death of a Recluse.
' London, Sept, 17. -King Edward has just
Inherited a large fortune from Captain Wil-
son, who lived the last 39 years or his lire
.z.t, as a recluse at Folkestone. Captain Wilson
formerly bold a commission in tho Guard'.
e IIo visited Queen Victoria at Buckingham
Palace, and he must at Ono timo have en-
• joyed tho late Queen's friendship, for in
one or his Folicstono honses hung a painting
of a dog presented to him hy Victoria.
son's lite until his father's death was that
of a well -horn, wealthy man's set. When
his rather, Sir John Wilson, Bart„ once
couriminider OE the British forces in Ceylon,
died, he learned for the first time that he
was illegitimate.
, Thereupon he resigned his captaincy in
the Guards, said good-bye forever to society,
and wont to live tbo Ilfo of a recluse an an
estate at Brentrord. Friends removed him
thence and lodged him In an tartan' on the
ground of insanity. Subsequently he was
released. lie resumed bis life. as a recluse
and dispensed large sums in eeartty through
a female servant until he died.
WS MO fortune, which now goes to We
King, amounts to over $750,001L In addition
to tills, tho King will receive $130•000 left
to 1Vilson by his father, who died In 1.313.
This money Wilson refused to teeth, the es-
tate having remained unadminIstered Until
now, when the Crown Inherits both fortunes.
in the hands of his enemies.
Are Now Trying tO Starve Out Their
London, Sept. 17. -The St. Petersburg
, correepondeut of the Times cables as
follows; The situation at .13aku lute
again assumed a highly critical pltase.
'The feeling between the Tartars and
Armenians is so tense that the slight-
est incident may provoke a repetition
of the massacres. The Tartars refuse. to
open the shops in order to starve the
Armenians, mallet of whom, it is report-
. ed, have tied from eating poisoned
fruit. Tho situation will remain critical
until the arrival of the reinforcement
Of 13,000 troops expected on Tuesday.
. Until then no work can be done in the
oilfield. The Viceroy hinnielf is going
to Baku.
The Tertars and Armenians persist in
laying the bleu° for the recent ottt.
rages upon ono another, but curiously
all the Alneenhnan property, of the oil-
' • acids were found intact, whereas the
Armenian property was all deetroyed.
The Unssians :suffered k's heavily, and
the foreigners still less at Baku.
'The feet that several murders are
committed daily shows that there is oo
reeonciliation between the Tartars and
Armenian& A whole division of haat'.
• try, with a brigade of Cossacks, is due
to arrive on Monolay. The workmen
contittue to have town. At a fresh meet
Avota Conn., Sept. 18. -The roll of
death from the 'explosion Rua fire at the
plant of the Climax tense Co en Fri&
ing, of the association ter Naphtha. Pro-
w numbers thirteen, and there are
sti several injured ones whose condition the limier of the alining Department
ducers anti Refiners at, which Ivatioft.
is looked -upon ns extremely critical. The of the tlinistry of ltinanee, Wits preeent.
o moo ous er repotted it Was Hill no itot e nos pus
are: Itfichnel Canfield, aged 50 years; eible at present.
Mrs. Ida Wild, aged 20 years. The in.
;lured ones whose condition ie now eon- ON THE MAIN ran.
Canfield, MISS Mary Litzlowaies, Pat- Trains Will Run ThrOuelt 13rantfotd
tiek Loughman, Arthur It iVas ThiS Month.
feared to -day that Longliniantt barns
woula prove fatal. Mate Canfield and Brantford, Sept. 17. --At a meeting
1°1° Lltalteweiea are so severely boned the City Commit, Board. of Trade end
about the hands And arms net impute- representative eitizene last, night it was
6°11 MAY ba 'tetanal -at if they eutvive, given out that the Grand 'rank main
deaths since tilos • 1 1 i• .1 •
Mitered most tleeperate aro: Ittisa Nellie
. ettee-atteste- -- - - line service through this eity 'arm t
eminence) at Saturday midnight. Sept.
- M. Tt was •originally tbouglit that the
iloitton. Mese,. Sopa Ita-The businees- date would be net, 2, but Wont wan re.
life of this city was estoppea for a while eelval that Mit Ilhaa would lie n"11-1'1"
to -day to do reverence to the memory _ to be present on afonday, It is antiei .
of Mayor Patrick A. Collins. leveler. ,. pateil that the atay will be mut of the
Dag, the pub„lie City . big evenle in tbe history of the city,
*lettere were emblems of mourning.
Intildinees, the neWspapei• The main lime owl new station Lave been-
441It, ate and teeny of the commereial in etmearnetieit for over two yPIII'S, mut
nousee were draped in, Meek, while flag. /low eeerethilet IA VOMPieted• Pileflit.01
Were at atilantast 1111. over the eity aneentneWhat late in the season for a popo•
ort the ships in the harbor, lar demonetration, AtteMpts will be
Accompanied by the Duke of Connaught, Xing
n Whole Empire to in Nee= Cen- R.ode to King s Park.
London, Sept. 17. -One hundred years
ago last Thureday Nelson embarked at • Znormous Numbers of Visitors from All Parts
co au tnessed the Revio3441,0,,,
te Sir 'Thomas Lipton Thrown from His Fiore
A. syndleata of Canadian, Enelielt fold
United States capitalists offered, the C.
P. IL $70,000,000 tor their western land
holdings, but the offer was deelleed,
Several serious poisoning eases hav
occurred at 13allyine»a, 0)13+4 Antritn
through ehildren eating laburnum pods
Altogether 18 children baxe been af
shut !tacit and i I ortsmouth lits ship, the Victory for • of tl d Wi
7 3 n the blends of
letroniboli, laved and Belie. The erup-
tion of Stromboli b still very violent,
and lava itit flowing into the sea on
the side of the island opposite Sicily,
eattsivg it terrific noise,
Between the Island of Belie and MI-
lazzo, Sicily, the sea suddenly rose up
and flames eel smoke issued. front the
midst of the waters, which were covered
watt dense steam for a distance of two
kilometres. Geologists say that this
is duo to the opening of a submarine
fissure, and that it shows the :mimic
disturbanaes are not yot finished.
tr. Campbell, prefect of Messina, ras
left for Lipari and Stromboli, and that
the population is completely terrorized
and is sleeping in small boats,fearing
to pass the night ashore.
Vesuvius, too, is very active, and
there is a strong flow of lava, accent -
peeled by subterranean rumbling..
There wore also fresh shocks of earth-
quake at Catanzaro, Monte Leone and
Cosenza. The Cathedral of Monte Leone
threatens to fall and will have to bo de-
molished. At Seigliario during the earth-
quake the earth opened and the river
Serrate was swallowed up, but after-
ward reappeared. •At Pizzo tho water
of the streams turned hot.
At Trepoca a little girl was taken
out of the voins of her house after bay -
leg been entombed olghty boors, She
was saved from death by being caught
under a table, which protected her
from the debris. She said that a boy
had passed food to her through a hole
in the wall.
King Victor Emmanue bas returned
to Itacconigi, baying been eacrywhere
received with demonstrations of affec•
tionwIle distributed bank bills to in-
dividual sufferers on his tour, the
amounts t ening from $1 to $10.
Queen Helena, proposes to 'found a mt.
tional orphanage to receive destitute
cbildren who lost their parents in the
carthquitke. Princess Letile, de Bona-
parte Savoie, has sent an agent to Cala-
bila, to bring back eighteen orplutus
whom she proposes to care for at her
own expense. •
Clerical papers at Rome greatly praise
the courageous conduct, of the national
troops in the work of rescue duri»g the
earthquake. . This attitude on the part
of Vatkan organs has caused great
eatisfaction at the Quirinal.
Reliek subscriptions throughout the
country now amount to $400,000. The
Red Cross Society has sent to Calabria
groat tents, each capable of sheltering
2,000 persons, to be used as barracks for
the homelese. A committee front Milan
is going to Calabria to distribute $60,000
to the earthquake victims. Genao has
subscribed au additional stun of $10,000
to the relief fund, and a. like amount
has been sent by Milan.
Six Weeks' Anchorage in Halifax Harbor
for the Briesh Squadron.
Halifax, Sept. 17. -Governor Jones has
received the following telegram from
Rear-A.dmited Prince Battenberg, com-
mandina, the Second Cruiser aquadron
of warships: "I beg to inform your
Donor that, under revised peon -rani=
-of movements, the squadron willbreniain
at Halifax until end of October,"
The original programme, which Inas
been so suddenly changed, was tbe
squadron to remain. in Halifax for 10
days and then proceed to American
waters.. A stay of several days was to
have been made at New York, ana
then ' the squadron was scheduled to
proceed' to Bermuda. 'Whether this
change will eat out tbe ,Ainerican visit
altogether, by the ships going direct
from Halifax to Bermuda, is not
kiloton, indeed, official circles here can
Assign no reason for the change. It
pleases Halifax. people, evho now have
Lite prospect of having the big squadron
at anchor in their harbor for six weeks.
It has been suggested that the Prince
does not care to visit American ports
get:least:, election campaigns are in pro -
a 7 e
Traverse City, Mich, Sept, 18.--A
stranger giving the name of Charles
Cross, in the pawnshop where he pawn-
ed tho shoes off his feet for money to
buy coettine, was found dead this merit-
ing in the Pere Marquette freight yarde,
where he haat evidently gone after fruit -
lees efforts to obtain cocaine et evei.y
drug store in - tlte •eity. Re said the
habit was formed at a hospital ill Balti-
more, Md., eight years ago, where he watt
employed tts tt nurse. Ile had taken
two cures without beeefit. nets a
large, strong, welabuilt man about 30 -
years of age. He was found on Nis
back, with his face, eyes and ears tilled
with sand, where he had rolled in him
death aptly. The hew law whichwent
into effect yesterday governieg the sale
of cocaine, was the cause of the refusal
of the druggista to sell, though all re.
cognized the desperate. condition of the
4,0 rf,
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 18. -Geo.
eon, Joltit-
0 »mon employed on the new Breit -
'wryer building, was almost instantly •
killed on Saturday by falling down the
elevator sheft front the fifty storey. He
eame here, not long ago from Tomtit°,
Ifis wife -canto here only Oren weeks
ago. She is nu entire stranger, aud is
in destitute riremustances -with au 1)4-
fant. A 14 -year-old son lives in To-
• route. An appeal to the riffle has
been maae on Mrs. Johnsons behalf.
Buffalo, Sept, 111.. -Sammy a(1(101, [0
years old, who lives at lit. Catiotrue•s,
!Ina. wee founa wandering along Meat
that Ode morning by ft patrolman. The
fellow ran -111%O:1' frOO1 110Me 0
3v0e1; apor 110 Was taken to the Patti •
aitrtiet Station, where he will be held
hie parents are notified.
A, Russian squadron was sightca on
Sunday afternopn off Symig-Chin, in
northern Corea, Its mission was to coot-
municate the terms of the armistiee to
the Ituesian forces on the 'Pitmen River.
Representative Methodists and
workems of other denominations all
joined hands in the laying of the corner
steno of the new College Street Meth-
odist Church lu Toronto on Saturday.
Nearly 100 delegates, representing
30,000 members or the International
Union of Bridgemen anti Structural Iron
Workers of the United States and Can-
ada, to -day began at Philadelphia their
niuth mutual convention.
Rev. Thomas Eakin, M. A., Ph. pas-
tor of St. Andrew's Ohureb, Guelph, .has
been appointed by the Ontario Govern -
wont to the teetureship in Oriental law
sg.07es in the University of Toronto,
made vacant by the death of Dr. aluri-
The North Gernum Loyd steamer Kai-
ser Wilhelm If., having on board M.
Witte and colleagues, arrived. at Ply-
mouth, England, to -lay. The Russians,
who were all in .good health, went on to
Cherbourg,`vbere they lent hind this
Mate Anderson and Mrs. Aries, the
Cook, Lost.
Sault Ste. Mario, Mich., Sept. 17. -The
schooner V. H. Ketchum, bound from Du-
luth to Cleveland, .burned last night Off
Parisian Island, Lake %Merlin, and two
members or the crew were 4owned while
attempting to leave Lilo burning vessel ta, a
boat. When it was seen that tho fire was
beyond control, the litho members or tbo
crew, Including Mrs. D. &ales, cools, launch-
ed the boat and prepared to row to the
steamer Nettingham, cline at hand. In at-
tempting to lower tho woman, into tbo life-
boat the craft was capsized, and the DOW
Persons wcro thrown into the water. In the
struggle to save themselves the eight men
forgot the presence of the woman, and she
was carried some distance away. Mato An-
drew Amtleroon went to her rescue as she
was sinking for the third Lime. Seizing nor
clothing, Anderson attempted to return, but
the high waves carried them away. Twee
out from his exertions, and borne down by
the weight or the helpless woman, he was
unable to make any neadway, and the two
sank before the eyes or other members 01
the crow, who could offer no assistauce. The
Ketchum was owned by tho %Other Tranl-
portation Compstay, of Cleveland, and was
valued at 0.2,000.
Chicago, Sept. 18.-Delegittes repre-
senting the various trade, industrial and
producing interests of the country are
to hold a convention in Chicago Oct. 26-
27. The object of the convention is to
impress on Coogress the extent of the
demand of the people of all pasts of the
country for legislation -outlined in the
President's last annual mesage to Con -
gross, as follows: The Inter -Kate Com-
merce Connuission should bo invested
with the power, where a given, rate has
been challenged and after full hearing
found. to be unreasonable, to decide. sub-
ject to judicial review, which shall be a
reasonable. rate to take it e place; the rid-
ing, of the Commission to Lake effect im-
mediately, mid to obtain unless and until
it is reverted by the coitrt of review.
r -
Toronto, Ont., Sept. 18. -For attack-
ing Mrs. Mack, an attendant at the.
Mercer Reformatory, with a pair of seis-
sors, Tillie Robinson, an inmate of that
institution, and well known in police cir-
cles, was this morning sent to the peni-
tentiary for five years by Magistrate
Denison. - The prisoner pleaded tielf-de.
fence, dechtriug that the Attendant had
dragged her out of bed by the hair and
that the officials were in the habit of
putting dirt in her food. Crown Attor-
ney Cm•ry asked for a life or indetew
111111ftte bentence. After •the attack Til -
he declared that Ale WOS sorry she had
not killed Mrs. Mack.
I /-
New York, Sept. 18a -tales. Goubeatui
was killed by a Long Island train last
night, Mr. tionbeatid was taking a walk
while guests were mattering at bis
home to relebrate his 50th aneiversare.
Mr, Goubeaud was a wealthy metal &ta-
me who had been ono of the momt active .
advoeates of the removal of the track
of the Long Island Railway from the
surface of Atlantic avenue, evhich will
be aecomplishea in it few week& De was
Mortally injured by one of the traine ot
that road.
White Vlags Will Wave Before Russian
and /apanese Armies.
Gedzydatii, Manchuria, Sept. I7. ---An 01 -
dee by Gett. Lineviteh, putting into effete
the stipulations of the tumistiee, ha,
t.11 tr'b to 1 t • ,-. Ti •
der directs the immediate eersation of
hostilities, the retirement of the. pick -
ON from the neutral zone and the e.4 •
tablishment of a post of •eommunieatiom•
it forbids Alt other commattications be.
tween the armies.
As a result of the amistice which
is now 0freetiVe, ibe nutpoets of Otte
main positions on both sides will move
haek about two•thirde of a mile and
thereafter win display wbite flag&
The nativee neleome peata hopo
that the Pekin Government will bend a
strong man to Manchuria. to establish
the voyage which =weed his enarvelou
life and made lam a 13ritish elation
asset for all time.
That deer was the occasion of ti
launching ofit movement for the contet
• ary memorial under the auspices of Lord
Brassey, Lord Kinnaird, Sir Thomas
Sutherlana and many other distinguish-
ed people.
Oet, 21 all parts of the British empire
will velebrate the Nelson eentenniel,
the ate/710011 of that day there will he
a. greet gathering at the Albert Hall,
followed by it big eveniug concert.
Collections are now being started, the
proceeds of which will be devoted to
, the benefit of the royal rneneantile and
fishing fleets.
Newfoundland Seeks Britain's Support
in Excludiug Americans.
St John's'Nfld., Sept 17. -The Col-
onial Cabinet is now seriouly consider-
ing what attitude it shall adopt regard-
ing -American vessels seeking berring •
cargoes on tite west coast of the island
duriug the winter. Premier Bond is now
in England: and is eudeavoring to entice
tho Imperial Cabinet to agree to uphold
the colony in its policy of exeluaing Am-
ericans, but 11: 113 unlikely that the nego-
tiations wilt reach a final stage in tune
Lo deal with the coming fishery season.
It is probable, therefore, that American
vessels will be permitted to procureber-
ring during the winter un the same .
terms as previously, tso as to admit of
the whole question being considered for
next: year.
- -
Sir Gilbert Parker Says Canada Should
Seek to Obtain Them.
Ottawa, Sept. 17. -Sir Gilbert Parker ad.
dressed itio members of the Canadian Club
of this city yesterday on eurrout Canadian
topics. He reiterated his well-known eiewe
in favor or the Chamberlain policy, urlged
greater efforts to secure British -born 011)1 -
grants for Canada in preference to taking
tho rIff-raff of Continental Gurope, and sug-
gested that tho Government should do more
for the encouragaent of art in the Bonita -
Ion by acquiring paintings of :both the obi
end modern masters. 'ft o States of Victoria
and Now South Wales, ho said, annually ap-
ereineated $75,000 •or $100,000 for tho art gal-
leries at Melbourne and Sydney.
• Will Result in Peace.
Clu.istiania, Norway, Sept. 17.-A
pregnant expression of the feeling in
Norway to the reception of the com-
munication given out by the Karlstad,
.confereuce is had in the leading article
of the prominent newspaper Verdens-
gang this morning. It says: "The
message that was awaited with the high-
est tension has at last arrived.. Ihe
negotiations at Karlstad will result in
peace. This will be accepted by the
two with intense satisfattion and greet-
ed by the Civilized world with entire
sympathy. When the Norwegian peo-
ple take the occasion to coolly delib-
erate upon the results of the Begotia-
[ions they will not find they pail too
high a price as compared with'what
alley have gained for all time."
But Not 5eriously Hurt.
. 1
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. Edinburgh, Stat. 18. -The greatest • and the north of England witnessed the
muster of Scotehmen under aims, sato veview,, evbich is expected to assist in
• eounteracting UM extreme irritation
the Battle of kaodden Field, was review -
felt in volinateer circles- over recent
ed by King Edward here. to -day. The worrying regulations of the War Of -
King arrived at the Scottish palace, fiee.
whence attended by the Duke of Con- During the march past, Sir Thomas
• aught and a brilliant staff, he rode to Lipton, who is honorary totem( of the
ecaoad Lanarkshire Engineers , was
tho parade groundin the King's Park.
leading his regiment past the King when
'early 40,000 Scotch volunteers wet°
I:is lairee threw him and Sir Thomas
in the march past. Enormous numbers was kicked -in- the face. His injuries
of vieitoes from all parts of Scotland are not serious.
Libeled by Crew.
Victoria, 13. C., Sept. 1.7.-Tlie scaling
steamer Acapulco and her catch of 305,
sealskius, released by the Collector of
Customs after it fine of $1,600 was paid,
have itgaiu beet' seized, this time by the
Admiralty Court, in which nye hunters
and the cook have started it libel action
for $1,054,71, the amount of wages due
them by virtue of an agreement with
Capt. Alexander McLean to pay the
hunters $2 each -for each skin taken by
them. The tharshal is now in charge of •
tho schooner and sealskins.
Boston, Mass., Sept. 18. -The Armen-
ian -American citizens of Boston and its -
vicinity held it mass meeting last night
to protest against the masetteres of eir- •
menians in the Caucasus. Resolutions !
were adopted denouncing the Russian au-
thorities and holding them responsible
foe the death of thousands of innocent
persons. The local officials were charged
with having actually excited the disor-
ders ana encouraged them.
Pony, Mona, Sept. 18.--W. S. Crews,
an old ana prominent resident ef tide
place, shot and killed lde wife last night
an1 then put a. bullet into his 0W31. head,
dying an hour afterward.
On their marriage Crews stencil over
to his wife all of his property and the
bmiaestiagement of his former posecesione
had been one cause of his familyw
New 'York, Sept. 180-A strike of the
Packing Boxmakers' tTnion, declared
three weeks ago in 0 large number of
factories in Greater New York. WOS
ealloa off yesterday. The men luta de-
manded a 9-i1011f day, but were instruct-
ed to go back on ?MY tome they could
obtain from their employers,
* •
New York, Sept. 18.--Aimo Sato, bee.
rotary to Bnron Nomura, tuthouneed to -
at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, that
the baroute conaition was much improved
Eighty -First Annual Communication of Grand
Lodge Being Held in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Sept.. 18. -The eighty- change be made and the same percentage
first Annual Communication of the Sov• of lodge members go into the Militant
te now go in from the Encampment, the
ereign (and Lodge of the Independent ilfilitant branch will reach a membership
Order of Othbfellows °petted here to -lay. - of 200,000. It now has 180,000. It will
The initial exercises were held in Lulu then be the strongest uniformed fritter -
Temple. . nal organization in the world.
The Grand Lodge will also consider the
Grand Sire Robert W, Wright, of Al. question of extending the order in
leutown, will preside at all of the bust. Porto Rico, San Domingo and Scotland.
ness sessions of the Grand Lodge,and will The report of Grand Sire Wrigbt .showe
be present at the public meetings. The the total subordinate lodge Mornbel'sbip
to be 1;217,143; Encampment member -
opening exercises consisted of. an address ship 177,830; Rebekah membersbip 474,,
of weiconte by :Mayor Weaver and. ad• 030; number of subordinate lodges 14, -
dresses by M. E. Olitu.buck, Grand alas- 313; expenditures for relief $1,633,049;
tor; Cleon Clicquelais, Grand Patriarch; total revenue $13,638,701; total resources
Mrs. Annlbrrow, President of Pa -
Continuing, the report states: "The in-
bekalt Assembly, and Major-General J. crease in b 1 ' f
131air Andrews, Department Commander. mem ers up o our subordinate
lodges wae 03,724; in the Encampment
According. to Sire Wright, among the branch 9,090; in the Rebekah branch 26,
especially important matters to be eon. 391, making tt total increase of 102,105,
sidered during the conclave it the sub- The increase in receipts for the year was
ject of the Patriarch Miltant branch of $731.077. The increase in resources was
the Order. The test of eligibility to that $2,074,951, aud the increase in relief $3077 -
branch is membership in the Encamp- 130.
mont branch, which has 100,000 member-. ante militant aranea alone 10 eue or.
Atilt about 12 per cent. of whom arc in ganization fails to show substantial pro -
the Patriarchs Militant. The proposi- gress. There has been a loss ia'member-
tion is to nutke memberehip in the sub- ship during the year of a little over 300..
ordinate lodges the basis .of admiesion to gine condition of affairs, in my. judg-
the Militant. The total number of lodge tent, oeedtit immediate attention, and
members is about 1200,000. If the demands radical measures."
Unions May Change Their Parliamen-
tary Policy.
Toronto, Sept. 18. -About 200 dela-
- gates from every province of the Do-
wilI be present at the twenty-
first ;amnia meeting of the Trades and
Labor Congress of Canada, which will
open in the Labor Tteepte at 0 oalock
- tliis morning. Among the important
features of this convention will be the .
stand the delegates mill be asked to take
-towards the policy of Don. Joseph Cham-
berlain in preferential trade. Mr, P.M.
_ Draper, of Ottawa, the General &we-
ave-, who is registered at the Elliott
Donee, stead that the delegates getter-
- ally sympathize With the British Trades
Cougress, Otter matters wilt be the
et:wader:dim of a report from afr, J. G.
trDonoglme, the Solicitor of the Con-
gress, on his work nt the Dominion Par-
liament last session, end it is said that
he will make a number of recommenda-
e •
KnOcked Down and Trampled Upon by a
Berge at Montreal.
and that his convalescence was now well" tiontreal, Sept. M. Thoma'
established.• Itystre. late General Maneger of the tier -
4 - vbantie Milk, lila with a eevere nevi -
Cleveland, Ohio., Sept. 18.- The Stab-
ilard 011 Co. toolay advaneed the selling
price on all grades of refined oil bait'
tient per gallon. Gasoline is advanced
cent per oallon.
[hundred4. eser,
London, Sept. 17. --Advices have been
received at Portsmouth that there were
an abnormal number of desertions, Oda-
ly stokers, front the squadron at Que.
hoe. Titit number probably reaches one
•4I'iauhtered tttaid,
The Melte, Rat. 17, --an ortiels1 despateh
,eporta11 stteeessful rate malt by me pre -
tenor, Vonnebait, et the Timor Art.1111)0013,
who recent', Invaded Dutch tetattory, loilea
persomi, and tarried off 42 captives.
deut on St. dames street on Sateirday.
Ifts wee eroesing the street MA WAS
knocked &wit and trampled mum hy 31
horse attachea to a butehert, wagon.
His head struck the curbstone Rea he
was rencterm unconseitens. lanlees in
ternal tomplieations ensue the result will
not be fatal. Mr. Frshe was rtmovea.
lo his home.
t•t.- -
More tmigrants for Canada.
Toronto, Se v't 18. --On I 8 110
. women and Children, with other immi
grants, under Salvation Army anspie0*.
oulle for Canada. General Bilotti, inter- ,
viewed. stated that he had plane for the '
emigration of e0,014) wothlees people at
.110 iliStallt (10111. lirol already orate
ea for :5,000 to go to Awtcalb. of
LiAdi whilst Canada and the .\ rgentine
rest 1.000 will probably go to New Zea•
Republic will share the remainder.
Nati Patterson Remarries Mau Front
• Whom She Got Divorce.
Washington, Sept. 17. -Miss Nan Pat-
terson, Nvho was tried twice in New
York for the murder of Caesar Young,
a bookmaker, was remarried at noon
here yesterday to her former husband,
. Leon G. Martin. The ceremony, whielt
was performed by Rev. Geoge Ft Dud-
ley, of St. Stephen's Episcopal Chord,
took place in the Patterson home, and
was witnessed .only by the members of
the family and a few intimate friends.
The envieleft in the afterntion for
New York, where they will reside.
Miss Patterson aud Mr. Martin were
divorced three years .ego.
"ee t
Conduetor of 13talast Train, May Die
•Front Injuries.
Halifax, N. S., Sept, 17.-A ballast
!lain on the Halifax and Sontawestern
Railway, ownea by Mrtekenzie & tatann,
went off the traek on Saturdity atter-
neon, mot the froul ears 1311e0 up en the
tender, wide Itturnea over. N. tt Taylor,
the conauctor, WOK pinned under the ten-
der, awl it was two hours and A half
before he malt( be got out from bis ter.,
rible positima Taylor was terribly
bruised about the head, his ribs were
broken, and the doetters say he Mg MM.
Wiled internal injuries front Which they
do not Mini- he 000 rereiver. Two oth-
ers Imo lets serif:wily injured.
The Unfortunate Beath of .Conducter
Wadharth of Winnipeg.
sept. 17. -As the result of
o tussle on 11, Breettlway street ear, Ate
thur Wailhom, it ear conductor. died
in St. Bonifaee llospitai this morning.
Charles lloimpson, a motorman, Wfti
eoutpelle!1 to put Wadleant off the tar, as
lie was Intomeatell. Waltham resisted,
ond ht the strtivle felt tothe pavement.
....triking his head, siutaining fatal in.
juries. Thnutpsen \l04 plated under ar-
ret-1, but later vcieased.
80100 11)3(1 1)10 as hard to deal •vvi,'It its
worn.out pack of cards.