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Yamagata •Gives Reasons For Gov -
eminent Making Peace,
Oyama Asks Linevitch to Arrange
An Armistice.,
Salvation AnnY Caused the Destruc-
tion of Christian Churches.
• TO1f10, Sept. 10.-111111ga are wearing
their ordinary peaceful aspect. Yeater-
stay afternoon Prenner Hatsurit received .
the editors of the Jointing newspapers.
LUS representatiOus to them as to the
ietato of affairsbad an excellent of-
, From a statement made by Premier
lintsura at an important political gath-
'tiring it was learned that japan, in the
treaty of peace, has agreed to the free-
dom of Lit Perouse Strait, but lute not
bound herself not to fortify it. This and
the assurance that japan is to enjoy an
entirely free hand in Corea, are expected
to assist in calming the popular excite -
Entsura spoke at a, meeting that was
'attended by members of both Houses
of the Diet belonging to the different
politieel parties'. In addition to what
was quoted above, he said that the
anilway south of Chengechun, not
iChangtu, was ceded to the Japanese,
.'who also obtain the Fushun and the
Tho text of the treaty of peace has
not yet been published, and wilt not be
until it is ratified. The details, how-
ever, are becoming generally known
through telegrams from London and
New York, The public dissatisfaction
with the peace conditions is, so far as
known, unabated, but the anti -peace
ecntiment is visibly decreasea in vim -
Idle°. It is generally believed that the
Covernment will resign when the Diet
neets. It is stated that over 1,050 per -
eons are in custody in connection with
the riots. It is Moseyed that formal
charges will be made against 100 of
them, and that the others will be re-
leased. The Government probablywill
be lenient with the accused. Chief
.Adaehi, of the hfaropolitan Pollee, has
irssigned. It is believed that Viscount
—7r Yoshikawa, Minister of the Interior,
has tendered his resignation.
Many thousands of soldiers, with
fixed bayonets, are scattered about the
city. Iliblya Park has been converted
it camping ground, aud is dotted
with tents, Even the band stand is
used aa it• temporary quarters. In
other parts of the city troops are bit -
Med on the residents. Sentinels and
police guards *are posted at the Govern-
ment offices, official residences, public
places and Legations. Passers-by are
closely watched. Some of Mon have
been examined and arrested. Infantry
•ansi cavalry patrols keep the streets.
Everywhere there is it friendly feeling
between the soldiegy and populace.
The suppression cf newspapers con-
tinues. To -day, white the Niroku was
allowed to resume publication, one of
the principal journals, the Asahi, it
well-conducted Auld influential paper,
atas suppressed. Altogether, five news-
papers have been suspended.
Various official explanations are
given of the motive -which led the Gov-
ernment to make peace. Yield Marshal
Yamagata, one of. the Elder Statesmen,
chief of -the General Staff, and a tre-
mendous power iu the land, stated that
le violent feeling against peace can-
not be helped. There must always be
divergence of opinion on political ques-
tions. He adds: "I tell you frankly
that the Cabinet was unanimous that
bad the war been continued the posi-
tion would not have been altered.
Japan would never have been able to
compel Russia to reccom her expenses.
her national resourcer would have be-
come exhausted, and the means which
are necessary for the future develop-
ment of Corea and Alanchuria. , The
statesmen had calculated upon the ac-
tual .financial position of the empire.
The factors which decided them Wore
the prosperity of Japan, the solemn -
promising attitude of Russia, and the
peaceful 'advice of the powers of the
Sends Emissary With Letter to Gen.
' Linevitele
Godzymbri, Manchuria, Sept. 10. --At
1 o'clock this afternoon it Japanese com-
missioner bearing a white flag, and es-
. coded by fifty soldiers, _arrived at a
post near the railway, and handed to
the Russian officers who went to meet
him a letter from Vida Marshal
Option. to Gen. Linevitelt, congratulat-
ing him on the conclusion of peace and
begginghim to appoint Russitto pleni-
potentiaries to arritoge an armistice.
Field -Marshal (Vaunt Appointed nem
Tukushinut. as plenipotentiary for hie
eide the letter announced, and he stns.-
geseed Chekbaciza as the meeting place.
Nogi And Nodzit Resign.
London, Sept. IL—A despatch to
the Daily Telegraph front Tokio says it
is reported Gens. Nage and Noclzu have
Indignation With Salvation Army.
London, Sept. 10.---A despatelt to the
Standard front Tokio, says that the de-
struction of the Christian churches was
dtto to the mob's indignation with mem-
Ilers of the Salvation Army, who pub-
licly 'denounced the anti -pew move-
Car's Return for Part Played in Peace
Oyster Day, &pt. 10,— President
Roosevelt to -day made public it coin-
tonnicatiou from the Czar, laid before
lain by M. de Witte last night, which
is of great political as well as reonotte -
ie significance to both Russia and Am- e
Cried. 0
The eonntittnkation follows:
"Some years ago, in eonsegttence 0
of a inistindevetendibg in the interprete.
tion of the mest fevered milieu elause, _ e
there were established in Russia, ott e
several artielee of .Abierienn produrtion v
custom duties on a higher settle than 11
those 16V164 On the AMINO artiC108 when t
imported from °thee mark's. 31
"His Majesty, the Emperor of Reside. 11
has combated the to inform the What. Ns
dhlit that be bits been pleased to order 11
Itee the dieeontintutnee of the levying of 1
such higher daiea on Ameriean pro- •
dude in order that beneeforth the
American innimfatturere should pay tlte n
661116 duties as importers fiont other
' the President's home is a master etrolso
of trite de Witte diplomacy. It is con
considered certain that he suggested tide
act on the part of the CAlr,. lie wee
Minister of Financo when the tariff ever
was etarted and MIS responsible for
the extra duties levied nlerlean
The Czar's aim. in now reilloVi
these ilaies le believed to be twofol
First, the aet Is in the nature
thenks to the President and to .Anteri
fox. Ole eountry'e share in the pea
Second it is a strong bid, for a ne
ett • .
co Had.'Women on the List Worth $5001000 Look.
ing for Husbands, They Told Deteetive
01 lito to the foendeldp between,
RRIAGE .BUximpro
REAUS . Horrible Practice by Canaan lieggaree-
.• • • • - •-
Romantic Meeting.
RAIDED IN Cill.CAGO.. and maimed in order that they may be
nianuer in which thildren are eteltin
Vienna, Sept, inetanee of the
used OL begging, lute been brought to
• light by a romantic meeting and recces-
, talon at the Gelan place of pilgrim-
age, Kalwarytt letelavska.
One of the pilgrims visiting the
.• :divine, a Fran Dreewielte„ We i emell
coin to a crippled boy lying on a halal -
cart. ahen the boy cried, "Mattel!
mother!'" and the woman reeognized
her -own child, who disappeared three
years itt,,O.
Frau Dreewieka, fainted., and a
• rough -looking mart who pushed the eart
made off with the boy as fast as ha
could, and. stabbed one of the pilgrim
who attempted to stop him, lip Would
. have escaped but for the timely se-
pearance of the police.
When restored to his mothers the
boy gave a harrowing aecount of how
be had been euticed away from home
by a etranger, who afterwards tied his
log over two pieces of wood and jump-
ed on it till he broke the bones in tem
laws. Ife twat twisted the leg and
tied it to the other in such a way that
it mold not est.
TWO other children were eimilarly
crippled by the man, who took them to
beg for him at all the fairs and pilgrim-
age shrines in the country. •
the United States end Russia,
Vox It Is the Xia-W Tbilt Ceelse May Crow
at Dawn No More.
Itie, XX., Sept. 12„—Those of the
habitants of Bye who love to look I,
trouble are becoming alarmed over ti
ordinanee passed last night by the boar
a Health forbidding the crowitie t
roosters, barking of dogs, ringing o
bells aud tootiog. of whistles withie th
corporate limits after 10 o'clock it
night. They are saying to -day that tit
situation is alarming, as the author
ties .inteue to enforce the new grain
tome to the fullest extent, and decler
that there is a possibility of the net
law retarding the growth of the plea
The uew ordinance reads as follows:
"No person shall permit or cause Ili
ringing of church, locomotive or .othe
large bells, except fire be/18, tho Mott
ing of steam whistles, the moving
situating of trains except in convectio
with the through traffic on the rail
roads, the handling or movement e
largo masses of rock, metals or othe
substances so as to interrupt or distur
the sleep of residents within the villag
of Rye, between the hours of 0 o'clocl
in the evening and 7 o'colk in the morn
ing, the maintenance of lowing animals
crowing cocks, barking dogs or °the
animals, birds which produce, create, o
emit noises of a degree and kind to die
turb the sleep and quiet of the neigh
bors within the above hours. Any vie
tattoo of the provisions of this ordin
ance shall be punishable by a fine o
Who Got Evidence Masquerading as a Love Lam.
Suitor in Search of a Wife.
Chicago',s New Chief of Police to 13egin Crusade
• Against Matrimonial Agencies.
Chicago, Sept. 1L—Under the guise of , informed that by pitying it certain fee
,ttL love-lorn suitor seeking the uame and ‘1:13flinaarlrirmlerated 211.:00ne. elilleleldva0su tate° Ills:
X address of some wealthy widow to whom '
0 lie might propose matrimony, Detective
a Sergeant Clifton R, Wooldridge yester-
1, day obtained evidence against two pro-
- prietors of alleged "fake" matrimonial
o agencies, Later he raided the offices, toe
e, testing a man and a woman who, he
says, have for some time been doing a
O thriving business.
r The raids of yesterday, according to
r Detective Sergeant Wooldridge, are the
n beginning of a crusade against matri-
s menial agents recently ordered by Chief
. formed, ho says, that he woad be Intro-
dueed to women seeking husbands who
were worth from $50,000 to $500,000.
After Wooldridge had procured the
necessary evidence he left, bat returned
later with Detectives Dodd, O'Rourke,
and Murtangh and raided the place. Sev-
eral thousand letters and photographs
were confiacated and Harris was taken
to the Central Statioo. Detective Wool-
dridge says that to -day he will ask Post -
'office Inspector Stuart to declare it
fraud order against Harris and confis-
cate all mail delivered to his home.
Mrs. Schulz is the -first woman arrest-
ed in connection with the crusade against
runtrimonial bureaus, She ia believed
to have but recently established herself
in business. Detective Wooldridge en-
tered the home of Mrs. Schulz late in
the afternoon and after convincing him-
self as to the nature of her business told
her she was tinder arrest,
Mrs. Schulz became angry and at first.
refused to go to the station in a patrol
wagon. She insisted that she be allowed
to ride in it carriage, but her request was
denied, Sim was booked at the tarri-
son street station and later deposited
$50 for her appearance incourt to -day.
r Collins,. and it is said that more raids
b will continue until all engaged in the
O business are driven from the city.
John IL Hurls, editor of the .Pilot,
. teed who for soon) time, the police say,
, has conducted a matrimonial agency at
✓ 108 Ilandin avenue, was the first to fall
in the new crusade. Mrs. Marie Schulz,
. 48 years old, whose office le in it brown-
. stone trout residence at 3150 Calumet
/moue, is the woman arrested.
- - Detective Wooldridge first entered the
f home of Harris and, after announcing
that be was in search of it bride, was
The United States Roll Shows Greatest
Number Yet.
Washington, Sept. 12. --Civil War vet-
erans are dying off at the rate of about
000 11 montb, according to figures given
in the annual report of the Commis-
sioner of Pensions for the fiscal year
ended June 30 last. Despite the fact
that 0,000 pensiones died during the
last year and that the total number
decreased more than 43,000, the great-
est number ever on the -pension rolls
was shown on Jan. 1 of this year, when
they carried the names of 1,004,100
During the year the Pension Bureau
issued, 185,212 certificates, of which
number more than 60,000 were original.
The annual value of the pension roll
on June 30 last was $130,745,295. By the
term annual value is meant the amount
of money required to pay the pen-
sioners then on the roll for one year.
During the year 43,883 pensioners were
dropped by reason of death, and of
this number 30,521 were survivors of
the Civil War.
The total amount paid to Spanish
War pensioners since 1809 was $11,900,-
103. The total amount of money 'paid
for pensions since the foundatioa of the
Government was $3,320,860,022, and of
this amount $3,144,305,000 was paid on
account of the Civil War.
The total number of claims allowed,
original and increase, under order NO.
78; issued by President Roosevelt last
year, and known as the "Age Orals"
shire that order went into effect • in
April, 1904, up to June 30, 1005, was $05,-
012. The total numbtr of pensioners of
all classes on the rolls June 30, 1905, was
098,441, Of this number 945,813 are pen.'
sioned on account of the Civil War,
namely, invalids, 684,008; widows and
dependents, 261,205.
In War With Britain Would Fly United
. States Flag.
Girl Had Bounced Him Becaused He Was Pal
ing Attentions to Another.
Frederick, Md., Sept. 11.—After send-
ing two bullets into the body of his
girl sweetheart, Lee Waddle, a youth
of 17, fired two bullets into his heart,
falling dead at the feet of the swooning
Waddle is the son of Clayson 0.
Waddle, of Thurinont, and the girl, who
is expected to die, is Miss Nellie Bich-
elberser daughter of 31.1r. and .11frs.
. e
George Emhelberger, of Catoctin Fur-
nace. Miss Eichelberger was walking
in the public square with Miss Maud
Davis and Miss Annie Fritz when
Meddle came toward them. Ire asked
Miss Eichelberger whether she meant
what she said in her letter, in which
she had written that us elm had
harned he was paying attentions to
another young, lady, he shonld cease
calling upon her. She &dared that she
did mean what she had written, where-
upon he drew it revolver and fired two
shota in quick succession. Then as the
frightened girl fell to the ground, Wad-
dle turned the pistol upon himaelf and
fled two bullets into his heart, falling
dead at the girl's feet.
Miss Davis was also slightly wounded
by one of the bullets which after pass -
mg through Miss Eichelberger's body
entered her arm. The doctors do not
think Miss Eichelherger can recover.
But Drill Hall Contracts Will be Let and Materials
Got Ready.
Work on the new Drill hall will not •
be started this year. Arohitects Stew-
art & IVitton are hard at work on the
detail plans,but to get tenders, submit
them and close the contracts will take a
good deal of time. 11 cannot be done
within six weeks, and that would make
it the end of October before work could
be begun. To start then would mean
only to get, foundations in when winter
• comes on, exposing- the new work to,
perhaps, severe frost before it. is dry,
The architects favor letting the con-
tracts this fall and giving the successful
tenderer the winter months in which to
get thematerials ready, By this system
work would be probably further ahead
when next; May comes, mid tltere would,
be no interference with the fall opera-
tions of the soldiers, or their winter's en-
joyment of the present hall..
Chicago, Sept. 12.—The Daily News
publishes the following cable from Ber-
lin: The German Government is talc- Dreadful Deed of a Prominent Montrealer in a
ing unprecedented steps for the protec-
tion of its great mercantilevessels in
the event of war with England. On
the authority of it German military pets
senage of high rank it may be stated
that the Kaiser's GoverEment hopes to
perfect arrangements for placing under
the United States flag, immediately up -
011' the outbreak of hostilities, every
vessel of the North German Lloyd and
liamburg-amcrican lines not then ia
German ports.
This, M the opinion of Germans, would
insure the safety of the greater num-
ber of the fatherland's mighty fleet of
paseeuger and freight' ships, notwith-
standing the destruction of the Imperial
navy, which, it is admitted, would be
prosaically only a day's work for the
British navy.
This plan seems to dispose of the
English bogey of a German invasiou,
which is held to be it 'necessary part of
tory war waged by Germany against
Britnin. 11 Always has been supposed
that fast liners like the Dentsehlaad.
the Kron Priuz Wilhelm, the Kaiser
der Grosso and the eeniser
Wilhelm It. would be employed to
transport and iand a German army io
E»gland before the slower battleships
tine cruisers of the British channel
squadron could intereept them.
Bogus Seed Man Who is 'Under Arrest
in Buffalo.
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 12. --The case
which the postal italtorities are milking
out Against Samuel el. Blake, muter at,
rest here, charged with tieing the U. S.
mails for f rattdulent purposes, is
strengthening every day, Blake, who
had several aliases, advertised in the
.1morieen newspapers that lte had
choker seeds of VistiONIS kinds to sell. It
is Alleged Oa hundreds; of farmers and
there who sent money for the $eeds re-
eived word to -night thAt Blake Ilail
prated in verious pads of Canadit.
Ilo ttevertised in Detroit papers and
atiadian publications, efferittg to eel)
bulieg twine of gond quality, very
heap. Blake's methods there were
bout, the same as they were in the
nrious places itroutitt Buffalo in which
6 retried on his eeltemes. Ile woad
aka orders until be had gotten some
ioney And customers began to mese
im for delivery of the goods; then he
.ould get, away quietly, change his
ame, and begin operations in 15 new
"Blake cannot be taken to remade for
he offeneea he eon:lilted there even
flor we get through with him," vaid
nspeetor Cochrane trenight, "for the of-
eiteee are not extrnal to I e. ,
.0 can use. Om evidence for strengthen,'
ig our OW,"
1'10, memento:100 01 tbrq 0000100;e0 55
lion by M. de Witte just before leaving it
Fit of Despondency.
Montreal, Sept. IL—A shocking tra-
gedy took place this morning in it welt -
known French. Canadian family when J.
Martist strangled his six months' old
A. 'Martial; rangled his six months' old
daughter while suffering front what is
believedto have been n fit of insanity.
Martin was taken into custody.
Martin is a son of Mr. Martin of the,
tvholesale grocery and liquor firm of
Rome, Sept. 12.—All Italy is euffering
from terrible depression because of the
news from the south, where ene of the
wont earthquakes ever experienced oc.-
curled to-titty. Although the earthquake
was felt all over Calabria and to a cer-
tain extent in Sicily, the worst news
cones from Pizzo and. Monteleone, and
from eighteen villages which are said to
Lew been completely- destroyed. Ac-
cording to the latest news received 370
.pereons have heel), killed and it great
bienher injured. 11 18 as yet impossible
to even estimate the peoperty losses.
Te shock was felt at 2.55 Ilene last-
ing for eighteen seconds at Catanzaro,
end $oon thereafter was frit at Mezzina,
Reggio, Monteleone, hiartirano, Stefit-
conia, Piseople, Triparni, Zannuaro, ems,
smith Mitida, (Avail and other points.
Scenes of indeseribablo terror teemed.
Women nrose from their sleep, visited,
half clothed, into the streets, sereaming
with fear, dragging their babies and
dragging along other children tout calling
an the Madomet and the Batas for
help. The own eseeptal into the open
with their families and calling int their
favorite saints for protection. The cafes
Wert taken by assmolt by the strangely-
Karbed 'crowd, but as daylight broke
without st repetition of the earthquake
the erowd gradually melted away, until
by 8 &dock the streets had.Almost, as-
sumed their novmal Appearance, except
the ruined villages, where the inhale
HAUS were homeless.
The genera eenfueion Wita added to
liv dreitilfel (Tie:4 from the jaile, where
tIM rriSOMVS were beside themselvee
with fright, tont in Pante easea mutinied,
hut fortunately all were kept within
hounds. Troops, engineers mid Illative
have 'been hurried to the scenes of •dis»
miler to aseist 131 the woek of veseue nod
salvage-. The Ministry of the Interior
Laporte, Martin & Co., of which Mayor
Laporte is the head . The prisoner, who
is 37 years old, is said to have been des-
pondeut over seine financial losses. • He
took •the child into the smoking -room
and straogled it with a handkerchief,
atter having played with two others for
a time. Mrs. Martin knew something
was wrong en11 called a policeman with
whom the prisoner weet quietly. Mrs.
Martin was a Miss Oman aud will
keown. in French Canadian circles.
sent $4,000 for the relief of the destitute,
and Minister of Public Workg Fermis
left for Calabria this evening.
.I' 7
Movement at Niagara Palls to Revert
to Former Conditions.
Niagara Falls, Sept. 10.—A strong agi-
tation has been started at the malt had
of this city for the repeal of the onion of
municipalities, by which this city was
brought into being. The ace uniting the
former town and village in it city was
passed by the Ontario Legislature with-
out the cement of 'either municipality
being asked. What was formerly the vie ;
lege, and is now the south enthetit.fptulbm.
city, was without sewers eta o
lie improvements. Since the 'organizatioll'.
of the city a -complete sewer eystem has -
been built, and extensive improvements!
of many kinds carried out, bnt the con- f
sequent slight inerease in taxation Itas z
revivesi the old feeling of resentment
caused by 2511121 18 termed thc higlohand-
ed action of the Legislature in amalgam-
ating the town and village without the
request or cement of either.
Dissolution of the union is eeemingly
fevered by many citizens, and If it eau
be floret' ent Idea thepeople of what _
was formerly Lim village will gain linen-
eially by withdrawing front the city t1(e7
mllieertainly make it strong effort to
7.- 1
Americans Visit Scene of Reported Dis-
covery of Precious Metal.
London, 'Sept. 1O.—Lew Reynolds, a mielog
endueer ot weshinnion, and Ira. D. Robin-
son, ot New York, wilco oil a recent visit to
Europe, visited Donegal, Irelaud, where
twos ot goal mat Baia to :have been discov-
ered reeently. ItOprOseattry themaciveo to
tut metal toutists, they Ndsltod leatrisk Mul-
e:thy* farm, where the discovery wan report-
ed to have been made. And obtained epee!.
il.rus of elay, which -they took With them 10
New Volt tor tile purpose of being tc,ted,
The Earl of killaf tegbltrY Is landlord of Lite
property ana other syndicate?, it is *aid, two
beina (twined to acquire mining rights.
New York, Sept. 12. --While employ-
ed as a scrubwoman, Mary Drennan, an
aged widow, is accused of havi»g aequir-
ed in the last month jewelry valued ttt
Wm% from it large pawnship in
Brooklyn. Iler nephew, 20 years old, is
alleged to have been used in disposing
of the plunder. Both were arrested last
night, the police stating that they balsa
confessed and that about one-third of
the property has been recovered. A.
pawnbroker through whom the nephew
disposed of considerable jewelry, is al -
o der arr s•
pa. roe 'or
the redemption of a diamond ring, val-
ued at $330, which he had pawned. for
When the manager endeavored Li
find the ring it was missing. Subsequent
inveetigation disclosed the heavy loss
7 :
Was Suspected of .Having Come From a
Fever District,
New Orleans, La., Sept. las—From Pesti
Christian, on the Mississippi coast, some
sixty miles from New Orleans. comes
the report of the barbarous treatment
of a negro suspected of coining from
Gulfport, where fever exists. Ile was
escorted to the town limits by Valen-
tine guards and there chained to a pine
tree. For two days he was kept in
dmine without protection from the snn
rain or mosquitos. The local health of-
ficer was appealet to in vain by the
humanely disposed citizens. The tretted
States marine hospital officers were a•t-
vised, and aeted promptly, sending the
negro to a detention camp a few miles
A story of sensational character comes
front Milnebure, a resort on Lake Ponts
chartrain, witInn the New Orleans city
limits to the effect that an Hellen vic-
tim of fever 'WU' sewed in a sack, tout
weighted with stones and secrelely car-
ried out into the lake and droped over-
itis Surrounded by Fire in Northern
Mr, Jas Robertson, of Glencoe, who
has just returned from a survey of Hiss
lop, Guibord and Michaud townships, in
northern Ontario, reports that himself
and his party had a narrow escape from
death by burning in June last, just af-
ter they had started their work. A. fire
swept over the whole of the township.;
of Ilislop and Gelber(' and parts of
Playfair, Bowman, Beatty and Carr.
Great damagewa s done in the two 1(21"
11105 townships, immense quantities of
pulpwood. being destroyed. Mr. Robert -
8012 and hie party were surrounded by
the fire told were compelled to take re-
fuge in their canoen on the Tilaek River,
at, n point where it is only 104) yards
wide. They had to keep themselves col,
ered with wet blankets, and in that
wny escaped injury, though, despite all
their effort:9;, some of their supplies
were destroyed.
Prohibition of Importatioe Caused a
London, Sept. 12. --The Berlin eorres-
pondent of the Times cables: The
movement caused by the high prices end
ditninished supply of bathers' meat»
due to the closing of the German fron-
tiers agaitist its importation, is as.
sliming national proportions. The lead
is being taken by the great municipal -
Ries fo Berlin and Cologne. At a nieet•
ing of the Berlin Mottieipal COUtleil yo
tordny it Wag 1410Wli that serious sear
city of meat prevailed since prices Mel
risen to an extent which remlereil it
impossible for the masses to 5opi4
themselves. It was reckoned that the
average meat consumption Inc a fano
ily of four pereons in Bolin which
hitherto involved an animal expendi-
ture of 270 marks now ran up to 301
marks. A resolntion was ltuanintomil:'
adopted appointing a committee to con-
sider the expediency of petitioning the
Government to open the frontiers.
St. Catharines, Ont., Sept, I 1.--Nese,-
tiations are on for the absorption of
the fit. Catharines, Pelham & 'Welland
Ilailwey Mimeos', 15111011 line 18 wo-
jecteil by the 'Poroldreltainiltim
way Company. George Aenold, of Vont:-
hill, soul M, j. A. Roes, of 'Welland -
port, directors, say that the deal le
eintittleted. bet S. D. Lake, of this eity.
the nuat promoter, states that the two
eboveetamed gentlemen am out, lia
that the eonsummation of the arrange-
ments have mit, yet been readied. This
will give the Torooto & Itamilton Rail-
way the 110110111 of the franclilaea
seemed by the St. Vatharinea & Wel-
land Cempany. giving a route out of
St, Catharines mid into Welt:nut The
spur from Foothill to Venwiels will
idso be eratatruettal, giving tonneetion
with the T., II, & 13. at the latter place,
Cardinal Raphael Plerrotti died a
Marquis Aquerbe has been appoint°
Spanish 1,11inister to $t. Petersburg.
Jeweiry valued at $1,00a was Aide
from the new store of Ityrie Jiraler$
at Toronto.
It Decided to Burn Negro, But Gitvelfir0
..,,..witag, 'Acv., sap& 11.—A talesman re.
MN], thil oven)ng torn Ititly'x lux., sap
that a argra named Aron, areal ad titore
at 5 p.m., tardiest:04 that he mucked
11.::. NOITill near Howard holt Monday,
, sSaS burned at the stake to•day.
4 • At 7 o'clock, the hour the mob hail
I set for the burning, the negro was given
d another hour to live. Aron at 633 beg -
god piteously not to lie bursted, but to
a be hanged or Shot. The mob decided to
, vote on it, arid the luttjorty voted for
. burning. Aron then °eked that his OS -
a ter and broth'mi
er, eight k '
e away be
, called up on the telephone to bid him
good-bye. They pleaded to the mob
over the 11110110 not to kill their brother
se till they could get to hint and see him
' for elte last time, The mob gave Win
fill S o'clock. to reach Howard and see
r the coudenmed matt. TheY started At
) once.
- The match was applied to a belge
e pile of lumber and brush saturated with
oil, At 7,55 Aron WAS chained. to 0,
stake. Two thousan(1. persons were in
.. tint mob. The galierlea and. X006 of
n prairie farlil houses and farm building%
and other buildngs for miles around were
e 0050)2111wth people watchng the smoke
- am' blaze,
" The negro's struggles ceased in five
minutes after the fire was lit. The mob
was comparatively quiet and orderly,
r amd soon dispersed. The bones And
ashes of the victim were gathered up
by Ids brother and sister.
Two ladies, ;supposed. to be Americans
fell over .a precipice near Orta, Italy
and were killed.
Dr. Clarke, of Rockwood Asylum, ha
been selected as Superintendent of 11)
Toronto Asylum.
The contract for dredging the harbo
lias been awarded ti
All the Napthe, works at Baku hav
been destroyed and all the faatoree an.
other works there aro dosed,
A flawless diamond wei,,elting 400 car
ats is reported to have been found 1
the Premier mine, Johannesburg.
John Lorne 'McDougall, Ottawa, ha
1%tieneee,nereated it notary public for the Pro
The Southern Cotton Association has
cetablielu•d a minimum (mice of Ile fo
the humming cotton crop.
Timely rains bit the Raputannand
other drought stricken •districts of India
are relieving to some extent the fears
of an acute famine.
A. despatch to a news agency from St
Petersburg says- 1(1 18 reported there that
Takahirti, Japanese Minister at
Washington, will be appointed Minister
of Japan.e•
Calvary Baptist Chmele Brantford,
has extended a call to Rev. Christopher
Bennett, of St. John, N. IL, to succeed
T. Graham, who has gone to
• Palling Off in Revenue From Those
During Last Year.
Toronto, Sept, IL—Details of the Int-
siness done by the department of the
aecretary„and registrar of the Province
of Ontario during 1904 have been made
public in a report just published. The
net revenue of the department for the
year was $101,051:91. Of this inun$17o
178 -wits received form the issue of let-
ters patent dint $9,830.50 from xi:tarns
• ,
I • t ge c. orms
fatally injured in a wreck on the Pere
valued at $3,705,20 were issued. Auto -
Marquette road, near Zeeland,
Mich" mobile licenses yielded. $1,284 to the pro -
early to-dity.
vince. The fees represent it falling off
as compared with. 1002 awl. 1003, when
so many mining companies were formed *
awl the receipts weee $107,500 and 1,3120,-
513 respectively, It shows a regular
increase, however, over the normal
years in 1868 the sum received was
$1,038; in 1888, $0,190; in 1898, $2S,520;
and in 1001, $88,043.
During the year 024 letters pate/druid
licenses were issued. Ten concerns ma-
. rendered their charters, while the Oar -
ter of one WaS caneelled.
Engineer Peter Neilson was killed and
Brakemen Herman Hans and Trout were
Pat Crowe, eupposed kidnapper of Ed-
die Cudahy, had a desperate battle with
the Omaha police last night, and is
thought to be seriously wounded, but
managed to escape.
Francis 13. Stevens, jr., of the well-
known Stevens family, of Castle Point,
Hoboken, N. Y., popular member of
the Meadow Brook Hunt Club, commit -
led suicide late Tuesday night.
Early toality fire destroyed the busi-
ness portion of Forestport, a village on
at $30,000.
the Black River Canal. Loss estimated
A despatch front Shanghai says that
the deaths resulting from the recent
floods in the bow -lying districts •were.
over 10,000.
Michael Crease, 31 Gloucester street,
Toronto, was &mut on Tuesday near
Haileybury, in the Temisimming district.
Mr. Creole had aone north to investi-
gate claims.
The substance of the 21022' Anglo -Jap -
linos(' treaty has been communicated by
the British Foreign Office to the State
Department at Washington, through Am-
bassador of Great Britain.
The Pope to -day received in private
and most cordial audience the. Bishop of
Dartford, the Right Rev. Michael Tier-
ney, DD., and the Bishop of Fall River,
the Melt Rev, Wm. Stang, D.D.
Major General Ovanovsky, Quarter -
master General of 'General Lineviteh's
staff, has boon appointed plenipotentiary
to meet the Japanese representative
and arrange the terms of an armistice.
The result of the legislative election.s
held yesterday in Spain arc not ,yet &-
finite Republican gains aro indicated.
The Monarchists have earried Madrid,
and. the Republicans have carried Bar-
celona and Valencia.
A telegram was received to -day from
the Swiss expedition which is attempt-
ing to reaeh the summit of the Western
Hindayas. saying that Lieut. Peelle has
been crushed by an avalanche and that
the expedition is returning.
Judge William L. Penfield, solicitor of
the State Department, has been selected
by the president for a special mission to
Europe, the character of which remains
a profound secret at the State Depart- .
Rev, J. W. Pedley, -of Toronto, ha.s
been appointed Financial Secretary of
the Congregational Church in Canada'to
aid in the work of stimulating the
churches to forther efforte in the direc-
tion of raising funds for paying off these
gements are being, made to pro-
te r quarters for large numbers
of Cossacks in all villages and hamlets
around Tsarskoe-Selo. Cossack canton-
ments will thus form a close cordon
around the Imperial residence.
Bemuse the declined to receive hint ae
a suitor, Frank Cassario, a Puerto Ri-
can, went to Miss Florence 'Westin, at
New York, last evening, and killed hint-
eelf at the young woman's door by scud-
irg it bullet through his temple.
Judge Weller Refuses to Try Hini Sum-
marily for Manslaughter.
Teterboro, Sept, 10.—The ease of
•Charles Goo., committed for man-
- slaughter in connection with the ehoot-
lug of the boy iu Dtittliner, Was the
subieet of two applications before Judge
Weller in Chambers to -day. One was
to have Gow called upon to elect
whether he lvould be tried by a jury
at. the :1,,,sizes 61- in the County judge'e
Criminal Conrt. The latter course is
permitted Ity the Criminal Code, but
forbidden by au Ontario statlite, had
Sludge Weller felt bound by the ontario
net unlese it should be declared ultra
No'llits,7,,thalletilfelitled. to allow the prsi-
Connsel ere considering an applicetion
for a, manilanute compelling the Judge
to. accept Om's; election to be tried by
him. The applies:lion for bait being,op-
l5001 by the Attorney -General, and the
depositions not being rmul, the applkh-
tion was adjourned till &pt. 12.
Oakville, Ont., Sept. 1 LeeTire Mate
out on the barns of Mae:limy tliddinge,
the well-known horseman, on the Lek:.
Shore load, east of Oakville, on San I
eley afternoon, eompletely destweviag,
the eabutide buildinge witlt contents,
The eanse of the fire is unknown. Mrs,'
-MMUS'S diaeavered the buildings to be
on fire shortly -after three o'Cloek .
being Mono at the time rushed over 1.
anegot eimple of horses away front 1
t he building. Fortunately all the tatiul
able horsee were out in pasture. Mts..
Giddiega the 'Metter 01 1110 weil-knean
raeo horeve War Hoop anti Wire In, Mr,
edtidinge wilt rebuild at mute.
She Drove Off Pursuing Posse Headed
Doh, ibes; took
. Buie, col., Sept. 10,—Minnie Sewering, a
girl horso-t ou bay by members
snot two e k efu a ountain
gorge and fired more than twenty shots at
her pursuers, compelling mein to retreat.
Under cover of derkness she escaped, and is
now presumed to be in the mountains near
the State line of Utah and Colorado.
In eomptny with her sweetheart, Emil
mitt, the girl, who is V, and a daughter
of t getlthierar%Siied. rhe wo
tooitsores:thi. 020)10(1.
'tours the girl's father organized a posse,
During the flight, with the posse in eight,
the girl immune separated .from Stahl. dim
had three horses with her. Her father,. de-
siring to kill Stahl, kept on atter him, and
it ts reported he is surrounded. The girl in
plentifully supplied_with ammunition, and
anhoustt In an unsettleconatry, no fears
are entertained for her safety.
- -_- e ---
Hermit Who Lived on Lake St. Clair
Pound Pead.
Chatham, Ont., Sept. 10.—Susp1c1ous Mr-
cumstantes surround the death of AnthonY
Dupris, an aged raiser, who lived in t:
shanty on Lake St. Clair, near St. Like'
Club. Dupris had the reputation clf ha,tiIrg a
hoard of gold secreted in, or around his
shanty, and wa.s found some time ort Sri -
day lying M his shanty dead, and, it ls
said, with a blackened face and finger
marks on hie throat. Ile was known to have
had a Sum of money on him, but none of
this was found, nor was Any trace found of
money in his hut.
Dupris had as his only companions some
farmyard stock, wbich shared hts shanty
witit him. Ile WEIS a veteran ot the United
States Civil War, and drew a pension of
$12 a month. On Thursday the aged miser
W123 in Chatham on his way back from De-
troit, where he had been drawing his quer-
terly pension,.
f -1
Gaines in the Vatican Gardens Will Be
Under His Patronage,
Koine, Sept. 10.—The Pope is about to
make a new departure, which M regarded
with some doubt by old-fashloned people in
Italy. An athletic competition will soon be
held within tbe precincts of the Vatican, un-
der tbe Pope's patronage. Plus X. is a
confirmed believer in athletics, and hates a
looter. The elderly cardinals, who are not
interested 1,1 ,the importance of training
young men's =soles, have been urged by
the Pope to witness the atnietic exercises.
"It will," said his Holiness, "make you
fifty years younger."
The Pope has given over MO goad and t•ii-
rer medals for the coming competition, and
intends to be present at the final event on
the programme, which will be run oft in
UM Celan° della Pigott, if it is aufficiently
largo for the exercises,
t r
New York, sent. U.—William Kelly, known
among his fellow prisoners as "Ilnelo Kill,"
relebrated yesterday in Slog Sing his 85th
birthday. Ito is the oldest convict in the
State, and has been ifteareerated longer
than any person now in a Now York State
Kelly Was placed behind the bars 31 years
and four months ego, for murder in the sec-
ond degree tommitted Queen's County.
The Judie, and so tar aa IcatiWil all the
jurors have long since died.
Warsaw, 'seaman Poland, Sept. 11.—In ecni-
sequeuce of the execution ori Friday of Ivan
Kaspahalc, a Socialist leader, who woo seas
deemed hy a mutt martial for Melting pail,
tient murders, all the factories la Warsaw
:Arnett to -day. Cessacks awl Infantry are
la -droning the strata
A large number of arrests were made in a
theatre et Leila test night. An individual
from the gallery flooded ,the house with re»
volutionary doeuments, whereupon the police
surrotteerta the theatre and arrested about
280 of the oecupants.
A Harvester
Winnipeg. Sept.. 10. --About two thou-
sand herveetere from (euchre and Otte»
tea valley reached here yesthrday Ind
to -day. Thuile.; their Omen worst a
paeseueer eeeidentally fell from mut ee
the collates foul 15a13 instantly killed.
'the mem el the unfortutate Was
liftstly, of the County of Carle -
Salamanea, Spsitt, Sept. 1I. --It is ea.
tintateil that lOn persons Were
,:oute ahrionsly, din rank at a far'
th' 511(5)221 lipip to day. Velma fiiglithaort
animals ran into the erowds of specie..