HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-27, Page 81
11 1 111111 ) ,, 11 I. 1 ll 1 � o illat
Time For Broken Prices
Twice a Year We Hold These
Great Clearance Sales.
Its simply a business proposition -- we don't want to
carry over stock. Styles. change ---Shoes get shopworn, and
when you come here for you Shoes next Spring, wo don't
want to show you the same old Shoes, and we won't. We
want shelf room for our Fall stock. Must have it,
All Our Summer
Out esi
We say out it goes, because the prices named below
will make it go. Every Man, Woman, Boy or Girl, who
gets a pair of Shoes at this Sale, will be a walking ad-
vertisement for us. Gall soon for yours, as the stock
will move quickly. Sale is now on.
21 Pairs Men's Dongola Bads, (Goodyear Welts), Reg.
Price $3.00 and $3.50 - Sale Price $2.25
18 Pairs Boys' Patent, Box Calf, Tau and Chocolate
Boots, $2.50, $3.o0 and $3.50 -to Clear ab 1.75
15 Pairs Ladies' Patent Colt and Kid Bads. (lovely
Boots), Regular•Prices $2,50, $3.00 and $3.50 -Sale
Price $1,75, $2.25 and 2,75
20 Pairs Ladies' Dongola Oxfords, Patent or Self
Tip, regular price $L.50 -Sale Price 1.00
Now is the time to make Shoe investments.
See us for Trunks and Valises.
Percy Carlyle of Loudesbaro spent
Stmday in town.
Miss Annie Porter is home front Ile
trout on her holidays,
David. Watters sent Sunday with
relatives in Milverton.
Mr. and Itis.. 'Win. Meld are rusti-
cating at Whitechurch.
Miss Vine Nelson of Toronto is visit-
ing at her hone in town.
Miss Aland Robertson is visiting
Lueknow friends this week.
Will. Pearson of Stratford spent
Sunday with friends in town.
Miss Annie Carlyle of Hensall spent
Sunday with friends in town.
:Hiss Smith and Miss Nesbitt of To-
ronto are guests of Miss Bugg.
Mr, Will. DlcCall of C letthaur paid
Witightue a flying visit on Tuesday,
Miss Lillie Kinsman. of Lansing,
Mich., is visiting at her home in town.
Miss hart of Owen Sound is the
guest of llliss Martha Bosman this
Mrs, A. W. Stobie of Seaforth visit-
tel her sister, Mrs. G. C. Manners, last
Hartley Patterson of New York is
visiting at his home in town for a few
Miss Alice Gillespie of Blyth spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. W, J.
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Mitchell are
spending a few weeks with Listowel
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Green and
family are visiting friends in Rainy
River district..
Mrs. W. J. Maines went to Owen
Sound this weds to visit her sister,
Mrs. Sheffield.
Mr. Kerr, of London, is visiting his -
sons, Messrs. John and James H.
Kerr, of town.
Mr. Spurgeon Sheppard of Water-
loo is visiting his mother in town,
Mrs. Jas. Raby.
Miss Pansy Reynolds returned home
from Chatham on Monday for a few
weeks' holidays.
Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy and children
have been spending a week or more at
the lakeside in Kincardine. Dr. Ken-
nedy spent Sunday there also.
Mrs. J. L. Trouse of Woodstock,
who has been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Baer on Edward St., re-
turned to her home on Tuesday last.
Miss M. E. Cornyn, who has been
visiting her brother in Mexico for the
past six months, is on her way home
and expects to arrive about the 8th of
Miss Margaret Hiscox of Toronto,
who has been spending part of her
vacation in Lucknow, is this week
visiting Wingham friends and leaves
on Saturday for Milverton where she
will spend the remainder of her vaca-
W. J. Greer, The Shoer
ul...i 111 ii 6.00o,i. 11A A a.aniasec®amtva0119il.,",., .ca1131;
Corning !
Don't fail to see the exhibition
of Hair Goods of every descrip-
tion that will be on view, includ-
ing the latest masterpiece as ap-
plied to Toupees, Wigs, Bangs
and Waves, viz.: ,I E€��
A natural scalp parting - So y,1 ii✓%
natural in appearance that you , :�' ,.-r
forget it is artificial. This de-
scription aptly applies to all hair
goods from this house. Seize the opportunity of purchasing ou the above
dates. The selection placed before you will be complete in every respect and
the prices as low as in our store. Switches of straight and wavy hair from
$3 to $15. Pompadour bangs from $4.50 upwards. Inspection cordially in-
vited. Will call at residence if you leave message at the hotel. Shall not
be here again for three months,
Coming !
W. To Pember
Canada's Hair King
(Representative) Wynn Tregwin
will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham
Thursday, July 27th, '05.
Zusiness College
127-129 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ont.
2 Have You Tried
Learn whilst earning. Increase
your usefulness and thereby increase
your wages by attending our Night
Backward and elderly students can
feel at ease under our system of in-
dividual instruction.
A good sound business education is
the best equipment a young man or
Zwoman can have for life's battles, and
the best place to secure it is in Tne
2 Students may enter at any time.
Full particulars write or call
N. Reginald Pletcher, Principal
Geo. Spotton, 'President,
12 yrs. teaching experience 6
Farm For Sale.
One hundred acres, in good state of
cultivation, within three miles of the
Town of Wingham; first-class build-
ings; price reasonable. Apply Box 15,
ADVANoz Orme. Wingham.
How About Some
The kind that will neither
fade, curl nor crack, are
what we sell you. The
spring roller is also a con-
sideration ; Ieave it to us,
and you will get the best
---one that we guarantee
to give satisfaction,
CO �
(Successors to Alex. hogs)
Butternut Bread ? I
▪ They all like it and
.r sound its praises. Try 4.
_ it and be convinced. •i•
+ We have the most tasty , tooth
• •`i'
Tsome Cakes. Why sweat, bag this .I -
hot weather. Just call on usf - wo fill "
-l• the gap, and guarantee satisfaction.
••h J. C. LACKIE E
A General Store business, one of the
best in Western Ontario; post office in
connection; stock, about $3,500; terms
made easy. Sole reason for selling -a
larger business is required for the help
the proprietor has of his own. Apply
Farm For Sale.
The east half of Lot 35, Con. 12, East.
_ Wawanosh, containing 100 acres• 85 acres
clear and in good sante of cultivation (50
- acres in grass), and 20 acres good timber ;
good frame house. barn, implement shed,
hay barn, sheen pen and hogpens; two
good wells and good orchard ' situate 4i
miles from Town of Wingham,For terns
apply to
Fordyce P.O. Barrister, Wingham
- Dated this 12th day of July, 1905,
Church 'flews
Mr, Geo. Mason had charge of the
services at Forclwich, Mayne and
Newbridge on Sunday last. He had a
successful day.
Next Sunday, Quarterly Sacrament-
al services will be held in Wingham
Methodist church. The Fellowship
service will commence at quarter to
ten, and will be followed by- the
regular preaching service, and sacra-
ment of the Lord's Sapper.
Tell me all the good you can about
Mrs. Robt. Slater is visiting Chat-
ham friends.
C. P. R. construction is going ahead
tepidly the past week.
Jessie Thompson of Clinton, paid a
visit to her sister, Mrs. Tiernay, this
Mr. Frank Metcalf returned Friday
evening after spending two weeks
anong Michigan friends,
Mr, Jas. Gillespie received the sad
news Saturday morning, of the death
of his son John, at Winnipeg.
C. Hamilton, our popular aaetion-
eer, is spending at eonple of weeks
around the lakes in Muskoka.
Rev. David Williams, Bishop of the
Diocese of Huron conducted Conflrma-
tion service in Trinity church Sunday
When you want a pleasant laxative
that is easy to take and certain to act,
use Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver
tablets, For sale by call druggists,
Niss Robertson of Auburn Snndaayed
at Mrs, Pingle's,
Mr, and Mins. Hughes of Morris Slut-
dayed at Jolrn Owen's,
Mrs, TTglow of Ingersoll is the guest
of Rev, and Mrs. ,Tones,
Thos, Forbes of Wingham, spent a
day in Belgrave last week..
Mrs. Baines of Brussels, called on
friends in Belgrave last week..
David and Thos. Carroll of Orange
ville, visited at Jas. Owen's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Stalker and slaughter
of I,ucknow are visiting at Dan, Ged-
lir.. and Mrs. Perdue of Clifford
visited. at Chas. 1�1c,Grtae s on Monday
Arnistt'ong & CO., also Clegg a Co-,
shipped frogs ,and sheep on Monday
-Miss Elva Coultes of Buffalo, is visit-
ing at J. Clegg's and with other
Wm, Watson received a carload of
British Clolunrbi:t red cedar shingles
last week.
The fall wheat is all cub; it is of
splendid quality and will be all housed
this week.
Miss Cassie Fraser has returned
home from visiting friends in Clinton
and Blyth.
The Misses Loveless of London, are
the guests of Mrs. Thos. and Mrs. Jno.
Miss Cassie Stewart of Grey, has re-
turned home after spending holidays
at Mrs. Sproat's.
Master Willie and Louie Burnie of
Exeter are spending the vacation at
Mr. Stonehouse's.
Wm. Watson, contractor, has been
laid off work for a couple of weeks
owing to a lame back.
Evangelist Coultes of Chicago is
spending his holidays with friends in
the vicinity of Belgrave.
Master Willie and Lula McCool of
Wingham, are holidaying with their
grandfather, W. Hopper.
Miss Carrie Potter, of the Nile, has
returned hone after spending a few
days at Mrs. W. Wray's.
A goodly number went to Blyth on
Sunday evening to hear Bishop Wil-
liams ; a Confirmation service was
Rev. J. J. Hastie and wife are spend-
ing their vacation in Detroit and other
western cities ; we wish them a plea-
Fast Wawanosh,
Thomas Williams is engaged with,
' V ut XIallaluatt for the haying and
harvest season,
A certain young num from near
W'estlleid will hardly ever forget the
beautiful surprise be received upon
accompanying a young lady to. her
destination after a long drive. The
unexpected will happen and a person
never knows what a day will bring
forth, Vengeance is thine, I will re-
pay, troth the young man,
Miss Annie Leishuuan, who was tak-
en very suddenly ill with appendicitis
on July 12th, while spending the day
at Clinton, is recovering nicely at pre-
sent, owing to the prompt measures
taken by her physician to 1lrOvdnt the
necessity of an operation. Miss Leish-
man, who has been visiting friends in
these parts for about a year, will re-
turn to her Monte in Algoma next
We are glad to learn drat', John
Ilallahan is recovering, though very
slowly, from the effects of falling a
distance of 39 feet at the barn raising
at Mt'. Thomas Noble's, about three
weeks ago. He was unconscious for
six days, as his head was very serious-
ly injured at the back of the skull. It
was a great miracle that, although his
body is cut and bruised all over, there
was no bones broken.
A very sad accident happened to
Mary, the little daughter of John
i'Vightmen, of near Belgrave, on Mon-
day evening of last week. The little
child was out playing in a yard near
the barnyard, where an old sow was
closed in. The little brother bad been
down to the barn and on coming up
to the house had thoughtlessly left the
gate open between the two yards.
The soy made her way in through the
gateway and on seeing the little girl
made straight for her, knocking her
down and mangling one arm very
badly; her neck was made very black
where the animal had stepped on her.
The brute would undoubtedly have
killed her in a short time but for the
timely presence of the child's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Wightman immediately
took the little girl to a doctor, who
dressed the ugly wounds. At last ac-
counts she was getting along favor-
ably. This is the second time the
child has been attacked by the same
Good For Stomach Trouble And Con-
Wroxeter, FOR SALE.
Tilos, Hemphill Hon shipped: a cat•
of oats list week. •A farm of thirty-six -six acres ; six acres
bush ; 3& miles from Wingham, half
a utile from Binevale, Von particulars
apply to
Robert Gibson of hleinburg was a
visitor at Miitlalnd Brae for a few
(iays lately
Rev. L. Perrin has returned after
spending itis holidays; Ile looks as if
lie ltad enjoyed himself,
Peter McEwan, of the 2ud of Turn -
berry, shipped a ear of prime steers to
the Old Country on Monday. We nn.
clerstantd Peter goes with them and
the 110p0 he Will get a good market.
Now that cattle have fallen so melt
in puce, is it not about time that
butchers *add reduce the price of
beef. We have to pay higher than
1 i a
prifo• bef of not so good qcityuality. asces thery gete.
We congratulate Mr. John Harris
on being the first in our village to do
Way with the fence in front of his
dwelling ; it is a great improvement
to its appearance and if our village
Council would adopt a By-law to pro-
Mbit cattle from running at large,
fences would soon become it thing of
the past.
A few around here have macre to be-
ginning in cutting their wheat and
barley, and we regret to hear reports
of the damage by rust being more
serious than was expected ; it is a
great pity the very promising appear-
ance of the crop will not be realized.
The ,other crops are, however, looking
Daviel W. Rae has returned from
his visit to New Ontario, having has-
tened his return owing to his wife's
illness, who we are glad to report as
nnrch better. Iie met several old
friends there, John McFarlane, David
Miles and others and from what they
say and what he personally saw, he is
very favorably impressed. The crops
look. first-class and the mining pros-
pects are great. He reports the rich-
est Silver mine in the world (surely
not) there ; it is more than likely he
may move his camp there in a short
Turnberry Voters' list this year
"shows in polling division No. 1-200
voters ; No: 2-184 ; No. 3-128 ; No.
4-141 ; total -059 ; of these, 388 are
qualified to act as Jurors in his Maj-
esty's Courts.
Council met in the Clerk's office,
Bluevale, on Monday, July 24th ;
members all present. The minutes of
sant time and a safe return. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver last meeting were rend and adopted. .
There has been quite a lot of cement Tablets have done are a great deal of Couplancl-•Kelly-That By-law No.
sidewalk laid down in Belgrave by On a'I•io>, sC nada. Towns, of Portage,
13, 1905, be passed for the purpose of
statute labour this summer, which physic the after affects are not nn- borrowing money to meet the current
adds very much to the appearance of pleasant, and I can recommend them expenditure of the township until
to all who suffer from stomach dis- taxes are collected-ca.rt'ied.
our village. order." For sale by all druggists.
The little girl of John Wightman's The Treasurer laid his half -yearly
on the gravel road, while playing in 1 report before the Council which shows
the barn yard, was attacked by a a balance of cash on hand of $507.00.
vicious pig last week, and badly bitten Langside. The report was adopted.
about the arms and shoulders. Had Miss Rosy Bell of Parkhill is visiting The following accounts were passed
it not been for the screams of the her sister, Miss Lottie. and cheques issued :-
child drawing the attention of the Mrs. Jos. Hockridge had a ver sue- Duff & Stewart, B line bridge..$522.84
mother in the house, the child would g Y J. Porter, work, road machine.. L r2
cessful quilting bee 011 Wednesday. W. Chandler " .. 3.50
likely have been killed. John Fyfe " .. 3.5(1
The brick 1 of Mr. Reuben Tif
,Tom' Bi',00MFmr,e),
45-8, Bluevale.
Wo, the undersigned lawyers, agree to close
Our offices during the months of July and
August, as follows: --On Saturdays at 2 p.m.
and on other days at 4 p,m.
Dickinson R. Itolmea R. Vaustono
Itolnaes, Clarke &•, Holmes J, A. Merlon
Cheap Tourist Tickets
To 30,000 Islands, Georgian Ray, Sault
Ste, Marie and Mackinac Island.
Fishing, Camping and Scenery
Never Better.
Steamers leave Collingwood 130 p.m , Owen
Sound 11 00 p, to., Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Sn 1 u rd.,ys.
Itegular steamers between Penetang and
Parry Sound, Collintrwood, French River and
Killarney, also Sarnia to Lake Superior Ports.
Tickets and resorvatiens at Grand Trunk
and 0. P. R. Ticket ,Agents.
Literature on application.
H. ,1, Gildersleeve, Mgr., Collingwood
C. H. Nicholson, Trait Mgr., Sarnia
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
re won : << 3.50
Church, Belgrave, will have' a lawn fin's new house will soon be completed. Municipal World, collector's roll 1.20 1
social at the home of Mr. Garner Miss Annie McGregor of Toronto is J. McTavish, equalizing school
visitin 'at the home of her uncle, Jas. section
Nicholson, the evening of August 4th, g' Jos. Breckenridge, gravel and
Wingham Brass band will be in often. McGregor. damages
dance. The corrmzitteeare sparing no John A. Taylor;fs taking advantage D. Jewitt, gravel and da
G Casetnore " "
Jas. Porter "
To The Real Estate Bayer I1
No Matter Where Located.
I am absolutely sure 1 am in a position to
ave you same money, unless the circum
tattoos under which you buy are very ex-
I can and shall make 0 profitable for yon
to buy through mo. I ant in touch with pro-
perty owners in every part of the country,
and have on my lists today, properties (both
n town and country) that cannot be excelled
either in quality or pride.
It makes no difference whether you want
a $50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want
to hear from you.
Real Estate and Business Transfer.
(Doled-'Vanstone Block, Wingham)
means to make it a grand success. of the fine weather by having at gang „ 44 „
Colne, everybody, and have a good of seven at his hay.A. McDonald " 44
the people that you know. Tell me
time. See bills and dodgers. Mr. Jas. Switzer has been on the W. Abraham " <<
only the good about the people of sick list for thepast week ; we hoe J. C. Anderson
whom you speak. Tell me the things The people of Belgrave and vicinity p and repairs culvert
which will make ale think well of sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. James to hear of his speedy recovery.
R. Musgrove, gravel & damages
' • c so re -his
A. Wheeler
it .onhome
Russell in the loss of the Hetherington left for
people and bf life. Tell me the things Jas. H gJ Marshall " "
which will make my sun shine, my Gently home from Duluth. The young in South Dakota on Wednesday. He Thos. Aitkin " "
heart glad, and my soul to rejoice. than was taken seriously ill with ap- will visit friends in Iowa on his route. Jno. McTavish, gravel
Tell me the things • which will pendicitis on his way down, incl only Mrs. Lowry and Miss Elva of Guelph
straighten up my thinking, and give lasted a few days after arriving at his have returned home after spending a.
me the right principles of work and of father's, having passed away on Sat- pleasant time visiting friends and re-
play and of thought. Tell me the lircluy. He was a young man of ex- lations in this vicinity.
Ings which will snake it easier for emplary character, and will be much
me to believe in the religion of Jesus missed by his friends. The funeral
Christ as a working theory of life. Was largely attended on Monday last.
Tell me the things which will harden
into a steady conviction my belief in
the Christianity of the Son of God. Belmore.
Tell me the things which will fortify
Mrs. D. N. McDonald and children,
faith in Man, in God, and in Ripley, are renewing old friendships
HeTell me the things which in and around Behnore.
make you careless and needy, and
I will tell you of the Man who under- We are glad to report that Master
stands, and who says sweetly, serious- Murray Mulvey, who was seriously
ly, and savingly to you, "Cowie unto ill, is recovering very nicely.
Me, all ye that labor and are heavy Mr. and Mrs. Mulvey, Wingham,
laden, and I will give you rest 1"- and Miss E. Mulvey of Minneapolis,
are visiting with relatives here.
Farmers are kept going these days
as the wheat and hay •sure both ready
Jamestown. to be cut, if the weather keeps favor -
Mr, and Mrs. W. Innes spent Sun- able.
clay with Brussels friends. Our shoemaker has come to stay ;
Miss Elsie Strachan is at present he occupies the house owned by Jas.
holiclavin Hall d ' believe d work
New York Observer.
Quite a number of the ladies of the
neighborhood spent an enjoyable af-
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Jos, Tif-
fin, sen., on Monday. The event was
in honor of Miss Lottie Bell's birth-
day. She was the recipient of many
beautiful presents. Two quilts were
quilted during the afternoon and at
five o'clock tea was served on the
Lawn. Ice cream was greatly relished
as a dessert, the day being intensely
Channing Femininity.
Famous beauties pay'particular at-
tention to the purity of their blood,
knowing that nutritious blood means
soft delicate skin, bright eyes, and
enduring nerves. Those whose looks
are so delightful, use Ferrozone be-
cause it's the exact food needed to
tone and stimulate the blood. Ferro -
zone invigorates, braces, feeds -it
g in Fesserton, Ont. > g makes those dainty, vivacious women
Jim Innes spent Sunday with his reran and is prepared. to fill orders at so pleasant to meet. You'll have the
the above place, rosy bloom of health, dash and spirit,
friend, Mr. Clarke, of Brussels. the satisfaction and boy of true health
Mr reside in fn -
A Lamonby has secured a
holidaying under the parental roof. school near Wingham, which will be get Verrozone to -day. Sold every -
holidaying more convenient to his home ; wherein 50e. boxes.
Miss Verne Eckrnier is visiting her Austin will be missed in the ranks of
cousin, Miss Pearl Baker of Bluevale, the baseball team, as he vas one of
this week. their most skilful and untiring mem-
Miss Berva Bryans was the guest of
her friend, Miss Laura Cardiff, 8th
con. of Grey, last week.
Miss Annie Strachan left last Satur-
day for Kincardine, where she will
visit her sister, Mrs, A. D. McCosli.
111r. Lou Ecktnier had a beautiful
lleintztnan piano placed in his home
last week. We congratulate Mr.
Eckmier on having trade such a good
Mr. Robert McKay of Ethel gave a
most impressive address in Victoria
1iall last Sunday evening. Mr. Kerr
of Winghatn is expected to take charge
of the service next Sunday evening,.
Miss Lizzie Eckniier, who has kept
house for her uncle Since coming to
this locality', left for her home in Ethel
last week, where she will
tum. Her many friends will be sorry
for her departure, as she was highly
esteemed by aa,
after using Ferrozone. You should
Misss Arlie McKelvey of Toronto rs g
Miss Emma Edwards has given tip
her former school and has been
fortunate enough to secure one quite
near home, in Carrick Tp., what is
known as Duffy's school, Miss Ed-
wards is a very successfulteacher anti
will, no doubt, prove to the trustees
of her new section, the wisdom, of
their selection.
Personally Conducted Excursion.
Second Bowler personally conducted
excursion to California and Lewis
Clark Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
Ang. 20th to Sept. 21t11, 1095, $150.00
including transportation, meals _in
dining ear,sleeping ear accontnoda-
(loll on train and at hotels for above
period. As party will be limited to
reservation le 5sat'r .
fs 1 necessary.
��..r, earlyy
Igor full particulars call on Grand
Trunk agents, or address 1,,. C. Bowler
room 808, "Union station, Toronto.
We are pleased to see Mrs, John
White able to be around again after
her severe illness.
Miss Lizzie I3ryane, who has been
visiting with friends in Ingersoll for
sortie time returned home last Friday.
The teacher and pupils of S. S. No.
4 aro to be congratulated on their suc-
l:ess at the recent entrance examinee
tion, eight out of twelve passing.
Roe's Epworth League will hold a
literary meeting on Tuesday evening,
Music, address by the pastor, and a
social time comprise the program.
Miss Ethel lifusgrove of Wingham,
who has been holidaying with her
cousin, Miss 5, Pearson, for some time
returned to her home on Monday.
The Misses Bertha, a1d Peael
of Brawls, accompanied by Miss
Edith Dundas of Ingersoll, spent Sun-
day at the home of Edward Bryaan&
Jno. McBurney
Geo. Hislop
A. Pollock
Elijah Higgins
J. SeMcDougall
J. W. King
D. Dunkin, rep. road machine..
Jas. Kirton, rep. Linton bridge
Robt. Yeo, new culvert
A. McKinnon, gravelling 13 line
H. Bolt, insp. B litre gravelling
W. J. Campbell, insp. Fladie's
swamp gtavelling 2.50
Wm. Gannett, Page wire fence 7.50
D. Welsh, taking irons front
river • 4.50
Council adjourned until 10 a. 111.,
August 28th.
John Burgess, Clerk.
Miss Brandon of Belgrave is visiting
her friend, Mrs. Wm. Abram.
Next Sunday, Mr. D. L. Weir will
take charge. of the Sunday School
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartley spent Mon-
day evening at the home of Dr. Smale
of Wroxeter.
Mrs. J. Gallaher is visiting at the
home of her son, William, at Ford-
wich this week.
Miss Ada Nokes and her sister Miss
Mand, are at present visiting their
brother at the Soo.
Next Thursday evening, Rev. Mr.
Osterhout will spend part of the even-
ing telling of iris trip to Denver ;
every one will be made welcome.
As Mr. Leslie McLaughlinwas
going to Wroxeter lest Thursday
evening his horse got frightened,
breaking loose from the buggy, and
running some distance ; fortunately
little harm was done.
To Stop A Crying Baby.
Babies cry because they are sick.
It may be a pain in the stomach, code,
or cramps, hitt in any case a few drops
of Nerviline soothes awa • the distress
and allows the baby to seep peaceful.
1 Where there are young children
there should also be Nerviline. It
cures all the minor ailments just as
promptly as the doctor -and not so
expensive. For nearly fifty years
Poison's Nerviline has been the great
household remedy of Cantrda. Sold
everywhere Iii large 25e, bottles,
.A. small farm, close to Wing-
ham. Everything in first-class
order. Will be sold right.
Apply to
Civic Holiday
Wingham, Aug. 1
To all stations Toronto and West, including
line Toronto to North Bay, also to Port
Huron and Detroit, Mich„ Susp. Bridge and �, t
Buffalo, New York.
Good going P. M. trains July 31st, all trains
August 1st. Returning until Aug. 2nd.
For tickets and full information, call on
L. HAROLD, Town Agent.
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Winnipeg .....$30.00 Eatovan •$33.00
Mowbray.... 1 York ton..
Deloraine } 31.50 Studio 43 50
Souris 111 Regina . ), 33.75
Brandon 31.55 Lipton
Lyleton l Mooselaw 34.00
Lenore...,..,. 32.00 Saskatoon 35.25
Miniota Prince Albert.. 36.00
ilinscarth ...... 32.25 Macleod 48 00
Moosoniin 43.20 Calgary 38.50
Arcola 8trath.50 Red Dee 39.50
Going July 15th, returning until Sept. loth,
Full particulars from any Canadian Pacific
Agent or C. B. Foster, A.P.A., Toronto.
44 k .. * ... * * . * * k * * * * * * * * *
F3000aQ0000e000 n
is Here, and I Am
Here With ,the Goods
The Largest and Best stock of
Sporting .Goods ever shown in
town. Bargains in Hammocks,
Fishing Tackle, Lacrosse Sticks.
My Camera Department
Is Complete.
Full instructions on Picture
Taking' and Making "free to all."
Buy a Camera from els ,and not
from the dealer that`. simply
"sells" and lots you do the rest.
Take the advantage of Free In-
stractions end make a success.
Elate Cameras from $2.50 to $22
kept in stook.
Fine Watch, Clock
and jewelry Repairing
a Specialty.
Try us, and have your work done
neatly, quickly and cheaply,
reweler and Stationer
Wingham Ontario