HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-27, Page 2410,414.;Amioir
tevo. The Earl of shaftesbury illuetrated
iloaf of breatt is better than to give WM; ,
thie principle when. he purchased a.
iMarket Reports
ber of trueles and. Mie thou Oa by
letarreltNetTIONAli lealtitieaN NO. VI. the day itt u 11011111141 Bina durimg the
ALIGUbT G. 100a hard timea to poor men that they Might
on a living by peddling ye:eatables.
about if anybocil anderstands him, bu.
The Week, Six Men Blown to Pieces by the Terrific Ex -
ea true to their host that no one de- -'1111.1 1 plosion,
4ollales Gooa Roign,-9 ChM. 21: 143, Those having charge of the funds were e
thOmMentary.-I. Josialt's diameter sired a special reckoning with them It TOMO rannetet Natant, Des Moines, Iowa, July ile.-Au eXplo.
(as. I. ii). 1. Josiah -The fifteenth son le a grand thing when boys and gide) area bt Lawrence Aleritet =time
of Judieh (not. counting A0101141, the
&ion hi reported to have taken place thie
are so faithful that it is uot necessavY war eillet, owing to the ught receipts. There
usurper), sou a Amon and Jedidel. Re to oversee tbem. Are you Such a met !wow nate mean, eVen et the stalls, end f limning the west Riverside Coal Mine,
WaS married at tlie tore of thirteen ta UTI 11 seal lee feeeee, "pia, year I everything WaS etre4 eccrily.t
illearetitlisicellialfoids-1, $
ei rwte,,,,,, 1,,,,. i, ire two miles west of the city, Pive or six
Zebutiali. 2. Did.. ateilvt-"lle grew up- liana bore *mil keep it on this letter till s I • c'a °It miners rirti Said tet have been killed.
flames of an itantoral aid idolatrou$ A COni0 beck." "Yes, father," erica tbe I tem 39 or choice light weIghttose,eipta
int* lit noble Me in vac of Vie wont in- T
lbw. Whoi half an War ptl'ised. Butter -11a0 a firm tone, being A telephone. nwssage from the enine
court and the example of an idOlatroltS and his fatber did not Mule beek Jobnnie Itee-Itti /itiliely asti)toeuateti° to rto 240 per stetes that lightning struck the powder
father," Let us learn 1. That a, child house sbortly after ti teeloger, The build -
grew tired. Another half hour passed, dozen.
a child May serve God when t te world le meden ..w.., , ,
aim ami ne wou a w la O. ler le o , e
ld 4 1 t f tl tha°6e4'
xnoet attractive. 1 That when n child "'" ..ae----ree about five loads ot No. 1 timothy tiplaillite and the exploeion which fol-
begina to serve God early he will be like- how dark it was getting! Where was men reportee aced, it is stated that the
to 512.50 iaer too.
ly to become honorable and useful."
NIA? He ilea started off with the man Wheat' "Ite et w w ii ot 1 oo to 3101 wounded may member twenty.
lVaye of David -"The tharacter of Devid Do., red .4 06 Iiii a* 000000 100 0
1010 had called upon iiiin, forgetting ail Do., spring .. .... ... .. . 090 to 0 00
wee the etandard ay which the sacred about the little boy. It was An hour and Po.. ;one .. .. ..., .. 0 75 to 00
»my begin to serve eith Mule 2. That
bat Johnnie. hehl bravely on. Father hail Pounre-Trate ls toilet and prices oat. Ing contained a cOnSideraldc quantity or
wished; but, oh, bow tirea he was, and were orreries. -Prices ere eiCey In 040 at el° lowed was terrific. Other than the see
historians were in the babit of trylng hie a half before his father came back, awl oats • • • • . .411. OA *.••• Oa to 90
,Toltnnie stood ell that time holding the nee a,"tetee ''" "• ' 54 to f' •
0 62 to
Sueeewors. Iiis father -Ws ancestor. nuekvateat
Tuvnea not aside tn. V4-- This &rale
letter as he had been told. Thio 'WAS DOrleY 0 49 to 00
the commandments of Goa." tuthfraness. It is often la being faith. - Hoe, NO. VIMOthY 10 00 to 1 50
D0•• clover, mixed .. .. a 00 to 00
intpliee an undeviating obedience to all t .
NI in little things, that we best show
our devotion ana selasiterifice. Being
eareNI to make time to do well the small
duties at home ere promote the com-
fort and happiness of the entire family.
We help in lifting hea.vy burdens by
doinn little things. Th power of exam-
ple often does more than many words.
A holy life tends to inspire others to
live right. That life ts helpful whose
influence tends to the right.
Abbie C. Morrow.
IL Idolatrous images tlestroyea (ve.1050 00
trew • •. .•. ,•
--------------------------- bogs . -------------------------00. 0 to
rive of those reported dead atm John
Woods, WM Latimer, Wititer Evans,
Zink Lomas and Newell.
The dead, men ha4 gone into the pow-
der Imre to eeeure their daily supply of
dynamite to be used in the mina. They
liad not been in the shed more than
minute or two when the structure wee
struck by lightning, igniting the entire
supply of dynamite and blowing build-
ing and 1000 literally to pima
Later reports are that no one wail in -
jived, and only those in the building
were killed.
3. Eighth year -When he was sixteen00
Do.. heavy .. • . • . .. • O. to
yearS .01a. liegan to seele-It it quite 21
wonderful to see this young man in the 24 •
luidSt. of the temptations of an idolatrous °I) Wife
and CorrUpt court begin, at the first 20
ilawnieg of his urealMoa, to nerve the 10
Lout with all hie Imert. Those dwelline
rititter • • • • • • • o. 0 20 to
eggs .. 0 22 to
Old chickens, dressed 0 10 to
Spring chickens . 0 15 to
Fall ehickens 0 14 to
Turkeys , 0 13 to
Potatoes, bushel 1 00 o
Son and Daughter, and Occupant of a
Buggy Injured,
under unlavorable Influencee should take.o0
1* Los Aneeles July 24.--M. T. Ilancock, - baggy, was thrown from his veldole to
• o
Parsley, dozen . 0 20 to
Rhubarb, dozen .. 0 25 to
Beets, doken 0 20 to
cabbages, dozen 0 40 to
Turnips, dozen .. „ .. 0 40 to
Lettuce, dozen 0 20 to
Radishes, dozen .. 0 20 to
Reef, hindquarters .. 03% to
Co., forequarters .. .. 0 OS to
Mutton 0 09 sustained two fractures of the skull ana ' "
Hancock, Lis wife anti daughter. ;Ile
he is sore on the papers because they
receutly misreported aim on. some rent.
ter winch scene ta Imve been of greet
interest ix' the Chinese quarter and
he didn't event the weddings aticed.
One of the brides plainly expresed
ber unwillingness to ,have anything said
of Gm joyoue events, mid what site
said settleil It. In apartment at
the back of the restaurant there was
a gathering °111PQsed "tlY of C"1- MOCh fuitement in
nese, who were quietly celebrating. The
service of the Methodist Church unitea
the Imppy couples.
flas a Minority of Three on a Red.
mond Amendment.
Pleaded Not Guilty, But gad Nothing to -
Say -David l)avis DR Some Good
Detective. Work in the Cane..
Brantford, July 21.--joe Bennett, the
Indian, Accused of the murder of lietey
Jacobs, received his preliminary hearing
before Squire Leitch yesterday -efternmat,
and was sent for trial at the NU as.
sizes. No new evidence was brought out,
excepting that of Dievid Davis, the star
evitness, who fouud the letter and des -
00 a well known millionaire plough inventor covered the body. Davis swore that he
the tenet and severely butt.
courage. Benean to purge -The coetlition :M. T., Idatleoele, Jima a Id -year-old bo
of tlunge in Judali and Jerusalem at the was &wing the matilime at the time of
Ja bad carefully measured the tracks of
51 and manufacturer, Is dead as the result
time Of Juiiah's conversion was most de- 00 of an automobile accident in this citY the ac - i t W'11 .1 ' ' tl f • t' 4 '
01i ell . 1 1 11111 in le 1 Ott settthe horse's lueofs t the Jacobs boine AM
tampered them with the tracks at the
plorable. For nearly seventy.years 1.4o1. 00 late last night, in which his wife, sin and was his young brother, Newton liancock.
atry had prevailed, except ilunug the few 09% daughter were injured eititneoeie himself who was the only member of the party Martin House where Ilen»ett eves seen
his short reign had again fully estab- • •. . seat on the night Of the crime. Those tracks,
ecconling to Deals, were the same. No
years of elanasselas later life. Amou in 0 07 .
tishea idolatry. Immorality was ram- person was present for the prisoner's
pant. "Jerusalem WAS filthy and pollut- defence, and he pleaded. "not guilty," He
ed. Crimes .of violence, deeds of oppres- took the greatest interest in the pro-
sion, and 121112100101 vices abounded every- ceedings, but had nothing at all to say.
in the twelfth year of his rear, and It is understood. that the Crown offi-
t' e. . eatieth yonr of l'il 2.1t',2.1t', ;Install set chits will have some additional evidence
u..4... ia r.triteat tu de,: i ..,;!: tin? ia ,:atry if t to bring out at the trial, which will
Ms kingdom. In II. liangs xxii. 3 the make another link in the elmin mimed
date given le the eighteenth year of his the accused Dalian. These witnesses did
reign. It is probable that the work was not take the stand because it was
begun in the twelfth year and completed a howea. the steteinents of the other
1 e'
inl!the eighteenth year. witnesses would be sufficient to send the
4. They brake down, ete.-The temple . prisoner for trial.
. e . -
waa teamed. of idols, the molten im- 2 01) i - - - .
ages, idol altars and Asherim were o oo 1 . USED ClIOROPORM.
kled on the graves of their worshippers i The Trick of Two Montreal Burglars
ground to powder and their dust 4
in the kings' presence. 5. Burnt the bones o 00 .
-This was predicted. of Josiah more than 1 00 i Wes Successful.
three hundred years before thia time 0 00
0 GO 1 Montreel, July al. -Chloroform Ina
idolatrous pnests, with the one exception 0 30 • been degraded to the rank of a burg -
(I. Kings xiii. 1, 2). The bones of the o 30
of the prophet of Bethel (see I. Kings 6 00 i lar's aecessory in this -city, anti the
the consolidated revenue. . police are looking for two men who used
xiii. a 30; II. King:e xxiii. 15-18), were 1 25
0 00 Respecting a patent. No. 00,772, of the ' tionaries and other annual charges on
disentombed and burned upon their own 1 Underwood. Typewriter Company. • it vial° rifling the sleeping apartments
His Horse Shot and Himself Pepperea
With Buckshot, He and His Son Got
Aetna, With the Satchels Conteining,
the Bills.
Montreal, July 24. -Mr. A. C. Lytle,
waymaster of -the Oxfora Mountain Rail-
way, now building along St. Francis
River, near Sherbrooke, returned to
efontreal to -day and. related the desper.
ate experience he and his ton underwent
yeetertlay at the hands of Italian ligea-
waymen, who attempted to rob the pay -
sacks of $14,000 in cash. He said: ".11y
SOD. and I were driving along the eon-
struction road betwen Kingebury and
Windsor Mills. On a quiet stretch be-
tween two clumps of Inishea we were
jogging along, 'Mien all of a sudden two
masked. ltalitens jaunted from the nate
one 011 either bide. Each had a shot-
gun, and each pointed at U$ and demainb
ed the money. One seemed to bow the
job, and shouted to the other to shoot
She home, which he iuunediately did. The
horse dropped dead. It suddeuly struek
me that now there was only one man
with a gun, and be off his guard for a
moment. 1 seized the grip with the
money, jumped out and ran towarels the
bush. 31y son jumped the other way
with a smaller satchel of money. lie
suring Iambs. per lb. .. 0 14 to 015
concussion of the brain. He died in a machine was wrecked.
calves, per lb. . • • • • • • 0745 te
1 hospital without recoverine eonseiona Hancock. was known here as -one of the
Toronto Fruit Market.
I 11061. most reckles-s aotomobile &everts in the
The market continued steo.dy, Reuel:its ,
The party was travelling foaty miles eitty, He bail been in the Police Collet on
were fair in all lines, and the demand ac- 1 di ferent occations for driviug Jlis illa-
tive. Prices vtere generally unchanged. an hour when the machine collitlea with chine in excees of the speea limit, and
Cherries, sweet, basket .. .40 55 to 3 1.10
Raspberries .. .. .. - ,. ,. 0 OD to 0 32 a buggy. The car ewerved to the curb- on one oceaston a few ilaye ago was fined
P,neherries, basket .. 0 05 to 1 00 stone and crashed into a telephoue pole, eile0 for.fast driving. lie pala bis tint
1 • 2 eurrrrts, basket .. .. ,0 60 to Q 15 ii.h the time with It cheque which he in-
aeot..e:,, .1.4,, bo-hq - ,. 0 75 to 1 io demolielang• it and burring the occupanti
- Fisted should hear this inscription, "1:'01
California pettel.es, case ,. 1 00 to 2 00
Do., plums .. „ „ .. 3. 25 to 20 500 to the street, driving, an automobile PIN.kir 1111103 a1
4 00 20 J. bent, dairymen, Wm driver of the hour in the city of Los Angeles."
2 60
250 ' - - • - .
Pears .. ........
Georgia peaches .. 1 25 to
eantaioupes, crate 2 25 to
Watermelons, each 0 30 to
Bananas, bunch .... 1 25 to
Do., red .......... 2 60 to
Lemons, crate 5 50 to
°rouges ,crate 4 75 to
Vegetables -
Tomatoes. crate .. 1 50 to
Do., basket .. 0 SO to
Cucumbers, basket ........1) 40 to
Potatoes, bbl. .. 2 25 to
Do., basket 0 25 to
Deans, basket .. 0 25 to
Squash, hamper .. ...... 00 to
Cabbages, bbl. .... 1 00 to
Celery, dozen .. 0 50 to
6 GO
Bills Passed During the Long Session and
Laws of the Dominion.
Cheese Markets.
City Hall a0eilue early yesterday morn-
Lingdom was now under the Assyrian . Savings Company. Respecting the Saint Maurice. Valley bile About 3 &oloek Mrs, Labraltelle's
Government, but the remnant of Israel daughter Aline 00 olio, and, bearing a
maintained close relations with Judiah
and looked to them as their natural pro-
tection. Josiah used his influence and
what power he had in removing, the idols
from the land of Israel. Thee'Assyrians
probably did not trouble themselves
about Ida religious proceedings.
LIL The temple repaired (vs. 8-13). 8.
Eighteenth year --When he eves twenty-
six years old. This was the year in which
the matit work begun six years before
it was fully canied out. Purged -The
purging of the temple had probably been
the first work. From purging ho proceed-
ed to repairs; and these had evidently
been carried on for some considerable
time before this particular oecasion,
Cook. Shaphau-Called scribe in U.
Kings xxii. 3. The scribe or s'eeretary
was on an equality evith the governor
and royal recorder .We may think of the
scribe as the kinges secretaries writing
his letters, drawing up his decrees, man-
aging his finances. The scribes became
a body of men evhose duty it was to
transcribe old records and put in writing
wbat had been handed down orally; then
to preserve the sacred' books, the laws,
hymns, prophecies of the past. Repair
the house --"The fi rst work was to clear
away the impediments and purge out the
evils tbat had gathered in and about
the house of the Lord. But all this is
of little avail -without repairing the tem-
ple, and renewing the service of God.
The people must be taught and trained
in religion, or they would soon go back
to idolatry. To cut off outward sins, is
but the beginning of a true reforroation.
esential evork is the forming a new
heart and character and the cultivating
a new and better life. First dig up the
weeds, but it is good seed from which
the good mop is to come," Levites-had•
gathered -The money was collected not
merely at the temple, but also by col-
lectors who visited all parts of Judah
and Israel for the purpose of soliciting
contributions. This work oppeara to have
been done well and thoroughly. 10. The
money was placed in the hands of the
overseers and they paid it to the work-
II. To floor the houses -"To make
beams tor the louses."-R.V. By "the
houses" eve are to understand the houses
h bers of the priests in the tem-
adlluespecting the Pacific Banle a 0.- of Mrs. Lahranche's residence on
0. In the cities, etc. -The northern Respecting the Huron & Erie Loan ana
mexandria-The cheese board bore to -night
offered 1240 boxes, 958 white and 255 colored.
White sold at 101/4e and colored at 10%o.
Vankleek Hili -The cheese board opened
this afternoon vtith a good attendance. Alex -
ender bid 101/40, and et this figure all cheese
was sold, Riley getting 53 boxes, Hodgson
136, A. A. Ayer 174, Alexander 890 and Lang-
lois 152 boxes. Both white and colored
went at the same figure.
Cornwall -1066 boxes white and 385 colored
were boarded here to -day. White sold for 101/4
and colored for 10%e.
and e am
ple and its courts.-Whedon's . Com.
13. In this verse we are told "of the
Levites there were scribes, and officers
0231 porters." "Here we have come to a
new order of things. An order of scnbes
forming a distinct division of the Levi-
tical body, has been instituted.
Josiah was the son of a father who
walked in wicked ways. It is thought
that he received good instruction hum
his mother. But it is certain that men
devoted to the service of God bellied
him to follow in the footsteps of the
Xing of wit= the Lord said, "I have
found David a num after mine own
heart" (Acts dil. 2a). Earnestly
should we labor with, pray for and en-
courage those children whose parents
give them neither prayers, not help, nor
"And he did that Whial WAS rigbt in
the sight of the Lord and walked in tile
ways ot David, his father" (v. 21 ..As
we live so will others. That we ulay be
a good example to those who look to
tie we must choose a perfect model. t10.5-
in11 copied after his celebrated ancestor,
David. Our model stool& be the only
perfect nate= the world ha3 ever seen
--Jesus. To be like Him we must stuay
His life, Hie words, and His deeds. 1Ve
must think often of Ms loving patience,
Mit wonderful humility, His unfailing
diligence, His nets of self-sacrifice for
others, Itis mode of reasoning awl His
ways of Warknee.
"And declined neither to the eight
band, nor to the left" (v. 2). Many will
mat& our lives then+ they will not
sandy God's words nor his work& A
dying infidel otwe made tbis eonfession:
1.1 eould argue against the Seriptures,
but I eould not argue against tbe Imay
Tire -of my Aunt Mary." We are to be
"the epistles of Chriet-written not with
ink but with the Spirit of the Tieing
tables of the lwart," la
Cow iii. W. "The woild will not Study.
the (fospei of Chide they will read the
IRV gospel the Holy Spirit writes on our
"He sent Sliaphan to taper the 'house
of the Tana" fv. 82. To lete able tlI eet
Leading Wheat Markets.
Respecting certain patents of the Ilia Railway Company.
Respecting the Vancouver, Victoria &
derwood Typewriter Company.
_ Eastern. Railway & Navigation Com-
; To amend the act respecting the in
corporation .of live stock record asso- Veleta
Respecting L'Tanien Saint Joseph de
. la Cite d'Ottawa, and to change its -
i Respecting the Farmers' Bank of Cain name to L'Uniou Saint Joseph du Can -
ado, adn.
saw the Italian pointing his oun at hun, July. Sept. Doe, I Respecting the Ontario, Hudson Bay maltnensapnectincgoiontizahetiondolnienttilewo&y Lciotilnee.
and at once dropped into thebushes, the New York .. .. .. .. $0 98%. 30 9114 30.3t;,,, & Weetern Railway Company.
charge going over his head. Both Hal- TV
D 0 911/4 0 9 .4.
ed0 4: .. .. .. .- 0 011/2 0 00% ° °iv ' Respecting! the Interproyinelal & Pilne''
To amend the grain inspection act as
lone then saw / bad tbe big money bag, St. Louts --------0 87 0 304. 0 MINI James Bayt.Ritilway Company.
e grades and samples.
was between us and gave me a chance, minnearli'lls " - " 1114 ° 97747 0 sitfi
Pacific Itailway Company. .
regards the Selection of commereial
and 'started firing! at me. /int the buggy Duluth 0 92% - Reepecting the Edmonton, Yukon &
To amend the inland -revenue act. •
and the first elicit went over my head. Toronto Live Stock Market. I Respecting the Great Northern Rail -
1 kept running zigzaz so as to keeP Export cattle, choice ..; 4 60 4 SO To amend the laud titles net, 1894.
way of Canada. •
them busy. Then the other fired, and tlie Do., medium .. 4 40 4 60 To amend the franallise act, 1803.
buckehot steack the money a:Utile, fair- Do., bulls a 00 3 60 Respecting the Vancouver & Coast -
To incorporate the International
let riddling it, and stvinging it wound so ercsrvspiated..:•..”......: .3i 438 34 ro 'K°'"etenaht ItatilwaY Cren1P"Y•
hard it knocked me down, while I felt In choice 4 00 4 40 Respecting the Xaslo & Lardo-Dun- Bridge & Terminal Company. •
several shot sting in my arm. 1 was not Do.. medium ., .. .. .. .. 3 76 4 00 can Railway Company. For the relief of Agnes fIcdevig Helga
Salushury Trelawney.
I was met by an Italian supply man To incorporate the Fessenden Wireless
math hurt, and jumped up and ran on.
Respecting the salary of the First
named Baldit.ario, who grabbed the sat- Telegraph of Canada.
chel and helped me to escape. The two Respecting the Ottawa Eleetrie Com- Minister.
To establish and provide for the goy-,
highwaymen kept on firing several more pony. ailment of the Province of Alberta.
shots, and I got several buckshot in my Respecting the Ottawa & New York
To establish and provide for the gov-
sario got peppered in one leg. After a nailway Company.
leg and some 111 the back, while Balde ernment of the Province Of &sketch -
minute or two, however, they evidently Respecting the Northwest, Coal & elm.
o Coke Railway Company, and to cbange
uomnuesioners of Montreal.
_ItesReeting the powers of the Harbor
'We took it pretty lone chance in get- its name to the Great West Railway
got seared. and ran. into the bleat.
we mold hove done wotild have been to Military College.
To amend the act respecting the Royal
Grand Trunk. Railway Company ot
bitnition betwe 1 ' 11 '
en us ajesty and the
wa'aecl his charge killing the horse all
we were unarmed.' For the relief of Philip Vibert.
let them get away with the -money, as
the act respecting the
After the shooting -was over Ma
To amend the militin act.
Lytle drove to Richinond, where Dr.
Johnson, of that piece, took il, nu.mber Respecting roads and road allowances
of buckshot out of his arm, Upon his in. the Provinces of Saskatchewan and
arrival here be was met at tne station Alberta.
by his wife and son, ond promptly driven Respecting the inspection of water
to a laoepital. It is believed that the meters.
highwaymen were acquainted with the
Respecting the Superintendent of In-
cactuustances of Mr. Lytle's trip, mid
etwance ad the Director -General of Pub -
suspects are being watohed.
lic Health.
i : i . .
Do. aommon ...... 3 so
Do., cows, choice .. 3 00
Do., eommon .. 2 00
Do., bulls ...... 2 60
Feeders, short -keep 3 15
Do., medium 3 40
Do. light .. 3 00
Stockers, choice .. 3 00
Do., common .. •• •••2 25
Do., bulls , 2 00
export ewes, per mvt. 75
Do., bucks .. 00
Cull sheep. per cwt. .. 2 50
Lambs, owt. 6 00
Calves, cwt. 3 50
D%, each .. 2 00
Hogs, selects, per cwt. .... 6 35
Do., lights, per cwt. 6 10
Do., fats, pet cwt. 6 10
8 se
3 60
4 25
3 75
3 40
3 60
2 75
2 40
4 00
3 50
6 60
• 5 50
10 00
ft 35
6 10
6 10
Company. '
tino away, but if the Italian' had not To roma the act respecting an ari
Reoeipts or live stock at the Western Cat- I For the relief of George Pearson.
Live Stock Receipts.
to 123 cars, and included 1,592 cattle, 3,044 Respecting the inspection and sale of
Ile Market during the past week amounted
amounted to 110 cars, and Included 2,010 cat- seeds.
sheep, 1,302 hogs and 457 calves. At the 'Un-
ion stock wards, Toronto Junction, receipts To incorporate the Northwest Wa-
ne, 137 sheep, 5,110 hogs, 86 calves and 3 pliOne & Telegraph Company.
Bradstreet's on Trade. I To incorporate La Compagnie du
I Chemin de Fer Electrique de Trois
Montreal trade reports to Bradstreet's Rivieres, St. Maurice, efaskinonge et
say: The trade situation here generally Champlain.
is unchanged from that of a week ago. To incorporate the Title and Trust
Holidays are the rule in eveiy line cif company.
generally continue busily engaged and ""a --1.---."
-,,,,nit_esrp,,eltnin,Lthe Dominion Atlantic Rail -
wholesale trade and little is moving but
staall sorting orders. The industries
outside of the wholesale trade there sem ' Respecting the -Manitoulin & North
to be no complaints regarding quiet con- Shore Railway Company.
ditions. Values are generally. steady to ' Respecting the Algoma Central &
firrn. Sugars are unchanged mid active. Hudson Bay Railway Company.
per tent., while there are few price tnet et Quebec.
Itesnecting the port and pilotage ais-
Cotton yarns have been advanced 10
changes to report in other lines. The , ae - molts to Europe are expected to be nespecting certain patents of the
shipping trade is active. Cattle ship- '
large and space is well taken up. Ideal Manufacturing Company.
Toronto reports to Bradstreet's say: Respecting Galles Bros., Limitea.
is a fairly good volume of trade moving. I aeTt.o auiend the Government railweys
For the present season of the year there
is considerable activity in the demand To incorporate the Monarch Bank of
Groceries are quiet, although there
eastern section of the province show bit-,' Canada.
for sugar. At Quebec reports from the To incoimorate the Sterling Bank of
week. City collections are reported ex- 4. .
tle change over tbat of the preceding
tremely slow. The outlook for fall Inisi- 1 ,, i'oroi trend the at of 1800 respectieg
ness is encouraging. t e tv of Ottawa,
Winnipeg trade reports say: Thete is izaTtoionaniaZdatuhoerrts regretting natural -
an excellent tone to all branthes of trade : Respecting, the Grand Trunk Pacific
fall delivery of arygoods and the hara-
here. A good business is being done for I Railway Company.
firm. Respecting the James Bay Railway
ware trade continues active with values a
i aompany.
ALIENS BILL PASSED.. Respecting false representations to
Mduce or deter immigration.
The British H.ouse of Commons Gives in aneendment of the crhninal code,
Third Reading.
London, mely 24. -In the House of
Commons yeetentay the Aliens bill pass-
ed its third reading by a majority of 90.
The Prime Minister, Mr. 13alfour, hi
winding up the debates on the bill, con-
tended that the proposed restrictions
-were less eevere than those hnposed by
any other nation. He referred to the
American immigrittipn laws, and asked
whether anyone would assert that the
Americans -were indifferent to freedom
or looked with unmoved eye on the
suffering and the oppressea, yet their
restrictions A8 well as the restrictions
hnposed by the British colonies were,
he said, more severe than those impos-
ed by "this moderate and rea.sonable
Portrait of Charles the Bold Lost for
264 Years,
London, July 24. -According to the
Daily Mail, notions' posthumous
trait of Charles the Bold, which bas
been missing for 204 years, has been here continues to hold a Nifty good
tone, indeed some improvement is noted.
found in London. The portrait was
catategued atno»g Ilubens' effects when over tbat of a week ago.
Hamilton trade reports to 13radstreetet
he died in 1640, but it, was lost in 1011, etty: The volume of wholesale businees
It seemed that it passed into the pos. .tontiniteit light, nithough the retail trade
session of Philip W. of Spain. It Was ehoevs some improvement. Country trade,
probably taken by one of Napoleon's is a little quiet, while collections are
generals to Frame, and thence to Big- rout neeeipte of country produce have
land. It is still in excellent coedition, fallen off since haying began but pricee
Dr. nooses; of Antwerp, ti leading nu- are steady.
thanes? on Rubens' work., declares that Trade reports from London to Brad.
the portnat is: undoubtedly the long. street's say: There is a fairly geed bled.
lest No. 00 in Ttubens' catalogue, nen doing in all lines of ttaele, although
• • eio, the wholesale trade is of the light Otte
TOADSTOOLS DEADLY. trig variety.
Reports from Vietoria and Vancouver To ainerel the . act respecting the
to Bradstteetes say: Wholceale business Yukon Western Railwittr Company.
Killed Two Children and Mather Maa A BRUTE'S CONfESSION
Also Dia
Vineland, N. Jetty George
Cutiningliam, wati tallea to Friendship, DZNIES HE WAS INSANn Atte 11).z.IS
Atlantic eoutity, feW 1111109 nOrtheitst WILLING TO SUPPER PENAL
of Imre, to -day, to Ace the fatuity of .Ths. oswego, awy
Frarisol, who had been poleelled by efforts of his own lawyers to save him,
eating toad atoms. ire rninur dePldr" Ifenrv lifanser, on trial krtbe tune-
able set41°' 'Se" itg°t1 2 and der c:f0Corit Sweet, -said to -day %viten his
7 yeare VICf6 demi, mut the father ietal idefenee offered evidente to prove hie
mother evere writhing' in agona. ineanity at the time of the murder: "1
The family bad fetteted sopper lase woe not, insane for a. minute, ana 1 1201
°Mete to work is a greater itrt than totnight on toad striate width had been tile. wining tei suffer ileath for my ad."
be able to labor ever so earnestly neat
?oaf. Itemevialy is this true in Philtin.
thropie entleaVore to bell, peepla To
put * Peer Man in tbe Way to earn oft°
taken for musliroonis. The baby ate
010 the froth tot some bread, bet died
Urea The father may Survive, but the Pi
mother is in 0, etitiell Condition. jus
1n eitrat-year-ola led valued Itielinal
nitington Wte drowned in the laeoon
west Of II entente Point.
To meta the census told statistics
act. ,
Itespeeting cettain patents -of David
Thomas Owen,
nespecting certain patent a the
Metal Volatilization Company.
Respecting the Canade, Central Rail -
wag Company.
Itestiecting the Brandon, Saskatchewan
& Hudson Bay Rennet)* Company.
For the relief of Isaac Pitlitatto.
To amend an net respecting certain
patents of William A. lamer:.
Itespectieg tile Canadian dlorthern
Railevity Company.
To itteorpornte the Eamotiton Boone
To _incorporete the Provident Fillet.
Ase.ociation, Limited.
To aniena the bank act.
To einem"( tile Dominion controverted
election mt.
To amend; tile Northwest irrigettioa
dot, 189e.
To email tbe seaman's act.
To amena the Nortbevese Territories
repreeentatiou act.
To provide for the regulation of wire.
leria telegraphy in Canada.
To amena the revieed etetitte rep -e12 -
Ing the salaries of tartan public lun0.
To amend the criminal code, 1302,
with respect to appeals front certain
eunimary convictions.
nestiecting the Senate and 'louse et
To annul the Supreme and. Ex-
, chequer Courts aet.
To amend the customs tariff, 1807.
To amend to net respecting the
Judges of Provincial courts. •
lteseecting annuities for certain Privy
Respecting the Petah Shore nallw.wy
Company and the Quebec Southern Rail-
way .Company.
nobie in the house, called ont to ask
who was moving about. A aand WaS
instantly placed over her mouth and a
handkerchief, saturated with chloro-
form, was held over her ftwe until slie
beeame nneonseloue.
The intruders also thloroformee Mrs.
Labranche's young son, mini was asleep
in a hanvock. Airs. La.brauche was
sleeping in another room, and did not
bear the robbers until they were 4tbout
to depart. She raised an alarm, but
they, succeeded in getting? away.
The police were called in, and n smell
of -the house was made immediately. The
burglars had evideutly escaped by means
of one of the open windows. It was
found that they had seemed $45 and
gold watth, as well as- a number of arti-
cles of minor value. The young woman
and young 311821 eoon recovered.
nespecting the Ontario & 'Minnesota
Power Compituy, Limited.
Per granting to Ids :Majesty certain
suing Of money for the public service
of the !Mandel years endieg respeetive-
ly the 301211 of June, 1905, and the 300
of dune, 1e00.
Double Va.:Matt Celebratien Last Night
in Tante.
Toreuto. july 24. -Chop sticy society
on York stre.ct was excited and elated
last night When a enple of white girls
Leanne brides of Charlie Sing mill Jick
Xing. 'the festival teas at the Calmest:
restaurant, TOO link shoot, and until
early this morning there eves more or
-less excitement arena the piece.
The girls ate both yowneo tout good-
.1noking, but 11011110 most bliebing briars
they hankered net after flay .quiet but
pretty chronicling of the litfppy event
by the society reporter, -est° got the
icy eye when he extended his emigre-
tule tine.
Chatlie Sing, one of the bitithfulgroome
is12 happy 'sett of fellow, but be has to
do what he Is told. Already, • IN was
oaten to loosen up a little regarding
12.312 einbaitation on the sea, of man -
1110113', 12.13.12 121(01 merino,be hadbeen en.
gagea for tome time a woman with st
pretty little Cbinese beby, which the
policeman said lied -six Atwell, slid into.
the 6011VerSati011 tend Cherliet confidencet
were .eut off. He used. to live bo
Numetous Chinamen evert rtskett to re.
tate the nano. but their replies re.
vembled the wind of gravel 'dropping
tapiala into a i wp Wt2fl. The lady with
r 44\
the House When
Result is Announced,
Government Won't Resign and Re,
fuses an Adjournment,
A Loudon cable: Tate Government Was
defeated in the House of Commons at
inldnight on an ummulment offered
by John Redmond, leader of the Irish
Parliamentary party, to reduce the Irish
land commission, The vote stood 199 in
favor of the amendment and 106 against
it. Intense excitement followed the an-
noneement ef the vete. tithe Liberate
and Irish members stow"( for some mina
ntes cheering ana shouting "Resign!"
When the tumult subsided, and the
usual motion to adjourn the sitting
was put, Sir Dory Oitintaiell.liatiner-
num, the leader of the Liberals, asked
wbetber, in view of the defeat, the Gov-
ernment had any statement to Inane,
Sir Henry was loudly cheered.
Prime alinister Balfour replied that
it was impossible to make ony stnteinent
John edmoncl, amid Irisb ebeerstwo
reminded Mr. Balfour that he had re- -Wet
peatedly declared Oa he would resiga
if he were defeated in the house. He
said that if Mr. Balfour disregarded
this vote of want of confine° it
would be contrary to all precedent. Mr,
Redmond asked if he were going to
swallow this humiliation. as he had e
swallowed every other during tbe last
few years. He declared that. if the
Government clung to 'office, despite the
vote, it would be the duty of the Oppo-
sition to use eveby. means to pievent
such an eutrage.
Balfour Was Cool.
To Be More Substantial Than Present
Meteoric Spree.
New York, July 24. -"Scotty," the lively
and picttireaque miner from Death Valley, it
was reported last evening, may have a por-
trait bust of himself executed in pure gold
taken from his mines. To indulge in this ar-
tistic fancy, it will be necessary for him to
"loosen Up" to the extent or 350,000 to $60,000
far the gold alone.
The sculptor who will execute the statue
will be Frederick. B. TrIebel, a member of
the National Sculpture Society, Mr. Triebel
called at the Herald Square Hotel this morn -
log to arrange with "Scotty" for the f1r4t
tatting, "Scotty's" bead appeals to the sculp-
tor as full of character, signifying luck, in-
telligence old determination. 1,t is said,
this 11,111 be tbe only gold portrait bust In the
I'Scotty" should ever be down on his
luck be would not have to be "grub -staked,"
but could n.eit up his graven image. This
might, therefore, be considered a sort et
sinking fund, regardlea cit its artistic merit,
his friends say.
New York, Ally 24. -The Journeymen
Bakera mid Confectioners' International
tenion of America is now sending st11 ap-
peal to all bakers' mans 50 America, call-
ing on them to assist in the establish-
Inent of munitipa.1 bakeeliops in all cities
of the United Staters, Canute ar.d lelex-
ico. "Along with the public utilities,"
saye the appeal, "the food product indite -
nil will be the one that will beeome the
.olemet of municipal control f or the bene-
fit of the people, lt ie 11029 possible to
•put the control of the reilroads, street
railways, the poet office, the telegraphs,
the montifiteture of tobacco, the trans-
portation, the lighting plants and mail
the SaVingS institution% tn the bands of
the State or munielatlite, as it the cese
ie many European countries and par-
tially even la the Coital States."
4 • *
Matt Whe Attempted Life of
Serves Sentence.
Pittsburg, July 24..-A1e25, Berkman,
the alleged anarchat, who attempted
to kill IL C. Frith, the millionaire steel
mend:tamer timing the groat Home-
stead strike la 1802, was releasea front
the 'Western Peniteutiary to•ilay, eta
immediately arrestea ngain on a coin-
mliment to the Allegheny Cotaiy Wolk.
eiouee to serve one yea for earrylug
concealed w021 1)0222.
Berkman was sentencea toteveray.
two years in the penitentiary, but good
behavior 'awned for him a commute -
tion of lane years, eo that lie servea but
thirteen years. During his long int-
ptisonment Berkman devoted las leisuee
time to study nnd writing, .As 1t left
for the. woilthouse .seid to Deputy
Sheriff Haggerty.:
"I hope there evoide be any notoriety
about mee 1 want to an my 'Atte bit
aria then be rt good man and live at
peace with the world."
*The trip from the penitentiary to- the
workhouse was Without %Meet.
Mr. Balfour, speakieg with bis ac-
customed eooleess, said that Mr. Red-
mond greatly 'agitated himself about a
matter which would be eettlea in due
This statement caused an uproar.
Continuieg, Mr. Balfour snid be stets
unconscious of any Immiliation. (Here
the uproar was renewed with added
vigor.) trbe Government hitherto biota
rceeived the unfeigned support of t -
party which eonstitutea 12 large ma-
jority of the Dame, but it wetill not
continne in office unless it 010111 oh so
with (lignite!. It bail ben defeated,
as many previous Governments had
been defeated, on a vote on the eetint-
ate3. It must consiaer whether to
resubmit the vote. He felt under no
obligation to give a decision now, as
he required to consult his colleagues
first. Ile would make it stntement
Monday, when, by a coincidence, there
would be an opportunity provided for
deciding wbetber the Governmea en-
joyed the confidence of a majority of
the House.
This was a reference to the fact that
the Government had ailotted Monday
for a vote of censure previously moved.
The House rose at 12.40 o'clock amid
loud Opposition °ries of "Resign!"
Redmond's Motion.
The House was in coninaittee of sup-
pmloywnben Mr. Redmond made his
Mr. Long the president of the Local
Government: Board, bad been making
a general statement of the working of
the Irish Land rumbas° Act of 1903.
The applications under. the act, hee
said, had reached nearly £20,000,000, buthem
the money to meet them did not reach
£10,000,000. It 117118 desirable to
raise a loan to meet the defieiency, and
he proposed therefore to animal the
act so as to enable the vendors to take
two-thirds of the purthase money in
stock. We was aWilre that the land.
owners were opposed to this, but bo
hoped they would reconsider the matter.
Mr. Redmond followed, opposing Ian
Long. He declared Hutt the net hat
compIeteto broken down, financially
and otherwise. It had not dealt; with
the problem of congestion or rein-
stated those wbo bad been caieted from
their holdings. He moved to reduce
the vote as a protest. The debate
dribbled throughout the evening. There
WAS a thin attendance of members.
There is nothing indierttiye of the
course the Government is likely to take
In view of its defeat.. It is a fact, ai
Mr, Balfour stated, that Governments
have often been defeated on the estien.
ates without resigning, and many
parliamentarians believe that the Cab-
inet is not likety to abandon office.
The Times, which usually supports
the Government, points out, towevele
that elthoegh the incideta is net no-
cesearily aeeisive, it is unquestionably
serious, The vote cannot be represented
as 0 snap division. It was taken when
nealy four bundred members were
preseet, and at the end of the silting
when a division was to be expected,
Its signifitance is apparent's? increased
by the fact' tbat it occurred only two
days alter the Prime Minister had
convoted a mectiog of his party ana
warned them of the necessity for close
and regular attendance for the remainder
of the esssion ana followed open an
important statement by the Chief Secre-
tory for Irelinid proposing an amendment
laltiCiolit.Nvoutd tequila bale for its reit-
Majority Accideotal.
On the other hand, it may be at -toted
that the majority. egetinst the Govern-
ment WAS almost cerfitinty accidental,
for Itis certabi that the bulk of the
Letionists coraialle npprove the Goy-
ernmea's Irian pdliey, eel that if the
vote on which the Governert WAS de-
nfeitientetameor;orteittya.ettlinilitell 112 200211(1 alemet
420112111)117 be earriea by the full Govern -
The Times thinks there are %wait seri-
ous teems that may detenniue tee
trieitills)itoenrtsyottotepsittobontiaitelg;.for width there
It is of national importatlee thet the
extvemely importithe negotiations p na-
big with dapint to protein and extend
the treaty of 'tallow ehoula bo eon -
eluded before the tiovernment resigns.
nett are olio other grave foreign and
colonial eubieets to be- ennsielered.
Clover Vinegar,
11 the boys want to make some "lett
tool ball" money they ean do it eaelly
by Making tover oviriegar, for it tastes
gooil fuel nothing will Mola that is put
in it Pout nine (Matte of boiling raln
writer on one quart of onolting ntolitstes
and when lukewarm put in tWe quarts
of clover bloesints null tw* eupe of
et or two taleas of emnpreeeea
10211112 iTslesntdit;itiotrevtotteot:Leolieooftnd