HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-20, Page 81
l i MM q lUi! !J Il tr IrlM lith iM l i .0)
Shoes an Thc Toboggan
We've opened our doors for a great SHOE CLEAR-
ANCE SALE. All that's left of our Spring and Summer
stock will be sold at prices you can't ignore, and that will
force you to buy. Men's, Women's, Boys', Misses' and
Children's Footwear of any and all sorts must go, We
want the room and we want the money. We don't want
the Shoes, Now's the time to Shoe the Family. Cama
at once. We've turned things TorsY Tt'nvi.r. Can you
resist these inducements ?
Ladies' Donola Oxfords, Patentt or Self Tip,
regular price
$1.50 - Sale Price
Ladies' Dongola Lace Boots, Goodyear welt, lovely
Boots, regular price $3,00- Sale Price
Ladies' Dongola Lace Boots, Patent or Self Tip,
regular price $1.50 - Sale Price
Misses' Chocolate or Dongola Theos, regular price
$1.25 to $1.00 - Salo Price 1,00
Children's and Gents' Shoes at similar cut rates
Don't Let These Shoes Get Away From You.
See us for Trunks and Valises.
W. J. Greer,. The Shoer
Coming !
Don't fail to see the exhibition
of Hair Goods of every descrip-
tion that will be on view, includ-
ing the latest masterpiece as ap-
plied to Toupees, Wigs, Bangs
and Waves, viz.:
A natural scalp parting - So
natural in appearance that you
forget it is artificial. This de-
scription aptly applies to all hair
goods from this house. Seize the opportunity of purchasing on the above
dates. The selection placed before you will be complete in every respect and
the prices as low as in our store. Switches of straight and wavy hair from
$3 to $15. Pompadour bangs from $4.50 upwards. Inspection cordially in-
vited. Will call at residence if yon leave message at the hotel. Shall not
be here again for three months.
Coming !
W. T. Pember
Canada's Hair King
(Representative) Wynn. Tregwin
will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham
Thursday, July 27th, '05.
Z IBusiness College Z
He who loves to read and knows
how to reflect has laid by a perpetual
feast for his old age.
• DON'T DELAY any longer, but en- 40
♦ ter NOW. Classes increasing daily.
We guarantee to make good writers •
• ant of you by simply following our •
instructions. Failures are unknown. ♦
Oar terms are easier than the others.
Our rates are lower than tho rest, and
• our teaching as good as any.•
Full particulars write or call 0
N. Reginald Pletcher, Principal 4,
1 Geo. Spgtton, President,
♦ 12 yrs, teaching experience •
Farni For Sale.
One hundred acres, in good state of
cultivation, within three miles of the
Town of Wingham; first-class build-
ings; price reasonable. Apply Box 15,
How About Sotne
The kind. that will neither
fade, curl not crack, aro
what we sell yon. The
sprung roller is also a con-
sideration ; leave it to us,
and you will get the best
-one that we guarantee
to give satisfaction.
(Successor's to Alex. Ross)
127-129 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ont.
r �ersonars
Miss Roberts of Peterborough is the
guest of Miss Gerrie Cruikshank.
Miss Simpson of Chicago, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. A. H. Musgrove.
Charlie Black, formerly of town, is
visiting at his home near Belgrave.
Miss E. Burdette McCracken is visit-
ing friends in London and Thorndale.
Miss Maud Sherk left on Monday
for Sarnia, where she intends to re-
Miss Aggie McLean of Milwaukeeis
visiting her mother and sister in
John Wilson, V. S., has gone on a
trip west, and may go through to the
Jas. Mitchell and his sister, Miss
Clara, spent Sunday with Gerrie
Misses Jeaicette and Clara Brock are
spending a month with relatives near
Mrs. H. H. Chisholm and children
of Toronto are visiting with relatives
in town.
Miss Jean McKinnon of Kincardine
was the guest of Miss Jennie Rintoul
last week.
Miss Mary Beckett of Brampton is
holidaying at her horse in Lower
Mrs. Wm. Snell is on an extended
visit to her daughter Mrs. Geo. J.
Roclwell, South Middleton.
Miss Loretta Wellwood of town and
Miss Gertie Wellwood of Toronto are
visiting friends in Michigan.
Miss Olive Fitzsimmons of Toronto
- is spending a few weeks' holidays with
relatives and friends in and around
l town.
Misses Netta and Lillian Simpson of
• Ethel, and Master Lloyd Snell of To-
' . ronin are guests of Mr. and Mrs. T.
Mr, Gen. Kew, his daughter Ruth
and son Victor, of Niagara Falls, are
visiting Whiteehnrch and Wingham
• Air, and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell return-
' eel this week from a six weeks' trip to
California and British Colnnbia.
They report an enjoyable trip,
P. G. Sperlingis spending a Week
at .Sault Ste. arie. Mrs. Sperling,
Who has boon spending a few weeks
with friends there, 1111 return with
\Vo give below the 1taines of the
successful eandiclates who wrote on
the recent Entrance Examination in
most of the centres of East Huron.
In order to pass, a candidate must
have made 40% of the marks on each
subject, and 00% of the whole number
of marks, The maxiinulu nember of
marks was 050 ; the minimum number
to pass, 300. The names of those
wlio obtained 70' or over are arrang-
ed alphabetically in the honor list.
The pass lists Include all the other suc-
cessful candidates. This was the first
entrance examination held inkier the
new curriculum and the number of
successful candidates compared with
those that wrote ote is about the same as
in former years. All the examination
papers were fair and well graded, and
in the case of schools in charge of ex-
perienced teachers there were hardly
any failures. Clinton, Wingham,
Brussels, Seaforth and Blyth passing
every candidate sent up. Some
)t )'i:• n{; least
a teacher's sent up i i 5
year too soon. [ 1
In this Inspectorate no pupil was re-
jected who is fit to take up Fifth class
work, and none passed who is not able
to enter on the Higher work of the
Public, or High School.
The goal aimed at in this Inspector-
ate is to have teachers display such
judgment in sending up pupils, that
there will be no failures. That a
teacher who sends up twenty-one ean-
didates and has one failure will not
say "I have done very well," but "I
have guest ono failure too many."
It may be added that the Spelling
paper was too difficult for the ungrad-
ed schools, as these schools do not
usually use the spelling book before
pupils enter the Fourth Class. It
would, we think be well to introduce
it in the Third Class.
HoNoas-Clrellew, Muriel C.
Asquith, Gertrude McGowan, Janet
Bennett, Verna Moon, Thomas
Brown, Susie Morritt, John
Cowan, Dottie Munro, Roy
Combs, Andrew Naegele, Ida I
Echlin, Ruth Scott•, Leon R.
IIirons, Jessie M. Stewart Laura E.
Knox, Norman Sims, Roy
Lee, Frank Siindercock, SVm.
Lyon, Elsie E. Toll, Millie B.
Lyon, Edna
Mr, A. Fleming has gone on a four
weeks' tour in New York State, in the
interests of the Perrin Plough Co. of
Smith's Falls, of which firm he is re-
)ie sautati
When you want a pleasant laxative
that is easy to take and certain to act,
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
tablets. For sale by all druggists.
Owned Everything But The Atmosphere.
E. W. Peters, general trains man-
an -
a e_.• of the 0, P. R. in the course of ag
speech at the convention of the North
SS'est Board of Trade, told an amusing
story of an Irishman who arrived in
Canada a short time ago. Landing at
Quebec from a steamer, which he had
been told belonged to the C. P. R.,
his eye was Raught by the graceful
outlines of the Chateau Fronteuac.
"SVho owns that house?" he asked.
"The C. P. R." was the reply.
Ile travelled to Montreal Ott a rail-
way line, which he was told was C. P.
R„ and be pet np at the Placa Viger
Hotel, which, to his amazement, he
found belonged to the santerailway.
He travelled to Owen Sound by 0. P.
R. and boarded a 0. P, 11. boat which
brought hint to Fort William, where
another C. P. R. hotel was found for
his accommodation. Now Fort Wil-
liam is 0 divisional point; standard
time changes there. Meeting a man
on the street, Pat asked the time.
"0. P. R. time ?" was the reply.
"Be jabers, do they own time, too?"
was the Irislnuan's exclamation.
Bowman, Jennie Guest, John
Browett, Wilmot Harold, Louis
Buchanan, Harold Hart, Alvin
Constable, F. M. Jewitt, Mildred
Davidson, Reta Kerr, Ruby
Davidson, Sadie Moore, May
Diamond, Edna McKersie, Geo. R.
Drummond, Edna Porter, Earl J.
Flood, Mamie Robertson, Bella
Fry, Mand Smith, Watson
Galbraith, Willie Vannorunan, Irene
Garniss, Annie Williamson, May
Brooks, Gladys Hogg, Lillian
Calhoun. Frank Little, Allie E.
Corley, Fred Moffatt, Lillian
Currie, Laura M. McGregor, Mary
Davidson, Howard McLean, Maggie
Dickson, Edna Patterson, Mamie
Elliott, Etta V. Pearen, E. Lily
Forger, Fred VanAlstine, Nettie
Hall, Almeta Walker, Ella
Haney, Mina A. Whyte, Edith
Henning, Eldon
Armstrong, Glen Miller, Minnie
Bell, Cora McArter, Letitia
Brothers, Muriel McCracken, Lucy
Campbell, Fred McKenzie, Flor'en
Campbell Stanley McKenzie, Violet
Carson, Louise A McLaughlin Maggie
Cunningham, R. McMillan, Alfred
Cunningham, J. McQuarrie SVnr. T.
Deadman, Katie Scott, Cline
Harbottle, Katie Strachan, W. B.
Henderson, Wm. Stubbs, Stella
Holmes, Carl Thompson, Alice
Johnson, Annie Turnbull, Winnie
Leatherdale, Pearl Wheeler, Noble
Wilbee, Vera
Arent, Earl Mitchell, Ida 8
Armstrong, Law'e McAllister, Tom
Bremner, Pearl McCallun,Marjorie
Brown, Annie B. McCutcheon, W'Vm.
Clark, Katie McDonald, Jessie
Coates, Hazel McDonald, Myrtle
Conibes, Alice V. McDonald, Neil
Combes, Nellie D. McDonald, Annie
Constable, Anna McInnes, Amelia
Eckmier, Bert McLean, Kenneth-
ennethEvans, Ellen Robb, Gracie
Fraser, George Scarlett, Thia
Freeman, Edith Sharpe, Ida
Ferguson, Gracie Shaw, Ernie
Glassier, Alfred Shaw, S. Ralph
Grant, Lizzie Sncalldon, Wm.
Jackson, Arthur Smith, Thomas
Johnson, Martha Smith, Eva
Kippen, Ethel Smith, Mina
Knechtel, Daniel Sparling, Myrtle
Lawson, Fred Stevenson, Richard
Menzies, Hartley Strath, Johnnie
Walker, Oliver '
Bellamy, Esther Hastie, Alberta
Black, Win. Laing, Nesbitt
Carr, Effie McLaughlin, Lulu
Dane, Harry Nicholls, Madge
Galbraith, Rob' A. Nokes, Hilda
Gallaway, Wilbert Strong, Irene
Gregg, Edith M. Williams, Herbert
Halliday, James
Campbell, Lauren' Goggin, Edith E.
Downey, Russell Haase, Edwatrd,.
Bolton, Verdella Ilutchison, Alex.
Bricker, Gordon McDonald, Ainslie
Edgar, Robert Menzies, Thos. R.
Edwards, Martha Parr, Harold. B.
Elliott, Roy Patterson, Earld
Furtney, Mary L. Severt, Leslie
Gallagher, Gordon Young, Stewart
Harding, Elmer J.
From the lists of those who passed
in West. Huron, we select the follow-
S. S, No.
3 -Eliza Thompson 305
Mary Cameron 415
4 -Chrissie Miller 435
Robert Bnchanan, 300
Cleve Toynt, . , , 422
0 -Annie Taylor 385
Josephine Woodcock 510
Arta Mcelintoim .....,40t
Dances McClinton 30.4
John Buchanan 417
7 --Milton Naylor 3(18
Eleanor Doyle., 805
11 -Violet Currie ...., .. ,405
Stanley McBurney.403
Joyce McLean 400
12 -John McGee 43$
14Ca.ssieMcKay -. .,.,412
" 15 --Gladys Jefferson 400
3e1, . No,1-..,1
as. Cummings
Olive Kearney . , , .428
Kathleen Leafy 377
v 11 I) .,.
10 I, a rc alma 11 .300
Roy Patterson 380
17 -Stella Xirk • .. , .. ,410
Nellie Ryan. ,.,.,.888
Lulu Stothers,. • 879
The Thin Mon's Danger.
He can't resist disease gernis,-that's
why lie's such a mark for consump-
tion. To this land of plenty, thinness
is wickedness, especially when it is so
easily overcome with Ferrozone.
This remarkable tissue builder snakes
you fat gniekly ; it does so by forming
blood that's rich, nourishing and
health -giving. Ferrozone supplies the
nutriment needed by wornont nerves.
rapidly constructs muscle and fatty
tissue. The form fills out, the cheeks
redden, proving that weight is being
added. To be well and stay well, use
Ferrozone. Fifty chocolate coated
tablets in a box for fifty cents or six
for $2.50 at all dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. GabrielSprung left
here Wednesday morning for Mani-
Mrs. Bawden of Saskatoon, N. W.
T., is visiting at the home of Andrew
Mrs. McVicar and faintly of Atwood
are visiting at the Presbyterian manse
with Dr. and Mrs. McLean.
Henry Wettlauffer of Berlin is
spending his vacation at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wett-
Miss Kate Barr, who has been the
very efficient postmistress for three or
four years, will leave next week for
Goderich, where she will hold 0 simi-
lar position.
There were 172 tickets sold at Blyth
station for the 12th of July celebration
at Clinton. The number sold at Bel -
grave was 130 and at Londesboro it
was 22. At the last named place 85
tickets were sold for the celebration
at London.
A few weeks ago we announced that
Mrs. Isabella Crittenden had killed a
large milk snake. Last Friday after-
noon she killed another, which she
found coiled in a corner in her cellar.
The snake measured five and a half
feet in length and to terminate its ex-
istence Mrs. Crittenden used a hoe.
Mr. Thos. Jones left here Tnesclay
morning for Montreal, where he will
embark on the steamer Lake Cham-
plain for Liverpool, and thence to
Woolverhampton, England, where he
will spend two or three months with
relatives and visiting scenes of his
childhood days.
One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dol.
lars Earned.
The average pian does not save to
exceed ten per cent. of his earnings.
He must spend nine dollars in living
expenses for every dollar saved. That
being the case he cannot be too care-
ful about unnecessary expenses. Very
often a few cents properly invested,
like buying seeds for his garden, will
save several dollar$ outlay later on.
It is the same in buying Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It costs but a few cents and a bottle
of it in the house often saves a doc-
tor's bill of several dollars. For sale
by all druggists.
St. Helens.
Quite a number from here took in
the Orange celebration at Kincardine
on the 12th.
Mrs. Ed. McRoberts and.Miss J. C.
McDonald are visiting relatives at the
Soo and other places.
Miss Marcie Miller and. Master
David Miller of Toronto and Master
Lorne Firth of London are visiting
at Mrs. R. K, Miller's.
-The Bayfield Quinte claims the
credit of being the banner dairy dis-
trict of Ontario. In 1800 the first
cheese factory hi the Province was,
according to this claim, built between
Trenton and Belleville, and the fol-
lowing year Wellington Boniter es-
tablished the first factory in Prince
Ecdtvard County at Northport. Since
then the growth of the industry has
been steady and strong, until to -day
there are about 50 factories in Prince
Edward County, aitd all doing a
heavier business than ever before.
Personally Conducted Excursion.-
Scoond Bowler personally conducted
excursion to Galifornia and Lewis
Clark Exposition, Portland, Oregon,
Aug. 20th to Sept. 24th, 1005. $150.00
including transportation, meals in
dining car, sleeping carr aeeolnwodar
tion on train and at hotels for above
rel. As )attvv 1t 10 limited
lee, early reservation
is necessary.
1?or full particulars call on Grand
Trunk agents, or address It C. Bowler
room 9W, Union station, Toronto,
John 1Tartley returned last week
from Owen Sound.
9 )
McLennan c f
Murdoch c n eT, i
Mr.) .. 1v ti l0 1 l
c Ir M
London are at present guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Blrtek,
lVl,; haw nnin earn -
ml onor 0111' s newnoTowncocHiall;eneed a• gang of
eight are now working on the cement
Rev, Mr. Osterhout returned on
day last, accompanied by Mrs. Oster-
hout ; be reports having had a very
pleasant holiday.
Mrs, Davld Walker of Niagara Palls
arrived here last week on a visit to
her mother, Mrs. John Gibson. Mr,
Walker, alker, it is expected,. will snake his
annual appearance next week,
Merchants report business ars boom-
ing in our village, and the grist Mill is
kept busy turning out a very superior
grade of flour, the demand for which
it is very difficult to keep tip with.
We regret to hear of Mrs. I), W,
Rae's serious illness but tinder the care
of her mother, Miss. A. Robertson of
Wingham, who is now with her, we
hope soon to hear of her recovery.
Mr. John Sanderson, our postmas-
ter, has jest completed a cement walk
from the road to his house, which
with a very artistic iron gate, has add-
ed much to the appearance of his fine
Last week, George Barclay, contrac-
tor for cement work on the new school'
house here, started a patent automatic
cement mixer driven by a gasoline en-
gine, which certainly does the work
well and speedily and saves a vast
amount of hard work.
Farmers are now busily employed
at their hay ; they report a good crop
of it, and all other crops very promis-
ing. Unfortunately there is some ap-
pearance of rust but with a continu-
ance of dry weather, we hope the
damage may not be serious.
Somerville Hamilton of Toronto,
Oliver Smith of Chesley, and Skeffing-
ton Robertson, Wingham, bankers,
are each holidaying at their homes
here. This is quite a financial village,
as we can boast of other two bankers
hailing from here, viz., Harris Hamil-
ton and Peter Smith. What other
village can snake the boast?
West. Wawanosh,
Lewis SVeatherhead has completed
the inrprovennents lit leis barn,
' to '
Rev, J. L. Small left for Ids i holidays
last week, intending to spend them in
the Northwest,
Root crops and fall wheat are pro-
mising and will, to all appearances,
give a good yield.
Rev. Mr. Dallis, the new minister at
Auburn, has been sve11 received; his
people have formed very favorable
opinions of him.
At a rrieeting of the united congre-
gations of St. Helens and Lanes it was
decided to make improvements on
the church manse here.
C Grosse is hnssputting founda-
a -
tion under his barn, greatly enlarg-
ing the same. John Johnston has the
contract for the cement foundation.
• Connell Bros. of Carlow, have taken
the contract to supply 1,500 cedar
posts for the G. P, it„ to be delivered
along the line west of the river to-
wards Carlow,
Grading on the 0. P. It is finished
to the eastern limit of the township of
Ashfield. The abutments for the
bridge over the river at the eastern
boundary are being constructed.
A successful ice creamy social was
held on the grounds of David Girvin.
The affair was under the auspices of
the Woman's Foreign lltissionary So-
ciety of Nilo Methodist church and
was a reception to the new pastor of
the circuit, Rev. J. Cl. Reid, who ar-
rived that afternoon and was heartily
'welcomed by the members of the con-
gregation present. •
On Monday of this week, Mary Ann
Jones, relict of the late Wm. Wilson
(who predeceased her nearly seven
years), departed this life, Her re-
mains were interred in the fancily
plot in Dungannon cemetery on Tues-
day. She was in her SOtlr year. The
deceased was highly esteemed by all
who knew her. She was a good, in-
dustrious and kind-hearted citizen and
at consistent member of the Methodist
church. She was a pioneer of West
Wawanosb, who, with an indomitable
and energetic spirit, endured the pri-
vations and hardships incident to
pioneer life along with her deceased
partner, and together they secured a
good and comfortable home and
means of comfort.
T. Kirby of Chicago is on a visit to
his home, Mr. J. Kirby of the Queen's
Miss Emma Edwards was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Downey, Fordwieh,
for a week.
Miss Alice Irwin of Wroxeter, is
visiting with her old friends here far a
week or two.
Miss A. Law has finished her ex-
amination and is holidaying at her
home in town. •
Miss Mary Hall, Detroit, has arrived
in town and will spend a few weeks
with her mother.
We were pleased to see Mr. Bush,
formerly teacher in our village school,
ill town on Sunday last.
Mrs. Bremner left an July 15th for
Manitoba on an extended visit to her
sons in Winnipeg, Pierson, and Rosen -
Mrs. (Rev.) D. Rogers with son and
daughter from Thorndale, are the
guests of the former's mother, Mrs.
H. Lowry.
We are glad to see the excursionists
who went out west on June 27, home
safely ; all looking as if the country
treated then well.
Rev. J. H. Osterhout occupied his
own pulpit on Sabbath morning after
his trip to Denver, Colorado. He re-
marked the fact, that during those
hot days last week, he was making
snow -balls on the summit of Pike's
Peak in that Rocky State.
The new steel bridge at Cranbrook
is open for traffic.
Recently SV)n. Cole has improved
his dwelling by veneering it with
metallic siding. He bought the late
Jno. Kearney's farm, lot 5, con. 7.
The cement abutments for the new
iron bridge are finished and a good
job done. Superstructure Is ready
when abutments are dried out.
The Hislop dredge is at work on the
farm of D. Marsh, lot 7, con. 7. They
had hard digging but are at an easier
position now. There are five hands
A cement kitchen and woodshed
have been built at J. K. Baker's, Oth
con. Wm. Whitfield, 12th con., has.
had a straw shed built of cement. L.
Sperain, 14th con., has added to the
convenience of his outbuildings by a
cement driving honse, 28258 feet, with
10,foot wall.
Robt. Coutts, lot 30, con. 11, sold his
farm to Jno. Clark of McKillop, form-
erly of Grey, taking Mr. Clark's 50
acres as part pay, Possession Will be
given on March lst, Mr, Coutts has
been a resident of that section. for
many years and all the neighbors will
be sorry to see hint and his family re-
move, fl"e has bought the 100 acre
farm of Jas. TT. Brown, which adjoins
the 50 he gets from Mr. Clark, 80 will
have a fine block of land in Meitiilop.
M.r. Brown gets possession on March
1st, 10(k1,
flood Por Stomach' Trouble And Con-
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets have done lige at great deal of
good," says C. Towns, of hat, Portage,
Ontario, Canada, "Being as Build
physic the after affects are not, no.
pleasant, and T earl recommend them
to allwho suffer from stomach ills.
rot sale by all druggists,
Donald Innes is holidaying in Blyth
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eckmier and
Miss Ferne spent Sunday with Ethel
friends. -
Miss Jarvis of St. Catharines is the
guest of her friend, Miss B. Strachan,
this week.
Misses Nellie and Alice Coombes are
holidaying at their uncle's, in Blyth
this week.
Mr. A. McKay took charge of the
service in the hall last Sunday even-
ing and was much appreciated.
We are pleased to have Jas. Innes
hack in our midst again. Ile returned
from Galt last week and intends
spending a -month or two at home.
On the evening of July 7th about
120 friends and neighbors assembled
at the spacious residence of Joseph
and Mrs. Coombes to celebrate the
50th anniversary of their wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Coombes are natives of
Devonshire, Eng., Mr. Coombes being
born at Taunton in the year 1833 and
came to Canada in 1848. He resided
with his parents in London, Ont.,
where he learned the trade of brick-
laying. Mrs. Coombes was the
daughter of Hugh Hillier, and was
born at Tiverton in the year 183L
Corning to Canada in 1817, sire resided
with her parents at Toronto, Out.
Mr. and Mrs. Coombes were married
in London in the year 1851 and five
years later carne to hew out a home
for themselves, to Grey township,
Huron County,' where they still reside.
Their fancily consist of four children
-W. G. Coombes, Jamestown ; Mrs.
Jno. Cutt, Blyth ; J. E. Coombes, Mt,
Forest and Mrs. A. McDonald, of
Cranbrook. They received many
valuable presents as tokens of the
esteem in which they are held by
their friends and neighbors.
A Family Necessity.
It's remedy capable of affording
iimnediate relief to the hundred and
one ailments that constantly arise.
it may be a cold, perhaps toothache,
heart/lgia, pain in the hack, -use Pol-
sen's Nerviline, it is penetrating, pain
subduing and powerful. Nerviline is
at least five times stronger than or-
dinary remedies and its worth in any
household can't be over-estimated.
For man or beast Nerviline is at nana-
cea for all pain and costs only lac per
bottle. Buy Nerviline to -day from
your druggist.
Farm For Sale.
The east half of lot 35, Con. 12, Nast
Wawanosb, containing 100 acres' &i acres
clear and in good state of cultivation (50
acres in grass), and 20 acres good timber ;
good fraino house. barn, Implement Shod,
hay barn shes pen and hog pbni; two
- good walls
s andgeed. orcimrd; situate 41
!Hiles from Town 6f Wingham. For terms
apply to
Fordyce P.O. Barrister, Wingham
Dated this 12th day of 3111y,1905,
Ifyou, your Wendt orrelatives ve
s su0'er with
Pits, 1;pileps , St. Vitus' Dance, or railing
Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable
treatise e n such diseases sex to T11m9 Lenge) Co.;
ty9 sting Street, W., Toronto, Casuals. Ali
druggists bolt or earn obtain for you
A faint of thirty-six acres ; six acres
bosh ,Smiles from Si
Wingham, ,i,lf
r i ee aLe ) particulars
a. utile f oa . I31 t t 1, 1' .
apply to
.Tomo Br,00Dii'ixr.D,
45.8, Blnevale,
We, the undersigned lawyers, agree to close
our offices during the menthe of July end
August, as follows:• -On Saturdays at 2 pan,and on other daYs at 4 p.n).
Dickinson & Holmes R. Writ/tone
Holmes, Clarke A: )loln)es J, A. Morten
Cheap Tourist Tickets
To 30,000 Islands, Georgian Hely, Sault
Ste, Marie and Mackinac Island.
Fishing, Camping and Scenery
Never Better,
SnaStuleave Coiltngwood 1 30 p.m , Owen
Sound 11 a0 p, in., Tuesdays, Thursdays and
itogular steamers between Penetang and
Parry Sound, Co111n ;wood, French River and
Killarney, also Sarnia to Lake Superior' Ports.
Tickets and reservations at Grand Trunk
and 0. P. It. Ticket Agents.
Literature on application. -
11. H. Gildersleeve, Mgr„ Collingwood
C. H. Nicholson, Trail'. Mgr., Sarnia
A small farm, close to Wing -
ham. Everything in first-class
order. Will be sold right.
Apply to
To The Real Estate Buyer 11
No Matter Where Located.
I an) absolutely sure I am in a position to
save you some money. unless the circum
stances under which you buy aro very ex-
I can and shall make it profitable for ou
to buy through mo. I am in touch with pro,'
perty owners in every part of theountry,
and have on my lists today, properties (both
in town and country) that cannot bo excelled
either in quality or price.
It makes no difference whether you want
a$i ea uild ng lot or a $10,000 farm, I want
to you.
Real Estate and Business Transfer.
(Office-Vanstone Block, Wingham)
Muskoka Lakes Temagami
Lake of Bays Magnetawan River
Georgian Bay Kawartba Lakes •
tipper Lakes Thousand Islas.
Quebec, Portland and Old Orchard,
Me., White Mountains.
All reached via the Grand Trunk Railway
the "Tourist Route of America.' Direct con-
neetion with all boat lines. Tourist tickets
on sale Daily to all Resorts.
Pacific Coast Excursion.
09.00 to Portland, Ore. -Lewis and Clark
Exposition, with special side trips to Cali-
fornia points. Tickets on sale daily. Valid
for 90 days.
For tickets, illustrated literature and full
information, call on Agents.
L. HAROLD, Town Agent.
Distrlot Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Winnipeg ,....$30.00 Estevan }$33,00
Mowbray..-. Yorkton
Deleraino 31.50 Shell() 33.50
Souris Regina . } 33.7u
Brandon 31.55 Lipton
l.yleton Moosojaw 31.00
Lenora 32.00 Saskatoon 35.25
Miniota Prince Albert., 30.00
Binscarth 32.25 Maoleod....,.... 38.00
Moosomin 32.20 Calgary 18 50
Arcola 32.50 Red Deer 39.50
Strathcona $10.50
Going July 15th, returning until Sept. 10th.
Full particulars from any Canadian Pacific)
Agent or C.11. Foster, D.P.A., Toronto.
* * * * * * * * i * * * * * R .F . * * *
is Here, and I Am.
Here With the Goods
The Largest and Best stook of
Sporting Goods over shown . in
town, Bargains in Haminocks,
Fishing Tackle, Lacrosse Sticks.
My Canlera Department
Is Complete.
Full instruations on I.'ioture
Taking and Making "free to all,"
Buy a Camera from us and not
from the dealer that simply
"sells" and lets you de the rest.
Take the advantage of Free Ins
strnotions and make a success.
Plato Cameras from $2.50 to $22
kept in stook.
Fine Watch, Clock
and jewelry Repairing
a Specialty.
Try us, and have your work done
neatly, alnlekly and cheaply.
er and Stationer
Wingham nghar Ontario