HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-20, Page 6sletelieeeelateeereeseeireeef
llookseratamesNamilemot illeerlealci 1
"rve, ilivays heard that it is the 111041
who is the most uervous,"
"Oh, they bane or little brandy and
water," rays practical Mrs. Lambton,
Jeanne smiles. 13y no stretch of imag-
• heti= can she fancy 'Vernon Vane be-
e ing nervoite or 'seeping up his courage
• ". with braudy atal water.
' "1 ierainnber," says Georgina, "reading
in a novel of a bridegroom who actually
fainted and, knoeieed the clergyman
•'down 1"
• *Jeanne laughs in spite of herself.
"I don't think Mr, Bell need be lunch
' 'afraid," elm says; "and haven't you
quite done ? 1 feel like fl wax image he
TA beacuese It le tieshilY sealed in lend Packets, not lying about loose Jn Ing dressed. for exhibition at Madam TIP-
' sauirs."
all Made tat pleeee ilk* orellnery bulk tees; 13LUE RIBBON h carefully "Y ou look like an angel r exclaims
Watebed from PLANTATION to HOME and pleasei all.
Only one. BEST tea. Blue Ribboa Tea.
"And we are going to chain her to
the earth," says Aunt Jane, "Now,
• , Jeanne, if you've heard enough cotnpli-
tents, you had better come down and
fake your glass of brandy and water.
Ah, 1 hear the cartage, and, this. I do
know, although I haven't been married,
that a bridegroom doesn't like to be
kept waiting!'
It had been arranged that Vernon Vane
appearing to bare no relations, Hal shall
be the best man and bidegroom's atten-
dant, accordingly he has g,one down to
Vernon Vane's lodgings, and is this
moment regaling lihnself on cake, and
waiting for his prindpal, who is dressing.
At the church the Rev. Peter Bell is
"I do, thougn!" says Hal. 'Why, she taking her in Jibs arms„.his voice law also waiting, and if he has not been cry -
was a perfect picture in hersett-ana and gentle, as it always ts, and only es, ing like Mesdames Maud and Georgina,
did you notice the way en evluct she when he speaks to her., he certainly looks anything but cheer -
spoke to that unfortunate coachman? sla Vernon has come s.traight up from the ful, and his amiable little face wears a
empress eouldn't have come it stronger." station, and looks tired and dusty.; but resigned and. patient smile evhich is more
"Yes -yes," says Jeanne, impatient- there is the glad light Of love m affectine than a, Niagara of tears.
ly. noticed it, and -and I thank I
would rather break stones if I were a
anan than be a servant of hers."
eyes, and lus voice rings brightly. Jeanne, Outside the church door and in the
looking up shyly, remarks an.th keener cburch itself, a small party of villagers
notice how noble and patriciana face and neighbors are congregated and the
"Ilalloa!" says Hal, with a whistle.. A is, a,ncl how distinguished is his bear-
, Jen?' I ing and anner; and, not for the first grizzled head and weather-beaten face
of old Griffin is seen shining from above
'Jealous!" exclaims Jeanne, turning 'time, she is struck by the indefinable
scarlet. "What do you 'mean'?" I air of command which belongs to bim. a font pew in which he sits arrayed in a
complete new suit, and looking almost
"Nothing, only chaff, Jen; don't be an- . "Yes," she thinks, "it is true."
as woebegone as the curate bimself.
gry with a fellow on the last day." "Mat, not a word!" he sazs, looking
Maud and Georgina have spent some
Whereupon Jeanne rubs his curly head down at her with a smile. "Not a word
hours of yesterday in the decoration of
and kisses him, makes her piece, and to welcome the traveller returned,
retreats to her room. Jeanne?" the altar with hothouse flowers, and
Theu, first glancing with a start at Jeanne finds her voice. there is sweet perfume of roses and
lilies about the quaint little edifice. M-
ae wedding presents lying on the bed, "You have come back, then?" she says,
as -
Jeanne walks straight to the glass. not overwisely. even o'clock strikes, and the sexton BiStS Mr. Bell into his surplice, and begin
"Beautiful, Hal called her," she says, He draws a long breath, and wipes
seaming her own lovely, but troubled his forehead, as he drops on to the gar- arranging the books.
Five minutes afterwards and the tall
face." Even a boy is attracted. by and den seat, and draws her gently down
figure of the bidegroom enters, followed
notices her loveliness, and he loved her! beside him.
by Hal in the most fashionable and cost -
Who can wonder at it?! And what is eyes, zny Jeanne, and heartily glad to ly apparel which it h
mas ever bean tis for -
there in e, a poor simple girl, to make get back. London in June, for all that
him forget her beauty and her grace, and tune to don, Nothwithstandinhis hat -
the nameless Charm which dings about
her like the scent she uses. Oh, if she
had not come. If she had gone past and
taken his secret with her, how -how
happy I should be now," and. Jeennie al-
lows two diamond. tears to roll down
fresh young cheeks.
"But he has left her," she says, sud-
denly, and with a quick exkpression of
defiance. "He has left her and he says
be does love me; and he shall!" she ex-
claims between ker shut teeth. 'He shall!
she shall not separate us."
Moved by some impulse, which no
doubt every WOhlall will understand
without any elaborate explanation -she
springs to the wardrobe and commences
dragging out dress after dress.
Notwithstandingher engagement
Jeanie's wardrobe s by no means a var-
ied and extensive one, but she possesses
a few additions to the simple bleak
frock which for a long time served her
as h'er best, and now she takes these
iater additions and spreads them out ani
examines them with a severely critic:a
eye. But she comes back to the soft,
fashion may say, is a hatefulplace; red of new clothes, the youth looks re-
but never did it seem so unbearable as ther pleased with himself, and the pew
to -day." opener, after a stare of admiring awe
"And yet you had so much to do," 'at the noble looking bridegroom, casts
says Jeanne, glancing at him.
"there a smile of keen, affectionate admiration
"Yes," he assents, musingly; at the boy.
was a great deal to do; and I think 1
Vernon Vale enters the vestry, and
used up three cab horses; but commend
shakes hands with Mr. Bell then turns to
me to lawyers for wearing a man and Hal.
utterly exhausting him." "Wait outside a moment for Ina Hal,
-Lawyers!" sacs Jeanne. "Have you
will you? ?" he says, and, as the boy com-
been to lawyers?'" plies, he closes the baize door.
He laughs softly. "Have you the license -The special li-
"Yes, darling -those foes to whom we
cense, isn't it, Vane?" asks Mr. Bell who
alsvays fly immediately we are in trou- ,
is a firm friend and admirer of his sue-
' ble." juke cessful rival.
"Are you in trouble now?" "A special license," said Vernon Vane,
Jeanne, in a low voice.
"Trouble!" he echoes. "Why -why, and he takes ce paper and hands it to him.
"Er-er-let me see," he says. "Ts there
what a child it is to apply general epi -
any other Christian name? I like to
grams to particular cases. Trouble? No,
e know beforehand in case I don't catch it
I have never been so happy in In/ life.
at the altar. Oh„ I shall see on the li-
"Are you sure ?" asks Jeanne, rembl-
cense, shan't I?" and he opens that
ing. document again.
He looks at her with a sudden ques-
"Don't trouble," says Vernon Vane.
tion in his eyes. "I can hear the carriages. I'll tell you
"I wish I was as sure as that those'
are stars above us," he says. "Why, the names-tbere are an absurd num-
black frock after all.
• • t • ht 1 ber: Vernon Francis Eldsworth Fort-
"' wore this," she murmurs, "when whata 0 • g escue Vane."
-the night he told. me that he loved me.,, What should. make you think of trouble Mr. Bell stares.
to -night ?"
.And it is the black 'which she selects "Eldswortb," be says, confusedly.
Jeanne stifles a sigh but he hears it.
now. But she chooses some delicate old "That's one of the Ferndale family
lace which Aunt Jane has unearthed for "From to -night, darling, there shall
be no trouble for you that I can guard names, isn't it?"
ter from some relics of Aunt Jane's Vernon Vane nods.
you from. But I don't think there has
own youth, and she takes from its ease "Never mind," he says. "Here they are.
been much shadow, in your life, little
the handsome neeldet of pearls and ru- I will speak distinctly at the altar."
bies (costlier than Jeanne has any idea, ; one*"
of) which her Vernon has given her, and, I "No," says Jeanne; "perhaps it is all
proceeds to dress.
So it happens that when she comes
down to dinner, dressed in simple, soft
black, with her antique lace and neck-
let, and above all her exquisite face s
aglow with an eager desire to i
charm, Aunt Jane smiles approvingly,
and pats her white, round arm lovingly,
and Uncle John looks over his spectacles
and stares admiringly, as he groans:
"Jeanne, my child, what shall we do ,
without you to -morrow, and the morrow
"There, John," says Aunt Jane, as !1
after that?"
Jeanne goes around and kisses him with
a sudden moisture in her eyes, "don't
make her low-spirited; any ono would
think she was going to Australia, in-
stead of a trip on the continent."
But Aunt Jane's eyes are suspiciously
xnoiist, too.
A bride -elect is eiot, I think, expected
eat. much on the day before her wed-
ding, or on the auspicious morrow itself,
and Jeanne may therefore be excused if
she did not display much appetite this
evening. She talked and laughed, and
at dessert allowed Uncle John 11 pour
ont a glass of port for her, and sipped
it, nestling by his side, but all the time
her eyes stole covert glances from under
her long lashes at the clock.
Presently Aunt Jane got up.
"You must see to the tea to -night,
Jeanne. I've such a quantity of things
to see to for you, and there's that great
trnek of yours Mary and I have got to
Jeanne Colored and quivered at the
"Perhaps that great trunk will not
be wanted. Perhaps that grand wedding
dress will always be as limp and hollow,
with nobody inside it."
"I evil' come with you, aunt," says she.
But Aunt Jane will not hear of it.
"No, child," she says, "you shan't do
atlything to-niglit but sit still and plav
to your uncle; besides, I'm glad. there's
something to do, for I feel restless and
fidgety. I shall be glad when you've
gone, you troublesome girl!" and Ellte
kisses her.
Arrn in arm, Jeanne and the old gen-
tleman go into the drawing -room, and
ate gives hint his cup of tea, and then
plays to him softly, and it is not until
she sees his eyes close that elle rave and
creeps into the open air, for Which she
has been pining oo long.
The new moon ie just rising above the
teces, and the clear, glummer slcy is Bind-
ded with heaven's jewels.
It is a night for love and peace, bat
there in love and piteeienate trouble. in
Jeanne's young heartc there are HOU
Moving ribout the rooms epetairreeetbey
are packing her boxeii and making the
litst preparatione-- preparations whir*
May be useless if -all, heaven' if the
Word be 'spoken which will separate them.
The striking of the church
itrousee her -nine. In ten minutes be
will be here! For the Bret, time Jeanne
striae from meeting him; iihrinlei firm
the loving regard of thoets dark (lag,
from the teeder earese of the Mimes
wbite hand, and Iter heart eternal to
white hand, atel her liPart Mins 1,1
iitarel Still when sbe hears the small gale
opine and his firm, viol. istop mon the
walk. Inetinctively she goee fuetber
away from the lett, and when a tall
figure is seen standing at the open win-
now, and hie sleep voice retie: "Jame
-Jeanne, where are you?" she eaneot
But lie hoe (taught night rd. Om light
instievl 'Which fate bee thrown around her.
And come toward bee with outstretchea
t, hiding, darling?" be itlyt; anaj
to come." CHAPTER XVI.
He looks at her almost gravely.
"'Let us look at you," he says, taking
her face in his hands, lovingly. "Is that
a tear or only a star reflected in these
tars of mine? Are you tired, my dari-
ng, or what troubles you to -night ?"
Now is the time -now is the golden op-
portunity. Speak, Jeanne, speak and
break down the barrier which Lady Lu-
celle's white hands have built up! Jean-
ne does look up, her lips apart, but as
she meets the dark eyes looking loving -
y into hers, her heart fails her, and in-
stead of the question that trembles on
her lips, she lays her head upon his
br east.
"Nothing," she murmurs, "'if—"
"If -what a portentious little word 1
If what, birdie ?" be asks.
"If you love me !" she breathes al-
most inaudibly.
He stoops and kisses her.
"Can you doubt that, Jeanne ?" he
"No -no -no 1" she cries, her face up-
turned to his, almost imploringly. "No 1
I do not doubt, indeed 1 do not. And -
and. you will always love me, will you
not, whatever happens? Whatever any
one may say ?"
"What can happen ?" he asks, after a
moment's pause, during which Jeanne's
.yes watch his OA if
upon his smile or frown. "What can
come between us -after to -morrow ?"
"To -morrow -yes, to -morrow," says
Jeanne, and she nestles closer against his
11 SIM1
Disease takes no summer
If you need flesh and
Strength use
Scott's Emulsion ,
summer as in winter.
Send kr free_ sample,.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chsobta e
a500," .S.C°i aniggiStS•
Sayings of Wise Men,
Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds.
.All objects lose by too familiar a
view. -Dryden.
Hope warps judgment atir council, but
quickens energy in action. -Bawer.
A rich mea without •charity is n,
rogne; and perhaps it would be no
difficult matter to prove that he is also
a foot -Fielding.
Let not the emphasis of hospitality
lie in lied and board, but let truth, love,
honor and courtesy flow in all thy
deeds. -Emerson.
Whatever disgrace we eriay baye de-
served or incurred, it is almost always
in our power to re -'establish our char-
There is no readier way for a man to
bring his own worth into question than
by endeavoring to detract flame the
worth of other men.-Tilletson.
Steady Growth in Popularity of
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Made by Cures Like That of Simon V.
Landry -Bo Tolls About it Himself'.
River Bourgoie, Richmond Co., C, B„
July 10.-(Speeiale-Among the • many
men in this part of Canada whom Dodd's
Kidney Pills have relieved of aches and
pains and weakness and made strong and
, able to do a, good day's work is Mr.
Simon V. Landry. Mr. Landry has num-
erous friends here who can vouch for the
' story he tells of his cure.
I "I was bothered. for over a year," he
says, 'with lame back, weak legs pal-
pitation of the heart, general weakness
and shortnes$ of breath; in fact, I could
not work and was a total wreck.
"I could not get anything to help me
till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. But
they did me good and no mistake. I used
three boxes and Pm back at work again,"
It is the cures they make that snake
Dodd's Kidney Pills so popular. Their
popularity has grown steadily for thir-
teen years. It must be well founded. •
- -
The Men Have No Say.
(Everybody's Magazine.)
"They say" that hoopskirts are coming
again. They may have come before these
words are printed. What Is it to men whe-
ther that majestic crinoline is to be revived
• or not? However wrapped up, the feminine
' contents will still be worshipped. Hoopskirts
look "funny" or awful on the stage and. in
the pictures of years ago, but if the women
eau stand them, we can -and must, whether
we can or not. It we understand the situa-
tion -of course, no man can or should pre-
tend to -London frowns upon hoopskirts;
Paris is doubtful; Chicago is prepared to
welcome them. If betting were not a sin,
we might be inclined to bet on Chicago. P.
S. -How do you get them on? How do you
get into an open car with them?
s -
Lever's *Z -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder is betterthan other powders,
Mr. Bell was certainly far too nervous as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34
to examine the special license, and, in-
deed there was no time to do se; for as I AN ENCHANTED LAKELAND.
11. borrow.
That is the Way to Keep It in Pair
"Yes, I know," eaid the hat men, to a
IsTew York Sun reporter, "people never
think of brushing their straw hats, the
straw doesn't seem to be a hat inacle to
be brushed, the dust doesn't glow on it
so much, and so they brush all their
other hats and. let their straw hate go.
"But if they would brush their straw
'hats as they do the others they would
keep fresh end good looking much
longer; that b not 00 much on account
protection of brushing it, keeping it
of the brushing itself as because of the
clean, gives it from the effects of mois- —... Ask for the °Nagoya Isar,
..--- ... ...._.. , .. .,....—.....—
Philippine as.
"What pute a StraWiellat out of busi-
rain fall on a dusty hat and every drop tabling Wm -ablating
ness in appearance is rain. Let drops of Difficulty hes been experienced in °b-
alls and. makes the hat dingy, The same gas from the coal
spreads and fixes the duet on, whieh it obtainable in the Philippine Islands, and,
raM falling on a clean hat would Lave after expetiment the Govemment labor -
far 'este effect on its appearance, atories have found. that it much better
"Brush Four straw hat, and the rib- quality of gas is obtainable from, the oil
of cocoanuts.
and .you will have the satisfaction oCocoanut eil is a commerelal product
bon, too, just as you would any other,fit and therefore. readily obtainable, and a
to wear the season through." Intro eheaply than by the use of coal.
as from this source may be made far
'seeping it in fair coedition, a hat
l The oil is slowly fed into red-hot tre-
DR, AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POW- torts and volatilizes rapidly, there being
Baptist Emanuel Church, 13uffalo, gives but a small easeclue of ter, So successful
DER -Rev. W. H. Main, pastor of the
strong testimony for, and Is a firm believer have been the experiments that there is
in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. He has alreatly an agitation on foot to intro-
duce the idea into the United States in
tried many kinds of remedies withoUt avail. sections where coal 'cannot readily be
1 was benefitted at once," had. It is aeserted that because of its
"After using Hr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder
is a wonderful remedy. 50 tents. --6S
aro his words. it_ greater productivenecie in gas, ,bagk for
bulk, it evould be possible to make use of
San Francisco's Beautiful Harbor. the oil on the Pecific coast.
4 : :
- _ —
It YOU should look at a detailed coast sur- NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA
route, Lehigh Valley Railroad. Five fast
serve that the broad ponninsula extending -
ISSUE NO. 429. 1905,
What shrunk your woolens?
Why did holes wear so soon?
You used conunon soap,
vey chat of Can Francisco, you would ob- II1 going to above points take direct
southward like a sheltering arm between the express trains daily, from Suspension
Bridge, Niagara Falls. Trains of G. T.
ocean and the Inner bay is creased and dims
11. make direct connection at Suspension.
pled In a great confusion of mountains; that
Bride° The Lehigh Valley has three
it has many indentations of coasts, AMU' P
stations in New York uptown, near all
streams, and here and there a wee lake. But
first clan hotels and business houses;
no scrutiny of the chart would lead you to
near all Earopean steamer
guess it is a veritable Adirondaeks alone by downtown)
'Prom the time of my earliest req.:bites- long and expensive transfer. Secure
docks, saving passengers for Europe a
itself on the western ridge of the world..
tioa I used to stand upon the hills of my your tickets th New York or Philadelphia
native town and look lodgingly across tile via Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Live miles of whltescapped water in tbe
harbor to the alluring heights of this, to
me, inaccessible region. It was always Marriage and Happiness.
new to, look at, never the Setae for two
consecutive days. In the spring, when We do not wish to be diseouragin„,r,
the clouds rolled from its heights, its
steep, lean hills were green with fresh but we must confess that we do not be -
iii I could see those smears and lie'Ve society will ever rest on any otb-
fstroikseaks say yelalccena,tioidd fitohweernsa.mwehicohf sofmtlee
or basis than Christian marria.ge as we
Golden Gate. In summer came mile -long
streaks cif white fog, half obscuring it at. now have it. Polygamy still survives in
times; the rain ceased, and, almost in a ocuntries of different religions and has
day, tho hills changed to deep rich brown.
In the autumn Came the clear, dry north been signally revived in our own. Cer-
makiqg it seem so near and itarp
forth in all their reddish -brown and yel- ive images of marriage, which Call never
against the sky, and. the gaunt eliffa stood in nameless relations, false and delus-
lows, sheer to the white surf line. la eventual° in homes, forbid the wild hope
winter came the rains again, and, as sud-
denly as before, it changed from' brown to of time-limited unions. Nothing but
green and gold. marriage as we have it is thinkable, and
Later on I used to sail the waters which the only question with the philosophic
bounded it. There were smooth reaches
extending far inland, and tortuous tribu- mind is how to make it tolerable when
taries straggling through marsh lands, al- it ean not be made happy.-Harper's
most to the various buttresses of its Vesu- Weeldy.
vius; and angry sheets of water, so broad
that one might sail away till the hills A CASKET OF PEARLS. -Dr. Von
dropped below the horizon. And, skirting
along under the red -brown cliffs. - 300 feet Stan's Pineapple Tablets -would prove a
the Golden Gate, past the iron -bound head- great solace to the disheartened Vepoptic if
high they rose -one could sail out through
land on the north, with its wailing siren, he -would but test their potency. They're
and sail for days up the coast (if he dared veritable gems in preventig the seating of
a line of growling breakers and tower -Jai stomach disorders, by aiding and stimulating
get so far from home on the Pacific) with
ocean on the other.-Frora "The Land of box, and they cost 35 cents. Recommended
cliffs on the ono hand, and tho limitless digestion -GO of these health. "pearls" in. a
In -0 by meet eminent iphysicians.-G4
On Women Swearing.
Tamalpais," by Benjamin Brooks,
July Scribner's.
- :-
ACCORDINGLY.(Nebraska. state Journal.)
The popular thne for a trip to New delicateiansuage.earAoefasea odtetlhiemattekipnedrszs trheaenenttioy
hear a woman using profane and indelicete
Nothing grates more discordantly upon the
York will be about the time of the ;riWest reported in this county and the court was
Augast 14.th and August 2410, respect- Med the case by merely taxing her with the
ng both o e story compram-
Shore pr)W ,York Central excursion on ;tisettet to (ereus° her with he a fine. Aftor
ronto, will gladly f urnish perticulars on
sessed damages for using profane language
costs. But why should a woman be as -
when men are permitted to render tho atmos -
Louis Drag!), at MS Yonge street, To
Wheless Telegrams .
Vane spoke, they could hear the rattle I The "Highlands of Ontario," considered Once in a while you see a self-made
of the bride's carriage, and the clerk • the most beautiful summer resort dis- man, but lawsee„ look at the women!
Barring a few women and some pipe
knocked at the vestry door. I triet in America, is annually attracting
, i more attention as the ideal playground artists, the goat is as strong -headed as
Vane followed the curate to the altar,
with Hal by his side; and presently I for the 'tourist and holiday seeker. Dar- anybody.
Did you ever see a great man who
there was the rustle of %ilk and satin' ! ing the iast week in June this seasonmembers of the Builders' Exchange o,
took time to pour tobacco from a
and, just giving the finishing touch to '5'. the
1 Olevenand, Ohio, to the nu.mber of two slouchy bag into a square of rice pa -
the pretty interior of the old church, I
came the small procession of the bride hundred, held their annual outing in the per ?
and her maids. R is a terrible thing to say, and yet
Now, there are brides and brides; for I Muskoka Lakes district, one of the prin- a rnan became a victim to the
cipal regions of this vast territory, mak- manY
instance, there is the tearful bride, whoseing their headquarters at the ealoyia bottle at the hands of his mother.
facc assumes for the occasion a solleh i Muskoka" Hotel. ':L'he Cleveland Plain It matters not whether you find it on
and distressed appearance, owing to the the boarding house table or on the
quantity of brime which she has ex- Dealer of June 30 publishes an article
stage, French - dressing is usually pretty
by their special staff correspondent, in
intermittent sobs. Of such would be evhieh appears the following: "The Royal thim
The woman are always able to speak
pended, and whoee friezne is shaken by
Maud and Georgina, Then there is the Muskoka Hotel is one of the largest and
for themselves. Then why should. they
nervous brids, who trembles as if she best equipped sumer hotels in Canada,
expect the men to stand up for them
were being led to execution, and who opened a week earlier than usual to en -
leans limply upon the arm of the indivi- terbain the builders. The two days bern in Athestr Kansase et
woman is suing for
dual wlio is to give her away, and who have been most thoroughly enjoyed by
divorce because nine years ago her
is, no doubt, delighted to do eo. Then tile members of the party, and the pie -
husband hit her on the head with a
there is the matter-of-fact, strong -mind- bur d beautifulth
esque anscenery along e
hatchet and. she has not been able to
ed bride, who advances to the hymeneal ailroa.d and Jake route in the centre of
ttak since, Apparently the man was
altar with firm step and composed coun- rthe 'Highlands,' amazed and delighted
satisfied. -Kansas City Drovers' Tele •
tenance, and who delivers the responses e Clevelanders."
at the proper time, and in a calm, clear Take a free trip -a mental little jour- gram*
voice, which mekes even the brhicgroom's neY through Muskoka. -by asking that for
Muskoka, -publication is. WONDERFUL WATER WORLD.
tones seem faltering. Now Jeanne was handsome Muskoka,
sued by the Grand Trunk Railiva.y Sys- . It ia, interesting to know that m the
like unto none of these. She had not tons. it contains a large map, nineteen Province of Ontario, Canada ,there are
been crying, for her eyes were as clear -
ly defined as ever, and the long lashes views and fund of information. Apply over 40,000 square miles of inland water
for palsy to J. D. McDonald, District Pas- stretches, exclusive of the great lakes
were anything but swollen rivers; she
eves ale but not nervousl white and senger Agent, Union Station, Toronto. (tad the River St. Lawrenee, and nearly
Lake Ontario i the
the little hand that rested on Uncle
CHAPTER XV. John's arm was as light as a feather.
"7 declare I've been crying all night!" Only a keen observer would have detect -
says Georgina. 'gra very foolish, I ed a slight quiver of the sweet -ripe lips,
know, but 1 can't help it, I tine so sensa and the faint touch of color which ever
the. It's ridiculous,as mamma say, and again flitted across her face as she
but one can't help being sensitive, can moved towed the stalwart figure await -
one ?" and she appeals to Aunt Jane, ing her,.
who, with Maud and Mrs. Lambton, is Once, and °lily once, did ate raise the
Inlay superintendina the megitery of the long awceping lashes, and then it Weil
bride's toilet. to glance at the liandeome faee evhich
"I'm sure I cried all night, too 1" says was turned toward her with a half -sup -
Maud, with a sigh. "and my eyes must pressed smile of pride and impatienee.
all lying north of Leto n
"Highlands of Ontario." These High-
lands embrace the districts known as
(Success.) "Muskoka" "Lake of Bays," "Maganethe
Shells ftlied with oil, intended to calm a wan. River," "Lake Nipissing and tbe
stormy sea When fired into it, have been In- Fran& River,_" "Temaganii," "Algonquin
vented it P`ranee, The effect of a film Of Park," Ana "Kawartha, „Lalsesa' and fere
on in reducing the sizo of waves is well -all reached directly by the lines of the
knovsn, httt in the case of a Moving vesselGrand Trunk Railway System. Speakieg
It is difficult to reach those ia front among of the "itenskoka, Lakes" region the
which the voieers progress will noon bring Cleveland Leader in ati article headed
It. At first ordinary exploitive shells con- Builders Revel in Wieds of Muskoka, be -
taming all were Sired, bUt these, besides be- Sug a report by their special gaff repre-
Mg dangerous, did not distribute the oil
sentative of an outing which the mem.-
he awfully red, Didn't you cry, Jeanne,
dear ?" she says looking up as she kneels
at the feet of the graceful, drib:ate-look-
ing figure, that looks unnaturally tall in
its white garments.
Jeanne looks down -her nose is not
red, neither is any other part of the face
width, excepting her lips', which are ra-
ther pale.
There was cause for mueli pride on his
Part, for Jeanne, as elle stood. in the sub-
dued light of the striated window, with
the tattered battle flags over her head,
with her beautiful face set in its frame-
work of soft, antique lace, looked a fit-
ting bride for a prince.
Poor Mr. Pell sighed as he turned over
the leaves of his prayerbook, and his
"No," ssays, with a faint smile. "I eyes were dim; it was rather hard to
have not been crying." liave to forge the diet which shoula
"Ami be sure you don't, eny dear," sityis bind her to wiener, and his not at any
:she. Lambten; "nothing annoys a man thee strong voice sounded woefully evealt
so much xis to teen Iiie bride Wiping, bem
r se he raineneed tltel serViee which was
eyes and sobbing no that one caret speak :fit make Vane and Jeanne man and wife
'when the elemental) asks her, Pm yore fee Letter or for WOW,.
when Lanibtort and me were snarl lea I Of eniree the opening ethnic; were the
multi lave Merl my trait out; but fignal for Georgina and Mand to Om -
dared tit, for he would never have let ieenee eryien, whieh they did in an open -
me hear the het of D. Ole it i; (e
try- ly vert wo the utter ruin of their
ing time 1" and the gigot lady w
,1 ease
weasel x, mol the. still further swelling
"rm rather glail," etr,vd. Aunt 'torte, eef their erimeen eyelids.
• 'orating stp with her mouth full of pine, . ROI read en, seareely lifting hie eyes
"that I've teeapeil ,ueli o, ter ebb rafairo fame bie }mot; Vane etood straight and
ity, if it's rt,that. If elare lialf turned teward deartner
", frightened, Jeanie -,19 isn't Inc late, Vitt 11,(11 elf camel with downetrot eyee,
know." t'et faint. flutter of color mining and
don't think I feel very Meet/teed/1,e ing upon her (Ape, Vane's reeponees
' slie t:a341. 4A:A torrenialy in 101 deep, tituileal yoke.
••,Lianno hee ritual eeneelenen," moot prentpity, set audibly, and pre.
niors Maud, with her Lead on one saes ritly hie grave Wee wag loard:
burn I ahouln Le teem'to lank into- '-1, Viiton rrAntiq lidorrorth Par-
, iny beta, if 1 fated in ter Net Value tact thee. Jeanne filtrate,
Joanne smiles. , lio iny wedded wife."
"Vernon haft SO ery terrible, either,*
(To bti, eentinned.)
. • 4, •
no, I don't mean ihat. Put faney rhitielsw Reid, the rnited iltetee
etending lip in the sniddle Of the Amines:01r in tingle:al, Ma gv
ies cto
olt, lea auto I couldn't tit" emlowment of a bed for the. iw,•
of Ameriean Rallies at the Union Jack
"Wait until you try/' says Aunt Jana Club, in London. .
Oil -Filed Shells to Calm Waters.
evenly. At present wooden sheik; arts title ,
which break when they (Arno the *water, hers of the Builders' Exchange in that
allowing the oil to run evenly over tbe Sur- city to the ninnber of '200 enjoyed in
facevor night use tile slums have an it: this lakeland territory, eve: "A hundred
ennietiene eitsehment. The retinae are emu Chatitatiquces rolled into one summer re -
to he satisfectory,
• • sort region would not tompare with the
here heavy with tho smoks of their words
without danger of police interference? Mor-
ally it must be. quite as wrong for a rnan
to swear at the mules es for a woman to
swear at the neighbors, and it is only that
we are not so used to it that makes us
shudder when Matilda says it,
Decorated by Fiends Government.. "Ontario Highlands." Summer cottages
and. hotels, pretty camps and hundred.,
Wee. Alexander Marius, one of the ;of sail boats, and sates% Pamed la Palm`
try, has recently received. timebighest Past acorns of ancluvnting islan"*"
dc -
itee:sternoneficwrrioend bayndtheetleiiinenisteArrotsscriptiv 0 publicittiost poraraying the at -
f I
A copy of a handsomely illustrated de -
of Parie, for hreducational arid Artistic .traefloos of this magnificent territory
work. Mme, Marius, who was. heard ;will be sent free to anyone applying to
hOrn 111 a eourse of private lectures, or 1 Je. 11 McDonald'District' Passenger
lessone, last whiter, will isrobably give Agent, 'Won Station, Toronto.
. - -- ,......— Russiati Treasuty Rouge%
another, mune here this season. .
If there should ever be an invation ef
wee- Russia by the little yellow men of tee
east the first treftsure houses to be strok-
ed week' probably be the chereltes, for
the Russian cathedrals are fairly en -1
tea r ' 0 . ranti, as the steamer lieedora steamed
- -1.411104.11.M.0,0f1.00k1
afro. Winslow* soothing Byrne, etiolate
always he ueeti lov S.Shildriett ToottOng. SI
(Motile the ebilii, *Atone the guilts. eases while
Celle IOW Is the beet reounir toe Inertia**.
••• ger•
. ,
dt) a (\ \vitas neereetivratirte saWtes,
fete slew rent null dwelling, ready ter • ‘.
nnerationi best tinthereil o Si usitoka,
Lot it of raw material on hand. Addreits P. T.
Hodgson, liriteehridee. •
Tvio Mirtxrrnro /amen%
Direct current, Ile and 5 tioneepower. 44
dregs Box 10,
losiets ortereri,
Hamilton -
Iso co
Steamers Belleville, Hamilton and Picton
Leave nonillion 12 noon and Toronto 1,30
P.M. on Tuesdays, Thursdass anti Saturdays
for Bay of Qtlinte, Montreal aud Intimate.
diet() Ports.
Low Times anove Lure.
PILES. -Itching, Bleeding. and Blind
Pils. Comfort in one applicatidt It cures
itt three to six nights. It cures all skin dis-
eases in young and old. A remedy beyond
compare, and it never fails. 35 cents. -03
Wars 'Not Near aft End.
(Washington Times.)
Despite its horrors, war will persist as
long as the etruggle for existence, the effort
of self-preservation and the economic con-
tests of trade engage our attentien. Of wars
and rumors of wars there will be no end
until humanity is eyolved into something
higher than it now is. Nevertheless, Use-
less wars, wars of more vainglory, wars wag-
ed only for mere prestige, should be restrict-
ed, and can be, There is occasien tow tor
the world to bring pressure to boar upon
William of GermanylIstess he can be
quieted, unless his itnpulsive nature can be
soothed into something like rest, he will pre-
cipitate a war that must be disastrous to
his own people.
Willie had a firecracker, 1 --
Couldn't make it go, ;
And so he knelt above the thing
And Miffed his cheeks to blow- '
Fredie had a Roman rocket,
Though the thing was out,
He looked to see if the thing was lit;
It was Without a doubt.
*sea • -
n I1VP 1,0 PO CIR.-14111AT! 0
crusted with precious gems. The dote Of
St, teaac's Cathedral, in St. Petersburg,'
eoverea with copper overlaid with
nure gold; $.250,000 worth 'of gold Wad
n•.,,11 for this pollute:b. III the tathedral
of the Kean there 19 a cloud of beaten
gold above doors of /mild silver twenty ;
feet high, In the deed of gold appears ;
, the RAMO cif the Deity, emblazoned in
Thi e riturell Also dntitin d.;
pietrire of the .e'irgia Mary ertereeted
'with gold end jewelo to the value of $75,.
1100, In the -Cathedral of the AAeuirp. 1
tion„ loeated inside the Kremlin, l the
need, stutred pieture in el Peelle, the Vire
sin of Vladimir, rented by Mt. Lido, ala
94e'rnea by jewels valued at $22,00,
Leave Toronto at 3 p. m, daily, except Sluts-
deys. From JUly 1, daily, Rocbester, Thou-
sand Islands Rapids, St. Lawrence, Montreal.
Quebec and Murray Bay, Tadousac, Saguenay
For information apply to R. It, agents or
write H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger
Agent, Toroisto,
• • *Or
Portrait of Chinese Empress,
The portrait of the Dowager Empress
of China, painted by the Ameriesm art-
ist, Mise Carl, which has been on ees-
hibition at the Ste Louis Fele, is to be
the property of this country, an unex-
ampled honor and difficult to understand.
It will probably be placed in the White
House, an no art gallery would be
thought a respectful resting plaeo for so
august a gift. Indeed, considering the
prejudices of the people, the painting
and exhibiting of a portrait of a Chinese
ruler is a daring innovation. It is said,
that this portrait, like former Chinese
draevinge of the Empress, is misleading,
as it depicts a, large woman, while she ui
in fact, a. little woman.
During June, July, August and September
the Chicago and North Western Railway will
sell from Chicago round trip excursion tick-
ets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland.
Ore., (Lewis and Clarke Exposition), -Sikes
tle, Vietoria, and Vancouver, at very w
rates, correspondingly cheap fares from nil
points in Canada. Choice of routes, best ot
train service, favorable stopovers, and liberal
return limits. Rates, folders and full infor-
mation can be obtained from B. II. Bennett,
General Agent, 2 King street east, Toronto,
Luxuries of Rural Life.
(St. Louis Republie.)
Tho rural town Is fact becoming a city in
Ito general appointments, amommodatious,
manners and style, and it is the means of
disseminating tho latest ideas and conveni-
ences among surrounding farms. Through in-
vestments and Improvements the country Is
getting neater to the city, nearer to the my-
riad' advantages ot comfort which human lu-•
genuity is devising. The present is an era
of luxury. Every urban home has the in-
vestiture of a palace in a former period;
In fact, It offers, with the common exception
of size and yard area, more and better facili-
ties for easy living. Every country home
Is comparatively as well furnished. Almost
all the comfort which is found in the city
home can be installed and enjoyed in the
most isolatee farmhouses lying in an out-
of-the-way locality.
time for experirneuting when you've dis-
covered that you are a victim of some one
forra or another of kidney disease. Lay hold
of the treatment that the thousands havo
pinned their faith to and has cured quMkly
and permanently. South Americall Kidney -
Cure stands pre-eminent in the worldt‘US
medicine as the kidney suflorer's truer'
friend. -02
, -I 1
Automobiles Long Foretold.
(Spokane Spokesmau-RevieW.)
Mother Shipton's alleged prophecy, go long
regarded as the most wonderful prediction
ever uttered until it was proved to have been
a "fake," failed to provide for the automo-
bile, although she did foretell the steam loco-
motive. But the automobilist's case was an-
ticipated, many centuries ago. Sea Nahum,
chapter 2, verso 4: "The chariots shall rage
in the streets; they shall jostle one agaleet
anether in the broad ways; they shall nem
like torches; they shall run like the light-
Removes all hard, soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
stifles, sprains. sore and swollen throat,
coughs etc. leave S50 by use of one bot-
tle. Wavranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known.
Big or Little Navy.
(Cincinnati Enquirer.)
Recent events in actual war have demon-
strated that if a country has use for a great
navy at all It should bo a very great navy*.
and then it must be bandied with great deli-
cacy. It should have a nice, smooth, strate-
gical spot on which to rise and tall gently
on tho swell of the sea and vtalt for the
traeel-worn enemy to appear. Going out
after a fight is hard on a navy. A small
establishment will do for peace and for
the exchange of civilities between govern-
ments, but we must "hump" oUrselves if we
are goieg into the war class.
That precious remedy, Is a positive cum for all female diseases. Write for description
circular and free sample. It. S. MeGILL, imcoe, Ont,
t!,..# 1st i...24.-rmair
It dropped on the floor and stepped on, it will not ignite, as tome -
times happens with the common parlor match. Will strike on any surface.
the beet yet.
ASE YOUR. GROCER FOR A BOX. i 17r. Tvr.3 r
The E. Bi EDDY Company, Limited
444-44,40" -4+4+44444.4•+4.-++++94.
NI 1 0 ". 1Q0)40F111S1C,
For steep Or flat roofs',
Water preef, fire preef, easily
laid, cheaper than other roof*
Send statap for earnplo,
And Mettles tide paper.
r: tot Rebeetti Street,
CO-taarwrox, CAMADA,