HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-20, Page 2Stirtdety Selloolt.• ea:tha3airect, ell!ti311°37.1111:rtLeeeinlistarategl, Ile
css." ale 4e -
Canoe ulat at the time was in her
rie-age. It ous addreaed to Mae cr A DTI Hun
turewa Ilea out of Ills own bonze ana market Reportfi ream. elle read it and drepted to the tol I Milit
llialfeliNaTIONA.L LESSON NO. "Ile obeerved times," eta (v. aa Tilota
pat iebele poeseseieit.
' . Deer in a faint. it. was burriella
40T111, who melee corjurers. fortune-tellers, spirt I "Dear Alice -You muet ceueider our STI)RY. OF StA.
.„, arol eras as follows:
itualiets or any eataias lying Orecles ,
exquaintauce engagement a Miro el
their oompanione aud pities *re follow.' 'the ,past. Between tow love mot the
I tendent. Reeponaing to tint invitation
1 and having hnowledge of the great
tuna powerful Magnate who fiat la the
aoidiesice, Barry utountea the platferin
igelailanuffale-uornittlidbvigitInolli tlitt bnilliontaleVe!
At auy rate he lowed hie bead widio
aik.01 ifiRmow", 0:004. -Will of m,y mother I must decide. the boy was singing:.
01 143. nit! ;surely come to grief. Recently al %%mato Omani' MaTket.
".3rtlarr alattioat hat a friend We beve in' Jesus',
Mitootalattlialls anti Reeentanceal tattoo , hat in the footsteps of Marasseb. and t • • Negro Kills All on Board Small
eming etertine mother was present What a prit Mae to carry,
AR our sine end griefe to bear,
; Young woman la-1Po to it'lltay Sittitt?"1 elaly 15, -The grain reeeipts consistei tis:F1:41?It24- • o Trading &boner.
thirteenth kale; of Juelab, not contain., Everything. to Chid in laver,"
it'a el`.7e`e-et° tato went frOM one evil deed to unotbers•
.. ne oa mese e t ie
A • - - -a - to vatness the ceremony 'which vots
alolatries (vs. 1-11. I. alanaeeeh- The unlit at Lt attemptea bul4lui'' it 75c per bushelana 400 buthele of oots
The sweet voice rang out in the etill•
sa When reamed and asited why she did tt, 40 to we One Girl fstapeChy Swinunine to mai of the auditorium, alin children
itna Ilepletibah, who was traditionally eee were omellbound. Their parente meavel-
Athedialte the usurper, eon of Hereitout ete eon. 5 trith told me eas• I eat ahe wa,-; novo wooded ay
analee her elm and Itilee Caldwell ton
old -lie was bone three seare atter Ilee- led at the eweet tones and the innocent
; ?aka produce is Mir supe 'with the Oath. !Matte inforni,akon le to
II Jelin iv, 11. taltesit 4!� Pe ao
try rolls, ana eggs 20 to 23e per dozen. beat otatatot to las union alth Mit s
the dattehter a Twelve years
ho eauscol bis chilaren to pass bort of Elie hairless obi man in tho
ckialt was nairaculmisla restored to .)
4 reit firm. 33utter, 18 to 201 per lb. for • fe . Shore.
• but alma . t e 0-'1A :at t young mans met ter face, Tbe moseage went down into the
Hay quiet artt steay, with ealea of 20 tam
Some he bernble, burned as a, saertfwee At f3 to f9 for nand. --------------- t
. le a and rite said there was no truth The Murderer Captured and Placed euperiutenolent's chair. When Sundey
treith. time eny tarough the eire" (v. 6; Lev. xvilia ,..1.) loads at $10 to all ton for timethy aud wel . owner, tlus wag &mod ity
evil -be followed ail the abominable tem° be made to Pa" Omagh tw° Ita 410 a ton. rabid was dismissed, Rockefeller matte
inquiry about the boy and was told
ether tang of thelate or Israel, at. Did in the report that elm !eta
ressed. togs are undiauged, with Bele* I
eweights married aeainst her will. iltlanebsli. in ?alien Sginirildicanys elevihleeg Toronto, ;luta 17. -Mr. William Whyte,
preetices of the nations of (taxman, but ,
his ein w*3 greater than thews becaube tuo Vtlia rataats alto semi their it $8.50 to aft, the latter forlighe '
in Prison.
30,000 PO
44. 1/41.4444.
To Harvest a Hundred Million Oushel
Wheat Crop.
Estimate of Mr. Williant Whyte of
the CdOilt1411 Pacific.
Fifty Thousand Head of Cattle to
be Shipped.
• Ovate:ma to dieinherit her EMI if Le
Roma in token et their dedicatzon to D
ebiloiren to daneing eebooa teach them tithatts white, bush *IMO
";elv ikte3114' taa J1113' 17*-(Ine °I the room Harry arid lob mother were pre•
lie heel light and, knew about the true eceonii. Vice-Preitidenb• of the Canadian
Goo. aeaurno-woe pienal form ef to play cards anol take them to the that -
Do, smug, bus.h .. .. 092 Ite 1 glaitFT IN A. HIGH SCHOOL, tented to tbe billionaire. et a ti
most shockino •storiat of murder, wiLt
Baal. Made groves-antado Atheroth."-. tre ale (talkative?, them to the goal of 094 ,l, reabery as tbe motive, in tbe annal, of iit;iin'atIltittili:e.oilkEefilliejleirbo.ouyfi:e1.3!)tigoilattellat;rinlaylnd:rtiiinin6egi: ‘Itv'acer:dita'cy'lelti.441:041y141i:Witiii;:nangriiii.jilecdnii4nliTaottra, city Upt03,rt.tea:
it V. Aeberoth is one of the laurel forms Gale world and areparing them for flora Doe goose leash a ... 075 310) , Chkaa0 rliatiPal -Chart...ad With Selling :cable, was brouelit to the eitv toolay
. h, h athen oddeee Baal puniebment. Diplomas,. by Captain Hans Holm, of the Norweg. tie educated. nil • t b i , • i . 0
et 00 in tee iletera of roma schools, and thet the lax:v!roatirreraisratten, whale tales between velee Ilittft e nutlet
of the weet would reado poesibly eta
woe A male and Aeherath a female divitot "Aitlaaf"Vik shei I:tweet:tit blood very ' Barley, bush a .. .... -041 049 air. Whyte prediced that. tbe evbeat prop
en po/e witich was planted beside an' not erindmals wham the wicked king put t Eby, timotby, ton .. .. 100r) and Honduras pointe. lt bills and stipport hie another until liar -
for better services. 1 hhali pay all t o
ity, "An Atherale Wile probablY a 'weed- : entail (II. Kings xxi. 16). 'obey were 4 Pe43, bash .. .. .. .. 07e 0 tal CI a;0 July 17. -That graft Is pessible
Straw per ton .. ... .. 1000 voig rrit'lratcr 14 lifellt '*''111001 11a3 322CanS et all-
ele, to the satary that te pail by the ropes was eubsequently eonfinned by the of- irteLs iti.,t1Inelaittne!)snetsiimeinpltett000."1111012;inannivogeletel:Ir ei:etiettoolleTtliti:adsrridmsneidililuo: biluits,lifealse,t tihIttiat
altar ae a symbol af a aeit,,„-."-,saatb.1 to death. bat "innocent" poreene oho Da, mixed, ton .. „. 8 00 '
/feet of tree:vette...Tea sun, mem rad acre maity.red by publie execrable tr pro
ailegel In the ceargea made flecre !gf the frnit eteamer Itorina which
o of the Dreamland casino and told t liter there me four million acres under wheat,
dame 4 Altars in the limaSe-Ile placed.. rate aseaasinetion. to gratify alanaseeha uoresseja oohs tt a aea 809 900 Of Chicago, are
Grasping liarry's !Laud aud eie and lie expecte that the average yield,
ihe heathen altars -even in the temple.lembitien or revenge. Karly eetieeleatical apples, against ornate capes the peastaat et the tome in later en the evening with atlei- mead,
awl my nem be -"es eeapter 7 te12e. bietory saass Isaiah was sawn asuaLleurt loti ax-,rt;pderairayoze..n .: .1.. 7... ov 023 ' Jefferson' High &boot.
aaa 1 nush Brelieat Vol completed concern- tion.al details. eueei: tli17••:ollitatrrolotle, ties ;00T tetonlager leyttei22 dill ii;atunk:
• I t
liVill*Iilltieff etrahr ittehrneV utvias"0tte lavbvenrnag2e5.
Do, creamery .. .. ... 023 0e4 tee the poor eiasa were- M teat lostiretion , The little island of lailla, lying off
5. In the two courts-Profe.eeor lana alenasselt a order (lieb. xi. 37): "
bv thinks this verse explains the pre- . Um heart r raceed....murdem' (Matt. the Honduran coaet, whose population is eel them. Good for y_ott both."
erops were never better. East of tbat
West of Portage la Prairie, be said, the
Turkeys, per la, .. ...... 0 13 0 14 an indiecriminate mixture of whites, - -
point the fields were repotted in places
tA ... ickens, old, lb, .. .... 0 10 ow or some students wbo baa mega editorial be -
cedilla lame and that the alobtrous al- sea 101. Hatred awl Mager are murier -et
temple mel not in the holy plata. 6.! v. 22, 31. V.I. '"take heed....leet teare potatoes, per be_ .
g . .... 070 080 VaS et the Public blab 5'1°0213 at aattaeo. tia• tragoly in which twelve lives watt A BUI,LET IN /LIS HEAD,
owing to too much vret. The damage
tars were erected, in the courts of the , M Gala reckoning ti. John iii. 15; Matt. cause they ba4 bcen the !was -airs ot /teat- rapt:anises ani caribs, wtts the bee00 of
lies e that in certain circumstances the ' 121. atanaesah aleo ealteeed the people to! 'Het Pa-rle, Toronto, would be immaterial, Continuing, Mr.
Zeiery, per dozen a ... 0 40 (01;111 .' it is saZ4 teat the diplomas hen by the ete-
deem in CLUCZ,ti011. were issues by chat -tics .;.:;rlivel:tn;rrhett7;I:Vill t:t1-„ts"e ilittlIAtratt II. Idarryat Media Ends Ilis Igo in was nob serioue, however, and the loss
:Mom* the iire. There la reason to lee- I be in any of yen an evil heart" (Ilea tie ., gebbega .. ._ .. .... 0 60
children efferett to Molloch -were aetu- de more evil than del the other iutione Beef, hindquarters .. .. Set0 9 3Q ' OGOk in 143 °Metal caeaeitY et Pelecinal el make a, trip to Ruatan, Truxillo nett illyelrlyetaese bit; tteidi e =a,: earned eNrVA bliartyl az
neatly burnt to death, or were fiat slain IL Kluge Neal)). Tbe Ling foreeti them Do, forequarters „ „ 600 0 50 me Jefferson ltigh Sebem. rt ES (mimes Belize. Ni.! had about eleitia on board thrlo'ougrohnticoh,e laieuallyti 2,7.5-,glaVrieTte, ailtylleent
rind then burnt. See lesa. exxxvi, 33; Da, eloneee carcase .... 800 8 ea that many of the students. vote receivel the autt was to buy cattle at Truxillo to tbe stiffened fingers, a revolver and a oats. "The Canadian Pacific ItailwaYo"
Jer. under ocnalty of death to follow Late
on. al; la wines eaia ol. Some think. gods anti lire more licentiously titan the Do, medium, carcase h 7 00
red bush 4. AO ,. 100
o 7 50 dteateas trent Mr. Coot vrere en:ewe to be .ell at Belize. She atreied a erew of flask about three-quarters full of setae- said ale Whyte, At making every pre-
that to "teess through the fire" means .bea..tben. tfuttom 2 s per cwt. 50 recipietta of ..ccrtifieatea that they hal coax- four and quite a number of passengere, Itey lying beside it, tbe deal body of IL partition with ti, view to landling thi3
tbat they passed their children between lhe Lord. .epake....hut they wolthl. weep per met. ... h 78
950 eatea tee wore or the sshool. making the total liet of people aboara ejarryat Martin, a,n Englisinnan about 31 etupendous crop. New locomotives and
two fires by way of conseeratien to the net hearken' v. 101. ' The_ "Lord spoke Lamb, spripm per cwt. 12(30 3.400 The .barge la made that ss 5735 paid for number thirteen. Among these were years old, was found yeeterolay afternoon earoo of largeet cepacity are being de-
Matben deity. Valley..of Itinnom-Thie by Hie servants the prophet,(11. Kings each one of these diplomas. The Commatse two women and two children. The vee- in a secluded epot beneath some bushes livered every week, and by the time the
WOS a ravine on ese south and. west of xei. 103. Ile epeake now by the blood of Toronto Hog Products. en easom Managentent appotutea a comma- eta loft the leubor of letilia at eltwen in High letrk. It bad been there eva erne ii ready for movement ire will be
a loot ha 2 the.' 'name of Tophet. Obeerve'l the means of grace, the invitatioa •of and prieoes are steady. Cured meats are city how pr .1'n( this prastase hats beaushe ball been under way hoe than an partially decompezed,
quire among the test:tut:4ms ot tee taelovic Friday night, June 30, and after dently for several dap, for the body was able to handle 4.00 ears each way per day
Jeresalten. the eoutheast extremity of Chriet, the Holy Spirit, the written word, Dressed hogs are in moderate supply e„ a la
in good demand at unchanged prices. We t 171/011 the ,body from 'Winnipeg to Lake Superior. •
mad bicantations and chance." Familiar I bappincer. free. e oat '. . • .--- a t. ,10,e per lb. in case lots; mess '
-••• 1:•en 1 te
too; ot eneeito; short cut $19.7a BENNETT AT BRANTFORD.
e- • e
- awl, melting on deck, founa a. negro ten: ail. alarryat Martin, nospliew of the yeeters in the west this year," said eir.
meted with a Wineheeter rifle, hoot late ;Or Martin Holloway and granoa Whyte, emplisebally.
hour, everybody uas aroneed by a shot, wee found a card upon rybieli was write "We will want thirey thousand bar -
eget r. V, eisraeossai divination frienea the example of holy livee, lie
b.). tile•eicue,1,., ha a ta.,,,,,o.,......-io. , .0 tt „, a . t e i quote; Bacon, long, clear, sells at, Ifelee ,
_to ,,,,, • , 11.,tinnsi frau miterv to
' ' s L team xxviii. 8. He had MI eaten to Ilin:seli. A youne marl ualo
to $20- . Indian Priaoner Will Be Charged With ino dean tile men one after another. nephew of the late Captain Marryat, IL Prices, on the whole, he predicted,
N., educated at the Philological School would be good.
and WAS on the staff of the Ea° uews- The war en the far east and prevented
pular from Ins to Ion." tho pensanis from putting in their crop,
The revolver lay beside the :body and a and Ritesia would not have an average
wbakey flask nearby and a eigarette in crop, certainly not for export. tlee
his fingers indicated that the man had. United States' would bave an avenge
been drinking and was probably emokina - crop, but 111 the republic to tbe south, he
\then be fired. the shot which ended ha pointed out, the new acreage had not
life. A scateli of his clothing revealed increased in proportion to the population,
a number of letters leading to las iden- and this would limit the volume of
tity and some personal effects. One wheat for export from that couutry.
letter written Ly "(leen), oliver, of 14 Another feature of the development was
South Parade, Bath, England," on aina the live stock trade of aouthern Alberta.
19, 1905, and was evidently in reply to The cattle had had a good wintet; the
me service theee who pretende4 to ratee -deep convieteen woe., earrewatly entreitte
Cured meats-leame, light to mednim,1
13 to .133ace do., heavy 12laci rolls, Murder.
the spirits. Wizarets-Whe or knowing to itecept the Saviour., -.-11 you refit a to
I d to reveal secrets. accept Christ you. deliberate/7 rejeat
10: shoulders 93e to 14e; baeks, 14,4 ° Brantford, July 14..-Jtoteph Bennett,
Thie negro wae Robert McGill, and, as;
it afterward., developed. he bad etowed
hintedf away aboard with the intention
Many of theee hapesters came from Hint," he was told. late the unbeheeer
a denial. beino watered that it was priees1 the Irdian, with the charge cof murder- of robbing tile captain and then SW1111-
01203 to 1514.0; breakiast bacon, 13.
Chaldea to pursue their eccupations an est . Lard -The demand is fair and
• d tiuns and Matiasielit so, he dehberateat eePhea- -Den I 1.2 tantinue unchanged. We quote; Tierces ing Baer Jacobs last Sunday dam
roars mine mature.
s After he had MLA. all but one a tb.:
was their liberal patron. aluch evil- jolt Him." He put away the outetreteaeil 0% to ,
prat a. ae; tubs, 031 to 10e; pails, 10
alte heather eites and ceremonies which baud and pereatently reftnee the only to 10
• d were often 0 the One who could save him. This ie the 34.
fouleet esharreter. 7. Set. aimage-The crowning sin aide x. 25-29).
setting up the Asherah within the sacred. 'And When he was in affliction, he be -
precincts is dwelt upon as the most ag- sought the Lord bis God" (v. 12). The
gravated outrara of this wicked king. rod will net change a rebel to a ail&
8. Neither will...I, ete.-God had prom- but it will draw a true cbial dotter to ite
ised that this. land should be theirs for- father. 'Do you rim away when your
ever (II. Sam. via 10). If only (Te V.)- father whips you?' one child asked an -
of God's promises are conditional. This other. "'No," was the reply; "I ram into
condition was expressed at the very hie arms; be -can't whip Inc then." In
first. Had they obeyed Cod they Would times of adversity we neel speeiale- to
never have gone into captivitya but beed the command, "Keep yourselves in
would still have been in possession of the love of Goal" (Jude tela
the promised land. 9. To do worse - . "Hurobled himself greatly" (v. 12). The
Through the pernicious influence of way up is down. Clod never emptiee ex -
Manasseh they were led into worse cept to fill. He never make e poor except
forms of sin than were even practised to enrich. Ile never humbles except to
by tbe ongiatal Canaanites. Tradition exalt (Matt. v. 3-5). Assyria's iron fet-
says that, under Manasseh Isaiah. was ters were more profita.ble to _Manasseh
than gold; bis prison was better than
rawrt asunder.
L Manasseh's punishment (vs. 10, 11). the palace; his cross better than hie
10, The Lord spake-"We can imagine crown; Bab,ylort a better school than
the bitter grief and burning indignation Jerinalem. God permits Satan to wound
of those who loved. the God of Israel. us that He ina3- heal us. Manasseh might
And they mare not silent. In 11 Kings Lave .eaid with the Psalmist, "Before 1
oxi. 10-15 we see unnamed prophets de- was afflictedeI went astray, but UOW 1
nouricino the apostasy and threatening, bave kept Thy word" (Pea. cxix. 67).
judgmetit in most striking language.", Trouble should drive to prayer and
alanas.seb. is denounced and it is de- prayer bring to God and ihe right. "Ad -
dared that in eonsequence of his crirace, versity," says Spurgeon, "puts o. bridle
God would bring upon Jerusalem emelt on tranegression and furneshes a spur for
evil as would cause the ears of those holiness." God does not afflict willingly
who beard it to tingle, that be would (Lam. iii. 33), but "in faithfulness" (Pea.
wipe out Jerusalem as a mau wipeth max. 75), "for our profit" (Heb. ail. 10),
a dish, wipeth. it and turning it upsale that we nray be able to say, "It is good
for me that I bare been afflicted; tbat
down. I might learn Thy statutes" (Psa. exix.
31. King of Assyria -Assyria was at Abbie C. Morrow.
that time under Esarhaddon, among the 71)-
thones-"In chains." -11. Y. "The sharp,
thornlike hook by which prisoners were BIG DIAMOND IN END OP CRUTCH.
caught and held like fish." -Words- -
'Worth. They were in the habit of echo A Valuable Jewel Found After Death
ally passing a ring. through the fleeh of Tramp.
of tbeir more distinguished prisoner:,
of attaching a thong or a rope to it, A Kingston, Oat, report: An unknown
and of thus teadialg them about as with tramp died in the farm house of Or-
a "bridle." In Assyria the ring was lando 'McPherson, in Lanark Town -
ordinarily passed through the upper lip; ship. ate was a one_ r., Ile
leaved man -w
while in Babylonia it appears to hare walkedon crutches. The children In
been inserted Into the membrane of tbe playing -with the crutches noticed one
nose. -Cook. leetters-"Probably Ivan- was split at the end and dirt and gravel
odes for the hands and fetters for the bind been forted in. The crack was
feet." To Babylon -"It is a confirma- e earedt. and in the refuse was found a
lion of the sacred history to remember 1 about iltd with part of a gold set -
Nineveh was the seat of the Aesyrien ttFotehdiara
'I e t nii had evidently
that just at this time Babylon and not
government. Esarhaddon who mention- crutch u o P the ta- set the
e zamond ring in his
ed 3Ianasseh amens/ his tiributaries, etas travel P n th Mr. McPber-
the only king of among
who held his son ,:arg 1 e°unir3%
e lantana and. gave the
court at Babylon." -Speaker's Com. le ith tramp a. decent burial.
this event Judah was added to the as- ----• - e
III. Manasseh's repentence (ea, 12.) -
12. Besought the Lord-eln the soli- altuulred and Five Milwaukee Men Must
tude of exile and imprisonment Manes-
seh had leisure for reflection. The cal- Face Bribery Trial.
amities forced on him. a review of hie Milwaukee. Wis., July 17. -Sixty-sev-
en indictments against .5 individeals,
past life, convicting him tbat the miser -
most of -whom are former county ofti-
tea of his dethronement and captivity
ciale, were handed down by the 3111 -
were otving to hie awful and unpreceden-
watikee County grate; jury late to-
ted apostasy from the God of his lath -
day in the ".,efunitipal Court. To -day's
ers." Humbled lamed! greatly. "When
batch of true bills, added to 38 return -
the rod spoke be beard it (Micah ea 1),.
ed. ten days ago, makee a total of 105
who eyould not hear the word (vs. 101.
thus far, with the expectation that
Ilis. prison proved more profitable than further probing will result in smarty
his palace tied been.
IV. afanatealia restoration (V. 13). 13. mitre indictments being brought in
He was entreetted-lt is. impoesible that blaisi jetera.rly
all of the intlietmetas eliarge
any sinner who desire to forsake sin n ery, tbe amounte, 12. 12 alleged, bac-
:104 turn to Cad wilt be refused mercy.
after the record of pardon from God
foo a man like Manaseele Does this not
eeplain Why Mane:ode was permitted to
live the life be did? Would the Bible be
the hook it te, if sin were not peraoni-
fled by stab, charaetere, anti grace per-
m:tatted' in &etas Chalet to meet their
reede-aillaittle Ileard-Tbough afflic-
tion driewe tee to Geol, He wilt there -
fere rekot us if we sincerely seek hint.for
rialietione are eent. to bring us to Him.
Henry, Brought Him -to Jerusalem -
"When afttnas41 i3 brought back to
Mei and hie tatty, be eliall soon be
brought teak to leis kingolem. See bow
Wheat at Winnipeg.
Winnipeg, Man., July 15. -Wheat beld
firm but closed dull, with practically no
trade. July opened $1.0See, doted 81.09;
(kt, 841fic, closed 851ac. Cash prices: -
No. 1 Northern, $1.09; No. 2, Northern,
91.06; No. 3, Northern, 85c; No. 4 ex-
tra, 78ac; No. 4„ 74e4c; No. 5, 64e; feed,
Oc; receipts for week, 478 ears; Iast
year, 618.
British Cattle Markets,
London, July 15. -Canadian cattle to-
day are quoted unchanged at 11 to 12e
per lb.; refrigerator bed is tower at
3. to 910 per lb.
Toronto Fruit Market,
July 15. -Business on the wholesale
fruit market on Saturday was generally
good, prices being well maintained, while
receipts were fairly heavy. The season
for strawberries is sot yet over, consid-
erable stock coming in, for which there
was a good, active demand. Raspberries
were plentiful, but the market continues
finn. From reports received from a num-
ber of points the raspberry crop is all
that could be desired, but tbe local de-
mand is good, and this, coupled with the
enormous consumption by the canning
factories, would seem to rnake cheap
raspberries very problematical. But time
will tell. We quote:
Raspberries ai0 11 9203.2
Strawberrnries .........006 009
Cherries, sweet . . 1 00 140
.Cherriaaesour . 0 75 100
California, peaches, ease .. 100 3.23
Georgia peaches .. 2 25 250
Cantaloupes, case ... . 2 25
Waterinelor.s, each ... 010
Bananas, bunch ... .. I 40 163
Red bananas, bunch ... . . 1 25 209
Lemons, crate . e 3 60 450
Lemons, 360's . . 4 50
Lemons, 300's .........550
Oranges, crate ... 4 00 500
Pineapples, crate .......325 400
Apricots, per case .... 1 50
Vegetables -
Cucumbers, hamper .. 1 25 150
Cucumbers (Can.) basket.. 100 123
Tomatoes, crate ... ... 0 85 150
Green peas, basket ... ... a5 030
Potatoes, bbl .........225 250
Potaltoo basket .. - . . 0 30 035
Beans, baa&et 025 033
Cabbage (Ca.n.) .. 2 00
Goosetterri%s, small basket. 060 070
Cauliflowers, 12 -In. erate 1300
Red murats, basket ... a 075 166
Bradstreet's on Trade.
Montreal reports say 'wholesale trade
there generally continues qui. t and is
likely to reresan so until the holiday sea-
son is well over. Higher prices are re-
ported for staple lines of cottons, and
wools are firm. The movement of gro-
eeriee is moderate and prices are steady.
The movement in hardware continues
fair to good. Large shipments are being
made to the west. The steel and iron
trades are active, .the demand for all
lines being brisk, There is.continned ac'
fealty along all tines of genextil manu-
Toronto: The wholesale trade here in
all lines continues to be affected by the
seasonable quietness of summer. 'The
itee been pet to former county °Ho crape cootinue to promise wen, although
oats in connection with the awarding recent rains 'have been rather heavy
of county contracts. frequent. The trade in dairy products
- : continues active. Prices Iota up well,
CANCER CURE A FAILURE. devite large receipts. Announcomente
are made here of a ten per cent. Gavel:tee
in cotton yarns in sympathy with. a&
vancea in. other lines of that staple.
Quebec: The midsummer lull 351202120.
able in wholesale eireles, and orders from
the toontry are reported to .have Wien
off duritig the wed:, and what hoe beet
erad,y God 13 to accept and -welcome
retorting sinners, and !ow swift to
ehove merey. Let not groat einners &t-
rait' when afanageelt binnelf. on repent.
emete, found favor with God; in iiim Gott
showed forth Iowa guttering ft Tim. 1.
10: Ise. ft afanasetat knew .. God
--eNo precepte of Ilia father; no ameb-
a/it of priests ar.d tevites; no act of
ceremonial eircurodelon nor engaging hi
form* of reliedon; no listeuing to ler-
moils nor reeding tile Scripturee brought
ton tide knoulaege. Ile had to ht
brought to a poeition evbere notbing
but tbe almighty power of God toutd
deliver him. We will /flees God through
al/ eternity for the days of trouble that
lead us to obey" Irsa. 1. 15).-Whittie,
Put bow much better it ie to obey at
twee, Hon Making atteh affiktione, un-
"He Imilt ogsiri the high pbeee . hie
father had broken down" (Y. 32. Ide ilis-
regarded itie father's fettahings tkna
honored hie triemory. In 'contempt of
eticred flange be "defied God to Ilie
fate, imputlently.aftrolited Ilint by put -
that his finite right tinder his eye; he
vas not afraid of God's wrottlt nor
The Repott of tbe Committee of Ex-
perts Unfavorable,
Paris, July 17. -The report of the
committee of everts Who have been
inveatigating Dr. Deyena anti-cancer received ate more of a tering; taturt
serum for five months has been pre- The crop outlg ok is eneguraging, al•
settled to the „Surgical Society. ee Is _ though enore rain is wantaf.
&dinette: tiefavorablt. It admits that 1- I elle and tetait trade leis beer* bride
Winnipeg: During the poet week botb
over lue bead, is mot a p.ieontr .111 iota be r
tie ed the last fmrviror to no
Brantford jail. As yet be has made no below alto scuttle the ship. when Lite
staement, and refuses to fay anythinte, unfortunate reappeared on deek and re -
about the crime with which he piled, the metro ehot him dead. He
ebarged. Last niglit when in the cell then put the two women. Miss Elsie
at Dunnville, Bennett, in ceoverattion alergan and her eieter, Mrs. Walter
with one of the police, said that it was 'Rose, in the dory, with Mrs. Hose's
tee bad, and that whiskey had done it. week!? old infant and left the boat, steer -
He did not say anything further, and ing for the mainland. He changed his
it is purely conjectural as to what, he mind. about allowing the -women to live
referred to. During. the trying events of and killed Moe Bose and her infant.
last night aud tins inorninga journey He then began thooting at Miss Morgan
to the couuty jail in this eity the In- and wounded her in the arm. She jump-
dian prisoner hos maintained an attitude ed overboard Rua started to swim book
of apparent indifference to all surrouna- to the Nand. Ile fired at her ineffee-
boa He recognized many friends while • thane-, but his ammunition evidently
on the train this incoming. gave out, for he promised her lemma -
As yet all is not known about his ity from harm if she would come back
movements subsequent to the traae.dy.. to the dory. Sbe started back, and
He remained in the big bush in los- when within an oar's length he struck
carom, townthip tenger than last her on the head with au oar, etunninli
Sunday night, though some of the au- her.
thorities were of the opinion that he Believing she was dead he rowed away
was in hiding all the time, as is. thown towards the mainland, where the was
by the fact -that a big hunt was said thrown on the tweets by the waves in an
to have been planned for next Sunday. exbausted condition. She fearea that
Bennett tfild the constables that be the negro would follow her, so she hid
in the bushes and for two days suffered
never moved more than fifty yards all
tie!! from the spot where he left the from the heat und exposure until found
rig laet Situate- morning. He saw the by a woman front the neighborhood and
IITS rescued frosn starvation, In the
vebieles of the eonstables rushing past.
He travelled mostly by night, but when meantime the dory had been washed
about thirty miles from Othweken left aehore and there 'MIS excitement on the
the woods in search of work, which hand, as it was believed the Olympia
eventually resulted in his capture. attd gone down •with all hands,
The coronera inquest will open on When Mies Morgan told her story an
Monday niglet at the Oshawa:en Council immediate search was instituted for Me -
liana lefore an Indian jttry. The esin anti tbe authorities on. the maim -
constables claim that they have much land were notified. They eaught him
evidence against the accused. If he is at El Portvinel, a little town on the
sent for trial at the preliminary bear- road to Ceiba, and there was quite a
ing there wil be two murder Wale- at demenetratiou, but he was protectea.
the aesizcs in this county. Hie life 21a8 saved through' the pres.
--a tome on the coast of President Bouilla,
. .
11110 nits on an inspection tour. The
Honduran warallip La. Tumble. which hes
figural in so many revolutions,. was
broueht into service and the murderer
FIRST DAN'S StSSION Or THE NA- 'tgaael aboard and eent, back to the ia
tp to last Sunday he was dill alive,
Hertford, Conn., July 17.-Devotioned
service led by Mrs. Laura I. Kendall, of aultielliittreids tfiern(iiltea• tv(i)111
Massachus'etts, opened the first day's
Monduras prohibit -capital ptinishment.
telcisesioynononfg tliTe011...)11ae,tsionacthrei-soirtiavicintito7nniooifi
hut it is believed the people will take
here to -day. The eonventioit oriptnized the ease in their town band".
for bueinees at the close of the devo- 0131t1:: IteeIrsriblOeloer:sgiavnt.illialetoc,oietas•itsetriNitee‘ivr
Hemel eervice, President toui•le .Annin,
of New York City, dilates it to order. Orleans three elate ago, foul is a 21011.
tbe applicatIon of the serum notesails The roll call by States brought responses .•teltmateil, refitted young woman of 25
caused]. a temporary improvein'ent-ItS ea b.ere. Summer lines of dry gomie are
some twee, thereby ieseeniag the Ilan- m, well, and. the prospects fot fat from all eections. of tbe United States.. :Pam
ger of subsequent otter:Ilion:a but it sratte are evert brighter than they Were
Harry Adams Ilersey, the figures. sub- •
In the report of National Secretary
a week a Orders. art already mewing
raver cured the dieeose. Twenty of the eo otaoaraelo utoeereetiob of groceries is milted kV SW -0 S&tetarl"' slmwe4 --
,ototwen'• '
avain/1110d became 'worse b t tee Collections are at
y a ou rm momberolup of approximately 0,000, of Takes Clala B Gd
ront eer at On nited
eluded by aspreassing. the opinion tbat the nicortent little slovr. The outiettoe whit+ number 6,500 were in the sealer
under the treatment. The repert eon -
for tam crops continues ass aright tog ever and ‘2,300 ia the junior union. Supports Mother.
takeit hie deeires for fade. London reports say business conditroni 'flte year's gain in membership hes foCi'eict....1s.eirthliada'athjaajstilYeal(I'-"Tagell ilbrett-
Thyme like other inventote, bed nag-
acintintre generally satisfactory, the prot been about 1,000. Financially the year
ORA= TRUNK PACIPIC.• int +pleb tone to trade being more or bas boort satisfactory one, the total He lal).v.a "1Pa a 6intale sane..
leea seasonable. matte exceeditor titoee of 1001 by et68i. 'tarry 1/eans is a hanasome littlechap
who has been supporting himself and. Me
Western Settler' Consttuction Will Begin , TOM COMMITTED POR TRIAL. mother by singing 'Wherever be could
, t ,
$HE WAITED IN VAIN. got an migagraients Some time ago he
Winnipeg. •Inter 17.-Coratruc1.ion Ott
the western Reetiott of the Grand Trtinit
Itacifie is to proeteol immediately, and
(endows will be eailed for this enentle
The route is definitely located westwani
to the intersection with the Boothia &
Prince Albert Motel& of the C. la Re
and proviaionally to Edmonton. Con -
eh -netters will begin in the vieinity of
Portfige Ja Prairie; and the firist cen-
t -Otte Will rover it seetion 400 niiIo in
loneale The reaeon for stetting, so far
from 'Winnipeg is the fact last tont'
10e1 facilities ha et not been Fttt1a;41110-
eang at lamth s theatre anti just before
Charge of Manslaughter Against the
the ahat
St. Louis Man jilts Toronto Ohl at the Bdeath a lanage.r Fara full book-
Bruce Mines Engineer. ing over the Keith eirenit Wae being
Alter. A Sault SiP. Marie, Ont„ report eays: . arranged. Summer is a duil time, how -
Bruce Mina; and Al- . ever, for actors and singers. Harry Iola
St. Louis, 210.. .Trtly 1 months Ttlelt,
ago aliss Mite Caldwell, of Toronto, gorna engineer vim Was; arrested on 12 11 'hooking at the Dreamland caeino, the
eatae here ter vie% the family of J. W. eharge of Metalatigliter 121 eoneeetion "Coney Istanti" Cletelaud. He sang
;avenger, of Lewis) Place, Jawing tier with tbe accident in ethielt .larnee Dam- , there several times tout the nu•n ana
stay here the met eming Arthur Mao. eau. anether engineer. was killed at 'WoinOtt *Who sat at the tables enjoying
tin, son of one of the isealthiest finale Bruce Mines on Saturday last, wee their beer bolted tip at the earnest iit-
eiere tho eity. and laTeilinC o41gag%11 brought to the Soo to-dav. He appeared .tle face as the boy stood upon the teat
to fano Toetay was to be tilde sso.h. tetere Stillentlare, atiotietrate Quiholt. unit poured out the beautiful tones.
dim": ihly, and whik, minister, bri on flie advice of Couneel t!rialt Are- lveeiV(4 "ft i"vitati"11 in 81"1
Inroiclo beet man, anti atendante trete leaoloien. waivea reamination. lie woe last ituntlay before the Sunday sallool
of the et.ventie Baptist Clotreb,
ltaitiata a transanalea aline hiltaiedia committed for trial, and aolinitted to bail
to the Swanger home and dolivcrod a in $1,000. 'which Jelm IX Rockefeller is superin-
Wells 1111 minion mi 11 1 1111 Ink 1M 111 11 1 1 1 1 1 III 1111 11111111 1111 II 1 1 1.11 1:111 1 110=12:=AtIW
a letter from Mariam
The letter reads "It was not on the
chance of finding employment, but ou
the assurance of Mr, ilunt that on your
arrival in the colony yoLt ehoula have
au ()Femme and be started fairly. If
you really mean what you say I am
tilt williug to givayou another chance,
for no one more :sincerely wishes you
to do well than I do, hence any inter-
est all through this depressing and dis-
appointing time. I am writing by this
post to Mr. D. lioloway, also to Mr.
Hunt, to see what east be arranged, as
it would be re use going to Canada
without some definite plan on arrival.
You might simply be refused a land-
ing in tee colony. I enclose alb for
your immediate necessities, and win let
you hear again. later on. Sineerely
hoping this may be the beginning of it
happier time for you, and that you
may even -yet snake a suecees of your
life in some field of work, for in manual
labor brains and strong endeavor tell.
Yours truly, Cecilia Oliver."
Another. • letter, addressed to the
editor of the Morning Leader, London,
Eng., contained an article entitled,
Work in Canada. Martin believed there
were plenty of openings for farm hands,
mechanics and travellers. He stated to
the editor of the Leader that as the
paper had previously published one of his
letters he was forwarding auother.
Still another letter, dated at New
York as far back as Dec. 17, 1874, intro-
duced .a11. M. Marlin" -to the Western
Union Telegraph office at Washington,
C., as the Vice -President of the Equit-
able Gaslight & Construction Company,
This 11011121 ,probably be the father of the
dead man. A cheque, dated Jan. 20,
1863, in favor of Samuel Fleiscbman for
$1,000 on a New York bank, iInd an-
other for $160, dated May 18, 1866, on
the Mercantile Bank of England, were
signed by "H. II, Martin."
Deceased had been missing duce Mon-
day morning.
A. Report Tbat Emperor William Seeks
New Relations.
Stockhom, July 17. --The Associated
Prees is able to state nli good author.
Ry that a GermateSwedish alliance is
seriously contemplated.
The question, it is said, vas diseussea
at conferences between Emperor Wile
limn and King Weer on- board the Im-
perial yacht Hohenzollern at Gefle to-
day. The conferences lasted from two
to three hours.
King Oscar and his party will remain
with Emperor William utail he departs
from Cleft° on Friday afternoon. Besidea
Emperor William's personal visit, Ger-
many will soon make the greatest naval
demonstration in its history in Swedieh
waters. On July 20 sia battleships wilt
grass was good, and there bas been an .
absence of flics which had worried the
animals and affected their condition. at -
"We ought to," said Mr, Whyte, "take
out of the cattle ra-nge country about
50,000 head for Toronto, Montreal and
the European markets. In addition to
this, from 10.000 to 15,000 on the hoof
or in the carcass etould be shirred to
Britilli Columbia and the Yukon,
"The sheep industry, too, has grown
very rispally, and with mutton and wool '
prices high, the Canadian lonelier anti
the country generally will benefit as a
Dealing with the question ol immigra-
tion, Mr. Whyte expressed Isis gratifica-
tion that the new arrivals were the best
type of rural American and British peo-
ple, intelligent people of strong physique,
who could make their way in the new
country. The foreign clement, too, was
of a very satisfactory type.
"Will the C. P. R. use Canadian coal
on its western divisions?" asked the re-
Mr. Whyte replied that the company
bad been making tests of all the western
coals, and, so far as these tests had
advanced, they had led him to believe
that they can supply coal in the west as
cheaply es the American coal, making
all allowances for constituent differ-
"We are working to develop a great alit
Canadian antustry," said Mr. Whyte,
"Every dollar that is spent in Penn-
sylvania coal or to the American vessels
that carry it is capital taken out of the
country, which we should keep for build-
ing up the west and incidentally traffie
for the road."
Liverpool Post Finds in It a Bond for
Linden, July 17. -The recent state-
ments in the Canadian House of COM -
1210115, have again revived the agitation
over the Canadian cattle embargo. The
Liverpool Daily Post thinks it affords
a simple and obvious means of bringing
the Canadian farmer to the mother
country, yet the Government under Mr.
Chamberlain's guidance seem to be ap-
proaching, by swift steps, the rondos,
ion that this end is only to be Attained
by taxing the British workutan's bread.
The trutlt seems be be that the lairis,h
stock raiser is largely represented in
the Government, and the House of
Lords does eot want Canadisn com-
petition. Lord Balfour of Burleigh has
given notice of it poiuted question to be -
esked in the House of Lords on a date
not yet named: "Is the policy •of co.
lenial preference,' which involves a fresh
taxation of staple articles of food, ae-
eePlea 48 that of the Government, or 13
it not 1" "Are those who are asitaI
to accept a free and unfetteresi confea
arrive at Gothenburg, and eight cruisers -enee between representatives of the th2-
rddevalla, while on August 3, seven ,ited li:ingdoln and the colonies to be held
battleships, telt cruisers and n torpeao lin ally way committed to the policy of
boat squadron are due at Stockholm Prefereneer
1111d Norritoeping, and five battleships at . Loudon, tatty 12. --The Daily alms re-
-Karlskrona. 'Xim Government has grant- iterates the opinion expressed an tite
ed these squadrons pertniseleti to enter other papers that, 1.110 reason tor ate
war sew 1. Canadian cattle embargo is to protest
Gale, Swetlen, July 13. -King Oscar the British stock -raisers :Against colon
nil stock.
"An incident," it say; shows the leel
lOWIteSS of (bis emit of Imperialism. The
Government talks in ono Meath Oda
ana ( rown Prince Gustave arrived. here
this afterrtoon and visited EitiperOr Wit.
liatn and Prince Von tindery, the Ger-
man Imperial ( bancellor, on boartlethe
German 3111130 rial 332 &'h t, Hohenzollern. grasping hands across tla ass. and At the
Emperor Williani gave a dinner on next tefuses to remove au embargo tai
board the Hohenzollern to the King iVratiOlUd Mid indefensible on the wend
raid Crotvu Prince, 'trite 'will return to they allege that the Caaadiati Minister
_ Stockholm to -morrow.
..--..e....7..... IN ROW. of Agriculture denounces it as ntt tot -
ly act. • Canadian anufacturers
declare it the most serious difficulty
A Iterate; Minister Of War Called a toitevs . existing between the two coon-
io:"---4"1:tsill, ed-111.-*--etten KO
raged Natives.
Parts, July 17.-Darllarrient edjOurned for MURDERER LYNCHED.
the summer recess to -night, after an melting Negro WI led by Ett-
Leone In the tfluuttber of Deputies over the
4 vlausa In tho areneety bin passed by the
Senate Wednesday. reinstating those convicts New Orl
- the consuct of army fficers, during Which ' - ), . s e' • •,tt
e taste% anti -:Semite, violently Attacked Condor from Honduras braves the new
OA)* 17. -The steamer
ea ef &awing up eteret report, encomia;
that Monett lae0111, the negro W110, Ki•1i e
General Andre, Willer 1111Ola12e ot War, eon- the entire crew and alt the patsertgera
inetailifie.erttearte&t,Itteila minister et war, vinert .r,sa,vlem, o_11.13. volitliej ,sIndpititrylstuatitaavntieg
ole,ly &tended hia predecessor, and state4 'smog wee treaese la * a Y
:rot tilloevedrenegnetdeaWagnnetiltitleu° bhilit -111119
131.1 ittiolevelristityteal.kerIM'It(IlteiliwIlelitsoek'aleitibznIttedoltivti
_ mime of the shames wades The la
al. Ilerteawes melon aroused Bitch-eh:It:ft;
, then lett the Chamber.
to impromptu Ministerial -Council it wee des
elou that tho :sitting was euttrandel, and at Unitort'ot rtratitnelestigtenuirurnoetnintdetioilertiet.e jAalliaartgil
finally sierrenderea to tae authoritice tif
ItouvIer elemental tho prorogation of the dOillallded the prisoner WWI was filially
Oita to withdraw the bill.
On the eemnetten eot the stains Premier ,
terrentlered to them. A dispessition ta..
etc on the ()erasion ot tho mammal Militias, shown at, first. to burn him at the stakas
11322 -the more tonservittive citizens; 15242'
this, end the nelsre woe Irtelted,
ft order. however, net to disappoint the pub -
Chamber,. thus 111142131112131 the emeeety him i
eitinnergiteltellift ehe"neateetereta 'hnyttirsielotnit‘litt ilba! tlitibills8tr‘tgigertilbeed"labstoPetiiitelitttnfilt;Inntolfullsiltznn.
vice. 'there was tome notilp ht tho lobbsea.
toot's:tit restorable the prebelege mamma thWas3.11011111114 eapitalari.ttatieti1
of M. nrtents. hut it is thouht that tuck The on y punishment lot . edtire
e at
ralseation ill unitkety, murders would Imo been imprisonment.