HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-13, Page 88 TUU WINCNAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1905
JINN. 0100,00/1/1111011101111101.10
Tan Shoes Are "It"
I 10111111111111101111,1111$0111111$1111111111W1
Thecoolest, cleanest and most comfortable hot -,
weather Shoes are Taus. They are regular foot 1
coolers. There's been .a good deal of tall among
.Aloe people about Tan Shoes going out of style,
but they will be The Shoe this summer.
Tans Will Not Stay Down
Now, just when people want Tan Shoes, we
have then in all the new shades and durable
styles. Women's Tans, in high or low cut, $1.25,
$2.00, $3.0O....Men's Tans, in high or low cut,
$2.50, $3,50, $5.00. One or two pair for your
vacation or outing will be desirable.
See us for Trunks and Valises.
• W. J. Greer, The Shoer
,i 11,1 1 11 CII 1 I I . I Id ,111100111116111.311111111 u , u
3usiness College
It Sou expect to succeed, stick to
what you undertake.
It necessity is the mother of In-
• vention, most certainly continuity is
• o. the fatherWtend ac special invitation to
• parents and chfldreu to call on us and
I inspect our classes and work beforo
Wingham Business College stands
for hard systematic, work only.
No Vacation.
We have opened a special Class for
instruction during vacation, for teach-
ers who aro obliged to take Commer-
cial work in the Continuation Classes,
A after vacation.
Further information write
41 N. Reginald Pletcher, Principal
I Geo. Spotton, President,
12 yrs. teaching experience
A farm of thirty-six acres ; six acres
bush ; 3e miles from Wingbam, half
a mile from Bluevale. For particulars
apply to
Jos BLooitF!ELD,
45-8. Bluevale.
Is Here, and I Am s3
Here With the Goods
0 0
The Largest and Best stock of
Sporting Goods ever shown in Of
town, Bargains in Hammocks, 9
Fishing Tackle, Lacrosse Sticks. t3
My Camera Department
Is Complete.
Full instructions on Picture
Taking and Making "free to all."
8 Buy a Camera from ns and not
s front the dealer that simply
"sells" and sets you do the rest.
Take the advantage of Free In-
structions and make a success.
Plate Cameras from $2.50 to $22
kept in stook.
Fine Watch, C1otk
t'! and Jewelry Repairing
a Specialty.
Try us, and have your work done
6y neatly, quickly and cheaply.
Jeweler and Stationer
Wingham A Ontario
TIM PLA TO BUY IN ,i4II.,Y. Bluevale.
Odra. Dir, Farrow and children of To..
vont() aro visiting Mre. T. Diluent..
"Monte Auld Acquaintance B. Forgot."
No never, if he has been one of our
customers. til th t o
A h
ruen in the photo of the volunteers Of
London camp, was Captain PA:Tickets
of Goderich, When your bumble ser -
vent, A. R. Smith, was doing .easiness
in Stratford, la few years ago, in the
competition of who would sell the
hats to the Goderich hihilitia, A. R.
Smith sent .a sample hat by Mr, Me-
Vickers, A,, I., Smith's sample bat
was preferred, and he sold stats to
the whole company, which was 31
or 37. We have a sample left of
the sante kind as. Mr. McViekers
bought. Not only bargains in hats to
the volunteer's, but bargains to every-
one in the way of clothing', during the
mouth of July. Regent Brand carr
g n Clot -
i - cannot be beat. A, R. SM1T;T,
i 1
North End. P. S.—A. R. Smith has
bought and sold more clothing in his
day than wbst would clothe the whole
Japanese or Russiini army.
Geo. Ilufyield and Alfred, are rustica.
ting at Bayfield.
Mrs. S. Orr and children of Chatham
and Miss McKenzie of Detroit are
visitor's at Air. and Mrs. Alex. Orr's,
Hotel Brunswick,
R. A. Walker and wife, and Mrs, J.
E. Anderson of Toronto, spent Sun-
day last with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Walker.
Miss Minnie Fitzpatriek leas re-
turned to her home in Bruce Mines,
after a pleasant visit with her aunt,
Mrs, T. Cornyn of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Harwood and daughter
Hazel, of Toronto, also Mrs. Dow of
Toronto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Davidson, Shuter St.
Mrs. (Rev.) D. Rogers, Miss Lillian
and Master Fred, of Thorndate, aro
visiting at the old homestead, Bel -
more, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lowry,
Roslyn D. Whytock, of the city
news department of the Buffalo Ex-
press, has been spending his vacation
in Teeswater, and gave the Advance a
call on Saturday last.
Mrs. F. G. Sperling, Mrs. 'W. T.
Homuth and Marguerite have gone on
a trip up the lakes to Sault Ste, Marie.
Mrs. Homuth wilt visit friends in
Da -
Diss BerthaSanderson of
is at present visiting her father, Wm.
Dir. Jus, and Miss Snsie Peers= of
Grey visited Rat. and Joltn Mus-
grove lust week.
Dir. and Mrs.. Frank of Morten,
Man. visited their uncle, Mr, II. L,.
Bosnian last week,
Mrs. (Itev.) Rogers and Lillian of
Thorndale were gneets of Mrs. R.
Musgrove lust week, and called on
their many friends .tete.
The following is taken from the
s the tt-
o• ctrl cot e' h .U.
J`1 kin t o of e, den tc in l'
h c r 1
don Free Press ;--"In the Methodist
church on Sunday evening last, Rev.
Mr, Rogers, having been here one
year, reviewed in an interesting way
the work of the past, in connection
with an interesting and stirring -ser-
mon on 1 Stun. 30 :24, His re -appoint -
anent to this charge for another year
gives universal satisfaction," Mr,
Rogers' Bluevale friends are pleased to
hear of his welfare.
On Sunday evening, the Orangemen
attended service in. the Methodist
church and listened to a practical ser-
mon front the pastor, Rev. Geo. Bak-
er, on the text–•''Let us go on to per-
fection," Hob. 0 ;1 (R,V.) A very
large congregation was present, and
the chair rendered some appropriate
selections. After the service, the
brethren marched back to the hall,
where they expressed their approba-
tion of the excellent sermon they had
listened to, and voiced their apprecia-
tion in a unanimous vote of thanks to
Tiro, Baker.
The gartlen party under the auspices
of the Willing Workers of the Metho-
dist Church, Bluevale, held last week
on the lawn of R. Musgrove, Esq., was
very successful. The weather was all
kota before returning. that could be desired and everything
Mr. Albert Mitclieli, formerly of tastefully decorated with Chinese
Mrs. W. Rose of Teeswater was in Wingham, visited friends here last ' Lanterns and looked very pretty. A
C. J. Graham spent Sunday in To- , passed off well. The grounds were
week. Since .craving 1' uillia.n, ]re
has resided on Cockburn Island. He •
Miss Sisterson has returned to her is now engaged in farming near To -1 by the Iadies of the congregation ;
hoine in Toronto. routo. ; they deserve great praise for the
Miss Annie Dawson is visiting in Some of those who took advantage ! beautiful and abundant provisions
Toronto this week. of the excursion rates to Toronto and , which they furnished. The Wing -
Thos. Robinson is home from. To- --
Niagara Falls last week, are :—Dir. ; ham Brass Band arrived in good time,
mote for a month. and Mrs. A. E. Lloyd, Miss H. Rey- :and made the entertainment tom•
notes, Mr. Fessant, Rout. 14Iee, Miss
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Field are visiting Nellie Ross, Miss Halliday, Rev. J. N. • plete with splendid selections of music
friends at .Jeeewsville. McLean, 13. A. i throughout the whole evening, and
Miss Edith Conery of Guelph is Mr. Elliott, editor of the Times, re- giving perfect satisfaction. The re-
visiting friends in town. turned from his old country trip on freshment tent was also well patroniz-
Dr. Chisholm, M. P., spent Sunday ableM°ndaandlainvigonti end goo .tirts ng. n enjoy-
! ed. The total proceeds were $75.
last with his family here. h S A Maguire, lir fare -
town this week. very fine tea was provided and ,served
ing his absence, S. A. M d gt ins.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett and Miss Ruth man of the office, discharged double
sen enc t Sunda in Brussels an
B 1 ditties d looked faithfully after the
interests of his employer.
Rev. L. S. Hall, brother of Mrs.
(Rev.) Dunn, is visiting itt the manse,
Whitechurch, and preached on Sun-
day last. Mr. Hall is pastor of Union
Presbyterian Church, St. Peter, Min-
nesota, and was honored during the
last year by being elected to the chap-
lainship Mr.
the State Senate of Minne-
sota. Mr. Hall was a State delegate
to the International S. S. convention
held recently in Toronto.
Among those who came up on the
Huron Old Boys' excursion last Satur-
day, were :—Fred. Rush, Mrs. Mer-
tens, Wallace Stewart, Geo. Stuart,
Fletcher Wellwood and sister, Miss
Gertie, Miss Olive Moore, Ern. Button,
Gordon Griffin, Foster Fyfe, 011ie Jen-
kins, Miss Lexie Dawson, Miss M.
Brooks, Mrs. F. Constable,. De. L. Mc-
Kibbon, Miss Sarah Mitchell, Miss'
Lilly Gray, Jars. Cornyn, Miss Birdie
Johnston, Thos. Moorehead.
Miss Bessie Marsales is spending the
holidays in Niagara, Falls.
Roy Gordon of Toronto is spending
a week at his home in town.
Miss Etta Mulvey of Chicago is holi-
daying at her hoine in town.
Miss Minnie Carr, milliner, has re-
turned hoine from Palmerston.
E. L. Bradwin of Toronto, is spend-
ing his vacation at his home here.
Miss Nott of Detroit and Miss Nott,
of Ohio, are guests of Mrs. Knechtel.
Miss Amelia Agnew of Philadelphia,
Penn., is holidaying at -her home here.
Mrs. A. Wright of Toronto was a
guest at Mr. S. Mitchell's over Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Dean of Toronto is spend-
ing is few weeks with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. W. Keeler of Guelph
are visiting Mr. Keeler's parents in
Mr. J. G. Stewart attended the fu-
neral of a, friend in Clifford on Wed-
Miss Bertha Paulin of Bay City,
Mich., is visiting her sister, Mrs. $.
Misses Laura and Ruby Kerr are
on a month's visit with friends in
Miss B. H. Reynolds spent a few
days this week with Miss Robertson
of Carlow.
Miss Lizzie Homuth of Hamilton is
spending a month at her home in
Mr. D, enc
I �isl Mrs. Thos. Wells of Florid
are visiting at Mr. G. P. WeIls', Low-
er Wingham.
Misses Olive and Mildred Deemer
are spenditig a few weeks with rela-
tives in Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs, John Ritchie are en-
joying the lake breezes for a few
weeks at Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Donahue of Toronto
were callers on Mr. and Mrs. F. Bo
000000000000000000000 chanan on Monday.
Mrs. Allenby, Sr„ of Toronto, is
spending a few weeks with Wingharn
and Listowel friends.
Miss M. Netterfield returned last
- week from an extended visit with her
sisters at Thessalon.
► Ernest Buchanan of Toronto is
• visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. F.
iBuchanan, of town.
1 Mrs. A. E, Galbraith of Chatham
-' and Miss Ellis of Hespeler are visitors
at Mr: A. Galbraith's.
Chas. Kerr returned to Philadelphia
on Monday, after a two weeks" visit
with Wingham friends.
Miss Peake of New York, and Mrs.
C. N. reake and. son of Toronto, are
guests at Mr. H, Davis'.
How About Some
The kind that will neither
fade, curl nor crack, are
what we sell you. 'rhe
Spring roller is also a con-
sideration ; leave it to rte,
end you will get the best
---one that We guarantee
to givetie3faetibn.
Otioc404,04~40:0001/440 WAWA
Oluccfratort to Alex, Mors)
Mrs. G. W. Scott and Miss Jessie
Scott of Toronto, were guests of Mrs.
- D. M. Gordon this week.
Mrs. Reading and little daughter
Jean, .are. visiting Mrs. R's parents,
- Mr. and Mrs. D. M.. Gordon.
Church 'Flews
The Kenilworth R. C. Church which
has only been in existence for 27
months, has paid off a debt of $28,500
in that time.
Rural Dean Lowe will preach
sionary sermons next Sunday at Gorrie
and Foretwich, and administer the
Holy Communion. Mr. Cornish, Di-
vinity student, will conduct the ser-
vices in St. Paul's.
Kerr Brussels oeclt-
Editor W.H.K
rr of B s
pied the pulpit of Wingham Baptist
Church last Sunday, delivering two
practical discourses. His text in the
morning was 1 Cor. 15:18, and in the
evening Psalm 34:8.
On Sunday last, the Right Rev.
Lord Bishop McBvay, of London, laid
the corner -stone of the new Boman
Catholic church of the Immaculate
Conception, on, the 23rd anniversary
of his own ordination to the priest-
Fully 20,000 delegates attended the
seventh international convention of
the Epworth League, which was held
in Denver last week. The great num-
ber of visitors taxed the capacity of
the three largest auditoriums in the
Coliseum Hall, Trinity Methodist
Episcopal church, and Central Pres-
byterian church.
At the Epworth League Convention
in Denver last week, Rev. Jas. F.
Berry said: --"The Methodist church
no other churches is so permeated
with the spirit of commercialism that
the spirit of Christ is crowded into
the background." "Methodists need
a great awakening, sotnething to
arouse them to a lasting souse of their
duties as Christians."
Council minutes on page !i.
Mrs. \'Vm. Robb, Oth line, Is dewily
on a visit to her parents at Tot-
Builders have been busy at the en-
largement, of Antes Speir's barn, 6th
line. It has been split and fifty feet
added to it, and when completed it
will be quite an improvement to his
fine farts,
Miss Maud Jackson bas passed her
examination at the Toronto Conserve -
Lary of Music in harmony and rudi-
ments, with honors, She succeeded)
iii taking the highest marks of Profen-
sor Campbell's pupils.
The groem in the wedding ;xofof
to below is well known in this town-
ship :–•On Thursday, June 20th, the
wedding of Miss Minnie l:, Robinson,
daughter of Rev. J. W. Robinson, to
Rev. J. E, Bunter took place in the
Methodist church, lalungennan, of
which the bride's father is the pastor,
The church was prettily decorated
with a profusion of flower's Land ferns,
a green arch and bank of flowers accu-
pying the entire spnce between altar
anti pulpit, The bride's father offici-
ated, assisted by Rev. R. fe, Baker of
Walton, Rev. T. W. Cosens of I3rns-
sels, and Rev. W. H. Stevens. The
bride's gown wdas of cream eolienne
over white silk, with hat to match,
Her sister, Miss Latin, who was brides-
maid, wore '.rescan voile over pale
blue silk. Tice groom was :assisted by
Rev. A. Langford. Little Alma Ro,
binson was flower -girl. The ceremony
took place at 11:30 a, in., and was fol-
lowed by a wedding dinner at the par-
sonage. The groom is in charge of a
Methodist congregation near Strat-
ford, and the best wishes of their
friends here follow Mr. and Mrs. Hun-
ter to their new hone.
John Hamilton shipped on Monday
a large number of hogs and a carload
of fine cattle.
Wm. Hastie had a large turn -out at
his barn raising on Saturday ; about
150 assistants were present and the
work went on rapidly, and fortunately
without a hitch.
We are glad to notice Mr. W. M.
Robinson around again, after being
under the weather for some time.
Ex -Reeve Hazelwood has also been on
the sick list but is now nearly himself
The C. P. R. has erected a wire
fence alongside their track from the
storehouse to the sidewalk at the dant.
This was much required, especially as
the school is now held in the Town
hall, until the new school is finished.
Mr. Sas. Forsyth of Toronto was a
visitor last week at his father -in-laws,
Mr. John Sanderson, and we con-
gratulate hint upon his appointment
to a very lucrative position under the
Government, in Ottawa, where he has
now removed.
S. Bennet of Wingham, the contrac-
tor for onr new school, was a visitor
here lately ; the foundation wail is
now nearing completion and by next
week we hope to see a beginning made
on the brick work. Geo. Barclay of
Brussels is doing the cement work
very satisfactorily.
Munro & French have greatly im-
proved the appearance of their store
by putting in plate glass and repaint-
ing the front of their store, which hes
now quite a city appearance. Miss
Lawrie and Mr. Wm. Johnston have
also very much improved their houses
by a judicious use of paint.
Rev. L. Perrin and Rev. Mr. Oster-
hout are now both on their holidays.
The former's pulpit was filled last
Sunday by Mr. R. B. Stevenson of
Harriston, a student of Knox College,
who will conduct the services here for
the next two Sundays. Mr. Appleby
officiated for Mr, Osterhout in the
Methodist church.
A new blacksmith shop, to replace
the one burned, is being built on the
old site, for P. Scott, Mill street.
Cement is the material used for the
Mrs. G. H. i3tadtvin and daughter ,
Wells and P. J. McDonald has the con- Mr. and Mr's. John McKinnon of Mr. Percy Richards and mother,
' 'tract.
= at Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bradwin, The American lintel new content Saturday ian<I are spending it few days qit, Innes.
Miss M. Kerslake has r0ttnrltdd to
stable, px&�I McDon] d an >�'teff, in with the fornner's father, D, 13. Me. jllr Carl" of Wroxeter conducted
East Wawanosh.
Robe. McDowell, Qtlt line, lost a fine
colt last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Noble, 6th line,
visited at J. B. Nicol's, Belgrave, on
Mr. John Owens of Belgrave, is
gradually growing weaker, we are
sorry to hear.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Taylor and Miss
Mary, Westfield, took in the excursion
to Niagara last week.
Frank Doyle of lot 34, con. 11, has
lost two valuable ewes and three
lambs, and would be pleased to
hear of their whereabouts.
'We are glad to report that Mr. J. A.
Chapman is recovering from a two
months' illness. He feels deeply
grateful to his friends and neighbors
for the kind assistance rendered him.
"A friend in need is a friend indeed."
Mr. Chapman recently lost his best
cow and calf.
Ethel Orangemen celebrated the
12th at Kincardine.
The new bridge at Ethel will soots
be open for '
(eti traffic.
Miss Rebecca McNair is engaged as
teacher in No, 2, and N. D. Rosa Is re-
engagecl its No. 3.
One hundred incl eighty boxes of
June cheese at Ethel factory brought
9 7-10 els, a pound,
Mt', Puttick of Hamilton and Mr.
Balfour of Toronto visited at the
Moine of Mr, Ed, l3rytuns last week..
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Gallaher and
Miss Ada visited on Sunday at the
home of their sister, Mrs. )d, l3ryans.
Mise I1. McLennan returned home
last Wednesday after spending three
weeks with her sister, Mrs, McBride
of Hamilton.
Cranbrook shipped out a fine lot of
fat cattle last week, There were 18 in
the bench ; the total weight was 27,580
lbs„ or air average of 1,532 lbs.; pretty
Mr. Robe. Weir principal of Mar-
Itlara School, formerly from S. S. No.
4, Grey, spent Monday and Tuesday
visiting all the pupils of No.: k, We
welcome Mr. Weir back even though
he can only snake culls.
Three drain contracts were let at
the last meeting of Connell --the How-
ard drain to R, McTaggart at $1,000 ;
the McDonitld drain to J. P. Rennes
for $1,050, and the Balfour drain to
Rich. Jacklin for $835.
and Mrs. Roltt. MacAllister and
family left last Monday morning for
Cockburn Island, where they intend
making their home. We feel very
sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. MacAl-
lister from our neighborhood, and
they leave behind Mein many friends
svlto wish thein prosperity on the Is-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coombes of the
2nd con., celebrated the fiftieth anni-
versary of their wedding on Friday
last. About one hundred guests be-
ing' present, among those were her
brothers from Goderich, Florida and
Cranbrook also grandchildren from
Blyth, Mount Forest, Jamestown,
Cranbrook and Goderich. A inost en-
joyable evening was spent with Mr.
and Mrs. Coombes and after the pro-
gramme was finished, all joined hands
in wishing them still many more
years of happiness.
Pain About The Hips.
It is a common complaint with
women. The right treatment is Ner-
viline, which penetrates to the seat of
the pain immediately. Nerviline
warms and soothes the affected parts,
draws out the irritation and pain, al-
lows the patient ease after one rub-
bing. No liniment so economical and
safe. Nearly fifty years in use, and
the demand immensely greater every
day 1 Nerviline must be good.
A sad accident occurred last Thurs-
day afternoon, at W. T. Noble's, 5th West
line, by which Jno. Hallahan of the
same place, was very seriously injur-
ed, Mr. Noble was splitting his barn,
and while raising one of the timbers
to place it, slipped and knocked the
young man over, forty feet, to the
bottom of the cellar. Medical aid
was at once summoned and as far as
could be ascertained no bones were
broken, but he was frightfully injur-
ed about the head and face. At the
time of writing, he has not yet re-
gained his senses, and but slight hopes
are held out for his recovery. It has
cast a gloom over the whole neighbor-
hood and much sympathy is felt for
the broken hearted parents.
Mrs. Jno. Montgomery has recover-
ed from her recent illness and is now
able to go about her necessary house-
hold duties.
Springbank creamery heads the list
in highest price paid for May and
Julie butter and calculate to keep
of the season.
there the remainder
Statute labor will soon be it thing of
the past. Dissatisfaction is generally
the result. The Council could get
more work done on less money if it
were left entirely to them.
J. M. Horton of Lakelet, Divinity
student of Huron College, London,
has been appointed by His Lordship,
the Bishop of Huron, to hake charge
of the services in the Episcopal Church
in Lticknow and St. Helens during the
month of Suly.
The 1'.3owick Agricultural Society
Will hold their annual fall fair in Gor-
t'ie on Saturday, Oct, 7th, 1005. The
directors met in the township hall,
Gorrie, recently and made some
changes in the prize list, and granted
$50 to the Police Trustees of Gerrie be
enlarge the hall on Victoria Park, to
ptiid when the addition 1s eotnplet-
air. T. bicElroy of St. George is d to the satisfaction of the Direetore
visiting friends in town this week. of the AgrlettItural Society.
Mr, Jas. Cott visited friends: at his
old home in Jamestown this Week,
The members of the Presbyterian Jamestown.
Church choir spent the 12th. July at Miss Kate Wilson of Erussels, spent
Bayfleid. Saturday with Miss Maggie 'Taylor.
Mrs. Ed. Evading tend family loft Miss Mary 1 ertntghan of Stratford,
here Tuesday morning for the North. is renewing old acquaintances it this
west, rvhere they will reside in future. vicinity.
- Vera, of :fault St liiarie are visiting 1 'Toronto, citmc up en the e,tetirslon Ant's. I.0, of l"3russois spent Bunchy at
- her hoine in Hibbert, afeer a visit
with her brother, Mr, S. Kerslake, 1 the Queen's yHotel barn, 4txl00� feet I(ianon. service in the hall last Sunday even•
was completed in 1011 days. Thirteen
�' l ti hands arei) wards of 170 The annual sermon to the Orange- = ing, and gage n very fine address.
y � is of cement have en consult-
Newntduri $' th OU visited re a res . nan s t 11101 was preached. in '1'rinity church
it town dulin{t the abs creek. New barrels
man leaves this week for the West. , ed. on Sunday evening by the Rector,
Miss M. D. rifler, teacher, and her Ewan .i.i to. are havthit plansand Rev. Mr. Edmonds. There were deed Pot Stomach Trouble And Con
with e , meat of theirs Carriage Works. '1 to sent.
sister, Miss Mai' ari=l, are camping
h relatives
at ret.
Pally Bruce
for t e enlrartte- about 00 members of the order pre. ;
county, intention is to erect a building that - ,, fit tree of "Cliaintbcrlain's .Stomach and Liver
will enclose the spate front the pre, T'Ite ltonng I:eopl° a i y Tablets have crone me na neat decal of
Will. C. Thompson of Toronto is sent stone shopto "Market street north Trinity Church will hold their alumni good," stays C. Towns, of tat Portitgc,
spending a entyple of weeks with rola• and then east o the blacksmith sho�.1n-, social on the church grounds, Friday Ontarla, Canada, "Being ah. mild
(eves and friends in Brussels and Larger motive power Would be subs evening; the Blas ketone Orchestra of physicltheafter affects et o the► t
tS nghaln. stitnted for the present engine and an + a
Mrs. Jas. Duffield and her daughter, increased output of wheeled rigs Auld Ooderich 'twill furnish luteal() fol` the all i tvvhtn suffer from. stomach diet.
Mrs, Heath, and children, also Mrs. cutters arranged for. evening.
order." rot sato by all druggists,
estimates prepared stibotietf.
III I h1.111.1 AI 101W*024310.
Tho hay crop in the township is an
abundant one.
Rev. Mr. Failis, the new minister
A number from here spent the 12t14
in Mt. F'ai•eet and Kincardine.
Some of the farmers bas. couunene.
• r
eel baying and sats it is is gaud erop.
Mrs. J. W. Green of Toronto Is at
present visiting the home of her
pah''ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Jos,. Kitchen.
Mr, Win. Thomson is expected. for
attend. the League of this place next
Thursday evening, and will speak on
mission work.
Mr. John Hartley returned home an
Saturday night last from Owen
Sound, where he has been writing on
an examination.
Rev, Air. Ostot'hont is expected to
return from his holiday trip aria week
and will take charge of itis work on
the 'Wroxeter cheek next Sunday.
When you want a pleasant laxative
that is easy to take handl certain to act,
ase Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
tablets, For sale by all druggists.
at Auburn has been well received,
J. Falgan of Auburn lost several
head of cattle by lightning recently.
The remains of Angus McDougall,
of West Wawanosh, who died on
Thursday, June 291h, at his late resi-
dence, con. 4, sverm interred in Luck -
now cemetery on Saturday, July lst.
He was itt his forty-fifth year.
G. Woods, teacher, Saltford, con-
ducted the entrance examination at
Dungannon, being assisted by T.
G. Allen, ex -teacher, township clerk
of Ashfield. There were forty-four
candidates, of whom twelve were
Dungannon public school pupils.
Council met according to adjourn-
ment. Members all present, Reeve
Cameron in the chair. Minutes of
last meeting were read and confirmed.
Walter C. Brough was appointed
township engineer. Tho following
cheques were issued : James Edwards,
gravel, $392; W.True,hauling
50c ; Jas. Hoey, hauling tile, $1; Win.
Gordon, 2 culverts, and tile for drain,
$3.20; E. Miller, covering beid es
g ,
eons. 10-12, $3.70 ; W. S. McCrostie,
gravel, $20 ; Jas. Agar, teams on
grader, $0,00 ; D. McDonald, operator
of grader, $44 ; Good roads Machinery
Co„ supplies for grader, $1.75 ; Thos.
Begley, drain across con, 4, $8.50; W.
Anderson, hauling stone, $3.06; E.
Johnston, teatns on grader, $104; J.
Henderson, tile, $13.20 ; A. Stewart,
gravel and work, $7 ; J. McLean,
gravel, $10 ; D. Gillis, gravelling,
$70.96 ; Thos. Inglis, Inspecting and
gravel, $18.80 ; A, Johnston, 2 cul-
verts, $0. Cottnoil adjourned, to meet
on July 20th, at 10 o'clock.—W. S. Mc-
Crostie, Clerk.
It Beals The Lungs.
When the antiseptic vapor of "Cda-
tareho'zone" is inhaled it spreads
through the breathing organs, carry-
ing healing and health to the sore
spots. An irritable throat "Catarrh:).
zone" cures in five minutes, bronchitis
it soothes instantly, weak lungs are
fed and quickly nourished back to
health. To be free froni colds and
coughs, to avoid catee h nod brow.
Chitis--use Catarrhozone ; it is pre-
scribed by more than twenty thou•
sand physicians in America alone, and
used by the people of nine nations.
Farm, For Sale.
The PLIAS half of Lot 35, Con. 12, East
rvaiyap,,„4, containing 100 acres; 35 notes
clear and in good state of cultivation (60
acres in grass),. and 20 acres good timber ;
good frame 1101150. barn, implement shod,
hay barn sheep pen and hog pens; two
good welts and good orchard ; situate 41
miles frons Town of Wingham. For terms
apply to
ROtan'Iridy or 1I. VJ.si4lc "'
FordycellrSttY.Ct, Barrister, WinghamroN'
Dated this 12th day of July, 1905.
Farm For Sale.
One hundred sores, in good state of
cultivation, within three miles of the
Town of Wingham; first-class build-
ings; price reasonable. Apply Box 15,
ADVANCE OFeson, Wingham.
out' o�Rlcoundersigned
during uthe iuonthsaofcJulyoend
August, as follows :—On Saturdays at 2 p.m.
and on other days at 4 p.m.
Dickinson 6G Holmes R. Vanatono
Holmes, Clarke et Holmes J. A, Morton
The Northern Navigation Co,
Full Summer Service
Now in Effect.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 3.30 p. m.
leave Sarnia for Soo and Port Arthur, Friday
steamer through to Duluth.
Every week day leave Penotang 2.45p. m.
for Parry Sound.
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday leave Col-
lingwood 1.30 p. m, Owen Sound 11 p. m. for
Sault and way ports. Trips to Mackinac be.
gin July 1st.
Monday and Friday leave Collingwood 10.30
p, m, for I3yng Inlet and French River.
Tickets and information at alt Grand Trunk
and 0. P. R. ticket offices.
H. It. Gildersleeve, Mgr., Collingwood
C. H. Nicholson, Trait Mgr., Sarnia
A. small farm, close to Wing,
ham. Everything in first-class
, order. Will be sold right. war
' ] Apply to
lfyou, your friends or relatives sufi"erwitth
Pits, Epilepsy, St. Vitae' Dance, or 'ratline
Sickness, write for A ttial battle and valaabte
treaties on such diseases to Tura Lslnzei Ca,'
ybfsi Centric Aid
gsdr orye
To The Real Estate Buyer
No Matter Where Located.
I am absolutely sure I am in a position to
save you some money, unlose the otroum
staneos under which you buy are very ex-
I can and shall make it profitable for yell
to buy through me. I am in touch with pro-
perty owners in every part of the country,
and have on my lista today; properties (both
in town and Country) that cannot bo excelled
either in quality or price.
It makes no difference whether yon want
• a $50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want
to hear from you.
Real Estate and Business 't'ransfer.
(Office—Vanstouo Block, Wingham)
Muskoka Lakes Temagami
Lake of Bays ]hagnetawan River
Georgian Bay Kawsrtha Lakes
Upper Lakes Thousand Iel'ds,
Quebec, Portland and Old Orchard,
Me., White Mountains.
Alt reached via the Grand Trunk Railway
the "Tourist Route of America." Direct con -
motion with all boat lines. Tourist tickets
On sale Daily to all Resorts.
Eomeseekers' Excursion
$30.00 to $40.60.
TO points in Manitoba Assiniboia Saskat-
chewan and Alberta. Good going July 16th,
returning until August 18th.
For tickets, illustrated literature and full
infarntation, call on HAgROLD, TOwn Agent.
Dititrtot Passenger Agent, Toronto.
`Cts rrat
Winnipeg .....$80.00 atavian 1. 00
Mowbray Yorkton
Deloraind..... 31.60 Sheba 33.60
ptluri5 Regina .
11�+1rnndon 81.65 Lipton
lylettln...,,,. Moe/mime 3100
Lenore........ d2 00 Sa,kacioon.. 86.25
Mlniota J'rictee Albert.. 30.00
llth5esrlh Q328 lafaeleod 'B.0 ,
M00,01fiit 83.20 ('nigcry a8"40
.Arcola truth 50 e Ited$ Qe ,. 39.60
Going July 16th, returning until Sept. lith.
Atlee it a O D.rastar, P,P,A , To nte.Y'caciita