HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-13, Page 6- ettenew•am- s: •
Do You Want Pilro Toe
Not mixed with sweepings, dust or refuse, but the
CHOICE YOUNO LEAVES, carefully selected,
manufactured and packed in lead to PRESERVE
•TH El Fi F RES It N ESS. That's why you want
Kr.. Ai al /It / ' 1, 1 Ilta 1 I, I .1 11.1. t
EZ 41%.
INA444-14 PO sweetle IzirtILL'll eit luto her like -
: Imeelle. me -malty *will evit not lase me!' ; CONTzlictirE
‘.1 fen hoar the oarlike.," enwe Lean
leo; eeanee mill not even bola oat her , meoee woo aro goonetteflooa
Mehl, mei. %telt 41, lit 0.0 tillnh Calit a , aa etroaath by roauler treat-,
%eine:, 1 Se inshionstts hossits thsassont rt11111011t With
hoeing a aelieate perfnme labitel to Seutt's Emfl
teem joarne lead with milli lemon '
- Moranale of leerneelei Coult it be
eteenne etanlinte. as Lady Lucille luta
• lea e: le ie the maitre Of the romu, sebeet
:ale- 'a ea" eittiee, the theitexte perfinae
slialten teen her laaleethaes delieate robes
wejeaunt\ etterly bowilderea ena storm-
. tossed, a•-etel herself if it coukt poseibly
tbe true?-
' There there arose before her the re -
membrane., ef email, and at the time un-
notiee& leteelente which inni matured
lately. See remembered bow, on one oe-
easion, Vernen bad drawa a reetelt
sketch on 0. rieee of paper which he had
taken from 2 -as pocket, and oit whiell
were Maned an ceaborate crest and ar-
morial beariags; she bad asked him at
the time whose they were, end lie bad
anameerea sa carelessly are indifferently
that she could not now read), the reply.
teteetateat4e$DOWHillene1=CeeeeeitheakeeksteekeletWeteteemeomee .
l 1trangelguexaml
Iler ladyship's lips twitch, but site , ,Manne turns pale, and her lips tieliten,
How WAS t. t'.0, that he never spoke
f ey
arailes so sweetly that surely if Vane . ;et the first jealous pang shothe past but in a
e bas ever
were here he would go on his knees., it : felt eeizes her like the cluteh of an iron', never anneal to his relations, wren
an las lwi
etting converse th he:r?
necessary, to be allowed to put it on , hand. Was there net, oleo, something, says
canvas. .1 "Are -are you his sister?" she says at terious in les visiting so unknewn Rad
"I guessed HP she murmurs, looking ' last.
at the Nancy Bell riding over the bar, Lady Lucelle smiles a sweetly -bitter -eeehlded a ePot is Neutell Regis':
-with Jeanne at the(Meld it be true? helm and Vernon ly- smile. Jeaame, peeing up and down. felt that
ing at her feet with his chin on bigheads . "It is he, tben?" she saes. "I tbonehti
however emelt her Ladyship haft exaower-
and his handsome face upturned to hers I, so! His sister: No I we; t h 12. 0-e.
' ' o have 'een ated in other mattere. •she was true in
-"I guessed it; where is Mr. Vane now ; me wimp,
-does he live here ?" I "His wife?" Jeanne's lips form the statiam that Verno Vane, tbe paint -e,
was the Marquis of Ferndale. If so, why
"Yes," saes Jeanne. "He also finds 2 words, but no sound comes. had be at:zee-alai his identity front her Newton Regis supportable." . "Yes -and :only six montbs ago," says
It s her first bit of sarcasm under so
' Lady Lueelle, with fine irony.- "If be
whe s° outlets e•
much provocation.
"He is not at home to -day."
"I am so sorry," says Lady Lucelle.
"You think me rude and impertinent, I
know; oh, don't deny it, dear -but one
Is naturally anxious to see some of the
famous men of the day. Well, I may
come over and see you -and him --next
week; may I ?"
"I ain afraid," says Jeanne, "that we
both -that he -that is—"
She tries hard to be cool, to keep the
calor down, but the blue eyes are so
keenly fixed on her face that the at-
tempt fails.
Lady Lucelle smi
fles-it s a queer, un-
easy, apprehensive smile.
"I see," she says; "tell me -you are
going to be married -isn't that so ?"
Lady Lucelle smiles harder than ever.
"When, dear? Am I not curious and
=pardonably intrusive? When, dear ?"
"To -morrow," says Jeanne.
Lady Lucelle's lips twitch, as if again
some on had struck her across the face,
*which turns white; but she smiles -oh,
she smiles as sweetly as ever.
"Toenorrow," she says, lightly, but
with a harder ring in her voice, -and I
bsee come on the eve of the marriage.
Let MS look at his face again; it is a
romance. Why." and she pauses, "do
you know, I think I blow your lover,
Jeanne ?"
Jeanne opens her eyes to their widest.
"You!" she says.
"Yes, I; oh, it is not so strange," said
Lady Lneelle. "I told you I was used
to artists; I vrent in for that sort of
thing myself for a time, until the smell
of the -turpentine made me feel faint,
M the paint spoiled all my dresses. But
Mr. Vane -how long Els he been here?-
I should. Me to !mow if it is my Vernon
she uld continue the teeattnent
In hot weathers *medlar dome
and a little cDoi Milk It tvlit
eo away yeah any on setion
whleh Is attached to ratty prat
ducal (Weals the hetattell
'Mod ter tree ample.
stee1T 1.O\ E, Chemists.
Toreem Oamia
me. and Sloe alldraweete
-s;wesessessre • oneakereasses
Twenty Thues as Great Now as Ten
Yeird Ago.
With all that him been written from
time to time in recent yertTS 1,VidleerEttl
the value of cement as a builanig lune
terial suitable for innumerable purposes,
few people realize the extent to wIdell
its use hits inereased. ..eavortling to sew
tistes given by a man in the business,
the tot...1 produetion of cement in this .
country in 1895 was 000.3e4 barrels.
Lest year more thau 22,000,000 barrels
were produced here, end to guard against
tiny possible shortage of supply 3,000,000
more barrels were imported from abroad.
During this time the cost of manefac-
ture has by improved methods been re-
(Meal more than 100 per cent. Prote
rally all of the eemeot used be this coun-
try is manufactured here, and of the
vast amount, given abony ve lu70 per.
cot. was produced. iu Pennsylvania and
in twe antuties in the State of New Jer-
Oi seon
..stress- „ \I's te '' ''t 7' • Th. 7 found .
tilieprineipal ingralient in this cement
irm Jeeaheth leved lehti • ::
a, natural reek known to gaologists as
ed her 1110Te. taste the queeast bad dene-- small aepesits in many parte of the
:trey bad he met teeetal twee Cale 1 il lv:sr.7 1:11itze statos, but the only great bodies
for the reason wbiell Indy- Lncelle awe ' of it aa far eiseeverea are in lahigh and.
assignede Could it be because he waa Noraelnlaen tetenzeet, in this State, elle
so distrusted ett tee weintweeme. Lew of in 'Warren ;ma Iltrateraen ounties in
all doubt? enough to /set for ceuturies, even leek -
New Jeremy, where the deposits are large
woman that he wiehel to place it beyond
indignation at the idea. ingits use This rock is treate:allow:awe for a continual increase in
treated by a com-
Jewene's face flushed with eorrawftil
"i- should lasee loved atm: let ?aim. be . plicated proem involving the use of a
whadhethenom5t gteusm;;
h;"t heeYerniurect. •twey large mum.= of machinery, and in its
commereial form the resulting cement is
Then came with painful intetmey met a fine powder. It has the property upon
pang of jealousy wee& Lady Luce -taws being treated with water of binding it -
aroused in Jeweaces breast. Had he reaily may be mied into a homogeneous mass,
it -
assertion of Vernon's love for her had
and truly loved her, and grown tired of which sets rapidly and becomes harder
her? than granite. In this condition it is im-
etelaleieate hbzwsdetot pervious to water and weather, is unaf-
hempure, sweet maiden love, the thought feeted by beet or cold, and does not con-.
that another 'woman had listened to his tract or expand. While its extended use
is a growth of the last ten years, it has
lips had received the kisses which Jeanne been employed in certain restricted op -
musical words of love -that other
erations for a much longer period, and
had deemed so entirely her own. its durability under all conditions has
Jeanne was not a woman of the world; ebeendefinitely established. Entire
she was only a girl under the influence --we have been made of it which, when
of her first pure, passionate love, and finished, areas if cut out of a solid block
knew no ng of the sophistries with of stone. Tbe subway of the Philadel-
phia. Rapid. Transit Company from the
thwilieychfinwod Eathaent thee4nrr lioevethenisrs haelveveshen
lmewItat Schuylkill River to the present eastern
other and =her shrines. She was so end of tbe work is such a block, practi-
not think for a. moment of the worldly interesting example of what maybe done
cally without joint or seam. Another
little a woman of the -'r nid ,that she did
advantages which would acesue to herwith it is found in the pedestal of the
as the wife of a marquis. •
„ statue of "The Pilgrim,” recently erected
What she wanted was her lover, not a an the south pavement City Hall. Be -
coronet; and the knowledge that he had
loved nother woman before he had won
Jeanne's love was wormwood and gall to
told, you -as no doubt he diel ---that you
are the first woman he ever loved, it
was false; he loved me; he bad loval
half a dozen before, and" -she pauses.
with a cola light in her eyes -"he will
love another half a, dozen before he
Jeanne catches her breath, and then
(weld stab herself for showing the pain
of the blow.
"It is false!" she says.
"Take care how you east names, dear
Jeanne," says her ladyship, warningly;
"you were wrong before, you know. My
dear, I am sorry for yon -I pity you
almost as much as I pitied myself. But,
cui bono, what is the good of taldng
these things to heart? We were made
to be playthings of such men or -Vernon
Vane. My dear Jeanne, I deemed 'him
a hero, a king, a demigod --in a word,
I loved him too much, and that wearied
him. It is the sure way to sicken
him of his whim, for he is all
whim. I see it all quite plainly -
oh, quite. Having tired of me, be-
cause, possibly, I had no sympathy
for art, and did not care .to follow him
meekly through the rabble, when my
place was by birth and breeding among
the high -bemuse I did not sit at his
feet, content to inhale turpentine and
listen to nothing but are -art, he wear-
ies of me, and flies for refuge to na-
ture. Oh, I know the slang and the cant
phrases of those gentry! Be finds nature
in the shape of a pretty -no, you are a
lovely girl, who, because she does not
know the world, is content to think him
hero, Ling, and demigod -loves turpen-
tine, and will listen while her demigod
has a tongue to wag."
She pauses for breath, and Jeanne,
white with passion, and -alas --alas
• .• •
The dusk came creeping. silently down,
and found her still pondering and chains,
"Six months," says Jeanne, smiling. as e fear and jeaterasy, tries to speak, but over the seerebs which bad teen revealed
she fhilitrio how well she remembers their , 'Wit! Thicreature a fancy and
Lady Lucelle =Ids up her hand. to her, and still undecided what to do.
first meeting.
Hee-artist or ma..equia, whichever he
"Six montlea" muses her leemee
„. ,:Mi .
I haviean e to romancethinks
as r
was -would be here in a few hours. How
m - nn, g ey,
"Yes! and weat's he eke -silent an-! it must be a cbarming idea to r:tult. d she meet him with the old light -
grim sometimes. and ewes he pew- and . the world afresh, in a new name and zee -etc -hew could she let him
sing like a musician, and— there , new cbaraeter-to pose, in fact, as a ke her - in his arnis and kiss her with
there is the sear of a saber-eut just !, straggling artist, open to any amount the same freedom as of old, while this
above the temple -ab!" fer Jeanne's face . of sympathy and admiration. And he awbeeieewthwerV -uredly creep in be -
bas suddenly grown pa"..e with szaprite has succeeded. My dear Jeanne, he is as ewenem
and mute wonder.'-': rieh as Creases! He has estates in four. Sapposingshe told him of this strange
with the fair-baired, lovely
How shouli any other woman :mow ef : counties in England, a palace on the Ar-•-meetaug
that scar, whieer eannot ra seen until : no, ... Ouse in Paris, servants and horse- ,W,OLITIa_.”n- ,.o.,___f ,_feLady shion-supp:s. ..ine she told
the thick: hatfeezirline hair is lifted a.9 i men without number. Vernon Vane, fee
Jearme bas smcarthef it aside ofto and straggling artist!" and she laughs. "Did %% eeeeeetau would happen? i-limill =41 told her?
often? This woman, who professed to have
7.;11 ever hear of the Marquis of Fern-
kmown him longer and better then
"Alt," says ber ladyship. as she leans • &der
:forward th her deliente hands elaspel 4 Jeanne shakes her head, stem* ,g Jeanne did, had said that he was a. ern -
tightly on the table, mil her eyes fie. '. etmight before her. ture of whim and fancy, and that he
a re e" Wr ' callieu or thwarted his slightest whim.
to love the .woman who _Areedie Siding, Kent Co., N. B., July 3.
on Jeanne's "Six werelan It is nee - "Not" Imps's:able! My dear, you are the „would. cease
a weesani, ared. she ',nes,. eet E.,:ee ,,.! y Marian of Ferndale is famous -for his If this were true then -then -he might of the most highly respected men in this
EOTT-. t from her, Zia tee ' e might (Special).--Calixte Richard, J. II., one
long -it is. ceneeteredeley.seo ,.., _ . en , .0 only person ill the world that hasn't. The
ttee olanebed and her .heart
iag _part of the country, has joined the greet
-, wealth, for his genius, for his ellange- .be broken off. ,
stood still at the thought. army of -those who pin. their faith to
eleehat do yon mean?" says Jea.nne,' alelity, for his eecentricity, for every- , _ , ., ,
pale and emestionirg. . e,
Wane that eall distineuesh a young man v ea''"'e 3 I
'My dear," .samt. Lady Lacere, "do yeti]: bran not to the roma Wood." Dodd'sKidney Pills. As usual Mr.
mean to tell me Mat yeu-yee cre gemg - 4: uld site chance it? or should she
eho Richard has good reasons for what he
to be re..arrR4 te...4 the team de tot knew • eamme. maintain silente and keep this secret, does. and. he states them _as. follmys:
"Awl what -what is he to me?" says
not disclosed it to her, but that this-- Disease for forty years and. the result
"I have been: troubled with Kidney
tate atel. what he is?' which was hers still seeing that he had
7 "(liar says her laeyship, "your E0i-
a tuu,h a the beeetting eriree mai tere- .; ...leis , f Fereeelee,
'No," eaYe Jorele±o la -1-12a eud Nr"*t s'• devant artist. Vernon lame, is the Mar-
. 1 this woman had done so, n:aliciously, and
pet in her eyes. t•I Lave net eaid El, without :the -right to do so? _ was I found myself a worn out man, at
lady Stenfera," je.aane BLITt3 openeyed, and pale of
. There were a hundred such tboureits a -
es of Daldts Kidney Pills I find all my
But after using two box -
Ear laeyelep lestes rep her white - _.e we „t,
' 1,14,4 ..
., .....,... assailed. her, until Jeanne's spirit was ins are gone and I can employ all my
ereaniewerte. Teen ebe laughs a strange . e
'a. so, of doubt, hesitation and trouble, days with the best results. .I cannot let
• weefee." sae twee, taalaat if be is sf°17e-thssede and rode uncertainly upon .
to call' yee alas leseerteme aele I meet •-, reetee. like the .Nratcy Bell stru,ggling in a hurre the opportunity pass of letting the pub -
he know the great good Dodd's Kidney
"Dreat eael me feat, er I Weal: etere :, 're - , 4 .. ... _ ,, ... , ,.. ,
It is 1Cf..,,, lii ..I.S .1aeltly aucelie quite ee- .
At lot she arrived. at her decision, but
Pills have done me.'
dD tint 1,9 =,-.9 r -,-:".e 'er----' es It'' -e: - - - el see," she says, with a Emile, "you cane'
4..5,-1 , =-
mean ray frietel _Mee ere eeweew, ;Fee ' ewe it eet Veen teen pi lim to the
di * .... • * . , * . , . . pasDo c 1 db' ys , Kidney. Pills cure all rheumatic
Wee Pert le ele• '-'•-*:;-e cr-e-y-ed7 `'l -77-':'-'7,- • tee+. As. Min to -night if he knowe Lu- retrying the cause-urie acid
an 'Pole e.weetteareette" hang upon his heart, and then -and in the bloom They put vigor and en.-
rewlved to be guided by circumstances.
taty! reeta eLat M tee r,:=A, a:2-,1 ":.•-.Y l' 4 ' e.,:le etattieferdi nek bun if he is the Mar- He wmild be here soon, she would see ergY In place P
epiatweeeete.eceeeee0.0, etereepte .ysz:ms, e ei a:,..1:1 ask bine netting:, eaye Jeanne then, looking up into bie eyes, would A Legitimate Endless Chain.
of the aim •
er.1:9 of Pernealo fAr rot; aek tima—" Lim,
fare it had hardened anscriptions were
cut an each face of the cement pedestal,
which now stand out as clear as if chis-
eled in marble or metal. Its cheapness
as a building material for permarnent
structures is due not only to its durabil-
ity, but also to the ease with which it
can be han.dled and shaped. -Philadel-
phia. Record.
Why he Pins his Faith. to Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
Worn out With Chronic Kidney Dis-
ease -The Groat Canadian le idney
Remedy Banished His Pains.
ter -eYer"-Trg :"..t.;.-4-4- 3, IAreteeteleo -, leta,,,,,,;..a lx.r feet, lar Rem aflame, her krewe 'what was beet to do.
As she tweeese weey Loewe, tree 2 te Lee eee fear. -would not give him up, could toe lose of King Edward the. phrase, "We am ad -
When Shakespeare put into the mouth
Mena en tae :Watt Lwar v.'.7...L.f. wee rte.ane , _ wera„ • ,, , tr.- et - ,,, with . 1 1
. ,, , . ,, , e.-...3 1,..... a .r.....a ay & ...arsan wi Ming e,
e. ..,
(0 one thine alone she was sure, she
baSM 'ratr-:- -7 :r ' .r=3. C:: f'.- (1:23 ‘2-- --'3 a re'Le2•5t/ watent ie it te are if he be an artiet him- For Jeanne to love passionately, vertised by our loving friends," he use f
feeteme awe ewes erteer.7y et 1.-,er. the word "advertised" in the sense o
etwee---- - •• -1-7)--, - - ..----..,f. ,----, t. • -.',.. -....Lot is t-Zq paq to me? I Ilea eirn ate A step outside aroused her. She cast : "advised"; yet •the stateiriene would
ft" a !rare Wie----iew ie it to me if -if- and wholly, ferever. •
-. -
poLe•-•*_:7..t.'.1. 2 en-weeee e eaeteeetee e: earntee ‘Vbnel Yee, 14`1Y Seenfeed. I one hasty glance ha the glass, smoothed a standing
serve very well if the taoderit under -
team wee: ---e- e•-•-• --e- • .. -- ---e. e• -- weetem, etw'rel ti.. a VIVArlgates paselow struggled for compoMICC.
,13'lidr her hair,. with trembling hand t ' el The businesagetting power of a well
. of "advertised" wore substitut-
yeert, ewe weeeer .... petwer oniii r: -.i. l• :,,,..„.., lirn::, 7,„:„s &arm, ,.......), s, ant
4: ... • • a r r * it. 4...,..-. ....of .1 a ..,,,a I IL i a f; I. 63
ele 1:6' tC";:' ''''''' -4 4-...0%,- ."...,,All ' ef mine, prompted by you : w•ritten "ad." is vastly enbanced by the
menteterer- ' "Gone" lie said, with an air of relief, , fact that every.buyer whose commercial
-. Iti.^' In, * - ir *,*; 1* ,y1.1 ,, . r It e.• • vo' ''''' . and preceeded to attack the biscuits. • friendship it wins lemself beeomes an
' 7 4 •
%,77, 9 .!,s., terree----e
'fele - --• ---r? -,--v - -, ..-: . -a., s -, .-,-- . , 1,,,,,,,,:le ,1,..1 reek..tieell . but "I ay, Jeanne, that was a grand sped- ; auxillery aavertiser of the goods :extol).-
reemarteae, -1 ewe!, sweet ted .i'.U.1* er.. • ... -.. - ---- • - et. ,. ..-•
• eareem. men or eve rine lady. Did you ever see : cd, The newspaper announcement, pro -
Memo" .. - Melo lett Mow, mpeate Jeanne pef. welt a magnificent ereature in yowl life? 1 videa that the space it occupies is Skil-
-"My eetar tteel." twee eer a.tereem e.
a . .. • - ' aef ter feete "Meet teparate us. 'That 'telt° ie elle? The Queen of fibeba, or i fully employed to produee elte desired
°ewer ea* * 'n feet: 4!'.I teal efeemen at • " e ' " ' ' 0 ,, '
0 a. „: , ,„w„ r„„ ie azett. wei tweed ee, eee ge,e.fi no, rep. the itrr.prees of Cireassiet 'Why, the ' impression, is the starting point of a sort
notes fa emeeltee. er 'Mr.:" , •., : ::„..%I..%. • •
• '<I
eeer Yea ii;;' -e- fee e" "a":•-• ------r a rre-tte. 'I tee tet e,f yer 1.*thrl,1---I do etay? Viliat did aunt ear to ter?
Lapic3i ele'ararmtree
a Mee' tdown e "3 -• • ewe, i•-• --.3 ••••• ieteemer.., teett reeetate„ stream leam emeriti like Itinemell's shop. NS- ho ' of endless eluain of business.
le w-totee te gain ite ese and Settee ha.ve Ives she Jee"nef ifuw long did she .
men o ete imi r:.•-•-,,,i,r -1, e-;'; l.,,:....,:: *--1,5; r..!.,!. v.,it 1,„m.w it; tut i knot", teat e.,,,, maim 'One queetion, itt a 1, rne,. 'Lel," says V and iota iti retoPro.5
O Matat, ewe "ewe eteee Lecee perorate re, if fa,: fee?4, and' that von atanne, trying to laugh easily, "or at
SsESSS; iefe ; e.„.e "toetee „.„01 d„ it least none at -all, for haven't tinie to comeourm
IsriroD 6 or SLOCUM. Id
ces12 elteee, 021;1 a tcs; ;Amy moitlat, punt her Arnie around the boy's nosy nisihnr and Inely slionst tem It trissi sussentlIr
thonomes (Wit& vic. /Ian (ornate by n11 Druggists, or d Lido/
(.! • '4,-7 thee atee f11.7 mama fibr thect,.? ilwer thorn. Aunt J. is out somewhere, PENNYROYAL TEA.
Leave, eve, erteeme :tee teletee era tr,j f,.,,,,I 'tree ,,, e. ;f teey ere tree„,ene and, 011, Ilal----•,-"and Janne, over -
leek -we:ea:2We flare ......-.1.c.1 117,,-,., fame! ee ort.la, and Inmate into team. 1
0,74 (2101A1,!.. 1-",,r1Y freeeFe eati''e s'ele9Y ris t'ver• 'Tam, Jon," he exelaima with hie '
1 A. Public Benefactor.
Wefy flaw ;gement" ewe -Were Tway 11.:•- , 'als.,„ tee7.1. 1er4e'''.,`';„ I ,43/t1(,_t„fil'affee" e'''', :meat 1 full of bieeuit, "wbat are you
. • 1,..t 31..„ ..,,.. .0 L.4„ a ef,t ,.a ,, nos as ail . .
epli, efAtt7, eeeese even etneateee. B.. . . _ s v. , . up et abf,ut? She been% bolted with the IfeWitt-I gee that it clergeron got
, ,
Vunton Vslit.P.. Ls? ii ;..,,,r. , : e,,1 4 ,g f -s• Stscsil I t...f..,...:q.t. yew 1
Jannee neee eet ro went 3.,,,,1 N, ..,, a 7,,,,,p.fi,4 we.t ;r, wit, 03 1 !ii,,;.tderrilarrtivolima,tisiata is01::: ? Stewly, Jeannel four yenta for running away With A MOM*
"tie:.. . ILof his elmidUntsitostiPete newhLr? 1 #a14(3 121 tilte1el (et her ewn weethingnothing!" says eeanne, Jewite-That 0e
too bad; 0Man whoMrVernen aw" teleily drying her mar"I am rather dees anythng to break up a
cliurch choir
.'' 3-)!'1: ''''''.5 01 ''•'1' 144' l'af rfie'l leeh'tio •I awl upso•t, r think, Dal."
"Yew" entre Jew i o •°,o-1,--talty,
.. ..
1 LI a public benefaetor,
'lean lac 1 ta, J," are-,
f ft, tee. I;0st fereit-e
Lueelle. ale " ea Italy telang ItitotImr Woril.0••••• .....,_
' Int all tide lewdly. Nee and prepare- e •
A/1 Jeanine'? I '1'0 fire heti ee ter ' " 7 '' 1 P.7'.1"1:t ''' e'' 1. L4. t; .r '''''11 La y- mei r'ranaiiiriet it ruefully.
and is blavil..,. -,. ...,', 1 t. , .,,,.!.,:at ',1' 11.1.0 1^.3/3 04.lii ../ motwee wee 1414440. can't ga Thar.
,13.,,w 4,,. ::••03 1!":'..../ 14!f.t4.4./. 1? (3 ":, '3. ; ..: '''",)''''''.! l'''' '''' ,L.,,,.,,,‘..r ,,,,,,;„, 1...".1 5.„.,,,...,,,,,i,„,, all thie Inillaletem and kite:-
leopettionelee 'lees 'oe ' le 1- .-,,, 1 ir, . ! ' . ' •'' , -..:' ''''' i .-''' 1 „44 -.4 tul„,, 1,);11,1,, 11 itlf.ttiitg them -oaf eel nee everybody
v e
caw yeu t hie a ist19•Sss. !MS.,- - 1,.;- is's'. • • ', '-1-1't '• -';',1", Iele elm" ene `0•1 a? talon 1 ant marriat, Pli want af i
-, 1 r, r ! c '.',- V; Ciro!, drew leer • •-. I 4. 41
il They he weete....... ge tie I: e 1 "lef, -.'' c . -- . - -- ti,Lf 1,1, ...o 1,413 eettioot elearell, awl come '
earn her /ale-elev. tat 0'1 •:1-t i'a 17 "'"./' i'V'r '7121'.1/ I think Le% te dinner lien a Pelmet& human
'lean, willi'a I. ellier etWe feet 1te e : -- " 1.1is" '• 7 ee''
po. st.p.,.t ee eame„., ,, 1 :,,e 11,,!..r.i f!..- , A.,. ,.. r• 0 t.". u.' '. 'Vs: fig a theeet that Mono laueliti.
under her ertpe ',11. P a a, ell • -.1 . I a° tee: 0 - fee. P. t .,;;,. r. .,,t, ; ; /mt. ":4604 tO tillit. Tina end you'll earn
loeket, eiema tte i,,,q;.,7. c .14 li,.P r.,t, •• ,'•;11+ n .------------ vot Um eredit of the oratitude and admiration of ell your
pm on Jeastur, ns•rl o :',....:4 if., hi ?..o 1,.....:! is: I. ,!,Or.or Wiese!, wilt mei we? sea." •
hollow of hey aeito Jam. ee ei ,,„e .,t 1 4,,e day - mile
et the 'lint I don't My r Eilbilallt 'MIMI a
"These me lifY 1% ...: .1., ..*,, :' f,1 . r, I:" ,,,, , i,.., a 4 4 t., ,, , i , I I' 4 , I Int y rits OW 11.31'-111 f il," Oily 8 MI, moditateively; "that's
"DI ;ton ijoill'..:; it •i!. VI ,41 i': ,. i, .1'.'" i ,'r, t, ,',. :”..,: .,,•if t'itll , '0 that I am oho tidy good thing &beet the Whole itf-
;mama ie aiwnt et 'fee ., to bee: st 1:oi,i.. 11:o ,nill L,. e? p..t for an hour, mot i fair. lett, Jeanie I wish Vernon 11114
env thin ? 1V.o.14v!Itq ill:i /nee /..1.,•:;... s.„, s fss 1!.. ..s Gs witi.,.is• S,,,a Isin; v411931,, :SI liere to Pee tbie await swell! Sbe'a
e fie hos ; tv tl,:,..,:, 1- 1 i,,,.? 1.,-v.n. 1,ot t,i;i1,3 or -Ls. s. Jul 1.0a it ei hie when ' lr Dte a 71 i»(' picture. Aryl She VAS beau.
the !../..1./4. it / c • •,„1,. vete/arm f4* ill's f ,i veti a Mewl', mole. tem Moll ifdp, (ANL if YOY1 like,"
ti iok id 14,1e:, t',.., , 1,:r (.1.1i 'ILA hi: VItil it Lim fur Li1.1-4.1f it!' •i.'. limy tong do you "I don't admire that kind of beauty,"
yaw,. f-•• -, oat lotaw, elf: et Ler fo?..1 illS Welt leo. wet Let?" Mine &WIN fetidly. ,
the f.T11:1,C. 'l It la Lie fake. Jeanne don we tutewere- the: true! (To he continued.)
. •
Something fOr the GOOd Peeple WhO
Me Troubicti Over It.
ttroiTtitt.000 mru to
SI itIldtaWal 1
BO Illa119 S'01111S;
Illett from Ontario minute the eitlearaw•
ol of an alliliest equal number of plum;
tt omen when the settlers of in1r. come
baek or send baek for !dam.
Ontario is lwi»g bled as no other cone
munity on earth Is being bled for youog
nurses and /whim to Boothe itua Might -
on tho lives of aliens memo the Hue.
It is Omni to compere the birth rote
of Ontario, where (*embody of mar-
riageable ago is going ;vest, w ith the
lairth rate of Quebec or of Frame' %hem
everybody lives and dim at home.
Ontario's birtlt rate was at its high-
est when there was tie exodus to the
°Marie's birth rate is necessarily at
its h»vest when there is an ever -memo.
ing exodus to the west.
11 is bad enough for Ontario to lose
the flower of the float people on earth
without having the reputation of the
English portion of Canada esti:valuate
ed by a lot of shallow hoinilies about
the decline in the Ontario birth rate.
STRINGS. -"It is not within the con-
ception ot mau to measure my groat swam
logs trout heart disease. For years I endured
almost constant cutting and tearing pains
about ray heart, and many a .time would
bavo wekomed death, Dr, Agnew's Cure
for the Heart has worked a veritable lair-
aele."-Thes. Hicks, Perth, Ont. -59
Some Summer Don'ts.
Don't fret about the heat.
Don't SIM for a car.
Dula lend the strenuous life.
DOIIM Wear 41, \valeta:mt.
Don't go with unshaded eyes.
Don't eat fried food.
Don't fuss about the flies and mos-
quitoes; in the country they aro a hun-
dred to our one.
Don't envy your neighbor who is away.
Don't au tbu swum thine you do in
Dora forget the shady side of the
street. nor the sunny side of the people.
Don't reject excursions as "common.'
Don't forgot our beautiful peaks, our
beaches and our trolley C41X.S.
Don't be afraid of being uncouven-
Don't, above all, fuss. -Boston Trans-
The popular time for a trip to New
York will be about the time of the West
Shore or New York Central excursion on
August 14th and August 24th, respect-
Louis Drage'at 69% Yonge 'street, To-
ronto, will gladly furnish particulars on
Wireless on the Trains.
The Chicago and Alton Railroad is
about to make some interesting experi-
ments looking to the use of the wire-
less system as a means of signalling
trains. The inventors claim that their
device will be second only to the air
brake as a means of protecting life
and property on railroads.
The signalling device, occupying a
space of little more than two square
feet, is placed on top of the cab of the
engine. A dynamo about the size of
those used with electric headlights sup-
plies electricity to interlaced wires in-
closed in e metal globe about 18 inches '
in diameter. This gIobe is mounted on
a short staff, and it is claimed that by
.changing the angle of the staff the
direction of the signals can be changed
at will, making it possible to signal to 1
either train desired on a double -track
The inventors claim that their device
will caus a boll to ring in the cab over
the engineer's head whenever there is
an obstruction on the eame track within BED -RIDDEN AT xs YEARS.- "If
20 miles, and will also give similar warn- anybody wants a written °guarantee from me
ing of a misplaced switch. Personally as to my wondertul cure from
; rheuraatista by South American Rheumatic
Cure, I will be the gladdest woman sin tee
The "Square Deal" in Business. world to give it," says Mrs. John Beaumont,
Advertising poor goods is like going to of Elora. "I had despaired of discovery up
law with a bad case. The chance of re- to the time of taking this wonderful remedy.
couping the outlay is exceedingly slim. It cured me completely." -68
The merchant who is ashamed of his e
wares, is not recommended to advertise . A Query for the Business Men.
them, for the more people he induces "How much do you buy that you, did
to try them, the greater will be his loss not first see advertised?" efiks a business
Shirt waists. and dainty
linen are made delightfully
clean and fresh .with Sun.
light Soap.
• • ,
Xunicipalize Everything.
(Montreal Gazette.)
The city of Leeds, Mistime, wan once into
the wanton ot supplying Its memento with
*711111. It has purehased dairy farm, and
will purchase others, if the demand for tho
corporation brand et the lacteal fluid war-
rants it. Some promo may think thio is an
unwarrantable attention of the principle of
municipal ownership. It is nothing ot the
kind. Everybody in Loom requires milk.
People ean got along ith011t litreet ears,
without toiephoncs, without electric light.
They aro merely hi:curies. nut everybody
Must have milk, for everybody uses it in
same tone or other daily: Instead Of won-
dering at the temerity ot Leeds in mune
sleazing its mint service, it is more in or-
der to inquire why It does not follow up
the municipalizing of Its markets by munici-
palizing the sale of everything Bold Morelli,
meat, vegetables, butter, cheese, everything
reveal to sustain life. And when it has
gene tutus far, why should It not proceed
td municipalize the ewe, it not the manu-
facture, of the clothing required by the peo-
ple? And why should not Leeds provide its
people with their amusements, and munici-
palize Rs churches? When It has gone thus
far it :night OR wen finish up the job and
abolish all Individual effort and Initiative.
What a prosperous and progressive olty
would Leeds then be?
SMobley Fit cure Inc Epilepsy and
klaalrodalroctiousli thoonly sureeeeful
remedy, and le now cowl by the boat
physiciana aud hospitals in Europa
und /Interim. It le confidentially
recommended, to thosellotee. If em
starer insu
Epilepsy, Fits, St. Vitus' Dance,
orbave children or rolativea that do so. or know a friend MA
la afflicted, vitt( /MID ran a ntElt Timm, Donut and try
11. It.W111 be sent Ur mall
prepaid. It haa otrod
whero everything else boa
When writing mention
Ulla paper, and giro full.
address. For aala by all druggist&
The Lteblg Co., 179 King St. W., Toronto.
Half Rose, Half Thorn.
A rose one(Boston
TWrillthnlene,raiPtgjarden fair,
And lived upon the sunshine and the dow;
And Cupid, ono day passing, saw It there,
And, seeing, thought the lovely rose to woo.
His yearning heart went out Unto the rose
Each summer night, and with each early
But found, alas, as many a poor heart
That love is half a rose and halt a thorn.
A blight fell on the beauteous rose one day,
And pale it grew, the fairest. rose ot years;
And soon, alasi it faded quite away,
And Cupid, lo! was left alone In tears.
It was the old, old story anew -
That lives, we know, with every night and
morn -
That with each Joy there is a sadness, too,
For love is half a roso and salt a thorns
012, love, how sweetly thou art -
And yet, each night and morn •
We learn to know, yes, every heart,
That love is half a rose and hall a thorn.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
spawn, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
stifles, sprains. sore and swollen throat,
coughs, etc. leave am by use of one bot-
tle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blenxish Cure ever known.
e • -_-
Real Bad Man Gathered In.
(Durant, I. T., News.)
"I'm a woolly wolf. I've got r tail 16
foot long. and It's covered with barbwire.
The devil's broke loose; take in your Canoes,
you scaly -hided, flat -heeled Mtn at slush
tubs. My tread causes earthqualtea, • my
breath eddies milk. I can spit a blister on a
wash pot and bust up rs still -house by blow-
ing in at the wum. Tho lion's loose=bloae
windows, I'm a moss!' et the best man that
ever took a drink of Denison prObibitiOn
booze. Clear out thar." These and a few
other rerearkS of like character were indulg-
ed in by a young xnan last night on Main
street. The young fellow is in pawn now
and is looking for some farmer who needs a
good cotton chopper to come and take him
out of hock.
ISSUE IN "48, "1,905.
Jr., wins -Iowa Soothing term ehirobil
'tarries be new ior Obildren aleethlass. 15
soothe Me child, gottene the Willie, enrol whist
colic awl Is the Non reasesiv tar mare:goo.
_ mill and dwelling, ready tor
operation; best timbered district, muskoka.
Lots Of raw materiel on hoe. Address D. T.
eledeme, anwebridge.
Direct current, 1t4. and 8 horse -power, 114 -
Maas Box 10,
,Hamilton -
steamere Belleville, liamiltou and Platen
Leave Hammon 12 neon and Toronto 7.30
p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
for Bay or Quint°, montrem and interme-
diate ports.
Leave Toronto at 3 p. m. daily, °stoat Sun-
days. From July 1 daily, Rochester, Thou-
sand Islands Rapids, St, Lawrence, Montreal.
Quebec and Murray Bay, Tadouthe, Saguenay
For information apply to R. 11, agents or,
write Foster Chatfee, Western Passengeitsvs.,
Agent, Toronto.
tfruiecessaey Noises.
Noise is easily misinterpreted as a
sign of vigorous enterprise in all lines
of human activity. There is a bustle of
trade which no one would suppress. Th.
loudest shouter is not by any memos
the most accomplished and effective or.
ator. The best work may be done with -
01153 great clainor and uproar. Noise is
commonly associated with thelakir, who
covers the pinchbeck quality of his
wares by stridently proclaiming their
virtues, Much of the noise of the city
street is entirely unnecessary and could
be suppressed without injury to any
material interest. A society for the pre-
vention of din would find a fertile field
for its beneficient offices. -Philadelphia
Physicians no longer consider it entering to
"quackery" in recommending in practice
meritorious a remedy for Indigestion, DAL.
pepsin and Nervousness as South /saneness
Nervine. They realize that It is a stop in
advance in medical science, and a sure and
permanent cure for diseases ot the stomach.
It will cure you. -60
- - I
Baggage Easily Identified.
(Now York Sun.)
Some English tourists who aro In the habit
of traveling with a good many trunks have a
way of marking their baggage for identifica-
tion purposes which looks strange to tuner: -
Can eyes. It is not at all unusual now to See
landed on the steamship piers a big pile of
trunks and bags around each of which will
be a stripe of some vivid color. 0 bright
red stripe around a sole leather trunk may
look queer, but its usefulness is apparent la
the ease with which baggage Is picked out
by the owner. An Englishman who came
over recently had his trunks mot only decor-
ated with a white stripe, but on the top ot
each was his coat of arms in colors. tlie
baggage was handled with msucht dispatch.
During June, July, August and September
the Chicago and North Western Railway will
sell from Chicago round trip excursion tick-
ets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland,*
Ore., (Lovas and Clarke Exposition), Seat-
tle, Victoria, and Vancouver, at very low
rates, correspondingly cheap fares from all
points In Canada. Choice of routes, best of
train service, favorable stopovers, and Ilbetsal f
return limits. Rates, folders and full Info/Vas,
mation ean be obtained from D. H. Bennett.'
General Agent, 2 King street east, Toronto,
The "Why" of Buying.
"Every time you make a purchase
stop a moment and. think just why you
bought the article you did buy iu pref.
erenee to some similar article," suggests
a magazine devoted to publicity. And
it might well have added: "Ask yourself
why you bought it at the store where
you did buy it. in preference to some
other store that sells the same sort of
goods." Ninetv-nine times cub of a 111111. -
dr ed the article purchased is advertised,
and the store that sells it advertises. The
man who is influenced by other people's
advertising ought to be 'pretty well cou-
nt the long run. But he who sells -whet man's magazine. It would be well for . vinced that he can influence other people
is honestly made and honestly priced, . every man who bas something to sell and
and tells the public about it, makes i who is not already a convert to publicity
hosts of new friends every time he goes to put that query to himself. The answer
into print. An "ad" that sells directly
only fifty cents' worth of goods may is
is bound to convince him tbat advertising
good for other people, and that it
be the means of securing a permanent ,
must be good for any one wbo has an
customer who will buy $500 worth in honest dollar's worth to offer for a dol -
a year. It is easy to influence the con-,
sumer provided he is given a "square f - N
deal." Some of the Meanest Men.
ONE SHORT ' PuFy CLEARS THE (Kansas City Journal.)
It Is said that a
HEAD. --Does your head ache? Have man who svon't take
home paper because ho can, borrow ono has
you pains over your oyes? Is the breath of- Invented a machine by which he Can cook lqs
fel-awe? That° aro certain symptoms of dinner by the smoke from his nehghbors
chimney. The same fellow sits in the back
Catarrh. Dr. Agnow's Catantal Powder will
Pow in church to save interest on his contri-` The savings bank deposits have Increased 21
cure most stillborn eases in a marvellously baiting, u5- is names berrowlegn ride to
short time. If you've had. Catarrh. 11 week town to save the wear and tear on his own
It's a sure cure. If it's of fifty years' stand- horseflesh. Yes, we know him. He is a
Mg, it's just as effective, 60 cents. -57 first cousin to the num who uses the wart
on the back of his neck for a collar button.
Not To Trustworthy.
by lis advertising.
- - --
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with
Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re-
move the grease with the greatest ease. 3d
How Japan Thrives on War.
(Harper's Weekly,)
The record of Japan's recent material Pro-
gress is, it seems, us remarkable as her pro-
gress in military achievement. The increase_
of postal savings during the first eight
mouths of the war, for exaniple, shows au
increase from $11,380,000 to $18,612.000, Indi-
cating an astonishing increase of the sourcoa
from which such savings are drawn -the In-
comes provided by industrial employment.
el' cent during the mune period. There has
also been an increase et bank reserves am-
ounting to 6.6 per cent., au !acreage of 10.5 per
cent. in ride production, of 3.2 per cent. In
exports and of 6.2 per cent la imperts.
Ex -Fire Chief Hugh Bonner, of New
York, addressed. recently the Woman's
Municipal League on the subject of fire
"At the end of his address a woman
told Mr. Bonner that she had been in-;
formed by an actor that every theaere
it New York was absolutely fireproof."
"Ant 1 to trust that man?" she asked.
Mr. Bonner laughed,
"He is about as trustwarthy," he re-
plied, "as the average Alpine guide.
"Once, some years ago, a Swiss guide
took an American and his daughter on
an excursion upon the Jungfrau. 1
"As they climbed, the guide, as Is
'usual, pointed out the various objects
of interest on the way. On the edge of
a horrible abyss, he said:
"'This is where Thorwahlsen, the cele-
brated Swedish mountaie climber, lost
his life in '07:
"But the Atnerican, who had done
Itingfratt before, said:
"'Why, no, it isn't. This is not tim
plate. 'Where Thorwaldsen died it tee)
• melee further on.'
"'Monsieur is quite right,' saki the
guide, 'but 1 thought it was too far tor
That preetous remedy, 19a meters etre tor all female diseases. Write for description
circular and free sample. It. S. McGILL, Simms Gat,
gi-J Ft IL,,4130T-
If dropped
times happens
the beet yet.
The E.
on the floor and stepped on, it will not ignite, as some -
with the common parlor match. Will strike on any surface.
13. EDDY Company, Limited
- •
the yourw lady to travel.'" - —
The Limit to Their Credulity.
Wansae editors are ekeptieel, remarks .
the Mateo City Journal. An exchange '
tusked: "What -do you think of an artist
who painted cobwebs,olt areiling so nat.
malty that the hired girl wore liereelf
Jule) an attn.& of nervous prostration
• trying -to sweep them down?" Most of
• the editors may there may have been
-such an tatist, but theta wits never sueh
a hired girl.
Mend Is anaid, to ssy The
least, Pelle 'S58 1 Asked her tha
other day 'what it was ;reek Ilepidde
liked *lout her, and she said his arriui,
For steep 03 flat roofs,
water proof, fire proof, easily
laid, cheaper than other roof-
Send stamp for sample,
and mention this paper.
'e Mt Rebecca Street,
141444444444.44++4444+44.4444414444+444,40+4.44**** ip..4141116