HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-13, Page 44 THE WINGHAM, ADYANcE, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1905. is "1 '`+ WANAV "OIl tWc` `�W't NMEMWr ,, Ibp rT I IF ROYAL GROCERY =- IC is TEAS Another shipmento band of our celebrated �.acA India and Ceylon Black Tea, also the well- . known brand (Fan 51) Japan Tea. We are se solo agents in Wipgham, Just draw ours beside any pack- ▪ a• go Tea tatosame c SQ price, and and see how lbasily it will beat 1• .1 ) a p , vM NEW VEGETABLES CABBAGE,OUCUM- BERS, POTATOES- New O,ATOES--New Canadian home- grown Vegetables, such as Cabbage, Oucnmbers, Potatoes, ,r"ris ete., coming -coming -in freely and always on hand, 41 1 KIPPERED HERRING market. Ours is here, and the 10 eta. per can. .110 HAM, ROAST BEEF, CORNED BEEF. For hot weather, nothing so appetizing as a nice slice of Boiled Ham, Roast Beef or Corned Beef, and then the saving in cooking Roast Beef or Corned Beef, 20c •a; per lb.; .Ham, 30c per. lb. . at Griffin's AtiwykkftwAmpNvimwmm The new pack of KIPPERED HERRING has arrived on the quality is very choice., Cts-AftrR�4Rfi►1trh+wa M Just 111=A Carload of No. 9 Coiled Steel Wire 1 As this Wire is the genuine Frost make, and as the Idemand is likely to be so great for this particular kind, Farmers will do well to leave their orders for it at once, as there will likely be a scarcity in the market when most required for fencing. We are selling it cheap. Massey=11arris Repairs. a g y h te, as thatfarmers may require in tis line. I am sole agent for the celebrated Sherwin-Williams x Paint. The best on earth. Best Brands of Cement in season at lowest prices. A full line of Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, ete., on hand. Prices the lowest. We are now taking orders for Pie -aonth and International Binder Twine. GIVE US A CALL. >~It, uggt A. YOUNG See Our Furniture. In Couches and Parlor Suites, we have a splendid stock, and this is why we have sold so many lately. Our Sideboards are the best. Our Mattresses and Springs are great sellers. Don't fail to get our prices on all kinds of Furniture, Window Shades and Curtain Poles. Undertaking and care • - fu:ty attended to. 4+▪ -.- 4 i- 4- 4--- a..-- ..-- 4-- 4w. a .-.- 4--- 4-,- 4 1.,••- 4-- 4- 4--- •-- 4-+.- 4-..- r.•- was. w AT+ 4rw a.••- as.•- ..•-- 4...- + 4111w. 4w 4r.. 4+- 4•-+ 4r.. 4- 4- 4..- 111+ 4r-- 11+4 IN 4r -- 4r.. 4r+-- 11+ ••-+ .- 4w 4M.- 41-+ 4rw 4- 4rc. 4w. 4- .. -- SM. NW* Twi. MILLSI &411444111UWWWWWWWWWWWWW/Ua Walker Bros. & Button Furniture Dealers and Undertakers )ituz Ikrre Some BargaIns dor Take Advantage of Them. Dress Goods t.a ase cleared out. Black All -wool Serge 54 in. wide. E'k, S5e and $1.00 per yard. also brown, gree;3 Mee air? l,.ack Sergge'p redueed to 25c. Lnstres, CasLraeres, eta. at Ilene than cost. A big stock of Prints frean Se to 14c per yd, also the wide, Mer Brise i effects in the fae'hie .ay,e small check for Shirtwaist Snits. dols dot of LSwal 42 and 45 in. wide, very spe- cial, !rem 104a to 2,5z, per yard. Fine India, Lawn 15e and 23ea Pretty Tus:in for dye -nes and buonses, epeeial price "e. Fayey Mc;,siin, regular 10c for De. Vfaidsome white g,nreal Iadras for b owses and shirtwaist saits. E.-,,1.i`...,an dere=. very cheap. 10 in. wide for 12?4. Wide to v Inse t_en !far 110;?, etc. These goods are gelling at half fleavv Deck. plain ar,d figurer, faet donors and dnra- 1,1t far shirting and skirting. A "tea- t:ifal assart zest cf taffies' Whitt tzaderwear at very re-IFzna'.�'emitre. Best D. & A. Corset worth $1./ O Larhec• ir.! far 61.1,Se Cannterpanet eneath, $1.00 far 75a. larges cats for $d.? ,.heed ar ne. :a Cartahes Pram.5.'� a pall" up --al I'✓ due 331 plat. A very eletee.elail Ease eellirg at $1.23 and *nether at wY4t Y}}ter p31, _ 1' "k. Vale Trak' 1 C inU for flGulfort far 15 C me in sari to the gds and you, will be gird yen came. +,1111 .,.w .-,,. + 11 -... + 1111 +11 -.-4 ---4 +4 41 en +MD +1111 +.0+.r --..s ---•. -w -4 wee w .-.4 -.. -..4 -..4 --o -4 -.+4 M -..s -.-.4 -..4 ---4 -*ow -...4 4+10 -..4 .--4 w M -.. --,4 4+1111 -... -.▪ -4 +Mr -4 -..v .-4 -.-.4 x""4 -•4 ?It t 1 of baIu lbbnn.re THEO. HALL, PROPnIETolt, Sl it rtulurao:4 Plume -P.00 per annuut in advance, 111,50 if not so paid, An'F.ttTISI:Cts RAz•i•s.--Legal and other cos• nal advertisements lee per noupariel lino for first insertion, 8o per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements In the local columns are charged leo per lino for first insertion, and Se per line for each subsequent insertion. ,Advertisements of Strayed. Farms for Gale or to )Rene and similar, $1 00 for first three we0I s, and 25 cents for each subsequent in- sertion. CONTRACT RATES. -The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisemeuts for specified periods:- SPACF 1 Yr, 6 Mo, 3 Mo. 1 Mo. One Column B70.Q0 $10.00 $22.50 $5.00 Half column 40.00 21.00 35.00 6.00 Quarter Column,20.005, 12,50 2.00 1.2205 Advertisements without specific directious will be inserted till forhid and charged ac- cordingly.. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Eb tenor -Mr. R. L. Borden introduced a bill to amend the Dominion elections act by adding a couple of sub -sections. One provides a penalty of $200 on any person who circulates a false s ate- ment of the withdrawal of a candi- date, and the other requires all bills, posters and circulars issued in pronto - tion of a candidate's interest to bear the name and address of the printer and publisher thereof. The Bill re- ceived its first reading. -The proposal of the Finance Min- ister to banish Americau silver coins is a good one. The method to be adopted I s• to have the banks celle t the coins and export them instead of patting them into circulation. The Government will pay the express charges and allow the banks three- eighths of one per cent. for their trouble. At any considerable distance from the border, Canadian silver is re- fused in the United States, and there is no reason why the American silver should have equal rights with the Ca- nadian coin. -Russia has formally signified to President, Roosevelt her desire for a lasting peace not only by the appoint- ment ppointment of plenipotentiaries who will be accompanied by experts fully em- powered to conclude a treaty subject only to the ratification of the respec- tive Governments, but as a final step has indicated her readiness to suspend hostilities. Defeated in every battle and the entire nation honeycombed with disorder and rebellion, business upset and her sons slaughtered, Rus- sia's condition is deplorable. She can no doubt have the peace she desires, if she is sincere, and is willing to pay the price. * 4 -J. H. Black, Superintendent of the Ontario Government's Temiskam- ing Railway, says electric power for the operation of the line will be ap- plied by this time next year. In speaking of the advantages of the new power, he said that not only would there be 110 danger from starting bush fires but that it would greatly reduce the cost of operation. An electric - locomotive would have twice the drawing capacity and would be run for one-third the cost of a steam one, and the motorman would take the place of both engineer and fireman. Mr. Black further announced that electric power could be supplied from the line to towns served by the road. * 4 -The Railway and Marine Depart- ment of the Dominion Government are co-operating with the Allan Steamship Company in an effort to beat the record in delivering trans- Atlantic mails. On Jnly 6 the -- ir- ginian, the new turbine steamer of the Allan Line, sailed from Liverpool for Canada. Her passage will occupy five or six days, and on arrival in the Straits of Cabot, forty miles from Syd- ney, she will be met by the Govern- ment cruiser Canada, which will take off the snails and steam at full speed back to port. The Canada can easily make 22 miles an hour so that in less than two hours she should be in Syd- ney Harbor. On her arrival there the mails will be transferred to a special Intercolonial train, which will at once set forth for the tipper Provinces. * s• -Lord Kitchener, in a recent official report, has given expression to the belief that Russia means to attack India, when the present war is over. If she does, it will be merely a, ease of history repeating Itself. When blocked in her advance towards the Mediterranean by the Crimean War, she, immediately peace was declared, senglat expansion in another direction. Turned back from the Pacific by Japan, she may now seek an outlet in the Indian Ocean at the expense of Britain's Eas't;een Empire. That the British Govezrament shares Lard Kit- chenes's apprehension seems evident from the fact that the Imperial House of Coam' ons has :anti cr-ized the rais- ing of a loan not exceeding $140.000, - OW, With the revenues of India as se- curity, for the construction, exten- s..,sn, and equipment of the railways cf nal:, this money will be iarge:y spent for the purpose of fa -,1 ti� ta•t:wg the t, assing of troops on the northern frontier may be taker, as teamed. -The _ utsn :vrl:,yBil1 passed its final st„^.ge in the CCmra .s on Weilri Say ec Ening of last tteek by a i *,;urity t of C7. Refetring to this Bill, t:f. Geld -1 win Snaith, who writes over the name of "13yetander," says ;--"The British North Atnerit•a Act, :among the funda- mental haws of our constitution, as- signs edueation to the Province. A French and Catholic Prime Minister, cc>llllllallding' a majority in the Do- minion Parliament, uses that majority to set aside the fundamental law and to secure iu perpetuity to hes Church in the new Provinces sectarian privi- lege in regard to public education, To take the lowest ground, no emu - went that can be deemed conclusive has been advanced for the assumption of this power, Is not this a case in. which it becomes the duty of the Senate to suspend the process of party legislation till it hats been shown that right has been done to the country ? Surely it is. But we know too well, seeing the conditions nutlet• which the Senators are appointed, how small is the chance of our braving that duty performed." THE BUDGET SPEECH. Thursday last was "budget" day in the House of Commons, and, strange to say, the budget speech was deliver- ed as disposed and dt. ln- c of,all inone vel n le day. It is said that this is the first time this has been the case since Confederation. The chief points in the speech were :- Prediction of a surplus of nine mill- ion dollars. Addition to the public debt of $1,250,000 admitted. Admission of probable very large in- crease in the debt, owing to the build- ing of the Grand Trunk Pacific. The proposal to banish American silver coin front Canada, • Slight changes in the tariff at present. Full enquiry into tariff matters be- fore next session. Mr. Tartek attac ed the Government, claiming that the boasted surplus of $9,000,000 would prove to be a deficit of $3,500,000, In replying to the Budget speech, Mr. Foster made some good points. We give herewith a few extracts from his able speech :- Liberals had said they wanted to slake Canada a cheaper country to live in. Was it a cheaper country to live in to -day than in 1896 P Every man knew the answer to that in his own household, and it was against the Government. When the Finance Minister was taking the future into consideration, did he think of certain things he would have to do ? Between now and 1913 there are about $140,- 000,000 of loans which will have to be meet by re -borrowings. This will have to be provided for, no matter what re- verses may take place or what cycles of depression may oceuu. The Finance Minister would not only have to do that, but within ten years he would have to go into the looney markets of the world for fresh loan of $100,000,000 to $150,000,00Q for that section of the Grand Trunk Pacific which the Gov- ernment is obliged to build. If a cycle of depression came, which of these im- mense national responsibilities had to be meet? How would it stand with the country when the revenue was pledged up to its hilt for current ex- penditure? Did the Finance Minister lose sight that the militia department was coining down with a scheme which would add at least $3,000,000 more a year to the curreut expenses? Mr. Foster then went on to point out in 1893 the total expenditure was $3.14 per head, while to -day it was $13 per head per annum. With reference to taxation, the amount taken from the people in 1896 was $5.51 per head, while last year it was $0.76. These things were for the people to think of ; this was a prosperous country to -day, but what were the reasons for its prosperity? Large acres of land culti- vated, larger products raised from the land and larger prices. "Now," said Mr. Foster, in closing, "just as one passing reminder given in all Christian charity, let me remind the House and honorable gentlemen opposite that eighteen years of Con- servative labor and toil of conserve, tire expenditure and conservative achievement laid the foundation for all the greatness and prosperity which these honorable gentlemen boast of, and finally, after we have built the house and purchased the land, they have only become tenants of what was built for them and are reaping what others sowed." (Prolonged cheers-) .vwwww. Views Items -The Stratford police force has been increased by two men. The Durham cement mills are 10,- 000 barrels behind their orders. -A big smokes tank being erected at the cement works at Shallow Lake . struck and kited Mr. John McBurney . ars it felt. -The Provincial Government of Quebec has derided to sell the Provin- cial model farm located at C-ompton. The ma t f tl- f h t nagemen o .e ares as no - been a success and it has failed to ac- complish the object for which it was Capital (paid up) intended. --Peterborough stepped into the Reserve toned ptoa ;- position of a city ou July 1st It has long been one of the most progressive towns in Ontario, and while it, retaain- ei in that rank, could laaast of having Drafts sold on all points in Can - the largest papulation of any town in ada, the United States and Europe. the prevince. practically acquainted with the needs. of the section of the country. -..-According to the last available figures clnotetl 111 a'Cltlitetl States Con- sular report, the population of Russia. is a little over 123,000,000. Of these 81,000,000 are Russians, 8,000,000 Poles, and over 5,000,1)0(1 Jews. Of the Rus- sians a little over 30 per cent. of the males and less than 10 per cent, of the females can read and write. I'raf. miller, Provincial Geologist, reports that the new silver -cobalt mints at Derr Lake three miles east of Cobalt, in New Outario, are an rich and important as those of the latter uauled place, Ore yielding $3,000 to the ton, which is fan' more than the richest yield from any of Ontario's gods urines, is being shipped from both the old and the new districts. --Forty thousand persons in Lon- don, England, alone are suffering from consumption, according to Dr, Arthur Latham, prize essayist of the King's sanitarium, If other forms of tuberculosis were included, the num- ber would ho not fewer than 80,000. Consumption is responsible for the deaths of 8,000 persons per annum in the metropolis, and a similar number die from other tuberculosis diseases, all of theta preventible. -The forest plantation in the Ot- tawa Experimental Farm consists of 20,01)0 trees of all kinds. A. block of white pine oat 10 years contains some trees eight inches in diameter. Ten feet apart is the width Dr. Saunders recommends for planting. It is also recommended, in forest plantation, that trees be mixed, instead of being placed in blocks ; where a lot of one variety are together the spread of in- sect or fungus enemies is stimulated. -A. teacher in one of the villages in Oxford county who has a brother in Alberta, who has succeeded in slaking many thousands of dollars for him- self in the couple of years on land speculations, wrote his Oxford broth- er not long ago that he would be glad to make a good turn for hits if he cared to send him $1,200. The teach- er fortunately bad the money in the bank, and immediately sent him a cheque for the $1,200, and within a few months after sending it he 're- ceived. word back from his brother in Alberta advising him that he had sold the property for $2,000 and enclosed in the letter a cheque for the amount. $300 profit was very satisfactory. -The case between Gederich and Colborne townships concerning a grant to the repairing of the hill be- tween the two, carie up for trial on Monday, before Judge Doyle, but de- cision was given against Goderich township on a technical point. The resolution of Colborne Council pro- vided that a by-law be passed grant- ing ant- ing the sum of $100 towards the pur- pose specified, but as the by-law was not passed, thee .had not complied with their own resolution, and a de; cision was given accordingly. On be half of Goderich township Council notice was given that application would be made asking for a manda- mus compelling Colborne to pass the by-law, and t71e judge stated that such would be granted. .l Buy It Now. Now is the time to buy Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is certain to be needed sooner ter later and when that time comes you will need it badly -you will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life. For sale by all druggists. Clairvoyant - Psychic. MEDICAL EXAMINATION FREE By Dr. E. F. Butterfield, of Syracuse, N. Y. Believing in clairvoyance or not, there is no gainsaying the fact that the doctor can explain the source and cause of your disease, either men- tal or physical, and has restored to health and happiness many persons who would have remained helpless invalids all their lives. Send lock of hair, name, age and stamp to . DR. E F. BUTTERFIELD 29-2 Syracuse, N. Y. BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM. CAPITAL PAID UP $ 2,233,000,00 RESERVE FUND 2,235,000,00 TOTAL ASSETS 26,553,816.57 BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Hon. Wm. Gibson President John Proctor C. C. Dalton J. S. Hendrie Geo. Rutherford C. A. Barge J. Turnbull, Vice -Pres. and General Manager H. M. Watson, Asst Gent. Manager. B. Willson, Inspector. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int - and 31st May eallowed ach yyenanr,and added to to principal Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest, Bi. CORBOULD, Agent Dickinson & Hoimcs, Solicitors MINION BANK. • $3,000,000 • $3,634,000 Farmers' Ntltes discounted. --lien. Mr. 11fenteith, Minister of Agriculture, proposes to make a tour of New Ontario, speaking at a num- ber M Farmers' Institutes, witha view to advancing the educational lines of the Gover-nment's policy in re- gard to apiculture aud bet:amber SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed oh deposits of t.OA »tad sad � bbit'eeseh q h Jnne D. T. UBPEUUR, LOW !t. F'aaetbos, bawd 4 GREAT REDUCTIONS ON HIGH GRADE Iron and Brass Beds.. IrimmandroMialakaommansammayamanctasaawor9 All Brass Bed, regular $30.00 ---reduced to $22,00 High Massive Bed, regular $18 00 -reduced to 14,00 Fancy Scroll Bed, regular $20.00 ---reduced to 14.00 Our most popular Bed, regular $16.00 --reduced to12.00 Some Specials at $7,00, $6,00, $3.00, Examine our Mattresses and Wire Springs. Another lot of Oak and Mahogany Upholstered Seat Rockers, good value at $3,60• --our Special Price...$2.50 UNIMITAtrl`n, Night calls re- ceivo�piompt at- _ tendon, lith house west et Handl- ton's Drug Store L. A. all & Co. ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. (Cor.Yongo and Alexander Ste.) Sum»ier Session during July and August for Public School Teachers and others. All our graduates get positions. Students admitted at any time. Shis school is not "standing still,' or ' backing up,"but is constantly "going ahead." Circulrs free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal 1 LOCAL AGENT WANTED At ouco for "Canada's Greatest Nur- series," for the towu of Wiugham and surrounding country, which will be reserved for the right man. START NOW at the best selling season and handle our NEW SPECIALTIES on liberal terms. Write for particulars and send 25c for our handsome Alumi- num Pocket Microscope (a little gem)` useful to - Farmers to- Farmea:s in examining seeds and grains Orchardists41 trees for insects Gardiners plants for Insects Teachers and Scholars in studying Botany and Everybody in a hundred different, ways. Stone & Wellington, Foothill Nurseries over 80o acres) Toronto, Ontario. The Popular Grocer Store. CROCKERY and CHiNA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds, Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. VanStone ]omova21 We have removed our Tailor- ing establishment to the store • formerly occupied by Tudhope's Grocery - Opp. Bank of Hamilton and next door south of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store. We have had things all fitted up anew, and have a good con- venient stand with a first-class stock of goods in all the latest materials and designs for spring and summer-Snitings, Overcoat - lugs, ' Raincoatings, Trouserings and Fancy Vestinge. Drop in and see us and have a look at our goods. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Winghani Wood's Phosphodine, The Oast English Remedy, is an old, well estab- lished and reliable . preparation, Has been prescribed and used over 40years. All deng. i gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being the only medicine of its kind that onres and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak sass missions, ,Spe)'nlatorrha w, Impotency, and a.ll effects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive ' use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, allot which lead to Infirmity, Insanity Conannnption and an Early Grave. Price it per package or six for 85. One win please, six will cure, Mailed prompty on re* t esipt of price. Bend for free pamphlet. Address, The Wood Company, Windsor. Ont', Canada, Sold in Wingham by A. I. McColl & Co., A. L. Hamilton, W. McKibben -Druggists Before and After, ••..•»5.0.4.•..0.•..•..•..0 ••..•»••.•• O«b •S.•..•..•..•. •••••••••••••••••••••• e. For Neat, Tasty _; Job Printing of _• every descrip- i tion, at prices to suit you, -call _• at The ADV & OE ;t• V lllt✓ j + y • Tailor Made Cloches 515.00 We'll make your Suit to your exact measures, to - your order, for fifteen dol- ..a lars, correctly shaped and faultlessly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fabric, staunchly guaranteed. For Seventeen, Eigh- teen or Twenty dollars, we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill, and can guarantee you entire satis- faction. Trousers made to your order at $3.50, $3'75, $4, $5 and $6. A complete Iine of Gents' Furnishings always in stock. IYL 51 L1 ilomutil Tailor and Gents' Furnisher Two Doors from Post Office FAMOUS SCHOOL. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This is the most successful Commercial and Shorthand school in western On- tario. Tho courses are up-to•date and practical and teaching is done by ex- perienced instructors. During the pslt school year we have had many more applications from leading business hous- es than we had students graduating. Write for our free catalogue. ELLimss' & MCLALCIILAN, Principals 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS OEsIGNSy� COPYRIGHTS a GC. Anyone sending a sketch and deseripOon may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable Commonly', Ilona etrletlyconfdentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents Bent free. Oldest agency for securing:patents. Patents taken through M111111 co. receive oceannotice, 'without charge, fa the Scientific Rtmcrlcan. A of any weekly. 1. Term�stt3 a IU(VN &e Co 3618r journal. NewaYork Branch Otflce. a'tb ' Bk. Washington, D. G, PROMPTLY SECURED :_• Write for our interesting books "Invents •�. er's Help" end " Dow yew ire swindled." Send ug tit n rough sketch or model of your in - teethe or Improvement and wewill `tell you tree our opinion ns to whether it is probably l avatcntable. Rejected epplkationahave often been Suce.q,f,,Ily prosecuted by ns. We • conduct fully equipped effete in Montreal • and Washington; title qualifies us to prompt. • • ly diapetch work and quickly secure Patents ! as broad as the !martian. Isaghesl references '? frrnlshed. Patents precured through Marley int 11ra• floe mcsIve spout-Lai wotlee w thotct etuar in ,S. over toe newapalners di'tdbpted throughout •t• the D,sninion. •!• Speciatt Y Patent busmen! vt iianufae• 2 tutors ami'I:nsineer,. •ts MARION & IVIARRION 4. Patent Experts and tSelicItorI. �'a'�•.''•."40 )?taloa t New A hYtla��KLI we ' .Henry i