HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-13, Page 2%tutda
. 1 beasts. Just so Gotre word Wits from'
C 0 0 I , 't:::= :1!i'e i;fall,ZE! rol 1 ::-Lrfll'itie. °,,,11;'Ist, iviarket Repo
- tylug end. t shall not be void,
rtall: utt tokm
The Gratin% twit Aloe Iseitet
Vetemenealy ,mt invitation to the
tde.-.+inza of the gespel res. 1 eta 1. lio
--A weed vane; immediate and earnest
attention to ohat is to followeeeiy
onee-reery ikaat•• mbo nee Lem t.eueo ot
need anti ttirdellSO deeille1 fel: these
things rsee Matt. Y. (O. 111 thia Vara*
tele, Tito need, tfe. The provisieee
Matte. 3 Tire Drive, 4 The souree--U not
from the woad; 0 from Christ. It is
t'hrist that 6.111SlieS. To the oaters-
The plural denotes altuntlauce. "In coun-
tries like rakIttltS ititteire water is scarce,
where. there roe many months without
lair). this lieure. would be well under.
stotol." 'These waters typify the bless-
ings ef the gospel. The lioly tfidrit
given in abululano, see dohn iv, lee.
The water of life which. Jesus gisea le,
1, Porte Satisfying. 3. A never fail -
fan eupple.4 no. For all who thirst.
Aateri.flvarious' forms is freillienttY
used in the Svelptures to represent the
graeo of Gott (elec. „nem ea, tie; pee.
Net. O; Fe:eh. Saari. lltltrt Ise.
11). Iltry....wrthout meneyee para-
theeteal eeereeelen. We are to byte sal-
vOieu Peetttne from everetartee
which costae.: between us anti Owlet.
it Matt L. .14, 'ter Luke Nit, 33; Bev.
I. Wine atta milk ktIntaitts ail the
etc,nw II/.4.E)' the grow tia
the aniattal ertunework." Withoat .rte
e- The freenees of the offer is again re-
peated that there May bz uo mistake
and the peereet mad most may xuae
feel sure et a eveleente. Tte. hest thirge
in this werte ate theee oltieltn. -..ey
k.warot bay anti uhich etre nbseheely
frrt,e,tottlhilcasuns. :sunlight. pure water.
Wheracter. teletletattneittp, Lew. forgive -
nee 1. stay. pteivea -these eattnet tae pate
thaeeel, let all twee have theta who will.
117' • trod -
t • ttro r v• vex el..- tete
beke -1r/aside:1M "Sreee sa4Atioll is
ellen:eat anti betergs to tit* Creator it
teautet teem eer,e texture be leveght.
l'ergiver.ees. the gift of the Hole ezviria.
teeesines it elev.:Ye:ea love. tura
hea.)ert, meet receivea as free gifte
teem teat. or thee earsevt be. reteivea
ac ale To weer:mike to emetteree them
weed tle•trey their value-. What is par-
tha..04 tax.t. xcelth. ezieepeerey er.
;,,itemess which we. have p•aiti ter!'
'Whestetere---There ie A remeteetremee
here :reeve:et eartheiteees egeiret trateine
meet ef that olefett le Of the teaee hue
rertereee alrentristee. Net lereaareeeett-
Iteet the -eaa deeett" t thew. 'XX,. 1:).,
with tho "breast of tete etelen Nis tee. ees.
,eatistieth..; sevet-aelea etten give ra•..st. atti
mem."' to *obtain the hettors and p!ea-
stares of this wer!../ nttl ;et these de ne*
eetteee the oeal or ;az. p-zaeu- to the con
:....:terave. reh;lons ... is A ti,V;ivril,.1
Witt:Orit arr.:11tIrg. The at. is A
t'elatitsttat aelecrelheae witaaeat iesdirg reoitZ
Or satisfaction," "Nethang bug, tiout can
meez tlte lootralless desires- et the sl.stlt.
ft:4%.NI teet creatri a single latrataa seuti
,sta•arl nal poor that an the mate:gal
at:het-so can ta it." in fatness --This
evressier: the chorzest
letes.-stegut that tled ElaS.
ere cstreer:e atet sertiseeine tl. Con
litsera X.XxAt. S ;"w. 3. Ineine
rItr ear -ray attention. shalt live
- ts- trere than mere eatsterxe. ihmt
tile spnitaal ,a 'ate in Christ and
Ny Christ Vehat iv. Etertast-
ittg et:au-rant. --'11te cotenant is mate
first with ..‘brahart: ar.:1 renewed wath
David; ea.:. covenant premised el C•brist
in hratui'lation and ending with A
CtreVillt.4.1 4.7.-ertse. esactetteg- royall Nieto-
rite otil A retieerned chatreb.' rner-
sztuts-That the mercies mentisett
Ihavid oral his tease, icse.e. 11. Sam
4. reiveri tette-eGea ceetimiee caring
attentive to the greet .1%e5eeth. He is
thoe wntrat ft?...are of these three chap-
ters- -Davi/ SVAS ifb.O tyl,:rstCh-rrst
the ontityr77; irg supreme royalty.
eacr fors art.i frizrats: Christ an
rasvenled ntafest,;. lent 4is&tettsir.: Lis rich
blossi-r•-gs. altieh He has Treatt„id tits
re-lertartive werk- to all otee recerue
thera." .1. ottneso-llo here ztrazss
trate death ter uhe..l. Efts tatr. to tuts
elarmsatal t.e.ereeete; Leta
lea:ter. ete. -rite '.ss the -.;.',7s.'21t
terigmatiteg- Zants insIttatictes ter ..7.s
purple. (In.% of ear. gritestttezets
wise. powerfe. raf.Kh.h.e. ze
toad as safely thrett;t: t
1.i.;.t4ry reo-sr,!:. l'o 1",a(O
trotes."-3, X% '114e neas•5 ta.
that ne raee .,'-..-st•ingettert..-.7.. nee
eereea:ea erael Feateeree ea; ;La: aef..1 a..
Can a ratitett--7..-r.
a tee'..ao cattre. aaerfaar
ettesZts nee teseseeee."•-• lZortatst
net et.. eeeeettee teeetee reteet veze -
lereeeree nath the eeefe. eeee.
Efee t tee,
/I. teeneetier.-..s c =-; e...ee-
tatten eve. eeet.
'WA; s Vea:: te ste.--•1
haaa I.tai re:at-a:tea:a
t‘t• A tr.:" v(7.,'n tr."
"Three te teret ze_:• cfeee
tiers eteele is zee:: to re.'. tee -
tee teeele sees:ere:I tee ele..ee reeeee..:
thee,: weeee tee ra., r,„.:=ts_ttrasatt.
thrs tr:e is a reeet. flee?
a tree weee keel te ee.
moy tt`....77.1; .."7,.• a tn.::
%teen he re tee Lezeze raze ae.-1 tee
ieeee. teiceeee
reeeeeheeeee.- 7_7
lehe ceeeee.
eeee reeree re:zee
ea tea; "e zee ere
En thee:wee: neseee, reereet eeeen -
theeeee'..vee seee teeecte...• eese eeee.
retteee, :ree- •
ea, eeefeneeel. reest
th,,,,zcf.--,7 •
tlte ar.-.-.:Izrzo
Tire rA-::.•-t1 tot,atte ti..r •
tsI!'::r.s:q27„ it!O areee-ear_e L-
e" re-e-veee Wee hate ted.i:.e-e'ter. 7:WM crs
away tee seeen• way tia:ie• ,eetse
tithee ;‘.** teternte neth In+ whe.o Ise CT-
ri,f474!:a. tr.23,
-71 L4 fee, lee_ tee.
retefeee "M.7,17.1.1701,1r t„..) ItV•
e5L-xt Teems. .eit "Cceeeee. ette.Ze*e-eatiseeee - -
ttre tentezea fhe yeetteeg. tat irreet :sea TItetareeerel:
Siert tee. 843'. fe. ele threezetee dee
eeertearee el • eveae.„ fee-e=e.
for ow word that roceteMit out of ee012
the Meath ef Goa is brestel Merit. viii.8.'
Ilaunieter. IL elo.rtee-So everT Wt
to men. UM prellitete and teen-
manaments i(t9 fltilipOrtalit and berrefi-
vial. Not return voittelt, shall Pot re-
turn without restate. tot'a purposes
shallberealiced. "The full aceomplish-
anent of this verse mei verses le mid 13
is to be at the Jews* firm1 restoration,e
aud the conversion a the world." --,L, Eer
B. 12. tin out with joy, ete.--The
words am uesti. as illustrative of the
People of tied from the di:Reese.-
tion and Drought into gospel prtvileges
under the Christ. They go forth horne1.
lug with joy for the conquest of the
WhoIe 'world for Christand all stature
--the mountaius. the biIIS anti the trees
--take on the nappy eptrit of the ehurele.
The sesult shall be of .the world's re-
newal..-Whedmes Cone 13. Instead of
the thorih etc. -Christ's work in the
wolld la to renstwe the nee se ant the
heittriotee nett t plaet the good and the
helpful. Where tire (!tospel goes sin
must give way to holiness. For a mune.
-That is, "for a menterial to his praise
that Mel uttere *hall be made h easing
'Verne ;e0 te the waters" (v. 1). The
invitation is rot to partake- a a. tew
drops. talthat wilt net sittelsell the 'thirst,
lett eitly iatenelly; not tti a well, which
any thought would eettausts not to a
staguant tend. iron whieh one must turn'
oith regret, but t i running, exhauet-
eve, eaerfeeame feentaint and Jesus
is the. fonntaixt (Zeelt. iii.I), It is Ite
etset.tfls "1i any man thirst let hint
tenne tatto am and drittk." He will. re-
freeh and purify aud satiety,
-Buy oute axle milk." (v. fl.coming
to tuist, cto fount:de a Ihing waters,
we fine uot only water, which refreshes
eml teuistiee, but Witt" which gladdens
anti italk whielt strengthens -everything
esterdial to spiritual life and growth.
Veva offers. stet tatty ueeessities, but hmt-
teee ata, XXV. (11.
' ""! a'evelantly eerdee (v. 7).
1. .AbanaaLata 1:0‘,,, A ttint %•'4
erenata and tetteth end depth tine
height passeth knowledge t}:ph. iiL IS.•
1.When man. in his finite love,
pardons. 1.-e says. will forgive., but I
ear, tuner tolget." (led, la las infinite
Sara., "1 WEI east your sins into
the depths of the sea of oblivion* all&
Vrt.i. 2.Alutratanr tueaus. :the =-
spited we of Gott. the bood ef the
ergicitied ;testis. the interceseion of the
risen telne.4 theee, applied by the ever
the StrS of the weed. 3. Abundant s.ius.
More than nil the *ands a the sea. and
eel the stors et the heavens. and all the
dreps et the ocean. :Ill the leaves a the
traeles. is the Multittlele of the transgees-
eitets which Ooti bas forgiven. 4..A.butal.
taut ease. Seek the Lord, call upon
Saraasko ;Ft."ltr t"Wil way, anti your own
thottghts. return redo the Lord. and he
wen hate nierey. to our tled. ler he will
atniudaritty pareon" (vs., 0,1,1.
Eteereed Frem. eeteeeeesia. Befern Arrtval.
a Meek .S.ea. Fleet,
The Week.
- • owesmotealie
TOronto rarnsers' Xarket.
grain reeelpta to -day Were u2U. Oat
humire4. bashets at white Winiat seine; it P.
lo 404 itea 484 uabJ Ot Oat* at talk
la to atle per la. and .egew tetelital at a re
vs,.lercoivaue. e was in fair supple. gee
prleell generally Wade,. Flutter old et
quiet anti firmer, with sales of trea
hiadi at * to alt tere fee theetbla gat ad.
17 to IS tor taxed. traw is uuetittagati at
.satr a tett for one lead,
drild,_heatim Vtie histilles at
Wheet, white. bushel .. 1 b % 3. Oa
Do, red. hesliel a ea to 1 fd
eeala mean:sea *hi:1 44. 1.011".
.Preaaad liegs .... et) te s
es a r:e 14: 0 4;0!:..e.;1341:::bii:utri 111:15,:gtelio.ei_0.11:140.1.4 ;ati,;:v vt! sItt te :till*: 4:44;5!
APPirs, 1 ee to 2 la
ereamery 0 21 to 0al
Chlektaa. leat Year% lb..... 0 la to $ It
Turkeys, per 10. .. It to 9 it
Cabbaae . •. za
relalaaa, aar tea ee to 0
eeleree per 4) III*
Onlotte. per bag .. 200 to era
.W`Ato.thltgOVrtFra. s la to a la
4,etiele:4, t t,t3
u.dhzoi. =MO al La 7 t;
Ittetteti. per cwt.......... 7 le) to 9 te
Veal. eel' ewhtel to Val
Lamb, sprieg cw.t. La 01 to It sn
Toronto Live Stock.
Reciate at live steck at the city raarItt
uweegsre 7nectorloloasadese.p.emegosed et 73 cattle,. et
Excertere-Prices ranged from te
thela rr re. o sr a tee
twtas °ft Va°
sold .t.t rer met. Bulls seta at SSW.
to =VS r.er ewe. wibt ttnodd cue Of clotte.
quality at $t.
atutthers-Two or three pickea tt l ge-
lato tan% betters anal steers, It"00 ta 1nzt
cazn. et prime qualitp, wer.e reported
111.44vgf. bee aero:.
.eos et ed :rule ;oftt
.1. !a te atee; medium cattle at at to ;vat
mut: ran.71 retcts t43.s0 to er ter cwt.:
best biateber seews. iaaia. to at; cent:Ana but-
eber cows, eta)tbV.Z; cannerta,
Feeders and Steekers--13est feelers. eel te
191 Ms.• se13 ataa.7,4te 1.1a: feeder:a Se.
,7q. V a
rtp "te 4.tzrit°
lee There were ;treat 4 leads et 111-bre‘a
era oattie eat Wert atmeat umateato„ ste.u-a•
selling as law es v...t,o and uIts j3Ib7.
each, soil at U.* to Fa eer eet.
Mitch Cowe---Pricea ranged tram eae t ;-
Veal Calvea-Prizes were f fret at ad to rth
cub. cr tt.t0 te eer ewt., wita a few
Prime qualite at * pet- cwt.
sheep and Larnes-Priete we:* fere. tett
um:hanged. Expert ewee, a:ale to -IWO re:
ewta heeke te Wale per cwt.: lerabe. ta.et
to aa.aa, eaeh.
et la ro• rer ea, r.
ether words,9 to Sz rer /b.
liege.-Prarea ze at $S,,Ka fee eeterts
aud 161e for ligbts and fate, with preseras
ter lower prizee at an eerie' date.
Sze retezeteatig. Jraty RI, 1 The
, Kniac Potemkin esear.F.1 front Theotiosia
before the Blau.% rzea *lee& orrited there
from tk.weasttogu.ol. atati a$ the Ceet end not
,J.I•az into 1heodos:-.1 it is pvesmined the
!, warships aro in parsAtit of the Kniaa ro,
:.'tret!...in. Bat the Aixt:VS received by the
...V7r.r.-alty are meagre ant mostsit eetithet-
-; reg. /t considered possible that "tha
an./ kluartertraster" ...kleoieff. who
:centrum:4 the Kul.= roterakin, was ad-
• vised of the Reefs coming. and ZeftT'e-
any rate. it is etear that she•
, coal'ed front a, British sitii? rettielt &he sub. •
• sFtvaerttly released, ami then salted awa,y.
"the reports as to the direction taken by
the Ivntar Pete:man do not agree. ..lat•
mirat AV/teak:I:. elthl el the ,,zeneral staff.
of the navy,. inforraed the Atssoti.tted
Noss eterres,reralent that cue report
Zi.ol sane/ westward. in the direction
lizva-3:ra. ralsing the suse...zlen that it
is the intention of her crew to bombard
Eting.et(*.r's Str=tter patne. Another
ranter soli when the Kula." Totem.kin
Zast ,seen. she MSS' steaming soath.
rt t z tee eereeeee
Ittis sah..s-r.e•ttent';,: was
Veter.7:•titt zar into 1.!caz„'s.e..:
teee- see Fete eel tete teen czeeeere
se-ae nerserneee feeefee•." tee eeeetetree
eteeeee eeeez sr
hv oren- of' ofEzers ate!:
olatr7:71--ro.1 le sit% the
littet.tesla srvi,no:
_rs- after r,:er eieteee le.exeelers 'ate •
eeecee. e efere eeeerealee <Katie; tee
eeeeeeeey eel eeeseeeehee
7'1'. tl•••
ViSt..---eateeSrereCele Mere vete
es.aefertedlezeseteteeeeese. e, Bat:re= eeerlet.
7ee' e etite."
tikeeeseee ecten-
zee :ea. -erre ereee :2 re Le
ec 17:-...!=eeee t:
zt tter:f...c_i_t-9
" •:.tt 7.:27•.'•
` Cheese Market.
.-ter.evsne. server; ("ftesiego te-a wzre
',I:dol.' white end `..(7X-1 colored; tatat. t.Zze. Satae
eta the beard =.7 at aaee: tease:es oratell.
Deraien-Five fecter:ea offered rt tem: et
Meet:zee theeze at to-d'a teard: no selee
Didearg at sc.,. Is"ext inaeket. Seat:Mee.. ante
•Ceeransville„ gate -At the Natetity zr.vallo
•c.1. the Eastera Teemstape 1":!strim.ezen 17-t*
. %ZS* t -E15 teeday the teIlewieg Chzese erazt
were made: weed. Bowler. 414 a:nee at rse
aferitersen.A set boxe.s at 91.tataa
ddeelge2e? Sees, aaa lieexes at eleee Gure.
aaeste.: & kt beeta at Vaal Lla b.:ata
Vantleek adalle-Titeene weee tKee :•.,:•retz
elteeee bearded ere
'-'111 tbebearkl;:r. tta-4,411.;,;!1,Y
$ai..;- ant wmall mai-- sake: a 2.17;i4
'the ericee theo etreet the r.tze -3i.24"
devaled a etWeee steecere! 1"1"
British Cattle hlarket.
- Loidon. CatV.e. are trazt,a.1: tra
to ireee per leaaa- retraaerater heel'. 9 tz a4.•
ere me, sheep, 7,3 Isa rev In.
BralaStreet'S Off Traee,
Montreal: It is new evident that the
mond midsummer Ittilis bein,„7* tea in
the wheles.-ale trade.. This is partieutarti
' •1 eLporeei Air
The New United. States Secretary ef State.
*+.0-.....÷41.•-++ 4++ 4•4•40.444.-*-t-4-*-+++***4-4-+i-t-+-6-4^-0-+-4-÷4-11-4-4-4-0-+4-0-4,-4.4.0.
ElOyster Pay, July ye -Official announcer:tett was made hem to -day that
beet Root has teen apeoiuteSecretary ef State.
`The anneunceraent was. made to -day en authority of President Roosevelt
e in a. statement elven out as fellows: "Ellin Root has accepted the tender
by the Fresideat of the Secretaryship of State. He will take the oath of
effize in a couple ef week; but it will neecesarily he seem little time before
he elos.es ep his businem affairs. He will net go to Washington permanently
anti( _gime time ia September.'"
+4- - - - 1 1 I )-÷+4-4,-11-+•4•• +4-411-4-4,441-4•-•-411-4•+4.4144-4, +++44-$-4
• - . - -
y . • - - • ^ • • ^
fee Georges Speeches Must Chill the
iestalett. Jule IL Lever, Pert
averetee.- _ • .....
.erpeel Peet, see„:e: "1 feeto. eeteet
Mr. W. K. George's; speeett the eke:et-
eet indiettien ef •sey intentien tt i•ive
Etetiieh ina.aniactlarz.sri: flit" et7.-,,rtittirty
Stipplying the eatadieri maiket wt t
any artieie that eats ley any possibiaty
he made in Canada. Mr. tleor;e's sEteeth
was vxav.tly the sprtech that XvOtaa
_Matte bY usaemity repre-ser.tatir,s
oZ any of our eoltmies., an -.1 triTzArs tO
'Me to entirety cut tee grettret from nre
tier Air. Chanzherfain's stater:it-at asta
1•7.W,ti.%_;1a mandltsetttred artires. .fo ray -
mini. it is Charntertaies amt. hts.
towors who :msg. Nittr. Mr. titze•ree'S
.etetement. va;th
He Fenzel Papers to Rob Melee -rem OM
New Yerk, 2iney le.-Jarnes 5.
,41fte. a lawyer. ettirrleteti tut' fer,...„-ery, was
IIIInny Canadians at the Iniernationai
Baltimore report: Ineeming trains
t e•tlay brr/A thonsantis of additional
tletegates and visitors to the ildni In-
! ternational Cent -elation of the Citri.iar
«Endeaver Seziety. Every State in tho
;Utter:. Canada.. ar..1 rcar,,y foreign coign -
tries are re.prosentel here. Pteee,Iing
5 the formal opening ef the eenventien
Zeta. in the Aftet..-11.ton there 'MM.' hell n
tee:inets ntseting of the Uniteti wiety
t_N: C:2rie:iert En -leave:. rt:orp•-matioug. at
effieers and trtzstecs for the an
't :sting year were eleeted and natienal
reports were pr;sersted. An the e.!...1
aeaS tUt-
ere reav:eettei.
Pieseatent WAS net present ew-
t. Bey. Dr. banitli
1.ker, Po.rtiami. Me.. Will preside at
". the s:setees el the cenventlem. tleer,o,,e
rtdrlArzer of tee publiehine
ea:talent. reeortel the reeeipt ler
i fee year as P. an3 the exper.aitures
eljd 77.7:, tenting a east: ba!ame of
Inetttio/ in the expentitnres is
r ezr.tribure_i by the publishing de-
k7artrazr.t• t.7.o the United Szeiety to
Convention, •
the eme la eery gektds., The wz.,,,gesAte to.day sentenced to eighteen ,yeans .-arry ..en re week ef erganizatieu aril
berms are taki adsantege ef this teeteiseament itt iatt Sirg bee Reeezeer tr-ttliZr7'14r:L''
'-altow their etaffs their uetmlleelleya "'The r2...mr-ttrm eeze
There is. however, cceseeeratee Ceice
the way'ef erepat'atilea fer tale fele eele.da eftetee 1.-z. twenty 'ear..
-1E'reeelere who have been en tbe• rz.ad The fergeriz-s were reramitt in etti
'with 141 lines report fairly gc-....eul °Niers ; &Its t"tittof tte L
ara ther -4t. the vetruee- in
• ...
..t;e71 Mary J. ter. Ittll..-tent of /far-
- r....
T..... et.
ab. ars! ansi. rezet-"tta.re eel cee.e.elflees are
fair to prevel. Tiee catteeek fee fetraet
trade le ett Zir.S.T.C=4.11".taZa Ver$
- Tc.reattet Gerterat tra,le wudat-te=h-frot
tiznTretty =nett analtered..Th
ornzt=o, ...Tin 15
1kt-A .7.:m tXZerta.tr ort.tots
-.Attertifee rias 3re. Cliver* attorney -I;
Atter 'L.::: cuttratroll -un
reeseeselee, rs eareee p:rtien
r: estate.
A teere.05 STATIM.V.
". a el."7-ntr.n7-ieli 7-'.. att* iztr. 'thx;'.C*1}. int -- z tn"•=-s f
.'ez G. T. P. ant Cr-ta- i
tz t,,...,A.z, 1....:::..71 12,;.r.,.. •-_i r.
ttg trezo =ewe -a:eve Me ta.te rerseen tel it -1..nesa...ta.;:e2.-..---•
1....4=0„. Tilt ..r....,c,,,.......zt 1.= r...,...30iteir -1 a7.:..eeteee. •::-_-..y r.,,..-,..-2. !
a zee:el e;z1se-. ef sestet. feees.le -...e -ea -aie t --Se --- -. ea -... ,.... --s .teeet prime eive !eel Crean ...ftird here 'I . .,. . .
- . -
este aix* .1..emeelee Levee tee,.. ,,,. , „e_e - a Z.:.t.:_77., ..:7:7•:', :'` citi.f...1=.77.1i -,,.-E,-..
zee e...eleee eeeeee eettea... =.e.7... .4e_ef tee i ' .,..., 42: ,..... - .. .,....-..., C - ...--2. ..:.---.I....- '
1M,..fr „.7,Zu-Z„ a, stucgt i .7.-:.: .,: .: ri.J117. I.7..:.72- %.•1:e --,ares._•_ _
iraze.•,.._;_.,,,,ze tarti-p. 1.,s,Z ii::::: -.7. .7„.It'.; *1;::Z:1:147:-.7.2.':7V.F. ..".."-:-",
ItIOZZ=.z.,,,,,-,-,-.....,1s.. ,_.,...:-_-,- ,-_-_-.., t:y..,., r:_:.7:::'-.- €--
Atee-eism.. - eerteel ea -zee -tie -az '.emes.haer 1:".ezt - lee. leer.= ea2...:-
Jreeitk. ceeeeete eene. eil...r.voz. wept. 1 .:.t.7:tr.i.-3, .;-:::z 7.7!:,..c.zel.:::.;
i - - ,
. Lem:!.'s trx(r w,......:.: q.r.vett... .( 2-4...z.._...- ..:' .:. ,:,-_-:_-_-..: tenr.:_..--...z.„.., „tr.., a. ,e_e_eeee
Ver-e.e_eeeses 17.te 'E•zmr,,,F enema cif a wessee : _._ a-7,efiet
te 'la= a eere:_learatear eaaxea 'aanctie trails !!...7. • :.... .E. 47. ‘7.:t.L....I:r..,
T. -.....-r '.7.-a- .s. 77-...-....= il-•:...t :za wse: It ala.- vow li - ..-•-_ -•:•:-..-_-, v.:. ha raa.1.: v,:.
e- 5aagter-_-_Tz comiltires,„
f:-.7 fr._ tralr pawl. bet
^ _-_-•
.7: ...ie.! 1•177. reetae
. . •
1,11 -21_1=217_
ore LP. tt
'- r- .11-
4* i_eaeeet .
1.a tw. et: t:Ce • -die-ea:tee* ear_ ;
_ r
---,..,.:,...- ,--:•,..-,-.747....,r....----2"s4.1,. . tlz.77 V -
s: piehtty .ita. 1 I..
F -n:27 -7•X gr---4"ta.- ...'s-"mienie,;""i:7'-' ••.'l.Mir4 .1.1"tIltf±..: R7-7•3• rd...'.•7
a 7: C..72.v22. EtZt.--2 et ti
piwk-ta'..1 1.1.`4".1• '301.4-'11,-.-_-_,,t‘...-":- Z1 lia::_ii..!
,L,-tacL-A. i Fi:et Ezete. ft
Vieteee ezd Vanezete-reet tre._e_e emcee i Zee .7.7,- -,
PAr---7:r ttx,i,e5a 4.7;:.".:S,r..•.-.F. ez.;-.4-2 :4: a 7..eatt ize.....tal: tee -are z.Z.
an• Ezz...-t 4:171 :LIT ,-.----raam",;.- frtt exalt tit=ez.',. 7..z: .1". ---.......-gl.: f.:,.: -.n, ..r-: E a atleeze.
'w.,:".r *et:tee ; e- (7.7:!.-;......77 9:2.- .:1-gt.:7.• 7.1.:::_r..! r.:17 T:7_ : 7..t. r•
1.:,..5L1.:4•„:1.tIti nr.Y. r_91m..a.tc•!:!7.7.-r-s's?.,_rtra _.::•••:. rzt are --.1.tt .-'2,--•,...-:. tr.= 7:7_1- I: at ;
'is nt.h 73....ler,., Tarn za a seal #:;;E! re'el• :Tan, --- a7,-,- cee a..e. cae. erseee ;zee; ce. I
-,---- reeteeeer Le.4.r.e. :eves el eee. 7.:t_--, ',. l'....Z7'.:Z ='.., ..-
''...:1 V:..:1 ,:- ,
,...?.. ei..-.7.-....- ' r.•:-..-.7,.-:2, a -L., 2-....:1,...---1:...-..t1.
2. ,2:•.:1,1 z-7.X.z.,.....
t• --.7r Eazt ra2." atan'a‘a-11-7 *17 Tea. r-^";a1rHv a :::: t:7:: ..z. taas zeraeaata ha -2- a.
4.-.•_.-1,-., mfazr_ru ay. r2:427-÷:•----,,!•.- - ea ele reeel aa tee trea'aez 1....'7...2". !
1 "..,...ii ..'e."(..L ....* r .....,.......-1. 1.11'......"..I.V.r. SZ7 tted i 1 .t: : - ,S.1 "13,1' 'ZI :: :-7::77.:4.1 ! .1:-.' ::-:".N. i
1 :.:.. :;-""...0 t".2'.1.121'...:.! Z.,:..i. i_C-°!.._:; C.: '-- '7 !•
' -""'''''' l'''i ---"t1;ra 51 '''' I *CZ:II' L.-117:r:'.7t* !;:.: :.1... ..:,..:,...:7, '• .:::. '_: ...v.:, :'. _" .t.: -T:.
:7".,..-17.*.7::t'';.‘7,„.......-::.2t.-11.-:-."'Ithy.,e,sel--21'::-:'-:::-7.-..;; ,-::.. 2-n--% ::-.2 t;, -.*-2.'.:-.....; .:-.::
13 !a ter a=fleraa..'":_eae.
Lee -_.
-•---- .-l-
i h "0.--. LI .:-:.". ' - - ' .:4 ;She has atet, ,.,...
f:S •ATIC3:11.1.A. ! .1.- ...-7,1. 5.7 .-24:......; C-: tee. arteetiee as a
. • c -. :. , ..• . .,„ : ., le, . eireeet.
- ',' t:.:.:.'. .7 . . r,.„.... T. _., t.... -t . „..
'0,71 .17 Ir.: -!...,:e_-_-`'.---7 .._.1....• ,........ L.,,., ' • - - •'-t r '-i. h ("' 1: Lti:..tr.y. go, farthev
____:.= _:_11,::::::.„::: )7..a...-:t:ITe...C.e7.r...a: 7: '="; I. t'2: C',.'-:::e1:-.e_tv4t.'12 eneeee te meet attereet
t..::C Li OS:',.:V.9ig74.1 teat .treart 'eta
Manttiaetzters Given. a Cordial Welconae
Fee.eaee-eee zee, te-reesteent Blarate. the
reenrae: ea the Clet=tn. e Cernmerce. the
Freer:a% tar Be:art Craneton and raeme
tees ea Lae Ceezza weteemel the visitine
etzereae:e. Cer.alian Ilattutartutere
3:Tival attelen from
leezteeee the Lert Provee4
lasa_tetien te the Cenadians
teem:ever of the au-
tz:.:zrs :tzvsr
aet(terislen Ilig,li-
ic George
'r'.772res.tn'tifg• the Eta,,
nt:;e:vo the ft.:cavil: cr tiro city.
t of the Canadian,
-hasztifati.Va. ver..!ind.
2iltt41" -011 regret at
L•7. ;resent, ZS ta ts at eete.;-
: ie. ea- e maKeee. reatizal areeeh.
s:et eat tte Cenailate te
ea Las beene et(
Lee.e.a--e.e.. Tar rellee 2Daze;eaeli. Wee sett
-1,:aree eled, en a:ea:eta-et to visit laalke!th.
e ales waa te te-deer.
Taree was a ter the leera Preecet
-7 ae.eee.e: (e.! 2a:4:Lea:eat% at the etter zaam-
e va.ets1V te male
ei.eare, ale! =,etty witt ga. tCGlaseene.
into the dust and forting ft useless bat-
tle which will result in the loss of tete(
of thousands of lives, Bite may prOillice
a eataillyent of anarchy greater thee
that of the French Revolution, Windt,
Will OM itilaeilt DO GOVCrillitea to De•
gotiate with, besides threetening the
peace of Europe. The usual precedents
'for the conclusion of a war gre reversed
in this case. An armistice generally pre-
cedes an agreement on the time and
ileace for a meeting of negotiators. Now
that the eteps which usually follow a
suspension of hostilities have been ar-
ranged, why should dapan, simply be-
cause she enjoys the advantage of the
military situation, inflict Another de-
feat, with its accompanying slaughter ?
Nothing would, be gained by it, and
much might be lost."
e :
Pelee ?Mew:eats First Be
ree-e-' •"`"." 1,•
.•••••:f4 aseer-
.... •
fece-e cfreest seereee teat an arm
cereet L,42' tr.-CL',1*.i:Qd.. japan hos
run:una. that slto will not cen-
ts -rt.: t: t:".1ttt tee Ittrqsreat
Las torre_y eon:tett tho
_ T-uti.:t1 Via tt.?t
aesele tenet:r-
e:- tee
slaztal..ton, regardlteg the oxalis.
rs as -4t i:ssla has
7: f 7 .7. aeaea. net arty
the rectEtettiett et tee
-ceeneeeete. telt es a treat
tee ie. leereeet c rate:tr.:se to et:a
tru.rileed tame afire
tot Ita!tors
talat... eta" teaa;ata.4 area Waae di le-
lietara0tly leta rz f 1nt.nn.
fr Thee we
teetent heee. eeate,
rattleat tct1 1L.
pre,t•rus, vorv. ere? f.eeee 7rites meet::
ret be wieheee feeetee, Tete I eel' ue
vcr:os, rea;.1!4 rer.'dza; 7.-m-
11',V5 t? ,3eTs ecr••
sot iati.ort of the, n.±...1*feee.i4,7i.,2.i.tvle-.41,
9 et:fee. ta reeee Ip t'32
an_ • ate ft? Pettete.
Platte pterre t f tfettaal-f_.
Itatqattia t &tat ett. WAS e*OA alai
Veee tittaae • eaa_e
' ePara.
te'dez ee_e_a_ee.
1;.1 ..tt.nt.lt7ntar.......
&anti in 'LP. -
ars': 422:
ree zee -men v.e.1 t:
...I. •
terren_Leeee 2.7."../X:„_'• V
- • .
- .7" ;•'7::__.;4
4".: ..7•"" 'e
'• „
elle:7e. len' se:tree:el tee, te,eseset. Neer
tete, lee et:a:erre, fettlier te,a`tat-
Directors to be PrOsecutcd on 4 C14411041
in the Equitable came created a bier,
stir arum Lite directora and officers of
the society stewed in the Hendricks
report. They maul it now as pretty
certain that the district atorney is
going to bring ermine! proceedings
against some of the men cemented in
the ecandal. They have beerd that
he wants to prosecute tonne of the
directors on a charge of compiracy to
defraud the society, if he is unable to
get them on any stronger eltarge.
Along ^vitit the pews of Mr. Jerome's
purposes, a pretty definite MC/1i WIIS
current to.day, that enough evidence
'Call of President Epworth League Ilivaltst rbitenetntlortutilinhaleitivirioiseottteronsnnaarntdertshat•t)
(.)--f. the
the next report a Superintendent
Hendricks would- show that officials, of
the Emiitable made use of the funds
of the society in stock margin. trans.
aetions in the name of the society,
which enabled them to profit by the
lik:alettecrSeautpeetirint.estiul'beent roefporItnsjular4anelet
was stow investigating this spatter, and
that he woule ehow in his final report
flagrant violations of the insurance law.
- - .
at Denver.
Deaver. Cale July 10. -Tao eeventh Inter.
national convention al the elpsvarth otqile
opined to -day with tbree einsultancoua meet-
ings, wbich taxed to the utmost tho capaelty
of Coliseum Ball, Trinity Methodist Ilpise0-
pal Church, and Central Presbyterian Church,
the largest auditorium le this city, Fully
20,000 delegates and visitore have been at-
tracted to Denver by the convention.
The Chairmen of the meetings wore MAN,
Berry, of Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. ROO= J.
Beaten, of Chicago, Niter of the Epworto
Ilerald. and Rev. Melvin Taylor, Of (plebe%
Canada, Governor McDona14, Mayor Spoe1
and others made welcoming adaresses, and
responses were given by the Rev. J. IP. Mold,
of St. Paul, Rev. Dr. John Iliendloy, of Long
Branch, X. J., and Rev. Johis
of Indianapolis.
"Young Life in the Church" was discussed
by Rev. W. T. G. Drown, of Kingston,A0nte
Rev, Dr. Fred. Winstow Adams, of Schoen-
tady, N. Y., and Rev. Richard llobbs, of
atrathroy, Out., spoke on "Soul -winners;
Their Equipment and Work." The principal
speakers at the evening evasion were Rev.
Mark Guy Pierce, of London, and Prot. A. C.
lanutzon, et Meadville, Pa.
"Methodists need a great awakening, some-
thiug to arouse them tb a lasting sense ef
their vaet duties as Christians," said Rov,
Jes. Berry, Pre.ident of the Epworth
League, to -day. "Our Chureh, as other
ehurebes. is eo eenneeted with the opirit
cf commercialism that the Spirit of Christ
O s. crowded into the backgraund."
The Dpworth League, has about 1,050,040
member, Bletep Berry raid, and is constant-
ly growing.
e -
Canadians at Great Gathering in Bette
July 10. -The second day's ses-
'International Christina Endeavor-
ers' Convention was presided over by Rey.
Geerge B. Stewart, 01 Auburn, N. Y. An
inarres:th•e prayer was offered by the Rev.
Ralph W. Brokaw, et Utica, N. Y. Win.
:Thaw, of lie:ten, delivered an address mien
-What Christian Endeavor Ilas Done."
"A Sheet Talk to Young People" wal
the subJeet of an alaire,s by Rev. Dr. 'Wm.
N. MeElveen, of Borten. This was foliosved
by an addrez,s by Rev. Albeit Swift, 01
Lendon, Preekient of the London Chrietian
Endeavorene Feaeration.
Tee afternoon ees..ien of the eonventien
was Cevote3 to a "junior and intermediate
rally." preAdel over by Rev. Dr. Ira Lent-
rith, President of Belmont College, Nash -
iib, Tenn., with Percy S. Foster, of Balti-
more, as conductor of the junior choir,
The programme ineluded a "welcome song"
by the Baltimore Junior Choir, with a chorus
et Lee° voices, and prayer by Rev. Alexaader
Ester. of Toronto, Out.
At the conference tiffs afternoon at the As-
seelated Coneregational Church of. officers
ef all State and local Christem Endeavor
leniene, a plan was endorsed for the cele-
bratiou et the aetli anniversary of Christian
landeaver by a gift et In cents from eh
Endeaserer to eran an international head-
quartere building.
Wind Storm Wipes Out Families and
Carries Away Houses.
Noeana, • Texas, July 10.-A tornado
and thunderstorm passed a few miles
west and south of here this MOrliing,
killing fourteen pereons and injuring
merry others and destroying a number
of housee The lateet reports from the
stersn-swept district give the following
Deati-Mrs. C. C. Shnekelford, Miss
lalutekelforti (daughter), Mre. S. E.
leusiblesou and three children, Mrs.
Mary Lester and four children, Caleb
WItite, Mrs. Irb Lb Williams,
Frank Takin, killed by lightning.
.Many farm hottees were swept entire-
ly :May. The eeitool house three miles
%met of here. Was damaged. Reports
et the werk of the tornado are still
corning in. The number of kilkd and
injured will probably rem% sixty.
Montrunt. Texas, Jule ;i. -Ten. persons
are dead. as a result of a tornado
ohlett paseed over Morange Ole after.
nom. They ares ..k. le Ease; Miss
Sadie Earl, daughter of A. P. Earl;
park., Earl. ;:on; baby of Lawrence
Pilhert Tontliuson familaa consisting of
trusterrul, wife anti lour ehildreu. Many
lemeee were demolished, inelediug fir.
teen avvellinge. The tortInatr per-
haps thirty minutee. Hundreds of head
vf eteck were titled.
.= • t
British Columbia Growers Will Real) a
Rich Harvest.
pteera. July 9?. -4448. Atexander MeNeila
Crud exeert et the Deeartnient et Agrleut-
cure. retureel lealterdiey trent a trip te
paaaat coltatibia, where he was its ceased.
tattea with the fruit growere. tesys Met
.5 the Poit.idonds ard in the valleae oil the
Facetae Previttee the tete,/ men ore reama3
rzult havtest. Pittarie wilt have ta leek to _
Re lit:teat it it there're te met e fair ehare et
Will join in Petition for Royal ArCallilin
New York, July lee -Assurances ee co.
operation have been received by the cone
mittee of nine appointed by the united.
councils of the Royal Areanutn in Brook.- .
lyn and Long Island front seven grand *-
jurisdictions, as reqUeeted by tee laws of
the order, to mistiest a special meeting of
the supreme council.
These seven States or jurisdictions are
New. jersey, Pennsylvania, elassachtts-
etts, Rhode Island, Connetticut, elary•
land and Michigan. With New. Yari:
they will make mid, and the committee
have not taken into account Illinois anti
Indiana, which have not been heerd Irene
but which are in perfect sympathy with
the revolt.
The committee men are confident that
they will have at least 12 States behind
their petition for a supreme convention
of the supreme council when it is pre-
eeted to the supreme regent.
, e
Accidents at Nev, Hamburg and Mac-
Leod, N. W. T.
New Hamburg, July 10-A youngEng-
lisinnan named Briddlebank was drown-
ed while bathing in the River Nith
evening. His clothes were found lyinfe
upon the bank, and when seareh was
made his body was found near the.
hank. lie was employed in the Hahn
braes works Item and came from Liver-
pool about two 3:eare age.
Macleod. Jely Joine-en wzui
drowned in the lake nt Cerlee,•' het/L-
ing place to -day. The two Cr:bile:A boys
had a narrow escape. The decea.eed was
z. UM Of 0. R. Joitnaon, ranker and v.
butcher, The body was not recovered.
- •
Montreal Merchant Fined for 'laving
Wedding in Shop Wmdow.
Montreal, July 19.-Decorder Weir, to -r133
impored a fine of SIO or two months' bn-
prisonment on C. A. 'Workman, the .:tore -
keeper, who had a wedding in his window at
the corner of McGill and Notre Dance streets,
recently. The accusation was infractlea of
the civic: by-law by causing a crowd to sol.
1(h:t and Impede traffic. Mr. Weir in his ver-
dict scored the ministers who performed the
ceremony, by saying: "I cannot but alas
condemn the conduct, of the clernmen,
whose names bare net been disclosed before
me, who lent their names to tins shameful
prostitution of a sacred rite." Toe stora-
keeper was also condemned for naiog sur.la a
device. An appeal was taken.
Were Thrown From Their carriage in. a.
Beaver Falls, Pa., July 10.-Ctara A. Wella
a daughter of Charlea Wens,
dent and General Manager et the Nattoual
Lead and 011 Company. Penneylvatala. was
kilted last evening and Me. Wells was eeei-
ously im3ured. The young lady was drivina
her father to their country home when the
horse became frattleus and stb, were thrown
over an embanktnette
Miss Wells en ber head end was.
kUleti instaetle., her neck teleg broken_ Ifer
tattier was readered mazonscietts ana was
badly eitt abent the head. but his lag:trice are
not dangerous.
Careless Maid Left Its Carriage Standing
by a Lake.
Newhergh. N. Ye attly Itt.-Att infant
grandson of Mr. Muriel,. a wraith"
brewer of New york. was girownol
day in an ornamental take it the gratupts
ot the 'Weld estate. The rause, oho
had been wheeling- the teerriage .contave-
log the infant. left it ter a menient. and.
ott returning found that it had dimp-
peuret). .sathiert gest of wind hating
Wawa it down a bank- into tbe water.
The nurse's eries summoned members
of the family and work:ten ea the es-
tate, and no time -arcs lest in dragging
the lakte!„ *when the tatriage teas recov-
ered with the heely .of the little tone se-
eurtly stropped in it.
Says Another Nan Used Ms Name in
Buffalo Robbery' Case,
- the Vent Imeineel /a tZte asetera prey/live& l4ttatifetd. allay IN -W. J. Cte/and,
ettl.:11k,11, 11;1 twt ttttob‘1:•viletixttve. latzitt;4., ats tet; slittEtrt;iv vitt ttL.,titeetja.a,sztteitiw,"antzli.dbe,e;:
ree...e. et rental% le eaueea yea tamale tee -teebeti of eqlete estretete., lee ae..!altitS
eel et davau.t ta mtpalst tAK. •itaving been tla that Vita'. teet .as tfie
TO. 110 S;t1Z1 tb?.• tette Iv vet weo,e
.-t ooas
're tee. err. Masetti meaearel 11, itatest ateti.e.1,•1\k," 1145 et5tta-4 ISOtt.4 1t
el Ole t't•.,1N atta *'t4 01 Mee 1104C4 !•tstt",ht o•t aig OV11‘. a a*
tt(".111.•.‘ia tr,*et it. tttair of the. North rnth Cam-
laar elated: iteeanitieeet, Feeta etee eher.
Inissieners. es....11tierteart• a rts-rnr-kr
CIRCUS MEN ON TRIAL, tho stlteel tweed ;vet te Wel-Ma:NM
_ keekellettle.
Two, Celoml Uctt ttIttomi 0 ,Uort
TM= fin Carrying Ann& tattatteitt PLOODID.
• ""2' , . t..bco„ ,itity to: 'rho tliat itlik tants lteniaAr ttItti Abrooly, tWes water
• L Attott;t:t.
• art, L:ronss ttte•
- •0, z telere
• .:
ti.•••••••,.; t ‘' cr4,. \tee
• Pa T 171. kta atesal
e -*".:, le • .
1:.41'.11,1 f.&:tori!..tes tel,1
• a -r eeee se. aleeetatt.., ••••r•iort a t,ei.leeesaeeaataa :tlifheutttwrsotourat8,1:
Zolic"," stwtitt;s: of. on
1.4 t2,1c4. Tryt Vu, tee • 1,s,1,m ettlee at Rohettal v
Near ats. Halt
Ilattitatoo,.. VI,Z....191‘ Ift.---Tt-.1, biro
'Pat nal eeetielle et thae b-astt.-s•Au dlisIrrA ci
trtie eeta ttlee ietalaeo rere.e, nee getet:t al
;a vleteeter..st in tt'..e...ti:'......,...-,-,- k,...••• -..'..1i. ...,ts.!
... tr.? yi " wacietsks ask.% rItti.
':,'. Pt a ,),C,IIP:". Oki oe Ataltdreicl her he Isx,:sm: sk'rttl')--.0•'.. txt:•'-•*A.• lit'''Is4`..?
;11IttL*I't,!' i'', seta iti tw,,,,..1.,,,,, at tsr-er, Aril t't_k Inaell %.1.•antt.zo. ottn'e., 1.t.v.,e7,.-71.
:tat': "MO 110,1 l'Ot.'1101 rics4intu4ti."4. JIM VarItt•q, t; te..lial,s_VI 4.)t tri,,,.r....t. Vet'
•,it'l attll hreere. hello twee leveret guilty letv.,1 en an tinee teteeeet tileeee.?e 11%cs
es9 tvataitat tittettue4. vosttrary to lAwiotVro4 pore of rt., vV,iy i, t.',..,ai..trIzr.:•el_
At!,t v.,,,Itol....k1 to itet ter ,dt -re te e t ls't tv . ". s " '''' ' '
L:. Tto v•a4 l'ilti*rithtt. Gra z=tit•-ottrent tA b
S t t17.t'
4111:i'1!t tia?+•
- • eSt e.t.a', stew ice ".
-,; r • ieeteLeree.
'Lee zee ee_ a:: I e' sex. 124
reeeee rr • 1.• rP.'s ortt 544
nun. 111 1 1111111111111 1 111 111111u. .1.111.11 11 , 11,1.
10'1 t {7..`t4!t1' tMe-tt l‘t1.o h,‘i:t.:L.vq.4. its the tete lit, ee.l -eve!: 11ta.,a1
Iteae • etleves oteee dieetiWtree eha oN.N eta. VOA avn
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