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The Wingham Advance, 1905-07-06, Page 8
3 8 8 c et oc00000000000p000coweevat 12300000001 ©t0©O0CiCX.W.K.7, LI 3 .' 3 8 SUMMER Is dere, and I Am Here With the Goods The Largest and Best stock of Sporting Goods ever shown in town. Bargains in Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Lacrosse Sticks. My Camera Department Is Complete. Full instructions on Picture Taking and Making "free to all." Buy a Camera from us and not from the dealer that simply "sells" and lets you do the rest. Take the advantage of Free In- structions and make a success. Plate Cameras from $2.50 to $22 kept in stock. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Try us, and have your work done neatly, quickly and cheaply, R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer Wingham n Ontario 0 8 TUE WINOHAM. ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1905. ▪ 1 ! 111,.1. 1 41111111000111111 Tan Shoes Are "It" The coolest, cleanest and most comfortable hot 1 weather Shoes are Tans. They are regular foot Icoolers. There's been a goodcleat, of talk among shoe people about Tan Shoes going out of style, but they will be The Shoe this Summer. 1 Tans Will Not Stay Down. 1 Now, just when people want Tan Shoes, we have them in all the new shades and durable Istyles. Women's Tans, in high or low cut, $1.25, $2.00, $3.00....Men's Tans, in high or low cut, I$2.50, $3.50, $5.00. One or two pair for your vacation or outing will be desirable. THERE'S NO SUMMER SHOE 1 LIKE A TAN. See us for Trunks and Valises. W. J. Greer, The Shoer •ali 1 . ii 1111111 1 - h 1 11 .. 1 11 ®sis®tea» 1 ,1.041 •♦♦♦P♦♦MO♦♦•m♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦144: Bluevale. ® THE WINGHAM •o Miss Ruby Duff is home from Har- ♦ 2 rowsmith. Mr. Fred Davy L nl children spent the lst with Mr. and • h i Mrs. Gannet. Mr. J. J. Messer of Hamilton visited his old home here last week. Orland Baker of London is visiting his parents at the parsonage. Rev. W. B. Smith of Woodstock visited at his home here one day last week. Mrs. A, Farrow of Goderich spent a few days with her neice, Mrs. R. Mus- grove. Mr. and Mrs. Petch and Miss Ed- munds of Listowel spent the First at R. N. Duff's. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elliott, of East Wawanosh visited relatives in Blue - vale this week. Misses Lily and Fanny Paterson of Wingham spent Monday at Mr. Wal- ter Paterson's. Rev. W. J. West went to Whitby on Friday and returned on Monday with Mrs. West and the children. Rev. M. D. Madden. of London was the guest of Rev. Geo. Baker on Sunday, and preached morning and evening. l6usiness College : ♦ 2S Given Free. ••rTo the successful boy or girl writ- • A ing the Entrance Examination in the • Wingham Public School and obtaining the highest number of marks, a • • THREE MONTHS' • SCHOLARSHIP COURSE will be given FREE. All information s), • in respect to this offer will be given A • by calling, or writing the Principal. 0 AN. Reginald Fletcher, Princ•ipal • ® E. Pearl Hunt, Lady Prin. •♦ ♦ Geo. Spotton, Manager A s♦om♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦o♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • FOR SALE. On easy terms, 50 acres more or less, being east half of Lot No. 18, Cou. 9, in the township of Kinloss, or might exchange for House, Apply to THOS. DOBIE, 42-45 Chesley, Ont. 4 How About Some New Window Shades ++�+f140. i4 The kind that will neither fade, curl nor crack, are what we sell you. The spring roller is also a con- sideration ; leave it to us, and you will Set the best ----one that we guarantee to give satisfaction. Ielnlore, Mr, it. Batton was a visitor to town 011 Sunday last, Mrs. Robb and slaughter are the 1 'e guests of Mrs. J. Mulvey. , . Mrs. Powell is spending a few days with her son, W. J. Powell.. Miss Hood of Sunshine attended the Clark -Stewart wedding, also Mr. Clark, Sen., and Mr. and Mrs. Will. David Farrier of St. Helens is re- trip to Quebec by boat and home by city afternoon and also the one at Stewart of Bowling Green. Mr. and ' newing olcl acquaintances in Belgrave. rail. The editor reports having bad Westfield on Saturday afternoon pass - Hemingway and the Misses McCul- an enjoyable there 70 in lough of Teeswater also attended the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bartley of Brasouting, being wedding. . sets spent Sunday with their mother. the party. The annual report of Bluevale - Miss A. Nethery, lst line, Morris, Miss Edna Calder's music class will Methodist church has been printed spent last week with friends around give a recital in Industry hall in the and shows that the finances have been Belgrave. evening' of Wednesday, July 19th. bliss Carder has gone to a great deal well sustained. The pastor, Rev. Geo. Misses H. Waist and L. Fleuty of of trouble training her class and an Baker, looks well after the interests of WIngham spent Saturday and Sunday enjoyable program will be presented ; the circuit, and his people appreciate at Mr. John Vancamp's. in addition to Miss Carder's pupils, his efforts, both as a preacher and a first-class outside talent .bas been se- . ti had the ex- • p D:Ir. Dan. 'Wheeler h, s cured. WEDDING. -The residence of Mr. I teriot of his dwelling house repainted, Thos. Stewart. Bluevale, was the scene which adds to its appearance. The C. P. R. contractors at work west of our village, are ready to cross of a happy event on Wednesday, June On Sunday, Oth inst., Orange servi- the road between the townships of 28th, when his daughter, Pearl Esther, 1 ces will he held in Trinity church, Bel- East Wawanosh and Hnllett, opposite was married to James Clark of Sun- grave, at 2.30. Rev. J. Edmonds will lot 40, in the 1st con. of East Wawa - shine, township of Morris, The core- preach to the brethren. _ nosh. The cutting for the railway atmony was performed by the Rev. G. thispoint is about 22 feet deep it Baker, at 0 p. m.., under an arch of Mi'. Wilson, Chief of Police of Carl- 1 ; evergreens and flowers out on the ton Place, and his mother, have re- therefore becomes necessary for the - lawn, and in the presence of about 90 turned home, after spending a few ' Railway Co. to construct a highway 111iss E, Edwards has returned home to spend her vacation under the paren- tal roof, A. Gallagher is again amongst his old friends after a term at Owen Sound Business College, Mr. Collins. and 111r, McQueen, teach- ers, have gone to thou xrsptctrvth hommes for their vacation. Mrs. D. K. Livingstone and eltilclr'en of Moncrieff, and Miss .lcssn. Milne of North Bay visited at the home of Mr. Jas, Murray this week. The Presbyterian church will bold a lawn social at Mr, McICee's of Bel more, on Friday evening, July 7. Wingham Band to furnish program. The baseball team front Behnore took in Formosa on July 1st, but was hindered from playing by rain ; the game will be played in the near future 011 the pack here.. Mr. Edwards has been beautifying 1' S (lilt byputting new fence list(. home around it. Mr. . $wards is to be con- gt•atnlated on the improvements he has made since buying his place. The people of this burg purpose go- ing to Clinton for the 12th, and those that do not go will entertain in Bel - more. No doubt some of, the Clifford people will be on hand to help as is their custom. This season seems to be one (>f dan- ger and accident, not a barn raising has taken place within reach of Bel - more but some accidents have occur- red. On Thursday hast, Mr. J. Hamil- ton raised his barn or part of it, and at the beginning of the race, one of the plates fell and with it fell Mr. W. Mundell, Jr. He was carried to the house and everything possible done. Dr. Gillies of Teeswater was brought and found a broken shoulder blade and internal injuries.; he is still lying at Hamilton's, and will be laid up for some time. Mr. Hugh Halliday also who have spent their honey -moon at Years, for grazing purposes. I1ir. had his hand cut by the falling tim- the former's home, 2nd of Morris, left Wheeler, whose health has not been ber. Last week for Minneapolis, U. S., very vigorous, will likely spend next where they intend to reside. winter in Cuba. His faultily will con - The farm until a ' r1 The following are the results the time to live on the examinations held during the term in Geo. Innes who formerly worked in spring at least. Behnore school. The names are in Wilton's hardware store, Brussels, Alargely attended wedclin order of merit: 5th Class -E. McKee, left on Thnrsday for Toronto June -very g' y g, C. McKee, F. Abram, R. Gallaugher, tion, where he will still follow the nearly two hundred being present, M. Baker. 4th Class Sr. -W. Abram. hardware business. Success to you was that of last Wednesday after - 4th Class Jr. -H. Johann, M. Edwards, Geo, noon, when Mary, only daughter of M. Lawrence. 3rd Class Sr. -J. Chit- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turvoy, of Morris, 11irs. Len. Ruttan entertained quite tick, H. Kirby. 3rd Class Jr. -J. Kir- ,L number of her friends la last Monday was married to Mr. Robt. Coultis, ofEast Wawanosh. Rev. W. J. West, by, R. Law, M. Metcalf, J. Gallaugher, evening in honor of her guests, Mrs.1Vi,A. was the clergyman. Miss L. Willie. 2ncl Crass -k. Lowry, A. Harte sr., a, so Mr. and Mrs. H. Hartt Martha Bosman, of Wingham, was bieGronan, R. Mahoney, O. Johann, of Texas ; all report an excellent even J. Marshall,bridesmaid incl a little daughter of T. Nickel. Pt. 2nd Sr.- L. Irwin, 0. Chittick, P. Willie, G. ing s enjoyment. Duncan Campbell was flower girl, Meahen. Pt. 2nd Jr. -A. Marshall, G. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hartt and son, of Both were attired in becoming cos Kirby, Jno, Lawrence, M. Marshall, Texas, who have been visiting at L. taunts. Mr. James Leishman was L. Mahoney. Sr. Pt. 1-0. Marshall, Ruttan's left last Tuesday to spend a best man. The marriage was pC1 K. McGrogan, A. Baker, H. Metcalf, few days in Palmerston, before re_ formed [tidal a floral arch and heel I T. Meahen Jr. Pt. 1-L. Weiler, M. turning to their house in Texas. We cling bell. The bride wore a very Marshall, M. Willie, N. Nickel, L. wish them a safe journey. Mrs, Hart[ pretty dress of silk embroidered voile Metcalf. E. F. Collins, teacher. sr., will remain all summer. of a delicate champagne tint, accom- panied by bridal veil and orange blas- ' I soros. After the ceremony and con- gratulations all sat clown to a most Blyth. tempting wedding supper, which pr. - ceded the dancing. Needless to sa Jamestown, 11Ir, 'IVn1.. McKelvey is at present visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Win. Moses is visiting the sick bed of a friend in Port Huron this week, A new steel bridge at Jamestown is on the tapis but it may not be built this year, Miss [iconic Ross of Brussels, spent it few days of last week with Miss Matg gie Taylor, iv" 'Tlte annersary of Victoria hall will not be celebrated until August this year. Date will 1 1 e announced shortly, Miss Kizzie IIall who bas spent the past tool weeks with her sister, Mrs, (Geo, Eekmicr, retttrited to her home in Ethel last week, Mt, Orland Baker of London, who is visiting his parents in Bluevale, visit- ed his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Eckmicr a day or two this week.. Old residents of this locality in the person of Joseph and Mrs. Coolnbes will celebrate their Golden Wedding on Friday of next week. Airs, Wniu, Moses went on the Dun- das excursion last Friday and visited friends in Beaulsville near Hamilton, She returned on Tuesday Hight, Setl t �' 1, , E. E. Brvaus was home from Sea - forth last Wednesday to attend the wedding of his friend, Milton Me- Vetty to rills Jennie Elliott of 'Tru n - berry. Mr. and Mrs. Roe of London, were the guests of Mrs. Geo. I:ekmier last week. They will visit in Bluevale and Ethel before returning to their home in London. Miss Kate Henderson of Galt, is visiting friends in this vicinity for a few days this week. She intends spending part of her .holidays at Mil- verton also. Among those of S. S. No. 10, Morris, who wrote on the Entrance examina- tions, are -Nellie Coombes, Lizzie Innes, and Alice Cooinbes. We wish them every success. Dr. Caldhick and bride of Dakota, DIE PLACE TO BUY IN JULY, "Should Auld Acquaintance Be h orget," No never, if he has been one of our ens[Di>s, Amongh theprominent )nen in the photo of the volunteers of London camp, was Captain Mc -Vickers of Goderieh, When your humble ser, vast, A. R. Smith, was doing business in Stratford, a few years ago, in the competition of who would sell. the hats to the Goderieh militia, A. R. Smith scut a sample halt by Mr, Mc- Vickers, A. R. Smith's sample hat was preferred, and he sold hats to the whole company, which was 31 s ns) left of or 37, \� e baryes aa 1 l0 the satno l.mcl tis Mr. McVfekers bought. Nut only bargains in bats to the volunteers, but bargains to every- one in the way of clothing, daring the month of July, Regent Brand (Noth- ing cannot be beat. A. Lt. Slirtrll, North Ignd, P. S. -A. It. Smith has bought and sold more clothing in his day than what would clothe the whole Japanese or Russian artily. Morris. A cement stable has been built under G. W. Proctor's barn, 5th line. Nicholson Bros., split litre s )lit the barn on the faith they purchased from Janus Wilkinson and last Saturday had a raising in the placing of 20 feet in the centre. They will have fine roomy premises when completed. The township Council bas passed a resolution forbidding the camping of gipsy caravans on the roadways of the Municipality. This was done in re• sponse to several requests from people who have been aLrnnoyed by their re- peated visits. R. Lees, who was at one time a resi- dent of the 7th line of Norris, has been appointed to the School Inspec- torship of Peterborough County. He has been Science Master of St. Thomas Collegiate for years, and has met with splendid success. The fine 100 acre farm of J. Wheeler 4th line, has been leased to Jay Clegg, drover, of Belgrave, for a term of Belgrave. John Geddes of Bluevale spent Sun- day in Belgrave. Blyth L..0. L. will celebrate the the presents were very numerous and glorious 12th in Clinton. beautiful. Mrs. Simmons of London is visiting at Mr. blcCleliand's. A. H. Musgrove of Winghaun is the i• Wm. Clark, Morris township clerk, presiding examiner in the depart- Sundayed in Belgrave.mental examinations in our school West Wawanosh. this week. Miss Jane Tisdale, of Toronto, spent Mrs. Perrin of Turnberry is at her A. E. Bradwin returned on Friday Sunday under the parental roof. father's, Wm. Bengouglh' eveningfrom the Press .Association The Donnybrook picnic on Thum - invited guests and relatives of the bride and groom. The bride was given away by her father during the Playing of the wedding march by her sister, Mrs. W. :T. Johnston. The bride looked charming in her wedding gown of cream French estrelle accordion and plaited chiffon, with trimming and overlaee; natural white daisies with green leaves adorned her hair. After congratulations and signing the register, they all sat down to a rich repast, spread on extensive tables on the lawn. An enjoyable evening was spent indoors with a phonograph, mu- sic and social chat. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents. Her going -away gown was brown ladies' cloth with a white silk waist. The happy couple left the same evening for their hone in Sun- shine, amid the many good wishes of all present. M.urnxED.--Tire residence of Mr. James Elliott of Bluevale was, on Wednesday, 28th June, the scene of a %, very pretty home wedding, when his ' - second daughter, Jennie, Was [united in marriage to Mr. John Milton Me- - Vetty of Mortis, The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J. West, M. A. There were present abont seventy-five guests, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Hannan of Fergus, Mr. George Elliott and Misses Laura and Emily Elliott and Miss Allison'of Agincourt, Mrs. Laurie Of Hyde Park, Ale. and Mrs. Grierson of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Brussels. After the c•ereinony was over, the guests en- joyed a delicious repast on the lawn, •' after which Rev. Mr. Nest proposed several toasts, which were responded to by Messrs. Iranian, Geo. Elliott, Musgrove, Coultis, Bryens and the 1 days among the Geddes families. John Geddes, 3rd line, Morris, had his barn raised and widened on Mon- day last, which will make his barn and stabling very much more roomy. Mr. M. Walsh had his addition to his barn raised last Thursday, which will snake a great improvement to his already large barns, especially the stabling department. Rev. T. Hall, of the Wingham Ad- vance, preached in Belgrave circuit last Sunday, and was well appreciat- ed. Rev. Jones will be home to take charge of his appointments next Sun- day. On Saturday afternoon, July 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopper gave a barn party to about thirty of their friends, including grandchildren, in honor of Messrs.Jolm and Chas. Hop per of Thessalon. Notwithstanding the afternoon being rather wet and disagreeable, the young people en- joyed themselves to their hearts' con- tent and especially the little ones ; two large swings were kept constant- ly in motion. Lunch was served about six o'clock, after which the friends retired to their respective homes, well pleased with the after- noon's amusements. Whitechurch. Lan side Presbyterians hold their annum garden patty this Thursday evening, and a good program is pre- pared, Mrs. W. J. Sanderson of Coning - wood spent the holidays with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) G. M. bunt. bridge over the railroad. During the course of construction, it will be neces- sary for the contractor to divert traf- fic of the main road. A farewell "At Horne" was given in the Methodist church, in honor of Rev: Mr. Holmes and wife, last Wed- nesday evening, it being the occasion of an address and presentation of a beautiful gold. headed cane, and a gold Now is the time to buy Chamber- lain's from the members of Epworth Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea League, also an address and presenta- Remedy. It is certain to be needed tion to Mrs. Holmes from the Ladies' sooner or later and when that time Aid Society and NV, F. M. S., a picture comes you will need it badly -you will of the joint societies. Mr. and Mrs. need it quickly. Buy it now. It may h rtheir new field of Holmes left here for save life. For sale by all druggists. labor, Dorchester, on Thursday after - 110011. ;t•, NOTE 13Y EDITOR. -Our correspon- dent kindly sent copies of the addres- St. Helens. ses but we could not find room for Wein. dent Thos. Joynt left on a business trip to the States -this week. Mr. James Ramage had a wind mill erected on his farm last week. ed off very successfully. The managing committee of Erskine church, Dungannon, is having a cement floor put in the basement of the church, the present ono being in very bad condition. Rev. C. Rutherford's hosts of friends are pleased to know that he is gradually convalescing, and, all being well, he will resmne his pastoral duties in about two or three weeks' time. h term At the close. of the school, the pupils of senior room in Auburn school presented their teacher, Mr. Wightman with an address and token of esteem. Mr. Wightman takes charge of Westfield school next term. Geo. Dawson jr., of Auburn, met with a nasty accident. While unload- ing cement, one of the horses was struck by the tongue, causing it to kick Mr. Dawson who Was seated on the dash -board, two fingers were smashed and one knee hurt. Buy it Now. **i lk**....itit*.l lt*#**s * ****#*l ittt.***1 ****** I 4► 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 Salem. The Methodist choir of Bethel held Mr. Thos. Hoperaft spent. Saturday their annual picnic at the lake last • Mr. Lewis of Harriston preached at 1 Mrs. T. Pennel and Mrs. Thos. Todd this place last Sunday afternoon. spent a day among friends at Tees - Mrs. Ilays, sr., of Garlic, spent Sun- water last week. day last at the Thome of Mr. John Gal- Mr. and Mrs. Jolui 'Barbour spent biaith. last Tuesday and Wednesday in Gode- Miss bliss Higgins and Miss McMichael Inch a niece. are at present visiting friends near Mrs. Thos. Philipps and daughter, Stratford. Myrtle, have returned home after Miss Eva Willens and her sister spending a few days with friends Cassie awe spending their holidays around London, with their aunt, at London. The Entrance Examinations were Mr. Robe. Weir, teacher, spent Sat- held in Se. Helens school last Weclnes- urclay last at the home of Air. Wm. (lay and Thursday. 'There were thir- Wew of this, laceteen i mils wrote, We hope they p may ell be successful, 4 4 4 4i 4 4 4 least at Fordwich. Tuesday. 4• 4, 4' 4, bridegroom, each expressing their A. garden party was held on the Mr. Jas. Belfour of Toronto, and his high appreciation of the brie. The Parsonage lawn last Friday evening, friend, Mr. T. Puttick of Hamilton, I. bride, who Was given away by her at Which a very pleasant time was are spending their vacation at fainter, looked very h ulclsome In a spent, After ltrncwas selveci the home of bIr. Gco. Gallaher of Howtck. gown of cream grenadine over white program commenced ; the new pastor, Ileo. lir. Oseeihout left last week Report for June of S. S. No. 11. silk, trimmed with chiffon and Dims- llev. S. O. Edmunds, acted as chair- ,, Names are in order of Merit. Jr. 4th seas lace. She wore the conventional ishan. Among- those who took part for three weeks' ks holidays. Before re- _Emily Forsyth, Earl Reid, Annie veil with h oran e blossom wreath,and were --Miss Brock, Miss Mason a1(1 turning, he, will visit in Chatham l and Finnen,Roy Netterfield, Maize Lediet, carried a shower boquet of maidenhair Mr. Hill of Wiitgltam, niso slit', ventwill attend the Epworth League con- Willie Lockridge. Si. 3rd --Ethel ferns and white carnations. Little Coultes of Chicago. Rev, Dr, Gundy wish in yeay enjoyable n r, abColorado.etime arida smitten, Earl Groves, Lizzie Lock - Annie May Davidson, niece of the . and Rev. G. M. Dunn gave addresses. w'► h y e joy b ect1 t4 ridge, Alma McDonald, Mary Currie, bridegroom, looked prettygathering safe return. In his absence the set-- , as flower The atlherin was an excellent means vices will be taken by rho 4Vtoxeter I;dc Eddie Lockr cige, Laura Calhoun. Jr. girl carrying a basket of pink carni- for the pastor to get acquainted with 3rd- brag ie Reid, Eva Linklater, Was a shirtwaist fawn silk gown, withed hint a hearty welcome,•-•-- {� q Forsyth, white chiffon hat. The many valuable Carrie Weeks, Frank %ockrtdge, jr. alt° Turnberry. t' a' 4, 4' 4,' tions, The bride's going -away snit ; his people, and in this manner accord- local preachers. Edna 1+'inley, Aute rintron, Cashnrn ' . • ' 1 1 Austin, Sr. 2nd -- Rub Fors th Ipresents manifesed the high esteem Good For Stomach Trouble And Caw 2nd -• Willie Srigley, Frank Lediet, n which the bride was field. The bri- During the month of Stine, forty • John Rogers, Susan Welsh. Sr, Pt. dal couple left amid showers of rice eight farmers' excursions visited the stlpation. 2nd --Alvin Groves Alfred Lockhidge, and good wishes for their Welfare, Model farm. It is reported by the "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Beatrice Johnston: Minnie Saunders, Clinton New Era that one fanner de- Tablets have clone Ilea(��real deal of jr.t, 2nd -Gordon Ranson Jessie H r� r elated that he would never visit the Roots," says C. Towns, of at Portage, Currie, Sam. Styles, Ralph 'Weeks. c . 1 ii I Sr., lst--lions I+bis th Witt Is;O era farm again, now there was a chane Ontrtl ), Canada, Being at mild l' y�h, , g t Lockrid e Alvin Reis Chace COOPER �e (�`/ r %'Alen you Went a pleasant lazative of overnlnent. Under :Ross.. tire physic' the after affects axe not un -Myrtle g ,, �'i..11.1�E� !�. �rdV y v I g , 1 y that is easy to take and certain to act, Model farm people gave us two pleasant, and I can recommend ,them 1+lee. Ethel Ranson obtained highest (Successor* to Alex, boss) [lyin e Chamberlain's Stoaett and Liver heals," he said, "Now, they only to alt who suffer from stomach dis4, Standingfor the month. M. 1), Fish- Alowsomisismissiors ..rtweil/ tablets, For sale by all druggists, give Its one," older. For sale by all druggists, er, teacher, 4- 4, 4' 4• 4,4 4 t 4- 4 GREAT 4► Coall=Swee: Sa=e `, f} ► ► AT THE "BEE HIVE." of Bankrupt Stock $6600.00 to $8000.00 Worth Goods to be Crowded Out. Share in the Bargains NOTHING LIKE IT. A Great Clean Sweep Sale Keeler's stand. The whole store is being arranged for mighty selling - is going to demonstrate its power as a BARGAIN GIVING SATISFACTORY STORE in a most convincing manner. We purchased the stock cheap and hand it along to you at Prices never before possible. Bargains in all departments, embracing many classes of goods. There's Going to be a Genuine Old Fashioned Sale Time at "THE BEE HIVE," Wingham Sale Opens Thursday Morning, July (nth, at Nine o'.eloek. Every- thing ig now Ready. A Clean Sweep For Us --A Big Saving For You. Butter and Eggs Taken the Same as Cash. .► ► 5. ► ! '► ► 441 _, .. ► ► Thursday scud After. ► ► �h� `I3�� 71-CAvt" ,b ,► ► 41 Dry Goods Co., Wingham. 4, ► 4. a 11.*****4.4.4*****fi►*fr**4*** 3.440,*144.4►+1ry**0i* 444-4 NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned lawyers, agree to close our offices during the months of Jul* and August, as follows :-On Saturdays at 3 p.m. and on other days at 4 p.m. Dickinson &. Holmes R. Vanstone Holmes, Clarke &. Holmes J. A. Morton FOR SALE. A faun ofthirty-six bush; 341 miles from amile from Bluevale. r11 apply to acres ; six acres Wingham, half For particulars JOHN BLOOMFIELD, 45-8. Bluevale. The Northern Navigation Co. Last Homeseekers' Excur- sion, July I4th. WINNIPEG EXHIBITION. PER S.S. RURONIC FROM SARNIA To Winnipeg and Return $10 00 Brandon and Return 91 50 Mobray and Return 91 50 Deloraino and Return 9150 Souris and Return 91 56 Hannay and Return 92.55 Regina and Return 93 75 Lipton and Return 32.75 And other North-west points in proportion. Splendid opportunity to visit the West or the WINNIPEG EXHIBITION. Tiekets good for 60 days, and include froo berth in second-class stateroom. Second cabin meals, 30o each. Excursionists may secure first cabin accommodations on the steamer by payment to PURSER on board of $8.50 each way. Tickets and full information at all Grand Trunk ticket agents. H. H. Gildersleeve, Mgr., Collingwood C. H. Nicholson, .Trait: Mgr., Sarnia Grey. The Voters' List for 1005 is issued. There are. 1033 navies in all, 607 being competent to serve as jurors. The Kendall action against the township over the want of a roadway to their farm has been settled by each party paying their own costs. Abram Cook, lot 9, con. 4, delivered to Clegg & Elliott a steer that brought hum $91. The steer was rais- ed by Peter McDougall, formerly of Grey, and will not be 3 years old till the 11th of July. Few men its the county handle more real estate than Robt. Dilworth. He has disposed of lot 25, eons, 0 and 7, Grey, to Thos. Vodden, of the same township, for the sum of :$7,100. Lot 20, con. 0 and 7 has also been sold to Chas and Geo. Kerr, of Henfxyn, the figure being $7,800. This will give Rerr .faros. 400 acres of land. They are blossoming into bonanza farmers and deserve great credit for the pro- gress they are making, due to their own thrift and industry. 1. Be Done With Catarrh! Why allow this filthy disease to poi - FOR SALE. A small farm, close to Wing- bam. Everything in first-class order. Will be sold right. Apply to ABNER COSENS To The Real Estate Buyer ll No Matter Where Located. I am absolutely surd I am in n position to save you some money, unless the circum stances under which you buy are very ex- ceptional. I can and shall make it profitable for you to buy through me. I am in touch with pro- perty owners in every part of the country, and have on my lists to -day, properties (both in Lown and country) that cannot bo excelled either in' quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want a $50 building lot or a 810,000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer. (Office-Vanstone Block, Wingham) pill ; l i r . . , t . •a TO SUMMER AND TOURIST RESORTS. Muskoka Lakes Temagami Lake of Bays lllagnetawan River Georgian Bay Kawartha Lakes Upper Lakes Thousand Ields. Quebec, Portland and Old Orchard, Me,, White Mountains. All reached via the Grand Trunk Railway the "Tourist Route of America." Direct con- nection with all beat lines. Tourist tickets on sale Daily to all Resorts. Homeseekers' Excursion $39.00 to 810.60. To points in Manitoba, Assiniboia, Saskat- chewan and Alberta. Good going July 15th, returning until August 16th. For tickets, illustrated literature and full information, call on Agents. L. HAROLD, Town Agent. J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. WiLL SELL I-IOMVtESEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS TO THE NORTH O WEST Winnipeg ., -.830.00 kstetan...... 33.60 Mowbray,,,,1 Yorkton....,�39350 133.75 son your system 1' It (trains your Detoraine oris F t l strength, turns digestion, pollutes tthebreath,. ivakes you repulsive, The i yieta (torn 31.60 31,53 one Certain cure is "Catarrhozone", it Lenora.,..,... 3200 cures because it destroys the cause of . MTlnlota..., the disease, cures thoroughly because • Moo g in.,3 �o it goes wherever the eatal'th is, cures Areola . 3 every case because its vapor destroys � i3trat5hc.60tlna the catarrh germ instantly. To geRett well and Goingynlq 15th, returning until Sept. l6th, etay free from catarrh Catarrhozone and use it; satlsfaetion' yen -art. n are from any Canadian Nettie guaranteed, + Agent or 0.13, Feder, .1:P.A., TOronte. Regina Lipton Mooso%aw 31.00 Saskatoon 65.25 Prince Albert., 30.04) Macleod 98 00 Calgary ..... ... 35.60 Reit Deer.. 30.50 $10,50