HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-06, Page 3•-•••4",!"'"1.4!!!!***
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(„i. or two vete eta eafety frit p RIAL BAN (0): ANAD
41-4-+4+4 4-4-eeirt-e* +4+ +40.+4 44-••*-4re 4 ar-r4.4-ro-r-r+ r e -ere -**44 bhle Mel. a 1111a,le shell and
N N 4:41
- Kale E saN'S ya.a1 bottles. lama ef tieees latter eon-
tairsal op:a:labia set...ial 1.1. ode, firesuni-
: silly lie watt the dasen of t le den. 1 —
opiurifi DF pq. t„,(1 lie oestesioil a slave of 1,oner .on. a i
- 1 bed rearm!, the the. .teest in :seniority!
Filty-eiglit were the s ear8 a his age proecodlogs.of the Thirtieth_ Anntlal (leneral Meeting of the $nureholaera
I Head 44t the 1$011104t 1144400 of the Institntion la 'foronto, Oil
Vifeanceelsy, 210 Juno, 1905,
I it as a doe/silty milieu of 4S—a lima I
a taatas-saaa44aaeee-4-4-o.sease44-41t4-a+ • 41,4-0-se-.4.-*-e-e* . ..0- 0.9-.4* , ..,,, f wil°30 itte0 was a velittibi0 Map of China! .The Thirtieth Annual Generel apeting of the Inmerial Dank of Canada wa.s bele le
i and who waled ont of place anywhere . l',1,441":(11.0t th0 Hallo ef Me' (Waster At the lianeing Rouse or tee institution, met
Careful inquiry in official quarters had deareat to his fancy. Ho my profuse , lett in a boxer foray. Hie riW
e:Sor was; "" rresent; aressre. T. It. aterritt (t. Catharines); William Ramsay, o. Rowland, Stow;
of . Delbert Jaffrey; Wm. slendrio (11walitom; (Aeries Coektenutt; b. ft. lirtl!do; J. W.
elicited the enswer, "Them is not in all thanke and %mows—maims: in dumb a fellow of ail, weari.ig a jer-ey
London swat a plaeo as a Chinese opium showesif not sully tainierehemled, were tvlate 'wool, Ruiz tti I Fent to renicia. 1413TrullrIle73: P. i7-2.1).41,7rsgli 17.,DrIVseraan-Sluipsou; lalward May: rref. Andrew
r ; e ; toh ts a; . W.
den." Yet hero were we in the ria !et Odom amid part. To one it eteurred Ler ladies weering at gymnasia, Ile in- -Thompson; Frank A. Ralph; Pel°eg Howland:W. CI'. fo'hilfaNr 6.11. tVliiley.11.1. Sgui eYy
of one, surrounaed by its ead iv- that I was saffering trout bedsit or op • formed me thot lied bought it At mange; clarkgpn Jones; John iseueen; Alex. Neilson; John Starlc Chas. O'Re'iily, sd. Da
410145 Vietilna, witnessing an orgy shill- ium—he could not unaerstaiiii relit -Mon Liverpeol for "half a pound"--i.e., 1..0 O. 11% Mew Caurtinn; Oavid Kidd (Hamilton); James Isiebnell, c.,_• .1. M. Rains;
ft. Smith; Wm Oleany (peewit); David smith; 1iarry
Mr to those which China, the father- aiay other ground. and lie turiled up the shillings. There Was littt of 203 Doi lYiTeltri IfgrAvV417 item Maramond; n. IL Teleplay -W. Ds Row-
land or those around us, has sought by elle in order W more Muscly to berate.- Form was 2S3 Mien) 35. • mon; A. A. Masan Melton); Is Ogden; II. P. Eeltardti A. roulds; T. Gibson; Joan
floe and even death penalty in Yalu 'to ize iny face. All smo10:1, and in their glirgling, sing- Graham; A. D. Cadenhead (0obo, Rios. Jamaica); T. 'Walken J. G. Ramsey; W.
neaty; A. P. Durritts Janice Toilhuntbie W. 0, sunray; V. R. Hutcheson; Vranic D.
euppress, A intui who, I suspected, hut' eonte sort song fashioa chatted intermittently, and macDonald: Charles McGill. Thomas Walmaien R. *wakes s. G. soma iuxbridge).
W. C. Crowther; IL Inglis;' IL It.G. D. %%omen, end others.
We were not readily admitted. But of proprietary hiteteet ht the eetablish. there was no coHap.,e, It licearne mani-
The Directors beg to submit to the Shareholdere their Thirtirtb Annual Report and
my guide and comrade bad an irresist- ment now came in iind, took. lu hand the fest that Ho long as we remained the
ible "open sesame." Ife had been smug- slamberer, whom. the brighter lis;let more debauch of opium was to be kept within pantile° Sheetof the affeirs of the Bank as ou the snit May, mos, giving the remit of
the &MTh= proatifoort yreeerr.worehr :tar mat day.
Med in by his Japenese servant prior to clearly revealed. The neeeemer Was in !knits, They aticeplea and smolted some tog full provision for all boa and doubt
tbe advent of' the present proprietor, Appearance a inagnifieent epecimea ex as my cigarettes and, inspired by my tut dote and for the mai contributtone to the penstou and cuarentee Ferule:
ad Dividends nave been paid at taw rate of 1.0 per cent. per aUntinl, amounting to
and, the latter dare not now say to 1118 nationality—tall, broad -shouldered, example, even tried soma of 'my tobacco.
groWn °Un- San?) 'Bank 'Premises Account has been credited with $25,01138.
hint nay lest the visitor should turn his muscular, and,. Unlike the rest, uot dull Meanwhile one or two had
knowledge as to the character of the of eye nor moist of brow, not pallid nor &rajah 0) Rest Account bas been increased by wawa.
place spitefully to account. When we emaciated. Iris name was Del Form; snow old are you?" one of them wish, (d) Profit and Loos Account has been inoreased by $4,909.4D.
d d in t Arrowhead 13 0 . Pal -
%entered the premises which seeve es
screen for the real Nilson d'etre of the
establishment he sprang forward from.
bis seat in 44 doorway leading to ail
inner room and without a word of pre-
face front ourselves began:
‘!You too welly late; all closee; allee
Into the 'place which the proprietor
bad vacated, there lurched a giant to
bar our further progress. He was, I
think, the most fascinatingly hideous
man I have ever seen. About Mx leet
in height, he had the mighty chest and
arixts of a gorilla and the face of a me-
diaeval gargoyle; eyes dim and small,
and half hidden by their pouchy lids;
nose flat and expansive, like a negroa,
and, a cavenwus mouth from which the
tea!) centre teeth of the upper jaw are
missing, as if someone had spurred the
man in the mouth.,
' Between insistence and cajolery we
broke through the barriers of opposi-
tion to our entry, and passing the giant
stumbled up a staircase, unique for its
absence of light Mid the steepness Of its
narrow, worn stairs.
' There was a window at the bend of the
staircase, This Brobingnag, who now
brought up the rear, closed and bolted
with a crash. There was a momentary
pause in the darkness on the tiny land -
ring outside the door. This latter was
then cautiously opened by the proprie-
tor, and we entered—China in London!
• Had some iluagician transported us
suddenly from the accustomed streets
of the metropolis to unfamiliar scenes in
far Cathay the transition could scarcely
have produced a more startling effect
on, one's mind. Five minutes before we
had been riding in a well -lighted, lax-
wriottely-appointed railway carriage;
snow of a sudden we were ushered into
the upper chamber of a Chinaman's house
where, in defiance of law and public op -
Onion, reposed a roomful of men inhal-
ing damnation from their opium pipes
an unconcernedly as if the stoutest walls
in Shanghai were their shelter.
It was a low-ceiled and dimly lignt-
ed room into which we stepped and the
sole hope of ventilatiOt vanished when
the door closed behind us. Parallel with
three of the walls huge iron bedsteads
that, at least, was as near as it could
a id Ni is ii Ont. - These are all carefully wrestled end the 43Ect:eorlix-i2agiiiviitgililtahnecion.is the ouly way of
The autbority given at the A.unwo Meeting in awl to increase the Capital Stock by $1,- workmar gives a receipt fm. Plans s'ais
signature looked as if a flash of light -
falling as.ssia Chime"
5:misfried." Then proudle said my inter.
a/Mon "I merit. Not in Euglese; Loh, 000.00e, of which 4500,00o wee issued that year, has boon further avaned of by the issue of
the remaining $1,000000, which will be allotted to Shareholders at a premittza of 100 per is done not so mueb to guard. agsanst
then) police cordon,. At least two head -
Matta Maiden lane there is a eon-
writen dowa in Chinese characterA titC -
Ring liad struck the paper after cent. in the proportion of tine now share for each three shares held on 30th June Of this theft ea to hams
zt.'itc"ga",1,!'')1;audi, back tit/utters 40N/tires and several private
said, aroused the sleeper. There was not to be any gambling, 1
of the country to accept a snare of the new business which will be the result thereof, his completed piece it is \Neighed, to -
Of course, the larger gores all have their
foul of an ink pot. Dol. Fortn, as I have vear; The additional capital win enable the Dank to keep pace with the development For when the wo
we 1011 111011 ere in the district all day.
larst he yelled at lum as if his pigtail was informed, on this evening, although
there was a room, which I afterwards besides adding to the total amonnt of the notes at the Bank euthorized to be place.] in gether with the filings aed serape. A
was being pulled off by wild horses; saw, set aside for the purpose. How
- - . sla J. A. M. Alk4ne, K. 0., and Mr. Wm. Whyte, a Vice -President of the Canadian very slight allowance is made for waste,
circulation, l'OgUllir store deteetires.
then he pummeled him and, taking him Pacific Railway, have been appointed to and have accepted the position of Local quarters d y' Rgainst thieving employee.s the big
by the bootless feet, dragged him onto well the heathen Chinee knows his bro-
ther! The gambling table is breast high at Winnipeg. ' must tally or the workman. Is ealled
an a ali this allowance the weighte -
stores have .n teal proteethm, except
A By-law will be submitted for your approval changing the eat* ot the Annual Meet- s - — careful choosing. Sometimes elerke end
the floor and doubled hint up. The sleep- and a solid mass of wood from top to i
tleigrsf.faikthwear ilreilaWildrneesday in June to , .
fourth Wednesday in May, which your three-. sewn.
heads of deptu tments Are plecea under
er came to in slow and uneasy stages, floor. There are no legs, no "under- convent ent dater •t From the time the material h handed
The Heed Office and Branches of the Bank have been carefully inspected durieg tho bonds. In establielluients of moderate
and sat, gloomy and fretful, for half an neath," here a nimble hand nmy pase a
year, and your Directors doom to exprees their satisfaction with the faithful aud end- over to the avorlonan until the titre wben
hour on the bed, disconsolately sunder- he hands it in, a completed piece, he ha size every artiele is counted, catalogued
ing the links of the golden chain by card or in any wise get the bettor of
another, The Chinaman would play as ent manner in which Use start pertorated their dunes.
T. It. MERRITT, President. , and checked off when the stock is put
plenty of opportunity to steal it all and into the safe at night. This method is
which he had fettered his fa,ncy. 'Wben comfortably on a block of masonry—on
thoroughly awake he thawed into con -
which, indeed, his table seems to be ain't Malays MOM skip. The workman may have his muter- too cumbersome for the great establish-
versation. The best dressed man in the modood.
IF' IR C0Ivrr okina al IL.C1 5 5 " 10 0 CI ILO 14+4111". period,i alou tLor It4isi•goiletvechandks;
ainnyannigebnatp0t1y that
meats, There the owners must alwaye
take more or leas risk.
room he might have passed for a for- d No, 5$, 5% (paia • Balance at credit of aecount 31st.
Arid ROct, men passed in and out of Deriden
and. skip with the material —but he nev-
er does. Yet they say at the offices of the two
. indemnity companies that thefts by P rar
Ssitstaassasa . ssaass-seetseseearet: --Sa: ....• - 'Ssaa. s
+++++++++4 +1 a+++++++++++1•*+++,4-44-44•4444 4 ++4 I 4. 1 4.
+++++++4+++44++++++++++4 est
Since the pithlie learned lime tiffany a It is considorta unwite to aisplay wit
had lost 03,000 in slit:monde from therr dow sesuals'in trays, sinee this adios le
worksbop the publie has wondered much• window smaelen• ellailee to make 1,1e
huw the manufacturers of jewels guard lima in one isab.
themselves against thievety by workmen. :5141)74r toms now arrange flair liege
and a good deel teen said about the In a pa- el.t tsay, so niede that only oak:
system. by •vitielt it it done. rims fan be taken- -out at 4 time. Ude
The faet is, say • the inanufaeturere„ cuts off the sneak who Foams:des iluge
that they have un system at ail. It fa : from a tine into ft lutWikerilkief er um -
curious fact about the business that ! laella. It is tbe custom to show larger
while the employees have every sipper- 1 articles only one -At a time, leaving the
tunity to steal, they rarely do Ao, trays inside the Plume:Ise.
The foreman i$ bost. of stores in a abe ..ioweless have never found ary
jewel factory. Ifs has it little, grated: fatisfnetory way of heating the !'peeny-
cage, -SurrOunding 4 strong safe. From weighters." those snatas who visit the
lg this when eny piece or ivoik is iss,signe41,1 store In rush boors owl substitute a'
emits W. T.. Droadvtew, W. T. and in Toronto at St. Lawrence Market. Drenches
• he issues the materials to the worker,i, worthlefis unitatien for a genuine artsele.
easily be rentleted into Euglish, \Siam ed to know. Next he milted if I were
"merit," whieh is Chinese -English for ere etng creme a ew . . ear , n ., an a e pper r ge, agara a a,
t Lash d 0 t' d t th U • ,
clip, clerk in the city, He heal a good the room bearing the lamps, perhaps to o
position on some ship, was a native of continue 'their smoking in privacy. .As able let Of June. 1906) ____4300160,000 00 .000 oo
i"' - '
Dividend No, CO, 5 (pay-
and had been sailing round and the procession became snore marked, and
round the world ever since his father 160,000 00
the axiety of all obviously enhanced., we wTrnrataftterneeno jeftdtcpotaonktRepsztemAlecosesuanntd Fur: 25m1 n
put hint to work in tbe galley of a ship's
cook. were given the hint by the proprietor
at a little after 11 o'clock that it would no,',44„ of cLuo„'A •• 0•„:„.iid ••fo;-
1 asked.
"Did we interrupt pleasant dreams?" be as well if we did not further delay
our departure. ;651,657 78
ward ... ... ... .. .. .... .. 176,61.5 06
"No," he said hesitatingly. "Me no likee "You, miss you Hain," he said uneasily.
smolce velly much." "You say nothing about this; you forget
Tho mocking laughter of bis eonipas
all about it; else pollicee come tomoller.
Wets discounted this disavowal. I sail see you to de steetion." And
As I would not smoke he poured for
he did, carefully directing no to the
me tea into the common cup—a bandless wrong train and platform 'before hurry -
vessel about half the sirs) of those from
i bot foot back to his lair.
Which our fathers drank when they spoke rig
We came away with heads throbbing
of a "dish" of tea. To refuse this prof' We
to bursting point and feeling ill
fered hospitality was impossible, albelt,
from the effects of the fumes which,
inasmuch as Iliad seen half a dozen men
with more or less fortitude, we had en -
drain the steaming liquid from the one
dared for the preceding two hours, 1
unwashed cup, a feeling of repugnance
still have the pungent, acrid -sweet of
was inevitable. The tea was innocent of
the opium in my nostrils, and the Whole
milk or sugar,. but—dare I confess it?—
fantastic horror of the nightmare room
was exquisite in flavor, made from green
is ineffacably fixed upon my memory.
China tea, of leaves which to me looked
d t ice as large as There were between a dozen and a
1 ft
like curled sage an w
any I had previously seen. - score of men in the room when we e
and others from dim, unsuspected re -
By this time one's eyes had become
cesses were filing in, carrying their pipes
accustomed to the clouds of smoke bv
and their lamps and their tins of viscid
which the room was filled, and it was
villainy. Pipes were bubbling like boiling
ossible to take a mental photograph.
lel ons and their owners were settling
Upon the walls were certain regulations °a r
down with unnervieg zest to make a
sin Enish; by their side hung a card
night of it.
with it legend in Chinese, which was in -
It was all like a hideous dream as we
terpreted for me. It enjoined upon pa It
back to town. Too impossible it
trons to refrain from dropping matches
orpieces of opium upon the i loor;
:were placed; upon each a mattress and expectorating; and, most important of
• quilt, with a rough, canvas -covered bol- all, to conceal pipes in ease of the entry
ster running lengthwise, so that occu- of it stranger. A print or two hung upon
:pants must lie acrose the bed, their the walls, and Chinese mottoes end
•toward the middle of the room. Upon greetings on long narrow slips of pink
heads to the wall, their feet pointing
paper. Men's collars with fronts attach -
each bed was a coekly lacquered tray jag—eery English items, these, hung side
bearing the impedimenta of the smokers,. by side with an implement invincibly
•with a curious Chinese opium bum, Chinese. This was the one toothbrush
•lighted. as the outstanding item upon which the host furnishes for use of all
leach tray. A fire, glowing a dull rid, las guests,
was built high above the topmost bar For the most part two men occupied
of tbe crazy old grate; on the hob at each bed. Several of them wore the caps
its side bubbled a pot of tea, looking beneath which, in London they keep
'like a biscuit jar, plus spout, with it their pigtails secretly coiled. They were
collapsible wicker handle. Overhead a fully Mad and lay, one upon his left
gas set, turned so low as to furnish side, the other upon his right side, so
:merely a bead of blue flame, afforded that both might face the all-important
. the only illumination save that given Imp,
off the lamps on the beds. The pipe is quite different from that
The entrance of "foreign devils" cam- generally regarded as the vehicle for
led a significant commotion among seven opiumeamoking. It is neither church -
conscious; his stentorious breathing was warden nor cutty. It consists of a long
of the occupants. The eighth was un -
tube of heavy bamboo, of the thickness
frequently interrupted by dolorous groan of a large flue, Six incites from the bot-
:ings and. munablings as if, having ni bis tom a hole is pierced and into this fits
'dreams the keys of paradise which he the bowl. This is in the shape of the
had sought, he were unable to find the large "rose" or sprinkler of a garden
lock. The wakeful seven started to hose pipe, but has only one hole, this
stheir feet and, so far as a Chinese un -
miler the influence of opium can, stared running right through its centre and
at us wide-eyed. having the same diameter as that in
' Such a chorus of savage interrogutory the average latchkey. Of tho mouthpiece
and: protest there was! One lean and peeper there is none, except for a ring
'aged sinner—Chung Hu we called him— of bone or ivory, by which the top is
anxiously fingered an attenuated caiv- encircled.
The opiunt is in viscid fluid firma,
keg knife which be drew front out of a
heap of papers stored on shelves at the possessing twice the potency of the drug
loot of his bed. I may att. at once, of commerce and is served in a. small
however, that be did nothing more al- tin. The smoker dips a long steel needle
into the opium, then holds this over
arming than., later, to cut an orange the flame of the lamp. It bubbles and
into forty pieces on his bed with that el tters and, when boiling, is pressed
knife and with it prod each fragment ss u • ' •
peel and all, down his throat,
into line the interior of the channel
by which the bowl is pierced. Then fol -
The rest jabbered nineteen to the dozen lows the more serious part, the oper-
ation expostulation and inquiry. Seven Chin-
Se in one room simultaneously balking requiring . .
the art of the practiced
their mother tongue at its fastest can manipulator. Additional opium is heated
be likened to nothing else but a den of th edle is rolled and kneaded
gorillas, Apparently' our host made it utronn tle:sleootlisurface of the bowl and
plain that no danger was to be apple- at the psychological moment, thrust in-
liended from our visit, and that no ow. t the channel, so that its lower extrem-
o e
ilenee was to be practiced upon us, for ity may unite w I then
ith that already iti-
Foor.—That alnapst every operation
(the seven subsided upon their beds, pal. serted. The needle s en withdrawn
limey modified, but still chattering in and there remains, .
a hollow cone of sol- in our hospitals perflormed upon women
weird cadences, which made my compan- idifed opium, lor
ejecting perhaps a guar- becomes necessary through neglect of
don ask, "Are they singing?" ter Of an Mc 1 from the centre of the ..sti_eja_tyLts,pr Lill, a..,.s_b_tio,11_a_c,hieLi_rre_r_la.r,
We removed our coats ana hats and bowl. All this finessing has occupied ars"pivao';'-`);"etrec"on'hu'e"Lun'tera""or, ;XI
Ihung them. upon nails driven into the perhaps five minutes; the actual smoke ""'
the side, burning sensation in the stom-
door, simulated as blase an air as we lasts but half a minute, but that half- tech,.bearing-down pains, nervousnese,
could command, and took possession of minute is the smoker's paradise. dizziness and sleeplessness.
a corner of Chung Hi's bed. This display "Me happy now/ says Achem as he Sitcom—The medicine that holds
•Of confidence quite won him over and the inclines toward the lamp. He rests the
-knife disappeared. He could talk fairly bowl upon the flattened rim at the top the record for tho largest number of
intelligible English; they all could who of the globe; the flames catches the absolute cures of female ills is Lydia
would. He offered. me his pipe, which I . . . B. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound.
declined, sayiny tbat I had been ill and
eared that the inhalation of smoke from
ale opium Would be hurtfol to me. 930 -
Adds," I added, "I don't smoke; I am
only my friend's friend," leaving my com-
rade to evade a similar invitation by as
t•andi and ineontistent 4 subterfuge.
Throughout the evening I was tasked on
seemed that we had actually been -wit-
nessing in waking hours this scene from
the tragedy. of China—all within hail
of an imposing thoroughfare, and svithin
distant view of a railway station, whence
by the briefest ride is reached the throb-
bing heart of twentieth century Lon-
don.—Ernest A. Brant.
Nursed Her eooth Descendant.
To be mourned, as is the late Dowager
Duheess of Abereorn, by 102 direct fie-
seenda.nts falls to the lot of few mortals,
but, says the Westminster Gazette, there
are cases of family fecundity on record
which quite eclipse even this winderful
achievement. Lady Temple, of Stow, it
is said, lived. to count 700 persons who
owed. their existence to her. The six
children of one John Webb, of Kentucky,
before they died numbered. 1,649 linebg
descendants among them, snaking the
creditable average of 275 apieee• Charles
Quayle, a Philadelphia printer, itad 530;
and Mrs. Sadie Shiver, of Southern Geor-
gia, boasted 305, of whom 235 survived
her. While, to come nearer home, Mrs.
Lightfoot., of West Ayton, who died. not
long ago, had nine children 79 grand-
chDdren, 73 great-grandchildren and two
great -great-grandchildren every one of
whom mourned her; and. Mr. William
Mealing, of nio. 'Wycombe, looked upon
his two hundredth deseenda,nt before he
gave up the ghost.
Four Facts For
• Sick Won2en
To Consider
Lydia E. Pinkhenn's Vegetable Compound
Has an Unequalled Record of Cures—
Mrs. Tinkkam's Advice Is Coaliden.
Hal, Free, and always Helpful
cone of opiuni, there es a fleeing, la sp It regulates, ,strengthens and. cures
tering and a gurgling, and the smoker, , diSeases ox the female organism aa
—the stela Wedged into his face as a nothing else can.
huge bone into a dog's mouali—draws ,
For thirty years it hits been helping
madly at the pipe. Deep in his draught I
1 women to be strong, curing backache,
of atrid.sweet smoke. The opunit•vapOr-
nervousness, kidney troubles, allutor-
izes under the fierce flame of the knit;
ine and ovarian inflammation, weak-
_. every whiff of smoke thus created 0
ness and laisplacements, regulating
an average once every five ininutes to drains Int° his lungs, ex Et ing e menstruation perfectly and overcotn-
smoke opium. That was what they Were siduum by way of his nostrils. Fifty ing its pains. It has also proved itself
there for—was it not so with reef Each draws I counted, eonstituted the aver- invaluable in preparing for childbirth
,Xottst in turn offered me his pipe, ready age sm' eke, It NUS all oyer and done in and the change of life.
charged. for smoking. There was no sug- alf it minute, and the devotee sena at
Timm—The great volume of untie-
gestion Of coercion, neither was them Work again et his pipe, his trembling
Veiled and grateful testimonials on die
.abow of reeement at my repeated refuss hands feverishly hastening through the
sit the rinicham Labovatory at Lynn,
.als. According to their lights these men same monotonous process, his parched tam- many of which are trona time to
tonne nreparine his bleekened line in
meant well and hospitably by their in- read -sines -9 fur the next mat retetaste of•Tov. time published by pernaission, give al,-
edtatiots, just tee Would yoer host in de- - solute evidence of the value of Lydia
sirhig you to Share with him the cigars ..si 1 ' B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compoutad and
a pe after pipe these ye low -grey men Nire. isiahham,a advice.
smoked. A seasonea sinner, when lie real -
Footrest —Every ailing woman in
ly lets himself go, may manage as many Canada is naked to tecept the
as fifty in the course of a debauch in faillowing invitation. It is free, will
'which consequences are not counted. being you health and may save your
Chung Hi, who had had a long course of life.
pipes before We arrived, smoked eight ill rs. ttIn'kherree Standing Itoiltatien
or nine in rticl successioo And bie *half- to Wontetta-Woittett sufteririg from any
shut eyelids began still more to droop. fain of female weakness are invited to
liol Form eharply addressed hint end
be Amok himself up, put aside his pipe, troloptly commutileate with Mrs Pink -
iamb at Lyne, Mass. All Letters are
and assailed hie orange. Ite had beside received, opened, teml and avaswered
him on his tray two aged kermess but by women otay. From symptoms given,
thase lie did nett touch; they were te- ; your trouble may be located and the
served for a latev hour. it IA olio of the • quickest and almost way of reeovery
concomitant curses of opium that its advised, Out of the Vast volume of oX-
Vieiims, While Under Ha infIllenee• esti 1 lenience in treatitie foliate ills Mra.
not take ordinary Ousel, but only highly 1 Fanklutra probably has Om very ktowl-
tteldulated Netter. 'liras 'emote!. arta hits I edge that, will help your ease. Surely,
ter ripplee have a eonoplettous plitee in ' tiny WOlttatif rieh or poor, is veey foolish
the. Inuoker't equipment. Chung a if she doee not take aavantage of this
1 dditio to his allotted tin Of laelleadlia after 01 laaaiattlaien•
Iday, 1904, brought forward - .4140,006 60
Profits for the year ended net May,
1905, after deducting charges of
management and interest due de-
positors end after making full
Provision for bad and doubtful
debts and for rebate on bills under
discount ................510,961 22
38O1,557 78
pems-r Alk 0 CI 0 Pair
Balance at Credit of Atemmt, 31st 1901 400 000 00 100011 0004; 2,860,000 00
Transferred from Profit and Loss ACCOUnt
3 3,000,000 00
• •
L.1^1131 LAMM 1E5.
Notes of the Bank in circulation ....... ••• .
Deposits not bearing interest . . .. , Ise . .
Deposits bearing interest (including Interco! ac ..... to • da.to)
Deposits by other Banks in Canada ......
'Dotal liabilities to the public .4... ..... . .• .•
Capital Stock (paid up) ..
Rest Account . • - ...
Dividend No. 60 (payable 1st June, 1906), 5%
Rebate on Bills discounted — . .
Balance of Profit and Loss. AcCou. nt.carrlea.forward
ASO M"r5..
; 2,671,677 00
•-• -.3 4,347,290 05
19,629,678 12
123,976,968 17
156,232 78
9. ;2S,703,777 95
3,000,000 00
,..; 3,030,000 00
65,231 64
176,616 05
/ 3,391,747 69
333,095,625 64
Gokl and Silver Coin .• ............ ..; 826,600 61
Dominion Government Notes • • • • .... 3,634,40000
1 4,461,000 61
Deposit with Dominion Government for security of note cireula-
Rtion . . . . .......... 146,000 00
Notes Of and eheques on other. Banks . ....... •.. 1,039,938 59
Balance due from other Banks in Canada . . ,.• 340,952 80
Balance due from Agents in the 'United King.do.m... 44,030 40
Balance due from Agents ia Foretgn countries .1.. .. 1,597,217 91
$ 7,628,170 31
Dominion and Provincial Government Securities .,3
Canadian Municipal Securities and British or Fo.reign or. COlonial.
Public Securities other than Canadian . „,
Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and 'Stock's
Call ond Short Loans on Stocks and Bonds M Canada ..
Other Current Loans, Discounts and Advances,. _ ,„
Overdue debt (loss provided for) . .
Real Estate (other than Bank premi.ses)
Mortgages on Real Estate sold by the Bank .
Bank Premises, including Safes, Vaults and Odic° Furniture, at.
Head Office and Branches . . .. . .
Other Assets, not included under. foregoh;g .......
461,402 09
1,501,291 44
1,409,668 16
3,362,261 68
. 2,686,6b5 86
$13,676,987 84
18,673,718 81
.. 30,927 20
. .. 23,278 33
87,939 66
.. 700,000 00
613 90
333,095,626 64
Tho usual motions were submitted and carried unanimously.
The Scrutineers appointed at tho meeting reported the following gentlemen duly elect-
ed Directors for the ensuing year, viz.: MeSsrs. T. R. Merritt, D. R. Wilkie, Wm, Ram-
say', Robt. Jaffrey, Elias Rogers, Wm. Mendel., James Kerr Osborne, Charles Cockshutt.
At a subsequent meeting ot the Directors, Mr. T. R. Merritt was elected President,
and Mr. D. It. Wilkie, Vice -President, for the ensuing year.
By order of the Board,
Torlato, June 21st, 1905.
(Tom Watson in his magazine).
On such a day, such a cloudless, rad-
iant, flowed -sweetened day, the horse-
man slackens. the rein as he rides through
lanes and quiet fields, and he dares to
dream that the children of God once
loved each other. .
On such a day one may dream that
the time might come when they would
do so again.
Rein in and stop here on this high
hill Look north, look east where
the sun rises, look south, look west
where the stm sets, —on all sides the
scene is the same. In every field the
steady mule, the steady plowman end
the children dropping corn.
Close the eye a moment and look at
the picture fancy paints, Eve .y field
in Georgia is there, every Hell in the
South is there. And in emelt tits fig-
ures are the same—the steedy mule
and the steady. man, and the eatterng
-get of the children dropping torn.
In these furrows lie the fool of the
republic; on these Bells depen 1 :ife
and health and happiness.
Halt those children --.and see how
the cheek of the world would blanch
at thought of famine. ,
Penalize that plowman — and £e8
how national bankruptcy would shatter
every city in the union.
Dropping corn. A simple thing, you
And yet, as those white seeds rattle
down to the sod and hide away for a
season, it needs no peculiar strength
of fancy to see it Jacob's ladder
crowded with attending blessings.
Scornfully the railroad king would
glance at these snuell teams in each
small field; yet cheek those corn -
droppers and his ears would rot on
tho road and rust would devour the -
engines in the round house. The
banker would ride through those fields
thinkin oul of his hoarded millions
nor would he ever startle himself with
the thought that ids millions would
melt away in mist were theta tiny
hands never more to he found dropping
COM. The boialholder, proud in all
the security of the untaxed receiver
of other people's taxes, would see in
these fields merely the industry from
which he gathers tribute; it would never
dawn on his Mind that without the
opening of those furrows and the
hurrying army a children dropping
torn his bond wouldn't be worth the
paper it its written o m
• it l't • II
Feed. the world and It elm live,
work, produce and march on. Staree
it, and whet becomes of railroads,
banks, mills, mines, notes, mortgages
and bowls/
ettltriow much of your gold min you
How many of your ditietonde will ares -
Veer the need of it loaf?
But enough.
It Is tittle te tide down the hill.
The tingle of the cow -bell followe the
sinking tom --both Ott the way home.
So with many on uuspoken thought
r ride homeward, think of thotte
plant the corn.
And hard indeed Would be the heat
D, WILKIE, General Manager.
that, knowing what these people do
and bear and suffer, yet would not
fashion this prayer to the favored of
the republic: "0 rulers, lawmakers,
soldiers, judges, bankers, merchants,
editors, lawyers, doctors, preachers,
bondholders. Be not so unmindful of
the toil and misery of those who feed
"You sec, we handle gold. and precious ployees itt retail store are surprislesNly
stones like cordwood," said the head of a ungoonnon.--N. Y. Sun.
beg jewelry factory. 'We cease to think ,
with it. Then we are very careful about
of their value. That has something to do
our employees. No man who has not a
first eiass record can get a job in a jewel At Ali Ages They Need Riche Pure
factory. It la a well paki trade, too. My Blood tolleacpuziekies.
eh an
hands get from $20 to $40 a week. Fancy
branches run even higher, A -woman needs medicine more than a
"I've been in the business twenty-five man. Her .organism is more complex, her
years. All I've ever lost was one small system more delicate, Ifer health is dis-
piece, and to this day Pm not sure whe- turbed regularly in the course of nature.
ther it was lost in the office or the le anything happens to interfere with
factory—or whether some outsider didn't that natural course, she goes through un -
take • speakable suffering. In fact the health
nufacturers fear small thefts of of every function and the happiness of
go1rfilings more than big robberies. The every, moment of a woman's life depends
dust, sweepings and refuse of such a upon the richness aud the regularity of
factory are of course valuable. To save her blood supplq. That is the simple sei-
this as the last grain the system is as entific reason why Dr. Williams' Pink
elaborate as in the United States mint.
The workmen must change their clothes
at the door of the factory. Their work
clothes never leave the room until, old
and. impregnated with gold dust, they
are taken to be burned in retorts. Before
leaving at night the men wash their
faces, bands and -heads. The waste water in the hope that what I say may benefit
is saved, to be reduced. The sweepings, other sufferin,„0. W0111033, 1 take pleasure
the sediment of the waste water and the in statin.,,e that I have found. wonderful
old clothes are sold every month to firms benefit trom the use of Dr. Williams'
which make a business of handling such Pink Pills. When I began using the pills
refuse, The return from this source may I was so badly run down that I could
run in a big factory from $200 to $500 scarcely go about; at times I suffered
a month. very much and felt that life was a bur -
From time to time workmen have been den. Thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
caught in small tricks on this refuse. For I can now say I am enjoying better
better keep it short if he doesn't want health thau I ever expected to have again
exaraple, a jeweler with oily hair had
ytoearbse areggoarsedevderattviithdfsshuosnpeicsiA
ton. jewelers
pills to other suffering women."
Dr. Willituns' Pink Piths eured Mrs.
were caught powdering a long, oily head Ferguson bemuse they filled her veins
of hair with rich dust. with the rich, pure blood so necessary
for this reason that
have been nutde from the trunks of trees to the health and happiness of every hu-
The big hauls in the jewelry business an being. It
veling salesmen or from the stocks of these pills always cure such troubles ai
retailers. The war between the jewelers anaemia, neuralgia, heartrouble, indi
t -
end the erooks is constant. As eoon as - gestion, rheumatism, sciatica, St. Vitus
the thieves invent a new one. There are dance, paralysis, kidney and liter trou-
the jewellers learn how to beat one game 13‘,1e,18., and d women the special ailments of growing
two big organizations against the out- b.: .., -n fof smddle age. You can
side crook. The Jewelers' Protective Uget these pil s from any dealer in niedi-
n- eine, but you should be careful to see
ion is a coopers.tive insurance agency to
bers pay certain annual dues. From this it for the pfulll People,"
:9)ir. Williams Pink
a e s on the wrapper
protect travelers on the road. The mem-
are made good. At the end of every two aroisindeaeh box. If you wish you can
years the money remaining in the tress Wilget the pills by mail at 50 cents a box
fund all losses by trunk and valise thefts
sury is divided and returned to the sub- or six bosses for $2.50 by writing The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
— .
scribers. There is also a detection agency- - -
Jewelry salesmen on the road must ob. HIS FIRST SIGHT OF A TRAM.
to which the members pay 325 a year.
elle& their trunks and valises and see The Emotions of a Kentucky Nan on
serve certain rules. They must personally
stop the train makes they must get out
Y 'Now and then one hea.rs of people who
Such an Occasion,
them aboard the baggage car. At ever
and watch the baggage ear until the con- have never seen a locomotive or a train
ductor yells "all aboard." Arrived at of ears, but these people are bee.oming
his first stop, the salesman goes irame- scarcer an the time passes, until they
diately to the baggage room, presents are almost as remote as the legendary
his check and rides with the trunk or heroes of the oldentimes," eaid C. T.
valise to his hotel. There, if the goods Bruce ,of Roanoke, Va., to it Milwaukee
are in small compass, he puts them in the Sentinel reporter.
"A few weks ago, hosvover, it was my
The precaution of watching the bag -
safe and breathes freely.
fertune to notice the actions of a grewn
gage ear at every station arises from an
old game of western erooks. The thief man who had never seen a train or heard
bought a ticket and accompanied the the whistle of un engine or steamboat.
salesman on a "short stop" trip. For It was in a little village in Kentucky,
baggage be would check a trunk or valise near the wild, mountainous districts in -
looking just like the salesman's. At a habited by moonshinere, and this man
station along the line be would slip Mal been arrested by the revenue men.
into the baggage ear and shift the He was being taken to a place for trial,
cheeks, receiving the salesman trunk at the
ed party
the village where I encountered.
Inc terminal. . y his first trip on the cars was
A mother cannot watch her little ones
too carefully during the hot weather.
Dysentery, dianhoca, cholera infantum,
and disorders of the stomach are alarm-
ingly frequent during the summer
Months, and unless the mother has at
hand an, efficient remedy to check and
cure the trouble a little life may go al-
most before you realize the ease is seri-
ous. At the first sign of any of these ail-
ments the wise mother will give her little
one Baby's Own Tablets, whieh promptly
cure all hot weather ailments. Mrs. John
Lancaster, North Portal, N. W. T., says:
"My baby was attacked with diarrhoea
and vomiting. I at once gave Baby's Own
Tablets and the next day she was as well
as ever. I am never without the Tablets
in the house, as I find they are the only
medicine a little one needs." Other wise
hand—their prompt use may save a lit- safe robbers. It keeps track of creeks and us YIDS q
mothers will follow Mrs. Laneaster's ex -
tie life. Sold by all medicine dealers or and naakes a business of informing the i ment. And in a few. minutes the train
trade about any new dodges of jewel
ample and keep the tablets always at
ing the Dr, Williams' Medicine Company, ideettnoici et irv. estillngrolled in. The man from the mountains
InFsopritethoef 1 as the train passed the platform became
sent by niail at 25 cents a, box by writ- thieves.
ien devices and of education in the way
ebneaisesl,ilositThroeicibillanes.. ' ILS one bereft of reason. Down to his
Iknees he dropped, and with Ids manacled
hands extended la 41 gesture e ppl
Brockville, Ont. f su Ica-
' 1 d ha
dogs," remarked a w,elaknown local fan- A big retail store protects itself by '
1 He had to be carried. en board, and wits
' to tearful rayer to be saved.
bout 300 robberies of retail stores
never Myr one pant and wag his tail dozen mechanical devices which the I wild ravings we gathered that iie
there are the mirrors which nowatlays From his
der and huntsman, "and that is, you public never notices. To begin with;
a, nearly insume duriug t'he trip.
"'There is one peculiar thing about a- • • '
at the same time. A dog is not capable back up the tounters of hearty every big thought the mid of the world had come.
The Sign ef Les
and glad at the other. at all. They are to enable the clerk to .
turned. When you begin to think that it Wet
oft double emotion. Ite can't growl and retail stores. The careless observer imp -
wag his tail at the same time, for it is Poses that they are for ornament. Not!
"If a dog is glad to see his master he watch mutt:liners even wben his back 18 . . . • - t to ro i assa isase
. i worth svbile to dress for the chance men
caller and to j)refe.r sending &era word
impossible for him to be inad at one end
will bark and wag his tail. If he wants Again, any store which Is at all care-
, 1 yen aren'ta home uss ng y
[ frock; where the imitation to it party
to get into the house he will paw at fill has its show cases built. solid to the' suggests nothing mote to yeti than the
they ate alt symptoms of one and the g
the door, whine and wag las tail, but floor. Xot raised on legs. Ivor an old; 10, it
ame with tel sneaks is to creep under • -
next morning headache which may fel-
t when you lee' out of plate in a
attille emotion. But if hie Master opens the counter at a time when theee aro! frilly hat and begin not to care whethet
immediately by whining and will show
the door he will cease to show allxiety few in the store end open a ease while a 1
eonfederate is holding the clerk's eaten -I your belt fits or not; whet A child
around the house gets on your nerve
pleasure only by the wagging of his tail. tion. Many stores have the front door and you fled yourself aoubting the
"In Order to get a man s tempsr One connected by mi electrieal apparatus to complitnents your husband gives you.
Thlifit Watch his eyes, but for et dog's push buttons bellina their counters, 1104 -
you have to watch his talk The dog is thet the door may be closed from far;
ell only your snails 07 matieettent; when
When love poems and love stator weak:,
likewise incapable of davit, and hence baek in the store tn mese a sneak tries , you consider any sort of beautifying
proms, from eurliag your hair to pulls
VI •
Pills are worth more than them aveight
in gold to women of all ages from fifteen
to fifty. These pills actually .raeke the
rich, red blood that brings health anti
happiness and freedom from pain to
every woman, Mrs. Neil Ferguson, Ash-
field N. S. says: "In justice to you and
I to begin.
other co-operative organization. It looks "Sud.denly the train whistled, not more
The Jewelers' Security Alliance is an- 1
out for the safes of retail stores, insur- In
than quarter of mile away. 'the
oanshiner jumped nearly three feet and
ing their contents and running down • Mood like an animal at bay, his head up
with astonish-
-of crooks, they are still the point of tion W y
Dogs Almost Honest. attack, The alliance reported last year
tto one, not even hie master. If he le NO jeweler who is wise will halve MS lag la YS" Sta"' CS
lee is nothing of a nolitteuen. Tie deceives a das 1.
toLettjofyaeedt, eavviedryhtiToltvilomnmismiatikdeicuttptivgeiveost froet door latch so erranged. that it When you begin putting flowers on this
Ample testimony to it. If be is displeased Can I" fastened from the outside, A dining room table, instead of pInnifig
or angered it IA Om same way. To beat these winaow smashers jewelers out yogare°emfora7tt.ilatelagsha°108evaellidy hlattioall
this is a pet trick of window sntastientes-, ,I „stvillerriela $61tr 11°111 *Ilell /611 e*mit141146
"Ilis onenese awl fidelity under ell rir- mea to fasten att Iran grating inside oast hues yen—tima 'you site teal's+
eurnstances entply snake him utterly the sbow window. Thie spoils the dis-1
ineepable of lataetess and loyalty Militia PlaY, and it better plan is to have a growing old and there IA 110 help for yoU.,
taneously in appearttriCe. If he loves You second and etrenger pane of xdate girds Ite long as a woman retail% her win.
he loves you, end everything about lihn set ft few inelite inskle the hest. Iltie y arid laet entbusitem she has stilt
Inaleatee it, but if lie hetet% you. he aevice is invisible 'unless one is looking got a firni hold sot her youth.—alew
York Prose.
phows it frOm the lima to the taw,— for it, and tho foreo of it thrown briek,
ITouston Poet. in ninety-nine eases out 01 hundred, I esaasseesaseasessee...
will smash only the Outer Whitlow. The teteho6roWeltair
tstlrttradteMitileirthel ins tilt -
thief Who mite theough do the diiiplity. bitmo, rii=
The fellow who thaws Hush In it bottoms Ana bides of slow 'windows ere ever been. The workersIdsaingrt
poker game isn't always &tilled With ofteri lilted with iron to beat the windoW rrttitiepttlat ottntr:a ta ova