HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-07-06, Page 2Juiday SO 01 murderers, but lie saw the salvation 0,1
0 e lost ram!, could be reached en no Mao.
•••••••••• way. ilia sont---111a, life. An offeritag-
INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. In• N"."e&rfAitittefedriivnit,"-seir%-lrallirr.gcli)irhesett:tedln
PLY 2905. as a sin -offering; llis death bent," on en -
The Suffering teaelonr.-Isa, 13 to Phattiont letIre Ito IS deacribtk nit a
malt offering, 'Ille death beiug eatisfac-
tion.-darwiele. His seed-'"Xlie true spite-
COMmentarne-I. ale humiliation Ana haat lerael of the future. Those who
•exaltation of the Sieviour (vs, 13.15). The by His aims are convertral to the At the Oornwall Pitreese Board. IO-daY
prophet hero makes a. briel aunouneement knowledge of Jellovalt." Hie. Weld- .
ei 14245 boxes of widte. and 374 colored
of the exaltation in store for the oue who -Under Hie government or direetion. ers,_•eflecoboloarrelett Tsohled oalttleall wil;rt
wee known to malty as ea °lard of aver- ealtisfietl - lie &ball see suck bless.e4
sion Rad content; "he shalt budtienly fruits resulting from Ille sufferings ae
be xevealed ixhos true diguity, 414 the 'amply to repay Itim for tlenne-J.. a: laeirtis,?;683htet,3,1%, 141.exAanitenr: -1144
Unexpected. traneformation will startle B. lea With the.greitt--Or amoug the oe
lateoll! & Claristmas
tlata whole world into actonieltment great. Owlet's ye:tortes shall be very .‘,Xiyaenz.44AR,,,,u70,o.p3; 4
Una reverence." These Versee •ere SOM.- great. Itis aingtiotte Shall rule among' ""t
Vanaleek Hillealleere 'were 1,8424boxes
mary ef what ie derterileed in detail iu the. natioul. Divide the spoil ---"There •
of nat
chapter r)3. The inain at the whole shall flow to Ilim and Ills kingdom the elme.se boarded and sold here edaY;
pea:loge is the imexamplett contrast be- wealth, tbe strength, the lotto:acre, that,aboauldwioillteern4eillegytheivangedootibiate;ttttenc.51a4tee,
tneen the present awl peat elegradation tbe strongest liatione, possess." t meta, . with ne seles. He then raised it to
anti the atetitre glory ot JelMvall'a Ser- "Ile is despised. and rejectea o. 0 1-20, witle the eamo result. Hodgson
vant. (vs. 3.) lieeknew the sorrow of Imre-
'Xite :euttering Saviour (vs. 1-3), 1. quited love. lie came, to Ills own and . Bros. bi9 9-10e, and a -yds figure all
the eheese were sold on the board, lIodg- •
Believed mer eepart-The report of the
prophete and GM gospel message. The
world is still full of unbelief. To believe
this report is not merely to aesent to the
truth Of it, but to so receive it that the
'aoudad "Will be influeoced by it. The
Jewel did not receive the report, there.
lore Christ was to them without "come-
liness." eerin of the Loret-The arnt is
symbol ef power, as it is the metre-
ment by which we execute our purposes.
it is put for the power of Gott (Ise. 51. 9,
tale 10). It. hence means God's power 111
defendiug Ills people, in overcoming Ills
-enemies, and in saving the soul. --Barnes.
Revealea-alade known, seen, understood.
The questions in this verse are strong,
but not tutal dentals. Who bath be-
lieved. This verse is twice quoted in the
New Testament as finding its fulfilment
in ths rejection of Christ by the Jews
(John aia. 38; Rom. x, 16). --Tedd, 2, For
-The propbet now gives the reason -why
the report. as not believed. lte-The L4av-
lour. Grew up (IL V.) -The point of vis-
ion is at the time Christ's sufferings
mete finished 'and He was entering into
ll's e'er'. As a teader peint-Iie grew
t and at ne t. front a
Ian:Ay nearly eatiuct, tote a tender plant
eptioging unnoticed from its tender root
lad ht a barren aud dry land, out of
which nothing great was expected.-
Bishop Horne. -And as a root, ete.-The
sprout -which springs up form a root.
Such a sprout would lack strength ant
beauty. Both figures depict the lowly
and emattraetive character of the small
but vigorous beginning. The expression
"out of dry ground," which belongs to
both figures, brings but in addition the
miserable diameter of the external cir-
cumstances in the midst of which the
birth and growth of the servant (the man
Christ Jesus) had taken place -the exist-
ing state of the enslaved and degraded
nation -in a word, "the dry ground" is
tbe •corrupt character of the age.-Delitz-
sch, aee him -The former part ef this
verse refers to his birth- and childhood,
the latter to his first publte appearance.
No beauty -This refers to his state of
abasement. He did not come as a great
prince or even as a rich man, but as a
humgle, poor peasant.
3. Despised -BY the rieh and great.
Ilejected-"Foreakett of men," renoaneed.
We hid....faces-Itis appearanee was
math as to caue,e men to turn their
backs or hide their faces with disgust.
"Men avoided him as though be had a
disease like leprosy." Esteemed him not
Failed to reeoguree his worth. Why did
Christ come in this humble manner? As
a rebuke to the proud and haeghty. 2.
0,1"grnii. teR-a•
_Market Rieports
Montreal Men Start for Ste. Madeleine
+or-, T*0 BEING SEPARATED. Montreal, Jul y8. -The tiger Sean, at
to Shoot the Benet.
Ste. ;Madeleine has tutted. (Mt to be a
The Week
reality, and, aecordieg to reports, the
The Cheese Markets. Because Bandmaster in U. 5 Navy Was Ordered
• people of that district are more terror -
on a Long Cruise He and His Wife Suicide. strieken than ever. AS n tomtit one of
the biggest, hunting expeditions ID reeent
years is afoot, aud the ranks of local
After the last cruise of the North braves have been increased by fifteen
AtIantie fleet he camo home and was huntsmen from Montreal, The party left
to have rejoined his ship last night with the city at 4 o'clock this afternoon in
the understanding that Ito would not order to be ready for all. early in
again obtain short leave before depart- morrow morning: They were In charge
log for the Asiatic station. The young of Lieut. Landrutua of the Montreal
couple were deeply depressed at their police force, who is a well-known marks.
approaching eeparatiou
OWn received Ilun not. lie
the company et those who loved and
worshiped. Rim and lived with those
who reproached gominees, aefteerat
Hie teaching, misunderstood lies mo-
tives, unaligned Ms character, accused
lihn unjustly, mocked Ills misery and
tortured Rim even to crucifixion, '1h:it
thus they should. requite llis tender, dis-
interested love rut deeply into the heart
of Jesus.
"A man of sorrows and acquainted
with grief" (vs. 3). The world was one
vast hospital for Jesus. Great multi-
tudes came to him having with them
those who were lame, blind, dunib, maim-
ed, t Matt. xiv. 30), and they brought un-
• to Him mane- that were possessed with
devils (Matt. viii. 10). Arid be had
compassion on them and healed them.
His heart aehed constantly for the pain
and misery of a multitude of people.
"And we hid as it were our faces from
Him" (vs. 3). Moses as a babe was ex-
ceeding fair, a godly child (Acts vie 20;
lleb. xi. 23, R. V.). David -was of a
beautiful countenance and goodly to look
tl Sam. 16: 121. Saul was a choice
,2„.201g, min, ft am Lis should -as upward
• higher than any Li, (1 2I2
h. :IL But Jesus had no physital
"beauty" that "men should desire Mtn"
(vs. :2). He was not, to be loved for the
height of His stature of the beauty of
his faro or the gladness.' of His countea•
auee, but for His acquaintance with
grief. The world hid from Him because
Hie face was sorrowful, His rnenner seri-
ous. Iris life prayerful, Hie commotion
perfect, his teaching spiritual and his
walk with God. Alm hide from Rim
now when they will not listen to the
story of the cross; when they will not
believe it is the blood that makes atone-
ment for the soul; when they will .not
have this man to rule over them. But
to hide their faces now from Ilis humili-
ation and suffering will be in the day
of judgment to call ou the rocks to aide
them from the face of Rim that sitteth
on the throne and from the wrath of
the Lamb. Woe 10).
So that He could sympathize with those
who suffer. 3. To show the true nature
of the kingdom of God.
111. The atoning Saviour (vs. 4-91 4.
Bath borne -The meaning is that tbe
consequenees of sin fell upon Him, the
innocent, and that He bore Iles unde-
served sufferings as eacrifice. on be-
half of His people. -Cheyne. Griefs-
"teieknesees."-R, V., margin, To bear
sickness is not to take it away but
simply to endure it. Christ endured in
His own person the penal consequences
of the people's guilt. Sorrows- Our
pains. How did Jesus bear our griefs
and sorrows In his sympathy.. 2. Be -
His healing power. Stricken -The ex-
pression used when God visits a man
with severe and sudden sickness. eepec-
ially leprosy, which was regarded as the
sin. The leprosy is only a strong image
for such •sufferings as are the evidence
of God's. wrath against sin. ---Skinner.
eon Bros. got 817 boxes, Lovell ahrist-
anas got 487, Willer & Rileey got 260 and
.A. A. .Ayer & Co. got 285. There were
five buyers present.
Toronto Farmers' Market.
Wheat, white, bushel .,4 1 OD to 1 02
Do., red, bushel .. 1.00 to 1 02
Do., tering, bushel 0192 to el
Do., goose, busher MU to 0 MI Manufacturers Received Officially by
"Stirely he bath horn our griefs and
'carried our sorrows" (v. 4.) In his life he
suffered with the sinful, the sick, the
sorrowful; in his death Ile suffered for
the sinful, the sick, the sorrowful. The
erucified One suffered the most exert -
elating agony without the slightest miti-
gation or relief. No one suffered on a
bed of sickneee., no one ever suffered un-
der any eireumstancessuch pain as Jesus
bore on the eroes,. "He saw the. travail
of his soul" to. 2.) Oh. the laborious,
long continued work of our Lord between
Paterson, N. J., My lanable to
endure the thought of a loug separation
involved in the foreign. service to-
whieh he was ordered, Henry laiehenrodt,
bandmaster of the United States battle-
ship Alabama, and Ids young wife, to
whom. he had been united less than a
year, cormnitted suieide yesterday.
Eichenrodt merriett Clara Tetzold,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Teta
vold, of this city, and their life was
very happy, although the bandmaster's
duties only permitted him to visit his
bride at long intervals.
Oats, Imabel 0145 to 4S,4
Barley, bushel .. OHS to 0 41
Peas. bushel .. .. 0172 to 0 QC
timothy, ton 0100 to 10 00
Do., mixed, ton 7.00 to S 00
Straw, per ton .... 9t90 to 10 00
Dressed hogs .. MOO to 9 1:5
Lord Mayor.
Sheffield, July 3. -Sheffield's recep-
tiou to the Cenadian :Manufacturer:a
eiesociation was fully equal to that re -
Apples, per bbl .. .. .. .... 7.‘00 to I 75 eeived in other Fleece. A magnate:int
Eggs. per dozen .. .. .. .. 0.20 tO 0 2.3 lun.eheon was prepared at Cutler's Hail,
Butter, dairy .. .. .. ... .. 0 15 to 0 10 where Mr. Ballantyne, in replying to the
0 91 to 9 23 toast of the Canadian Maunfacture:s'
Chickens, last year's, lb, .... 013 to 0 14
Potatoes, per bag .. .. .... 0/0 to 0 to 0,011111a 011 account of the tipateferleviiitelel
Turkeys, per lb. .. .. .. .. 014 to o 15 Association, said Sheffield's
Cabbage, per dozen .. .. .. 0 Q0 to 0 75 had trebled within the last seven years.
Celery, per dozen .. ... .... 0 40 to 0 50
Onions, per bag .. .. .. .... 200 to 0(40 - '"I'''''''-''
11. I v,...,,a•,1 the opinion that they
Beet, hbadquarters .... ..., 9 00 to 10 50 should put it to still greater advantage.
Do., forequarters .. .. .. .. 6 00 to 7 50 The United States, though at fifty
Do., choice, carcase .. .. .. 8 se to
Do., medium, carcase .. .. 7 25 to f .3
2 im. per cent. disadvantage 001111) 111 with
Mutton, per cwt. .. .. .... 8 50 to le ea Great Britain, still managed to do a
Veal, per cwt. .. .. .. .. .. 8 00 to 0 so large trade with Canada. Ile impress -
Lamb, sating, per cwt. .. .. 13 oe to 15 00 ed his hearers with the facit that Can -
Wool 3Iarket. ada was more of a manufacturing coma
Lenants-The. arrivals of wool for the try than was generally regarded la re.
fifth series et ma lion sales amount to Her manufaeturing interests were great -
4,029 bales, including 4.000 forwarded .dl- er than her agriculture aud kindred. in-
rect to spinners. The imports this week terests'
were: Victoria, 112 bales; Now Zealand, He alluded le Hon. alr. Fielding's
8,585; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, budget statement that three tariffs
3,592; Bremen, 842. various, 1,046. The would be adopted -a maximum against
fourth series will be. opened on Tuesday, Canada. a moderate and a IlliIIIIIIUM to
July 4. During the first five days 59,050 the mother country. His remarks wen,
bales will be offered. ret.eived with entbusiaem.
British Cattle Markets. The Canadian Manufacturers' Associa-
tion visited various factories, and to -
London -Cattle are quoted. at 11 to night' were officially received by the
12 1-2o per lb.; refrigerator beef, 8 3-4 to Lord Mayor -
8 7•8e per lb.; sheep, 13 to 14e per lb. The Scotsman, referriu,g to Mr. Cham-
berlain's epeech to the Camdian mann-
Bethlehem and Calvary! His first record-
ed spoken word is, "Wist ye not that I
must be about my Father's business?"
(Luke 2:49). Later he declares, "I must
work the work of him that sent me"
(John 9:4). He closed his earthly labor
with the declaration, "I have finished
the work thou gayest me to do" (John
17;4). And his one exultant cry upon
the cross was, "It is finished" (John
"The thastisement of our peace was
upon him" (e. 5). Dr. Pentecost was
called to a dying woman. She was much
distressed as she 'told him she had but
two or three days to live anti cried out:
Oh! I have not made my peace witb
God." "Well, I have come to tell you
good news," said he, and opening the Bi-
ble he read this chapter, putting a little
emphasis upon the words: "The ehastise-
mut of our peace is upon aim." Then he
stud. "You have only to accept the par-
don Christ has procured for you. Will ,you
5. 'Wounded, ete.-'llut Ile was pierced do it Rawl" A. change came over her face.
because of our rebellions, erushtel be- She forgot all about. her visitor. She
cause of our iniquities." -Cain. Bib. The turned to the wall and said, "Ola how
strom.7 verbs pierced and crushed are good it is that tbe Son of God came into
. probably metaphors exprosing the fate- - the world to make peace fer the like co'
rid ravages of leprosy. -Ibid. Bruised mer The evangelist slipped away and
Applied to the body, crushed; applied left her, but many a thne afterward her
to the mind, severe inward agony is words brought a thrill of joy to her own
implied. -Bannister. Of our peace -The s.oul. A sinner cannot make his peace
chastisement needful to procure peace for
oz. Chastisement is pain inflicted for
moral ends and with remedial intent. -
Cam. Bib. It was neecesary far Christ
with God any more than a eonderanett
criminal can make peace with the Gov-
ernment -whose laws he has violated. The
official e:eeeutive -must grant a pardon and
to die for us. the sinner must aerept it. Then he can
.0. Like sheep -The figure of the tray . ae) in peace. It pte.astel the Father that in
Jesus sheuld all fullness tivvell nnd he
sheep is common in ilie Bible. Sheep
made pence for us by the blood of the
without a .sheplierd, having lost their
way, are the very picture of helpless- er(*5 t°31. I. 1°-2M -
mess; and this is the condition of men.
Hath laid, etc. -The sorrows that would A CH tCAGO [AlIJR{
. 1 .
have fallen uptni us het-au:se of our sits.
Id ll upon Christ. Ent Christ was not -
eompelleei to suffer for us; lie volun- ; SON OF A FORMER HateriLTON Male
tartly mettle an atonement for sin. 7.
Oppreesed-This veree shows the treat-- INVOLVED.
meat Be received, ani how he eenthicta,' Chicago, July 3 -The failure of tire
aa Himself ander it. eoppreieed denotes ' anani alai steek -brokinacee firm 01
harsh, cruel. .and nrbitray treatment unveil% Deinielly a. tee, watch oecuirea
such as that of a slave driver toward seetaal we. a IV.° haS assumed tilieelatte
theie W120 are uoder him." ' peoloaticae. .3.17.hou-h Receiver :Potter
ae Token from piteeat-e•Dy oppreseam -Lae net yet fautelfeti his exanduation
rani judgment he wae,tatten as ay.' --R. •• or tit brtftl3 of the tomern, enough
•1,-,. Teen ore torr.isopaaane acre. -1.15 karate:I 5,, dA to ehow that tile
one think that this meaoe that he wae . hatilities alit aggiegate nut or from
deetrisee of peeper julement tied trill: .• eapateetat lee assiets may sum up ee2,-
others that tie ST -1S token away by deafe --, ou0a301.
arid thee firrally released frem his treat -1 .lenether tepert says: The business el
bles. IVEta shall deteeree-Se.e. R. V. Tele the crlarrassel brokerage fine •of
is a very affix:el eeariSe. an 1 tier e are h.ragitt, Denaelly & Co., was rain:lotted
reurneraa.e opiriene as tee is aroleaae ; ed ete asear eesterolae. Bur kr a lama!
mealtime "Mesa:, Aeleal 07: a teti.irrs un- i, 1.:4 ...it., -.1 3.1 tee oftim elf tLe Lank
• eftstanl- this as teativalent te "Ala eon
eleaerabe tar aielredaves of !he men ••f
teas titzii.,'•2 Oteers interpret it, 11-4 safe
elee'lltre tete peeteelar,e that is, hi; sena
itural ell:el-rem lie. Kay uneseatireas y
hie ererereatian. 1111,'" Iirc'2!.i'Z',7.,. 11 Lir, :Lt7e.
11r. 12.7.tit.,2ic suereests teat it te-c•atees .1 •
Yesterday friends gathered at his home Others mewls of local reputation as
to bid. farewell to the bandmaster. In experts in the itse of firearms will join
the midst of the festivitiesalit:hem-mit in the these. Various Imams in the
and his wife left the party, and later neighborhood of Ste. Madeleine bavo
were found dead in their bedroom and made further reports of baying seen the
clasped in each other's arms. F,xamina- ferocious monster.
tion showed that after turning on the
gas loth had swallowed carbolic acid. LOOKS BAD FOR NORWAY.
Mrs. leichenrodt was 20 .years old, and
ber husband two years older. "King Has Lost Both Crownep Says Ono
• . Senator.
out for a suitable route to etrike the
ea Birch Raphls, a swift current which tee Riksdag to -day elected eXtraor-
Slily 3. -Both Houses of
head of the line, when their canoe enter- Stockholm,
turned into a whirlpool. Before they (Unary committees to Well was re -
were aware of their perilous poen:ion •
the canoe overturned. Mr, amallian,ferred the aovermne at bill looking to
who could not. swim, clung to the up. a settlement with Norway.
. •
turned canoe, and bet conitanions, who The debate on the bill brought out
were swimming were 'Imelda swept fiery speeches, in whieh the action of
away and drowned. the Norwegian Storthing was cote
shore, tramped. back to the camp for
regaining the downed and athe Swedish Cabinet se -
Mr. &milieu, after
vereiy critielied:
help to recover the bodies., whieh were The tenor of the spectates in both
yivor of the party
found hy Mr. Plekeriw°r and the sur-
Hfiredays after the ouses leaves the impression that the
majority of the speakers were of the
accident. For ninety miles Messrs. Pick-
ering and amallian canoed and carried
the bodies of their late chief and &is as-
sistant, until they reaehed the Long
Portage, twenty miles from Ville Maria
Here rough, boxes were constructed and
the remains were taken on to that via
Inge, thence to New Liskeard on the Gov.
element tug Dora. The survivor and hia
companion were much exhateded, after
their long and arduous journey.
• Mather B. Almon was forty-four years
'et age, a graduate of the Royal 'Military
College in 1880, and 0 son of Mather B.
Halifax. The remains were sent
to Milwaukee for interment, where las
wife resides.
Amadee Bayard, jun., a eon of a resi-
dent in Janeville, a suburb of Ottawa,
went insane wbile earveying with the
Transcontinental party at New last:card board the Allan steamer I retorian, ead-
laet Sat urday night. lie attempted in" for Claegow, and toonorrow several
suieide by jumping front the wlutra but
others affected. with the same disease
was reecued aud brought to Ottawa to- who have been declared incurable will
ley and loeked up for examination.
opinion that a peaceful solution of the
difficulty was extremely improbable.
Baron Kennedy, speaking in the Sen-
ate, said: "If the King's message ex-
presses his opinion, he ha $ lost two
crewels instead of one."
Large Number a -t the House of Deten-
tion, Quebec, to be sent Back.
Quebec., ,July 3, -The medical branch
of the Quebec agency of the Dominicm
Immigration Department is gettiug pro -
p8152011 to deport 0 number of diseased
iminierants, at present undergoina treat-
nienCtioatraelionia aL the Savant Park
House of Detention. This afternoon one
immigrant, a fecotehman, was placed on
goprawn., oimmarf
Sentenced to be Hanged. the Last
Day of August.
be placed on the first Dominion Line
Bradstreet's on Trade. faeturere, eays the sentiments of Rio-
eteamer that sails. There are at ince-
ship and loyalty are not stronger now
to onr colonies' than they were to the
Montreal, --Trade conditions here have
a. slightly better tone than was notice-
able a week ago although business is
still unusually quiet. A fair amount of
dry goods business is being placed for
fall delivery. The hardware trade has
not recovered the brisk tone of earlier
in the season, First deliveries of steel
rails are being made for the Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway and this city will
soon be feeling the effects of the com-
mencement of the building operations
of this road. There is it fair sortinp-, de-
mand for all lines of saline groceries.
Prices of refined sugar bave declined
5e. per cwt. Prospects continue to favor
an improvement in wholesale trade.
Toronto-Wbile there is still a quiet
tone to wholesale trade Imre and the vol-
ume of business is not large, there is a
make the first break."
Murderer of Howard at Lesser
Slave Lake,
A New Witness Gave Important
*Winnipeg, July 3. -During the trial
at Edmonton yesterday of -Charlea
King, charged with killing hie partner
in the far north and burning the aemains,
Sophia Cardnall wife of Casmer Card -
bull and sister of Chief Moostoss, was
called. She is a new witness and gave
important testimony. She related bow
two men, identifying King as One, camp --
ea ecru her house, The misesing man
the identified from a photograph of
latywara. The latter, she said, call.
ed at her Immo on borseback when
sbe was making a paineof moccassins,
and by signs expressed a desire to buy
• them, The following morning about
sunrise she went over to the camp to
take them to aim. Sbe found a log
fire blazing brightly, logs piled. some two At*
and a halt feet high, and a blaze as
high as a man's head.
Witness identified the prisoner as the
num who was standing before the fire.
She came near, looking for the miming
man, and distinctly saw flesh burning
in the fire. King then came towards
her and motioned her to leave, and, be-
ing unable to find Hayward, who ordered
the moccasins, and not being able. to
converse with King, the left and went
home. This concluded the evidence for
the prosecution.
This afternoon King was for the
second time sentenced by :Judge Scott to
be hanged for the murder of Edward
Hayward at Lesser Slave Lake. The
jury retired at 2.10 and al 3.30 returned
to the court room with the verdict of
"guilty' of murder."
.Asked if be had anything to say why
sentence should not be passed upon him,
the prisoner said: "My Lord, I say I
am not guilty. 11 the man Hayward is
dead I had nothing to do with it. I
don't know if be is dead. I never had
such an idea in iny head as to murder--*
Hayward. I don't know if he is dead.
I know lie was alive when I last, saw
him. If he is dead I hope yon will find
out who did it. I am sure I never did
His Lordelap said: "You have had
a fair trialeand on the evidettee we do
not see how He jury could arrive at any
other verdiet. There is nothing else
for me to do but to order that you be
taken to the barracks at Fort aaskat-
chewan and detained. there unl it tho
31st of August, when you shall be tak-
en to the place of execution and there
hanged by the neck until you are dead.
I can hold out no hope for the remission
of your sentence by the powers at 01-
• tawn, and my advice to you is in the
meantime to prepare to meet your God."
•:, t
Britieh colonies in Ameriea that were . WIPE WON'T BE KISSED.
• treatment at the Ilouee of Detention,
cite 180 foreign immigrants undergoing
driven part from us in the eighteenth An wise NOW York Judge Asks, "What : and quite a number of these will have to
It was extremely milikely that exactly Would Solomon Do?" be deported.
e , a
century .and formed the United Rates.
eimilar causes should. ever operate to New York, July 3. -Magistrate Hig- , BRIDE HAD FRACTURED LEG.
assert their independence, lint it was not ginbotbano who on Wedneeday sentenced
esi that might produce that result. If eleoroe Lindsey, of Brooklyn,
s- cameo ' Connecticut Girl Was Married WhileSit-
difficult to foresee other difficult eaue-
from hand fie mouth, taking no thought every day, take the wile ano baby Greenwich, CQ1111.. July 3.- Though
for the future, it was unsafe to truet suffering from a serious compound. frac-
to the park weekly, and brine. her
altogether to sentiment. There WaS tt ' '''' Imre of the leg, caused by the running
kinship almost as close between Canada iliANTrs once a. week, has a now Fob- away of a hone, her fiancee, Dr. John
and the United States as between Can- -' tem. to solve. Mrs. Lindsay refuses to ; Reswell Easbrook, ot New York, had
ada and the United Ringdom, and there allow her husband to kiss her. given her, Miss Edna n west, daughter
was but an imaginary line between Can- . Mrs. Li d-• • ' 1 t I
n bey, who re .eig t een mu D
• of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. West, and
ada and the 'United States. ' red-eheeked, says she "just won't," and a r. Hasbrook were married yesterday
- the hard-workina vow, fellow, wh fternoon at the bome of the bride's par -
the moire went on thine, as it were, ed with abandonmeut. to kiss his wife ting in a Chair.
BRITISH PRE,SS looks rather too youne tin• the respeno ' " • ‘as ence to
• 1 wedding, b t this was not
postponement. The ceremony took place , ROMANOFF DYNASTY
° ° ents i No •t1 trect It 1, int 1 cl
have a elmic u
sible position of husbaTal and father, is possible unless there was 0 protracted
On Canadians' Visit to Right Hon. Mr. equally emphatic that "ehell have to
hopeful tone about, business ronerally
he:: of tree leetteery Val.:ace; F.Aling
that the afiaize of the firm were in the
hares er Leeard Potter as rezeivet
be. cater? traneeet. tee Cnited tots
ttital tj era kLN.Ta. that'
one -Earn terttaeeI Loper:et No free --
mks el the helteettas el tee firm metal
1,tiz tarany ele. ea tee a -teen tree either E.,3E3sEr ca' the
tete:lasting reiea lee -emcee.- !:44 eta-a:Leese Leal) said that a present
LISg2.154 -'1000 11v tee.;•:,• atereteecat cezeetee, het it nes era
Eiseery cane] eepelea. Jeaes teas oat ge:elied llteat semelhing defialte weal&
death with the nieeeed t•m the es s'e ate) „ :te leeeeen Oa tare_ :can. cr the day al -
they thazefet ta hive' 11:0 10 a or, "a 1 The leen ee-e 'Gates, nisat deal
grave. Then apearEatel ilts greats, urea ie Eeeeseeee Lee meet rite:Zeta to Lave
the etiete1, etet by etateeea tae•ael 11 is ceTaleee.
the same a:in.-lily game ertamiesien to a re -eerier Vetter naa etaratiree -en the
• a reale.,ksela areaareee, nearer:a t!>17.:4', f..i.l.C1.13 9 teeder arid
seeed late tolta an. to etezaler` leaserl en
leis own •aetewn taaelt
'1752.2, 024.42
• -1 wz7a1mr.,
IV. The Saaleor ream -tail an 1 eserete 1
qest. 33(1-1.2. raztn thateeet in these
t;oteze Es that tee Fateartt its
ta the inelturneat 551: t?:
by ;e:-.-2.tines the ratteeen
• geeet tire1 Iteietelire*enany la tiallt7erae-
that shows confidence in the future.
There has been a better retail demand But it's a long time until July 93, in the parlor. Miss West was propped up .
The Manchester Guardian says the in a big claair, with her leg In a sling, , -
for summer dry goods consequent upon when a report is to be made to the
the more seasonable weather. Hardware Magistrate en court, and there are those and Dr. Hasbrook stood at her side, while SERIOUSLY MENACED BY THE PRE -
goods are moving well, The trade with who profess to believe that the stern the H.ey. Dr. Joseph II. Belden, pastor of .
sentimental journey which the Canada
terday offered Mr. Chamberlain an ir- the. Second Congregational Church, in a • SEN T CRISIS IN RUSSIA.
an visitors made to Birmingham ves-
the Northwest. is now good. It is gen- Magistrate will overlook one, or even
erally expected here, zutd all signs point two or three missing' kisses if his unique brief ceremony unitta tbe couple. • St. Petersburg, July 3. -Not since
in that direction, tbat the business cif thoroughly emotional epeeeh. Ile made order results in bringing tete estranged a. - --..-
the insurrection in December, 1823, when
resistible temptation to indulge in a
the coming fall and winter will be very GERMANS DEFEAT NATIVES.
posed inetead, with a certain frankness couple together again. , a portion of the guard regiments joined.
no attempt at economic argument-, but -
this and some of them are already mak- i in an attempt to create a revolution in '‘'ear•
active. 'Wholesalers seem confident of aleaowhile Mrs. Lindsey and her bus.
admirable in its way, as a man of feel- in the same house Capture of Warmbad by Insurgents is
lU10, an imperialist without aajee.tive or band are still living
at N. 12a Dresden street, Brooklyn. Denied. :Russia, has the situation of the auto-
ing preparations accordingly.
afterthought. One is temptel to say Magistrate Higginbotham's order is e and the Romanoff dynasty been so
At Quebea-The wholesale trade in
when Chamberlain -strikes an Anglo- Berlin, July 3. -Official despatelies I me:
aeneml report trade quiet, although n least once every day, take her to received to -day from German Southwest
that Lindsey must kiss his wife ot . serious. Nevertheless, the crisis uray be
°slight improvement is noticeable in gro-
pound per head to encourage the immi- passed in a few days. Either the open
Saxon .attitude, that Canada pays one
gratien of agricultural laborers froin Coney Island once a week, and pay her Africa report heavy fighting, resulting ' revolt will by that time be stamped out,
the continent as geninst a, mere seven of die insuremit •
City trade is fair. Shoe manufacturers $6 a week until July 23, when they en June 17 io ale defeat-
•ceries. Collections are still backward.
are busy. must report progress,
fighting, losing fifteen men killed, tweu- • squadron is expected to arrive at Odessa
The Birmingham Poet says Chamber- GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.
ty-five wounded and three missing.;
tmde continues very active. While col -
lain did not minimize the existing dale Major Von Kamptz was among th during the day. No explanation is -offered
leetions ate still a little slow here and
.ulties on both sides.He recoentied the New Yeek Man Bereft of Wife, but
t wounded. Capt. Sciebert assumed collie- .:1°r the delay in the equadron's sailing
unitabone widen Canadian eon:lit:one Finds a Fortune. !nand of the German forces rend pursued . from Sebastopol, nor of the nature' of
there they thoweesteady improvement,' °,,. . . a . _-
humeral mon tanadian stetes-nen his stronghold at Ntirus, on Kruger's orders. It is admittell, al -
se though great reticeuce is manitested,
feeling regarding tbe outlook is gener- - . e - ' . • 'a- ' ' New York, July 3.-B the death of Morenga to
Crop prOspeets clitinue firm, and the "
ally optinustic. The Globe, referring to the assoCiatiau . his wife last 'Wednesday, Edward Tuohy, of thine Karib River, which the Germans .
June 10 The Hottentots that at 9 •o'cloek last night the laniaz
The Mercury says Chamber-. to a :mug benne, ,contalnlug 313,000. Mr., Admiri.ltv thinks the inituthienotY. e'rretlue,
Victoria and Vancouver -Wholesale visit, says we shall learn from theei quite ezei test lend street, fell undisputed heir captured on . .
fled southward. An official denial is Potemkin was firing upon
s much as thev will teach us.
trade here is good in all lines. Good ship- a ... Liverpool- - .. . now pablished of the reports from cape-. were
and tbe volume of trade is generally net -tree. Ile gasped for a moment, IT110:1‘1'n of the captare of 1Varinbad, Ger-
Southwest Africa, b , Hottentots. probably drunk. Tbe officers coll-
talks separation Nygren he say$ we - batirsetailefouextipa the bundle in the bed on whIdt
mat. Provincial industries are unusually are, 110t tua, eogiire :fee ?titer empires are. and is anythiag but a happy man now. Me porting strikers mull -evolutionists ashore
skier it possible that the crew were sup-
ments are being made to the interior lain
but a coheetion o states that .aecept dedares be woula rather have his wife than
• 0 or the flames will have spread possibly
chief, Morenga. Ulm Germans took the
beyond the hope of control. At the Ad-
tountry. , _ native position after fourteen bours' imiralty 11 18 saki that the Rear A buiral's
1Vinnipeg.--There is a very sans -foe- and sixpence to lure them from this
tory tone to trade here. The buildinil
' Atteae Fret';ea. The ariver relate-
rtarisel that if Ito in :steels cud
giain nese c'eised ant immediately it
eaSeally eesall to at vane sacrifiet of
lee kelt-tests ehe :,r3 1033. lie said
that if 1.-.P ollevred to use Lit &lee
iierien the affairs el the firm retut.I
be ea:eight teat with at least hut, elk -4A
1. tn Pas aredittere.
area As tle reatml of 1114 1i 011?!) H. DenteNy. Whet with :I.:vo-
ile. wir.1 enji.,)y 1,,,T-Oliltnt fultire on 1 tear leniieet, is prieripal in the !hare is a
$ nneriarons epititnal offetette. tee: s of II. fa-az:telly, of the Lakeside
Usrzyte! a area!! pewter in t2.e • tri;:tirg firm that 15....4nes the catty •diree.
teitite a p:._•:itf.zr,r2 tiko t! tat el a tee:rely see lelite eel sitnialr pubbzaticflL
coanor-Terse Tao idea of et It ttnt aft Patterelly has nothing
f23.7i1 fae elena ea egeoes ae I.:ea-ask-irk: lo with the printing astablisliment
19. r:elcc.1 1%, qicl etn affielai artetatity, being merely
elaith of thrett wee n °free- n aleeeeeler eaerreen.
theate!tt, eat Arleot-ali del ree! mite: ihs 1 eteratiens cm the of Tratle ret•
Sett 111.1i1.1 4tu". 5i! 522 (11 lree ane 01.311y Gr (I* tint
• aftr.:Ne the eririt tr detis of Ifis t'..) the May 'what .dcal of Min W. tatett
one crown, one flag, but are in all ills) against the troops. Throughout the day
reds ellereure, re the vieit of . the soldiers and police had evidently re-
ifamilton-Wholeeeile trade eonditioes au the gold dm could have stored away for
Mr. eed Mrs. Tuohy had lived together trained from attemptina to,inte fere with
the strikers; under trte three ts of the
show little change from these of a week The L
gmuuntsii;liegearisnsott ttillieemhattleships to set their
It is possible that the quieemee of
the -soldiers was due to fear. A. detach-
ment -of dragoons and a brigade of ar-
tillery have °been sent to Odesca Dena
liersen. The troops should have arrived
at Odessa this ,•morning. With theme re-
ham:cements and the city under martial
law at is believed the military govern -
nor will be strong enough to attempt
to euppress the noters by force. The
plan is believed to be for the troops to
crush the disoracre in the city while
Kruger's equattron holas the entrance. of
the 11111113441% It le apparently question.
able Whether Kruger will engage the
Kniaz Potemhine if she releases to sup
render ns firing upoti the vessel might
be too dangerons it test for Me sailors
on board his ship-. Besides lie would in-
volve necessarily the destruetion of the
!iliart. ‘I rieu ge Hayti t ettc11:eniiri
battleship, costing millions and. damage
likely to be followed. At Libati the intitift
tiSakortemelleorfef‘': tlallItlarrraf
teas Hlilere to the number of about 5.009,
211'014,^ lert,ilrordalretlarbisilletrit41001115 80111.1.1ab)rt,rtilitehril
morning a thousand of them bad al-
ready entrendered. Their comrades lam -
:Ably will be star) ea out, eVlit•they there /eye'
was rely gieat loss of life is as yet 1111 -
Renunciation of Temporal Power for
Subsidy Arrears Mentioned.
Rome, July 3. -The Vatican has indirectly
askel whether the Government is inclined
to pay the arrears ef the subsidy offered by
the ruarantee laws to the Plie and refeaea
by Plus IX. and Leo XIII. The Vatican
hints at the possibility that it will reumtuce
113 chime to temporal dominion la case
of a favorable answer from the Government.
A favorable answer Is improbable, owing to
tee large mount of the :mean and the ex-
peetee opposition or earnament.
Tbe guarantee laws referred to were pass-
ed by the Italian Parliament on May 13,
1571. They oftered the Popo full personal
liberty and honors aull an. annual reveitue
from the Italian dovcrnment of 3,1125,000 11-
vres (2111,0301. Pope Pius DC, in au allo-
cution delivered on May 15, 1874 rejected the
ago. Warmer weather bas given an nu- the aesociation, sae's their return to
petus to tbe retell demand for sommar Canada with so fatal a misapprehension
goods, but there is little dorng en.tlais o, aaneeipa- that any coneeterable eke: -
line in a wholesale way. The busurss :
tam or claes of people in England has
in fall lines, however, is more active.
Collections are fair to good. been ,raeoverted or is likely to ba ecu -
collections to Chamberlain's NieWS would
Business generally continues fa•triy •e- be fat -wilt with the nwet dieagreeable
tire at London. The retail trade is fear- eewevee„.e.e. rare. Tuohy bad several teeth extraetel
ly active. i - I ebzult a niontO ago, and contraete a severe
Ottawa -Trade there still has a quiet cora, to wbiall was rultled a epeelex of lock -
tone and collections are a little slow.
ior fifteen yeers. Tuohy worked hard every
day, speet little and his wife spent less. She
was always caving. Tuohy told the Beth -
bars he 'knew she was putting some money
in care a a parleh priest, but never litial,dae.1
it would fetal raere than .1j;09.
jaW. She nos sick enly one week when she
Med. Tuohy, when the undertaker came,
THE WEEK. Has Taken Three Wives; Twice Sen- -- r,.:11,,ti ro remove the bo en which F.ho lay.
Improvement is reported in retail fenced for Bigamy. , Whtn be lifted the uprer tick his hand ten
trade, although weather conditioris are a ;lex hthe buedle.
Still fax from ideal, and excessive rain- Toronto, July 3. -Albert Tucker., erried into an adiolning room, ,epened
retards agrieriltural progress suffitient- . . , e ,
elating man, W.10 nab teem, tlitize marriea, - it, aril Soiiea hills of an denominations fell
ly to cause tonSerratiSm among dealers; • ,
yet •eonfidette in the future is the pre- WaS 3.4k.'"IraiY 5e-Eit td the Ctattral mcisla iraaa 11 -
veiling sentiment, tied leadieg dry goods for iaiee montile. Tueker ideaded guilty
Cleve:, td eitieb the rzev. Dr. Henry A.
21raun is pager, with a solemn lligh Masi. rauRnEr,Ers PLEA A POEM.
'Detre nas a big faneral at St. Ague,'
busy, espezially in heavy stc-el lines, ex-
Inrge fall trade. Manufaeturiug, plants are • - • .
reaaree. be having previeusdy served six 7.,,, i lb it took o 101
- eA " -- ' ' '''i ' ILoc.8 2-li beer'.6wasy• buried in Calvary Ceme- SeetifeS IIis Acquittal, But He Had
3 bill for the 1
cept where usual repairs are being - ill'1" alivr az`-i se"I`la "airr'age• Ill
'obbers are Imam:gnaws anticipatang a ta a eharge ae:rame preferre• e
- e
etre. Mr. Tiu.by has talI the eeighbori that Cribbed It.
„tau, 02 seesenntee eneeeeg es neeeseitat. - wife naw in the Mercer Ileferat•
ParI4 July 1.--A typical Parham' um-
- a mitue-s uf his mar. • 1
e4. shoe factories fit,' &vanity in :nary fier 'COAL 14521i, WA the tido; be win erc.1 a monument over ilt4r 'wave.
der ease Ma just been concluded la tile
ried eineay, to ertniele a home foz 1;er. court:. The NI: after shooting Lis
and. there is ittle ia/e inaelietery I ' t
starting work on fall footwear, owing ;lila= lea-,
to au/acmes se-Tplimentory spring orders, ineee. Tea tatter, he sail. Le had mar -
3.•• a•t I -tense tea reiaa -
atesvraistiteoeureta. rittbteemer.atesed, tfriaielehtra Iglu; e11 2.01
titedx:ctanileeiralid;eer,awwbrniclattefreiealbst.bemiinmdipentgusoopf. Tbtrtlt"--ica:;-114g't01 4f VAt-,n al, 2 Denver Man is Producing Diouth-Proof
Wheat. mare a powerful eppeal to the jury, eonetata
erations maim fas-oralete comparisons l'atirii",afi'vuta fale'.4r.!,..:"...ttliTar•-•r.f..e.tautl. Ing with the reatuns et come path -elle ver.lea
with recent years and there is little I.. le 2. . 3.ft. 1,1 t Denver. Vol., July 3.-Easlit Years
etnitroverey regardirg wages or hours of .1yrilLe31,1.4e.tab''.11,,Lia,liii Atamt'..1,',..,..;01 I plo1.;12. _ 1 etateartau.,, a11" eeitt-"-^"4""'.11:11 INttli:e.tilf.$1.8risaftl'eeictiet,',dIvilti:i)iete:et sel;y1.4atelt It l.4Iflt!
'Zt- 1 b - of urriying the namiliian or sQ. leuolsho le the tiattiois
labor. Foreign commerce at thee port, for ' .
torapariaon with the same perioA year -
ago. Railway •earnings thus for report- '
lax ti ani E:..1 1 IL.1" II O. til er-
r tea' lice a ere tome atel and stut
erieen. matieian, Cad tlaues. coneelved the idea "1:ar. "wm
'rho VI. eOlInt that
;Now, however, count lierrelll writes to
taa haa veva s:zz,-/vg awe eaaree in ea:rile:1;1;e, Pelee el,edeete tet,e. gramezon of the German Mallie-
.01:ers to say that he wrote the
earl and eaty. nal commercial payments
ties reetwered materially. ?dotal is abuse -
Terrorised by
PRICE OF NA.TION BUILDING. - the best grains of espera Residents of Stet.bbolt:eeaIsetin. e
are more prompt in mast sections of inertial crops. 'nothing, unassisted, lie bas
the eauntry.-Durfs Review.
he tle.erves to ho coneratutated hi Ibis mat.
P1 for /537 eleml thcsa af a Tear ag'" . layst T.' 1- a few rainilbs ag.i lectiun to palate in the belief that
eat eer met ateranic Velestone. .nt ULU'. Mcio,by coot &Nam', matt,at that
lay teal ear ceet., and niter falling to the -
lowest point of the year, pritea of scaari- t.i,a Ler. e_.31e satt;,y.
timid surtive thoughts in the arid re -
Two Surveyors Drowned; Another Be. demonstrated Ids 'theory to a point 1%Iontreal, July 3..-A -despatch
S It
01.----.4-4---D LOO_T IN PRISO
t'ttawe, IzITY Se --.All'• 1191"1 17'-'111311- it is probable tbat Gauss will be assis-
Las beeome intereszted in hie work, ;ma athefilitalleliaobnilaaltisgeratiald'Iabeedilstriieetr.roci:ai_s itsor;,te,1elilninttg) tohrt,virr 01.11iteeirahiliitetleTtelfirrieSeedrut:i
:::: or two eallreads and ets many conattetm A
tomes Ineane. where the Department of Agrieulture Ft.% ,nomeine ,ay, that atm cevt.,mi. ame,a
baton Betel Thief nueeesgfeelly Bribed Ian ent Mr. Va...lterine. 10 1,,rt:,. .1k..3. 7. ta 10 complete it in some such way as supposed that the beast escaped from one-half „t ars eia who10 the mother
br, 1...e.7,1 tee, Tause c n 7Lb %-k.:1-A7 t7:.:r 7 I call U'',;,alc, tteat :I cry were aces -owl iac; C31:FS' lar•tIni?,athill !bk. atIveneement‘to• (lithe to have ecen the tiger, a one
a C.:1„1:7' trIt'i'l(l'ii.y7::'''''':;:-..17-711;:'(':'2:4::7!•:11ellii71:re.:.;:-..;le:ilat7:';' ;1'.71ir:leil...51tit'a(a..: .'1:0: a •t'Ill:cililicit:v7;1-1.!fill111:94:;iii.":ilEazitilifilk7e'." 11!1:111e.1 -1;g:::: tuTai 1;11::::11.1':? 1:;:1812:0 aliiga!'iri::,s11111. gl.1.1.1:111)t:e: 4,1:,71::1:114.112:714011annaunial'neas:80:1;(1131:121a,tilt:i.;:oeil‘averliokoodwai: wtTtiltleit tevaolittitolttitl‘i,oineltailitieer the sI wai
1:170118 'Airs. Ruth Norris, of 21 '.71 leawfort eve -
lime 81re finally gave up the idea turd
Californian wizard. Blurb:11k' ?laaetneillia"rtmte,lige'eneteeleintobvaitneIe'e,eenunttliYhel'isti(t)elld. 'asillt.ed to send to telativee at abide°,
C -2, n -e ca-ra1 ere traty valace at e -..1a- _ wee la Wil sale bre Zile by e'ine,ing ti3 t111airsag tn%i iirregatttlr•ewtoeri:loti
this kind than out driving ilei c,tete, g1,;:lizie eililanitienforrilhae stAartiiosn. NarrsilswaevIaleitrathuilitt,e tiI;lniatillin.
.1.-73 2F:1g fl3 '11;Tar..111.:07ttrl.".42 E:;g:..:::1U'IC)::'::::1-13t. ' kle:)..rel(':::;10S.--1,:•„111,..:Xleallci/I,Tleilil!b.etel:)Int:Nbat".4ei"Le;ei 17,11al'e'vec, %Ills(' rszPart!e"rteeepleNeiteN1 Ititeil':t1 dtvlalantee 1 faelitgaletbi)reienegn it ai MI be.sn frightened lie tor ma% neatly Urc,,,:',,,,1 nna a taa was
ee aeenecl elate 017 IT!!)': -;1 a ti::::" -‘,:a Za:-1:-.: . :-,ea cJic-. • -41- - • .... • • - - ,,, , eon ttiat of the Govpilunent. 1 _ Inm,t not. hi '.e Neared to tell the tale. tied to no 1,31+v'R ater:4 ov.)11 241') 11
ree,-,•.:e ,-1.71 17e7,..riettri..-•'-e e17.-7.":•11:71 - :•(':-.:::iefl::cr'45-‘1:1:1,,l'T. talt"..t:tel:tE:1'1;:eir-teen tra/e..4 fcit..at:a tk-i/T,ang milt 4,, lender emova. Maul Of hunter haVO Undertaken to lay tlatioll null itte name of the eelathee
;--,!--./.,,: . to t,. -.x. .74.„.,;35. Ah -.1.).n. labile oral tea -Leman telieve itc....1.ime 1,, r&_ar,r u'l_wil alt .the .Varltito.."*.or 444 no leparts sto 'titat, rt •a es prIntoa yew balq.,) Damp, the ,1...41 1.
Lumen, Great preeseatiene law borer; tak•
en to prevent. the poseible Anead id the
mutiny to the sallow of St. Petereburg
and le onstrult.
Railroads Refuse to Carry Three-year-
old Girl Alone.
St. Louie, July 3.- Paeseuger agents
522 Ea I t'a Pa.Ti3 • 1, 4, of. 1,1 aeoner
11 the etriped monster low,
tank aned an a_Jur..r..1 frozz 4.07.1p 4.11 , • mho would receive the "'human package."
.'NIIlIIrnI 11 11 1111111 '11111111 11 1111111 11 11111111111111