HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-06-29, Page 5OOVOO OO 000000 • ♦•.•.. 4 000 • •O• •0000 0004j The Blue Front Store News. CROWDER'S Big Cut Price Clothing Sale Now 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 Going On. ti Now is the time to buy your Clothing. Here are only a few items of interest -many more bargains will be added each day. Come and get your wants here, while our big Cut Price Sale is on. and save money. Tell your friends what you got at CROWDER'S SALE. $2000.00 must be raised in the next 30 days, and if Cut Prices will do it, it will be more than done. WE WANT THE MONEY -YOU WANT THE GOODS. $12 Men's Cravenetto Coats 59.00 $3.50 Men's Waterproofs 2.50 $10 Youths' Tweed Suits 7.50 $6.50 Boys' Tweed Suite 4.90 51.25 Men's Odd Vests 85c $1.50 Men's Tweed Pants 1.15 $3.50 Men's Colored Worsted Pants 2.50 48 Pairs Boys' Pants 29e 50c Boys' Colored Shirts 40c $8.50 Blue Worsted Suits $6.50 $7.00 Mon's Tweed Suits 5.00 $10 Mon's Tweed Suits 7.50 $3.50 Boys' Suits 250 51.00 Men's Mole Pants - 79c $2.00 Men's Worsted Serge Pants 1,50 65o Boys' Tweed Pants .. 40o 50c Men's Worsting Shirts 400 Mon's Cotton Sox, 4 pairs 25c Bargains in Men's Colored Shirts. 6 dozen only, Men's Colored Shirts. hard and soft bosoins, Cashmeres, Negligees, etc., sizes 12M to 1734 neck, these aro regular $1.00 and $1.25 lines -Sale Price 750 Trunks and Valises at Bargain Prices. These prices are for Cash or Trade only. JUST TO HAND. 12th of July Neckwear, Orange and Purple Bows 25o Four-in•hands and Knots, in Orange and Purple 50c BARGAINS IN MEN'S SOFT FELT HATS. Big cut in our Shoe Prices during Sale. The R. H. Crowder Co. 00004> W. B. TOWLER, M. D., C. M. CORONER. Office at Residence : Diagonal Street., Wingham. DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR. Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald !✓ Block. Night calls answered at office, DRS. CIiISHOLM & CHISHOLII PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS - ETC. Josephine Street - Wingham J P. KENNEDY, M.D., M. C. P.M) • (Member of the British Medical Association) GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attentionnd paidchto Diseases of women aen, OPTION HOURS :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND Physician and Surgeon. (Office with Dr. Chisholm) '*DR. HOLLOWAY DENTIST BEAVER BLOCK - WINOIIAM ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the E en- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post Ofiico-WINGElAM J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office: -Morton Block, Wingham *,WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Offloe Gt7ELP13, ONT. Risks taken on all olassen of insurable pro porty on the cash Or premium note system. JA1tite Gowns, , CHAS. DAVIDSON,. President. Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT. WINf1ITAMV1 ONT A number of desirable resi- dential properties, in "Wing - ham, for sale on reasonable terms. ABNER COSUNS VANSTONE PARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Stoney to loan at lowest rates. Office BRAl'Iii1t BLOM. 145. WIX011A.M. 000 C<><>0.0. 00000 Teas of Delicious Flavor It might worry a man with a microscope to tell Grand Mogul Tea from the common kind by the looks: but a blind man can tell the differ- ence in the first sip. Q Grand Mogul Teas are a positive blend of super- lative qualities that never deceive the user. Q Mountain grown in Cey- lon, cured- and blended by experts, they enter your tea- pot with a flavor that no other tea possesses. Q They are a contribution to good health. Q High in theine and low in tannin- means high in flavor and not a mere substitute for bitters. Grand Mogul Tea q Sold only in packages -all tea, no store dust, no microbes. Look for the premium coupon in each package. " Grand Mogul" shares the advertising appropriation with you by giving the premiums. The quality remains the same -the highest. 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O • COAL ! - We are sole agents for - the celebrated Scranton Coal, .. «- which has no equal. • • Also the best grades of '; Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestle Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. «▪ - We carry a full stook of • Lumber (dressed or undres- ▪ sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar - - Posts, Barrels, etc. •• - Owl : • Highest Price Paid for all.. • • kinds of Logs. •• •• •. Residence Phone, No. 55 Sill a " No. 41 Imer - • MoLean ! it +1. THE WINOHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, .JUNE 29, 'Hews '(Mems --'L'Ile Furniture factory at Listowel finds it necessary to run overtime to keep rip its orders,. -The Davies Packing (company at Harriston have now 05 then on their pay sheet, That their packing House is a stirring hive of industry is plainly evident at any time, A story is told of a judge who had a notorious scoundrel brought before him, In the Bourse of his examina- tion his honor asked: "What has be- come of your associates in your .early life cringe?" They're all hanged," said the prisoner, "except your Iionor and thyself l" - -The Bruce Herald says : 7.'here seems at last to be a prospect of the Electric Railway through this part of the country becoming a realized pro- ject. Work has commenced on the road on the section running out from Toronto, and at least ten miles has to he built this year. -A. tramp is now a rare bird in On- tario according to the report made by Detective Rogers to the Attorney- • General's Department at the Parlia- ment buildings, Mr. Rogers has just returned from scouring the provinces in a vain search for specimens of humanity imbued with the tradional _ aversion to labor in any form but that of pedestrian exercise. He covered 2,- 300 miles in nine days without find- ing a single professional vagrant. -Ground hogs are so numerous about Brantford this spring, says the Witness, that they threaten to be- come a regular pest. This burrower has increased in numbers rapidly, the Witness adds, during the past three or four years, and one cannot now go even for short drive through the county without seeing several of the animals either sitting beside their holes or taking an airing in the fields. A little bisulphide of carbon set in the hole, and the hole then blocked, will destroy ground hogs as readily as it will the pea weevil. -The Hanover Post gives the follow- ing to illustrate how much some of the English immigrants know about farming. A farmer living near Pro- ton Station engaged one of them to assist him. This farmer was the own- er of several ewes with lambs, and Mr. Cockney shortly after his advent saw the Iambs taking their meals, bunting their mothers as lambs are wont to do. The greenhorn thought the lambs were some strange animals kill- ing the ewes,,and picking up a stick he slew three of them. A fourth he stunned by striking it on the head, when it came towards c�t ne torr. Leis him Cockney thought it was going to attack hien and turned and ran shouting to the farmer, "hey, mister, there's sumnat at the sheep, a buntin' an' a bitin' on 'em.,' Cuban Diarrhoea. U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba during the Spanishwar know what this disease is, and that ordinary remedies have little more effect than so much water. Cuban diarrheoa is almost as severe and dangerous as a mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy, however, that can always be depended upon as will be seen by the following certificate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Texas : "I' hereby certify that Chamberlain's Colic, Cho- lera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured my husband of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors but they did him no good. One bottle of this remedy cured. him, as our neighbors will testify. I thank Gocl for so valuable a medicine." For sale by all druggists. COMMUNICATION. Tho admission of n, communication in these columns does not imply that we endorse the sentiments of the writer,-ditor. The Temperance Question. We have hearer it said, on nsore than one occasion, that Wingham is one of the worst towns in Ontario for drunks, but as to the accuracy of this statement 1 am not prepared to say. Let hie, however, sonnet a note of warning to all our citizens as to work we ought to be doing, in view of the fact that drunkenness and crime are on the increase, according to recent statistics. The Government of J. P. Whitney tells us that they propose to enforce the license law so rigidly that it will not be recognized as the same law, and in the appointment of License Commissioners they have shown that, in many places at least, the law, if at all possible, will be strictly enforced, while in others the new Colnmissioit- ers and Inspectors are apparently no improvement over their predecessors. The instructions sent out by the Sec- retary, W. J. Hanna, also indicate that the department will expect pro- per enforcement of the law, or ask for the resignation of the officers who are lax. Hctve you noticed any improvement in Wingham since May 1st? Would you believe it that while resting in a certain business office for half an hour on a recent morning, no less than sift: drunks were counted as they passed up and down our front street? Who are we to blame for this state of af- fairs ? Should we not expect different front hotel -keepers who will take their oath that they will not sell liquor to any intoxicated person ? Surely no hotel -keeper will plead ignorance of a law which he has sworn to obey'. Is it true that cards atilt poker are played in certain hotels of our town till the early hours of llyorlliing? IIow is it so many of our boys and young then (under 21) have acquired 4L taste for liquor? Do yon suppose that hotel -keepers, sworn to keen the law, would be guilty of supplying minors with strong drink ? The law says that each bar shall be closed from 11 p, In. to 0 a. an,, that all lights must be out, and blinds removed on the lower of the windows. . Xs there any improvement in this respect since the est of May? What are our observations as regard Saturday night and Sunday drinking ? The Govermnent of this Province (which we elect) also says that 2,211 people shall not sell Liquor in Wing - ham, but we will give this privilege to five persons only, and let thein carry on their business during 17 hours of the day (13 on Saturdays), while mer- chants and taadestilen have no protec- tion from undue competition, and are usually satisfied with ten to twelve business hours. Yet is it not remark- able to find many persons who will join the procession with these hotel keepers and wink at all they do, and are afraid to open their months for fear that their business or trade may be affected ? 'We have an inspector for the riding, and also one for the town (the consta- ble). Are these men doing their duty to see that the law is enforced? Our constable should have no trouble in having the law properly enforced, and if he does not do so the Council should replace him by one who will. Just here someone may say "Are the Coun- cil anxious to see the law enforced, and have they ever asked the Consta- ble to look closely after the license laws ? Is it not high time for our citizens and churches to get to work to create a healthy public sentiment against all forms of law breaking, and give the officers, whose duty it is to see that the law is obeyed, all the encourage- ment and help we can, and if they fail to co-operate with us let us go to head- quarters with our complaint. In our opinion the law against sell- ing tobacco to minors is grossly vio- lated, as are also the Sunday laws against hunting, fishing, sporting, etc. Does the Constable look after these ? Do we give hien the information we so often hear ? Can we not get together and organize a strong Citizens' League to remedy the above evils ? Other municipalities are organized ; why not here ? Let us look after Lazarus at the door -step. He may be a ragged Laza- rus, and he niay not be, but he needs my care and yours, for I ani my brother's keeper. - AN INTERESTED CITIZEN. Wingham, June 15, '05. Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is especially valuable. If promptly ap- plied it will save yon time, money and snffering when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by all druggists. Tailor Made Clothes $15.00 We'll make your Suit to your exact measures, to your order, for fifteen dol- lars, correctly shaped and faultlessly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fabric, staunchly guaranteed. For Seventeen, Eigh- teen or Twenty dollars, we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill, and can guarantee you entire satis- faction. Trousers made to your order at $3.50, $3'75, $4, $5 and $6. A complete line of Gents' Furnishings always in stock. IVI. S. L. iomutil Tailor and Gents' F urnishcr Two Doors from Post Office 1905. Town of Wingumm. A Public Notice Re Proposed Water- works Improvement and extension By-law, Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of ham , Wtp ro os to submit o telectorso B t o h f Pt e the said Town,f r their assn t a by-law to authorize the qid Council to borrow money by the issue of debentures to the amount of $12,000.00, for the purpose of improving and extending the waterworks system of the said Town, The following is an estimate of the oxpendt- turn intended under said proposed by-law :- Construction of a now bums for water- works power $1300 Q0 Construction and erection Of a stand Extension Of water mains 4040 0 0000 Total $11300 00 Add for engineering and other con- tingencies 700 00 Total proposed expenditure $12000 00 And take notice that a poll of the Electors of the said Town of Wingham will be taken on the said proposed by-law, by wards, on Wednesday, the fifth day of July, A. D. 1905, said poll shall be opened at nine o clock in the forenoon and shall remain open till five o'clock in the afternoon and no longer, and shall be held In the places and by the Deputy Return- ing Officers mentioned in said proposed by-law hereunder published. And further take notice that Monday,July 10th next, is the day ap- pointed for fially considering the said by-law. Dated at the Town Hall, in the Town of Wingham, this 29th day of May, A. D.1905. J. B.1! EROUSON, Town Clerk, TOWN OF WINGIHAM. BY-LAW NO, , 1005. A By-law to authorize the issue of debentures of the Town of Wing - ham to the amount of $12,000.00, for the purpose of improving and extending the Waterworks system of the said Town. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the waterworks system of the Town of Wing - ham should be improved and extended so as to provide the said Town with a more efficient fire protection system and with a supply of water for street watering and other purposes. of thAND p oWHEREAS proposed wate works improvement and extension as shown in Schedule "A" appended hereto, is $12,000.00, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law. AND WHEREAS for the purpose afore- said it will be necessary for the Corporation of the Town of Wingham to issue debentures for the said sum of $12,000,00, as hereinafter provided, the proceeds of such debentures to be applied to the said purposes and no other. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue tho said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of thirty years, being tho currency of the said debentures; said sums being of such respeotive amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in respect of said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other twenty-nine years of said period, as shown in Schedule "B' hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the total amount ro- annuallyyby special nratpaorpayingbthe said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is 5736.70. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town of Wing - ham, according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is 671,842.00. AND WHEREAS the amount of the ex- isting debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of local improvements secured by special rates and assessments, is the sum of $117,531.09, whereof there is nothing in arrear of either principal or interest. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts as follows :- L Tho sum of $12,000.00, shall be expended by the Town of Wingham in improving and extending the waterworks system of the said Town. 2. For the purpose of raising the said sum of $12,000.03, debentures of the said Town, to the said amount, shall be issued in sums of not less than $100.00 each, on the fifteenth day of September A.D. 1905, oaoh of which debentures shall bo dated on the day of the issue thereof, and shall be payable within thirty years there- after at the office of the'ren r 7 su er for the time being of the said Town of Wingham. 3. Each of the said debentures shall bo signed by the Mayor of the said Town or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the Trea$urer of the said Town, and the Clerk of the said Town shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the Municipality. 4, Said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of four and one-half per cent. per annum, payable annually at the office of the said Treasurer on the fifteenth day of Sep- tember in each and every year during the currency thereof. 5. During the currency of the said de- bentures, or any of them, there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the rateable property of the said Town of Wingham the sum of 5736.70, for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for prin- cipal and interest in respect of the said debt, as shown in Schedule "B" hereto annexed. 6. This by-law shall take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 7. The votes of the electors of the said Town of Wingham shall be taken on this by- law at the following times and places, that is to say: on Wednesday the fifth day of July next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing till five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, in the dif- ferent wards of the Town hereunder mention- ed, by the following deputy returning officers: In Ward No. 1, at James B. Cummings' shop, Victoria Street, by James B, Cummings, Deputy Returning Officer. In Ward No. 2, at Advance Office, Josephine Street, by James Fleuty, Deputy Returning Officer. In Ward No. 3, at the Town Hall, by J. B. Ferguson, Deputy Returning Officer. In Ward No. 4, at John Lougheed's house, Josephine Street, by William Mitchell, Deputy Returning Officer. 8. On Tuesday the fourth day of July next, the Mayor of the said Town of Win ham shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Town at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at tho various polling places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this by-law, respectively. 9, On Thursday the sixth day of July next, the Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Town at eleven o'clock in the fore- noon to sum up the number of rotes given for and against this by-law. Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of Wingham the twoniy-ninth day of May A.D. 1905. MAYOR. CLICRIC. SCHEDULE "A." Referred to in the foregoing by-law as showing tho estimated cost of the proposed waterworks improvement and extension. Esrnra i'Es. Construction of a new flume for waterworks power $ 1300 00 Construction and erection of a stand -pipe (000 00 Extension of water mains - 4000 00 Total 511300 00 Add for engineering and other con- tingencies 700 00 Total proposed expenditure $12000 00 SCHEDULE "B." Referred to in the foregoing by-law show- ing how the amount of $12,000,00, therby re- quired to bo raised annually and payable on the 1511. day of September in each year of the said period, is apportioned : Year Principal Interest Totals 1905 $196 70 $510 00 $734 70 1907 205 55 531 15 736 70 100 214 80 521 90 736 70 1009 221 47 512 23 736 70 1910 231 57 502 13 736 70 1911 215 12 491 58 736 70 1912 256 15 480 55 736 70 1013 267 fib 469 02 736 70 1911 279 73 450 97 736 70 1915 202 31 444 59 73G 70 1910 305 47 431 23 735 70 1917 319 21 417 49 756 70 1918 333.58 403 12 736 70 1919 318 50 388 11 736 70 1920 364 27 372 43 736 70 1921 380 67 356 03 736 70 19.22 397 80 338 00 7311 70 1923 415 70 321 00 736 70 1924 434 40 302 30 786 70 1925 453 9.5 282 75 736 79 19211 474 3.8 262 32 7311 70 1927 495 73 210 97 736 70 11128 518 03 218 07 730 70 1929 511 35 195 35 7311 70 1930 505 71 170 99 736 70 1931 591 10 145 50 736 00 1932 1117 77 118 93 736 70 1933 015 57 91 13 736 70 1931 674 Ol 63 09 736 70 1935 701 97 31 73 736 70 Totals 5122000 00 $10101"00 0210100 NOTICE. --Take lienee that the above is a nue copy of the proposed by -late which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed b the Connell of the Munici- rie(toiotet)afevOieosbingbtandherron nnh fret)) the first publication in the Wingham Advance," the date of width publication was OM .rst day of .luno A. 11. 1005, and that the votes+ of the electors Of the :said Municipality will be taken thereon Ori the day and at the hours and places therein Axed. r. 12. Ii tl. wsO1, omit, bard 1 The Leading Stora Is I ......":51111111111.411.9".".."' aOlg=, ":1,1 T� Cut Price Sale rj DRESS GOODS 7 �1 f Our stock of Dress Goods is too large and must be re duced during the next three weeks, and in order to turn Dress Goods into money quickly, have gone right after the PRICES and made big reductions, so that we will save you from 25 to 35 per cent, on your summer dress, LOT NO. 1 -Four pieces colored All -wool Voile, good value at 500 -Sale Price 390 LOT NO. 2-5 pieces fine colored Silk Crepe de Chine, regular value $1.50 -Ont Price $1,00 LOT NO. 3-4 pieces colored Silk Voile, wide, regular value $1.25 -Cat Sale Price 750 LOT NO. 4 -One piece fine Silk Linen, wide, regular valve 65o -Out Price 450 LOT NO. 5 -One piece black Lace Grenadine, silk finish, worth 50c -Sale Price 350 LOT NO. 6-6 pieces colored Linen Voile, to clear 10o LOT NO. 7-10 pieoes Muslin, regular value 15c -Sale Price100 LOT NO, 8-12 pieces fancy Summer Dress Goods, regular price 25c -Cut Sale Price 150 H. E. ISARD CO. 4' 4 .♦ 4 ,! e+6ud� ? 4`''� Ca I. ,! ! 1 nI I 11111,': COPYINT. 4 1' 4 ! 4, 4, 4' 0 e st 4 414 4 4 4, 4, 46 4 4• 4, 4 4, 4• 4.. 4, 4, 4, 4, 4' 4, 1$'! 4 4 4 4� 4 4: 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4. 4 4, 4 4, 4 4 4T 4 June Is Here 4 1.1 and so is W. G. PATTERSON :F 4! June Wedding Presents When you purchase a new Watch, you want to feel that it is E right and that° you are getting the I. worth of your money. That's the way you feel when you buy one of } our Watches, because they are right, the Prices are reasonable, and satis- p faction is guaranteed. 11, with a full line of About Watches. W. Ci. Patterson �>w 4 The Great Watch Doctor Si 4rr+rr,404-#.04 44 4443+#4444,...10.0.x►#4-it ,&i Subscribe for The Advance $1.k)0 Vex \ax