HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-06-29, Page 2• • V •+r•TwVil atIPIWas • .94rnA#,• . wyr.4m.w. r..T.No sr, 4-,, ......,,,,,4"Intrt,-4,, •• , • . 1 t he notice, the clothier -closed his sterol Ittherelvizesifttonattote tial:t 1 erult."- l irmimiiiimorpi. E 1.3, in t te Um( Ow._ Inie iS In) prt ii. ., sunday school Ostilv *man WiPeet W'aixsieverilenattaneltf lig in . tena of his life. Gad in merey bac lad- arket Reports--" ,,t luarlintg,:aild rtml." "ring Nate bouee to•dos. I ptly My rent eta UTEL % wg e dett the tittle Of our death from our (S tawA eJdinwill be beId herat yes, -.Ore. 0 " we SI10111d bo alwaye ready ana should . .3 na, Workmen keeps his word. Come ISMitilitTIGNAlt 141-'":"1"" " work. as though each day was our last. Tile Week. 1 4 and eee the • weddinoe Everyboay wet - tome. 'No dieappointmeut." tellitele Wall, 100:e. 6. Will tbiliver-The Aeeyrians were 4 JP/1••• • • pouerful enemy anti were coutsantly tot ellaelhof Aecordiugly at the tkppointed hour tie? ee„ a. A 41411-11ezekaah asked for *Idol (2 ile terser at unchanged prices. about 200 the store, eager to get a, glimpse of the 0 • ' - In "Leer Elva xx. re) Aeleing for a sign is a pious bushels of red winter wheat and 100 bush- aroceediner. A. posee of pollee tried in Going at the Rate of Over a Mile a -Mintlte it an daThis may only mean. in the de.ys at $1.03 a bushel. Oats • u 1 • or X wieleva aet according to the epirit els *1 wIllte sold vain tO get ie crowt to disperse. m 1 t fainiektatoi Prover--Isatah sst " Teronto Farmers! adaekete bride and groom appeared on the seene, be feared. len The sign given Ilezekialt (vie 7,8)., The reeipts smolt attar vete ate anti A great throng surged itt front of Catunietatary-I. iziaiatt warus lioaelzialt . approacluna death te• 11 I o Hezekiali. That this was in the four -I. , 4.- r . SAM At Wit) bushel for 400 bushels. In wawa Is gone. rtezeteitta is Veal Pear peoeuee lune vegetables were in thele was too mai& of interest at hand. a44 4 RUSHED TO DESTRUCTION. trentb Tear of his rein id evident whens eateee ef No signs and he. eboose sooil surly, ona vile** are easier in atnne A etetheelist minister and eelerea par - mutt. olant at 20 to lao per dozen. poultry easier, ded to his life (v. 5), aud est he only iwith orals Chickens quoted at 15 to 200 Per but much to the disappointment of the reigued twenty -lane ,years Xines we cousider that fifteea years were atle utter ewe at 15 to 1So per lb. and son were there to perform the eeremony. >that appeared to laim to be the more dia.:cool- Into An Open Switch, ans. 2). It Mist have been before the in S. SI, tadow a tjte.,,aegtratre-"The shateata. !crowd the window eurtain was inter, I JUT In fair Eupply. with prices steady; zosed between the crowd and the, wed. Crashed Into the Depot, Killing and Wounding Over ' th t I .tuallV Opinions t d 1.-asion by heimaeherzb front the feet t that ilea promised to deliver them out are heel with regare to this zutracle, The.stid at V to is tee mixect. straw oaniwai Of the hand of the King of Assyria. and Older commentators believed that theta absence of offerings. • .. t All, reversed Droseti hose are ttachttosed, with sales Then intense extitement ensued, or to defend Jerusalem. Siek unto death- • *el . .. 1 fie 0 te.-0, e a er or g we g s. Siek of a malady which, ia the natural around its axis. It has been urged wan Wheat. white, bushel - .. ..; e 00 to ; 1 02 bv some mason unknown on the outsitle . The Boiler of he Engine Burst Scattering Fire and t eOillfe of thinee would have proved a good deal of force that the true cause go., red, bushel 1 03 -by aceident. na it was afterwards ea- e a o. series buseet Jana party at the supreme monn ent° a Score of Passengers. use, tts e .. 0 71:. to 0 ad ,,t. .• Steam, and Rendering Rescue Impossible. 0,4 etter, with the contracting parties in fatal.-Coolt. rove xin„ of the phenomenon was a solar eclipse, en' to • t •i •-• 10- 0 planed--tbe curtain dropped, and the 0 43 their place, wee taut bare to -mew. Tben 0 ae troate Wean, anti as a result it is pro- i.4r."+"4-`1.4".'. 4.-44.4.-4,-4-4,4-4,4-4 4.4-4-4-40-4-4-4-4-4.4.4-...+4r I it p.................... /earn that the disease was probably a in avlae t 6 moon obseured eartiallele. -Neil. to sends illness up- limb of the sun, 'which would have the Braden busbei .. .,*.:. --... 0 4S to on the good, uot in punishment for ems effect of lengthening all shadows and freata at tent el • - • • • • • • : : - • 0 lt.° t 0 past, but as it trial of their faith and thus eausing the Appearance of going is,i. siis•ar: an • •.. • • • . 9 ow to patience Mona, v. en -Lange. Laiab, - beekward on the dial Of' the stairs.' Straw. Per ton .. - - - :*. 11110° to Isaialas character stands before us as But the opinion generally held at present Drees Apples, ed hoes •.• .:*,.....: '. • • • 9 00 Jae D r bee a .. a ,... 1 Oki to is that it was a piraeulous use of the iave-re dozen When we think tif hint for sixty years laws of refraction. Dial of .zeliaz-"Steps nutter; dein; et :: ..; "; ;; z. it tea mut of almost superhuman elevation. deseharging, so many varied. offices, ex- of Abnz." -R. V., margin, The dial .1.44,11arittile7ses.r.elaaemsretrirea.res,..m.:........ gvit,o, postulating, reproving, ex -pounding, canin which Ahaz set up, and whieh he prob. ' forting, doing all with deepest resigna- ably obtained from, Baby/on, for he ap- Potatoes, per bag...," - .., Sl.,:t 1t0 Cabbage. per dQZ011. .:*..... 0 60 too tion and unfalteriug faith toward Goa Pears to have been fond of foreign ob. jeets of art 12 Kings xvi. 10). The Assy- geeltej,kbzneedrequtl:teen; a....tt ::::. 920:0000 to sena with serene dignity toward men, we . seem to be contemplating one who, while nave. were tbe first to divide the day Beer, -retaining all purely hunum sympthien. has a portion of seraphic nature eom- tuunicated to blur. -Cook. Callte unto of into twenteefour hours. Herviotus states that the Greeks obtained their knowledge the dial and. the division of the day mulzantnedium, eareaea .. ... 7 25 te Do., forequarters . .: ..:"..... 4 00 It.: Bo., ebolee, carcase . .. .. S 50 to 60 9 00 him-Tltere is no species of cruelty grea. into twelve parts from the Babylonians, gaatii)f :pri: t?witil...i,;t:**..:-: ter than to suffer a friend to be on A dying 1000 t who were in constant haereourse with British Cattle Market. Q a . There' the Assyrians. Returned. tea eteps tat.V.I. ee ever they were, could be even from tbe Per lb.; refrigerator beef, 9111 to 01so per '"'' tee time time :leo to re es !stated that he had appointed a cantina - crease In membership and lodges, lie sin more aggravated than that of design- -We must suppose that the steps what- Londone-aattte are quoted at lilli to 1214! edly tleeetnnee. a dying man, and. flat- siek chamber of Bezel:kb, to whose mind sheep, *ea to .14e. per to. vise the rules men. zui ‘11 e tope o r 0 when there is a moral certainty that the sign was sig,nificant. The retreating Leading Wbeat Markets. and by -taws, and that the report would he -will not, and can not recover. And shadow monde added years to las life. What kind of apparatus is denpted by . ..; 0 oni ; 0 ;41%, be reeeived. Referring to the depute- • Jui,v. Sept. tiou which waited upon the Ontario here is evidently no dauger to be ap- the steps of Alutz, we have no nteans New York "ad --ateaa • 0 us, 0 sett Government in February last regarding prehended from communicating to the ee determ,.....oe. Duluth a ., .... .. .. a 1124 0 sen, temperance legielation, the Grand Chief c • . ' should b " a• 0 i It is not elear, indeed, done teuderly, and -with affection; but that a regularly constructed sun -dial St. Louts- .. .... .. .. 0 ss.s 0 see Tenkplar said: "The deputation waited latnneaptets .. .. .. .. 1 eo 0 90ei . upon the Preuner and. members of his it should be 'done faithfully. -Barnes. of auy kind is meant; a sbadow falling Set tbine house in order -Arrange your Jul same flight of steps in the palace Toledo .t - .. .. ..,. ..., 0 9014. 0 Mai Cabinet, and, while receiving no definite Toronto Live Stock. affairs so that they will go on without coma, and. afferding it rough and ready promise for thi3 session, were led to leok you; referring to his family, his plans, measure of time. would sufficiently ex- Receipt* of live stock at the car anareettforward to ad -yawed. legislation at an Lk successor and his leingdotn. Then plain the terms used. --Cam. Bib. It is se tt.le, 3'5 h°g• 31: Lodge ie clearly defined. Nothineshart The position of this Grand to -day were, as orported by the,railways. ° early date. shalt die -"Death was the natural re- not known bow much time each step or ezhenecr eairPaesliaad. flioresaes salt of his sickness. This is not a pre- degree measured. Some suggest that they Bradstreet's on Trade. of total prohibition of the entire tritifie will e-atisfy the Good Templars; diction. but a prophetic warning. A raes- were half-hour -marks. yet we are always readee and wilting, to _-_--_- Montreal reports to Bradstreet's so.vi sage thus addressed to a person, not HOW THE BODY DOES ITS WORK. A. quiet tone has made itself evident in join kande in anything that will curtail epokert of him to others, is a call to re- power, and thus hasten. the day that pentanee deeree."-Birks. "His being - all lines of trade during the past week. ita in New View Submitted Before British Col- seee it foreeer banished from the land.'" spared fifteen years was not a. ehauge Wholesale business has hardly shown God's mina, but an illustration showing e lege of Physicians. • the improvement that has been expected The reeort of tbe Grand Treasurer and Batt sorting orders are only eomino slowed receipts for la.et year to have that God's dealings ae unehangably re- .. London, June 26. -Professor Starling, _leen el.396.48. expenditures. $1448.63, gulated by the state of man in relation weaning before the college of ph3ae forward in most lines of trade. ere P - learner it balance of $147.Ste Grana eiane, submittea a new view of the prospects continue bright, and although Seeretary Ct. Loeke Met rea reported on e It Hezeleiah prays in great distress method in which the body does its trade has a quiet tone in the country, the work beiug done. During the year ire. 2. 31. work, He suggetted, DA the result of tbe outlook for the farmers is brigbt and nine lodges were added, -five reorganized there is little cause for fear. Cellections 2. Face toward the wali-He turned the diseoveries of himself and others, and eitcht resuscitated. The total mem- are not better than fair. Dairy products away from those who were present so that eaeh organ of the body produces bership in February of this es,ar- was are coining to this market in much 1,603. it gain of 222 over the correepond- that he might pray more freely and a eteinkal subetonee trbieh excites greater quantities and tbe export trade ciollectedly. a. Remember now -The old the next ergan into action. He ealls iug perioa last year. _continues good. Priees in these lines coTerkaut promieed temporal prosperity, suer substances itermenes, Same ,stah show an easier tendency-, but on the including kngth of days, to the righte- as aarenalin. have already hem isolat- whole values are eteady. Sugar shows oue. Hezekiah. vonseious of his faith- al. He contended tbat if the appro. an advancing tendency as the demand fulueee and integrity, feels that he has priate bormone is lacking a link of the improves with tbe arrival of fruit. not deserved the sentence wbielt etas betty's funetions is snapped anti the Toronto reports to Bradstreet's say lam off in middle life, at an age littie velkok thrown out of gear. This ie The yolume of 'wholesale trade actually beyond that tvhielt was attained by his seen when disease affecting one organ moving at the moment is inclined to be wicked father. Ile ventures. therefore, causal general incapacity. light. 'There has been some improvement to expostulate; he prays Goa to call to Hitherto enly some 'half it dozen bar. In the grocery trade. Building activity remembrauce his life and eonducte as if manes are known. It is a task of the in- this city and. seemingly at most trade it could only. be tbrough forgetfulness future to diee.orer the hormone of each mitres throughout file province has af- that -God had determined evil against organ, to learn. how it is proaueea and eoec it tete. tt.„h a„wieagt, would en_ fected the 'wholesale trade, and the bim. _According to the highest standard warm weather bas given a better move - of morality up to this time revealed. able an important advance in the ration - moat to suramer goods. lentil lately there was uotabag unseemly in- the self- al treettnent of diseases. tne year for dry goods men has not been vindicative of the momarele Avid& bas - - - a pod one, but here also the warm many parallels in the Psalms of David HOBBY -HORSE NEW FAD. - weather has bad an enlivening effeet. ePsa. eiL 3-10; :eviii. 11a26, x.nvi. 1-S. etc.) --Cook. Walked -Life is it journey; New Physical Exercise Takes 'Well in The framere, it may safely be said, are in a. prosperous conaition. Add to thk God's people walk with him iGen. v. W. I. Kings ix. 41. A perfeet heart-, Literally, "with a whole heart." one ab- solutely devotee to Jehovah. -Cant Bib. Tbe king pleads his -uprightness and holy cominet before Real. He could not lave done this. in tee fats of &eta. bad he not felt in his beart, the trarthfulnese of his statements. llie influence bad been wholly on the side of true religion; he had not forsaken the ways of the Len'. Wept sore -Literally, "with a great weeping." The great sorrow of Hereitiah at the approaeh of death was only net - anal, L The desire to lire one's full tern: of years. is right. 2. Ilezekiah felt that Ids work was unfinishea. Me hae aScended the thrtme at a time of great spiritual eeeate and bad ialeared to re- stoze tbe worebip of Jehovah, and al- thaugh there was much alike remained to be *lone. yet he was now in a posi- tion to go forward with renewed courage and hope. "Josephus says the reason why he wept so sorely was that beimg elaildle.es be -tree leaving the kingdom without a suceessor. Ilow often our wishes, wbea etratified, prove curses. Iliezekiali lira to bare it son, but that son was the idolater elanasseb. the chief cause of -Galin wrath against Juank and of the overthrow ot the kingdom IIL banes xxiii. -26, tan." -J.. P. & B. "Some IA e4 balite that the Chief of Police will inter- A Cleveland, (ado, report: Later.-Wbile travelliug at the rate of seventy s ou 10 ee est himself further in the matter. The elt miles an hour tbe Twentieth Century Limited, the fastest long distance train, 0 e -a knot was, nevertheless, securely tied. ' . 2 idi T,.lix the world, ran through an open switch at Mentor, about 25 ladles east of 0 et I : - : ; Cleveland, at gala o'clock last night, causing one of the most horrible 0 la I 0 0 14 I. O. G. T. GRAND LODGE. wreces in the history a tho Lake Shore road. The engine WAS burled into the aitcb. A. part of the train was erushed on top of it, and the wreck 15 Reports of Grand Secretary and Trees - 0 an t was partly burned. Tbe horrors of the emelt were doubled in the horrors of o 75 1 nrer•-Want ProlaibitiOn. 0 00 Y the fire. More than a sem of pantie were killed and injured, and the 0 tea An Ottawa report: The Graud Lodge famous train was largely deraolished. The train was crowded, Practically 10 ra of Ontario, L 0. G. T., is at session hero, 7 ea all its Accommodation being taken entirely. It was behind time, and the about 50 delegates being in attendance. -neatest of speed was being made to make up the lost time. 7 •I'A. Grand. Claief Templay JIIMeS Armstrong, a io oe 4-4 9 50 presided. The report of the Grand Chief e -I-00 : : : i : 7 .-,T 7 +++++"^" 4-4-4"4 41."4 -4.4'44 -4r4 -4.44-4-44-4,4r4 4-44-4-+-44-4-4,... 15 151, Templar showed that for the first Vireo 'in fifteen years there had been an in- to hira."--J. F. and B. EMS FRAUD EXISTED. ir-4,41, P.M...F. AV 01.0114/111./ EXPRESS TEAM' IN DITCH. 441•Pal4,11/ TWentleth Century Idmited Wreck at Mentor) 0,1 0051; Many 1,1ires. Mentor, Ohio, Juno 20.-dtunning at the into of DO or 00 mike an hour, the Twentieth Century Limited oat the Lake Shore IL R. dashed into an open switch M the preieenger station beat /alertly before 10 o'clock to -night, Four or five „ea. were killed and twelve or fif- teen badly injured. The combination persons baggage end smoking car and the coach belittle it caught fire and were destroy. ed. The train Walt eastbound, liaviug left Cleveland about 0 o'clock, and as it does not atop bere it was running at great speed. The engineer did. not notice the open switch until the train strut* it. The engine left the rails and plowed Into the ground, tearing up the traces for yards. Buffalo, June 21. -Eight killed and tbirtei•n injured is the West official main -aide at tile wreck. The train watt made up of five Pullman ears, four of which aro badly wrecked and. la the ilk& The fifth ear remeinerl on the for end, and is also in the ditch. Thk• tau*. The locomotive was turned end buffet car took fire, but the flames were quickly extinguished. The engine etruelt an open switch op. posite Mentor depot. The engine as completely demoliehed and the cars of the train derailed. John 11. Bennett, a /anon a New York, lute been taken from the wreck, deed. Chas. Wellman, of Cleveland, is said to be fatally genided. Clevelitnd, June 21. -A relief train left Mentor at 1L40 with all tbe injured, it The dead -Thomas et, meraan, of the the crash was such that the depot col. Lake Shore official states fifteen or six- ent attorney, New York City, burned to 'hapless passengers irk this coach were' to Cleveland, where several ambulances crushed and untamed in the wreck, and with surgeons are at the depot awaiting bullied to deatin John R. Bennett, Pat. death; A. L. Rodgers, Platt Iron Co., 03 then completely buried in the collapse the train. of the structure. The Ernes followine the accident were Liberty street, New York City, died on The next sleeper foliewIng left the pitiful. The moans of the dying mingled man, of Hainburo• Y scalded to operating table; •ele B. Walters, liaggage. track, and the other remained upright with tho cries and screams of hysterical eo - • ,f an the rails. All instant after the crash women. 'Those in the rear coaches Wellman-Se:ever-Morgan Co., Cleveland, lapsed on top of the wrecked coach, Tbe _ teen Pers011s. They aro being brought death; Allen 'Tyler, Collinwood, 0,, engi- Of the wreck the boiler Of the ermine were not injured, and tkey set about at burst t • f' dil c* 1 t ih • • d • , senttering ire an steam troug i ouce o rescue ose minim in the neer, unshed under the engine; II. IL the wreck in a manner that made escape burning cars. The fire spread with Wright, travelling num, Chicago, died at of the imprisoned passengers impossible. great rapidity, and it was with much Cleveland General Hospital; Fireman (bra- The wrecked combination, Witch Jind difficulty that the paisengers in the two bana Collinwood, crushed under engine; lauded, crushed and splintered, on top coaches beland the engine were pulled of the engine, was at once enveloped in from the debris. Williams, first name and address un- blinding flames and scalding stein. The It is believed the switch was left open known. Charles fi. Wellman, of the Well- cries of tbe imprieoned 'passengers were- by it freight crew wbose train had oc- man-Seaver-Morgan Co., of this city, en- heard above the awful roar, but they cupied the siding a short time before.. guitar Allen Tyler, J. A. Bradley, a pro- were beyond all human aid, and the ear e , e- minent attorney of Akron, a, and it. J. became it pyre for a number of human BEWARE, SAYClaITCHENER, I Brant, of this eity, all died thus morning beings. A score or more physicians from - as it result of their injuries. Two addl.- Cleveland' Collinwood, Ashtabula and He Thinks a Great Struggle for India Outlet boaies burned beyond recognition Painesville went to the scene of the! Inevitable. were also taken from the ruins of the wreck at the request of the Lake Shore train early to -day. James IL Gibson, of officials. After the physicians had London, Tune Z. -Gen. Lord Kitchener, treated the injured, the latter were commander -in -Mkt ot the British forces Chleagab and S. E. Beckwith, of New 'Sank, are also dead. plaeed aboard it special train and brought India, seems to regard as inevitable a great Missing -A. L. Johnson, of Lomey & to this city, evIkere they were hurned struggle with Russia for possession of India, Johnson,- Cleveland; the barber and the porter of the combination ear. Among the 'Mewed at -the Cleveland .neral hospital is Archibald P. Head, of London, Eng., steel company. rhpresenta- tire, serfously burned and injured, pro- bably fatally, has since died. Late Te Equitable Insurance Funds Were reports gave the number of injur- Looted by Officials. are seriously if not fatally hurt. Frac- eas twenty-one, and of these fifteen Albany, N. Y., June *6. -The report of tit -ally all the injured were burned and Superintendent Frame& liendricies, of were taken from the blazing evreckage the New York State Insurance Depart- .by rescue parties. ment. to Gorernor Higgine upon his in. A particularly distressing feattire of reetigation of the Equitable Life Assur- tbe rescue was that the injured were so anee Society, was made publie to -night, crazed when they -were taken out from and. it is deeidedly eritieal of the man. uuder the mass of wreckage, that they agentent of the eseiety as well as of the coula not even reveal their identity, de- tea- trust arrangement for voting tbe spite the urgent appeals and entreaties etoek Agreed upon by Messrs. Tbomas la made by ofizeials and others who knew ltyan and the three trustees desienated how anxious the news from tbe wreck. by him. In the eonclusion of "his ye- Ti'as awaited by families and friends of et he 4' vs- the passengers. The order was finally tbe feet tho.t the ex -port trade in the en to search the living wreck victims on on, • No superficial measures vain earreet giv - . . Leaden. June 124. ---Life will be made Tory the existing evils in Dais soziety C•n- in the hope tbat identification might in e nie.tsant for those disinclined to worry manufacturedoods of the provinee, ae mad exertise wbeadir. J. F. Bentley. or Ludte 01 all Canada, is showing good growth b eer earmot ba treated by treating the that way be established, but even wben, . ,:lopede and physical exerciser the elimination of tie stack to be pakl this was resorted to but three sufferers (Incas. puts on the market his yateut "..iy- and Much I ight will be seta upon the symptenze. Cemplete mutualization with ,.. 4. I.. 4..... bura,.e with could. be identified. The rest were de. . trade outook. The ma.eblne 'olth tbt httgb--sollnd.iWg tele et Q -I. r f in ' w at a pri-e only enumea- • 1 under the mass of 'wreckage that they te weather does 't a a glorified bobby -horse. snzla as our on- - Ile ee: rt dvora ve.stors Its.ed. These eaimable people would -not appear to have improved trade dur. its dividends isin myppiiiion, the °lila undergone. are still inclined to be slow.. Reports Assistant General Superintendent D. C. be indeed pleased could theY bat see onr Inn. the week, and country remittaneet :sure measure ef relief.' household gods lite tbe crinoline and bobby- ' - James W. Alexander and James IL Moon, of the Lake Shore, on tbe scene tendency towards reversion to some of thew - -t, - wan% and tycliag is virdent exercise eornpar- big ere Vice. -President, wbose resigna. of the wreck, gave out tbe following horse. It ts easier to *Weiopede" than te from the •coluary are favorable to grow. Made, e.1 with "cycloneding." 21 is wimarn:r a„;ea_air pbysksi „er_ - Winnapeg reports serer There is a fair-- , items were eneeptea yesterday by Chair. statement; "So far as can be learned the man Merton, are severely arraigned in ' switeld was :opened and locked open by W• The 'machine is prepelled by the feet, andenae aeeds. A ego' - 11 bas not •dta Taraell. -Several some party unknown, probably a. crank, 4ssr and secondarily an aid ta lecomntim. ly brisk moreraent in all lines of whole- the re,rr't• Gage }---' _any harm to tbe erops, but it creatednkei- Vifte.--i:re6iid- en!' armas finlizze teat na snestaaliat et-. `flak No. 10, a fast eastbound train, is exonerateee nee, lien. end evidently for malicious purposee. ate the rider eat. thus at any morneat appry e thro bout the entry ' • wade erode 'deans appease in. support of the chaeges passed through the. sank switch 45 Inm- an etteetive brake. elide mteineumnoirzliewh2taa sepasseed oolf basnbruccan.tee_etigaiatet ne . b " utes aimed of N. 26, and it was all right It requires les- exertion than walking, bill in the wholesale dry bye. but t e tanners are approaehit,:. fgaiTen MM. ,:iir. Rendrieke sew it Le.; were erogrem is'tteeze as rapid. He was man teed r -ad. Thirteen and tae -hl ii miles an hour Abe bUSy season, when this will be ie.st- ea - a 'Llt urea O.1.2.--.1.ion vabeteer President - Mt tbat tane. It is positive that no other Alexaneer eal the other oft -leers eine :- train or engine, either freight or passen- , e has been aczemprinted by ro.. expert. -marked Tee hardware trade continues; airea-÷3r;:-. whn icattidf-a*" 164111 111:21 in ter, pas,sed through the switch between cm to etee it going at a moderate speed. -.about to beein mad fairtv large lots . eseociatee" are net aisqualifiea renter , Traveling at. a rate of more tam a mile team it is easier than either riding or. prepanng. to en„e tattword. The cropE seetion 36 of the iesuranee taw from •• it minute the heavy train WAS hurled to _ • _ Victoria ana Vancouver reports tolaa3:117214tertaliiiiaIl3., t17 -4111Y offize in a life in its- doom -with a momentum that was up- puseine a eiceek. and downhill, owing te the _ ---,--4 : ;13radstreetn: General trade coriditionsl,t,zs .....,:,, ezzlejct rasepatu%ehwatrittaeter- palling. The eetne of the accident WaS .at the Mentor depot. The switch that caus- e -hernia et the eeartree, it anis ecnsiaeratee --onntinue in splendid -condition. fasr. Supposed to Have. Been Friglatened by :tries are ne,t3pe, the lumber trade show: west of the depot. As the heavy engene - :business is not heavy. Provintial inane-- HYDROPHOBIA. DI LONDON. When the machita has beet started an ' ' * steam resa with a walking stick is surid-d. brisk; The enema trade in oa.ttle is t!In iran'iactlen Jane IL IIY‘ie au -4 No 10 and No. -6. GIRLS FAILED TO APPEAR, here state -little change. The Tokra e o ed. the trouble is located about 130 yards Threat of Cross-Examinatien. eoasiderahle improvement.Calketiota San of Dv• John McGregor Bitten by a ;shuck tbe switch it left the main track and swung violently to the left. For it Buffalo. June 20. -The trial of "Pop- Beedetteette se.s.n„ Dog. Ow rails anti them, leaping from the distance of twenty yards the engine ran corn Charlie' Wilbour. on the altar Lereeen, Oat., June ate.-Fer the first traelt, turned cn its side to the east. of Halifax, June 2d. -Elmer Young, the • There ro ehat e fee es'''. itt -waiting ambulances to the several bospitals. Officials of the road started an informal investig,ation immediately on their arrival. They could not under- stand „why or how the train could be derailed' at the switch, which is provided with every known safeguard, and was carefully anspeeted prior to the passage of the train, While• there is no' reason known why any one should tamper with the switch, the officials do not believe the accident could have taken place with the switch properly set and in position. 4 : !- AIR BUBBLE KILLS GIRL, It Was a Syringe of Antitoxin -A Pecu- liar Case. New York, June '26.-Yetta Green, seven years old, died fifteen minutes after receiving an. injection of diplaite. ria antitoxin, administered by a, health inspector. According to ber Sather, the cbild was perfectly well when antitoxin was given her. Dr. Darlington, Malta. cominissiouer, admits that antitoxin caused the girl's death, but offers no explanation except that an air bubble -might -have been in the syringe. It Is the first death. from antitoxin in the history of the board of health. The commissioner refuses to make public the name of the inspec- tor, but says be was called to the For- syth street holm to attend it baby wile bad diphtheria, and gave her older sis- ter an injection a* it preventive. "11 is a sad and inexplicable ease," .saia. Dr. Walter Bensel, /wed of the clemirtment of medical inspection, "An air bubble in the syringe would kill in it few seconds. Impure antitoxin 'would not cause death for several hours. The dela lived. fifteen minutes, We are entirely at sea as to an explana- tion. The inspector himself is prostrat- ed by the death," t• 7 77 DROVE AWAY WITH THE BAR?. Elmer Young, of Boston, Takes Surviv- ing Child Away from Digby, It S. T1 (=manna tele that :Boston detective, who was Said to be kave IL°Ilt-I43 that Ilettek5ah would have 4.3f alainztlea• tvalsit wa'; -o a' , - aition of besitkee actiriar liZ•-re. Waole.itime '41 .111"F Yeatta a eaae nt h•YalraP'!0* the heavy tender was burled entireln the guardian of 'May Young, murdered t ;ate ayee ., . beetn Waiter IA let tiae Lord ehotate hie .- before Judge Emery in the Counta (mart sale stoeke are not InOvitio us 1'. but Ilia ha f- .leveloyea in tlite city. On Moe- over the engine and was buried in the at Plympton, arrired at INgby to -day, life fer him. and net beg for a imager - yesterday. has bekatt pestpaned an ae- Inc manufeeturing and etEer inaustriesieter evaninte Inaltfeea Maieetlaeaoa. don of depot. The `combination car %Vas hurlea real late in the afternoon drove to nnet sayieg teat eis eneeteenee life via% .courit of the ran-appearanee of the two n „eoiname actively -ennaated. Retail trade 'Da latta I. litacelrener. at tele tatneene i with terrific violence MI top of the ell- Plyrapion, 'Where lie Prenred the baby, azetegian lie eel, itdeed. make oix great principal witnesses for Ube prosezuti.V2, : .1 .„.., 14 tilleat, norninfand cemeettons are mail 4.tyl c.t. N;aS r 2O-chr* (.121 tile lawn in iveai t gine tender aud in a. moment was en- • Mina Young, sna drove away with her arta cantle mistake in later life. mid he •Sthillie IS.11P1 '5" -''''''14' Santla tlae "" ' erutely geed in inast eases, cabcileabereiel ti, bore .s..1.i.ene.. be was attaelese ter ,.• eekited in flames front the engine. for ma unlotown destination, The. ease suffered elm invasion of the As.earlans _ route girle. Assistant Dietriet .Attarreeen and there eoree tamplaint is heard. le' 'gr'-' amf];is 1 ,.a baaliv bittea. Tae . The Chieago sleeper, erlaich was blame- is increasing in utysieey, and kcal in- tleectibea in ova last lensera. But these •la W -iltaan aeliti that tl'e 'sar'ci-3* wile.. London repute to Bradstreet's sayteaatle. en„....a e• •., • d ..• a had furnished the money for the geriee, ;neve es coat:inane eetieits in etott ;The I.xua tr..041,1 from tbottaaaomt..?iltatMere i diately behina the combination ear. terest is at fever pitch. ae not make his life not worth living. ,t- ee ra _13 Mut,' the track, and, crashing into; He teamed many E,>,oad lessons, ana Lelp. =km lead eallea hitra ant statee that - 011 '.4 Ills Ide:14e in eaanY watt's- The whole be Wievea -same i.ev'io:1 bail Pir.rf.ttaa,v '1'ne..; of Ina/anfnettlre hale, '11° haalaeaa laceration. end it was; soon eeen tLat : tia. depot, wa.s rompletele buriea in the One wife too inauy isiet talevees ne matiou elautellas werild have been far the girle that they 1i:4D:a be subpeto.0 2('nditIc's wr-tvalIF are aatialaetaaaa Ltte dee eataela bad inflieted the weund :: wreck of the belittling. The yieletwe of indication of biginny, ri.,.37so if le had ....ve4 so 1,..,.5:ong,...,...a.r,e,leyo.. to a, eery „e„e „aenelaneeatine_ Moneys -taming forward fairly well. was su*iferieg trem betarophobia. lite -- - bet. .11raiz.b. week/ cause tiaera eonsieler.atille Trade rePaele kern Ottawa to Brad - tired% say: Trezle ezzalitiers here are otee ie tete leg= ee,atehe,n ahe Mae - animal' was ke.ated witheut eliffieelty ----- - 11L (teen: ponetses f.s Heze =Limb ive :.artnevarize. in tea, event zd teak trattear- _ 4-t1a. 4. Teen came, ete.-Goa spelt° to -len ria. tae tete"- : fairly satisfetztory. leaegor lad Lee eufferea reat agony the Isaiah inanallately 4II. Hinge azia 4t.:- Far this t aatan the carte ref..-" e ea pent Inc nights. arid Die elaegaegor bets 3. eine of Deem tea rateee-tani ten:knee Camilain erne at hie efferts te. FOR DEFENCE OF MIA. - eel -Ideal to take him to the Pasteur In- .. reereners tee eaverearit. Tata teit tattier !---de k---0- aa•ea to the de -llama tEneal. asz. 5a-3.. F. 4:, ......-......„--- IL Mad thy player -Gad stall lee.ar.n, DEBAUCH ENDED FATALLY, prayer. It. 25Lt:'5 ttli tot 117,? pan :. - Leeene eer_e 23.-7en Zs1=y a! S.ste Matt, via 7-11; ei• 'net xr. en la ley eltee.i.-Man Dela, Weretre Enearatera to Die, ot 1:1: .i .t dlrtrz,dr, tn 7:,rs-ss.-.-,?,...:g tte In- ure there SO mane- tiralustrori'd. petatemst St. arelit, New Brunswiek, ..e_ee tzieget. in tte 1.;:.,z cf re:ere:en attic: eartrate an New lora for treatment. 1.11 is PI,e7eses. to Inerease the Army to Neaten catzt,b„-11 has isseee a peenaent, zeo,oeo Men. ties ortlering tbe pan to .elmot ail dos zeroing umanatted. 4-* BANE ABSCONDER CAUGHT., itto Haase 13 it.s:rszss the fer 2:-.."„....- Hczause there 1F. St) • • tz*:-F sfrr:!:..e etetzt emenetoe. tan aJamee iv- 3i- Xi:Atte 121.1t ee-a-an, te....,0"aa-ea„ ,aveata • 7a nee -net eriereatenes rer mean:eine arneer. 1. Snen ereee a senee ee Teal daotee anz r.n.Inz:n.ilt. Q.:3F as na entire, ‘franity oee teea. eiteter ter emesteltes aitzere. Is net ameateel tq alitizatatee waith may neitear zte fee in tee tray Matt. ay. teletsa 3. Is it weasee arel tette* tee atecest etanc• atiezei Nsma. 3.2'. 1. Leipettne..en reeen, asse. iltatee Laid? zei. Zee; rain. la* e 3. Vie:es tbe parakeet atel reale to tentai ree ten gleaned tee all Lin. Seee iteneetni etten tte peettette. tee:knee it. nrel tabu -'s ta el in it teatei-Aiteettentite etan eta ate eseeeneeley /ea:nen-a te. karat, e liteatee paeatre tet ca_iteerete.a. nett azlz-rs La tars ; tatenee :teal tetteea ac=.;:t tiet. En late Employee of Union Bank la Winnipeg in the Toils Ba. Mexico; c.'•;;"! C:4‘77; Wirrairgo Man.. .j ire eta-Cezil V. IL s", ES -3 Itraesen,152 5111,loyev 01 tbe Unien Beek eetearee taeea ttte tatedee-al eneear iee neeeeezzaein tts. teen:, 1,L, • laro tvito elennated two mentin ta,a tle 7,1=n„ ez.nn r-1 the hank's furale. Las arreetee in TapihniaMei o. .„ 3 la . x _ - oe tear cir lt" nta Pt85n hire the , ea; te ttaneee cad: Din ,-..ezenere teen: ta VATLEZlii14.1111*Te tairmtg rt °="( 110 t . . At /le c? W.1S an t 11-il-tont ;Fetillt, Man, mt.' zatte -i1:1`.7,a twat, feentat. vita' bus teteetannieete, e. ene .e.1 a c. a . no atsas-vrat.3, utia tto folZo...wa stowina taat ae lent ticc:aitt his tenet. atel-elearea out at- • tee aletepeiliretibm bent', After leavini",' CaltIttl Gtatt 1.1.ttit0-mttt. thy tbe ir_gitavo talepted tha alets ef Butt. are fer file feataving tevo wrottreta. = taia aleaginit bittaa eta ,n7eatte-el. Stnee ibitber Li; effortq .O79114O cdpline. La Lae:3as a it ri...1-1111? weLlaiag ia; Ile nos traceel to New Orleetae. et I fin- Vi•I'8;11L474. 6-.74-51',1 a Fter=liz'j:e enz_ '4.,rizadatzla. c,/ C5tinicit-m eercine. reeney. arta Leetzen in Wait. NV0:14 ttitt e adaal 11-2-ttee- gee -tee. tbag 89111038. arena ef patina lactreter.g larn. i anteite 3 .111 1-111:O11111:::L...161.1 Sal::_latrl g-3 .. =7 ri ..in L1:_ V enadte eat la i 1. ale! . lanen cae n . WEDDING ti A WINDOW. -.--ettene tri a teneateantale eattrar." - teal 2.:e t e •-ten eine aneen- en f: -.1e.. 1.1::_..' tby neee---1n fteeeze ten, eneet-te -en -I Te' "-- t it.i2. Li 'V.= : C.n- ... 10.- ee 'Con tee ea en. ante weneen te Lentee eaatettea t a nee; el-Xt gn up inln 1'1'Z? :.'-'..r•oF ce itte-Len 1 : 'ie Lena ettaal testatee 'reenetees, s:7... -----..--,.:-.s 7.--FRIiNCE'S 'SIVE dimting tte szrzims t.D t -i:•.. ,..,:, •.-:,irza - a remels• gin l'_.'..7.• =E:lst cl .W,:li.f5. ite pa",:mtn c,n. cl a rt -:-.14:21 iie :Late ale" 6ZtZ Di ,!2.:::,Fei ID rtrOftAN'T SOT EXPECTED TO O.:tr. vili-ctit t.7.-.2-ir isatcns. uzz;_,,-c-n fainteil.• ,e ba..1.S,S tri -10. L.DE./.2.1, Oti-. 0,11-,p1r,..-Y tear, - TRA:MPS FREED. Ir.:4 t.5.1- t B01.1 :IN.:A Cate...:15:1 t:') =,'L/S.. lo... . 61:;.t eit.-.1 ri-_-_!: Lt .-.....i 11? trtee zne IS SATISPACTORE. ranee a ..3-"eeet treelee eseiteninet. '1-)y,fmal, :Trate f'.8. -Sit tramps Who catbarte. lz."...s ato enal nnea it LIP )'.1.:.i.1 Dt.:-.21 -7= e :.:71. ----Ssfonnee nenWer te ea,..„,,,, et, m lic......;. ?.,zt, -...--",...i ....1,e :Teel -nen) ente ein tle aeneenno cetest S4.951 L.0 (ea teal- 'a ei a -Un- wile' int:entail at da fkren utahhts 2:1 nic423 be .ant.rity, ereereetnee ee r_,,:i.s. "n, .13-zi T.. .11 .t,11=E:2-;...3 re,s yeareegrataat C4'..4±''''21 t405 t) C-AC1-t'''':-' ne- 74IIT'• tt:o Preaviene as the resift of et mender 1 aalereeeire estenven, ft4:t liF.tirok.--, 1-4,-.: - -:F.-.21.7:. -72,:t -.,! i;,:. el-f.t:.-!e3 ,t,lat Attbeggit.ii--:---:,,":2'-',73 9. vi,::,:t:: ,....,: 1::A'z' leap ttat it Cezpic 1 $z.nt Vat 1,4V revrint2al Bettie. iolocing etace the data igi.it ::,.f t.02, •-•iici.D ::::4- aate„-tel tittl afeizett in its 1%s:toy:ma-se ,c.,,,71-3--: r.i.--=';--.1 ts? t----32;:ta ot ",:Lca in ,-.=.7:: nvo ?...L..(..%:lskim. in fantezetIt loth the troaryi tisoi tra C.:,,s c. -.f.,---::_, tr_ay tiD -,,.-:-7.-..-:,, ::-i' -.'...z 1:-..5.f.,t.r,-."-....t., rili..,? '.:7-4-ilf.s5iot bcn C7 L:3 .6-'1,--A!, 'Cil':--:-1:"Cl'. aa -3 oil'a'a teaae- (Fein vendee tnFstery tt Str. tonk D.! spitt::4 te.2.141..:-.1eal°::;1....-.3 t.za V v:L.t. sil.ro :s tl.;Itt.t.-? ansict.r .:1:_ir.s r...„t prAtt.to sit'L-x":2. in c-rs-•,.1t..) PI.:---,;:vle En 1.-tz' :..";:li nl.:0 tr.2. nti? 15a,,e 'g.) for ag ttio iLap mi,r4 tlit -...iV.,Jvc.iit...t!.."s olii21 ill. ::rilcstik.!„-.72,..r.z tottrotii Tdittee ti inttl-t-t',," ,,c-,, f„7 1.1..:: Ilz-1P• ir.::,. •,....z.r osti Zs e3tarrs.et. Ttety were pt. DAt!, €.1, 'Ex cy, LE:71,) tett.n Clo frollF.. t'51-. t.fi P4Yrt,'At fiffiee )$ert kloto l':c,V-"Isaf.' t:-.:' C.--i'il C1 ll', -)-1::'-'"? Ez•luil•:.3... 11';11,:+1 al the itniltitim fttt ttatv ally, 4 41.0EM Z17.,!;?? a:mei? (1 t'±.:a$ rf.-S:it;'.2;.1.,Yt:--ft alsti!....it tle, 11: -.Te ci at atataittt kt1;:' ,-.,, .....• ,...., g-,. v.t.7,---4.F r-...-, c--1.,.al.e eacanilta.1 0.-..0 Cee,,l. t-.1 21' men 31eass bares troderity fossil Ile tevtit 471 the deffetettese sit a tralttner satistar• t5;13 ;:::tee ne al n.2n mai'e la clari4;-1,•:,' Brttf,tC,:/, it is el'iatiti, ti teilliag to arrow& tiy Aeon, bat are insaffitient of tory to (lerissay. of f.fikflio it5 Cho sit-. Ti) c)i'il,,i4.M.i.' CA MIDDLETON IN NEW YORK, Walks Around the City --No Earnest At- tempt to Prosecute Him, Middleton, Neskint of tho New York Neu, York. June 'M. -Mysterious -Mr. Itliiitket.4:1t.i.ititilipelairlil(tiil‘olitioittii\tivyairtite:40tiloliNiglillittoltwitraticlitilitts- Realty Corporation. k still in this city. ii,etiyT4,:zivitiinex;1111?0,..,71:1`ActeltirTitl)iliti:iton111,41t1rsVitileealsts‘)evfooltigyil.liltitortilti likilalgr7a.:vbiguti11;:telilft87is::an11.1)11:11erran:ettlatliianub,arltstliilit2teYsn:vall°1tlavever:- lsviitteoeLtIttortt:.11411 dmiti inee seem to lave terminAtea in the 1111411ourst.itittittneatenantift: -Continental Intel. in Newark. 'et" T Ik is. Itiowt hi, Nt:V 7141:k.r. ilsi:i.itt:g.t. ii : lir in :I:es:tit ItIlet,rtitgill.1111,1ts illlitleho0111110killitlleil\ov,lig1111111.1.1als vil.iiitiiitt„, b8yva kills:go il0;e1::::ksliOnitrSeoopittil iltil:tititeyig,flribez1,:oto:spiotft, ,1 TI‘ 6 ot those wto roognioa midttio. O $110 Open lot lie ati only Gard street. tile lad that tAV0 Vatir03115 .011111111141 ton Dane VOIDell. 000 Ntli0 talkDd With - LIM AtISS that Ile her that he rirand lloreeuv hang over his head. : woe he ng in the may and hail no in - The foltAwing Ort°11°1%-.7 et Will°11g11.• tention Int running! away. adding that. his - by aliltiletozin "Matt" IS interesting: . in scandal. The othor woman saw Mid- ' Wrest woUld iirrolre tim many persons . :111711'n: ell.-enndIT.111-Pleiltertelleeaterenee -an .. illeton with it nottug woman areesea in le::IT:illseS:4:":11.1:14w111:ertel*Ilolkittel t.;lea t4ttAlnA::::070. tai.1:::VISD:::::at:::::(1. :1110tats.::::k0 4"bY .. liglit blue silk. Miiiilletou himself wore Potmis,.. of former ;too Bolte. lw hat. lie appeared to take Tio pre:qu- i-0th los Aetuary and legal adviser, Iler- It is tow positively kniiitlii some _ .lent dilaeton. les lief teeoeltte, and . azolie ailiettntxtets;oelats.:-it ttlootiilnptIntvmianos:ua, otkeen. : ante 5. -Calmly welatel ado Ow offwe /loafing doily tonferenees with iiiint. of NieVickar-tiilliard Realty tennp1thyt alley are ettkleavontatt ti,d arrange mai- m. AA.: Fifth aeelate, where be luta it deal terg with litt financial institutions which an to sell liis SIAM oPtioll on theltstihl nte nuNions to ovoid the scandal ease- f:zitserantat'llzaittllitniet ISteetta.rilittleP,00afrao‘t'tler rut' litalfleilitle1441•:falt4IttiltIlltItlei':111/41elltv"Itallliairtlitellt:t1114litilden- .24•4 t'sCIttnrtIg‘I'sg$:;'fltiltrILItlilloTitTI ell- allAtfteit'ofietalvt; 1:111:14tilluettn:e4le,:t.telf4 tatoknvaivtitoolrotl.litriviaarkriteonitlilec,!; 16,11tulnelir):.-.1.1-1'!1/4711c7milltil'aPfilreitit:h*im for the first etke to Toostvuto luaknoton. and to believe that the existing arrangements for the defence of the Indian 'Empire are ob- solete and ineffective. These views from the striking and central points of interest in a bulky blue book IF-. sued to -night dealing with the recent con- flict of opinion between Lord Curzon, toe Indin Viceroy, and Lord Kitchener, which the Government has lust settled by a com- promise, giving the latter extended powers in tbe direction he desired. Lord Kitchener speaks plainly In denounc- ing the faulty Pystem prevailing in India, which, be points out, has not changed since the time of the mutiny, and which was fram- ed to meet peace requirements instead or he posaibility of a great war. He de3cribes the system as one entailing endiets discus- sion and delay, ns wen as great expenditure. with poor results. Continuing, he says: "Slowly, but surely, the deserts of Cen- tral Asia, once believed to be an impen.- .P tmbie barrier, have been eros.sed by a great European power. They are now spanned by railways, which have only one possible significagee, and we have every indication that our northern neighbor is pushing for- ward her preparations for it contest, in which we shall have to fight for our existence." In conclusion, Lora Kitchener instance3\-oK • Japan as having shown what was pas:slide to, thoroughly modern methods 01 army ad- ministration, while the disastrous conso- quences to Russia give the other side of the picture. He urges that there is danger In hesitating to break the .e.:halos of custom and tolerance or admstted dete, i RACE SUICIDE. Bishop of Hurotz Speaks Plain Words to Synod. London, Out, June 20. -In his address to the Synod of Huron at the opening of tile annual session here this after- noon, Bishop Wililanus made some very pointed references to the birth rate of Ontario. He said that although the To- pulation of the province had merea.aid, the school population was 86,700 lent than it was fifteen years ago. The cauee, he said, was not sterility, it was not be- cause the young people had teasel to marry, but due to it Godless and m.r g- inlistie view of life. Marriage was kelt- ed npon to -day as n tie of emit -conveni- ence. Primarily it was woman's fault in refusing the responsibility rind wort: lila g,tory af motlieroteel. preferring the life of indolent selfi-huess. The re- 1„... Stilt 11:110 that 011tarlO was fast Le.'oiu- ing anti threatentet to be- votue known as the &Mitres province. Lordeltip aleadel for it mare de- votional reading ot the Bible. To speak plainly the ignorauee of the. toolaa was aPiedinake 2tfett hum" atneliettila nothing ef it. :_tseelei a net' detolis nakd texts. Was at any world - that the word of Mel, wheel sie eke of truth and righteoueness, bad been repleced by sense - Howl -novels and the Sunday newspaper °. The meet erre.-- tire way of all in willeh to niNt ibis rlitle atttlinlagy dsi ecfitil. tse " religiu teaehiug i COLLISION ON THE C. P., R. ' fi Two Winnipeg Men Killed West of Eaters. Winnipeg. June fast, west- homid express of the Canadian recite. nua an eastbound sleek train tallitlea Iniaa on. at 5 oakek this afternoen, tea - twenty miles west of Nenora, resultinf r hi a bad 'wreck of rolling stock. Engi- neer Perry of the expreee, and. M. at. 0.41reSS inesiienger, both of Win- nipeg, were killed. Itertrain Watt. fireman, is seriously iti3ured. Sant Bird, eugineer of the etre* train. end 11. A. Pampa mail elerk, were alea injurea. Roilway officials state that no pae- Imam veto killed or Newel G. T. P. Double Track. tomion. ;lame gyailinr, for the denble.trackiner of the Altoona Iriank las- itt Koruotssit And kimscoutt ,1080 14011 is about e‘Aupletirit, and in the vourse of a few ilays the grading if line between komoka an,l tAiik um be 041101 Witgt tIf Keteeee a utile or mote the steam 0:owl is *hong the last of the heavy 1.-irailikr. VCINP Nacsi of viaifota awe renentr Wind are iloing SOW lighter grading. At bath places the -work will soon bo hien distritinteil oil altoi4.: the line from hemokai to the an.1 as ibe rails 01* 1n' the v.ilk of tuck Ispog ttil aa butt int aloue. The tenet 5110 to be call- thed by 'Nova Scotia toncerti.