HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-06-22, Page 8Q.O0O000OG1O0a©Qeb©©tMMXte_k sees SUMMER Is Here, and 1 Ain ' Isere With the Goods The Largest and Best stock of Sporting Goods ever shown in town. Bargains in Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Lacrosse Sticks. My Camera Department Is Complete. Full instructions on Picture Taking and Making "free to all." Buy a Camera from us and not from the dealer that simply "sells" and lots you do the rest. Take the advantage of Free In- structions and make a success. Plate Cameras from $2.50 to $22 kept in stock. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Try us, and have your work done neatly, quickly and cheaply, R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer Wingham - Ontario Ci 10o©OooO0oi3C1Ei©(:ibf3a3Lt(10EdC 1 1 1 Nothing But Shoes iminamiorommet Confining our energy and entire at- tention to the Shoe business, and being the largest exclusive Shoe Store in Wing - ham, we carry the largest and most varied stook of Shoes in this part o the country. Our Shoes are all that can be desired in style, quality fit and durability. Herein Lies Our Supremacy Seasonable, stylish Shoes are always sold here at lower prices than anywhere else. Our regular prices are as Tow as some are showing at their bargain prices. Call and let us prove it. 1 1 1 1 W. J. Greer, The i hoer r '1 J1 111) I Ilea isoosisiesesemois II YOU HAVE HEARD OF Processor Dorenwend BALDNESS = America's Greatest Hair Goods Artist He is Coming to Wingham (Brunswick Hotel) Thursday, June 29. This visit gives you a chance to consult PROP, DOEi NWRND about your Hair and to choose front the stock of Hair Goods, which he carries with him —just what yon require. Yon can try on any Bang Switch Pompadour, eto„ and see fust how it will look. PROP. DORENWEND can be depended upon to sell you only first quality Hair Goods. You aro not forced to buy because you examine these goods. as all men know, disfigures and adds an aged expression to the face. Why remain Bald when Prof. Dorenwend can St you with a WiG or TOUPEE. which will hide all traces of Baldness and tako the place of your own Bair? Doctors recom- mend theso Toupees as a preventative for colds in head, catarrh and neuralgia. Plum DORENWENDwm Rt you Qyouejusttlonw you look afterwards. LADIES --- READ THIS ! I You will never have a better opportunity to see for yourself the beautiful assortment of SWITCHES, BANGS, POMPADOURS, WAVES, WIGS, Etc., which Prof. Dorenwend carries with bim. Remember the Date and don't fail to call at the hotel and see PROFESSOR DORENWEND If you cannot call, write for Prof. Dorenwend's Catalogue -Ws free 4;1 hYr`,J The DORENWEND CO., Limited 103 AND 105 YONGE ST., TORONTO. Great Cos!llg Sa=e I ain giving up business in Wingham, and for a short time will sell Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c., &c., AT VERY LOW PRICES. As this is a genuine winding -up Sale, no reasonable offer for goods will be refused. See me for Wedding Presents. HALSEY PARK. FOR SALE.—My residence on Patrick St., also Mrs. Park's house on Prances St. The Northern Navigation Co. H MISESKER EXCURSIONS TO NORTHWEST June 26th, July 14th. ---Fa Ttii S TO--- 'tVinnipeg, Man,, and return $ 1.D0 Brandon, wren., " 3150 Hartney, Man., 32,85 negina, Assa„ 33.75 Prader Albert, Sank„ ' 3.5.25 a9trathenna Alta„ 40.50 And other pointe In proportion, Tiekete on isle in adveneee. Hates include stateroom berth on steamer. Meatal 304 ca. Mogul summer service now in effect Moneay' Wednesday & Friday, from Sarnia to Soo, aerrvies betwee llMiidland Penne- tech land Peary Sound. now fn efl'i( o ration (and tlokite ti iii Gra d 1 n11 cat rm t ri Trunk Ticket °Meed. H. H. 'tlI ld.ttilbiv., Mgr., l'oltlngwood C. if. Nlek lson, Teat, Mate,, Simla Wli.L SELL H MESIEKERS EXCURSION TICKETS To THE matzoth WEST Winnipeg .....$30.00 E.tevan t ltiowbray..... Yorktonj$33-° DeIoraine 31.50 Sheho 93.30 S o ri'. our It eg2 ria g Brandon $1.65 Uptonf 33,75 I,gleton Monaeiaw 31.60 Lenore 32.00 Heakatt000011 35.23 Saintota Prince eAlbert.. 1 r nC Albs . 3G 00 Ittnaeaarth 33.25 Macleod 38,00 AMroo fain 3322. I'alggaI tr'y" .',..., 33.60 eo Ited e r,..,„. 30.30 Sttatheoone $40.50 tieing June 13th, returning until August 11th, 'Going • June 27th, retnrning until August 28th. Ging July 15th, returning until Sept.ICth. qBrooter, t2an1dC Agnt r C. B. 13.P.,To. THE W1N61HAM. ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JUN 22, 1905. 1 1awl k. The new brhige ticxoss the lake is now completed, W. 11, Webber has wlutt will be a .100 at o r, l hogs hisfront f 11 1n n ret (l . tt field present. t' The grafter has been at work this week. This year 1Vnh. Finlay, jun„ is running it. Boat owners at 1.akelet are busy re- tpairing and fitting them up, prepares ory to a •ocxl summer's rowing as the Fake is in ecautiful condition. Air. Dunlop, formerly of the 2nd eon„ is away to the land of wheat, where he has taken up a homestead, bring very plucky for a mean of liis yeat:i, Mr. A. Drummond, pi'esi(lent of the V'nion Farmers' Institute, was last week cies ' ht8 l b themembers p (,t i y sect 1 t of that society with rt handsome 17 Jew- elled wake'', and an address.. Messrs, A, Rek1l and S. W. Fergu- son lost a valuable horse each the other day. The cause of the death of Mr. Reldt's was indigestion, and Mr. Ferguson's colic from an overdose of grass. John Topham of Newbridge, recent- ly purchased the Fowler property on which there is a good smithy, dwel- ling and stable, It is understood that Mr. Topham is going to move the shop up on Itis farm to be used as a driving shed. R, J. Deachman, who hes been visit- ing at the home of his parents for some time, left on Thursday for To- ronto to attend convocation and start- ed for Calgarry on Ifiozulay to work on the Farmers Advocate as assistant editor. An ice-cream garden party, uucler the auspices of St. Stephen's church, Gorrie, will be held at the home of Isaac Wade, lot 10, con. 13, Howick, on the evening of Friday, June 23rd. A good program of vocal and instru- mental mnusrc will be rendered. Bluevale. June, the month of weddings and busy dressmakers. Mrs. Bainton of Bervie visited her sister, Mrs. Jho. King, thusw week. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Brinker went on the excursion to Detroit on Tues- day. Quite a number from Bluevale took advantage of the excursion to Guelph last week. Rev. W. J. West and Rev. Louis Perrin of Wroxeter exchanged pulpits last Sabbath. Misses Nellie Burgess, Eva Paterson and Eva. Duff spent Friday with Lis- towel friends. Miss Alice Duff is home from Lon- don having completed her course at Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh and children of Molesworth, were visitors at Thos. Coultes' last week. Rev. W. J. West has returned from attending the Assemblyat Kingston, and the Forester's Hgh Court at Gananoque. Robt. Aitcheson, who is a section - man on the railway, had the misfor- tune to have his hand badly cut by a scythe one day last week. John Coultes has returned from Philadelphia, where he has graduated from the Dental College of that place. We extend to him our heartiest con- gratulations. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of one of Bluevale young ladies, Miss Pearl Esther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart, to Mr. James Clack ; the happy event takes place on the 28th. Found A Cure For Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Lindsay of Fort William, Ontario, Canada, who has suffered quite a number of years front dyspep- sia and great pains in the stomach, was advised by her druggist to take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. She did so and says, "I find that they have done me a great deal of good. I have never had any suffer- ing since 1 began using thein.” If troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion why not take these Tablets, get well and stay well ? For sale by all drug- gists. West Wawanosh. Mrs. Temple Clark, Dungannon, has so fax recovered from her recent ill- ness as to be brought to her father's home at Auburn for a long visit, Master W. Crawford of Dungannon, halving nicely recovered from his re- cent illness, left here on Monday, for Winston, on his usual business tour. Dr. Standish has disposed of his practice at Auburn to 1)r. Weir, the practice with three years' experience. Dr. Standish moves next week to Georgetown, 'We are pleased to state that C. Teb- butt, principal of Dungannon public school, ]has recovered from his recent illness and resumed teaching on Mon- day of lust week. The horse business is booming. Sturdy Bros. recently sold a fine mare for $200 to Mr. McCloskey, Goderich. John Raithby sold a fine young horse to Jas. Mallough for $205. Duncan McDonald, who has carried on a victualling business for some time in Dungannon, having bought a similar business in Lucknow leaves this week with his family for his new location, A. valuable driving mare belonging to Mr. jos. Lyons, of the 12tH con. of West Wawanosh broke its neck one day last week. The animal had been entitling loose its the garden near the house and in attempting to jump over a Wire fence got its fore legs between the top and second strand of wire in the fall its. neck Was broken. Weunderstand Mr. Lyons had the mare sold for $157.101, and its death is u, serious loss to him. The Tonic Of Health. Must be snore than a. stimulant-- 111ust 1)0 a food ea well. There is one medicine that hi both a food and a, tonic, ---it aids- digestion, romotes as- similation, converts food into nutri- ment that builds tap nerves, blood,. brain and bone. That tonic is rem - zone Which contains exactly what a stun down system nee(ln. I+'ertozone supplies oXygen to purify the blood, 1111osp11oroue to develop the bruin, iron to harden the muscles. No Won- der it makes such vigorous hien anal women. You'll cat sleep,think v net . 1and 1 feel better by using Ferrozone try'it —now. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty ehocoiate costed Ferxozo11e tablets, at all dealers. Belgrave. Mrs. Sproat ware called away last Saturday to attend the fnnrrel of a friend in London. Mr. and ictus. Will. Corbett attended the funeritl of a friend in Grey town- ship liist week. 110v, .A, E. Jones of Belgrave and Rev. A. K. Birks. 13. A„ of Seafortlt, exchanged pulpits last Sunday. • Mr,11IcC'ullat of I1unville visited his brother, the G, 7.; R. agent at Bel - grave, for a few days last week, Dr. Hamilton of Belgrave took in the excursion from Goderieh to. De- troit last Tuesday on the Greyhound. Denholm 84 Son of Blyth, shipped from Belgrave, fifteen catloads of hazy and two or three carloads of straw, hs the t ( t ) t two )leeks. Henry Brandon and Mrs, Thomas Brydges. sen„ drove over to Bayfield Inst Snudnv, where they spent the day with Mrs. Brandon, C. W. Lawrence, John Clegg and Harry Hopper all took i11 the excmr- 81W1 from \ inghain to Niagara Falls last week, and report having a good time, Rev, A, E, ant] Mrs, Jones are tak- ing a three weeks' vacation to visit Mends in Chatham, Detroit, Grand Rapids and. Chicago, Wo wish thein a pleasant time and. at safe return. Tilers was raised on the Belgrave Methodist circuit last year, :'1,350. Reports will be out next weak. On Sunday, June 2Sth, Mr, W. H. Kerr of Brussels will preach on the Bel - S=rave circuit, and on the following unday, July 2nd, the work will be taken by Rev. T. IIttll of the Wing - haul Advance. Mr. Finlay Anderson's barn raising came off all right on Friday last, with- out any mishap ; the barn is an extra large one, placed on a 10 foot cement wail, 55 x 75 feet, and will be, when finished, one of the best barns in the township of Wawanosh. There were 1501800 and about 75 women in atten- dance at the raising. The captains were Mr. John Armstrong of Belgrave and lir. Uhamney of Past Wawanosh. While sawing wood at Mr. Wight- man's on the gravel roam last week, with John Shoebottom's machine, Joe Brandon had the misfortune to have his hand. come in contact with the saw. The cut is not serious, but it was as very narrow escape, caused by a rail coning against his arm, Men cannot be too cautious about those circular saws. Mr. Garniss of Morris lost one of his fingers the sante way last week. Carey. The deinand for new drains does not appear to be at an end yet. The Hislop dredge is at work on the Lamont drain on the 7th con. ' Misses Lizzie and Mamie MacAllis- , ter of Seafoi•th spent Sunday at their ' home here. i Miss Hannah MacLennan of the 1st, went to Hamilton on Tuesday last to •• spend a month with her sister, Mrs. McBride of that place. S. R. Crerar, B. A. Sc., will leave for Northern Ontario whore he will spend the next three months with a Government surveying party. Ex -Reeve and Mrs. Turnbull have gone on a tour through Michigan. They will visit relatives at Port Huron, Brown City and other points. 'Win. Mason and son, of Oliphant, Bruce Co., are renewing old friend- ships in this locality. It 18 nine years since the visitors moved northward from Grey townsnip. The fine 100 acre farm of C. W. Knight, Oth con., has been purchased by A. Barr, of the same line, for the stlzn of $5000. Possession of the farm will be given on the 1st of Jan. next. Mr. T. W. E. B. Stokes, a well known resident of this neighborhood died on Tuesday at his home on lot 3, con. 2, Grey. Mr. Stokes was one of the pioneers of the section, and was in his 76th year. He had made many life long friends by his sterling charac- ter and upright dealings. The new steel bridge over the Mait- land at Cranbrook is completed and is said to be a first-class job. Cement abutments were built by Nagle R Loo- by rand the superstructure was sup- plied by Hill & Co., of Mitchell There is a, cement floor, the first used in the township. Bridge will be open- ed for traffic about the Ist of July, so as to allow flooring to harden proper- ly. Total cost will be about $2000 but it is money well invested when dura- bility is taken into account. Death has again visited our neigh- borhood and claimed as its own Miss Lizzie Carr, • fifth daughter of Mr. Robt, Carr,. 3rd line. She had been a very patient sufferer for the past year, consumption being her trouble, but through it all, she rested on the Mighty Arms of Jesus. The funeral took place on Thursday to the Brus- sels cemetery, conducted by Rev. Mr. Cosens from Brussels. Mr. Carr and all the family have the sincere sym- pathy of the whole community in this their sad hour of bereavement. Just What Everyone Should Do. Mr. J, T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga., always keeps it bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for instant use. At- tacks of cone, cholera morbus and diarrhoea coine on so suddenly that there is no tithe to hunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine. Mr. Bather says : "I have tried Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of the best medi- cines I ever saw, I keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine 7 ever used." Sold by all druggists. Salem. Rev. Mr. Osterhout baptized Mr. D. L. Weir's children on Thursday' last.. 1fr, and Mrs. Wm. Weir attended the funeral of the late Robt, Scott last week. Mrs. Albert Gallaher spent the early )art of this week With het sister, Mrs, Win. Audison of Gorrie. We are sorry to know that Maggie Abram, youngest daughter' of 'Win. Abram of this place is at present suf- feting with the whooping eough. Mrs. S'Vm. Weir and her daughter, Mts. 3, li artley attended the funeral of the late Geo. Laing of Wroxeter, Who was drowned therm last week. Amongst (',, those who took in the ex - f1 r. r iott t 0 Toronto and the 1 ( h .bail last cast Thursday' were Mr. Robb. Weir and ilius nephew Wrn. Weir; also Mf*, Chad. Kitchen all returned laoine on Saturday nalght, Blyth. There were four baptisms in Trinity chinch last Sunday morning. Tho Presbyterian Ladies' Aid held their annual lawn social on Wednes- day evening, 21st, A large number of young people from 11010 attended the moonlight ex- cursion at Goderich on Monday night, ltlh'.. Robt, Slitter is in St, Thomas this week attending the greduating of his daughter, Miss. Cattle, art Aline College, Cl, B. Foster, District Passenger Agent of the P. P..11,, was in our vil- 011 lage Inst, week in connection with the railway, way, Mr, Kenneth Heaton,. a st'nclent , preached very acceptably,. morning evening in the Methodist (bee(beechSttndaty The Synod. of 11111011 on 'Tuesday ; Rev, J. Edmonds and met in Tornion Mr, Frank Metcalf were the delegates from Trinity church. At the Tinton county* Sabbath school coventiou 11e111 at Godericlh last week, Miss lder s elected tree- serer r t -serer of the association, The town was again aroused Wed- nesday morning ret 7 a.1», by the un- welcome sound of the fire alarm. 111r. Jas. Petah was loading Irks egg wagon with grgcories to go on the road when he saw smoke issuing front Mr. Moser's hardware .' 0511 d a store, ta. o e wits found . its (. that the fire had started front a Chaat- coai stove itt the back shop and caught -on to the work bench, A few pails of water quenched the blaze.. When the- store was closed the night previous, there was no sign of either tiro or smoke. Mr. Moser places hie loss at $1000, which is fully covered by insurance. On Wednesday, at high noon, a very pretty wedding took place t1; the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Denholm, when their only daugliter, Miss Lily, WAS united in marriage to Mr. Gen, Dickson of Meleillo . The wedding march was played by Miss Maggie Nicol, cousin of the bride, when the bride entered, leaning on the arm of her father, dressed in a beautiful gown of blue crepe-de-paris, and carry- ing a handsome bognet of bride's roses. Rev. Dr. McLean performed the ceremony, after Whieh a s t m - tuous dinner was served ; the tables were artistically decorated with flow- ers. The bride's going -away dress was navy bine venetian cloth. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for Stratford, Toronto and Montreal. The presents were num- erous and beautiful, testifying to the esteem of the happy couple. A large number of guests were present and among those from out of town were -- Mies Robinson, Misses Fleuty, and Sir. and Oris. W. J. Haines of Wing - ham, Mr. John Barracks of Hepworth, Mr. and Mrs. Legg of London, Mr. and Mrs.. Cunningham of Candeboye, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Cunningham of St. Patel, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, Mis- ses Dickson of Seaforth, Mr. D, Nicol of Hensall, •1 St. Helens. Miss Hanna, of Winghaun is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robt, Allen.. Mid. Humphrey was up around Gla- mis last week for a lotus of peas. Wm. R, Farrier was in Goderich last week, being summoned there as a juror. Miss Bella McCrostie is visiting at the home of her brother, W. S. Mc- Crostie. Robt. Reid and daughters, Ella and Mabel, visited friends around here last Sabbath. Robinson Woods has returned home after spending a few days with friends in Stanley. Peter Clark has returned from King- ston where he went to attend .the General Assembly. Miss Charlotte Johnson returned' home last week, after spendingsome time with her sister, Mrs. R. oods. Thos. Joynt wears a broad smile these days, the occasion being the arrival of a little girl at his home last week, . Rev, M1'. Dunn, Whitechurch, con- ducted the Children's services in Cal- , vin church list Sabbath, it being Chil- dren's day. A Garden Party, under the auspices of Calvin Church, St. Helens, was held on the manse lawn last Mislay even- ing: when the congreggation presented their pastor, Rev. S. 51. Whaley, with n well filled purse, as a token of their esteem for him. Mr, Whaley leaves with the best wishes of the whole community. Jamestown. Geo. Innes of Brussels spent Sunday at his home here. Misses Jessie and Elsie Strachan visited over Sunday in Teeswater. Among those who took in the ex- cursion to the Model farm at Guelph were ---Sas. Strachan, Sr., Will. Moses, Joe Cootnbes and Oswald Simpson. Mrs. Wm. Moses entertained quite a number of her friends in her usual good style last Friday evening. All report an excellent evening's enjoy- ment. Mrs. Duncan Taylor and daughter left for a visit to Jno. Wilson's, in Harrow, Essex Co., last Monday. They intendecl going as far as Dun- gannon on Monday night and then to Goderich Tuesday morning, taking the steamer "Greyhound" from there to Detroit and thence by rail to Har- row. We wish them a pleasant trip. It is our sad duty this weep to chronicle the death of an old friend and neighbor .in the person. of Mr, Thos. Stokes. Deceaasecl had been fail- ing for the past six months with dropsy and heart trouble. About five weeks ago, gangrene started in one of this feet and it was then certain that his recovery was impossible, but he Was patiently awaitingthe Master's call "Come home," and after a few Weeks of severe suffering he passed peacefully away to the Great Beyond. He was in his faith year. The funeral whichtook place on Friday to Brus- sels cemetery was largely attended and the community's sincerest gym - pithy is tetideted to the bereaved ones. A "Wheezy Chest Means your trouble is lleepi seated. To delay is dangerous. All the in- flaatntita.tion will be Ylraevit .oat in one day by applying Nerviline. It pene- trates' through the pores of the skin, relieves inflammation and tints pre- vents serlotus cothsetp(tences. For sore throat, weak chest and tendency to co1(ls figse1.1 r on is better than fir a? ti Polstn's Nervillnre. rot, nearly fifty years ithas been Canada's great [household remedy. 25 cents buyat a largo bottle, East Wawanosh". John 1inliaban is recovering from the kirk of a horse. ( Mrs. Lennox )' 11,1, end .c 1(X c1 Toronto # 1 Ai ,11, I tl f alt are visiting friends in Westfield this week, The farmers are busy getting, )oles ready For the ('ircular saw, 11'11'. ' Walsh of Westfield doing the work, Mr. P. Ring huts the sympathy of his neighbors in the loss caused by the burning of his barn and contents, Rev. T. Copeland will preach his Snud&i fareweyll sermon to the Donnybrook, Westfield ataAubltrn people next. 13. II. Toylat•, 0th line, hos had a One 1-0181141811 etec.tc'cl uu rite front of his. 11Oln(0 wvlti('h quite i111p)roves it9 laph 1 1 e •.t1 ' t nice, 1,1v. II(+riman Wightanan and bride of the Son, arrived last Friday on a visit to liernnan's parents in West WatYanosh. Mr. a11d Sirs. John 11.. Fells of the 7th, were male happy on Wednesday of last week, when. a little sort and heir arrived to gladden their 1101110, This is the first event of this native that has (300310014 1m the family Sines John himself arrived forty years ago. Mr. and Sirs, R. Corley have re- turned from an enjoyable visit with friends. in Saginaw,. Bay City, Caro ,•, and other points in Aliclli,Ctul. They were within rt fens mites of the cyclone when it passed, and went over part of the ruins next clay, where there were some sad sights to be seen. SPECIAL 00IINC'IL MtilUTnw,—A site - dal meeting of Connell called by the Reeve was held Friday afternoon last to take into etlnsideration a communi- cation received by hint front Mr. V. M. Roberts, engineer for the Guelph and Goderich Railway* (lo. Members all present. Tetter sent was 418 fol- lows ; "To the Reeve of the township of East Wawanosh—The contractors at work west of Blyth will be ready in a few days to truss the road be- tween the townships of Hullett and East Wawanosh, opposite lot 40 in the let concession of East Wawanosh. The cutting for the railway at this point is about 22 feet deep, 1t there- fore becomes necessary for the rail- way company to construct a highway bridge over the railroad. During the course of construction it will be neees- sary for the contractor to divert traf- fic off this main road, and would like the approval of your Council for doing this, in the form of a resolution." After due •deliberation over this ]nat- ter, it was unanimously resolved, that this Council grant the Guelph and Goderich Railway Co. leave to divert ordinary traffic from the plain gravel road on boundary line between Hul- lett and East Wawanosh, opposite lot 40. con. 1, East Wawanosh, until such time as a. highway bridge can be con- structed, but this Council will not be held liable for any costs incurred in the construction or maintaining of such deviation road, and will not be liable in any way for accidents or damages caused by the building of said road. Ane' further, that the time asked for the use of this deviation road be not extended longer than the 1st day of August next. The Council then adjourned. --P. Porterfield, Clerk. When Seven Men Die. You know at least one of them lhatcl Consumption. At first it was only catarrh—but it was neglected. When "Catarrhozone" cures so quickly it's foolish to suffer—it's a shame to keep on sniffeling and hawking. Catarrho- zone goes direct to the cause of the disease,—that's why it's so dead cer- tain to cure. It stops the cough, pre- vents that disgusting discharge, clears phlegm out of the throat in five minu- tes. Very pleasant, and safe too; get Catarrhozone from your druggist to- day. Morris. Township Council will meet on Monday, 26th inst. -. Dr. S. L. Caldbick and bride, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are visitors at the parental home 2nd line, and re- ceiving the congratulations of many old friends. On Thursday morning 'of this week, Peter McDonald, an old and well known resident of the 7th line, passed away to his reward, aged 87 years, 7 months and 7 days. On Monday, July 3rd, a Garden Party will be held at the home of Wm. Clark, Township Clerk, 8th line. Brussels Band has been engaged and a fine time is promised. Rev. Mr. Anderson, the new minister is expect- ed to be present. Miss Minnie R. Kelly, daughter of Geo, Kelly, 8th line, has passed her final exams. at, the Normal school, Winnipeg, .and now 11o1(ls a second- class certificate, and may have the Mprivilege of teaching anywhere in anitoba or the Northwest Ter- ritories. Icer many friends in Morris wish her continued success, Mir. James Laidlaw, of .Morris, and Miss Mary Sturdy, of East Wawa - nosh, were married at the home of the bride's father on Wednesday evening of last week. Rev. T. B. Coupland, of Auburn, performed the marriage cere- mony. The happy couple are now settled down to the realities of life on theroom's farm in Morris and have the best wishes of many friends for a bright and prosperous married life. The appeal of Mr. Ferrand in the case Ferrend vs. townships of Grey and Morris heitrd in Toronto by the Court of Appeal, before Justices Maass. Osier, Carrow, McLennan and Mae- Laren. It will be remembered that Ferrend the owner of lands in the township of Morris, in the county of .Huron, appealed front the judgment of J. B. Rankin, referee, under the municipal drainage act, dated March 30th, 1004, in_ which it was held that plaintiff hail 110 cause of action against the municipal corporations for drainage resulting front by-laws pro- viding for drainage, because no lands had been taken, nor had any of his lands been injuriously affected. Plaintiff is owner of the north seventy acres of lot 10, $rfi eon. of Morris, through which flows at brands of the River Maitland. He is possessed of an eastnient permitting hint to dant back the waters of this branch over adjoin. ing lots, for the period of 000 years, commencing with the 4t1 of Decent. bets 1850, for the purpose of develop, ing waterpower, .CBCs chant has re, cantly been removed, atnd, at the time the bylaws were passed the river Was flowing freely. The appellant con- tended that the referee wits wrong fat ruling that no land of. his is affected. 8111ce 1y sub. sec. 2' of the consolidated mntmnlcipal act, together with the interpretation act, an ealrstntent Would fall within the eonnotationof th i n 0 terin "land". 1. L. Dickinson aip1- peared for plaintiff and E. V'anstont' fo.1' defendants. Judglneltt was re. served, ••••••••••♦f•*•••••t•*'i•• WIt GUAIVI .ux s s eCollege . Our glass in Stenography now open as well as Commercial.. We teach only the modern and up-to•dato systems in each department, which insure success to the student. A call solfeited by 1 N, Reginald Fletcher, Principal Geo, Spotton,. Manager i••••••••••••••t••••••00 FOR SALE. On easy terms,. 50 acres more or lees, tieing u east. half of t g 1 Lo No, 18, Con, 9, in the township of Kinloss, or might exchange fog House. Apply to THOS. DOBIE, 42.45 Ohesley, Ont. To No The RealtEstateLted Buyer ci er W e Alt er oc h 8-. I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unless the cusum stances under which you buy aro very ex- ceptional. I can and shall make it, profitable for yon to buy through me, I am in touch with pro- perty owners in every part of the country, and have on my lists today, properties (both in town and country) that cannot be excelled either in quality or price. It mikes no difference whether you want a. 50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want you. C. J. MAtGUIRE Real Instate and Business Transfer. (Office—Vanston° Block, Wingham) The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree- able and so natural that you do not realize it is the effectf o a medicine. For sale by all druggists. ilimilligamm SINGLE FARE FOR DOMINION DAY. Good going June 30th, July 1st, 2nd and 3rd, returning until July 4th. Between all stations in Canada, also to Susp. Bridge and Buffalo, N.Y., Port Huron and Detroit, Mich. • $69—Portland Exposition Good going daily, returning within 00 days. Special side trips to California points. Home -Seekers' Excursions $30.00 to $40.50. To points In Manitoba, Assiniboia, Basket- chewan and Alberta. Good going June 27th and July 15th, returning within G0 days, For tickets, and full information call On L. HAROLD, Town Agent. J. D. McbONALD District Paesonger Agont, Toronto. A flow About Some New Window Shades erP The kind that will neither falde, curl nor crack, are what we sell you. The spring roller is also a con- sideration ; leave it to us, and you will get the best mone . that we gtiaratitee to give satisfaction. COOP CO. (Successors to Alex, floss) Iliesisitioeistosiessiosiesoior