HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-06-22, Page 2Sunday
. tliath melteal like finow in the aattnee of
aseatet leilitatiliVelo"it the Toale---Ver Dana
-• • 0 • a reading- °
. • Pt otaction by erayer, 2 laiugs„ vi, ti -
*WAN IMO, 100a. -23.
INTEIMATIONAli liliSSOS NO. 1. . By providence and purpose, Bout, vin.
1 By foiling. the evieheds Acts aeiii. l'ae
'all. . • , .
Berinaeheritee Inveelemoatehroleta 9 el. a gy atazearelea tee Ivaco", peeler
Commentas7.-I. aennacherilas defiant Ole
ineesagee (vs.• 0.10). 0. At thei-eat. Be wahine; the heart grime realm
ter teeeiving the present Won ilezekielt eteeii, ale,
(IL Kluge avid., 14-161. Seunaelleria --• IV help la Clic oriels, Vothe lea, 1041. -
The eon ana eueeeseor of aargon. On the • By right eltoices, 1 Kin, iii. 4-13.
"Taylor (alb:tiler," Which is now In the fly Christ's interceesion, John avii, 0.
Dritielr Museum, we bave is own .1te- ao,
count it this invasion. • Tide ettotnit la By welly Me, Duel. xi. 10-21
ono of the beet conuneuterice on the re- In &lug Godes work, 1 Wags, mil, 1-
l'ord giaea in Ole Bible. In it tieututeherth ' ja.
damn to have eapturea foray-sie of Ilea By the Infinite Guardians Pstilm. I.13.
-eltialas eitieto and to 'have taken captom Leeeon building: A structural tint -
more thau 200.000 people. Ile saya lw gee -
built tower; around Jentsalent and shut Thie background of man' wickedness
llezekiah in "liae a caged. bird." Aesylia,
-Thai wee a great ant powerful country
lying tin the Tigris. He boundaries Mi-
tered greatly at different periods. aend
his sereante---See II. Kluge .viii. 17. Tar-
tan ,or genera; the miliaria the chief of
the etuirichel and the raleslutketo the
alaief cup -bearer, these being the caked
'Which their name imply, with a, great•
host. None of thole are proper names.
Tartan was the ordinary 'title of an
syrian. gentral. They were to demand
the uncoxulitiona surrender of the king
and capital -Cook. To Jerusidem-eten-
nacherib was oneamped before lewhieh,
thirty miles southwest of Jeruattem,
seated: in /itato as we ere him in the
monument', on his ecuipturett throne,
his bow anal arrows in his hand, his char-
iotsand horses of regal pomp behead
him the prieoners bending betere eine
halcialied and barefoot, trim the cep-
tured city. From this proud position he
sent a, large detaelunent to Jerusalcui.
They took up their position on the north
of the day, on a sput tang atterweras
known ite the camp of the .1tuyrians.
ilezekial feared to uppear; or, perhape.,
earclut a his dignity, he seat otticers ot
bie t e•art, who were nearer the rank ot
„at. lu 1. ie re ,ee came laiaLitu
tit" 1:1110. 111iIlidtCr; ....Qua... 111111 III till:
oftite of secretary; Ewa Joah, the royal
hietoriam-Stauley. All Ids power -Alt
his ante-. .
10. Wbereou do ye trust -Literally,
"Whereon are ye trusting and sitting In
restralutr-Lauge. Judalt was in alli-
ance with Egypt; elesyria's arelt-enemy;
and reference is &ere made to this. In
11. Kings xviii. 1, Egypt wale mentioned
by name, It was an alliance tratefe1.
with danger to the Jewish common-
wealth. 11. Doth not Hezekiah-"licze.
kiah is abused most vilely and over-
whelmed. with :scorn and insult. The
language used was so insulting and blast
pheinous that he believed the Lord would
hear and avenge Ills own cause. lie
gained eonfidenee from that which seem.
ett calculated to intimidate bine" 1.
Worship -before one altar-Itab-shakeli
Was not familiar with t,he Jewish law,
and. he naturally supposed that the de-
struction of so many altars would incur
the displeasure of the gods- but the rea-
son he gave tot, prove tatit Judah was
weak wee the very reason why God was
with them to make them strong. 13-13.
Know ye not, etc. -This boast was net.
tiral The Assyrians had had an unim
tempted career of success and might
well believe that •their gods were more
powerful than those of the nations
around them. They had. utterly overrun
and destroyed the kindre1 tribes of Gal-
ilee, Gilead and Samaria. They had for
year exercised lordship over Judea, and
the very king who now defied them had
purchased hie safety by the payment of
a heavy fine. 16. .Against the Lord-
Ilezekia:h treated. this blasphemous
speech as he ought. It was againet the
Lord more than against him, and. he
accordingly refers the matter to Jehovar.
17. Wrote also letters -A little later.
another insulting message in the form
of "a letter" (IL V., margin) was sent.
The kingtook the letter and at once
went again to the house of the Lord.
He spread out the letter before the Lord
anti poured out bis soul in earnest prayer
(II. Kings xi. 14-19, Isa. xxvii. 14-20).
la. A loud voice -An allusion is here
made to what occurred (If. Kings xviii.
28-35) before Sennacherib wrote his let-
ter. Jew's epeech-The Hebrew language.
The Syrian language was not under
stood by the common people. To affright
them -1t was a day of great suspense.
Alieady there was a rumor that the king
of Egypt was on his way to the resole.
Sennaeherib had heard the rumor, and
it was this which caused han to put
forth every effort to intimidate Jeru-
salem into submission. 19. S.patte
against, etc. -They saw no difference be•
tween the Jehovah of the Jews and the
gods of the other nations. But God evil]
vindicate himself, and when we put our
ease in his hands he will care for us aso.
He will "show himself strong" in our
II. Hezeltialt and leauth call upon the
Lord (v. 20)-. 20. Prayed -King Heze.
kiah rent his clothes, and put on sack-
cloth, and went to the house of God,
while his messengers sought out the pro.
phet Teaiab. to know what to do. The
prayer expressed the deepest need, the
highest faith, the tamest earnestness.
the widest. plea, the highest motive. 11 taci.oent for the phenomenon.
was united prayer, a prayer meeting., It, was evident that an earthqua.ke
Isaiah joined with Itezekiah. But they haa disturbed the eubmarine depths
not only prayed, they worked. The king and that a below -water %atom° had
built walls ami towers, and. prepared disehrged depoeits violently towards the
arnis and shield& and encouraged the A urfaee. law 400 miles the steamer
people to be strong and courageous. and paettel 'through marine matte!, among
not to be afraid of the Assyrian king. which were °teen floor species never
"for there be more with us than with eeee before be.
hint" (vs. 6, 7). the oldest mainere
ahead. Some specimens of the inhale -
III. The Lord destroys the Assyrians Rants of deepest ocean were eecureta
(r. 21). 21. The word angel means "a and will be forwarded to the meteoro-
niesseneer, "one sent." anti may be logieal office, London, together with a
applied to any messenger sent from God. WI aceolnif of the circa:mien:az.
whoever or whatever that may be. Thus
in Pm ear. 4, the winds are mid to be
his angels or n•ieesengers. The nee of FORT FRANCES P1REthe word "angel" here does not deter- -
mine the manner in which the destruc-
tion was accomplished. It may bave
aeen a. storm, a pestilence or flood. --
ranee. It is generally understood to
have been the simoon.-Champness. Cia
off -In one night God's messenger smeta
1R,000 men (II. Kings xix, 33). Thie
gives seine idea of the iinmens.e size of
Sennachetihat army. He returned ---The
king and a few others were pi•eeerved.
Own land -Nineveh. When he was come
-hist how long a time elapted between
thie ealamity and feennacherib's death
we do not know, but it nag probabla
about tent y •yeare. He tecords other
eanmaigns, bia he never again ram to
Palestine. Iles goil-Nieroch. Slew lam
----"Adrammeteele and Sharezer his sone
emote him with the sword, and they
escaped" (IL Kineis :tie. a7).
IS. Hezekialt is exalted (vee 22, `43).
These verges teit us that God not rsnly
eivea ie.' people teem flip toad* of
feennaeherile but from all others and
"guided them en every safe." Many pre-
eents were brought to Ifezeitiale and
lie was exalted in the sight of rea Igo,
Hone. Jutiall had anotber century of
relating activity before •the nation woe
de: troyed.
amt uppoeition shows all tho Mere re-
selenthdly how God protects iti4 people.
I. IV Providentiel choice amt train-
ing. The divine selection ef 1111111 nett
nation is both baste and guarautee of
divine vac- aud safety.
IL By wise and. good rulers, In 1,78,
1-8 we get the true measure of Hezekialt
patriotic, wise, prayerful, enter-
111. Against mightiest forces (vs. 9,
10). Sennaherib, who had captured. 40
of ilezekialas sti•oeg cities anti aow
etorined Jerusalem, symbolized. the grtet
est conceivable stiength.
IV. Against taunt, cavil anti sneer (vs.
11, 12). These are often the severeet in-
fluence:: to resist.
V. Contrary to precedent and expecta-
tion (vs. 13-13). 'The metatate to Hem-
•kielt is boastful- and: threatening, pictur-
ing the weakness of other gods and. other
intim Ile forgot the difference between
gods Lula God.
• VI. In spite of trying conditions (vs.
16-19). Among these are (1) belittling
lied and King Hezekiah; (2) prophesying
evil and failure; (3) provoking the peo-
ple to disloyalty and ttivision, In all this
ilea protected Ilia people.
too ;weever to united prayer (v.
.etia. A poke nie kine met iscoette, week)
ihture a praying people. -
VIII. Stelae:ay,. effectualete admen-
Itusly (v. 21). No matter what the an -
et was, it eame front tied and wrought,
the will of God.
IX. For a three -fold purpose. (vs. 21-
23). 1. To rebuke and destroy the euemy,
2. To prosper and bless the people el
tiod. 3. To magnify the name of God and
promote ilis kingdom.
illustrative -Godes invisible, protection
-A butterfly ineide the window was
neatly disturbed because a sparrow was
peeking to get at it.. Neither butterfly
nor eparrow saw the glass, but that thin
invisible sheet was a perfect, protection
against tho butterfly's enemy. -Inglis.
"Jehovah blew and they were scat-
tered" ---This is one of the medals to
celebrate the protection of Protestant
Englanu apeunst the so-called invincible
Armada a Catholic Spain. Philip H. re-
solved to crush Protestantism at one
blow and sent his pretentious fleet to
England for that purpose. 13ut God pur-
posed differently and. sent His "angel",
the storm (Pea. 104:4), to smite his
etemies. The Armada was shattered and
Protestant England was saved.
7: 7 ••••+
Paris, June 10, 3 pan. -Premier Bou-
vier announced at a nicotine; of the Coun-
cil of Ministers held at the Elysee Palace
at noon to -day that he had "'finitely de-
cided to permanently retain the portfolio
of Foreign Affairs and relinquish tht
of Finance. The successor of M.. Bouvier
as Minister of Finance will be &Signet -
ed to -night or to -morrow. A decree nom-
inating M. Bouvier Minister of Porcine]
Affairs will appear in the Journal of-
ficial, to -morrow. His decision to re.
main in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
was the retult of the earnest request. of
President Loubet and his colleagues, wbe
desired his strong hand at the hehn
.during -Moat negetiations with Ger-
many over Morocco. The status of these
negotiations continues to give the French
officials great solicitude, no progress is
being made and tbe parties are almost at
the point of a deadlock. as.
Experiences of the Canadian Liner Aor-
angi on the Pacific.
Vancouver, June Ie. -Evidences of a
tremendous submarine earthquake were
seen by the Canadian Australian liner
Aomegi, while on her voyage to Ole
port from Sydney and Honolulu. Where
one hour the ocean had been a clear
green it &waged the aext to dirty
brown, :melt as is eeen close off shore
after heavy rains. The Aoraogi was,
however. 1.000 miles from the nearest
land. in this instance California, and
even the washing of dirty linen which
has been going- on in an Freneace
via' not be hold sufficient to
Topic: God's protection of his peo-
"The .Ass.yilan came down like it wolf
on the foal,
And hie foliate were gleaming in purple
an,! gold:
..... * * * *
And the might of the Gentiles, tuismote
by the :Mad,
_ 41101191111141141
oar III Io
- ...•*/ Wow
RnOeI 0111MONO 11011111N SITTINgS 'MORETON IS Wily a="-:SZT:a Labfe.!
1.fle tee• * e • tee litratraffittreilli"
Tatrate ParMeria1Martleet.
The grain trede to -day eiveataull, with
sales of wee loadaof red Wawa at $1.02,
and 200 bushels of WS at1440 to 48e.
Dairy produce in fate atipply, with
pelage showing little ,ehange.,, Butter is
easier at 16 to 18e lb, asal egge are
(Meted, et 19 to Pole per clam,
Hay limiteil offer; 6/ loads sold at,
$9 to $10 a ton for timoilty, and at $'1
. to att for mated. Stretrais iloMina
$10 to $10.50 it tor.
Dressed hogs are meebanged; with sales
at $0 to a9.25, tee latteo for light
Wheat, white, bush,. $1 00 $1 02
Doe red, butthe. 1 00 1 02
DO., spring, bush., -4 F.k w 4 0 02, 0 01
Do., goose, bush.. t 0 78 0 80
Oats, bush.. 0 473 0 48
Bexley, bush., . 0 40 0 00
Peas, bugh„ 0 72 0 00
Iley, timothy, ton., .q.4 900 10 50
Do., mixed, ton.. ,. ...4 700 00
Straw, per ton.. a. -410 00 10 50
Dressed hogs.. • ..... et 9 00 9 25
Araltsi Per bbl.. 1 00 2 75
•Eggs, per dozen .. 0 19 • 0 21
'Butter, ,.. 0 15 0 18
Do., creamery .. , ... . . 0 21 023
Chaskantet hall, per lb., . 0 13 0 14
Turkeys-, per Ib.........0 13 0 15
Potatoee, per bag.. .... 0 70 0 86
Cabbage, per dozen... ,. 0 50 0 75
Celery, per dozen .. . 0 40 0 50
Onions, per bag.. .. 2 00 0 00
Beef, hindquarters 9 00 10 50
Dm, forequarters 00 7 50
DO., choice, carcass.. 8 50 00
Do., medium, carcassat 25 7 75
Mutton, per ewt.. '8 50 10 OD
Veal, per cwt.. 3 00 9 50
Lomb, spring, per cwt.. 13 00,...,15 0.0
Cheese Markets.
Alexandria., June 17. -Offerings to -day
were 1,046 white and 248 colored; ell
said at ..alac. Boyers were-MeRsee, 112
h e. colnred ; McGregor, 436 white;
Weleu, J3e tate, les colored; Pitt, 245
Russell, Juno. 17.-To.night 1,000 boxes
were boarded, mostly vitae; small lots
sold. at 9 9-10e.
St, Hyacinthe, June 17. -Five hundred
boxes cheese boarded; ruling Priee, Me/
butter, lOta to 103e.
London, June 17. -Thor e was a. moder-
ate trade in wool during the past. week.
Irome-gnatien clips were taken for Amer-
ica at firm rates. Australian wool was
quiet, but firra.
British Cattle Markets.
London, June 17. -Cattle are quoted a
Ilea to 121-ec per lb; refrigerator beef,
Oefe to OSac per lb; sheep, 13 to 14e
per lb.
Toronto Live Stock.
Exporters -Prices for straight loads of ex-
porters ranged from $5 to $5.33 por cwt.,
with the bulk selitng at $5 to $5.25.
Butchers`-Pleked lots sold at about 55 per
ewt.•, loads of good at $4,60 to $4.80; medium
- at 54.20 to $4.40; good cows, at $1 to 54.25;
common to rough, $3 to $3.75 per owt.
Iteeders and Stockers -Short -keep feeders,
1100 •to 1200 1bs. sold at $4.75 to $5 Per cwt4
feeders, 800 to 1000 lbs. each, sold at 54.25
to $4.50; stockers, at 5200,for common to 53.25
for medium, and 53.50 to $3.85 for good to
Mitch Cows -bout 25 milch cows were of-
fered. Trade was not good. Prices ranged
from $26 up to $55, only ono Bow bringing the
latter price. The quality of the bulk might
be rated as medium. They were not ail
Veal Calves -Good veals are still it good
price, Prices for the bulk ranged from $2 to
finch, or 53 to 55 per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs -Export ewes sold at 54
to $4.25- •buelcs at 43 to $3.50 per cwt.; culls,
at te to $3.50. Lambs sold at 53 to 55.50
ealichaes-PrIces were unchanged at $5.65 for
selects and gam for lights and fats. Dealers
and drovers are complaining of farmers over-
feeding their hogs just before delivery.
Leading Wheat Markets,
• July. Sept.
New York .. 9314 SV:
Toledo .. Ss?)
Detroit .. tiSlt24
Dunith 1121i 8315
St. LouiS 82 8174,
Minneapolis ...... 109% 55%
Cheese Markets.
Napanee, June 16. -At the cheese. board
here to -day there were sem boarded, 1452
white, 900 colored; 235 sold on board at 9iie;
balance sold same price ea curb.
Brantford. June 16. -At the cheese mar-
ket to -day, 1435 boxes Ivere offered, of
which 1365 boxes. were sold, viz., 100 at De,
920 at 0e, 135 at 9 3-16e, 200 at Me. Next
market, Friday, June 30. This being the an-
nual meeting, the following board of direc-
tors was appointed: Darold Eagle, Hon.
President; E. S. Barber, President; B. Dur-
ham, Vice -President; G. Ilately, Secretary;
John Sean and N. Widnes*.
Bradstreet's on Trade.
Montreal reports to Bradstret's say:
There is an encouraging tone to reports
• received from business men. here. There
is a fair movetnent in sorting lines.. The
past week has been lees satisfactory
on aecount of a munber of snuall failures
with a corresponding number of appli-
cations for extension of time and com-
promises. Values are generally steady.
Cattle show an easier inceination, hogs
are steady and in other lines of produee
there is little change.
Toronto reports to Bradstreette say:
Ithe trade situation during the past week,
as was the case throughout the whole
of last minth, has been waiting on long-
expectecl. improvement in the weather.
The movement of spring and summer
goods has been light, but it now looks
as though warmer weather had come to
stay and there is a noticeable improve-
ment. The dry goods trade has been
particularly quiet but it is picking up.
Travellers out with full 'Inas report pros-
pects in that regard, good. There has
been an advance of 5 per cent. or tec
per yard in cotton tiekings and °diet
advances are expected to follow. The
hardware trade continues busy. Good
shipments are going to the Northwest,
Building operations are still on an ex-
tremely large seale, There is it fait
• movement of staple groceries. Collections
are genemlly fair to good.
At Quebec:-Treele throughout the
Eastern • the• slight-
ly quieter than the preceding week, al-
though there is reported a fair demand
for seasonable goods. Colleetions are still
Winnipeg reports say: A feature Of
conditious here is the large number oi
immigrants who are pouring into the
country every day. They aro of a desir-
able class. mostly from England and the
• rnite.d States. 'Wheal:ale treat here
still bas a quiet air but retail stocks
, are MOVing better. Collections are about
as -repotted last week and there is still
1, room for improvement.
1 Reports to Bradstreet,'S hem Ottawa
gay: Trade conditions generally continue
Winuipe.?.. Man., ;lune 10. -Fort Pran-
gs, int., haat a tteriotie fire thie mem-
Ina. eetimated damage of $200-.000 being
thine. Thete buil:lin:re were ailed aut:
etliseiten bottle Wale ek restaurant, •
• litieltterae lielesy. Strain's barber shep,
teitor dem, aeott's jewellery
:aorta Pett Fra-nees hotel, Christie's but-
t/or -hap, letaelifellieg hotel, Weds'
tiattia.iee etere, Baia of COlfitrtfrqe,
Sf! cletbing 'tore. eta Prat:agile;
thee: tt, re. Itie kin:ranee wigi be atonat
half Me tetel ibe eatite the
fire ie ontettoon.
George Laara, of AV:coveter, :Sank Urkde -
Ilathing-Anona at Pa:keit-fez
Vareeseter, .Inee eati aneetraiteg
atediket etetinte I ltere e56,12t fle,fsed,
v.tort Geen:e Later. setord een a Mrs.
Robert Laing. wes ifrowned tele& lath-
ing. Ire Li euepread to have take
tramp. The body woes Tema -lea about
twenty minutia later, hut all sittempts
to reeireitate hint proved futile.
Pickering. June 14. ---Little Franeie
'Miliaria Williamson, aged three years
and seven months, wos drowned at
Itoeebank tbis morning. The chihI fell
off the wharf into the lake. The body
vote swat tecovered, but all efforte to re -
:aline life failed. Mr. IVilliains.on. the
rbild's fattier, is connected With the
Brenta:ad stitch 'Werke,
New. York, June 19e-Itnehing into a
well filled street ear at 149 Street and
atenue B, early to.day, t incenzo Gar-
abillo 'plunged a stilette into alareello
Aficheili -who, it tees saute had won the
i affections of a young woman in tvhom
1 ' both tare iatereste4. Gambill° escaped
eta the 'Odra Of the assault, Who pro.
belay will die, has p1e:hie:1 with the po.
We not to Reareb for Intn, but to Allow
itim or his friends to bottle the mount
in their Men Way.
dor N'Irilds..
I NT J11 fl Ep
. . .
The datee and presidiug judges for H . ijiligTE Now York, Juno 10. -Mrs. Leonidas
Hubbard, who has gone to Labrador, haa
, the Pali Aseize Courts have been, chosen .. .. not gone there to explore new lands, but
• tit investlgete (lie exact conditions under
as follows:
. ...........-
which her husband, the esplorer, died in
The Queensboro Poisoning The Chancellor, By K nickerbooker Trust Oom. of 1001 Mrs. Hubbard believes tbat not
the interior of that a untry 10 October
Guelph, jury, Tuesday. Oct. 3. everything was done that was possible to
luny and the Banks save her bilsbiind's life.
Case Investigated, Torooto, civil, jury, third week, Blom
day: Oct. U. This is the latest phase of Mrs. Hub- ,„..ieee,
. Stratford, jure', Tueeday, OeL 17. .1.....11/....11..
Mother and Daughter.in law (1,i',.:(,)r(()):tt.ot10."°11.3"1)' 11 811 -sleek, e on He Was the Who.'e " Realty
(loth:rich, no; -jury, Tuesday, Nov, 7.
Frequently Quarrelled, Unitive-, noilattry, Monday, Nov. al. , 00111PanY il Himself.
Cobourg, noneury, Thureday, Nov, 30,
Ottawa, nonoury, alonday, Dee. 4.
The Victim Said There Was
Someth no- in the Salts.
A Tweed report says: .The prellmluary
trial in the otse of Mrs. Wm. Diamond,
of Queensboroa ehargea with the mar -
(lee oer tier daughter-in-law, Mre. Hatay
Dieinotul, ou Itebruary 28. last, took •
place to -day Meeloe before Maga.
trate A. la Wood, of that village. The
attitude who is a. woman of about, sev-
enty year* of age, was placed under
Now York, Juno 10.-Tbe management
Tae Cidef Justice of the Common Pleea of the aanieleerbocker Trust, Contaany
lite* rep•adlittea the million &Ilea? -worth
of bonds of the New York Beatty Cor-
illrao:iit,t.lon whieli. Willoughby all:allot:no
tao miesing realty operator, caused. to
be, printed, anti whieh Ile repro:tinted
were to be handled by the trust celu-
aosepli T. Drown, Second Vice-Iiresi.
Owee. Sound,. jary, Monday, Sept. are
da13.1.;:nuacutt,o2,.eivil jury, iseetnal weelt, Mon.
L'Original, jury aid nomairy, al:outlay,
Oct. 10.
Ottawa, jug, Thursday, Oct. 10.
Belleville, jury, Tuesday, Oct. 31.
Peterborough, non -jury, Monday, Nov,.
a7apanee, uontjury, efondey, Nov. 20.
Toronto, whiter assizes, second week, dent of the lanickerbouker compapy, even
Monday, Jan. 15, 1900. denied that the •offleials had ever heard
The Chief Justice of the King's Bench. el Middleton or his realty corporation.
arrest yesterday. Ihe trial opened at . tioderich, jury, liouday, aept, 18,
10 o'clock this anornine in the town eriee soya eto
Toronto, civil, jury, first week, Mon.
hall, which was packed' to suffocation •
al, both morning and afternoon sea. . -tit Catharine.; jury, Monday, Oet. 9.3.
sions. The ease was concluded about London, abn-jury, Monday, Nov, 6,
3 raelock Me afternoon, the acemed e Bracebodge, jury and no -jury, Moa.
being committed to stand her trial at daMen saute jury '
Thursday, Nov. 16. and non -jury,
the fall Assizes. Mr. 1'. 3. M. Ander-
eon acted as prosecuting attorney, and North Bay, jury and non -jury, Mou-
lt. ti. Masson as counsel for the oe. day, Nov. 20.
Air. Harry Diamond, son of the ae- Toronto, non -jury, tenth week, Moto
cute& the husband of the deceas.ed, day, Dec. 4.
wile the first witness valled. He was Brampton, jury, and non -jury, Mon-
day, Dee. IS,
iu the box for nearly two hours, dma .
hie which be related all the eircum. The Hon, 191r Justice MacMalion,
Itrii:cos in a very stoughtforward man- Lindsay, jury, Monday, Sept. 18.
On February 27 Harry Diamond aandwieh, jury, Monday, Sept. 25.
Woodstock, jury, Alonday, Oet. 2.
complained that he was not feeling well
ana his wife prepared it dose of salts for Toronto, civil, jury, fifth week, Mon -
bine Ile declared that salts del uot day, Oct. 23.
teuronto, criminal, first week, Monday,
agree wait bine and took a dose of oil Oct. tile
inetead. The young wife said she would . Orangeville, jay and noulay, Tues.
take the tells herself, and that .3110 day, Nov. 14. .
\entail place them in the. eantry• over 13arrie, jury and non -jury, Mouday,
itialate The next morning Mrs. Dewey .Nov. 20.
Diamond .drank the salts and afterwarus Toronto, non -jury, ninth week, Mon -
ate it hearthy breakfast. About 8 o'clock day, Nov, 27.
she was taken deathly •sica, and. after
being Assisted to bed was taken with
convulsion. 8, Cornwall, nondury, Menday, Dec. HI.
Ottawa, winter assizes, Monday, Jan.
Mr. Diamond wanted to go for a
The Hon. Mr, Justice Street. .
beta, but 'bis wife would not let hint
leave her. Ile asked his mother to go London, jury, Alonatty, Sept. 13.
to the nearest neighbor, Mr. Irvine Cornwall, jury, Monday, Sept. 25.
Detyea, and get sonic one there to go Teterboro', jury, Monday, Oet 9. .
for a doctor. The elder Mrs. Diamond Toronto civil jury, fourth week, Mon -
did as requested, but seemed an unrea- day, Ocajle.
sonably long time in getting ready, Perth, jury and non -jury, Tuesday,
Recording to the evidence of her soil. Nov. 7.
When she arrived at Delyea's the Whitby, non -jury, Monday, Nov, 13.
found that Air. Delyca, was uot at Toronto, nen-jury, eighth week, Mon -
home, but Mrs. Delyea Said she would day, Nov. 20.
send Min for it doctor as soon as lie at. Catharines, non -jury, Monday,
arrived. - Deo 4.
Mr. Diamond testified that between fetratford, non -jury, Monday, Dec. 18.
• the convulsions his wife expressed her Toronto, winter assizes, first week,
desire to live, and said that someone Monday, Jan. 8, 1006.
must have put something in the salts. The Hon. Mr. Justice Meredith.
He referred to the Harmonious echo Simon, jury, Monday, Sept. 18.
tiens that had* always existed between Sarnia, jury, Monday, Oct. 2.
his wife and bimself, and to the fre- Hamilton, jury, Monday, Oct. 0.
quoit. mlarrels between his wife and his . Toi•onto non -jury, sixth week, Mon -
mot her. . 011)-, Nov. Xxof86; '
Toronto, non -jury, sixth week, Mon-
. , .
Witness did not ask his mother any
"Why did you not ask any gees- Berlin, non -jury, Monday, Nov. 13,
tions?" asked Crown Attorney Ander- Woodstock, non -jury, Monday, Nov; 27.
London, winter assizes, Mondoy, Jan.
Walkerton, non -jure, Monday. Dec. 4.
"I thought there wns :something 8, 1006.
wrong,' replied the witness. Toronto, winter assizes, fifth wee),
His mother brought in the bottle of Monday, Feb. 7, 1006.
eats from the room off the kitchen and. The Hon. Mr, Justice Britton.
showed it to the doctor, who ar- Chatham, jury, Monday, Sept. 18.
rived later. He asked if there was any 'Walkerton, jay, Tuesday, Oct. 17.
poison in the house, and she said none, Milton, jury and 'non -jury, Tuesday,
except what was in the bureau. They . Oct. 21.
did not look in the bureau, and. no Toronto, non -jury, seventh week, Mon -
search was made for any. Witness de- day, Nov. 13.
clared that he had tierce brought any 01CCII Sound, non -jury., Tuesday, Nov.
poison in his life, ad never knew his 21.
father or mother to have any. The cup Simote, non -jury, Monday, Doe. 4.
from which his wife had. taken the Sandwich, non -jury, Monday, Dec. 38.
baits was one commonly used. They Itamiltoe, wmter assizes, Monday,.
had had no trouble with rats at any Jam. 8, 1900. .
time divine the past three years. tits Toronto, winter assizes, third week,
mother was at 'lac funeral, and only Monday,, Jan. 22, 1006. '
before the first inquest. The Hon. Mr. Justice
spitite of the matter .olice, the night
----Berlin, jury, Monday, Sept. 25.
Mother Out in Fields, Cobourg, jury, Monday, Oct. 2. •
it was about bedtime, and ehe asked • Toronto, non -airy, third week, Mon -
him if be supposed that .she had poisoned day. Oct, 10.
elinnie. She sitid she did not and asked Pembroke, jury and non -jury, Tuee,
if they were going to raise the corpse. day, Oct. 24.
Witnees replied that they would rake Termite, civil, jury, sixth week, Mon- the cousin of the dead man, who reece
the budy the next day. Then witness day, Oct. 30. . in New York. She positively Meal -
went upetairs with the baba, and the Brockville, 'non-dtiry, Afonday, Nov, 20. .fied the remains, ana throated aid; thee
mother went out. He remained in the Belleville, non -jury, Tuesday, Nov. 28, be taken to Buffalo and acetate 1. 810 '
home until 12 o'clock and the mother Hamilton, ime-jury, Monday, Dee. 18. will return to ituagaly, taking Um
»vahaving returned, he went over to his Toronto. winter assizes, fourth week, ashes with her.
wife's mother. When he returned in the Monday, Jan. 20. 1900. Miss Bode mays the 4 tad. maa, Itieitu•r
morning his motber was at home, and he Szentirmay, was 113s ill love wah a
The Hon. Mr. Justice Anglin.
asked her where. she had been. "1 have widow, but with her piature. The wo-
been nut in the fields all night thinkinae Brantford, jury, Monday, Sept. 23.
man in questint ti Aetna anveek-ine, La
she had replied. lie further explanation Barrie, jury, Afonday, Oct. O.
wealthy widow of it liamgarian railway
. roma°, non -jury, fourth week, Mon -
been given. There was a bureau which dad. (let. ---
of be:' night away from home had 811100
Szentirmay's mind was taken eighteen
manager. The photo whuth unbalanced .
Ft. Thomas, jury, Monday, Oct. 30.
she kept locked from the family, her ex- years ago. Before shooting abused he
Onelph, non-au:3e Monday, Nov. 6.
planation being that she wanted to keep
Kingston, non -jury, Monday, Nov. 27.
i , saying lte er*ae
fwrireontde,ehltetNteerwtozoOtlicarles S. &Wick it
th littl girl out of it. it had always
Sarnia, non -jury, Monday, Dee, 4. eine to kill himselt to avoid insanitee
been locked since their marriage and be -
Cornwall, winter assizes, Monday, Jan. Tou_41 he did not love the woman, but,
foie the little girl was born. .
her picture. "1 had two lives," he wrote,
8, 1906.
It was his opinion that his wife was
The Hon. Mr. Justice Magee. "a bad'one and a good ono. The bad one
"Have you formed an :minion as to 'Whitby, jury, Monday, Sept. 18.
- ,
has fought down the good oho"
who administered it?" asked Crown At- Napanee, jury, Monday, Oct. 2. On reecivieg the letter 8chulick ot-
Toronto, non -jury, second week, Mon- blea Szentirmay's friends in Hungary
torney Anderson.
. told received instructions to have the
Magistrate Wood refosea to let the gums- Picion, jury and non -jury, Mouda.y, Way cremated mid the asbee returned
Mr. Stewart Masten ohjected, and oth:yte, 3000:t. D.
tem be proceeded with.
Sault 'Ste. Marie, jury and nonattry, ter is Baroness Kentenny Orpa, who
to hie native lend. The dead man's ela
The witness was given it rigid cross ex-
tlives a Silocy, in Hungary. No far as
mutilation by Mr. -Alaeson, counsel for
M°11oldratY.A. rOticiut.r,f1j°;try and non -jay, Mon- Miss Bode or Cebulick -know the stale-
accuted, but his evidence remained prac-
ment of 11. G. Georgenee of Barak),
fleetly the same
Kowa, jury and non -jury, Monday, Mutt Szentirmay format
day, Nov, b.
served in a
Mrs. Irvine Delyca the neareet neigh -
Huse'. regiment, is correct., Szentira
bur to Mr. Diamond*, told of the visit
NbC%1%-utlittum. non -jury., Monday, Dec, 4, may was it medical man, and had. also ,
of the accused to her place on the morn -
taken a course in law.
ing of the tragedy. The prisoner told her The non, Mr. justice elute.
that Minnie Diamond was sick, and Baia
she wanted someone to go for it doetor
Toomta, nomdury, first week, Mon- LIQUOR D.,_-/S'APPEARED.
Brockville, jury, Tuesday, Sept 26.
About. fifteen or twenty minutes latei
day, Oet. 2.
Alleged Sintiggler Get Rid of It on Nova
and went out and tola her that her hue -
witness saw accused. passing the house,
Cayuga, jury and non-jmy, Tuesitay, Scotia Coast. ,
Kingston,. jury, Mouthy, Oct. O. •
band had gone fan• it doctor. Witness did
Oct. 21.
Toronto. criminal, second week, Mon. Ottawa, June 10.- Seine interesting
itot go to the Diamond house until af- •
ter Minnie was dead.
disclosures may be egeeted in comet!.
daNylierlaTI,Giury. 'and non -jury, Monde
- witness, was sworn, and told of his go.
Mr. Delyea, husband of the preceding
Yi thin Nvillt the seizure, on Friday off
fug for Dr. Croft. Witness did not know
at that time the nature of M:ss Dia-
mond's illness, and the doctor made an-
other call before going to see her. "Wit-
nees went to 1 he: Diamond home and
• helped to hold the young woman when
in convuteions.
that the nevus:el each:well from him five
cents worth of strychnine on July 10th,
BM, anal produced it book in Which the
sale was registered. Stich it quantity
would be. suffieient to kill two persons.
'Mrs. Henry, mother of lameased, corrole
. etetea the evidence of the other wit-,
nesses itgarding the twill& between'
, Minnie anti her motheraiwlaw. Minnie
: came Inane it manlier of times, and re-
m:tine:I until Harry came after Imr. .
(Inc or two more waneesee were caned,
Ind after argument by the Crown Allot --
mar anti the counsel for the neassea,-
torlivall,:leerefla summing im by the Magi+
trate, Mrs, Diamond WaS tonunitted for
Thought Something was -Wrong.
1.1 was learned that there are ably 600 600 bonds of $1,000 denominatiou
hidden away in Middleton's box in the
Knickerbocker Sao Deposit Company's
vault, Thom ore the bonds wiach dim.
ter of the corporation sought to remove
ou rauesday, •wben he was areventea by'
the gate deposit companya guardian&
*Among the developments of the day it
was =id. there is no New Yak Realty
(Joeporation, Middleton having just M-
iaowed its eaptitat to $1,000,000, and
then dissolved IL Ile simply ran the
corporation upon his individual reepon-
eibility, taking advantage of a New York
law which perMits one to do .husiness un-
der an assumed uame.
eliddleton has nut been reported since
last Fridey, when he was seen in the Erie
station, ia aci•sey City. -Although the
pollee at headquarters and the Mallet
Attorney's detectives believed Middle-
ton •eecapect to Canada, and the Distriee
attorney is prepared to extradite him,
it fotuul there, those who hnow Middle-
ton believe he is being hidden In etas city
.by some of his asechttes, and is waiting
mail the storm blows over.
A meeting. of the directors of the late
New York Realty Corporation and erect -
item of the concern Wits held' in ;the of-
fices of Denis A. Spellissy, at 392 Broad-
way, yesterday afternoon, was ever -
tabled that Middleton never paid into
the treasury oue dollar of all the money
he received, and rarely ever reported the
transaction, to the secretary. lt was eon -
eluded thae nothing could be done until
tho box hi the ;Safe Deposit Company
could. be got at anal its tiontents loarnee,
when it will develop how many $1,000
and $300 worthless bonds wore loath
A communication from the Kuleker-
booker Trust Company was read, reptel-
iating Middleton, the corporation and lili
worth •bontle. late
commuuleatien- prov,olted the auger of
the directors, who produced lettere pa-
pule:ha; bo from W. liandall and
other officers, apparently indicatin,g that
extensive and minute negothttions were
in process during February and March
last. One of these, it is sabl, explained
that it would cost about $1,000 fees and
expenses to isatte a million dollars? wall
of bonds through the Knickerbocker
Trust Compeny.
The New York Prethice Exchange
Bank, which, jointly with the Knicker-
bocker Trust Company, it nominated as
paymaster for the coupons attached to..
the bonds, also declared that it never
had any dealings with Middleton and
never heard of him. Here also the direc-
tors 'took issue,declaring that Middleton
had deposits in the branches of the beak
ate -Columbus avenue and Ninety-third
street, and at 110th street Thi.ru
avenue. They 'exhibited cheque bootie
It is regarded as unlikely that may of .
Middleton's dupes will ever aiscloec their
identity, 'Throughout Westchester county
complainea that Middleton amid their
thirty property holden> bave albrettaudayi
lots to dupee. he some instances
lags have been. started. on those lots.
Mote About the Hungarian Who Shot
Himaelf at the Falls.
'Niagara, Falls, Oa., June 10.- The
myetery of 8unday's :suicide was et ar-
ea up to -day •by the visit of Alia Bode
Nov. 20.
St. Thomas, non -jury, Monday, Nov. Seatterie, Ite, of the schooner Mary
27. . • II., Capt. Jerry Donovan, for alleged
tirentfoal. atee-itirte etondny, Dee. smuggling of liquors from St, Pierre.
The be11001101' was captured by the tIOV.
erninent 'cruiser Gladiator After a
chase. of several Mile% and taken to
North Sydney, maim she wan :timbered
Mr. W. J. .Atkins, druggist, testified Suspicious Character Arrested in 0, T.R.
in the steam, pending mstructiOns
Yarda at Stretford.
from Ottawa. It was tonal that her
A Stretford Ont., report.: A men ,papers were Inc Glace Bay, end, aethtg
earned Janes King, an stmerican Mi. under °Mere from Ottwa, the vessel was
eti, was arrestea in the Grand Trunk 'permitted to sail from North Sydney
Railway yards by Itatiway Detective. on Saturday evening: for that port,
Hodge, with a 3:1-ealibre revolveia haul- which she reached on Sunday morning.
etl. ft limber ot ow -badges, end two Men the , ellSt01118 officere went on
!thee arias tie his person, ana Tarrying board -after her errivel at Glace Bay,
Nance:lied barghtes tools. Ite Was they were astonislied to fiud that every
tbarged with vagrancy and. carrying fi Vestige of liquor liful disappeared, H.
001100010a weapon. lfe was reMaltded to is now alleged that contraband goods
jail until further inquirica tan be. made. were landed a Monte on Saturday
Te believed to lie one of an experi- tight -mid -secretly eonvee•eil to 'Mae
• enrol gang of ear:emu:I:era its the Bay, tvhere, it is alleged,. etielt goods
hots found on him eorrespond exactly 'are. Ostensively handled by it syndicate'
With teas used by burglars. of liquor dealers.
boas strange visit into an ultexploredfr"-•
country, and one that is ,proeti I
y ge.
mitted by all concerned. It is learned ou
indisputable authority that Mrs. Hub-
bard and, Dillon Wallace, the friend Mal
ass:falai) of hoe dead husband, have long
been esleariged, and that Mrs, Hubbard's
trip was due to this, Neither Mr. Wal -
lace's friends here, nor the Hubbard es-
tate inanov,ers conceal this fad. Both
sides look on Mrs. Hubbard's trip as
tim result of a mind that knew only
Mr, Hubbard as a great genius, who
could not posSibly have made a inistake,
and .now is bent on fathoming a some-
thing which even her 'husband's financial
butters bay° long ago declared to he
emote gentimentally inspired, They
never for e moment doubt that Mr. Wale
lace's attention to Hubbard was all thot
it should be,
At alt events Mrs. Hubbard has gained
• a point by securing the famous guide,
George Colson, the•half.breed, who lea
the first party. When Mr. Wallace an.
nouneed lais intention of attempting the
wilds again, he made a special imp to
the interior of Canada to secure Gelson.
Olson refused, giving his marriage as a
It now appears that Geleon had it pre-
arrangement with Mrs. Hubbard at the
same time, \Via this means eta one will
say. Meanwhile Dillon Wallace •is going
Ins way, hoping to find what Hubbard
could not, ignorant that his dead friend's
widow is in his wake. No one here be.
Heves that Wallace had the least suspi-
cion that Mrs. Hubbard was about to go
to Labrador.
Twelve Hundred Ilhainfi.
ds Out as Spring -
A trallfax report: Between Moven, arid
twelve handrail mon and boya employed in
the mines of tho Cumberland Coal 4: Rait-
way Company et serinsien, ele se went eut
on strike yesterday.
The trouble arose over the dismissal of a
lamp cleaner, William Hyatt, who the men
claim woe unjustly clienassed, and who, the
corneal), atom, was incompetent to fill his
Some thuo ago IIyatt received Injuries
while at work in tho pit, which loft bim a
confirmed cripple, and incapable of workinr,
at his trade as minor.. Ito wag, howeyer,
emPloyed 113 11111IP 1121110r In tho pit, but
seems not to have given satiztaetion, an,0'1),
was placed in the lamp cabin as lamp clean- •
cr. Here, too, the management claim, be
waa incompetent, and a few daya ago lie
was 013/111111011, but was offerel a position at
the picking table. This, be claims, he 13
unable le fill.
Thu mu demanded that ho ha given ono
or the ether of bls old position or rome-
thing equivalent, but this the matia:ement
retuned, Dealt is endorred 1,y the sub-eeun-
ell of Me A., Nvbil arc determined 10
fight the matter out. Whet the management
aiepores doing cannot be awertained. A con-
terenee boeteot the contending par0e3 is
being arranged, and lbe impre...km uulsida
13 that a encedy•tettlentent will ho arriv-
ed at,
The strike- situation remains unolianged.
A conference between the managment and
P. W. A.. represent:Alm= took plare 3111.
Intticerennoto.n, but without recult. Both sides are
Said He Ttied to Eseape- Because of
Harsh Discipline.
Magston, Juno 19. -Four contests in
the penitentiary here were each seam-
ed to -day to two years stud six months
to be served at the expiration of their
present terms, loathe tiieft of rifles alai •
revolvers and for attempting to escape. _
They are William Barrisall, a7alannoban, 7411
sentented at North Bay to three years
for theft; Matthew Duggan, of Toronto;
who is servinglivayetti•s for threateuing
to shoot Percy Jones, of Cornwall, serv-
ing three years as a receiver of stolen
goods, and Elmer Biadle, Kingston, serv-
ing three years for theft.
The men tried to get away in Novem-
ber, and carried off their gnat ds' fire -
1a11:11:3. 13a.rris.all made some statements
, in his defenee to -day that were object-
ed. to by counsel and disallowed by the
the Department of Justice. Ile said in
Judge, but may be taken native of by
"Una we been used. as 'mem hietead of
like brutes, eve would not have made an
'atten3p1: to escape. We are worked
'hail, -anti given unfit and ineufficient
'food. People walk by as Ittughing and
joking, ana the whole eiretunetances are
etifficient to inakc any -elan discouraged:
There are some 'guards out there who
if it were not for the Deputy Warden,
well as of the convicts."
ho wauts to make brutes of them as
wonld be gentleiti_en and toe t1.4 better
Italian Gunners Shot All Over Pender
Island Fortes,
Vancovuer, June 12.7 -The failure of seine of
tho gunners on the Italian cruiser Umbria
to hit the targets oft Pender Island, ten
intlea from Victoria, came tear raising an
"leternationle incident." While steaming to-
wards this city, Commander Coral, pc the
Umbria. having secured permission from the
naval authorities at Bsottfinalt, entered 00
Umbria gunners to Indulge in practice at
thetargets on render Island. Between sixlY
and ono hundred of the non-erplosivo shells
lauded in the farmers' fields er in the shore
camp of a partY at bluMaekets from le Al.
survey ship Elgeria. 4. getthee hystericei
account of the affair seem.; to have been
coot to Lbe London press.
On arriving at this 'port Ceramentier Corsi
11113 Mir/Mind tO tIlld 11 cablegram from the
Naval neparunent at Rome demanding an ex-
planation at Ills action at render Islan.l.
The ;Antimatter 'MIS able to explain With
eatc. 110 raid;
ta*I‘nWeirlienthir leocusildtedontglinegr °*
ttitilergolf T)PretkullinsIteid
ships practice. I was greatly surerlsed 10
receive the menage from Itome. It placed
rim In a most etebatrasatig DosItilei tor it
• time. The tact of missing the target and
some of the shells reaching the shore wee
• the purest neeldent, but likely to meta to
any vessel engaged In target practice."
offantinoobrontilpyorw4.s Inirt, and
NaVal Men here, however, are net Melia.
ea to view the matter iv Hotly as Cetamand.
er Corel evidently does. They . point out
that there am no targets on Pouter balani,
but the Marks the thebtia fired At WY have
been buoYs Placed near the atone be the 3101-
103' ship Egeritt for use In Weer:reptile
work. It is considered luety that tebody
was hurt, but the matter, they raYy, cannot
be lightly dionaseea, becaueo a like Mistake
In the future might result fatally,
Illakpoid, +the bancasbire wateving
place, is cooking to extend its bound-
aries. It, whim 4,0 intOrpotato Lytham,
bt. A1ies, 131sinon ittt Thornton.