HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-06-15, Page 103 13 3 !>M!.. 1. 1....I!.. wnl apr•00.111106 ilrA IMP .. Nothing But Shoes Confining our energy and entire at- tention to the Shoe business, and being the largest exclusive Shoe Store in Wing - aa ham, we carry the largest and most varied stook of Shoes iu this part of the country, Our Shoes are all that can be desired in style, duality fit. and durability. Herein Lies Our Supremacy Seasonable, stylish Shoes are always sold here at lower prices than anywhere else. Our regular prices are as low as some are showing at their bargain prices. Ca11 and let us prove it. W. J. Greer, The Shoer o MONO*31 411111111, 1 ii . ® 1 YOU HAVE HEARD OF e 1 a Professor Dorenwend BALDNESS - America's Greatest Hair Goods Artist He is Coming to Wingham (Brunswick Hotel) Thursday, June 29. This visit gives you a chance to consult PROF. Doirvwn:nn about your Hair and to choose from the stock of Hair Goods, which he carries with him just what you require. You can try on any Bangg Switch, Pompadour, etc., and see lust how it wili look. PRoi. DORENWEND can be depended upon to sell you only first quality Hair Goods. You are not forced to buy because you examine these goods. as all sten know, disfigures and adds an aged expression to the face. Why remain Bald when Prof. Dorenwend can fit you with a WIG or TOUPEE, which will hide all traces of Baldness and take the place of your own hair? Doctors recom- mend these Toupees as a preventative for colds in head, catarrh and neuralgia. PROP. DORENWEND will fit you on the spot and show you just how you look afterwards. LADIES—READ THIS ! ! You will never have a better opportunity to see for yourself the beautiful assortment of SWITCHES, BANGS, POMPADOURS, WAVES, WIOS, Etc., which Prof. Dorenwend carries with him. Remember the Date and don't fail to call at the hotel and see PROFESSOR DORENWEND If you cannot call, write for Prof. Dorenwend's Catalogue -it's free The DORENWEND CO., Limited 103 AND 105 YONGE ST., TORONTO. 00000000000000000000000040 • • THE WINGHAM • • • business College Now Open In The 0 0 • • •SHAW BLOCK. • • - 0 4 Public School Teachers' and 0 0 Scholars' course opens July the 0 0 3rd. No vacation. 0 Better than Gold is a course in ® either of our departments. Canadian 0 Standard Book-keeping, Gregg Short- ® hand, Touch Typewriting. and Morse S -Telegraphy, are our speotalties. Come in and see us about a course 2 —an interview will not cost you any- tning and may result in much good. Call, or write the Principal for fur- ther information, N. Reginald Pletcher, Principal aO O 0 0 ••s i Geo. Spotton, Manager 0 • 11••••••••••••••••••••••••• How About Some New Window Shades les The kind that will neither fade, otlri nor crack, are what we sell you. The spring roller is also a cony sideration leave it to ns, and you will get the best —one that we guarantee to give satisfaction. COOPER & CO. (Strcotalsora to Alex, s) FOR SALE. Two Shorthorn Bulls for sale, fit for service ; good individuals, good colors and choice breeding. GEO. B. ARMSTRONG, Teeswater P. 0. Oth Con., Culross. FOR SALE. THE WINOHAM ADVANCE, LETTER FROM MR, FLACK, 'ro the Editor. Deal' Friend --I intetitled writing you before this, but soon after our arrival here, Mrs. 1'!tu'1;, was taken ill with bronchitis, as the result Of a severe eold. and she still renutius very, very poorly. I think, however, that when she recovers, this climate will agree with her fine. I like it very: much. We have a stirring little town, and it ought to be a large town some day, for it is growing summer and winter. I well remember Wingham when it was very much smaller than ChLres- hohu. \Ve stave a variety of Houses; some of them fine residences (frame), and we have a large number of places 12x18. 'These 1248 residences are the first installnent, just a shelter, that's all. Boxes, barrels,. etc„ etc., are all left outside not an inch for them in- side. People come here and then , sleep and live outside on the prairie until they get tL shanty built. I see three uet'n have just come in with three waggons, one loaded with lum- ber, one with cedar posts and one with a miscellaneous assortxnent. The waggons are all chained together like a train of cars, and six horses are hitched to the first. Hundreds of peo- ple are coming in from the States, with all their belongings, their fami- lies in covered waggons ; others are living outside. Some have their cattle 25 and perhaps 500. Sgme of these people have driven 500 and others 800 miles, Every person I have spoken to of these are well pleased with the change from the States to Canada. Land is being taken up so fast, that you can't get a good quarter section (homestead) within thirty miles of Ciaresholm, and men have bought up lots of land at $4 an acre, and are now (not offering) but getting $18 and $21 an acre. The soil is mostly a black loans. The fall wheat looks better than I ever saw it, from Wingham to Toronto, or Toronto to Barrie. Some people say it is too dry ; it ivay be some years, but since we have been here, we have had two snow storms, and the people went around smiling and rul;hing their hands in high glee, saying—"Isn't this fine"? "This snow storm is telling us thousands of dol- lars." We did not get the rain till the Middle of the night, and it rained until five o'clock the next day. On May lith, it rained all day. Our Brass Band went to Calgary, and it was SO wet only 40 tickets were sold. Arthur and I went out on the Porcupine 'hills, and out there we had snow, turning to rain ; the 4th week (Saturday) it started to rain at 0 o'clock and poured down till 11, so that isn't bad for a "dry belt." I dice not change my watch until I reached Claresholm, and the sun went down at 10 o'clock Wingham time, 8 o'clock by Arthur's time. \Vhen the sun goes down with you in Wing - ham, it gets dark soon ; not so here. A man can work a quarter of a day in the beautiftil twilight; oh, it's fine. I don't work that late, and yet I have been out early and late, lately. Why Sir, I have been cook for four men and am not done yet. When a man has to cook, wash. and iron for four men, he has not much time for shoot- ing ducks or catching speckled trout, even if they were in season, but there are loads of them here. I'll tell you a fish story when in season. Arthur's house and shop are on Rail- way street, two minutes walk from the station, only a minute's walk from the postoflfice or the Methodist church. We have a lovely little church here, a good choir (when they come) and it good preacher, just moving into the new parsonage. The Presbyterians have a fine little church too and good congregation. We all mix up, for they preach in the Methodist church in the morning and in the Presby- terian in the evening. I often think of dear old Wingham and the kind friends there. I wish I could see you all as in days of yore. Kindest regards dear editor to you and all the dear friends we left behind. No, we don't regret leaving ; we are not sorry, not in the least. Let me say if I was a young man in Wing- hamr earning $1.25 a day, although that may he all he is worth in the fate - tory, there's no prospect of his getting any more, but its to Alberta I'd come. Just think, two carloads of wire fenc- ing cane iu to -day, and it was all sold before night, and we want five times as much this month. We bought 10 bundles and isn't near enough. People are plowing a great deal this sutnxner, three and five horses on a plough, and lots of steam ploughs turning eight and ten furrows at once. And now my dear friend I must close. Wishing yon and all old friends much happiness. Sincerely yours, J. A. Flack. On easy terms, 50 acres more or less, being east half of Lot No. 18, Con. 0, in the1' townsl i of Kinloss or might h t exchange for Ho ' use. Applyto g THOS. DOBIF, 42-45 Ohesley, Ont. To The Real Estate Buyer No Matter Where Located. All I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unless the circum stances under which you buy are very ex- ceptional. I can and shall make it profitable for you to buy through me. I am in touch with pro perry owners in every part of the country, and have on my lista to -day, properties (both in town and country) that cannot bo excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want a $50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer. (Office—Vanstono Block, Wingham) The Northern Navigation Co. To all Points on Georgian Bay, Lake Superior North-West. and THURSDAY, bu :cb rens JUNE 15, 1905. Rev. Father Hanlon conducted ser - vire Wingham on Sunday I4 t. Rev. Ale, Dunn, of ltiteclw eh, had charge of the pre -communion ser- vice in the Presbyterian church St, Helens, Juue 0th at 10.30 a.in. Me', Cornish, a Loudon Divinity student, will have charge of the ser- vices in the English churches in Gor- rle, Fordwiell and Wroxeter otitis the new incumbent arrives. Aeeomling to Th', T, Howard Cook, ('.14,S. lrlissionary in Uganda,, one hundred thousand persons are dying in that country every month of the dread sleeping sickness, Rev. J. N. Mclean, pastor of Wing- lxain Baptist Ghnrch, has been assist- ing in revival services in Atwood. Rev. A. Tanjoy of Listowel occe- pied Mr, McLeaan's pulpit here last Sunday, A significant sign of the times is the fact of Rev. Dr, Sunday, Canon Of Christ Church, Oxford, (England), delivering the anneal collegiaite -ad- dress to the students of the "Welsh Calvinist Methodist College. Rev, A. IC. Birks B,A., L.L' .B., Seal - forth will preach Sabbath School an- niversary sermons i11 Belgrave Metho- dist church next Sabbath at 11 a.m., and at Sunshine ata 30 p.m. He will also preach in Belgrave in the evening at 7 o'clock. Last Sunday morning, Rev. Dr, Gundy read to his congregation the address of the London Conference -to the churches within its bounds, and in the evening referred to the impres- sions received from the recent Con- ferenee held in Listowel. Rev. T. Albert Moore, Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, will address a mass meeting in the Methodist Church, Bluevale, on Friday evening, June 10th. The musical part of the program will be rendered by the com- bined choirs of the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches. Everybody in- vited. A. special meeting of Presbytery was held in Lucknow ou June let, when Rev. Mr. 1Whaley's resignation of St. Helens and Lanes congregations was dealt with. Being desirous of prolonging his pastorate with thein, the people offered Mr. Whaley six months' leave of absence, but, al- though appreciating the offer, Me. Whaley considered it advisable to have his resignation take effect, a step the people much regret. Best wishes will follow him wherever he may be located in future and a hearty wel- come will await his return any time he can visit his former parishioners. Gentlemen Who Are Bald Or have thin hair, 'should call on Prof. Dorenwend at the Brunswick Hotel, Winghtun, on Thursday, June 20th and see his wonderful de- vices in Toupees and Wigs worn on over 05,000 heads. Explanation and demonstration free, Private apart- : inents at Hotel, Don't fail to see his new invention, patented all over the world. GEORGIAN BAY— Par &.t1'r.•r Sre. MACKINAC DIVISION. MAIM and Nonxn OnAlvNrr, Way ° MilSICORA. Ports. Steamers leave Collinewood 1.30 ri m., Meaford 1 .m. Owen Sound li .in. Taos• p p , days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Do you know the place P If not, 'I'FI 6110 ' your pleasure has suffered. Take a 'NORTE RE DIVISION. I N. free trip, a mental little lourtley nem Iii Ere Steamers leave Co ngWOOd through Muskoka by asking, for that 10,30 pan. Mondays and Fridays. g handsome Muskoka Folder issued by Cho Grand Trunk Railway System,--- LAKtt SUPERIORDIVISION. it Contains a large map, nineteen Soo, Poltx AMU% PO= Wrr,�ti etc . yiews, and a fund of faactss, Take the and Duat;'ru. Steamers !cavo Sarnia 3.30' journey some evening after supper p.in., Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. with your wife and children. Then shun the door 'o11 the doctor for 1005 Through tickets anti lowest freight rates. by taking your family on it real 10 tinton intonation and tiekete apply to G.T.R. journey through the Muskoka District Agents, this summer. The Ideal Fitniily Re - c, Mi, Nicholson, Trash. Mg't',, eaarnls G. T. IL, agents, Prominent Journalists Coming. Through the courtesy of the Grand Trunk Railway System, Ontario and Quebec is to be favored with a visit from an influential body of journalists known as the "Washington Cor- respondents" and which comprises some of the best known newspaper mien on the continent of America. The majority of the party are mem- bers of the exclusive organization known as "The Gridiron Club" of Washington, and represent the lead- ing journals of the United States. Their trip to Canada is made under the auspices of the Western Canadian Immigration Association with a view of giving these well informed writers some conception of the resources and developments of the farming and commercial industries of the Do- minion and the unlimited possibilities that are in store for the future in Ca- nada. There will be about twenty- five in the party leaving Washington on June 21st, over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia and Reading Ry. to South Bethlehem, Pa ; Lehigh Valley Railroad to Suspension Bridge, and thence over the Grand Trunk Railway System's double track route through the "Garden of Canada" to Toronto, where a stop of a couple of hours will he made for a drive through the "Queen City" tendered by the Toron- to Press Club. Leaving Toronto about eleven o'clock on the morning of the 22nd the party will proceed over the Grand Trunk to Montreal, arriving there about seven o'clock in ' remaining in the evening. After e g 'Montreal until the following after- noon the correspondents will leave for 0 Ottawa and Western Canada. The original intention was for the cor- respondents to proceed from Wash- ington to Western Canada, but through the good offices of the Grand Trunk, whose guests they will be while travelling over their railway, were induced to see a portion of older Canada, and to travel over the only double track railwayin the Dominion of and one that compares second to none on the continent. A special train of Pullman sleeping dining_cars will bo at their disposal from Washington to Montreal. Morris. The wet weather' is greatly delaying the getting in of the root crop, Ii.. 8, Nicholson tuts a cluck that has Who laid it10a eggs. s. \'1 ho can beat that i' 4 Rg Neat meeting of Morris Connell will be held on the last Monday Of .lane. The cement mon are busy building the wall under Nicholson Bios'. new barn, Bodmin Lime Works has burnt 7 kilns of lune this season, That's good work, Mrs, Turvey, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her patents, S. and Mrs. C'aldbick, 2nd line. Jas. Moffatt of the North boundary, draughtr and colt lost 5L heavy mare a l o and Jno. D. Miller, of the same line, hacl e good cow die. .A heavy draught colt, one month old, the property of Jas. Shurrie, 4th line, died front the result of a broken thigh. It was a fine animal. Miss Laura, daughter of DMr's..Feat g , 6th line, has taken a position in the Industrial school Mimico. Her aunt, Miss R. Jackson, is assistant matron ill the same institution. Whitechurch. Rev. G. M. Dunn will preach the pulpit vacant at St. Helens next Sab- bath. Rev, S. M. Whaley, B.A.,will occupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here, next Sunday morning. Extensive repairs are being made to the manse and grounds, and a new furnace is to be placed in the Presby- terian resby terian church. Rev. C. C. Raine will have but two Sabbaths more here, as he will be in his new field at Courtt'ight the first Sabbath of Atty. Rev. G. M. Dunn was at Dungannon and Port Albert last Sabbath, dispense ing communion for Rev. Mr. Ruther- ford who has been i11. A Lawn Social in form of a recep tion to Rev, Mr. Edmonds, the new Methodist minister, Inay be held to- wards the end of the month, Messrs. Geo. White and T. Tainan made a record pressing luty on the farm of Mr, Wm. Skelton, of Morris, the other day. In three hours they pressed, 11i tons, which is a record to be proud of. Messrs. Geo. Jackson, L. Fear and Neil McCallum threw the hay out of the xnow:- 1• Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Newton of Lynnwood were guests of Mrs, W. A. Mines this week. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Underwood spent Sunday last at the home of Mr, Wm, lliitchell., The picnic which was held here last week proved a success. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Rev. Mr. McKelvey of Louisville, Pa., former pastor here, called on his many friends in this part last week. We are pleased to know that the little son of Wm. Underwood, who has been on the sick list, is now on the mend. Messrs. Wood and Martin have erected a new wire -fence along the front of Will. A. Mines' farm near here ; quite an improvement. We welcome Rev. Mr. Osterhout to the Wroxeter circuit for another year, and trust that the coming year may prove as pleasant as the past one. Mr. and Mrs. John McTavish, also Mr. and Mrs. lVIitehell, left on Tuesday last to spend the summer with friends in Manitoba and at the coast ; we wish thein a please time and a safe return. Miss Ina and Bervat Bryans of Jamestown spent Sunday last with their grandmother, Mrs. J. Gallaher, of this place. Miss Ada Gallaher re- turned home with them for a Week's visit with her sisters. Just What Everyone Should Do. Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga ., always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoeal Remedy at hand ready for instant use. At- tacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for 'medicine. Mr. Barber says : "I have tried Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of the best medi- cines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used." Sold by all druggists. Next Tuesday evening, Rev. T. A, Moore, Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, rvili deliver one of his popular and patriotic addresses itt the 'Presbyterian 'church, here. No ad mission fee ; everybody invited. Mr. Jas. Manknian of Arkwright who at one, time taught school neat here. has been for many years Clerk of talo township of Arran, Bruce county. He lead a severe illness a t d Y year (t5 O, and now purposes giving tip the Clerkship and Removing to the vicinity' of Toronto, 1. H, Gpdereleeve, Mgr., Colliagwood particulars', 1 p Y West Wawanosh. John Moss, of 00». 1, West Wawa - nosh, has sold las farm to R. Twain - ley, of Ashfield. Alex. McCabe, con. 1 1 •to recently sold his farm t a1 Mr. 2,t 1 fit. i 1. 3 Reid of Ashfield, '1'11dp 8(54408 for picnics has arrived. again. The Donnybrook League and Sunday school intend holding their annual pienio on Juue 228(1 and the Westfield League and Sunday school on the 21111, St, Augustine Catholic church purpose holding one on July 1st, Mr's, Robt. Ramsey, who has been in Huron enmity, Michigan, for the past several years, arrived at West- field last week on an extended visit to her sou avid an oleacquaintances, et D l d l wlio are pleased to see .her back again. Mrs, Ramsey lived here for many years before going to Michigan, On Saturday, the 3rd inst., the re- mains of Bernard Redmond, a respect- ed resident and one of the pioneers of Nest \j,tt�vaalosll, were interred in St. Augustine cemetery. Rev, Father Hanlon, of St. Augustine, conducted the obsequies. There wits a large cortege of relatives, friends and sym- pathizing neighbors. The bereaved widow and surviving sons and daugh- ters have the sincere sympathy of the community, as was shown by the large attendance at the funeral, The deceased was 85 years of age. Blyth. Rev. Dr. McLean preached at Au- burn Sunday afternoon. Miss Stevens of Clinton is visiting friends in town this week. The C. P. R. has been delayed with their construction work lately, by the wet weather. The semi-annual meeting of the Morris district L. 0. L. was held in the Orange Hall on Friday after- noon. g Dir. E. H. Hardy,Provincial S. S. Training Secretary, addressed a meet- ing in the Methodist church Monday afternoon. on t0 . Mr. E, C. Wilford has successfully passed his first medical examinations. The young man has our hearty con- gratulations on his success. The grass is growing very rank along the sidewalks, making it very disagreeable for walking after a rain. There ought to be a by-law to force every person to keep the grass cut in front of their property. Mrs. Robt. Slater and Mr. Somers are appointed delegates front the Methodist Sabbath School to the County Convention held in Goderich this week. Miss Lottie Bently and Miss Taman' are the delegates from the Epworth League Society. .'Jerry Graves met with a bad ac- ciclent last Wednesday while working on the railroad, He got his left hand caught in sone of the machinery which might have necessitated the ! amputation of the hand, as the skin was scraped from the fingers, He was laid off work for al, few days, but is back to work again at a job he can do with his one hand. Listen For The Bronchial 'Wheeze.' It 100118 that disease Will soon at- tack the lungs. Wheezing is distress• ing to the sufferer and annoying to his friends, Nothing half so certain iti bronchitis find throat trouble as "Catarrhozone"; it gives instant re - lief and1 cures oven the worst cases. Broliclitis fairly flee' under the magic influence of Oatarthozone which cures so thoroughly the disease never re- turns. Other remedies may relieve, bub "Catarrhozone" res bronchitis, c catarrh, and throat trouble for all time to come, Sokl everywhere, While strolling around his farm in West Wawanosh the other day, Mr. Robt. Medd, jr., picked up a coin that is really a curiosity. It is. dated 1791 and has the head of King George III. stamped on it. Mr. Medd found it on the silo of an old house he tore down last winter. The house was built 00 years ago by Mr. Hudson and was re- cently purchased. by ML'. Medd from Mr. Wm. Davidson. The coin be- longs to the "spade guinea" fancily and in addition to being a curiosity is . very valuable. It is somewhat worn and defaced in appearance. Pl It is feared that the frosts and heavy rains of the last few days will affect the rosy prospects they had cherished for an abundant fruit har- vest this season. It is too soon to state with certainty what effect the unfavorable weather may have had upon the apples which have just pass- ed their bloom. The result will not be known until the fruit is definitely set, probably about next week. The plunxs are not setting as well as :night have been expected and may be a light crop, but cherries, strawberries, cur- rants, etc., promise a good yield. Belmore, Miss Elope Fortune via ited her sister,: Airs, Wilton, over Sunday. ,A. lumber from hero attended the Sn ,�picnicenjoyed •(i of onting Salem sand i l the o i n l iti J y very ranch. The sawing -machine outfit is busy in this neighborhood, being handled by Merkley Bros,: It, Nichol drives i1 very finely match- ed teats of saves colts, hence the seniles are all being cast towards the hill, Mise Ella Edwards spent 0 very pleasant holiday with friends at Southampton during the grist week, and also visited her sister, Emit, who teaches school near there. We are sorry to report the severe illness of Mrs. W. Backer of town, For a time she seemed improving, but took worse again, We trust she will soon be herself once more, Miss Aggie and Clayton Lowry, also Mrs. McKee . t.. � cI c , Cul C•LI•ter, took ad • . e ,advan- tage tage of the recent excursion to Owen Sound to visit relatives in that place, returning home on Monday. On Tuesday last a number. of people from this community left on the first cxenl''sion to Manitoba. Among those gone are : John Mulvey, J. Fitch, W. E. Lucas and wife and little daughter. Grey. Ed. Bryans attended the County Council in Goderich last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bryans spent Sun- day with Mr. Win. Gallar of Ford- wich. Jas. Jackson left for Toronto on Saturday, where he has secured a position. Miss Ada Gallaher, Salem, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Ed. and Alex. Bryans this week. Ed. Bryans and Gil Gillespie attend- ed the funeral of the late Robt. Scott in Harx•iston last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Montgomery and daugh- ter, Miss Ethel, spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Bryans. Miss L. MacLennan, 1st line, is on the sick list the past few days, but we hope she will soon be able to be around again. Mr. Robt. Maclnnes left on Tues- day for Toronto, where he will spend a few clays with his brother Jim, and then will leave for his home in the West, We are sorry to state that Miss Lizzie Garr is not improving as well as her many friends would like to see ; but hope that she will soon gain strength and be able to be out again. Jim Maclnnes went to Toronto on Wednesday, where he is going to . take special treatment in the General Hospital for paralysis. We sincerely hope that the change will be for the better. The silent messenger.,Death visited , the home of Elijah Jacklin and claim- ed their second slaughter, Mrs. Sam. Castles, on Sunday, June 4th. She has been a very patient sufferer for the past few months. One year ago she was married to Mr. Castles of Clinton, where she lived until three weeks before her death, when she carne home thinking the change might be beneficial but she just seemed to be sinking all the tune, till Sunday she peacefully passed away to the Great Beyond. She leaves a husband and a baby two months old to mourn her loss, and the community expresses its heartfelt sympathy for the whole family in this their hour of sore be- reavement. Sprained Ailkle, Stiff Neck, Larne Shoulder. These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is especially valuable. If promptly ap- plied it will save you tithe, money and suffering when troubled with any one of these ailments, For sale by all druggists, LOCAL AGENT 'WANTED At once', for "Canada's Greatest Nur- series," for the town of Wingham and surrounding country, which will be reserved for the right man. START NOW at the best selling season and handle our NEW SPECIALTIES on liberal tents. Write for partiottlars and send 25e for our handsome Alutni. num Poeket Microscope (a little gem) -useful to-- Farmare In examining seeds and' grains e)rdlrardtsts trees for insects Giardinen " plants for insects Teachers and Scholar/tin studying Botany and Everybody in a hundred different ways. Stone 80 Wellington, ronthlii N1`ur,lerieai (O%'Or tea sorer) T6fdtto, Welk. Jamestown. Rev. Dobson of Fordwich preached an excellent sermon in Victoria Hall last Sunday evening, which was very highly appreciated by all. The Sunday School picnic, which was usually held on July lst, will be held on Juno 24th this year, in Alex. Bryans' bush; a good time is expected. Alex. Wright and Miss Godetha Coombes went as delegates to the Sunday School Convention, held at Goderich last Tuesday and Wednes- day. The Happiness Of The Home. Very largely depends on the moth- er's disposition ; if she is animated and bright, everyone is happy ; but if she is nervous, irritable and cross—every- thing goes wrong. Bright cheery women usually use Ferrozone, the greatest health -maker known. -cy acting through the blood Ferrozot'e is able to reach all the organs that need assistance ; it establishes regular and healthy action of all 'functions, builds up the general health, fortifies the system with a reserve of energy that defies disease. Don't put of Ferrozouo costs only 50e at any drug store ; get it to -day. xionoorsoo ncooi©onnriinnned.en 1 SUMMER Is Here, and I Am Here With the Goods The Largest and Best stock of Sporting Goods ever shown in town. Bargains in Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, Lacrosse Sticks. My Camera Department Is Complete. Full instruotions on Picture Taking and Making "free to all." Buy a Camera from us and not from the dealer that simply "soils" and lets you do the rest. Take the advantage of Free In- structions and make a success. Plate Cameras from $2.50 to $22 kept in stock. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Try us, and have your work done neatly, quickly and cheaply. R. K N O X Jeweler and Stationer Wingham Ontario ray . ev v; SINGLE PAR g- FOR DOMINION DAY. Good going Juno 30th, July let, 2nd and 3rd, returning until July Ath, Between all stations in Canada, also to Susp. Bridge and Buffalo, N.Y., Port Huron and Detroit, Mich. $69—Portland Exposition Good going daily, returning within 90 days. Special side trips to California points. Home -Seekers' Excursions $30.00 to $10,50. To points in Manitoba, Assiniboie, Saskat- chewan and Alberta, Geed going June 27tH and July 15th, returning within 60 days. For tickets, and full information call on L. HAROLD, Town Agent. J. D. McDONALD District Pasaengor Agent, Toronto. WILL SELL HOMESFnKERS'. EXCURSION TICKETS TO THE NORTH WES _.. T Winnipeg ....:$30.00 Ilstevanl $33.00 Mowbray Yorkton.....1 Doloraino 31,50 sheho '13 00 ;ouCis ii"",. � Reginah1 a' .. 3x:75Br.lndo.55 Upton f 14.1eten Mensejaw '31.00 Lenore...,32.00 Saska oon..,.r,.35.25 Miniota Prince Albert.. 30.00 ]linstlarth .,,... 32.25 Macleod 951 (i0 Moosontin 22 20 c'al ary,.. ;35.50 Arcola .. 32.50 lied Doer ...,. 30.bD"a'- 'Stratheona $10.00 Going June lith, returning until August III h. OioingJuno27th, returning until August 28tH. Going July 15th, returning until Sept, 16th. Vail partieulare treat any Canadian Peeille Agent of O. H, Fodor, DLP,A., Toronto.