HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-06-08, Page 5C•? 0 000 THE "WINDHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1905. 00000.0 0••••o*00.00•,••0•04.,.,0 By Buying 'Your Shoes at CROWDER'S You Save Your Money and Your Feet. 0 O 0 O O beds and e Youths' o $12bO SUITS For $1O.O°'Po • 30 only Men's and Youths' swell three-piece Suits, made from specially handsome now and exclusive pattern Tweeds in stripes and overplaids, very latent single and double- breasted coat styles with long lapels, qualities that can't bo duplicated elsewhere at loss than $12,50 and 514.00, sizes 34 to 46 chest -on Sale FRIDAY and SATURDAY... .plo.00 Boys' American Wash Snits, Buster Browns, Norfolks, etc,, sizes 21 to 26 BOYS' FLANNEL COATS $2 00 -Boys' Striped Flannel Odd Coats, sizes 22 to 33 - 4 $2.06 BOYS' MOLESKIN PANTS 50c -Boys' Striped Moto Knickers, good and strong, sizes 22 to 33 -Saturday .. 60e 2So Box's' Host 20c-50 pairs Boys' heavy ribbed double knee cotton Stockings, sizes 6 to 0, regular price 25c -Saturday 20c WATERPROOF COATS. Mon's Grey Rubber Waterproof , Coats, sizes 35 to 46 chest $2.50 and $3.50 Mon's Black and Green Waterproof Coats, English make, guaranteed, sizes 30 to 48 chest $7.75 51.00 to 52.00 MEN'S FLANNEL COATS $3-Mon's Striped Flannel Odd Coats, 4 patch pockets, sizes 35 to 44, reg- ular $3.75 -Saturday. $3.00 MEN'S UNLINED COATS. Black Lustre Coats, sires 36 to 44...51.50 Ministers' Unlined Black Lustre Coats. sizes 36 to 46 3.50 Linen Dusters, sizes 36 to 46 2.00 $3.25 Boys' 2-PIEOE SrPITS $2 25-29 only Boys' 2 -piece Tweed Suits, sizes 2.2 to 27 chest, regular prices $3 00 and $3,25 -Friday and Sat- urday $2.25 500 MEN'S OVERALLS 40o-36 Pairs Men's Moleskin Overalls, sizes 32 to 40, regular price 50e - Friday and Saturday 40c Gents' Furnishing Department. New Wash Vests for Men, sizes 34 to 48 51.25 to 52.00 New Hard and Soft Hats in Black and Brown shades, sizes G% to 7 -Prices 51.50 to 52.50 New Colored Shirts, plain or fancy, in hard and soft bosoms, siz'ts 12 to 18;4 neck -Prices 60c to 51.50 Boys' Shirt Waists for h11 ages, cuffs attached, soperate collar....75o The R. H. Crowder Co. New Belts 00000000000000000 New Straw Hats New Ties 04004> W. B. TOWLER, M. D., C. M. CORONER. Office at Residence : Diagonal Street., Wingham. DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR. ice :-Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS - ETC. Josephine Street - Wingham _Ty. KENNEDY, M. D,, M. C. P.S.O (Member of the British Mei1ical Association) GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children, OFSIOs Rousts :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lent.) Physician and Surgeon. (Office with Dr. Chisholm) -DR. HOLLOWAY DENTIST BEAVER BLOCK WINGuAM ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the F en- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post Office-WINGHAM J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTNO, FIRE INS. CO. Estahiished X840. Head 011loe GTJ 'H, ONT. Risks taken on t 41 classes of insurable pro party on the Dash or premium note system. /suss GOLD/is, Or3.Le.DAVODSON, President. Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT. WINGHAM ONT A number of desirable resi- dential Properties, in Wing - ham, reasonable r a onab e for sale on e s terms, 000 <X>•04:14,44, 4440 000 000 Bitter Tea Is Not Good Tea People who don't like tea know only the kind that is just bitter, the low- land tea that has more tannin in the leaf than you can kill with any amount of sugar. q Grand Mogul is a High- land tea, grown on the mountains of Ceylon, up near the sun. Q Balmy breezes and light soil produce the mellow flavor that makes Grand Mogul a distinctive produdt. High in theine (tea -tone) and low in tannin (bitters) it appeals to the palate and tones up the nerves Grand Mogul Tea q Sold only in packages lined with paper, never in poisonous lead. "Mogul" premiums are simply a part of the advertising appropriation -and do not detradt from the quality of the tea. A coupon in every package. O O 0 O 0 O O O 0 O O 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 O O O 0 O O 0 0 O O O O 0 O 0 i lie Int++•b•t• 1.4“1+-i••i»I»i+.t»I•-t• COAL ! We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, :: • which has no equal. • • Also the best grades of !' Smiifhing, (Janne' tuft 1:)o • - mestic Coal and Wood of " all kinds, always on band. : • • • We carry a full stock of .+ Lumber (dressed or undres- • sed), Shingles, Lath) Cedar •• • Posts, Barrels, Ate. �• • • 1 . • • 4,411 • •• •• • • Highest Prioe Paid for all .• • • kinds of Logs. .. •• •• • • ABNER COSENS at .• Residence Phone, ,No, 50 No, G4 Office Mill " No. 4•1 s til EITi ANDSO41C11gR MoMTAnnk 'RC lAromiAtt. B AYER111400N,,+44++ti''I. ZvsTo 4oneq to 10an at 1ocstife. Office b Turnberry. Minutes of ('nuucil meeting held in clerk's office, Bluevale, on May 2911, 1005, Members of cultleil all present ; the reeve 111 the chair. The miuntes of last meeting were react and adopted on motion of Mes- srs. Rutherford. and Moffatt, The Reeve and Councillors reported a number of jobs let, the work done and recommended payment, these will be found below in accounts. Moffatt -Kelly - That by-law 12, 1005, be passed to make certain changes in the different polling di- visions of the Municipality. -Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued, namely '---I1, B, Elliott, printing, 56.25 ; Wm. Holmes, Co. Tr eas., bridge iron, $31,50 ; Robt, Hogg, rep. culvert, David Woods, $2.60 ; Robt. Hogg, rep, road at bridge $2,50; Geo. Johnston, damages $2,75 ; Eli Elliott, work on roads $0 ; David Woods, rep. road and Wood's bridge $3; Dulf Stewart-, culvert Morris boundary $4 ; Jos. Brcckenbridge, cul- vert Morris boundary, 50c ; Robt. Hupfcr, gravelling, $12; Robt. Hup- fer, cement culvert, $25 ; Henry Merk- ley, rep, culvert, $6 ; F. W. Wright, rep. culvert, $2 ; John McGlynn, rep. culvert, $5 ; Ohas. Homuth, rep. cid- vert $2 ; A. Young, wire, 70c ; Geo. B. Scott, drawing tile, $1 ; Geo. B. Scott, polling booth, election $3 ; Alex. Kel- ly, polling booth, $3 ; Alex. 1►IcPller- son, polling booth, $3 ;. John Burgess, polling booth, $3; John S. McTavish, salary and postage, $75. Kelly---Rutherford-That this coun- cil do now adjourn to meet in the clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, June 20th, at 10 a.m.-Carried, JOTIN BURGESS, Clerk. Minutes of Court of Revision hold as per announcement at Bluevale on Monday, May 29th, 1905.. Reeve Musgrove in the chair. The following changes were oracle in the Assessment Roll: -Telephone Company, assessment reduced $170; Duff & Stewart. assessment redncecl, $1780 ; Martin Masters was assessed for lots 12, 19, parts 11, 20. Can- telon's survey, Bluevale, acres at $425; Geo. Pollarcl's assessment struck off; Walter Davidson was assessed for lots part 5, 20 N,} 2, part 31, 32, 33, Cantelon's survey, Bluevale, one acre at $1025 ; john F. Wasman's as- sessment struck off ; Joseph Styles was assessed for lot 28, Wingham Town Plot, } acre at $250 ; Richard Tennant's assessment struck off ; Wm, Austin was assessed for lots 210, 211, 262, 263, 204 and 205, Wingham Town Plot, 3 acres at $550 ; Jos. A. Flack's assessment was struck off. Moved by Messrs. Moffatt and Coup - land that the Court of Revision be now closed and that the assessment roll as revised and corrected be the roll for the year 1905. When You Grow Old. The body needs patching -wasted tissues roust be rebuilt, played -out organs restored -blood needs extra nourishment. Elderly people need Ferrozone, need it because it vitalizes and rejuvenates as no other remedy can. Ferrozone builds up the kind of strength that makes one feel good, - keeps back the decay of old age and makes you look young and handsome again. Forget nervous exhaustion, renew your vital energy, again re- enter the life of youth. Your remedy is Ferrozone, only fifty -cents per box, at all dealers. • .I, Clinton. The whole assessment roll of the town of Clinton has been appealed against on the ground that the new Act was not complied with in snaking the assessment. A gentleman in town who has passed the three -score mark, experi- enced a slight illness last week, and makes the boast that it was his first illness for forty-five years, Not many men can make the sante boast, The hotel Normandie has jest been open a little more than four months, and during that time a hotel register, which is supposed to last at least six months, has been filled up, no less than 2990 persons having registered at the hotel during this period. Peter Fisher, Esq., Postmaster of Wingham, was in Clinton last week• inspecting the internal arrangements of the postoliice, with a view to mak- ing the new Wingbam office as up-to- date ars possible. He thought Clinton postoffice a beautiful one. George Gwynne, of Wingham, who has been an inmate of the house of Refuge for some time, died on Satur- day. He was a pensioner from the British army, stood over six feet high, and even though advanced in years carried himself in an erect and (Ilam - fieri manner, The remains were in: terred in Clinton cemetery. Mrs. E. Moore raises some profitable poultry,. The other day oho disposed of a couple of Langslrau hens which when killed. and dressed weighed 174 pounds and for which she realized $1.75. Eighty-five cents is considered a big price for a hen for table use, but these went a trifle bettor than that. Mrs. A. Morris, who is over 80 years of age, left here on Monday for the Northwest, bqt tyl}ea} s1 a re;tphed Huntsville it wilts fOnn4 the jotll'ney was more than 8110 cprhicl stand ; she was taken off the train and placed under tiro doctor's carp and the friends herr notified, Her son went after her on Tuesday,• with the intention of either bringing her back to town or going on with her to her destination, depending on the condition in which he found -her. Major Beck has retired 'torn the military service and his familiar figure will no longer be seen on duty tyitll his old comra}des of t'he 113rcv %nee 1881 he has leen quavtern'}3}ster ahpcl Carling 1-Ieiglhts will l#ardlyylseem the same without the g�eilial Major. .Itis expected tivut Captain McTnggort rvhll perform the (pities riff gqarterlraaster Town of Wingham Pnblic Notice Re Proposed. Water- works Improvement and Extension 13ylaw. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of tbo corporation of the Town of Wingham propose to submit to the electors of the said Town, for their assent, a by-law to authorize the said Council to borrow money by tho issue et debentures to tiro amount of 512,000.00, for the purpose of improving and extending the waterworks system of the said 'rows. Tho following is an estimate of the expendi- ture intended under said proposed by-law :- Construction of a new flume for water- works power 51300 00 Construction and erection of a stand. Extension of water mains ,,.,,.,.,,..., 4000 6000 00 Total $11300 00 Add for engineering and other con. tingonolos 700 00 Total proposed expenditure $12000 00 And take notice that a poll of the Electors of the said Town of Wingham will be taken on the said proposed by -late by wards, on Wednesday. the fifth day of July, A. D. 1005, said poll shall bo opened at nine o'clock in the forenoon and shall remain open till five o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. and shall bo hold in tho places and by the Deputy Return- ing Officers mentioned in said proposed by-law hereunder published. And further take notice that Monday, July 10th next, is the day ap- pointed for finally consideringthe said by-law. Dated at the Town 13a1, in the Town of Wingham, this 2911i day of May, A. D. 1905, • J. B. FERGUSON, 'Town Clerk. TOWN OP WINGHAM. BY-LAW NO. , 1905. A By-law to authorize the issue of debentures of the Town of Wing - ham to the amount of $12,000,00, for the purpose of improving and extending the Waterworks system of the said Town. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the waterworks system of the Town of Wing - ham should be improved and extended so as to protide the said Town with a Moro efficient fire protection system and with a supply of water for street watering .and other purposes. AND WHEREAS the total estimated cost of tho proposed waterworks improvement and extension as shown in Schedule "A" appended hereto, is $12,000.00, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law. AND WHEREAS for the purpose afore- said it will bo necessary for the Corporation of the Town of Wingham to issue debentures for the said sum of $12,000.00, as hereinafter provided, the proceeds of such debentures to be applied to the said purposes and no other. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during trio period of thirty years, being the currency of the said debentures; said sums being of sttoh respective amounts that the aggregate amount, payable in each year for principal and interest in respect of said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other twenty-nine wears of said period, as shown in Schedule "B' hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the total amount ro- quirod by "The Municipal Act," to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is $736.70. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town of Wing - ham, according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is 671,842.00. AND WHEREAS the amount of the ex- isting debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of local improvements secured by spenial rates and assessments, is the sum of $117,531.09, whereof there is nothing in arrear of either principal or interest. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts as follows :- 1. Tho sum of $12,000.00, shall bo expended by the Town of Wingham in improving and extending the waterworks system of the said Town. 2. For the purpose of raising the said sum of 512,000.00, debentures of the said Town, to the said amount, shall be issued in sums of not loss than $100.00 each, on the fifteenth day of September A.D. 1905, oaoh of which debentures shall be dated on the day of the issue thereof, and shall bo payable within thirty years there- after at the office of the 'Treasurer for the time being of the said Town of Wingham. 3. Each of the said debentures shall bo signed by the Mayor of the said Town or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same. and by the Treasurer of the said Town, and the Clerk of the said Town shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the Municipality. 4. Said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of four and one-half per cent. per annum, payable annually at tho office of tho said Treasurer on the fifteenth day of Sep. tember in each and every year during the currency thereof. 5. During the currency of the said de- bentures, or any of then, there shall bo raised annually by special rate on all the rateable property of the said Town of Wingham the sum of $736.70, for the purpose of paying the amount duo in each of the said years for prin- cipal and interest in respect, of the said debt, as shown in Schedule f'13" hereto annexed. 0, This by -low shall take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 7. The votes of the electors of the said Town of Wingham shall be taken on this by- law at the followingtimes and places, that is to say: on Wednesday the fifth day of July next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in tho forenoon and continuing till five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, in the dif- ferent wards of the Town hereunder mention- ed, by the following deputy returning officers: In Ward No. 1, at James 13. Cummings' shop, Victoria Street: by James B. Cummings, Deputy Returning Oliicer. In Ward No. 2. at Atli/wipe Office, Josephine Stroct, by Amps f'lpoty, Deputy Returning Officer•, In Ward No. 3, at tlto Town Hall, by J. B. Ferguson, Deputy Returning Officer. In Ward No. 4, at John Loug,hccd's house, Josephine Street, by Witham Mitchell, Deputy Returning Officer. 8. On Tgogday the fourth day of July next, the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the Town Hall ill the said Town at eleven o'clool: to the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at trio varions polling places aforesaid and at the final summting.g pp of trio votes by the Olo lt, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this by-law, respectively. 9. On Thursday tho sixth day of July next, the Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the.Town Hall in the said Town at eleven o'plock in the fore- noon to slim tip the number of votep given for and against this by-law. Dated at the '..town Hall in the Town of Whnghant the twonlyninth day of May A.D. 1965. MAYOR. CLERK. SCHEDULE "A." Referred to in the foregoing by-law as showing the estimated cost of the proposed waterworks improvement apd extension. NSTIMA i t;s. Censtpuption of a now flame for waterworks power $ 1300 00 Conpsttrruotion and erection of a stand- pipe tand- 6000 00 Extension of water mains 4000 00 Total. $11300 00 Add for engineering and other con- tingencies 700 00 Total proposed expenditure $12000 00 SCHEDULE "13." Referred to in tlue foregoing by-law show. Ing how tho amount of 519,000.00, therby re- gmred to be raised annually and payable on the 16th day of September itr each year of the said period, is apportioned: Yi•.a�r. Pninoipal Interest 1900' 5106 70 5510 00 1907 205 55 531 15 1908 211 80 521 fit► 1900 224 47 512 23 231 57 502 13 9 l 211 19 401 50 19 2 250 10 480 55 19 3 267 G3 469 02 19 4 27Qp 73 450 07 202 3t 441 30 805 47 431. 23 319 21 417 40 838 08 403 12 348 59 388 11 901 27 372 43 880 67 336 03 307 80 338 00 415 70 321 00 431 40 302 30 453 95 282 75 ,o .23- 474 38 f 495 78 210 97 518 03 218 67 1929 511 33 105 35 1930 565 71 170 99 1931 091 16 145 51 1933 1317 77 118 03 1933 615 07 91 13 1934 (37.4 0 Cit 1935 701971 the lieau3gtin 'teres of the .urolhs on • ftio 1015 at this year's camp and eventually lie - 191(3 promoted to the position, lei 1019 1920 11321 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1998 Cuban Diarrhoea. U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba (during the Spanish war know what this disease is, and that ordinary remedies have little more effect than so n141c11 water, Cuban dim:Theoa is almost as severe and danggerous as al mild attack of choler;'. There is one t always that can a however,tl t a • ltrr Cl 1e 5 'S , depended upon as will be seen by the. following certificate from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Texatis ; "I hereby Totaltj $22101 00 certify that. (•ltainbet'laiu's'Colir, C1 6- alms o ylo thio pro00(00 Ilio wn�milt hag lora and 1)iarrhoeat Reiticdly ('3 rets 111)' been t•akou into ransid�erniion and which tvilh husband of 1 severe attaLC'Ik of t'uban ho finally passed hip rho Connell of tllo Munici. diairrhoon, which he brought home panty (0 the even , of rho ooltsont a the elect. tar bean obla sed tl ro a n[tor nut+ tlnontln a i to t ► fiv>rtl Cuba. We had several doctors tram rho frrat V):taation iu the Wingham but they did hint no good. One bottle "Ad aaca: rho c�ato of t hich pubticattmr lvas of this r•en edy Cured him, as 1)111' Ibe ist day 0t Juno A. i). 1905, and that iho neighbors .i11'testif. I thankfFod iii b0! the otidtoro on he day the nems and p aces therein • x by all'(lrl1�glst8, k'1triGUSON, Otlt11 . Y 7 medicine kno wit. _. ; cases _-.10 degrees ectal . 2 L'or s B Tto� p btronger--thrd0 dollars' per box. L tdies-ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root compoYnt(1. Take Ito other as All pins, mixtures and ifnitations are d e01 ail and No 2 eros d ax' o.iad ala n tons. N Do• it druggists in the recommended by a f(a; s minion of Canat7•1. riinlled to any Addresd on receipt of�ltrice. and four 2 -cent hostage ratampt, WHO (JO0I+r company, Ont`.' Sold 1q1Vingham by A. I. McColl A. L. Hamilton, W. Mcl{ibbon•M•Druggtete Totals $730 70 730 70 736 70 736 70 786 70 736 70 730 70 730 70 7303 70 730 70 735 70 7: 0 70 736 70 73(3 70 730 70 730 70 736 70 736 70 736 70 736 79 736 70 736 70 73x3 70 730 70 736 70 736 60 736 70 Pa 10 730 70 Tailor Made Clothes $15.00 We'll make your Suit to your exact measures, to your order, for fifteen dol- lars, correctly shaped and faultlessly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fabric, staunchly guaranteed. For Seventeen, Eigh- teen or Twenty dollars, we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill, and can guarantee you entire satis- faction. Trousers made to your order at $3.50, $3.75, $4, $5 and $6. A complete line of Gents' Furnishings always in stock. IYL S. L. Homuth Tailor and • Gents' Furnisher Two Doors from Post Office $1.00 Round Trip GODERICH to DET OIT TUESDAY, JUNE 20 Return Thursday, lune 22 STEAMER GREY0OUND Two Days in Detroit E. II. Ayer, Fsea Agent Children Haif Fare One Way with Baggage, $1.00 The Special Excursion Train will leave Stratford and way stations to Goderich Tuesday morning, June 20. Prom Wingham and way stations, take morning train June 20, connecting at Clinton (7.40 a. m.) with Special Train for Goderich. Returning SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES GODERICH FOR CLINTON AND WAY STATIONS TO STRATFORD ON ARRIVAL OP STEAMER THURSDAY NIGHT GODERICH BAND MOONLIGHT 8 P.M. MONDAY, JUNE 19 For Detroit Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.3o a.m., Tuesday, June 20, Canada Time. Return to Goderloh Leave Detroit for Goderich x p. DI., Thursday, June 22, Stan- dard Time. Return to Detroit Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.3o a.m., Friday, June 23, Canada Tune, WHITE STAR LINE I:LiiW&11.Yi:1l! dCJ11..YiL uIA di .1116 YJYiL Y7Y'1L. i J.1411 1.11. . II iiji4 111.644, I16d .ibfiliL lli CIiLI61:LI C' I.�YH�IJkidfl Si. ■ Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies* Favorite, Ts the only safe, reliabld regulator on 'which woman CAII depend, "in tiro hour and tittle of need," Prepared in two degrees oe strength. No. 1 and No, 2. No, 1. -Por ordinary cases is by far the best dollar; f+ w e taken fere, n 1. ay for so Villilf llle ah 1##Cdatcf Ile," l.'or sale . d 1 11 el it ed Isard's 5 The Leading Store Isard's Sig Sa=c -OF- Shirt Waists and Whitowear -LOT NO, 1- A line of Ladies' White and Colored Waists -to clear 250 500 Two -LOT NO. 2- Dozen Shirt Waists -Sale Prioe, your choice -LOT NO. 3 - Fancy small pattern Waists -Clearing Price -.LOT NO, 4 - Five Dozen plain Lawn and Linen Waists, nicely tnoked-Sale Price 75o trimmed and $1,00 -LOT NO. 5 - Ladies' Fine Lustre Waists, latest style, good value at $2.00 -Sale Price $1,50 -LOT NO. e -- Ladies' Duck Shirt Waist Snits, just in, small patterns, nicely made -Special Price $8.75 -LOT NO. 7 - Corset Covers to clear at 10c -LOT NO. 8 - Nicely trimmed Corset Covers -Sale Price -LOT NO. 9 - Splendid line of Corset Covers, trimmed with lace -a Bargain at... 35o 25c a H. E. ISARD CO. Ationnimommommomommomminzmonnumumusumm CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. You can get a general education in any school, but cone to the CENTRAL for Practical Business Training. This College lies a continental reputation for thoroughness. Opportunities are for those who are prepared. Our graduates always succeed. You may enter our classes at any time. Write for a free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MoLAt;cnLAN, Principals NOTICE. -I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my busi- ness and all owing me on Notes or Mortgages can pay principal or in- terest at any time. After falling due, remember you need not pay until you are requested to do so by me. ROBT. MCINDOO. •t• i lii-i-A,***.st�. 11• 4 4 a 4 4 4 a 4 a a '4h 4 4a 43 a a a a 4 4 a 4 4 6 8 4 4 4 i43� a3 83 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4• 4., } 4• a' 4 4- 4, a• • 4 i a� a) a, 4 a s 4 a7 4 a 4 a 4 a 4 a 'Q9 a Tho r a �. lie Great Watch Doctor *4.444.444,44.4444.4.440 4141.44.44.4044.#4444444w The Popular Grocery Store. CROCKERY and CHiNA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds, Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. V anStone ttet.t►.ti June Is dere and so is W. G. PATTERSON with a full line of June Wedding Presents about Watches. When you purchase a new Watch, you want to feel that it is right and that you are getting the worth of your money. That's the way you feel when you buy one of our Watches, because they are right, the Prices are reasonable, and satis- faction is guaranteed. W. G. Patterson