HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-06-08, Page 44 THE WINOUAM, ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JUNG 8, 1905. The House of Satisfaction, WINUHAM BARGAIN STORE ALEX, RITCHIE The House of Quality. Visit our store in the next 2 weeks and we will prove to you, that we can save money for you. Come and let us get acquainted. We want your trade, and you want good goods—so therefore attend our June Sale, beginning this week. All goods fully guaranteed. Dress Goods Ladies' White Special Sale of Car= Department. Wear Sale. pets, 2nd Floor. 5 pieces all -wool Voile, in grey, brown, fawn, green, pale er blue, worth 40 and 50c, June Sale Price 29c Q 8 t.8 08 0 0 8 €D 8 8 Silk and Wool Dress Goods, just arrived, in brown, green, blue, black, worth $1.25 for99e 7 pieces new Lustres, 44 in wide, in brown, blue, grey, red, pale blue, pink, white, worth 60e for 48e Assortment of patterns and colors of Crum's Prints, 12-1c quality, Sale Price 10c Special lot of Stripe and - Checked. Ginghams and Chambreys worth 12o to 8 18e per yd. Sale Price -10c 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 8 0 Q 0 0 8 5 doz. Muslin Drawers, worth 50e for "5c $1.00 and $1.25 Muslin Nightgowns for S9c $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Muslin Underskirts for ...99c Bargains in Corset ,Covers, Muslin and Knit Goods. FACTORY COTTON:'. -1117 yards, full yard wide, Forth 10c per yd, June Sale Price 8 cts. LINEN TowELLING-5 ends Towelling, worth 7c to 9c per yd, for5 ets. Other qualities at Bar- gain Prices. Special lot of Gloves, all colors, tan, brown, black for 10e per pair Special lot of Hose, Cash- mere, ribbed, worth 500 Sale Price -38c per pair Rugs worth $30, June Sale...823.00 ee 25as... 20.00 ca 20, as ... 16.50 a' 15, a a ... 10.00 In sizes 3x3;, 33x4, 4x5, in Vel- vets, Aaminsters, All -wools. LINOLEUMS. 4 yard wide Linoleums at 40c, 50c, 55c and 62c per sq. yd, good new patterns ; also 2 yd. wide pat- terns to match at Bargain Prices. Carpets at Bargain Prices, cut, matched, sewed, lined and laid. Special lot of Laces black, cream and white 5 cts. per yard Special lot of Taffeta Silks, in browns, bines, greens, greys, pinks, blacks, worth 75c, Sale Price -59c Butter and Eggs Wanted, and taken the same as Cash �T ALEX. RITCHIE'S Beaver Block WINGNAM Beaver Block The Time Now is the time to prices Rockers, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards. Just call and see our $5.00 Couch, and our $2a.00 Parlor Suite, done in the best velour covering. It will pay you to get our prices on all kinds of Furniture. We will use you right. OIL Of f To Buy. Mercury will give Mr.. Hanna and his representatives its best support to make this 1005 pulley permanent, con- sistent and reasonable. *x * *, ----1)runkenne:.s in the province ap- pears to be on the increase according to the figures of the 37th annual re- port of the inspector of potions and reformato, les, Dr. W. Bruce Smith. The total number of persons commit- * ted to jails and lock -ups for the year ended September 3t), 1901, was 10,146, * of which 1,182 were females. This is * an increase' of 6624 males and 39 females. The et»mnnitments for drannk- enness were 3,590, an increase of 503. For crimes against the person 783 per- sons were committed, and for crimes against property 2,560 were commit - 8 ted, c7 * * e3 * --The draft of the new constitution, by wlieh the work of restoring self- government to the Transvaal is to be begun, provides for a Legislative As- sembly containing six to nine official members, and thirty to thirty-five members elected by the burghers of the late South African Republic, and 42 white males of British birth occupying On premises at an actual rental of not © fess than $50, or having capital to the 8 value of 3500, The Governor is to have the initiative in proposing finan- © cialrneasures. The debates are to be in English, but a. member may speak © in Dutch by special permission. While the Boers find this in inelan- choly contrast to the supremacy they Ienjoyed before the war, the practical effect of the new constitution is likely to be to give then control of the Leg- islature. 0 a' * * -In the House of Commons, Hon. � Mr. Fisher stated that he had been eaendeavoring to enforce the regulations �©� regarding the stamping out of glan- 5ders iu horses, with the result that a 8large sum of :Honey had been paid for © horses slaughtered by order of the Government since September 19 last, when the order -in -Council was passed authorizing him to have animals af- fected slaughtered. The disease ap- © peered to be worst in Manitoba and the Northwest and in -portions of Que- bec. Last fall 70 or 80 horses had 8 been slaughtered within five miles of 5the Parliament buildings. The num- her of Parliamentnimals slaughtered had been �3 © so great that he had notified his col - 0 leagues he would require a vote of $100,000, in addition to the usual amount, for the purpose of endeavor- ing to stamp out the disease. 0 *** © --Statistics in the :Minister of Edu- 8 cation's report give the number of pu- pils enrolled in the Public schools as © 403,161, a decrease of 4,963. The num- ber of enrolled pupils in Roman Cath- olic Separate schools is 47,117, an in- crease of 1,153 over the year before. np There. are 5,734 Public schools or 63 6 more than in the year previous, and t8 there are 412 Catholic Separate schools, *. *3 an increase of 21. An investigation of cost per pupil shows that more is spent on Public school children. The pro- portions are as follows : Public schools (( , r -Counties, $9.955 ; cities. $18.96 ; towns Ebitotiar $10.68; province, $11.54. Catholic Separate schools—Counties, $7.50; • -Switzerland, according to a snit_ cities, $10.59; towns, $8.93; province, buy Furniture for Spring. Our . g$9.01. Of the 450,275 pupils in 1903, ed States ea., report. has 740,000 - - ware en- OIL 404.041..01. ' 260 ori or over of per cent. are away down on some lines, as Chairs, Couches, cows, with an average product of 615 rolled in rural schools and 189 661 or Walker Bros. 4 Button Furniture Dealers and Undertakers ..;1i 34 Q 34 i £ � i�i �ii��dlfdi3TT Tflti3!3 T3li1 TUflI33itL. SPRIG 1905 Now that the spring has come, I beg to notify the general Trade that I am still in the ring with the Largest and Purest Seeds in the trade, consisting of Red, Alsike, Mammoth, Lucerne and A.Vinte Clovers. Timothy, Orchard Grass, Red Top Kentucky and Meadow Fiscue. Peas, Oats, a new variety and strongly recom- mended by the Experimental Farad, Otta- wa, and also the Model Farm, Guelph. Goose and Colorado Spring Wheat. Mangle Seed of the finest strain, put up in 1 ib. packages. Turnip Seeds, Field Carrot, Rape, very cheap. All kinds of Garden Seeds. Corn by the Car Load, and I might say that 1 was the only Seedsman in the County who did not fool the farmer last year in the Corn germinating. T. A. MILLS 111114111 wag -.. --.. -.. -... --.. ... lore _.. *one .. -... -... -,.. M -... _.. M torme r .41111 w momOle -.. ame -MP .. --.. ' .,.. --.. M gallons of milk a year per eow ; the over 42 per cent. in the cities, towns, total value of the output is $44,000,000. and incorporated villages of the pro - Fifty -eight per cent. of the milk is vince. used for manufacturing condensed*`* milk, cheese and butter. Switzer- -The Toronto Star (Liberal) has land's exports of cheese are valued at this to say of Premier Whitney :-The $8,000,000 a year, first session of the Ontario Legislature * under the Premiership of Hon. J. P. P _ y 'Whitney has reached its close, and it . * -New townss survey ed recentl in New Ontario will be named after the following members of the Legisla- lature Smyth, Pyne, St. John, Craw- ford, Beck, Hanna. Reatune, Mahaffy, Nesbitt, MacDiarmid, Jessop, Lucas, Jamieson, Brown, Cochrane, Gamey, Biurn and others -Willison, after the editor of the Toronto News; Morti-, mer, in remembrance of the Lieuten- ant -Governor, Mortimer Clark ; Bor- den, after the Conservative leader in the Dominion, etc., etc. -Ontario Liberals find that the ideals they cherish are safer in the hands of Mr. Whitney than in the hands of Mr. Rosi. Ontario Liberals find that the principles of public own- erebip and public rights, retarded by Hon. G. W. Ross, are advanced by Hon. J. P. Wl'hitney. Ontario Liberals are asking themselves what they were Liberals for when virtually everything ; they hold dear was destroyed in the �1 a r�'�em� name of Ontario Liberalism and is ri % will be impossible for any Liberal newspaper to deny that the nen Pre- mier has improved his reputation and credit with the country by the work that has been done. He appears to have set out with the purpose of living up to. the ideal of his campaign. poet, Ga ifal (paid up) who in the general elections sang of p (p him as one who is Reserve (anndd profits)adi - "Bold enough to be honest, claimed as hers. So persistent was she that she fought the rat away and 40' finally had to be forcibly removed and Shut up in order that the crit could another her kittens, --A very sad fatality occurred on the 4th con. of Carrick. on Tuesday. A farmer by the. name of Hartman was preparing to set out with a load of potatoes in the morning and his little daughter climbed on to the back end of the wagon to ride to school, Mr, Hartman left the team for a few minutes and while he was gone they ran away. As they weak through the gate the little girl was - thrown oft and instantly killed, her ; _ neck being dislocated. --.logo Keith, it former resident of • the. 5th con. of Culross, now of Mani- toba, met with a serious accident not - long since. He was engaged in blast- ing large stones on his farts and the charge of powder in one failed to ex- plode at the expected time. Mr. Keith then undertook to drill out the packing and the action of the drill Ignited the powder. An explosion re- sulted :tial Itis left hand which hell the drill was taken off at the wrist. The side of his face was Ills() injured but not seriously. -The Brussels Post reports as fol- lows regarding the insurances in the recent conflagration there :-The In- surance Companies were prompt in their settlements and the following is the result as far as we have. ascertain- ed :-Joseph Qnerin, on stables, $1,- 100 in Waterloo Mutual ; P. Thomp- son, 3325 on household effects, West- ern ; Jos. Stretton, $400 on house, Perth :Mutual ; S. T. Plum, shop, $500 - Waterloo ; Mrs. Strachan, cottage, - $300; H. Janes, stable, 3700 Water- loo ; McLennan & Broadfoot, contents stable, $300 Royal; Fred. Adams, shop and contents, $1,300 Waterloo • P. Scott, shop and centents, $375, Guardian and Mutual ; Walter Lowry, - shop, stable and contents, $41X1 Well- - ington ; R. K. Ross, flour mill and con- tents, 34,000 Gore and Millers ; Mrs. Sheriff, on house, $-Western ; Colter & Sons, factory and contents, $3,500 in Gore; Mrs. AIcock, damage to house, $30, Metropolitan ; Geo. 'Walk- er's, Geo. Edwards' and J. Querin's damage to hotel yet to settle. Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is especially valuable. -If promptly ap- plied it will save you time, money and suffering when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by ail druggists. Clairvoyant - Psychic. MEDICAL EXAMINATION FREE By Dr. E. F. Butterfield, of Syracuse, N. Y. Believing in clairvoyance or not, there is no gainsaying the fact that the doctor can explain the source and cause of your disease, either men- tal or physical, and has restored to health and happiness many persons who would have remained helpless invalids all their lives. Send lock of hair, name, age and stamp to DR. E, F, BUTTERFIELD 29-2 Syracuse, N. Y. IIA1K OF lluItTOT CAPITAL PAID IIP $ 2,235,x.00 RESERVE FUND 2,100,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS 26,553,846.57 BOARD OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Wm. Gibson - .President John Proctor C. C. Dalton J. S. Hendee Geo. Rutherford C. A. Birge J. Turnbull, Vice -Pres. and General Manager H. M. Watson, Asst. Gent. Manager. B. Willson, Inspector. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int- erest allowed and computed on 30th November and 31st May' each year. and added to principal Special Deposita also received at current rates of interest. W. CORBOULD, Agent Dickinsor. & Holmes, Solicitors flOIIMO}i JUNE -The Month of Weddings. cummommommos See Here 'what $81,60 will do towards furnishing your house with the comforts of life ; FOR PARLOR :—Brussels Carpet, 55c to $1.25 per yard ;..Couch, spring edge; Up- holstered Oak Rocker; solid quartered Oak Table ; 4 Pictures; Rattan Rocker; Leather Seated Rocker; 4 Blinds and Poles .$26.10 FOR DINING -ROOM :—Wool Carpet, 65c to $1.20 per yd ; Sideboard ; Extension Table; half dozen Chairs; Rocker; two Blinds and Poles ; 3 Pictures $25,85 FOR KITCHEN :—Table ; couple Chairs ; Linoleum, $1.00 per yd; two Blinds and Poles .... $5.Q0 FOR BEDROOM :—Dresser ; Stand ; fancy Iron and Brass Bed ; Wire Mattress ; Carpet, 35c to 750 per yd ; couple Chairs; pair Pillows; Blind and Pole $24.65 We show splendid value in Bedroom Suites. Have been fortunate in securing another batch of those popular Rockers, regular $2.25 for $1.75 UNDERTAKING. Dight calls re- ceive prompt at- tention, 5th house west of Hamil- ton's Drug Store 1 L. A. Ball & Co. MAki THE ROYAL GROCERY English China, We have just opened up two casks English China, shipped to us by S. Fielding & Co., Stoke on Trent, Staf- fordshire, the well-known makers and decorators of high- class Chinaware. They consist of Vases, Fern Pots, Jardi- nieres, Biscuits and Stands, Dish Cheesers, Jugs Fruits, Melon Dishes, Bacon Dishes, Cucumber Trays, Bread Trays, Coffee Jugs, Pie Dishes and Linings in delicate shadings and choice decorations. 25c to $3.75. Caroline Rice, The choicest and finest Rice to be bad, far superior to any other. Once tried, always used. 2 lbs. for 25 cts. Sarcines, Canadian Sardines, put up in Oil and Tomato Sauce, nice for lunch, not as choice as the French, but think of the price -5 Cts, per can. Cash for Eggs and Choice Butter. at Griffin's $3,000,00011ANK $3,634,000 And honest enough to be bokL" Mr. Whitney has exhibited good judg- Farmers' Notes discounted. ()rent and good courage since becom- ing Premier, and as good government Drafts sold on all points in Can- is what all the people want -although ada, the United States and Europe. they have different ideas concerning it • -he has much improved his standing SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. with the press and the public. Sotne Interest those$ on deposits of SI.O0 and f upwards, an added to principal h Jtnut ' the 1 tr peep a dad not expect much, and 31st December each year. and they have seen a great deal that they can find little fault with. D. T. HEPBURN, tanager R. Vanstone, Solicitor '�12 e�na '�te�na tem being built; up in the name of Ontario Toryism.-riToaon to Telegram. ggggII '•' left on Tuesday las Rarena, Ohio, •�Ana.nng the novel inventions is a where she willtake the position of -Miss Mae Colvin of leas flour min on wheels!. A bright a ,rind snnperinteticlepg of noises in the hos- int the spring wheat territory has been ---Russia, with a population of 127.-1 000,000, has only 13,3x'.,1 physicians. In If We have removed our Tailor - the United State}. with a population of about 73,090,006, there are 120,00ing ng establishment to the store physicians. formerly occupied by Tudhope's -A cow owned by Robert Smith, Grocry-- near Shelburne, gave birth to a calf a few days aoo, which only lived a few minutes. When examined the Calfs heart was located in its throat. -Mr. A,. Cormark of Paisley, is pra- bably the cattle king; of that, part: of the eatnrrt; He hard 1250 acres of We have had things all fitted pastille and 120 head of cattle on np anew, and have a good con- sitetB. They rri.�e all ssitl In be ,good /I venient stand with a first-class' ) EItLTOfiT ./�i' cattle :stock of goods in all tile latest ./ pUsi. raceutly granted. patents on such a device. It consists of an especially managed box ear fitted with a dintinn- tive flour nail. engine, cleaning Ina- chinety, and grain bin. The inventor claims ]re can construct, within the lenritatioas of a eanhonnsn freight Far, a Saaor rain with a eapatity of 100 bar - r is chile. His idea is to haul the ear Ulm -ash such portions of the w]neat- raising s.tiocs of the North-western States ars have few flour mills. -Nate Guelph Mestttt"y utibera4 in speaking of Hon. Ms. Hanna's wer-k haul c4 the License Dapat-trent col ova.., Opp. Bank of Hamilton and neat door south of Min Boyd's Millinery Store. Ju st Iii --�-A Carload of No. 9 Coiled Steel Wire As this Wire is the genuine Frost make, and as the demand is likely to be so great for this particular kind, Farmers will do well to leave their orders for it at once, as there will likely be a scarcity in the market when most required for fencing. We are selling it cheap. Massey=Harris Repairs. I have just taken over the agency for the Massey - Harris repairs and will try and keep the stock in good shape, so that the farmers may be supplied in future with what they may require in this line. I am sole agent for th'e celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. The best on earth. Best Brands of Cement in season at lowest prices. A etc., onnhand.11 line Prr esof thenlowest; Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, We are now taking orders for Plymouth and International Binder Twine. WCUS q CAL, A. YOUNG -According to the assessor the materitrlis and dasi na fors ria value of land' in Toe: water is $.i3 Z4t $ spring s r , e r • �' r - onatetn , sa ;s 1:—.Tire honk of Herb. Mr 3,600 and the sinount of taxable in- lbw!) gs, Rainantttingsi 2'ruti erings. rf buiidirag $1`4.t Th b us �s ]s and asnmmer Suit-ngs, over coat Banton, Pro annul Secretary, in eon- conte $.2113, m tng a. totar1 atases=_ment land Fancy -4 estinga. f $'Zt13 t33 ;rear, an nierea.a of $70Ect ---•Mi. err i il; t y I rut-ke, of :ivaatrel rtectiou with the License Department, .has lirrnn along effeztive lines; his is , .,�. ntpataife<ty thenew license boards a; • as 'against $-,i"z5,3io *4'1'A Drop in and see tam and have IooiC a0 our pods. tionolup, lining near- Allegford, owns x 51 insgw;.tuts to "tamale them keep ss, w to elthonn hen �vliielh adopte4 a hostel, has (),!suite -=1 Ina Sarah at, spring, fanul3. of list' kittens it ia,ng{ng to at• - „ R -hitt' eaf, inc' r_at hzli taken ><��e.�• bow t iea.nnrag as has not obtained Fri ,ion a the hen's net and gave lith to the Province for thirty vers. The the kittens which the hen afterwardsirt imosi Robt. Maxweii T4$t1 TO, ONW. (Cor. Yer.go an Alexander Stat.) Stltmher Station fluting July y naval :I,r gravy !l -:r Public Stlae0l Tea hers tad otntaa-AEI our 1 t po,,ts 3 S!r terata aclnaitt rtd �r.1. ant - 6 .c ti:a i �chc�l as tot °'�,iacdirg Etait,`V' - c lei-j:ni:g uvp. -toll; ;sees ata► -0 ••go:, ' s►head.' Circu.ars fr,:p. fir• • E1•r':1011i Prlat'tpal DICKINSON & IIOLLIES BarrtsterS, Solicitors, etc, Office : Meyer Block Winghanl. 1. f.. Dickinson Dudley 1101me3 Q J �• lALT GIRE REAL ESTATE, 1NSURANCE AND LOAN AtIENT. G0NvVrANVClNp Coiteetfon of items and 4eeottrite n epedlIty, A$sinNEE. A4C0UNTANT. otlles_1tt VNnetone black. Wit► that*rds1 irrodutp, y o il.