HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-06-01, Page 89eisissestaestasseasiestataLaesSOM0000
New Bakery
, )
El 33
0 1 have opened a bakery
in the premises lately oc- 8
eupied by Dr. Bethune,
8 and am now ready to sup -
8 ply the people of Wingham
O and -vicinity with first-class
• bread, made from the best
0 brands of flour.
Cakes of all kinds.
• Ordered work will re-
ceive prompt and careful
2 attention. A. call solicited.
• .0,011/Pa .11sms e 100111111116110.11111111", s s • • 0411 i11 ..1
e5oet edwaVizet
Misses and Children will wear Low
Shoes this season. Why shouldn't they ?
Nothing in Z)otwear is more comfortable,
durable or attractive. The prettiest styles
made are here.
Oxfords and Gibson Ties, Sandals
and Slippers. Best leathers, best work.
mansbip. All widths and, sizes.
Parents are Pleased and
Children are Delighted
with our Summer Shoes. Start in at The
and travel along step by step up to
$L75 per pair.
W. J. Greer, The Shoer
44111. • JI III 1,,.. ,111111:11111.161.1 .1 ',AN)
es •
es We Have Come To Stay •
-G •
• • Vusiness College :
O Is now opened in the •
• Students may enter at any time. •
ea •
9 •
• 1
4 An efficient staff of teachers have
• been engaged who will take up per- 4,
• manent residence in the town. Night 4
• Classes. For further information, ap- 4
: ply to •
N. Reginald Fletcher, Principal 44
: Geo. Spotton, Manager •
Shorthand and Typewriting
Lewis & Clark Centennial
Exposition, Portland, Ore.
$69.00 PROM wINGDAM.
Geed going daily until September the 30th.
Valid returning within 00 days from
date of issue. Special side trips
to California points.
E. E. Bryaus visited Salem .fiend
last Sunday.
Misses Belle and Elsie Strachan of
Brussels spent Sunday at home,.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson visited
Mi. and Mrs. W, limes last Sundays
- Mr. Garr of Wroxeter took charge
1 of the service in the hall last Sunday
In the competition of who would
buy the most clothing from A. R.
Smith for a month, the man who
keeps the books for one of the best in-
dustries in Wingham won the prize.
Guess who it is !bought two suits and
a cravenette rain coat, besides other
goods. A. R, Smith will give to the
boy or nian who buys the most
furnishings during the month of June
a good Silk Umbrella, or a pair of best
Boots. Conte on, boys to A. R.
Smith, north end ; he is bound to give
the rising generation a chance.
lionie.Seekers' Excursions
To points in Manitoba, Assiniboia, Saskat-
chewan and. Alberta. Rates $30.00 to $19.50.
Good going June 13th, 27th and july 12th.
Valid returning within 80 days.
For tickets, and full information call on
ILSISOLD, Town Agent.
Distrieb Passenger Agent, Toronto.
We Tackle
Bamboo Poles
Fish Lines
Fish Hooks
Reels, Etc.
• ....""04.A.044604.0404.4.4,404.04,AAW.A.."4:
D. L. Strachan and Miss Zetta For -
gown of Teeswater visited here last
W. 11. Kerr, editor Brussels Post,
is expected to preach in Victoria hall
next Sunday evening.
While playing football ou Saturday
evening, Donald. lanes had the misfor-
tune o1 getting a nasty cut on his
Jamestown football team played
Gerrie team on Wednesda,y, 24th, at
the picnic ou 'stilton's flats, Turn -
'We are sorry to learn that Thos,
Stokes, Se., has taken apother change
and is very moch worse again. 11e la
a great sufferer.
Miss Jessie Strachan entertained
alto aumnber of young people from
vessels and vicinity last Thursday
• evening; all report an excellent time.
Mrs. jas. Castle of Clinton, a daughs
ter of E. Jacklin of this locality, is
dangerously ill with pleurisy at the
home of her parents. We hope a
speedy restoration may ensue.
Mrs. Wylie visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. McKee, last Friday.
We are pleased to have Mr. Sam.
Richardson home again, for the sum-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Abraham visited
their nephew, Mr. D. Marshall, last
Mr. H. Lawrence and his gang of
men have begun operations at the
Mrs. H. Lowry and children, .who
have been visiting relatives here, have
returned to Winghain.
Rev. Mr. Radford took charge of
preparatory services for communion,
last Friday, in Bluevale.
We sympathize with Mr. Johann
sr., in the serious accident which re-
cently overtook him, which renders
him helpless.
Mr. Geo. Spotton was in town last
week patting up posters for the new
Business College, in Wingham, of
which he is manager.
Last Thursday evening, a large num-
ber assembled at the horne of James
Stracham and presented Miss Marjorie
with a handsome gold watch and
chatelaine pin, as tokens of apprecia-
tion for her services in Victoria hall
as organist. The evening was pleas-
antly spent in singing, etc, Miss
Strachan has taken a position in Ham-
ilton Asylum as pianist. After sing
ing "God be with you till we meet
again" and wishing Miss Marjorie
every success, the company dispersed.
The managers of McIntosh congre-
gation have decided to add to the ap-
pearance of the interior of the church,
and will shortly ask for tenders for
the work.
The Ziegler Bros. and their gang of
men were at work last week at Mr.
Jas. Bell's framing the timber for his
barn. They are also putting up a
barn for Isaac Wade, west of Lakelet.
Mr. Wm. Angst, mason and brick-
layer, an esteemed citizen of Clifford,
died at the home of his brother Sam-
uel, in Howick, on Sunday afternoon
last. He did not feel well about a
month ago, and went out to his bro-
ther's in Howick, thinking the change
would benefit him. While there he
was stricken with a complication of
complaints, and became so weak a. to
be unable to return to his father's
home' where he has resided since the
deathof his wife a few months ago.
Three small children, the youngest
not three years old, are left orphans.
Council met May 20th in Gorme.
Wm. Finlay waited on the Council re- . ing ; there will be no service in the
garding a ditch ; a committee will evening;
look into the matter. Wm. Ferguson Steam shovels are doing C. P. R.
asked to be relieved of the water that ' work both east and west of the village
accumulated on his farm; Councillor at present; It is expected that the
Gowdy will look after that. Messrs.
Akins and Douglass wanted a ditch
put in opposite their lots. It will be partof the iron laid by October lst
irisseaxtlt.bed will be built and the greater
attended to by Mr. Underwood, The
Police Trustees of Gorrie handed in Messrs. T. Jones & Co. have disposed
their estimates for this present year, of their butcher business to Mr. Wm.
being $145 to lift the first debenture Heffron, brother of Messrs. John and
issued for the erection of an addition James Heffron, who formerly conduct -
to the building on the park, also $50 ed the butcher business in Blyth.
for general improvements on streets. The late Luke Jacobs of East Wit -
The Clerk was instructed to call a osh left a bequest of $100 to the
meeting of the owners of lot 5, con. 10, ss
NX‘11.1113con and Northwest Missions of the
also lot 5, con. 11, and the Reeve of
the municipality, to consider the Day Methodist church ; the money has
been paid over to the Church, by' his
and Dane drain. After passing ac- son, Mr. H. H. Jacobs.
counts amounting to $50.15, Council
' adjourned to meet in Fordwich, the A. M. Eusigh, eldest son of Mr. and
third Wednesday in June. Mrs, 3. G. Emigh of Blyth, has been
We were sorry to learn that Johnselected by the United States govern -
Hall, Hill View, New Ontario, and .1
ment to go to Panama, and take charge
formerly of this place was seized with Pound A Cure Por Dyspepsia. of one of the derttnents of the rail -
a reY
Miss. Maggie McArter of Brussels
spent Senility at Mr. Ed. Ileyans,
Mr. Jon, MacAllister and Mr, J.
Ring spent the 21th in. Torouto.
Mr, I, Kin on the 2nd, lost a vain -
able horse last Thsusaley, which is it
grog loss to him,
Mrs. Dave Ray of Wroxeter spent
Sunday last with, her sister, Mrs. Joe
Shaw, on the Oth con.
Mr.. and 11Irs. Maciutosh of lgoles-
worth spent Tuesday with their
daughter, Mrs, John IlicEwen,
We are very sorry to have to record
the very severe illness of llirs. Castle,
daughter of luv. and Mrs. Jacklin
of the 2nd.
George Henry of Toronto, formerly
of Brussels, returned home after
spending last, week with his aunt, Mrs.
Robt. MacInnes,
On Thursday evening or last week a
number of Mr. and Mrs. L. Frain's
friends gathered at their home ; all re-
port a very enjoyable time.
Robt. Meelnnes of DelOraine, Man.,
came home last Monday, owing to the
death of his father. We are glad to
see him back, but sorry that be had to
come back to such a sad home,
There will be no service in Roe's
church Sunday next owing to. the
Conference being in Listowel ; quite a
number expect to attend next Sab-
bath as the young ministers are to be
Town of Wingham.
• Publie Notice Re Proposed 'Water.
works improvement and. Extension
Make is hereby given (hat the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the Town Of
Wiughalu propose to submit to the °looters of
tbo said Town, tor their a by-law to
authorize the said 00U11011 borrew money by
the issue of debentures to the amount of
$12,1100.00, for the purpose of improving and
extending /to waterworks system the said
The /buoying is an estimate of the expendi.
Lure intended under said proposed by-law
Construction of a new flume for water. -
works power $1200 00
Construction and oreetien of a stand-
ipe . ,, 0000 00
Extension of water mains 4000 00
Total $11300 00
Add tor ongineeritig and oilier eon-
Ungeneles.. ......... .. .. 7011 00.
Total proposed expenditure $12000 00
Awl take notice that a poll of the Elootors
of the said Town of Wingliam will be taken
on the said proposed by-law. by wards. on
Wednesday, the fifth day of July, A. D. 1905,
said poll be opened at nine ()Week in the
forenoon and shall remain open till live o'clock
in the afternoott and no longer, and shall be
hold in the places and by the Deputy Return.
ing Moors mentioned in said proposed be -law
hereunder publiehod. And further take notice
that Monday, July 10th, next, is the day ap-
Witted for neatly (a:matte/ill' Ilia hrlaw.
Quito a number from this conunnui-
ty spent the 24th at the Union Sunday
Schools convention at Ethel. It was
both instructive and interesting, and
no one could come away front that
convention without feeling benefitted
by being there.
The memorial service of the late
Robert Machines was preached in
Roe's church on Sunday last ; it being
a beautiful day, the church was filled.
Rev. C. P. Wellstook for his text,
John 14 :23 -"In my father's house
are many mansions ; if it were not so
I would have told you, I go to pre-
pare a place for you. And if 1 go and
prepare a place for you, I will come
again and receive you unto myself,
that where I am there ye may be
also." Mr, Wells spoke also as re-
gards the brevity of this life and
warned all to bo ready, for we know
not the day nor hour that the Son of
man cometh.
Jas, Cunnings purchased a driver
from Win, Mains of Hullett last week.
The Rifle tournament attracted a
large crowd of visitors to town on the
Wm. Crawford of Toronto, is
spending a few days visiting ander
the parental roof,
Mr. E. 0, Wilford has returned
home from Toronto, where he has
been attending the medical college.
Mr. John Wilford will preach in the
Methodist Ohurch next Sunday morn -
a, paralytic stroke and had. brain fever Mrs. S, Lindsay of Fort WMiam, ways controlled. y the United States
also ; we hope soon to hear of his re- Ontario, Canada, who has suffered
covery. quite a number of years from dyspep-
The Baseball team of the 2nd of sus and great pains in the stomach,
Culross visited the Belmore club last was advised by her druggist to take
Friday night and played a friendly Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
game, which resulted in a score of 6-13 Tablets. She did so arid says, "I find
in favor of Belmore, Our boys ex- that they have done me a great deal
pect the Formosa Baseball club on of good. I have never had any suffer -
Friday next and. the game will be wit- ing since 1 began using them." If
nessed with interest ; all are welcome troubled with dyspepsia, or indigestion
to the grounds. why not take these Tablets, get well
and stay well ? For sale by all drug -
Last Friday afternoon the teacher, gists.
Mr, Collins, and his pupils celebrated t
Empire Day. .A. number of the
parents in the section assembled to Bluevale.
hear the program, consisting of songs, David Paton jr., has been on thi
readings and drills by the pupils and sick st.
an interesting and helpful address l' -
given by Rev. S. Osterhout, B.A., Miss Cora Messer, Listowel, spent
13.D., of Wroxeter, and speeches by Sunday at home.'
the trustees. Clayton Lowry made Robt. Stewart of Toronto, is visiting
an admirable chairman and after par- his parents here.
taking of the excellent supper provid-
ed by the ladies, all went home well Miss Ida Cleghorn has returned
pleased. home from Toronto.
Court of Revision was held on Mon-
day last for this township.
• The Sunday School in Rotates'
school house is prospering. Some
Sundays there are eighty in attend-
ance. Last Sunday, there were sixty
What has happened the colts this
year. One fanner has one with only
one eye; not far off is another colt
born entirely blind, atid then not far
away is another with only one useful
• Mr. john Hoinuth of the llth con.
had the misfortune to lose a valuable
mare a few days ago. It is not very
easy to replace a good horse now, as
they are not only scarce but expen-
Mrs. Carroll of London is spending
The farmer should be a happy man a few weeks With her nephew, Mr.
these days. With the advent of good Will, mines,
growing weather for the crops, and a
!. boom in the price of live stock, he can Mr. and Miss Peacock of 3ames.
realize good prices for everything he town. 1.4t*Ilt I"Y 21th with C.
has to sell. Of course there are many Mrs. Will
factors to be reckoned with yet. The We nye -sorry to hear of the death of
frosts of a week ago may have injured the youngest son of Thomas Montgo-
the fruit bloom, to What extent, it, seet7, formerly of this place.
Would be premature to say. As to the
grain crops in low-lying places, we . Mrs, John Wray spent a few days
think the frost has not injured it , last week at Milverton, 'where she
much, as the most of it has only been was called to attend the funeral of
recently seeded, A lot of damage has
. her aunt.
been done by the heavy rains and a
Iot of washouts have been nutde 011!
hill slopes, making it bad for grass ; Langside.
Dated at the Town Hal in the. Town of
WIngharn, this 79th day of May, A, 1), 1905.
Town Clerk,
A By-law to authorize the issue of
debentures of the Town of Wing -
ham to the amount of 512,000.00,
for the purpose of improving and
extending the Waterwol'ks system
of the said Town.
\V11EPEAS it is deemed expedient that
the Waterworks system of the Town of Whig -
ham should be improved and extended so as
to provide the said Town with a more effiolent
fire protection system and with a supply of
water for street watering and other purposes
AND WHIORIOAS the total estinnited cost
of the proposed waterworks improvement and
extension as shown in Schedule "A." appended
hereto, is $12,000.00, which is the amount of the
debt intended to be created by this by-law.
AND WHEREAS for the purpose nfore-
said it will be necessary for the Corporation
of the Town of Wingham to iSS110 debentures
fur the said sum of 612,000.00, SS hereinafter
provided, the proceeds of such debentures to
be applied to the said puuposoa and no other.
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue
the said debentures at ono time and to make
the principal of the said debt repayable by
arly sums during the period of thirty years,
beteg the currency of the said debentures;
said SUMS being of such respective amounts
that the aggregate amount payable in each
year for principal and interest in respect of
said debt shall bo as nearly as possible equal
to the amount so payable in each of the other
twenty-nine years of said period, as shown in
Schedule "II' hereto annexed.
AND WHEREAS the total amount re-
quired by "The Municipal Act" to be raised
annually by special rate for paying the said
debt and interest as hereinafter provided is
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
whole rateable property of the' Town of Wing-
hatn, according to the last revised. assessment
roll thereof is $671,842.00.
AND WHERE:AS the amount of the ex-
isting debenture debt of the said M.unicipality,
exclusive of local iinprovementa secured by
special rates and asscesmonte, is the sum of
$117,531.09, whereof there is nothing in arrear
of either principal or interest.
Therefore the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts
as follows :-
1. Tho stun of $12,000.00, shall be expended
by the Town of Wingham in improving and.
extending the waterworks system of the said
of $12,000.00, debentures or the said Town, te
2. For tho purpose of raising the said sum
the said amount, shall be issued in sums of not
less than $100.00 each, on the fifteenth day of
September A.D. 1905, each of which debentures
shall be dated on the day of the issue thereof,
and shall be payable within thirty years there-
after at the alto of the Treasurer for the time
being of the said Town of Wingham.
3. Each of tho said debentures shall be
signed by the Mayor of the said Town or by
seine other person authorized by by-law to sign
the same. and by the Treasurer of the sold
Town, and the Clerk of the said Town shall
attach thereto the corporate seal of the
Ydebeetures shall bear interest at
the rate of four and one-half per cent. per
annum, payable annually at the office of tho
said Treasurer on the fifteenth day of Sep-
tember in each and every year during the
currenov thereof.
5. During tho currency of the said de-
bentures, or any of them, there shall be raised
annually by special rate on all tho rateable
property of the said Town of Wingham the
sum of $7:10 70, for the purpose of paying the
amount due in ee.oh of the said years for prim
Meal and interest in respect of the said debt,
as shown in Schedule "B" hereto annexed.
6. This by-law shall take effect on the
day of gm final passing thereof.
7. The votes of tho electors of the said
Town of Wingham shall be taken on this by,
law at the following times and places, that Is
to say: on Wednesday the fifth day of July
next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock
in the forenoon and continuing till five o'clock
in that country. For the past 15 years in the afternoon ot the some day, in the dif-
ferent wards of tho Town hereunder mention -
Mr. Einigh has been a resident of Buf- ed, by the following deputy returning officers:
falo, he has held important In Ward No.1 at Jame% B.Cummings' shop,
positions in the offices of the Grand Victoria Sereet, by 'James 13. Cummings,
T.runk and Pennsylvania railways. Deputy Returning Officer.
In Ward No. 2. at Advance Office, Josephine
The financial reports at the adjourn- Street, by James Fieuty, Deputy Returning
ed Easter vestry meetings of the Eni- Officer.
In Ward No. 3, at the Town Hall, by J. 13.
paris 1
lish churches in the -Blyth Ferguson, Deputy Returning Officer.
showed a considerable increase all In Ward No. 4, at John Longheed's house,
Josephine Street, by William Mitchell,
round. The =This at the Blyth ap-
pointment was $53.10; at the Belgrave Deputy Returning Officer.
appointment $35, and at the Auburn next t1(1:.TBSTalirosrdoatri Itch sea tear:1,14'n dayoVelleVirg
appointment $17.50. The wardens shall attend at the Town Hall in the said 'rown
elected are as follows : Blyth -Messrs. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint
Prank Metcalf and T. W. Scott ; dele- fpersonaria aantct e:111 theritLk:ay, ar i . un. Fol.. II:
• gate tO synod, Frank Metcalf; Bel- votes by the Clerk, on be= Of niti.i:Pp:rsOns
grave -Messrs. R. McMurray and interested in and promoting or opposing the
Henry Johnson ; delegate to synod, passdngoti? this by-law,
Thos. Woodcock. The receipts and next.the Clerk.of tho 801108rOl gokysag iTolvT;
• disbursements for the Blyth appoint.- tohfev8ionigahaTionwsnliaallt actietevrenact,etihe Town Hall in
ment were $687.22 and $634.08, re- pelt in the fore-
noon to sum up the number of votes given for
R. N. Duif attended the East Huron
Liberals at Brussels on Tuesday.
Mr. Aikenhead attended the teach-
er's convention at Clinton last week.
Mrs. Morrow and Miss Matheson of
Wingbam were visitors at R. N. Duff's
on the 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Winginun,
spent the 21th with Mr, and. Mrs.
Wm. Ferguson here.
Quite a number from Bluevale at-
tended a picnic held on Linton's flats
in Turnberry on the 21th of May.
Jas, Wilson of Toronto, was renew-
ing old. acquaintances here this week.
He formerly taught in Ramsay's
school house in. Morris and has many
friends in and about Bluevale.
(Suceeeetere to Alex, Items)
Sprained Ankle, Stift Neck, Leine
These are three eonimon ailments
for Whieli Chatriberiain's Pain Balm is
especially valuable. If promptly ap-
plied it will save yott time, money and
suffering when troubled, with any one
of these ailments, Por sale by nil
Mr. T. nm luts his new bran emn.
pIetta„ -Reuben Tiffin is busy at his
. new house... ,Mts. Wm. Tiffin had a
successful quilting bee on the 24th, the
event being in honor of her birthday.
.1). C. Taylor will conattet services
in Tiflites church on Sunday....,Sits,
141. Hetherington a Lebanon, South
Dakota, is visiting friends and rola.
tions here and at catford. Ile has
been an a pleasure trip and visltea all
the laces of note through British Co, 0a,tar2hozotie and you'll be cured for. biers and plades Malin fiXed.
lanthia Ana ealiforaic •tiVet. 11. tEtta1S014, Oz.icatt,
Fall wheat is doing well.
Referred to in the foregoing by-law as
Township Council inet last Monday. showing the estimated cost of the proposed
waterworks IMPrOVOMeta and extension.
Light frosts but no serious damage
as yet. •
Construction of a now linnto for
A very good temporary bridge has waterworks power $ 1300 00
been put over the
per- Construction and erection of a sta,nd-
mit of crossing the Maitland since
the Extension of water mains 6000 00
Ohl bridge was taken away by the 4000 00
and• against this by-law.
Dated. at the Town Hall in tho ToWn of
Wingham the tweniy-niuth day of May A.D.
fi.eslret. Total $11300 00
Add for engineerieg and other con•
Thos. Brown, 61,11 line, had. n freak tingeneies 700 00
of Nature on his farm in the shape of Total proposed expenditure.$12000 00
n4 legged gosling. Tho mother goose eclignULE "Si."
tramped on it causing the death of the Referred to in the foregoing by -lave she*.
feathered quadruped; ing hoW the amount of $12,000.00, therby re-
•., quired to be raised annually and. payable on
Last week Evans Bros. lost a gum" the loth day of September in each year of the
workin horse, valued et $150. It said period, is apportioned:
was km ed m the stable by another
horse resulting in a broken hind leg.
The animal had to be shot.
Win. McCall has disposed of his
house and lot, corner of Tb.os. Bunts,
for the sum of 51,000. Mr, and Mrs.
McCall will return to their fatnis 7th
line, MOrriS. We wish them improv.
ea health.
E. W. Seller e left last week for Sas-
katoon, N. W. To where he purposes
taking up a homestmul. Ito took a.
ear of settler's effects with him. Mr,
Sellers has spent his life up to his re.
InOVal in Morris township,
. 1
Year Prineipel
1000 $196 70
1907 205 55
1908 214 SO
The Arch.fiena 01 The Age. 1030
Not war, mote deadly than ever this isti
modern butchery-bitt Catarrh which 1034
Ietuls to conswription and annually 1936
331 57
245 12
26(i 15
267 58
279 73
292 31
205 47
319 21
333 68
318 59
361 27
397 80
416 70
453 05
474 38
495 73
618 03
611 35
663 71
591 10
017 77
616 67
074 61
704 97
531 16
621 90
612 23
502 13
401 58
480 55
4011 02
450 07
444 39
431 23
417 49
403 12
388 11
372 43
346 03
838 90
321 00
303 30
282 78
• 262 32
218 07
19.1 85
170 99
145 51
118 93
07 13
62 09
31 78
5730 70
736 70
736 70
736 70
720 70
736 70
736 Se
730 70
736 '70
735 70
70 70
7311 70
736 70
736 70
736 70
130 79
736 70
736 70
736 70
736 70
786 70
736 70
kills snore thin famine and war deansran u• rairookos
bined. The doctors now Successfully t°talti. 112(* Sl°1°1 1221" °11
fight catarrh 'with a, remedy that NOTIC111.-take beak° that the itlieve is
4i• tt copy of the emted by -lett veliieh htin
"Catarlhozone", it, both taken into eentildeoration rhyth Will
Of tno mance
death to every type 'of eatarth. It be
a b ing obteined thehoto) after Otte inoath
disease CO thoroughly that at It tare
Trot* the prat ptinlientiou itt
net.td never be reareti. If trout) NI lAd'etiade, ' the, tieFe
1G. tIA18Piler"ritrntvtir
with teldg, natal or throat eaters.% or h day of Juno A. , gt
,.(11 11'd°g:t;
destroys every root and britneh of the g cl'it 01 gent of tho dad.
8ubjrat to bronchitis tischtiot use drat:4etee-t thitieeters or the seta lelaffielpality
1 d th
Always Bargain ays
at The Bee Hive. /4
Read wila,t we have in store for you this week
On Sale Now, Dress Goods : One Hundred and Four
1 piece only, fancy bluets Dress '
Goods, regular 40e value. This
week Bargain Price, per yd. 200
1. piece only, f alley black Dress
Goods, regular 6the value. This
week Bargain Price. per yd. 84e
3 pieces fancy black Dress Goods,
regular $1 00 value, This week
Bargain Price, per yd 600
10 pieces plain and fauoy Tweed
Dress Goods. regular $t value.
This week Bargain Price, per
yard 790
13argain. Prices ell through the
Dress Goods department.
We had a wonderful Shoe Sale
last week and easterner after ous-
tomer advertised our bargains to
their neighbors and they too in
turn slinred iu the bargains, Wo.
gill have 104 pair yet to sell,
Girls' sizes 1 and 2, fine and
heavy Shoes, $1.00 kind for 50c,
$1.25 kind for 63o, $1.50 kind for
75e, Ladies' fine button Boots.
51,25 kind for 68c, $1.50 kind for
750, $2.00 kind for $1.00, $2.25
kind for $1,13, and the 52.50 kind
for $1,25. Sizes in Ladies' Shoes
are 214, 8, ;3,14, 4, 5, 6, 7. Men's
iu sizes 6 and7 at half price.
Ten dozen only and they'll go out quick. They are
soft finish, fine rib, guaranteed fast black, sizes 8,
8*, 9, 9*, regular 25c value, Bee Hive Bargain Price
per pair -15e, and smaller sizes 2 pair for 25c
1 1 1 1 - 1' - • N
Men's and Boys' Neckwear Ladies' Wear.
A special purchase of Silk Neck-
wear in newest shapes and
pretty coloring. 4 doz, String
Ties, assorted colors, the regu-
lar 25o value on sale this week
each i5o
7 doz. dark and light, fancy col-
ored, Four -in -baud Ties, regu-
lar 50c value, Bee Hive Bargain
Price each 40o
8 doz. fancy Flowing -end Ties,
worth in a regular way 50o,
this week price eaoh 400
Special value also in Puffs,
Knots and Bows.
Choice goods, epecial values.
The very newest in Ladies' Linen
Collars in white, fawn and red at
each 13e, 15o, 20o, 25o. Ladies'
Fatal* Silk Collars, regular valne
25o, 50o and 75o, this week's bar-
gain price each 20o, 400 and 60o.
Latest styles in Lace Collars at
each 20o, 250, 35o, 50c, 75o, $1,00,
11.50 and 51.75 Leading shapes
and best makes of Corsets at per
pair 500, 75e, $1.00 and 51.25.
Splendid values iu Parasols for
Ladies at 60o, 75o, 90o, $1.00,
$1.25, $1.50 and up to 52 75, and
for girls, at each 25e, 50o, 75c,
Large quantities of Butter and Eggs wanted. Present
prices are -Butter 16o, Eggs 15c.
Remember our Special Value Prices save you from ten
to twenty-five per cent, on your purchases.
..11•MaRLI.611•11..Alladilka..14.11•141.6ge.6144.r.4.4* M ' "
The Keeler Co. - Winghaifi
West Wawanosh. FOR SALE.
Mrs. Ben. Farrow, who has been
visiting among friends and relatives
near Auburn, left this week for Dela-
ware, where Mr. Farrow has taken up
fruit gardening.
While walking around apparently
in her maid health, on Wednesday
evening about 5 o'clock, Miss Eta,
eldest danghter of Robt. Tunny, of
Westfield, suddenly threw up her
arms and screamed, dropping to the
floor ; she never spoke again.
A wedding took place in Toronto,
on May 24th, the marriage took place
of two young people well known at,
the Nile. The groom was Isaac Heth-
erington, 0 prosperous farmer of Col-
borne, and the bride was Miss Jean
McIntosh, formerly teacher of U. S.
No. 1, Colborne, Ashfield and West
Wawanosh, Rev. Mr. McIntosh, the
bride's brother, performed the service.
On Saturday, the 20th inst., the re-
mains of Robt Stewart, brother of
Mrs. Wm. Durnin, Dungannon ceme-
tery, being escorted thither from his
late residence by a large concourse of
sorrowing relatives from Goderich,
Nile, Dungannon and Ashfield. The
deceased was seventy-six years of age,
his death being the result of general
debility and the infirmities of age,
He was a pioneer of West Wawa -
nosh and was much esteemed as an
industrious citizen.
We regret to report another death
in our township, this time that of one
of our oldest residents, in the person
of Mr. Henry Dodd, whose death oc-
curred on Saturday, the 18th inst., at
the age of 73 years. Re had. been in
failing health for a year past, and his
sufferings of late had been mteose but
were borne with quiet resignation.
Mr. Dodd was one of the best known
wee in the Nile district, where he had
lived for many years, and his place in
business and church life, in hoth of ,
Which he was prominent, will be hard
to O. Mr. Dodd leaves it wife and
three children.
East Wawanosh.
Mr. Thos. Lind, otic of the old and
respected residents, is seriously ill at
the home of his son-in-law, Mr. A..
Currie, in Fast Wawanosh. Some
time ago he was troubled with a sore-
ness in one of his toes and the toe \Yes
amputated. The trouble continued to
spread and tho foot has z`tow been ain,
The home of Mr, Giles Jenkins,
the boundary, was the scene of ti
happy event on Wednesdays _May 24tit,
when his second daughters Miss Mite
Courtiee, became the bride of W. Me.,
Kenzie Webster, a prominent young
farmer of Hullett township. That the
bride is a popular young. Iatly was am-
ply shown by the large number of tise-
ful toady presents received by
Dropped All Other&
#ii dropped nIl liniments but Nervi -
line because I found Nerviline the
quickest to relieve pain, writes V. S,
Benton of St, Iolites. "V my dill&
ten are 'croupy or sick, Neil/Hine cures
them. If it ease of stomach ache thrns
up, Ilerviline is ever ready. We use
Nervilihe for neuralgia, rheumatism
end all kinds of aches 11114 pains 4 Ws
,os good es any doctor." The great
Catittilian remedy for the piosi fifty
years has been Bolton's erviline-
nothing better made.
Two Shorthorn Bulls for sale, fit for
service good individuals, good colors
and choice breeding.
Teeswater P. 0.
9th Con., Culross.
To The Where
Real Estate Buyer
I am absolutely sure I am in a position to
pave you some money, unless the circum-
stances under which you buy aro very ex-
I can and shall make it profitable for you
to buy through me. I am in touch with pro-
perty owners in every part of the country,
and have on my lists to -day, properties (both
in town and Country} that oannot be excelled
either in quality or price.
It makes no difference whether you want
a $50 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want
te hear from you.
Real Estate and Business Transfer.
(Office-Vanstone Block, Winghard)
The Northern Navigation Co.
To all Points ou
Georgian Bay) Lake Superior and
Porta. Steamers leave Col For SAULT STS.
Meaford 4 p.m., ()Wen Sound 11 p.m., Tues-
days, Thursdays and Saturdays,
l'IMNOlt RIVES. Steamers leave C011ingwood
10.30 mm. Mondays and Fridays.
For SOCI, PORT ARTItURt roar *Mutant
and Dtitteril. Steamers leave Sarnia 3.30
pm., Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays.,
Through liekets and !Owed freight rates.
For inforouttion and tickets apply to G.T.R.
IL H. Gildersleeve, lifgr,, 0ollingweeld
C. IL alleholsont Trait Mgr, Sarnia ,
Winnipeg' 1CeteVan $33.00
Mowbray.... Yorkton
Deloraino )- 81.50 Shoh0 83.50
sorts *-"} DVS
Bra tided ..... 31.55 LIMO)). .
Lyleton lifeesejam 31.00
Lettere 39 00 -5(tekatoon 35.25
Minteta Prince Albert.. 30.00
Bin ewe rth 11,25 lilite1e0d 38,00
MOorioluitt,.....32.0 CalgarY. 38,50
Arcola. 12.60 Ited Deer. 30.60
Stratheona $10.80
Going Stine returning Until August 1401.
oiling June Mil, returning until August 28th.
Going July 16tb, returning until Sept, 16(11.
Pull partioulars from ster Canadian PaCIfle
Agent ler 0. B. roster, D,P,A,1 Termite.