HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-06-01, Page 5THE WINOHAM, ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1905, ..•,p • ><><>W 0.0 0 0 • 0000 's • C00 ... 0000... 0n. �000'J • 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O O. O O 0 0 O O O O O 0 O O O 0 0 O 0 n O O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 O O O O O 0 O O O O 0 0 0 O 0 O O 0 The Blue Front Store is The Working Main's Friend. Some Very Ex- ceptional Values In Men's Stiits.I $7.50 and 510.00. Within the last few weeks several hundred men have taken advantage of the special offerings of our $10.00 Suits for $7.50, and .$12.50 Suits for $10.00. If people could only realize the full value and sterling worth of these garments, twice as many would come here post haste this week to reap their share of this rare har- vest of Clothing Bargains. MEN'S SPRING SUITS. - Men's Suits in Blaoli and Blue Serges, single or double breasted, sizes 34 to 46 chest - Prices $5.00, $7.75, $10.00, $12,50 MEN'S SPRING{ TWEED SUITS. -Men's new Tweed Snits in all latest stripe and check effects, browns, greys, greens. etc., sizes 34 to 46 ohest-Prices $5,00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.00 YOUTHS' SPRING SUITS. -Youths' new spring Tweed Suits in single or double breasted sacque effects, sizes 32 to 35 chest, short or long trousers -Prices $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 BOYS' SPRING SUITS, $1.75 TO $5.00. -Boys' Spring Suits, in two and three pieces, Norfolk, Buster Brown, Blouse Snits, etc., in all the newest tweed effects, sizes 21 to 34 chest -Prices $1.75 ,to $5.00 American Wash Suits For Boys. Just to band, a large range of BOYS' WASH SUITS, in - White, Blue, Grey and Stripes, Buster Brown and Norfolk styles, sizes 20 to 28-Prioes $1.00 to $2,50 Boys' Shirt Waists, egos 4 to 10-Prico 75c Hats! Hats! Hats! New shapes just in Popular Prices NEW FURNISHINGS. - New Waistcoats, Ties, Cuffs, Handker- chiefs, Sooks, Gloves, Etc. The R. H. Crowder C 00000 00 New Shoes and Trunks 00000000 00000 00 New Shirts 000000 ••0 00000 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O 0 0 O O O O 0 0 O 0 O 0 W. B. TOWLER, M. D., C. M. CORONER, Office at Residence : Diagonal Street., Winghatn. DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR. Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald !,,, Block. • Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS • ETC, Josephine Street - Wingham JP. KENNEDY, M.D., M,C.P.S,O • (Member of the British Medical Association) GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children, OFFIOE Horns :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) .) Physician and Surgeon. (Office with Dr. Chisholm) A. T. HOLLOWAY DIENTIST BEAVER BLOCK — WINGHAM ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D,u. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the r en• nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post OlUce—WINGHAM J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Block, Wingham WET MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro porty on the oash or premium note system. JA1s les GOLOX E, CHAS. DAVIDSON', President. Secretary. JOHN AGENT. , RITCHIE, WINGEAMVM ONT A number of desirable resi- dential properties, in Wing, Ilam) for saleon reasonable terms. ABNER COSPNS VA.NSTONE R. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowestrates, Office 13EEA'VIIT1, 13LOOK, 'f=95r WHIG XAM. CENTRAL STR ATFO R D. ONT. You can get a general education in any school, but sono to tho CENTRAL for Practical Business Training. This College has a continental reputation for thoroughness. Opportunities are for those who are prepared. Our graduates always succeed. You may enter our classes at any time. Write for a free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MoLAVCIILAar, Principals DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes C. J. MAG UIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. Office—in Vanstono Block, Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. 1."+","4".".".".".""r"."•"/".16.W."."."." ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. (Cor. Yongo and .Alexander Sts.) Summer Session during July and August for Public School Teachers and others. All our graduates get positions. Students admitted at any. time. Shis school is not "standing still," or "backing up' but is constantly "going ahead." Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal 40 4444444414144 1-1-14-4-144-1- J. ••i-•14.4-1 +•I'b w •. IMP We are sole agents for •• the celebrated Scranton Coal, .p• which has no equal. re. .• b • Also the best grades of • Smithing, Cannel and Do- -- .. mestio Coal and Wood of ;; all kinds, always on hand. • • • We carry a full stock of • Lumber (dressed or undres- ;. sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar .• • Posts, Barrels, etc. •. •. • • • Highest Price Paid for all :. w r kinds of Logs. • .. .. •. Residence Phone, No. 55 •4 Office " No. 04 •, • • Mill No, 41 •. ... V. A o eall,. Im L ::*41 . b .14.1-14.1-14444 0 'MVPS 'Hem ---Collingswood has a population of 0883, an increase or 43 over last year, ---Nearly 3,000 immigrants have been brought to Ontario this year, through the Salvation Army alone. -This year's assessment figures give Owen Sound a population of 1.0,180, sift increase of 470 over last year. Tho total assessment is $4,504,780, -C. J. Williams, of the Maitland, mourns the loss of his excellent driv- ing mare, which died on Friday, She bad reached the age of 25 years, and during that time gave birth to 10 foals, one this spring. -An Orangeville syndicate has bought 10,000 acres of land in Sas- katchewan. The land. was bought at $5,50 per acre and the purchase there- fore represents an investment of $55,- 000. Herbert Goodwin of Adjala olcl a Alliston butcher three quarters of beef having had to slaughter the animal because of a broken leg, so he said. It turned out that the animal had lump jaw, was slaughtered, and the odd quarter was being boiled for pig feed on Goodwin's place. He will stand his trial. -General Manager Chas. M. Hays, of the Grand Trunk, informed a gath- ering of young men in Montreal that it would take five hundred men three years to produce enough cross - ties to lay the Grand Trunk Pacific and when the new road was complet- ed it would add 20,000 regttlal' workers to the railway employes of the Do- minion. -Residents of Colborne township recently sent a petition to Ottawa for the establishment of a new postoffice, to be known as Cedar Valley on lot 5, con, 5. As this point is only 2. utiles south of Carlow, and 3?: miles north of Benmiller, both of which now have a daily mail, and as the building of the C.P.R. will necessitate some changes in the mail service, the Government has decided to do nothing in this con- nection for the present. -The estimated average annual wheat yield of the United States, says the Springfield Republican, is 540,000- 000 bushels. The per capita consump- tion by the American people, the largest wheat eaters of the world, is 6.7 bushels, making the total estimat- ed consumption approximately 536,- 000,000 bushels. That leaves a very narrow margin between production and consumption. The Americans could, however, easily double the pro- duction per acre by improved methods of farming. Listowel, Ont., May 21. -Some time last night the safe in the Grand Cen- tral Hotel here was rifled. It was found locked as usual this morning, but when the proprietor Mr. R. Pani, opened it, he discovered that some $800 had been extracted. The office till near by, containing about $16, was apparently overlooked. Some suspi- cious characters have been noticed about town. during the past few days, but so far as known there is no clue which would lead to the arrest of the thief or thieves. -Sometime ago, a shooting accident happened to Arthur Wilson of Gode- rich township. Last week, the doc- tor succeeded in extracting the bul- let that had rested so long in the un- fortunate youth. The lead was taken out just below the third rib, its course having been, after entering the ab- dominal wall, upward, right through a lung to the spot where it was finally located, Mr. Wilson is still far from being out of danger, but the doctor hopes that the removal of the bullet may assuage the fever, and thus help to full and quick recovery. -The stockholders of the Conn Telephone Co., Limited, endorsed the scheme to have c tccapital tl stocc in- creased to $10,000, and have the char- ter so amended. The directors were instructed to take steps to extend the line in several directions. Among the new branches proposed are lines to Arthur, IGenilwoith and Dundalk ; 1 one through Metz and Living Springs, West Garafraxa to Fergus ; another from Moorefield to Drayton ; another front Mt. Forest through Normandy and Glenelg to Durham, and still an- other from Mt. Forest through Minto to Harristou. Winnipeg, May 25. --Following the announcement of killing frosts in Min- nesota and traces of frost in the Cana- dian west, The Free Press wired cor- respondents in thirty-five representa- tive points to give condition of crops and state whether any damage had been done. Without exception, the replies received indicate excellent pro- gress of crops and absolutely no damage by frost, even fruit blossoms not being injured. Never probably have the prospects been so uniformly goo(1 fl'oin 1)001101011 City to Edmon- ton, nor the farming coimnunity more justly sanguine. Cuban Diarrhoea. TT. S. soldiers who served in Cuba during the Spanish war know what this disease is, and that ordinary remedies have little more effect than so much water. Cuban diarrheoa is almost as severe and dangerous as a mild attack of choler:'. There is one ,. . remedy, however, e) that can always be e , deienled upon is will be seen by the following certificate from Mrs, Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Texas': "I hereby certify that Chamberlain's Colic, Cho- lera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured my husband of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors • 's f ( 1< diet but they(1'd ills. no good, One bottle t)ot of this remedy clu'ed him, as out neighbors will testify. 1 thank God for so 'valuable a medicine," For side - by all dvnggists, Clinton. There are 30 appeals to bo heard at the Court of Revision, 'Tho Saturday -to -Monday reduced fares are now in force to Goderich and Kincardine. S. Halstead of Goderich, the "Scrap Iron King," shipped over thirty-five tons front Clinton station last week. Ono who is in a position to know says there are at least 300 dogs in town ; yet there are only 72 on the as- sessment roll. Mr. Il. O, Bell (son-in-law of Mr, John Bell,) who has been living at Fort Frances, returned this week to his old home at Wingham, where he takes the management of the Furni- ture factory. A few days ago, while Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Cautelon were at dinner, they were startled. to find the kitchen on fire, and in a moment more it would have been beyond control, as it was just getting into the roof. Rev, Mr, Godwin of Exeter has been very i11 the past week with pneu- monia. Mrs, Godwin is also ill, so that the wedding of their daughter, which was to have taken place on the 24th, has had to be postponed, Many in this locality will hear with regret of the death of one of the old residents of Clinton, in the person of Mr. Neil Matheson, who died in Cal- gary hospital, on the 10th inst., after six days illness, with pneumonia. Mr. Garnet Whitely returned to town last week, having just been re- leased from the Toronto General hospital, where he had been laid up for over a year, as the result of abscess on his side. He still has an abscess on his leg, but the doctors thought it best, for him to recuperate before this was touched. It was owing to his illness that his relatives could not locate him at the time of his mother's death, and it was only on his way home that he learned from a friend he met on the street, of her decease a few weeks ago. t' DAIRY NOTES. Thin cream is longer in coming than thick cream. Too rapid motion of the dasher is liable to whip the cream into a froth. Cream, when it is too warm, is liable to give trouble and when too cold is sure to. If a dairyman raises his cows he ought to be certain that they are good ones. Whenever bad odors can be detect- ed about the dairy, something is wrong, and needs attention. It is best, when possible, to separate the milk as soon as possible after the milking is completed. The churn should not be filled near- ly full of cream, If it is, butter will not come quickly. The heifer calf does not need fatten- ing food. It does need plenty of bone and muscle forming food. Jersey cows produce more butter from a given amount of good food than any other breed. Physically Exhausted. Lacking in courage - out of joint with everything -scarcely on speak- ing terms with even fair health. Such low spirits are pitiable, Your brain is fagged, vitality so exhausted your constitution is well nigh ruined. What you need is Ferrozone, that great vitalizer and nutritive tonic. It's by making flesh and blood, by in- fusing iron and oxygen , into the sy- stem that Ferrozone helps ; it repairs weak spots, instills new life into worn- out organs -makes you feel like new. Ferrozone lifts age from the olcl and imparts resilience and buoyancy to the depressed. Be manly, ruddy - colored, cast aside weakness and enter the happy life that comes from using Ferrozone. Fifty cents buys a box in any drug store. -The Clinton New Era reports on the Sur111lschool case as follows: : -After the recent decision of the ar- bitrators, the 16th con. people offered the Base Line people, the vacant school and lob at Summerhill, as an equivalent for the $810 of the award. This offer was not immediately ac- cepted, but on Saturday, May 14th, word was sent accepting the offer, but it turned out that this acceptance came too late, as on the Friday pre- vious Mr. Churchill had entered his appeal against the decision. The trustees of U. S. S. No. 10 Hallett and Goderich and S. S. No. 5, so we are told, were asked to endorse the appeal of Mr. Churchill, but declined to do so, and those interested inthe award being satisfied, have determined so they say, to fight the appeal to the end. --The case of Wright v. the Grand Trunk Railway Co., which was heard at the March assizes in Goderich, has been appealed by the G. T. R. and ar- gument was heard last' week at Os- goode Hall in the Divisional Court, Judgment was reserved. The plain- tiff, Wm. Wright of T'ucker'smith, had one of his horses killed, his wagon smashed, and himself sustained in- juries, from a freight train backing as lie was crossing the track at Seaforth on July 121;h, 1004, The evidence at the trial way conflicting, tizo prosecu- tion saying that there was no ono 00 the back of the train to warn anyone attempting to cross and that they heard neither whistle nor bell, and the conductor and crew statin positively Y that the whistle was sounded before the train started back, that the bell was ming continuously and that the conductor was on the car end of the train shouted to Wright, 1 and s g t, Iat urs ac- cordance with the jury's verdict lft l0t 1 i . � y Justice ctel1 1before whom thee ease was tried, directed judgment to be 'entered for the plaintiff for $3.13, With testdt Meeting of the Huron County Council. The Council of the County of Rluron will meet in the couuoil chamber in the Town of Goderich, at 3 o'clock, on Tuesday, June 6th, 1905. All accounts against the county must be in the Clerk's hands before the first day of meeting, W. LANE, CLERIC. Dated at Goderich, Juno 22nd, 1905, . ................ R. Knox Headquarters For fid, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Easter Novelties & Cards, Books and Stationery, Sporting Goods— Including Baseball, Foot- ball, Lacrosse, Etc. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work Done on Shortest Notice. R. KNOX (Opp. Queen's Hotel) Wingham Ontario C3 3OOOOOOOOO000o0000000cute_`.iith A Beverage of Good Health q Grand Mogul is the nicest possible blend of the finest and ripest teas. Grown on the sun - kissed highlands, each package is a whole bouquet of delicious fa- vors. Q Cold, tepid or hot, it is always a family luxury. Pleasing to mothers, palat- able to children, itis Ceylon's best mountain gift to you. High in theine (tea -tone) and low in tannin (bitters), it is the beverage of hy- geine. 25c, 30c, 40c and 50c per pound. Grand Mogul Tea ((Sold only in packages lined with prepared paper, never in poisonous lead Directions and premium cou- pons in each package. Round Trip GODERICH to ET IT TUESDAY, JUNE 20 Return Thursday, June 22 STL•'A1tER GRR1n0 CND Two Days in Detroit Aror, Exen. Agent Children Half Fare Ono Way with Baggage, $1.00 The Special Excursion Train will leave Stratford and way stations to Goderich Tuesday morning, June zo. Froin Wingham and way stations, take morning train June 2o, connecting at Clinton V.40 a. 112.) with Special Train r Goderich. Returning SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES GODERICH POR CLINTON AND WAY STATIONS TO STRATFORD ON ARRIVAL OF STEAMER THURSDAY NIGHT GODERICH BAND MOONLIGHT 8 P.M, MONDAY, JUNE $9 For Detroit Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.3o a,m., Tuesday, June 20, Canada Time. Return to Goderloh Leave Detroit for Goderich x in., Thursday, June 22, Stan- dard Time. Return to Detroit Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.'o A,m., Friday, June 2S, Canada Time. 1 4 3. 9 Isard's I The Leading Stora Sig Sa=c —OF— Isard's Shirt Waists and Whitowear —LOT NO. 1— A line of Ladies' White and Colored Waists -to clear 25o —LOT NO. 2— Two Dozen Shirt Waists -Sale Price, your choice 50c —LOT NO. 3— Fancy small pattern Waists -Clearing Price 750 — LOT NO. 4— Five Dozen plain Lawn and Linen Waists, nicely trimmed and tucked -Sale Price $1.00 —LOT NO. 5— Ladies' Fine Lustre Waists, latest style, good value at $2,00 -Sale Price $1,50 —LOT NO. 6— Ladies' Duck Shirt Waist Suits, just in, small patterns, nicely made -Special Price $3,75 — LOT NO. 7— Corset Covers to clear at 10o —LOT NO. 8— Nicely trimmed Corset Covers -Sale Price 25o —LOT NO. 9— Splendid line of Corset Covers, trimmed with lace -a Bargain at. , , 850 l.-,i,..L:./-. !Ili.1 i I..li 1111 ,i ..I H. E. ISARD CO. The Papular Grocery Store. 3 0 ffl 017 a -. CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds, Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. VanStone Let's Get Better Acquainted We really onght to know : each other. It means money in your pocket and better -look- ing, better -fitting and better- wearing Clothes for you. Order Your Clothes Now. What a flyer time is. A : few days, a few showers, then showers and flowers and sun- shiny days, and all the glory of spring. You'll shed that winter suit and overcoat soon or you'll swelter in them. 'Will you wait until the weather whips you into it, and then hunt up a ready-made in • a lailrry, or will you take op- - portunity by the forelock and leave your order now for a, made -to -measure Suit from the cloth you like best, and have • it carefully Tailored to fit and Ready on Time ? Suits, Raincoats and Top- ; coats from $15.00 np. A fine selection of (cents' . Furnishings always in stock. M.S1L.HOfflUtll Tailor and Gents' Furnisher WHITE STAR LINE : Two Doors front Post Office We have removed our Tailor- ing establishment to the store formerly occupied by Tudhope's Grocery - Opp. Bank of Hamilton and next door south of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store. We have had things all fitted up anew, and have a good con- venient stand with a first-class stock of goods in all the latest materials and designs for spring and summer-Suitings, Overcoat- ings, Raincoatings, Trouserings and Fancy Vestings. Drop in and see us and have a look at our goods. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - 'gingham Wood's Phosphodiine, The Great English Remedy, is an old, well estab. fished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used oyer 40 years. All drug. gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being the only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and aR•perm n utl cures forms of Nervous e uss• Emissions, Sperrnatorrha'a, Impotency,, and all effects of abuse or excesses; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave, Price $1 per package or six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Mailed prompty on re- ceipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Addresii The Wood Company, W.ind,or, Ont', Canada, Sold in Wingham by A. I. McColl &. Co., A, L. Hamilton, W. McKibbon--Druggists Before and After, SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may etttekly ascertain our Opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable Communion,. 1(onsoee. Oldest-cetldontial, rsecuringp Ptents. s sont free. a oncy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive owlet notice, without°barge, in the ScientificAmerican. A handsomely Illustrated d weekly. rihn�ce. ciliation of any scientific Journal. Terms, a yyspar k font. months, $1. Sold byall newsdealers, MUNN & Co.361Broadway, New York Branch Office. 425 l' St„ Washington, D. C. isalsr_. irayar c r ...„ 1411310LY SECURED Write for u , our intei•estin books "Invent. `or's Help" an " How you are swindled " Send us a tont sketch or model of your in- vention vrimprovement and wewill tell you free our opinio: ns to whether it is probably patentable. Re ected appucationshave often been SUCC.'ASfli ly prosecuted ( by us. We - conduct futiv equipped efices in riontredl and washingto this qualifies n5 to prompt- , ly dispatch work and quick] secure .latents as broad as the invention. tliyghestreferences, furnished, Patents prod red through Marion & Ma. nen receive special notice without char�o over toe newspapers distributed throughout tho Tit minion. loll, Specialty :—Patent business u# tur.tie # c• and 1 ttgitteets, nu a MARION & MARION Patent Experts End 5oliolt(3rlr. omen New York life #1'id' , Montreal Attintk" Id,r.Wra/men D.G.