HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-05-25, Page 5New Bakery I have opened a bakery in the premises lately oc- cupied by Dr. Bethune, and am now ready to sup- ply the people of Wingham .nd vicinity with first-class bread, made from the best o brands of flour. Cakes of all kinds. Ordered work will re- ceive prompt and careful attention. A. call solicited. B J. C. LACKIE 1 oporioncloorinetormtrAnneseirtnetetn 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 QQ000.00••••000 Q(.•••00000000-00QQQ••••• Visit Crowder's Shoe Department and Save Money. 15 Sig arga!lls at CROWDEIZ'.S. $1.50 Boys' Sailor Suit, Serge $1.00 Sizes 21 to 26. $2.25 Boys' Tweed Suits, 2 pieces. $1.75 Sizes 22 to 28. 60c Boys' Wool Sweaters 40c All sizes. $1.25 Men's Tweed Trousers $1.00 Sizes 82 to 40. 50o Men's Moleskin Overalls 40c All sizes. $7.75 Men's Tweed Suits $5.75 Sizes 84 to 44. 35c Men's Shirts and Drawers 25c $5.50 Boys' three-piece Suits $4.00 Sizes 27 to 33. $1.25 Men's Odd Tweed Vests $1.00 Sizes 35 to 44. 25c Men's Heavy Braces 20c 86.00 Men's Blue Serge Suits $4.25 Sizes 34 to 44. $1.25 Boys' Boston Calf School Shoes 90c Sizes 11 to 4. $1.50 Men's Heavy Blucher Shoes $1.15 Sizes 6 to 11. $2.50 Men's Box Calf Shoes $2.00 Sizes 6 to 10. Trunks and Valises at Right Prices. Gents' Furnishing Department. New Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc. Hats, hard and soft felt, all the newest creations, at Cum PRICES. The R. H. Crowder Co. 000 040040 WINCHAM, ONT. 000000000 **C.* ........ ............. For Neat, Tasty Job Printing of every descrip- tion, at Prices tosuit you, call at The ADVANCE Office . • • • GOAL ! O ft •• •• We are sole agents for --. .. the celebrated Scranton Coal, «. which has no equal. Also the best grades of '? °- g) Smithin Cannel and Do- -» • mestie Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • • •• •• • • We carry a full stock of • • • Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar • • Posts, Barrels, etc. M •• •• r • $ig hest Price Paid for all •• «• kinds of Logs, •• Residence Phone, No, 55 Office " No, Ot Mill No, 44 •'~ �JMcLean::: 00000 0000 <><>4 44 1.444 CENTRAL 0 0 0 0 0 O O. 0 O O O 0. O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 O O 0 O 0 O O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 O O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 O O O O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 STAATFORD. ONT. You can get a general education in any school, but come to the CENTRAL L,s, for Practical Business Training. This College has a continental reputation for thoroughness. Opportunities are for those who are prepared. Our graduates always succeed. You may enter our classes at any time. Write for a free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLAUCHLAN, Principals West Wawanosh. Mrs. John Dustow of the Nile was recently presented with a silver tea - service as a recognition of her faith- fulness as Leader of the class. Chas. McPhee is going into the growing of strawberries on a large scale, and has put in 10,000 new plants. He will market the fruit in Goderich and other places. C. Tebbutt, principal of Dungannon school, was sufi3cently improvdd in health to he able, to g_ohome . to Gode- rich township last week, where we hope he will soon be restored to his wonted state of health. The municipal council of West Wa- wanosh will meet in the township hall on Friday, the 26th inst., at 10 a.m., as a court of revision of the assess- ment roll, at the close of which other municipal business will be considered and disposed of. A C. P. R. construction gang has pitched its tents at Zion, on the Fagen farm in the adjoining township. There are thirty men and half as many teams. In addition to the grad- ing, abutments are being built for the bridge over Sharpe's creek. Mr. Henry Dodd of the Nile, aged 73, passed over the river on Saturday. He was held in high esteem and will be greatly missed. Another pioneer, Mrs. Wm. Ball of Hullett, passed away on Sunday. There have been five deaths in this vicinity recently, among the aged. St. Augustine church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednes- clay of last week when Rev. Father Hanlon P.P., assisted by Rev. Father Pensonneault of Clinton, united in the holy bonds of matrimony Katie Boyle, youngest daughter of Mrs. H. Boyle, to Wm. McIntosh, son of Mr. Charles McIntosh of Clinton. 1 Why Suffer from Rheumatism ? Why suffer from rhetmntism when one application of Chamberlain's Pain Baltn Will relieve the pain ? The qquiek relief which this liniment affords and 1 c) possible, rest and s [. makes e 1 that alone is worth many tithes its cost, Many who have used it hoping only for a short relief front suffering have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief became permanent. Mrs. V, %I. Leggett of permanent. Ytti, Tennessee, T.T. 8, A., tvrites /1 sufferer from rheuma- tism, tism, all over from heard to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Halin is the only tlting that will relieves the pain." For sale by all druggists, TIM WINWMM TADVANCE, TUURSDAY, MAY 25, 1905. 11'tew8. Items --Russia is saki to own 30,000,000 horses, or nearly ono -half of the whole number in existence. Most of then), belong to the peasant of that vast em- pire, -The annual consumption of salt England is 40 pounds per head ; France consumes thirty pounds; Itus- sin., 18 pounds ; Austria, 16 pounds ; Prussia, 14 pounds ; Spain, 12 pounds and Switzerland, 8 pounds. -During a banquet at Montreal on Saturday, Charles M, Hays, President of the Grand Pacific, said it would take 500 mien three years to produce the ties required for the new line, and when the road is completed. it will add 20,000 workers to the railway em- ployees of the Dominion, -Hessian fly destroyed at least 5,- 000,000 bushels of the winter -wheat crop of Nebraska. This is the widest devastation which the fly has ever been known to cornlnit in this western State. Gradually the little pest has been working its way west. Kansas is also said to be suffering from the rav- ages of the fly, and her crop of winter wheat will be cut short because of it. Listowel, Ont., May 17. -Dr. Moore, Carthago, near here, has left for Idaho, to bring home the remains of his brother Robert, who was murder- ed there at Picabo, a siding, where, with other passengers on the train he was traveling by, he tried to quiet a crazy Italian who was flourishing a dirk. Deceased was 30 years of age, and the fourth son of Mr. Henry Moore, of Elma, very well known in this neighborhood. -Mr. Charles Campbell, of Brant- ford, while digging in his yard un- earthed an old boiler containing a man's shoe and in it a man's foot and a number of gold nuggets, also a part of a cane with a gold head was found in the boiler. A jeweler estimated the value of the gold found to be $750. The matter of finding the foot is creat- ing quite a sensation. The boiler and all it contained is being kept in case something should turn up. -Because a young Ivan lost a watch while forking hay, the bank barn of Mr. A. Middleditch, con. 7, Ellice, was burned to the ground about nine o'clock Sunday evening. The young man lost his watch in the hay, and was later looking for it with a lan- tern. The lantern was being held somewhat on an angle, so as to il- luminate the hay below it, when the handle calve off, and the lantern fell, spilling the oil, which instantly caught fire. The barn and contents were burned ; loss probably $1,200. -A large amount of work has been projected by the Canadian Pacific Railway throughout Ontario for this summer. Tenders for the building of the Sudbury -Toronto line from the Magnetawan river to Toronto will he opened next week. The sixty miles front Magnetawan to Sudbury have already been built. The survey has been completed for a line from Flesherton to Walkerton and con- struction will begin almost im- mediately. This road will run to Walkerton by -way of Priceville, Dur- ham and Hanover. In a couple of weeks survey parties will start to ]ay out a new route from Victoria Harbor across the north of Lake Couchiching to Sharbot Lake. This is on the C. P. R.'s new grain route from the west to the seas. Large elevators will be put up at Victoria Harbor and the steam- ers will unload their grain there for transporation to Montreal by rail. The journey from the head of Lake Superior to Victoria Harbor is shorter than that to Owen Sound, and 150 miles of haulage will be cut off by the new route. A number of back town- ships rich in timber and mineral, will • be opened by this road. Valuable Advice To Mothers. If your child conies in from play coughing or showing evidences of grippe, sore throat, or sickness of any kind, get out your bottle of Nerviline. Rub the chest and neck with Nervi - line, and give internal doses of ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water every two hours. This will prevent any serious trouble. No liniment or' pain reliever equals Poison's Nerviline which has been the great family reme- dy in Canada for the past fifty years. Try a 25e. bottle of Nerviline. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR. To California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Portland, Oregon. A personally conducted excursion to the Pacific coast via The Grancl Trunk Railway System and connecting lines leaves Quebec July 5, and Montreal and Toronto July 0. The route will be via Chicago, hence through Council Bluffs to Omaha, Denver, and Colora- do Springs. Stops will be made at each of these places, and side trips taken to Maniton, Cripple Creek, Gar- den of the Gods, etc. From there the party will continue through the famous scenic route of the Denver and Rio Grande, through the Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence to Los An- geles, San Francisco, Mt. Shasta. Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and through St. Patti and Minnea- polis. The trip will occupy about thirty days, ten days being spent on the Pacific coast. The price for the round trip, includ- ing railroad fare, Pullman tourist .L '. 1111 meals in the dining env cis sleeping f ',s hotels side trips, [t c.r is 0"e 5U from Quebec or $100.00 front 1Iontr q1 and $150 from Toronto. This trip iJ designed as a vacation trip for teach - cis, although many who aro not teach- ers will improve the opportunity of taking tno trip at the remarkably low price afforded. Vol. full particalars address E. C, Howler, General Agent and (iondltic- tor, Hoorn 308, Union Station, Toron- to, Brussels. Dr. McNaughton has sold We prac- tice and residence to Dr. Burns, The Cober Carriage Works have sold 135 buggies this season and are busy on another lot. While splitting wood at his home last Saturday P. McQuarmie had the misfortune to inflict a gash in one of his feet with the axe, that required the doctor's attention to stitch, up, At his home Birtle, Manitoba, on Tuesday, May 2nd, 1005, George Fitz- patrick, a formol resident of Brussels, crossed that bourne from whence no traveller returns, aged 87 years. Brussels cheese factory is at work, Butter will also be manufactured this. season. W. W. Harris, the proprie- tor, who was off duty for several months, is moving about once more attending to business but exercising necessary caution to avoid exposure or undue fatigue. Early last Sunday morning the spirit of George Rogers, a well known resident of Brussels, took its flight. Ho had not been in very robust health for some time, resulting from two strokes of paralysis during the past year but was about the house and gar- den. In the evening Mrs. Rogers went to the cemetery and on her return found Mr. Rogers in an unconscious condition. A physician was called but no hope was held out and after a few hours the vital spark fled. In the course of a couple of weeks A. Cousley, who has been a well known resident of Brussels for the past 25 years, will remove to Winni- peg where he purposes trying his hand at Life Insurance. He has been a useful man in the town, always agreeable, genial and industrious. For a number of years he served on the School Board, was town assessor, interested himself in athletics in the way of cricket, baseball and bowling and served the Methodist church well as Secretary -Treasurer. Last Friday night, about 11 o'clock, the alarm of flre was sounded and a speedy run was made with the engine to the tank, corner of Turnberry and Church streets, as the fire was located in an unoccupied house belonging to Yas. Thuell, opposite St. John's church. It was no doubt of incendi- ary origin as persons were heard in the building by A. Strachan, whose residence is on the adjoining lot. In- flammable material was collected in au old cupboard and set on fire. The danger was soon averted and the en- gine was only called into requisition for a short time. A large crowd. as- sembled in various costumes but fortunately their stay was not long. A sharp inquiry should be made by the town Council as the act was too bare -faced to be allowed to pass hy. There's a room in Kingston penitenti- ary for a person so anxious to apply the match. Radiant Womanhood. The glory and satisfaction of beauti- ful womanhood can be known only to those possessing the unlimited advant- ages of health. No weak woman can be happy or enjoy half the pleasures of life. Pallid cheeks, sunken eyes, exhausted nerves, all tell of a terrible struggle to keep up. 'What the weak woman needs is Ferrozone ; it renews and restores instantly -it's a "woman's remedy,"--that,s why. Ferrozone makes women strong, plump and healthful because it con- tains lots of nutriment, the kind that forms muscle, sinew, bone and nerve. Vitalizine. blood coarses through the body, Ina des a delightful color, happy spirits, true woman strength. Fifty cents buys a box of Ferrozone in any drug store. Clinton. Fitzsimons & Son bought a monster turkey from a Stanley customer on Monday. Its dressed weight was 32 pounds. The friends of Mr. \V. Coats, Regis- trar, will be glad to learn lie is recov- ering from his illness, though he is not yet able to leave his room. Grass cattle still command a high figure, some of the farmers in the ad- jacent townships paying as high as $5.80 and, in at least one case that we heard of, $5.00. The report flew around town on Saturday that a daughter of 1%fr. G. Dennis had been drowned in the Bay- field and many hastened to the scene of the supposed tragedy only to find the girl calmly sitting on a log, engag- ed in fishing. The band is laboring under the dis- advantage of having Iost seven of its good players by removal, but is hold- ing together and doing its best in practice, in the hope that ifs numbers may fill np or the absentee return in the not distant future. The Scientific American, New York, speaks of it as something "astonish- ing" that a girl 14 years of age, should reach the height of 5 feet 7 inches. Miss Sadie Holmes, daughter of the publisher of the New Era, is 14 years of age and stands 5 feet 0S inches. Mr. Jas. Shepherd of Townshend street informed The News -Record on Tuesday that he has been a reader of the Toronto Globe for .over fifty-two years. He is of too liberal a turn of mind to agtee with the policy of that organ holus-bolus, and often displays more consistency than it does. On Monday 'Cantelon Bros, shipped to Montreal a carload of eggs consist- ing of 16,530 dozen, This is their largest si r to shipment, and is pro- bably the first carload of eggs sent from Clinton station, Beginning in a small way Cantelon I3ros. have be- come among the most, extensive deal- ers in butter and eggs in this county. ---The population of Winnipeg is placed at 10,915, It gain of nearly A- i 000 over last year, POTATO GROWING. Preparing the Land, Details of Plant- ing and Tillage, With Two Tell- ing Illustratione, For potatoes furrow the ground three feet apart and fully four inehes deep. My experience is that when you think You are planting four inches deep you will find when the ground is leveled and measurements taken it will not average more than three inches deep. Sprinkle the seed with gypsum (land piaster) and plant soon after it is cut. Place the seed pieces not more than sixteen inches apart in the row and cover deeply with a double moldboard or a large single shovel plow. Use,two horses or the potatoes will not be coy - #for„ 'r 7 • ;%i%� •/./ //,/ • reran. rLANTIeo. (The potato planted (top), covered (sec- ond), the ground leveled (lowest). ered deep enough or middles fully opened. Have the plow large enough and run it deeply enough so that it may be run in the middle of the spaces and yet cover the seed to a depth all told of eight or ten inches -that is, close to the ridges over the seed to a sharpish edge. If the tools you have will not do this, plant the rows closer together. More potatoes can be secur- ed by close planting, but the imple- ments of intertillage are not usually suited to narrow intervals. In from ten days to two weeks the seed potatoes wil have healed over and the sprouts have grown to a length of from one to two inches. However, this will depend on tre earliness of planting and the temperature and character of the land. In any case level the ridges before the sprouts have become so long that they will be injured by the level- ing process. The best leveling imple- ment is a spike toothed harrow, with a 2 by 4 scantling placed underneath it at an angle of forty-five degrees from the rows. If the harrow is inclined to clog, make the angle of the scantling more acute. First drive lengthwise of the rows, taking three at a time. Some- times it may be well to stand on the harrow, but in such a position as to allow the teeth in the rear end of it to come into sharp contact with the ground. If one harrowing does not level the ground satisfactorily, cross harrow. If these instructions have been fol- lowed the results wil be a well prepar- ed repayed seed bed, even if the fall plowing has not been performed; the seed plant- ed early, four inches deep or a trifle more; an extra tillage by reason of fur- rowing the ground deep, broad (un- covering the seed by a deep, broad fur- row run in the middles, permitting the ground to dry and warm, which is not objectionable in early spring. The planing off or leveling destroys many incipient weeds, puts the surface in fine tilth, prepares for a mulch and conserves moisture by obliterating all surface corrugations, sets free plant food and promotes nitrification. The first- tillage should follow the smoothing in about two weeks and IMPLEMENT FOIi FIRS': TILLAGE. would best be done with one horse and an implement provided with a goodly number of small teeth, as shown in the illustration. The surface of the ground should be kept free from large ridges or corrugations, since an uneven sur- face tends to promote too rapid evap- oration of moisture. Implements hav- ing shall teeth enable the operator to till closely to the plants. The rule in first tillage is to make every plant tremble. Then you can hang up the hoe, for there will be little use for it. There should be three to five subse- quent tillages, if timely -that is, so fre- quent as to prevent weeds from getting anything but a feeble start. J. P. Rob- erts, in Country Gentleman. Collar of the Work Horse. Heavy spring plowing is hard on the points of shoulders both in mules and horses, says a correspondent of Farm and Ranch. We all know how much trouble these blistered and skin- ned shoulder points are. Next to a well fitted collar salt water and borax wash is the best treatment to toughen the tender skin and save this pain and trouble. For years we made it a cus- tom to send work mules and horses to the harness maker, where each could be accurately fitted in the spring with a new collar if needed. It pays to fit the collar to the individual. We have thin necks and thick necks to fit, and the same style or filling will not suit all --to say nothing of measurements from top to bottom. Do not make the serious mistake of taking up or letting out home strings to force a bad collar to fit. It won't do it. Ration For Colts. The young colt should be kept grow- ing all the time. There is nothing bet- ter for promoting growth than cow's milk that has been skimmed, -Most colts can be taught to drink milk with- out much trouble, especially if they have learned to eat bran mash while running with their dams. A spoonful of ground flaxseed added to each grain ration tends to keep the bowels in ex- cellent condition and gives a rich gloss to the coat. It is also a good idea to teach the foal to eat apples, potatoes ad carrots, -Farm Visitor. Save Sheep Manure, I'o farmer can afford to let any of the sheep manure go to waste, as its fertilizing properties are of the very best, says Farm Journal, Sheep manure will continue to enrich the ground and show in the crops for a dozen years. Sheep mature is worth the price of a building to presorvo it, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," say's Geo. L. Chubb, a mer- chant of Ilarlan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will euro a cough or cool in less time than Any other treatment. It shotikl .always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold cath be eared in flinch less time when promptly treated. For sale by all druggists, Isard's The Leading Story I Isard's Gut Prices -1N- Ready - to - gear Clothing. BIG SALE of Men's and Boys' High-class Clothing. It will be to your interest in every way to see and price our CLOTHING before buying, as you are sure to save money during our Great Cut Price Sale. Boys' Suits. Boys' fancy Sailor Suits, nicely trimmed with braid, good value at $1,50 -Sale price $1.25 Men's Suits. A line of Suits to clear, worth $.6.00 and $7,00 -Cut Price Sale $5.00 Overalls. Men's strong Blue Denim Over- alls -Sale Price 50o Boys' Suits. Boys' 3 piece Suits, regular value $2,50 and $2,75 -Sale Price....$2,00 Men's Pants. A s ecial line of 14Ien's striped Pants, dark tweed -Cut Price,.$1.00 Youths' Suits. Youths' Suits in plain and fancy tweed, regular value $6,00 and $G.50 -Sale Price $5;00 Raincoats. Men's heavy Waterproof Coats, guaranteed -Our Cut Price$4.00 Men's Suits. - Fancy, small pattern, Tweed Suits worth $7.00 to $8.00 -Sale Price $6.00 I.� • 1 1 .1111 .n.. 11 . 11.. ,1 ii1. 1111.. ., 1, 1 i 1 . d The Popular -) � ffl 0 Grocery Storo. = CROCKERY and CHiNA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds, Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. VanStone Let's Get ester Acauainted We really ought to know f. each other. It means money : in your pocket and better -look- ing, better -fitting and better - wearing Clothes for you. Order Your Clothes Now. What a flyer time is. A few days, a few showers, then showers and flowers and sun- = shiny days, and all the glory of spring. You'll shed that winter suit and overcoat soon • or you'll swelter in them. Will you wait nntil the weather whips you into it, and - then hunt up a ready-made in a hurry, or will you take op- • portunity by the forelock and leave your order now for a made -to -measure Suit from the cloth you like best, and have it carefully Tailored to fit and Ready on Time ? Suits, Raincoats and Top- coats from $15.00 up. A fine selection of Gents' Furnishings always in stock. !tLS.L.11011lUth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher Two Doors from Post Office va We have removed our Tailor- ing establishment to the store formerly occupied by Tudhope's Grocery - Opp. Bank of Hamilton and next door south of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store. We have had things all fitted up anew, and have a good con- venient stand with a first-class stock of goods in all the latest materials and designs for spring and summer-Suitings, Overcoat:. ings, Raincoatings, Trouserings and Fancy Vestings. Drop it and see us and have a look at our goods. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Kingham Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies' Favorite, IS the only safe, reliebld_ regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour. and retime d i need." OD strength. No. 1 and No. 2, No. 1. -For ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known. No. 2 -For special cases -10 degrees Stronger -three dollars per box. Ladies -ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Roof Contltound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures Nrod. 2 imaritoolnsd are dangerous. No. 1 and e atisand recommended by all druggists in the Do- miinion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt ofc price and four 2 -cent postage stamps, The Cool:, ndsui' Onil. Sold in Wingatam by A. I. McColl & Co., A. L. Hamilton, W. McKibbon-Druggists 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description runty quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention 1s probably patentable. Communica- tions strially confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive speeiaiaotice, without charge, to the $ckentif ie American. Altandsomely llhrstrated weekly. Largest elr- eulation of any scientific journal. Terns, $3 e year; four months, $L Bold byall newsdealers. MUNN& CO36111roadway, New York Braneb office, 625 F St.. Washington.D. C. y=: PROMPTLY SECURED ('rite for our interc<ting locks "invent- or's Help" and "How you are swindled." Send ns a rough sketch or model of your in- vention or improvement and we will tell you free our opinion as to whether it iq probably patentable. c,Rejected applications lnveoftcu UeC:l £rCCCAR fnit Y prosecuted pSC nted by us. w e conduct fully c u , ed offices in Montreal and Washington; qualifies u5 to Tou t• ly dispatch work and quickly suture Patents as breed as the invention. Highest references furnished. Patents procured through Marion It lila• :fon receive special notice without charge in over toy newspapers distributed throughout the lar minion. S Iait ti.'ateu t business ut lufaauiae, p y-- turers and'n iu rs MARION & 1VMARION Patent Expert. end Sol1oltor3t. Office, i New Votk Life tvid'{, flontreal Atlantic BA yijefi,M1 MMC,