HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-05-25, Page 4It TUE WINGUAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1905, COUCHES The Comfortable Kind 111111111111111111111/ NOM A better assortment of Couches can't be found than our stock contains at the present time, and the prices --weal, they are so reasonable you might almost imagine the goods were stolen, Upholstered in best velours, at $7, $ 7.50, $8.50, $13, $17. Examine our Mattresses, at $3, $3i, $4, $4-. It's an acknowledged fact that our Dining -room Chairs—for comfort and style—can't be beaten, at $3.25, $4.50 and $5.50 per half doz. Headquarters for Window Blinds, Curtain Poles (complete for 15c,) Carpet Matting and Felt. UNDERTANI G. Night calls re- ceive prompt at- tentiou, 5th house west of klamil- ton's Drug Store Carpets, Linoleum and Oilcloth. L. A. Ball &,...,„„., Co. JU9St A Carload of No. 9 1n�°—Coiled Steel Wire As this Wire is the genuine Frost make, and as the demand is likely to be so great for this particular kind, Farmers will do well to leave their orders for it at once, as there will likely be a scarcity in the market when most required for fencing. We are selling it cheap. Massey=Harris Repairs. I have just taken over the agency for the Massey - Harris repairs and will try and keep the stock in good shape, so that the farmers may be supplied in future with what they may require in this line. I am sole agent for the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. The best on earth. Best Brands of Cement in season at lowest prices. A full line of Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, etc., on hand. Prices the lowest. We are now taking orders for Plymouth and International Binder Twine. GIVE US A CALL. A. YOUNG The Time To Buy. Now is the time to prices are away down on Rockers, Bedroom Suites, buy Furniture for Spring. Our some lines, as Chairs, Couches, Sideboards. just call and see our $5.00 Couch, and our $2o.aa Parlor Suite, done in the best velour covering. It will pay you to get our prices on all kinds of Furniture. We will use you right. E jc lin mut X1triune THEO. HALL, PROPRIETOR. evesealr'rrox Piaci;.--$1.e0 per anuuut in advance. $1.60 if not so pad. ADrSRTISII,Q RATrs.—•Legal and other cas• nal advertisements 10c per nonpariel line for first insertion, 3e per line tor each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in the local columns are charged toe per lino for first Insertion, and 5c per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed. Farms for Sale or to hent, and similar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in- sertion. CONTRACT RATES.—The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods;— SPACE 1 Yr. 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo, Ono Column $70.00 $t0.00 $2.2.50 $5.00 Half Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00 Quarter Column20.00 19.50 7.50 3,00 One Inch 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.25 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged ac- cordingly. Transient advertisements mast bo paid for in advance. Walker Bros. ,& Button Furniture Dealers and Undertakers 414444 44444 1114.4.4 O 1* w O 444. 044. 44,44 _w 0- ▪ .* .- 0— •.- 0- r.-- 0- 0— . -•- w W-. O. -- r IOW 11.4440- w .0... ..-- 0- •^-- 0- 11", .,..,: .... WVIAA0111* rr�41111..1 SPRING 1905 Now that the spring has come, I beg to notify the general Trade that I am still in the ring with the Largest and Purest Seeds in the trade, consisting of Red, Alsike, Mammoth, Lucerne and White Clovers. Timothy, Orchard Grass, Red Top Kentucky and Meadow Fiscue. Peas, Oats, a new variety and strongly recom- mended by the Experimental Farm, Otta- wa, and also the Model Farm, Guelph. Goose and Colorado Spring Wheat. Mangle Seed of the finest strain, put up in t lb. packages. Turnip Seeds, Field Carrot, Rape, very cheap. All kinds of Garden Seeds. Corn by the Car Load, and I might say that I was the only Seedsman in the County who did not fool the farmer last year in the Corn germinating. T. A. MILLS l�N iii au iN MiilN LL .4▪ .4711 - 0 44.<11 :: .▪ 444111 44.▪ 444 M .4441. ubMIIP -.w *we roe roma M w11 W ait WAN isMalleP .1.110 44444, rule 444444 44.0 *44 '""'oba.. 44,4414 4.4014 -4wromp Ebitorf aJ —The Official Crop Reporter, pub- lished by authority of the United States Secretary of Agriculture, says that, the total acreage of fall wheat in the United States on May lst was 29,- 72.3,000. This shows a plowing down this spring of 1,432,000 acres, but even with that done the area in crop is over 10§ per cent. in excess of that for the same period last year. The condition is also much better than last year. + —The TorontoTelegram says—"If the Ontario elections could be brought on again to -morrow the opponents of the Whitney Government would not carry fifteen seats in the whole pro- vince. Canada's political history af- fords no parallel to the sudden growth of Hon. 3. P. Whitney in the esteem of all the people or the equally sudden exaltation of his Government to a place as commanding as that held by the Government of Oliver Mowat in its best days." —Seldom is an old friend allowed to depart forever without a tear being shed. Yet the third reading of Mr. Whitney's bill to abolish the num- bered ballot passed silently, and there was no murmur or complaint from its old friends of the Opposition. In fact, since the Premier introduced his bill and advanced it through its various stages there has not been a, word of discussion or objection. Even George P. Graham restrained astrong inclina- tion to break forth. -•-In the annual report of the Onta- rio Agricultural College the attend- ance is said to have been the best in the history of the institution ; 833 students attended lectures, most of whom were from Ontario. Every other Province was represented. Eng- land. sent 16, Argentine 16, and Aus- tralia, Austria, Grenada, India, Ja- maica, Scotland, Spain, 'the United States, Uruguay, Newfoundland and Switzerland, each sent one or more. The total net expenditure for the year was $114,611. * —The Weekly Sun thus criticises the enormous expenditure the Domin- ion Governrnent is rolling up :—"The expenditure of the Dominion Govern- ment during the ten months ending with April was more than one-tenth that of the Government of the United States for the same period. Our popu- lation is about one -fourteenth that of the neighboring country. The United States expenditure for the ten months was equal, roughly, to $6 per head of the population of the Republic ; ours was $8.50 per head. When we surpass the Americans in extravagance, it certainly is time to plug up the bung- hole." f Don, the editor of Toronto Satur- day Night, now admits that he made a mistake in underestimating the capabilities of the Conservatives while in opposition in Ontario, and now gives the Whitney Government praise as follows :—"Everything has been done by the new Government better than was expected. The old masters of the situation have been unhorsed; even the corporations seem unmistak- ably out of the saddle, the Govern- , went having already repudiated an arrangement made early in January for additional power to be des -eloped by the Eleetrieal Power Company. This grasping corporation, through. auxiliary organizations, already has Toronto by the neck, and this distinct kick in the diaphragm will make it recognize that it does not own the earth and fulness of power thereof. The Whitney Government is showing the temperance people that it can do much in the way of bettering the liquor truffle without any detnagogic i resort to spread-eagle resolutions and unworkable statutes. Altogether I feel that I owe an apology to the gen- tlemen of the Opposition who are now members of the Government, for dis- counting their ability and intentions." 4 1. • third party, and then tmnde peace kith their employers. 'i.'he twelve men who were not, taken back is the whole bone of contentiou, and to show the power of organized labor some 30,000 teamsters have been out of a job and fighting and tuaitning and killing other teamsters who are anxious to work. The teamsters have no griev- ance of their own to settle, thele being no dispute about wages or hours, and the employers dial not object to their men belonging to the union. It was one of the most uncalled for strikes, and bawl not a single feature that would appeal to the public at large. The strike cost seven human lives; injured, 130; strikers wages, $318,000; Union strike assessments, $100,000; cost to city in police, $26,550 ; cost to country in deputies, $18,800; drop in business. retail, $1,850,000; wholesale, $1,200,000 ; Express Companies, $1,150- 000 ; 1,150.000; hotels, $78,000; commission firms, $1,450,000; railroads, $1,315,000. —No really ,just cause, existed for the strike that has been going on for the past few weeks in Chicago, and now alxnit over. Early in the year the garment workers went out on a strike Which failed, and gradually all of the strikers went back to work. The teamsters, to help the garment Works, got up asympathetic strike and itrststed that about a. dozen men whom the employers would not take back should be reinstated. The gar- ment woxkevs gave notice to the team- sters that' they could settle their own difecultite withottt+ the 414 Of xny I. THiS WORLD'S FATE. Accolcling to some scientists, this world is doomed to destruction in dif- ferent ways. Lord Kelvin believes that in 831 years all human beings remaining in the world will be suffocated by the lack of oxygen to breathe. The great scientist bases his assertion on the grounds that, as every ton of fuel burnt consumes three tons of oxygen, the world's supply of the latter must give out in the years mentioned. It is not very comforting to know that every fire we light hastens the end of the world, but Lord Kelvin, after many years of study, has come to the conclusion that in three centuries the air will be so full of carbonic acid gas caused by the consumption of oxygen by fire that it will be impossible for any living thing to survive. Nikola Tesla believes that at some future age the vast currents of elec- tricity that surround this earth will suddenly burst into flame, and so ter- rific will be the heat that in the space -of a few seconds the earth and those who inhabit it will crumble away in dust. M. Flammarion, the great French astronomer, has calculated that in the twenty-fifth century the earth will be wiped out by a collision with the comet Beila, the proximity of which to the earth a few years ago caused so much uneasiness. The size of the comet in question is such that it could in collision destroy a world several times the size of ours without much damage to itself. In addition to this startling prediction, M. Flamruarion has taken pains to discover that the shock of the collision would be equal to that between two express trains, each travelling at the rate of 865 miles an hour, Which no living thing ora the earth, however small, could survive. An even more fearful fate is that prophesied by the Spanish scientist, Senor Rigletto. Fifty-six years from the present time he believes that the world will meet with a tragic fate by collision with two combined constella- tions, such a combination, in fact, as was noticed early in March of this year. BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY. quality eeusidered to be qutte equal to the grain product. Another new pro- cess. is that of the manufacture of syrup from the beet instead of sugar; 10 gallons of this can be obtained from a ton of beet, which, at 30 cents a gal- lon, Inverts a .return of $12 per ton of material nscd, while the product in sugar yields only from $7 to $8 per ton of beets, The beet -pulp refuse is also being largely used as a food for live stock, for which purpose it is ex- tremely suitable owing to its nitrogen contents. In this connection a new process has been introduced for .0.ey- ing the pulp, which entails an. expen- diture of $5 per ton, but, as the dried pulp is sold at $6.2.1 per ton, a clear profit of $1.25 is thus secured to the ineeufaeturel•. Belgium supplies to. Canada the largest proportion of sugar, the im- ports from that country amounting in 1901 to 127,931,533 lb.; from -Ger- many in the same year 83,911,200 lb. entered the country, the total imports being 330,601,833 lb., valued at close on eight million dollars: From the Industrial World, we glean the following items of interest on the Beet Sugar industry of On- tario :— Four companies were organized a - few years ago, namely, the Wiarton Beet Sugar Company (capital 8500,000) which has been shut down ; the Dres- den Sugar Company (capital $600,000) which has now removed its factory to Michigan ; the SFallaceburg Sugar Co. (capital 8500,000) and the Ontario Su- gar Company of Berlin (capital one Million dollars); each of these compa- nies received a bonus from the town where it was situated, averaging 828,- 000. The capitalization of a company engaged in this industry depends en- tirely on the size of the plant, a gen- eral estimate of $1,000 per ton of beets per day may be considered a fair cl- culation of what would be required. Two companies only are thus in the field this year, and it seems reasona- ble to expect that both factories will increase their output over that of 1903. It requires, however, to be demonstra- ted emonstrated to the farmers that the cultivation of beets will pay them better than other land produce before the requi- site supply of suitable material will be obtained. That profits are large can be gathered from the fact that ivhetit. yields in Ontario $15 an acre per an - nuns, oats, $9.74, and beets for sugar, $60. In the last case the cost of pro- duction is necessarily large, owing to a great amount of labour being re- quired, but, all the same, the profits to the farmer should, with skilful treatment, be at least $30 per acre per annum. The beet tops are of value as a fertilizing agent owing to the salts they contain, and find a use also as a food for cattle. The working season of a factory runs for about 100 days, operating continuously. The cost of the sugar is from 3 to 3a cents per lb. and the profits to the makers are estimated at 50 cents per ton of beets used. This would mean that in a factory of 5 500 tons capacity, working for 100 days, the profits would amount to $25,000. • The scope of this article does not allow of any detailed consideration of the working process by which the sugar is extracted from the sliced beets and crystallized. New processes are being employed for utilizing the I residual molasses. This is treated for the recovery of the sugar in scone part, and also for the production of alcohol by fermentation. Axt Ameri. eat company in 1001 produced 915,000 sawn of 4aieohol in thio wit/. of a CARE OF A STRAWBERRY PLANTATION. (By 11. S. Peart. May is the best month for planting strawberries. As sooty as possible after setting, the ground should be cultivated to a depth of about two inches in order to loosen up the soil. Cultivation should be continued at intervals of about ten days during the summer so that a fine dry earth mulch may be maintained and the weeds held in check. Runners root much more quickly its loose soil than in that which is uncultivated. Any blossoms which may appear should be pinched out before the fruit sets. Fruiting the first season weakens the plant and reduces the crop for the succeeding year. The first runners should be per- tnitted to grow, as the earlier the run- nels root, the stronger the plants will be. An average of eight or ten plants from each one set should give a row sufficiently thick for a good yield of fruit. Late formed runners should be cut off because they form plants too weak to be of any value, and they also draw nourishment from the plants already formed. Mulching is of first importance in strawberry culture. As soon as the ground becomes frozen fairly hard in the fall, the plants should be covered with a mulch of strawy manure or marsh hay. This will protect the ground from the alternate freezing and thawing which heaves the plants out of the soil, breaking their roots and causing reduced yields. Then about the middle of April, preferably on a cloudy day, the mulch should be raked off the rows into tate paths be- tween. As the fruiting season ap- proaches, more mulch should be put between the rows, to assist in holding the moisture and to keep the sand off the berries and the pickers. It is seldom advisable to harvest more than one crop from a plantation, but if one desires to take a crop the second year, the old rows should be narrowed down to about six inches, the weeds and many of the old plants taken out, and just enough old plants left to start a new stand. Keep the ground well cultivated to encourage the formation of new runners, the plants which will bear the next sea- son's crop. Then mulch again in the fall the same as the previous year. Clairvoyant - Psychic, MEDICAL EXMi INATION FREE By Dr. E. F. Butterfield, of Syracuse, N. Y. Believing in clairvoyance or not, there is no gainsaying the fact that the doctor can explain the source and cause of your disease, either men- tal or physical, and has restored to health and happiness many persons who would have remained helpless invalids all their lives. Send lock of hair, name, age and stamp to • DR, E. F BUTTERFIELD 29-2 Syracuse, N. Y. BANK of aaFToh CAPITAL PAID UP $ 2,235,280.00 RESERVE FUND 2,100,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS 26,553,816.57 BOARD OP DIRECTORS, Hon. Wm. Gibson — President John Proctor C. C. Dalton J. S. Hendrie Geo. Rutherford C. A. Birge J. Turnbull, Vice -Pres. and General Manager H. M. Watson, Asst. Genf. Manager. 13. Willson, Inspector. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int- erest allowed and computed on 30th November and 31st May each year, and added to principal Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. W. CORBOULD, Agent Dickinson & Holmes. Solicitors DOMINION BANK Capital (paid up) - $3,000,000 Reserve (arta WO- i- - $3,634,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points . in Cate ads, the (;nixed States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, lntereet allowed On deposits of ii.00 and upwrttds, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. U. T. URRBURR, Inger R,'vium tsae, *s 10 4o aLe 'des tr ,,.... ll tf Iwl .... n 11I rjijI.E ROYAL GROCERY �NV.�IWYy�Py�y1✓�/W V'./� M cooked,. Ittzak5. With the corning of hot weather, the sale of Cooked Meats increase,. Nothing so tasty for tea or Sunday din- ners as a nice piece of Boiled Ilam, Corned. Beef or Roast Beef, sliced thin. And the saving and worry of cooking. Boiled Ham, 30e lb; Corned or Roast Beef, 20c lb. E.an C,ad 6.kes. The new pack of A trifle higher in price our Thistle Brand Scotch others. 15c Finnan than last Haddies Haddies year, is cans for 26e. per can, or 2 have just arrived, but the quality of far superior to all 'I3ake6. "Beans. Boston Baked Beans is a delicious dish to serve for Dinner or Tea, and no trouble to prepare. Just place the can in boiling water for fifteen minutes, then open and serve. 5 ets. per can. at Griffin's Subscribe for The Advance X1.00 I'er vaVear Distilled Sunshine Did you ever have a headache that made Sunday feel like wash- day ? Q Perhaps you have been drinking inferior teas. Q No, you don't need medi- cine — all you need is a package of Grand Mogul Tea. Q This tea combs the kinks out of the nerves. Why ? Because it is rich in theine (the flavoring essence) which is just concentrated sunbeams. Grown on the high table lands of Ceylon, this tea contains the ele- ments of a pure nerve -food. Grand Mogul Tea Q There are no other teas " fust as good" as Grand Mogul. 25c. 30c, 40c and 50c per pound. Q Sold only in packages lined with air -tight paper. Premium coupons in each package. The cost of these coupons is not taken out of the tea —but is simply a part of the ad- vertising appropriation. ELLIOTT yalia TORONTO, ONT. (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) Summer Session during July and August for Public School Teachers and others. All our graduates get positions. Students admitted at any time. Shis school is not "standing still," or "backing up," but is constantly "going ahead." Circulars free. w. J. ELLIOTT, Principal .1W. B. TOWLER, M. D., C. M. CORONER. Office at Residence : Diagonal Street., Wingham. Ds. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR. Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street — Wingham JP. KENNEDY, M. D„ M. C. P.S.O • (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children. OFFICE Houns :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 8 p.m, DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S. L. R. C. P. Physician and Surgeon. (Office with Dr. Chisholm) W. T. HOLLOWAY DENTIST BEAVER BLOCK - WINGHA\I '+ ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L Doctor of Dental Surgery of the E en• nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Post Office—WINGH&M 0 0 R. Knox Headquarters For Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Easter Novelties & Cards, Books and Stationery, Sporting Goods— Including Baseball, Foot- ball, Lacrosse, Etc, Pine Watch, CIock and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed, "Work Done en Shortest Notice. R. KNOX (Opp. Queen's Hotel) Wirrghiain Ontario a ! 4i* Fi+y***tri * * *tri 1 4' 4' 4. 4, 4' 4' 4' 4 J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office: Morton Block, Wingham C. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. Office—in Vanetone Block. Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1810. Head Offioo GUELPH, ONT. Rieke taken on all classes of insurable pro porty on the cash or premium note system, LOMB Gomm, CHAR. DAvIDsoN, President. Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT, WINi'4HAM ONT A number of desirable resi- dential properties, in Wing- ham, for sale on reasonable terms. ABNER COSENS DICKINSON 8z IIOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office t Meyer Block ''Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Reines R VANSTONE PARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Moneyw to loan at lowest rates, Office BEAVER TILOCI%, 746, WINGRAM.